Read At the Mercy of Tiberius Page 6


  To Beryl many hours seemed to have crept away, since she had been leftalone in a small dusty apartment, adjoining the office where the chiefmagistrate of X---daily held court. Too restless to sit still, shepaced up and down the floor, trying to collect her thoughts, and atlast knelt by the side of a table, and laid her weight of dread andperil before the Throne of the God she trusted. The Father of thefatherless and Friend of the friendless, would surely protect her inthis hour of intolerable degradation.

  "O, Thou that hearest prayer; unto Thee shall all flesh come."

  The door opened, and a venerable, gray-haired man approached the table,where her head was bent upon her crossed arms. When she lifted herwhite face, with the violet circles under her dry eyes, making themappear preternaturally large and luminous, and the beautiful mouthcontracted by a spasm of intense pain, a deep sigh of compassion passedthe stranger's lips.

  "I am Mitchell Dent, an old friend of General Darrington's, and of yourmother, who has often sat upon my knee. Because of my affection foryour grandfather, I have asked permission to see you for a few moments.If you are unjustly accused, I desire to befriend you, and offer yousome advice. I am told you assert your innocence of the great crime ofwhich you are suspected. I hope you can prove it; but for your own sakeI advise you to waive an examination, and await the action of the GrandJury, as you have had no opportunity of consulting counsel, orpreparing your defence."

  "You knew my mother? Then you should require no other proof that herchild is not a criminal. I am innocent of every offence against GeneralDarrington, except that of being my father's daughter; and myunjustifiable arrest is almost as foul a wrong as his murder."

  She drew herself proudly to her full height, and as his eyes dwelt inirrepressible admiration upon her, his manhood did homage to her graceand dignity, and he took off his hat.

  "I earnestly hope so; and the law holds every person innocent until herguilt be fully proved and established."

  "Of the significance of law terms I know nothing; and of the usages ofcourts I am equally ignorant. If, as you suggest, I should waive anexamination, should I escape imprisonment?"


  "Then I must be tried at once; because I want to hurry back to mymother who is ill, and needs me."

  "But you have no counsel as yet, and delay is your best policy."

  "Delay might cost my mother's life. I have no money to pay a lawyer tostand up and mystify matters, and my best policy is to defend myself,by telling the simple truth."

  Again Judge Dent sighed. Could guilt be masked by this fair semblanceof childlike guilelessness?

  "Can you summon any witnesses to prove that you were not at Elm Bluffon the night of the storm?"

  "Yes, the ticket agent knows I was in the waiting-room during thatstorm."

  He shook his gray head.

  "He will be one of the strongest witnesses against you."

  "Then I have no witnesses except--God, and my conscience."

  The door opened, and with his watch in his hand the deputy sheriffentered.

  "Sorry to shorten your interview, Judge, but you know we have amartinet in yonder, a regular Turk, and he splits seconds intofractions."

  As Judge Dent withdrew, Beryl realized that her hour of woe hadarrived, and she began to pin her veil tightly over her face.

  "Come along--You can't keep your veil on. Try to be as non-committal aspossible when they ask you crooked questions. Of course I want justicedone, and I hope I am a faithful servant of the law; but if you are asinnocent as a flock of ring-doves, the lawyers will try to confuse you."

  He attempted to lead her, but she drew back.

  "I will follow you; but please do not hold my arm; do not touch me."

  A moment later, a door opened and closed, a glare of light showed her acrowded room; a monotonous hum like the swell of the sea fell on herear; then stifled ejaculations, to which succeeded a sudden, deathlikehush. The officer placed a chair for her in front of the platform wherethe magistrate sat, and retired to the rear of the room. With somedifficulty Judge Dent made his way through the throng of spectators,and seated himself beside Mr. Dunbar.

  "Well, sir, how did the prisoner impress you?" asked the latter, as hefolded up a paper.

  "Dunbar, you have made a mistake. I have spent the best of my life inthe study of criminals; and if that woman yonder is not innocent, I amin my dotage."

  "Pardon me, Judge, if I dispute both propositions. I made no mistake;and you are merely, in the goodness of your heart, and the fervor ofyour chivalry, dazzled momentarily by the glamour of extraordinarybeauty and touching youth."

  When Beryl recovered in some degree from the shock of finding herselfactually on trial, she endeavored to collect her faculties; but theviolent palpitation of her heart was almost suffocating, and in herears the surging as of an ocean tide, drowned the accents of themagistrate. At first the words were as meaningless as some Sanskritformula, but gradually her attention grasped and comprehended. In astrident incisive voice he read from a paper on the desk before him:

  "At an inquisition held at X---, T---county, on the twenty-seventh dayof October, before me, Jeremiah Bateman, Coroner of said county, on thebody of Robert Luke Darrington, there lying dead, by the jurors whosenames are hereto subscribed; the said jurors upon their oath do saythat Robert Luke Darrington came to his death on the night of Thursday,October twenty-sixth, by a murderous assault committed upon him bymeans of a heavy brass andiron. And from all the evidence broughtbefore them, the jury believe that the fatal blow was feloniously givenby the hand of his granddaughter, Beryl Brentano.

  "In testimony whereof, the said jurors have hereunto set their hands,this twenty-seventh day of October, A.D., 18--.




  "In consequence of this verdict, and by virtue of a warrant issued atthe request of the District Solicitor, Governor Glenbeigh made a promptrequisition for the arrest and detention of the said Beryl Brentano,who has been identified and returned to this city, to answer thecharges brought against her. The prisoner will unveil and stand up.

  "Beryl Brentano, you are charged with the murder of Robert LukeDarrington, by striking him with a brass andiron. Are you guilty, ornot guilty?"

  "Not guilty." Her voice was unsteady, but the words were distinct.

  Mr. Dunbar, Mr. Burk, and a middle-aged woman lean as Cassius, camenearer to the platform, and after a leisurely survey of the girl's faceand figure, pronounced her the person whom they had severally accusedof the crime of causing the death of General Darrington.

  The canons that govern psychical phenomena are as occult as theabstraction of the "fourth division of space"; and they defy therealism of common-place probability, mock all analysis, and annihilatedistance. When Beryl had first met the keen scrutiny of Mr. Dunbar'sglittering blue eyes, their baleful influence made her shiver slightly;and now at the instant in which he approached, and inspected herclosely, she forgot that she was on trial for her life, becametemporarily oblivious of her dismal entourage, and stood once morebefore a marble image in the Vatican, where the light streamed full onthe cold face, that for centuries has been the synonym of blendedbeauty and cruelty. In her ears rang again the words her father hadrend aloud at her side, while she sketched: "But he does not inspireconfidence, by the smile that would like to express goodness. Thefinely cut underlip that rises from the strongly marked hollow over thechin ought to sharpen with a dash of contempt the conscious superioritythat lies upon his broad, magnificent forehead. His smile is in strongcontrast with the cold gaze of the large open eyes; a gaze thathesitates not, but without mercy verifies a judgment fixed in advance,that gives up every one to condemnation."

  The dusty crowded court-room appeared to swim in the rich aromadistilled from the creamy hearts of Roman hyacinths; and the velvetlips of purple Roman violets suddenly babbled out the secret of themysterious repulsion which had puzzled her, from the ho
ur in which shefirst looked into Mr. Dunbar's face; his strange resemblance to theChiaramonti Tiberius, which she had studied and copied so carefully. Indays gone by, the subtle repose, the marvelous beauty of that marbleface, where as yet the demon of destruction had cast no stain,possessed a singular fascination for her; and now the haunting likenesswhich had perplexed her at Elm Bluff, became associated inseparablywith old Bedney's description of Mr. Dunbar's merciless treatment ofwitnesses, and Beryl realized with alarming clearness that in hergrandfather's lawyer she had met the incarnation of her cruel fate.

  Standing quite near her, he gravely related, with emphatic distinctnessand careful detail, his first meeting with the prisoner on the piazzaat Elm Bluff, and the vivid impression she left on his mind; his returnto Elm Bluff about half-past nine the same evening, in order to get adeed which he had forgotten to put into his pocket at the first visit.Learning that General Darrington had not yet retired for the night, hesent in to ask for the deed, and was summoned "to come and get ithimself." On entering the bedroom, he found his client wrapped in acashmere dressing-gown, and sitting in an easy chair by the window,which opened on the north or front piazza. He appeared much perturbedand harassed, and in reply to inquiries touching his health, answeredthat he was "completely shaken up, and unnerved, by a very stormy anddisagreeable interview held that afternoon with the child of hiswayward daughter Ellice. "When witness asked: "Did not the great beautyof the embassadress accomplish the pardon and restoration of the erringmother?" General Darrington had struck his cane violently on the floor,and exclaimed: "Don't talk such infernal nonsense! Did you ever hear ofmy pardoning a wrong against my family name and honor? Does any manlive, idiotic enough to consider me so soft-hearted? No, no. On thecontrary, I was harsh to the girl; so harsh that she turned upon me,savage as a strong cub defending a crippled helpless dam. They know nowthat the last card has been played, and the game ended; for I gave herdistinctly to understand that at my death, Prince would inherit everyiota of my estate, and that my will had cut them off without a cent. Imeant it then, I mean it now. I swear that lowborn fiddler's broodshall never darken these doors; but somehow, I am unable to get rid ofthe strange, disagreeable sensation the girl left behind her, as afarewell legacy. She stood there at that glass door, and raised herhand like a prophetess. 'General Darrington, when you lie down to die,may God have more mercy on your poor soul than you have shown to yoursuffering child.'"

  Witness advised him to go to bed, and sleep off the unpleasantrecollections of the day, but he said it was so oppressively hot, hewanted to sit at the window, which was wide open. Witness havingsecured the deed, which was on the table in the room, bade his clientgood-night, and left the house.

  He was riding toward town, and thought it was about ten o'clock, whenhe saw the prisoner sitting under a pine tree near the road, and notmore than a half a mile from the bridge over the "Branch" that runs atthe foot of Elm Bluff. His horse had shied and plunged at sight of her,and, the moonlight being bright as day, witness easily recognized heras the same person he had seen earlier in the afternoon. Thinking herappearance there at that hour was rather mysterious, he asked her ifshe had lost her way; to which she replied "No, sir." On the followingmorning, when the mournful news of the murder of General Darrington hadconvulsed the entire community with grief and horror, witness hadsmothered his reluctance to proceed against a woman, and a solemn senseof duty forced him to bring these suspicious circumstances to theknowledge of the District Solicitor.

  While he gave his testimony, Mr. Dunbar watched her closely for sometrace of emotion, but she met his gaze without the movement of amuscle, and he detected not even a quiver of the jet lashes thatdarkened her proud gray eyes.

  Antony Burk next testified that he had given the accused instructionsabout the road to Elm Bluff, when she arrived at X--; and that afterbuying her return ticket, she told him it was necessary she should takethe 7:15 train, and that she would be sure to catch it. The train was afew minutes late, but had pulled out of the station twenty minutesbefore the prisoner came back, when she appeared much annoyed at havingmissed it.

  Then she had sent a telegram (a copy of which was in the possession ofthe Solicitor), and requested him to allow her to remain in the ladies'waiting-room until the next train at 3:05. He had directed her to ahotel close by, but she declined going there. Thinking she was fatiguedand might relish it, he had, after supper, carried a pitcher of icedtea to the waiting-room, but though he remained there until nineo'clock she was nowhere visible. He went home and went to sleep, butthe violence of the storm aroused him; and when he took his lantern andwent back to unlock the ticket office, he searched the whole place, andthe prisoner was not in the building. This was at half-past two A.M.,and the pitcher of tea remained untouched where he had placed it. Itwas not raining when he returned, and a few minutes after he had huntedfor the prisoner, he was standing in the door of his office and he sawher coming down the railway track, from the direction of the water tankand the bridge. She was breathing rapidly as if she had been running,and witness noticed that her clothes were damp, and that some drops ofwater fell from the edge of her hat. A lamp-post stood in front of thestation, and he saw her plainly; asked her why she did not stay in theroom, which he had left open for her? Prisoner said she had remainedthere. Witness told her he knew better; that she was not there at ninenor yet at half-past two o'clock. The accused did not appear inclinedto talk, and gave no explanation, but got aboard the 3:05 train.Witness considered her actions so suspicious, that he had related allhe knew to Mr. Dunbar, who had summoned him before the magistrate. He(witness) was very loath to think evil of a woman, especially one sobeautiful and noble looking, and if he wronged her, he hoped God wouldforgive him; but he never dodged telling the truth.

  Here the female Cassius rose, and gave her name as Angeline Dobbs.

  "She had for several years attended to the sewing and mending at ElmBluff, being summoned there whenever her services were required. On theafternoon previous to General Darrington's death she was sitting at herneedlework in the hall of the second story of his house. As the day wasvery hot, she had opened the door leading out to an iron balcony, whichprojected just over the front hall door downstairs; and since thepiazza was open from the roof to the floor, she had peeped over, andseen the prisoner when she arrived and had watched her while she sat onthe steps, waiting to be admitted. After the accused had been insidethe house some time, she (witness) recollected that she had seen a holein one of the lace curtains in the library downstairs, and thought thiswould be such a nice time to darn it. The library was opposite thedrawing room, and adjoined General Darrington's bed-room. The door wasopen and witness heard what she supposed was a quarrel, as GeneralDarrington's voice was loud and violent; and she distinctly heard himsay: 'My will is so strong, no contest can touch it! and it will standforever between your mother and my property.' Soon after, GeneralDarrington had slammed the door, and though she heard loud tones forsome time, she could not make out the words. The impression left onwitness's mind was that the prisoner was very impudent to the oldgentleman; and not long afterward she saw accused standing in the rosegarden, pretending to gather some flowers, but really looking up anddown at the front windows. Witness knew the prisoner saw the vaultwhere the General kept his papers, because she heard it opened whileshe was in the bed-room. The door of the vault or safe did not open onhinges, but was iron, and slid on a metal rod, which made a verypeculiar squeaking sound. When she heard the noise she thought thatGeneral Darrington was so enraged that he got the will to show prisonerit was all fixed forever, against her and her mother."

  When Miss Dobbs sat down, a lame man, disfigured by a scar on hischeek, learned upon a stick and testified:

  "My name is Belshazzar Tatem. Was an orderly sergeant attached toGeneral Darrington's staff dtiring the war; but since that time havebeen a florist and gardener, and am employed to trim hedges and vines,and transplant flowers at Elm Bluff." On the afternoon of theprisoner's visit there, he was rese
tting violet roots on a border underthe western veranda, upon which opened the glass door leading out fromthe General's bed-room. He had heard an angry altercation carried onbetween General Darrington and some one, and supposed he was scoldingone of the servants. He went to a shed in the barn yard to get a spadehe needed, and when he came back he saw the prisoner walk down thesteps, and thought it singular a stranger should leave the house thatway. Wondered whom she could be, and wondered also that the General hadquarrelled with such a splendid looking lady. Next morning when he wentback to his work, he noticed the glass door was shut, but the redcurtain inside was looped back. He thought it was half-past eighto'clock, when he heard a loud cry in the bed-room, and very soon after,somebody screamed. He ran up the steps, but the glass door was lockedon the inside, and when he went around and got into the room, the firstthing he saw was General Darrington's body lying on the floor, with hisfeet toward the hearth, and his head almost on a line with the ironvault built in the wall. The servants were screaming and wringing theirhands, and he called them to help him lift the General, thinking thathe had dropped in a fit; but he found him stone cold and stiff. Therewas no sign of blood anywhere, but a heavy, old-fashioned brass andironwas lying close to the General's head, and he saw a black spot like abruise on his right temple. General Darrington wore his night clothes,and the bed showed he had been asleep there. Some broken vases were onthe floor and hearth, and the vault was wide open. The tin box wasupside down on the carpet, and some papers in envelopes were scatteredabout.

  Witness had picked up a leather bag carefully tied at the top with redtape, drawn into hard knots; but in one side he found a hole which hadbeen cut with a knife, and at the bottom of the bag was a twenty-dollargold piece. Two more coins of the same value were discovered on thefloor, when General Darrington's body was lifted; and on the bolster ofthe bed lay a bottle containing chloroform. Witness immediately sentoff for some of General Darrington's friends, and also notified thecoroner; and he did not leave the room again until the inquest washeld. The window on the front piazza was open, and witness had searchedthe piazza and the grounds for tracks, but discovered no traces of theburglar and murderer, who had escaped before the rain ceased, otherwisethe tracks would have been found. Witness was positive that theprisoner was the same person whom he had seen coming out of thebed-room, and with whom General Darrington had quarrelled.

  The sheriff here handed to the magistrate, the gold pieces found on thefloor at Elm Bluff, by the last witness; then the little wicker basketwhich had been taken from the prisoner when she was arrested. The coinsdiscovered therein were taken out, and careful comparison showed thatthey corresponded exactly with those picked up after the murder. Thecase of sapphires was also shown, and Mr. Dunbar rose to say, that "Theprosecution would prove by the attorney who drew up GeneralDarrington's will, that these exceedingly valuable stones had beenbequeathed by a clause in that will to Prince Darrington, as a bridalpresent for whomsoever he might marry."

  A brief silence ensued, during which the magistrate pulled at thecorner of his tawny mustache, and earnestly regarded the prisoner. Shestood, with her beautiful white hands clasped before her, the slenderfingers interlaced, the head thrown proudly back. Extreme pallor hadgiven place to a vivid flush that dyed her cheeks, and crimsoned herdelicate lips; and her eyes looking straight into space, glowed with anunnatural and indescribable lustre. Tadmor's queen Bath Zabbai couldnot have appeared more regal in her haughty pose, amid the exultingshouts that rent the skies of conquering Rome. The magistrate clearedhis throat, and addressed the accused.

  "You are Beryl Brentano, the granddaughter of General Darrington?"

  "I am Beryl Brentano."

  "You have heard the charges brought against you. What have you to sayin defence?"

  "That I am innocent of every accusation."

  "By what witnesses will you prove it?"

  "By a statement of the whole truth in detail, if I may be allowed tomake it."

  Here the Solicitor, Mr. Churchill, rose and said:

  "While faithfully discharging my official duties, loyalty to justicedoes not smother the accents of human sympathy; and before proceedingany further, I hope your Honor will appoint some counsel to confer withand advise the prisoner. Her isolation appeals to every noble instinctof manhood, and it were indeed puerile tribute to our lamented GeneralDarrington, to bring his granddaughter before this tribunal, withoutthe aid and defence of legal advisers. Justice itself would not bewelcome to me, if unjustly won. My friend, Mr. Hazelton, who ispresent, has expressed his desire to defend the prisoner; and while Iam aware that your Honor is under the impression she refuses to acceptcounsel, I trust you will nevertheless commit her, until she can conferwith him."

  Mr. Hazelton rose and bowed, in tacit approval.

  Beryl advanced a few steps, and her clear pure voice thrilled everyheart in the crowded room.

  "I need no help to tell the truth, and I want to conceal nothing. Timeis inexpressibly valuable to me now, for a human life more preciousthan my own is at stake; and if I am detained here, my mother may die.May I speak at once, and explain the circumstances which you considerso mysterious as to justify the shameful indignity put upon me?"

  "Since you assume the responsibility of your own defence, you mayproceed with your statement. Relate what occurred from the hour youreached Elm Bluff, until you left X---next morning."

