Read Athaliah, Daughter Of Jezebel Page 23


  “You know that Elisha,” explained the priest to Joseph, “was the prophet, who sent to Jehu the message to kill Ahab’s dynasty. So, he had surely been satisfied from our new ruler’s activities. I think, that therefore he had stopped preaching.”

  “But I wonder,” remarked Prophet Joseph, “if he had agreed to the Calf symbol remaining on the Temples of Beth-El and of Dan?”(Dan was near one of the Jordan river’s streams on the Lebanese border).

  “He was sure, that the Calf Statue that we see there,” pointed the priest on the roof over the Temple, “is just a symbol for God’s strength. You know, a calf is a potential ox… and of course it would remind people of the need to sacrifices a daily ox for God. Here, in our temple.”

  While Prophet Joseph heard that, he became frustrated. He was sure that God preferred the Jerusalemite Temple. So he, prophet Joseph, should preach to the public in Beth-el, Samaria, Jezre-el, Dan, Tirtsa, and other towns - about the sin of having that statue. He will prove that its worhip is harmful to the spirit and contaminates the body – as Idols’ worship; people would kneel to it, and kiss small household gods in its shape.

  ‘I have a problem,’ Joseph continued to meditate, ‘as I am just a visitor and foreigner here. I am also not familiar with the rules that are valid here, regarding the public speeches. So, first I have to listen and learn.’

  “Let me ask you one more question,” said prophet Joseph to the young flower priest, whose name was Jo-melekh, “I know that the Baal worshippers, the simple mob and respectable priests as well - still walk freely in the streets. So, what has Jehu achieved by murdering Ahab’s dynasty?”

  “Oh, you don’t know how cunning he is. You stay with me a while- till after Yom Kippur,(Atonement Day)- then I’ll take you with me somewhere. I’ll show you that Jehu had not neglected his fight against the Idols.”

  “Very well,” said Joseph.

  In the evening before Yom Kippur fasting, prophet Joseph slept inside the Temple’s entry, in the wide corridor leading to the Hall. The weather was getting cooler than in summer, but the closed place, where Joseph was sleeping –and under a wooden roof, sustained by pillars, (an imitation of the Greek and Mikenese pillars, constructed there by Philistines) still kept warmness. While lying on the floor, Joseph covered his chest with a sheepkin’s short coat, like many vagabond pilgrims who have arrived there for the Holy Day, most of them God Searchers like him. Some were sneering, and some were discussing religion subjects loudly till midnight. He, however, soon fell heavily asleep. When he woke up in the Holiest Day’s morning, he did not remember if he had dreamt that night. He expected to stay there for Yom Kippur’s prayers, and expected the event to be most interesting for him. He was curious to see God’s worshippers wrapped in white Taliths, and hear the prayers, while the priests would be fasting. The climax of the ceremony will be the Chief Priest’s entry to The Calf Holiest of Holies Chamber, and ‘be alone with God’… In Jerusalem – Athaliah had mocked at that place and digged it, grinded its rocks to dust for finding gold. God had been silent, He had not yet intervened. So, ‘Is it possible,’ -asked himself the prophet.’that the people’s prayers here, despite the Calf’s sin, are more acceptable to the Almighty? Many riddles and questions fill my heart…’

  During the prayers Joseph met again the flower priest Jo-Melekh, whom he had met before. He went outside the Hall to get a breath, while the fasting caused him feel slightly dizzied. He discerned the flower priest walking at the palms’ avenue before the temple, and he, Jo-Melekh, invited him to eat together the ‘Yom kippur’s Fasting Break’ .

  It took place after sundown, and all the priests and visitors like Joseph received vegetables-and-bread dinner from the Temple’s small kitchen. Young flower priest Jo-Melekh reminded Joseph, that they should wake up early in the morning, in order to travel together to…the Carmel Mountain.

  “Oh, what would cause us to travel so far?” asked the Prophet.

  “You will see Jehu’s cunning,” said the Priest, “he had called youngsters from all over the country - to participate in Baal festivities there. So, we will attend ‘the celebration of Baal’s with Ashera’. As a prophet who should preach against any criminal anti God activity - you should see profanity in practice. Is’nt it right for you to do that?”

  “All Right,” said the prophet, “But I don’t see yet any wisdom in Jehu’s collaborating with that.”

  “He wishes to put the idols worshippers’ fish in his broad net,” said Jo-Melkh.

  In the morning they went outside. The flower priest had his own donkey tied down not far. Both loaded the saddles and accomodation sacks on their donkeys’ backs, then put their feet in the stir-ups and mounted their animals. The way was almost empty, and the ride was quite comfortable. The priest had a tall donkey, high and strong like a horse. The Prophet’s animal was very low and weak, but as Joseph’s legs were close to the ground, he could lead it easily on the slopes of the mountains leading to Carmel.

  They arrived to the wildly planted mountain at noontime. The flower priest said that one of the mountain’s tops had been determined as the gathering center for the celbrators. A young man who claimed to be one of the organizers, told the two travellers, that once - prophet Elijah had fixed his tent there. It was a plain ground of many hundred steps long and width, planted with oaks and terebinths. It extended along the old royal way, at its left side.

  The two were among the first youths who had arrived there. They set down on stones they had found, lit a fire and roasted piegons’ meagre meat, that the flower priest had brought with him. It was tasty for both of them, while they mixed in it onion and garlic, that they smeared also on their barley bread. They had satiated their thirst by drinking water from their shipskin bottles.

  Most of the celebrating youths were soon humming, gathering all around. The Baal priests soon arrived. There were ten of them, wearing white sheets, garlands of roses and olive slight brances on their heads. Everybody knew that they were wearing nothing under their light dresses, shirts and broad trousers- or robes. Some girls’ faces reddened from the thought of soon becoming their mates. A circle of teenagers and even a few middle aged people began dancing in a circle, while darkness fell on the woods. Th area had been illuminated by small pyres. The ten Baal priests, standing in a row- lit torches, and their Chief Priest lifted his hands and declared:

  “We’ll begin with singing our Idols hymns.” The priests were singing, and the prophet and his collegue were only looking around, but did not approach the crowd surrounding the priests.

  “You two- Where are you from?” they were suddenly inquired by a Baal priest, who approachede them, waving his hands..

  “Oh, is it your business?” said Joel. Perhaps his dress had caused the Idols’ priest to suspect something about him.

  “You are spies of Jehu, I see! I will call my friends to drive you out.”

  “We have arrived only for looking around.” Said Jo-melekh.

  “We are curious, not spies.” said Joseph.

  “If so- you’re invited to join our dances. No lass here is a private property of anyone. You can choose your partner maid - and enjoy life, men!”

  “Thanks, we don’t need your advice” Jo-Melekh said bluntly. The Baal flower priest became nervy, and whistled loudly by inserting his fingers to his mouth. Two of his friends came down. They threatened the visitors:

  “We will fuck you and your friend together,” said one of them to Joseph.

  “If you are a pair,” said another, “you should know that nobody would come here with his boyfriend or his loved one girl.…Everybody is free to choose. Nobody would forbid another to get in touch with anybody, her or him.

  “We will soon play this game of Blind Horse,” said the priest, who spoke to them before- “The refusers will be sent out away. Our guards are strong ironmongers. Remember that, men.”

  “That whole event is problematic for us,” told him Joseph, “In f
act, I’ve never thought this cermony to be organized like this. It’s pure profanity.” He smiled to Jo-Melekh, who was still as solemn as a sculpture.

  “You, damned priests of Baal,” shouted Jo-melekh suddenly, “collect the most beautiful lasses here and fuck them. All the bad looking or too short or too limping girls - would be left for the other Guys? It’s unjust, and unfair!”

  “Well,” said the Baal Priest, still staying with them, “I’ll guarantee, that you both will get pretty girls. You are worthy of that, you’re handsome.” He laughed derisively, “So, come on, don’t hesitate.”

  “let us have three minutes for consultation,” said prophet Joseph, and the Baal priests had already left the two friends.

  Prophet Joseph was likely to be lured on to participate in the orgy. He was in a heat for having sex with a woman. He had not had that for long years, since he went to a whore for ‘acquiring a man’s experience’- so told him his inner voice, coming from above...Now the possible easy reach of the other sex had excited him. He did not know how to hide it from the priest, who seemed to be disinterested - and urged him to quit.

  “Let’s burn our hands with the sinners. Let’s do it very quickly,” Joseph tried to persuade priest Joel, “God will forgive us for such an eventual-sensational sin. ..We can claim for our self defence to God - what we had thought: that He had sent us that impetus - to be soaked with profanity, to be lured. . .I tell you that He has a purpose, while pushing in our blood or heart that desire to sin. I feel that I can’t refuse this temptation.”

  “In no way!” shouted Joel, and grtabbed him by his throat, “If you want to find your death – join them! Soon there will develop a massacre here, I know what I’m saying! Jehu’s men are around! Let’s get out quickly from this trap!”

  Prophet Joseph recollected, that Joel had told him before how cunning was Jehu... He changed his mind in a sudden bolt. “Well. Let’s run”, he said, and both were rushing to their donkeys. While they mounted the animals and began to retreat from the area by a wild ride, they heard the tremendous screams of the ecstasy stricken males and females in the woods. But not everybody was celebrating there: They soon met a dim light of a torch. They saw a black silhouette striding among the trees beside their path. It might had been a guard or a queer lonely person, too shy for what others would see as their occasion for having sex and fun without commitment.

  ”Those Baal priests actually denounce free love,” said Jo-Melekh, while they were driving in parallel, “This orgy is the opposite of pure entertainment, isn’t it? I am sure they cause pains to many girls. They had come to seek real love, or even only a love affair. Not rape and humiliation, that would take soon place…”

  After a ride of five minutes in the narrow path through which they had arrived, they were suddenly stopped by three manfooters priests. They were armed with arches, arrows and bayonets, wearing turbans with the Hebrew letters “SHADAI” – embroidered on itheir fronts.

  Joseph and the flower priest recognized them as God’s priests.

  “God bless you, men,” said the prophet, “Have not we seen you in Beth-El Temple? Just yesterday, in Yom Kippur prayers.”

  “Yes,” said one of the guys, “And now we have a sacred task here.”

  “Have you travelled into the depth of the woods?” Asked the other, “We are in search of the celebrating Baal worshippers.”

  “Some of them are not far. You can hear their wild roars and yells,” said Jo-Melekh.

  “Some of them are already too drunk,” said the prophet, “they are now having their flesh pleasures, in groups or by couples. We were not mingled in that mob. But we saw from far- that many were naked.”

  The priests were joined now by other armed footmen. They allowed Joseph and his comrade to ride further. Soon the escapees heard around - not only a lot of footmen steps, but also horse–shoes. The neigborhood was suddenly filld with fearfull screams of chased men and women.

  The woods became sparse. Plowed brown fields, dotted with grey thorne bushes asides were seen in the dim light of the half circled moon. Then suddenly the donkey riders were facing a group of horseriders. They were galloping very fast. All were wearing helmets with the symbol of the Calf Head. Joseph and Joel greeted them: “God is with you,” but they banned their way and surrounded them.

  “You have just left out the Baal celebrations, haven’t you?” inquired them an officer, in suspicion.

  “We’ve visited this nice forest by day.” said Joseph, “and we’re on our way back home.”

  “Have you seen the Baal worshippers on your way?”

  “We had just heard their shouts and giggles.” said Joel, “We’ve reported that to your patrol.”

  “May God be with you,” blessed them Joseph,

  One of the riders told him with a pride:

  “Long Live Jehu. He caused the Baal followers to delude themselves. Their sinful enjoyment – will soon be over! We’ll capture them – and put them in Jezebel’s Idol’s house. They’ll be cut there to pieces.”

  At that night were arrested hundreds of Baal and Ashera worshippers in the Carmel woods. They were all brought to a concentration camp - the Baal house in Samaria.

  The Bible’s scribe wrote about Jehu’s hunt and its end (KINGS2, CHAP.10, 20):

  “And Jehu said: ‘sanctify a solemn assembly for Baal’, and they proclaimed it.

  Then Jehu sent throghout all Israel; and all the worshippers of Baal came. So that there was not a man left, who did not come. And they sent them into the house of Baal, (in Samaria) and… it was filled from one end to the other…and he (Jehu)- said to one, who was in charge of the wardrobe there: ‘ bring out garments for all Baal worshippers. So, he brought…And he said to the worshippers: “search and see that there are not with you any servants of the Lord God, but only the worshippers of the Baal. Then they went to offer scarifices and burnt offerings. And Jehu had stationed himself with eighty men, and said to his guards and royal officers: “The one who permits any of these men…to escape - shall give his life in exchange”. And then it came about…that Jehu told his men: “Go in, kill them, let none come out.” And they… threw the worshippers out- and went to the inner room of the House of Baal. They brought out its sacred pillars… and burned them, and broke down the House of the Baal and made it a latrin(toilets) to this day!”

  So, it should be said to Jehu’s credit, that he really demolished Baal and Ashera Houses and Shrines in North Israel. In that he was much better than Athaliah - in the eyes of young prophet Joseph.

  “Whereto shall we drive now?” he asked the flower priest.

  “Wherever you say,” he answered.

  “It’s very late. We should sleep somewhere. D’you know any good inn around?”

  “I would like to travel to Samaria tomorrow,” