Read Athaliah, Daughter Of Jezebel Page 22

Just after that event young Prophet Joseph had left Judea. He was not only desparate from the God Believers’ general situation. He also felt deep frustration from his fiance’s long stay with the baby Elyakim in the cave. He could not meet her, and heard about her a few times through Yehosheva. She informed him that Nefi was well, nothing to worry about. But he was worried - about their relationship. He had felt they were fading each from the other’s sight. Nefi’s existence in his real life had been gone, and his memory would sometimes fail to reconstruct her face exactly, and even remember if one of her teeth had been really missing, as he saw in his recent dream.

  The prophet asked Yehoyada’s wife to deliver his letter to Nefi. He wrote in it, that he had heard a voice from God, calling him to Northern Israel. He would join the prophets who still think, that the Calf statue and its followers are an obstacle for reaching again God’s favor, and His willingness to help and reconstruct his relations with Israel and Judea.

  Joseph promised to return as Nefi would get out from her most valuable place. At the end of his letter, Joseph begged Nefi’s pardon: “Please, do not to figure out my travel as a disguise to forsake you, my darling. Your most sacred task there is very dear to my heart,” he continued, “but I understand that my stay in Judea now - is not so imprtant to God. I hope to find, in Samaria or Jezre-el, the ,marvellous Prophet Elisha. I hope to join his disciples, who are called there: “Sons of the Prophets.” The economic and social situation in the North requires men like me, who can help the poor and feed the hungry and condole the bereaved. Here in Judea, the situation has stabilized. The regime is cruel religion-wise, but the priests and the charity associations that Athaliah had nourished, while being merely the king’s wife – take care of the needy and misfortunate.’

  Nefi had known that unlike her, Joseph’s spirit would famish, if he would not be continually involved with society. He had an ardent wish to to harangue before a community, and influence people by his opinions. Many who know him - would appreciate his oratory capability and eloquent poetry. Of course, all that is for God’s sake, but also for satisfying his egotism…But he is right- so she thought- claiming that his success in Judea is limited. Most of God believers’ congregations had long been preached by the priests, and a remarkable prophet had not appeared yet…

  Joseph thought that prophecy is an art that could be learned – even if it all depends on God. He felt that staying with other peculiar persons similar to him- would elaborate his skills as a poet, and orator. He was sometimes left aside like a stranger - by the Judean God’s believers. They saw the ‘Temple ceremonies and Maintenance’ as the main duty and goal of religious people…In Jerusalem – so he reflected- people seem to dislike listening any more to a ‘furious prophet’. His repeated preaches would continually demand them to neglect Idols worship, keep Sabbath, love a friend and a stranger as well, take care of the orphan and widow and poor- and fulfill other requirements of God from His people. All that seem to be boring the Judean potential audience. They know many of God’s Demands by heart. The youngsters would eventually mock at the young man, who claims to be a prophet, for his repetitive old ideas. In the past it would hardly happen to him...

  Joseph wished to stay for a while out of his homeland, also for the sake of reaching people different from those he had been used to. He thought he would be able to preach to them and be listened: They ten tribes had changed the unseen and unshaped God’s worship for the Calf or Bull’s shape worship. Joseph was sure that they had forgotten, that the calf was basically only a symbol of a virtual and immaterial Entity, who is God, and that His purpose in creating human kind was social justice: Due to continuous wars with inside and outside enemies in northern Israel, all social orders there had deteriorated. A devoted prophet would have a great task in trying to improve people’s spiritual and physical life. So, it would be the right step for him, thought Joseph, to emigrate there for a while, and by acquiring life experience and oratorial and writing skills - he will be more prepared to God’s mission in the future …

  Prophet Josepf penetrated the northern border line of Judea not far from Beth-El. He sneaked through a deep crevice, after walking beside his donkey on the mountains’ narrow paths in a dark night. Once the stubborn and selfish animal became tired of climbing a slopy rock, with the weighty master on its back. It tried to shake off the prophet, and to continue to climbe alone. However –though Joseph got a strong blow from the fall on his right arm and rib, he soon rose and pursued the wild donkey. He succeeded to grab his rein, then took out his whip from the sack that the animal had carried. He whipped the donkey, till he heard the animal begging an excuse by talikng to him, like Bileam’s ass. He forgave the donkey, mounted it again and continued riding. The the way had become flat. His injury was not severe, and the pains had passed away when dawn appeared.

  The prophet arriver in Beth El’s Temple, and tied the donkey to a trunk of a Terebinth tree thereby. He walked to the large courtyard, and saw there a Flower Priest praying loudly. His lips were murmuring a morning blessing, beginning with “Hear O’ Israel”. He was wearing Thfilin(small scrolls of Moses’ commandments given in a small ‘box’ wrapped by narrow belts ) on his hands and head. Soon he finished, and Joseph greeted him, saying:

  “God bless you, sir. Maybe you can help me. I’ve arrived from far away. Have you seen Prophet Elisha recenly?”

  “Hmm…I suppose you would you like to become his disciple?” asked the priest. Joseph nodded.

  “Sorry, I know that he had disappeared,” said the Beth-El flower priest, “Half a year ago I have met his assistant leper, Gehazi. He told me that the Prophet declared he would need idle - time for internal contemplation. He was determined to remain absolutely alone.”

  “I see,“ said Joseph, “he would like to immitate his late master, Elija. He had fled from Israel - to seclude on Mount Horeb in Sinai.”

  “Yes. ..No one knows if and when Elisha will return. Maybe he thinks, that he deserves to be punished by God. There are many rumors about his true motive. Some said that he had disillusioned from a love affair.”

  (Elisha is almost not mentioned in the Bible after the time of Jehu’s successful revolt… Forty five years afterward, so the Bible tells, Elisha would face a King named Jehoash, and tell him: “You shall defeat the Arameans!” etc. (see more details in BOOK: KINGS 2,