  "I came here to deliver in person a letter written by my mother to herfather, General Darrington, because other letters sent through themail, had been returned unread. It contained a request for one hundreddollars to pay the expense of a surgical operation, which we hopedwould restore her health. When I reached Elm Bluff, I waited on thesteps, until General Darrington's attorney finished his business andcame out; then I was led by an old colored man to the bed-room whereGeneral Darrington sat. I gave no name, fearing he might refuse toadmit me, and he was very courteous in his manner until I laid theletter before him. He immediately recognized the handwriting, and threwit to the floor, declaring that no human being had the right to addresshim as father, except his son Prince. I picked up the letter, andinsisted he should at least read the petition of a suffering, andperhaps dying woman. He was very violent in his denunciation of myparents, and his voice was loud and angry. So painful was the wholeinterview, that it was a bitter trial to me to remain in his presence,but knowing how absolutely necessary it was that mother should obtainthe money, I forced myself to beg him to read the letter. Finally heconsented, read it, and seemed somewhat softened; but he tore it intostrips and threw it from him. He drank several glasses of wine from adecanter on the table, and offered me some, expressing the opinion thatI must be tired from my journey. I declined it. General Darrington thenquestioned me about my family, my mode of living; and after a fewmoments became very much excited, renewing his harsh invectives againstmy parents. It was at this stage of the interview that he uttered theidentical words quoted by the witness: 'My Will is so strong, nocontest can touch it, and it will stand forever between your mother andmy property.'

  "Immediately after, he went to the door leading into the library andcalled 'Bedney!' No one answered, and he shut the door, kicking it asit closed. When he came back to his chair, he said very bitterly: 'Atleast we will have no eavesdroppers at this resurrection of my dead.'He told me all the story of my mother's girlhood; of her marriage,which had infuriated him; that he had sent her a certain proportion ofproperty, and then disowned and disinherited her. Afterward hedescribed his lonely life, his second marriage which was very happy,and his adoption of his wife's son, who, he repeatedly told me, hadusurped my mother's place in his affections. Finally he said:

  "'Your mother has asked for one hundred dollars. You shall have it; notbecause I recognize her as child of mine, but because a sick womanappeals to a Southern gentleman.'

  "He took a bunch of keys from his pocket, and with one of them opened asafe or iron closet on the wall near the chimney, and from that vaulthe brought a square black tin box
to the table, where he opened it. Hetook out a leather bag, and counted into my hand five gold pieces oftwenty dollars each. The money was given so ungraciously that I toldhim I would not accept it, save as a loan for mother's benefit; andthat as soon as I could earn it I would return the amount to him. I wasso anxious to get away, I started toward the library door, but hecalled me back, and gave me the morocco case which contains thesapphires. He said my mother's mother had bought them as a gift for herdaughter, to be worn when she was graduated at school; but as shemarried and left school without his knowledge, the jewels had neverbeen seen by her. He told me he had intended to give them to his sonPrince, for his bride, but that now he would send them to mother, whocould sell them for a handsome sum, because they were valuable. Heshowed so much sorrow at this time, that I begged him to give me somemessage of pardon and affection, which she would prize infinitely morethan money or jewels; but he again became angry and bitter, and so Ileft him. I came away by the door leading out on the iron veranda,because he directed me to do so, saying that he did not wish me to meetthe servants, who would pry and tattle. When I closed the glass door Isaw him standing in the middle of the room, leaning on his cane, and hehad the black tin box in his hand. The sun was setting then, and now--"

  She ceased speaking for some seconds, then raised her hands towardheaven, and with uplifted eyes that seemed in their strained gaze topierce beyond the veil, she added with solemn emphasis:

  "I call God to witness, that was the last and only time I ever sawGeneral Darrington. That was the last and only visit I ever made to ElmBluff."

  There was a general movement among the spectators, and audibleexcitement, which was promptly quelled by the magistrate.

  "Silence there in front, or I shall order the room cleared."

  Turning toward Beryl, he said:

  "If you left Elm Bluff at sunset, why did you not take the 7:15 train?"

  "I tried to do so, but missed it because I desired to obey my mother'sinjunctions as strictly as possible. She gave me a small bunch offlowers, and asked me to be sure to lay them for her on her mother'sgrave. When I reached the cemetery, which you know is in sight of theroad from Elm Bluff, the gate was locked, and it required some time toenable me to climb over the wall and find the monument. It was growingdark, and when I arrived at the station, I learned the train had justgone."

  "Why did you not go to a hotel, as you were advised to do?"

  "Because after sending the telegram to my mother, I had no money to payfor lodging; and I asked permission to stay in the ladies'waiting-room."

  "State where and how you spent the night."

  "It was very hot and sultry in that room, and as there was a brightmoon shining, I walked out to get some fresh air. The pine woods hadappeared so pretty and pleasant that afternoon, that I went on and ontoward them, and did not realize how far they were. I met peoplepassing along the road, and it did not seem lonely. The smell of thepines was new to me, and to enjoy it, I sat down on the straw. I wastired, and must have fallen asleep at once, for I remember nothing tillsome noise startled me, and there I saw the same man on horseback inthe road, whom I had met at Elm Bluff. He asked me if I had misled myway, and I answered 'No, sir.' The height of the moon showed me it waslate, and as I was frightened at finding myself alone in the woods, Ialmost ran back to the railway station, where I saw no one, except atelegraph operator, who seemed to be asleep in his chair. I cannot saywhat time it was, because I could not see the clock. Soon after, itbegan to thunder, and all through that terrible storm I was alone inthe waiting-room. So great was my relief when the wind and lightningceased, that I went to sleep, and dreamed of a happy time when I livedin Italy, and of talking with one very dear to me. Just then I awokewith a start, and heard a voice talking outside, which seemed veryfamiliar. There were two persons; one, a negro, said:

  "'There ain't no train 'till daylight, excepting the through freight.'

  "The other person asked: 'When is it due?' The negro answered:

  "'Pretty soon, but it don't stop here; it goes to the water tank whereit blows for the railroad bridge; and that is only a short distance upthe track.'

  "I think I must have been only half awake, and with my mind fixed on mydream, I ran out in front of the station house. An old negro manlimping down the street was the only person visible, and while Iwatched him he suddenly vanished. I went along the track for somedistance but saw no one; and when I came back, the ticket agent wasstanding in the door of his office. I cannot explain to you thesingular impulse which carried me out, when I heard the dialogue,because it is inexplicable to myself, save by the supposition that Iwas still dreaming; and yet I saw the negro man distinctly. There was alamp-post near him, and he had a bundle on his shoulder. When the 3:05train came, I went aboard and left X---."

  A smile parted Mr. Dunbar's lips, and his handsome teeth glittered ashe whispered to Judge Dent:

  "Even your chivalrous compassion can scarcely digest this knottysolution of her movements that night. As a fabrication, it does littlecredit to her ingenuity."

  "Her statement impresses me differently. She is either entirelyinnocent, or she had an accomplice, whose voice she recognized; andthis clue should be investigated."

  The District Solicitor rose and bowed to the Magistrate.

  "With your Honor's permission, I should like to ask the prisoner whomshe expected to see, when she recognized the voice?"

  "A person who is very dear to me, but who is not in the United States."

  "What is the name of that person?"

  Her lips moved to pronounce his name, but some swift intuitive warningrestrained the utterance. Suddenly a new horror, a ghastly possibility,thrust itself for the first time before her, and she felt as thoughsome hand of ice clutched her heart.

  Those who watched her so closely, saw the blood ebb from cheeks andlips; noted the ashy pallor that succeeded, and the strange gropingmotion of her hands. She staggered toward the platform, and when theMagistrate caught her arm, she fell against him like some totteringmarble image, entirely unconscious.

  * * * * *

  So prolonged and death-like was the swoon, and so futile the usualmethods of restoration, that the prisoner was carried into the smallante-room, and laid upon a wooden bench; where a physician, who chancedto be in the audience, was summoned to attend her. Finding restorativesineffectual, he took out his lancet:

  "This is no ordinary fainting fit."

  He attempted to roll up one of her sleeves, but seeing this wasimpracticable, would have unfastened her dress, had not Judge Dentarrested his hand.

  "No, doctor; cut out the sleeve if necessary, but don't touch herotherwise."

  "Let me assist you; I can easily bare the arm."

  As he spoke, Mr. Dunbar knelt beside the bench, and with a small, sharppen-knife ripped the seam from elbow to shoulder, from elbow to wrist,swiftly and deftly folding back the sleeve, and exposing the perfectmoulding of the snowy arm.

  "Just hold the hand, Dunbar, so as to keep it steady."

  Clasping closely the hand, which the physician laid in his palm theattorney noted the exquisite symmetry of the slender fingers and ovalnails. He bent forward and watched the frozen face. When the heavilylashed lids quivered and lifted, and she looked vacantly at the gravecompassionate countenances leaning over her, a certain tightening ofthe hold upon her fingers, drew her attention. Her gaze fastened on thelawyer's blue eyes as if by a subtle malign fascination. The veil thatshrouded consciousness was rent, not fully raised; and as in some dreamthe solemn eyes appeared to search his. A strange shivering thrill shotalong his nerves, and his quiet, well regulated heart so long thedocile obedient motor, fettered vassal of his will, bounded, strainedhard on the steel cable that held it in thrall.

  "You feel better now?" asked the physician, who was stanching the flowof blood.

  Still her gaze seemed to penetrate the inmost recesses of the lawyer'snature, calling into sudden revolt dormant element
s that amazed anddefied him.

  A shadowy smile curved her pale lips.

  "At the mercy of Tiberius. At the mercy of Tiberius."

  Those present looked inquiringly at each other.

  "Her mind wanders a little. Sheriff, give her some of that brandy. Sheis as weak as a baby."

  Judge Dent raised her head, and the officer held the tumbler to hermouth; while the former said gently:

  "My poor girl, drink a little, it will strengthen you."

  With a gesture of loathing, she rejected it; and as she attempted toraise herself, all the dire extremity of her peril rushed back upon hermind, like a black overwhelming tide from the sea of the past.

  "Lie still, until I have bandaged your arm. Here, Dunbar, you acquittedyourself so dexterously with your knife, just lend a hand. Hold the armuntil I secure the bandage."

  To find herself surrounded by men, helpless in the grasp of strangers,with no womanly touch or glance to sustain her, served to intensify hermisery; and wrenching herself free, she struggled into a sittingposture, then staggered to her feet. The heavy coil of hair loosenedwhen they bore her from the court-room, now released itself fromrestraining pins, and fell in burnished waves to her knees, clothingher with a glory, such as the world's great masters in art reserve forthe beatified. Had all the blood that fed her heart been drained, shewould not have appeared more deadly pale, and in her wide eyes was thedesperate look of a doomed animal, that feels the hot fangs of thehounds, and the cold steel of the hunters.

  "Be persuaded for your own sake, to swallow some stimulant, of whichyou are sadly in need. You will require all your strength, and, as aphysician, I insist upon your taking my prescription."

  "If I might have some water. Just a little water."

  Some one brought a brown stone pitcher, and she drank long andthirstily; then looked for a moment at the faces of those who crowdedabout her.

  "What will be done now?"

  Every eye fell to the floor, and after a painful silence Judge Dentsaid very gently:

  "For the present, the Magistrate will retain you in custody, until theaction of the Grand Jury. Should they fail to indict you, then you willat once be released."

  "I am to go to prison? I am to be thrust among convicts, vilecriminals! I--? My father's Beryl? O, righteous God! Where is Thyjustice? O, Christ! Is Thy mercy a mockery?"

  She stood, with her chin resting on her clenched hands, and twice along violent shudder shook her from head to foot.

  "I hope your imprisonment will be only temporary. The Grand Jury willbe in session next week. Meantime diligent search may discover thepersons whose conversation you overheard at the station; and if you beinnocent, we are all your friends, and the law, which now seems sostern, will prove your strongest protector and vindicator."

  Judge Dent stood close beside her, as he essayed these words ofcomfort, and saw that she caught her breath as though in mortal agony.Her face writhed, and she shut her eyes, unable to contemplate somehideous apparition. He suspected that she was fighting desperately animpulse that suggested succor; and he was sure she had strangled it,when her hands fell nerveless at her side, and she raised her bowedhead. If the finger of paralysis had passed over her features, theywould not have appeared more hopelessly fixed. Mechanically she twistedand coiled her hair, and took the hat and shawl which the officer heldout to her.

  "If I can assist you in any way, you have only to send for me."

  She looked at Judge Dent intently, for an instant, then shook her head.

  "No one can help me now."

  She tied her veil over her face, and silently followed the deputysheriff to a carriage, that stood near the pavement.

  When he would have assisted her, she haughtily repelled him.

  "I will follow you, because I must; but do not put your hands on me."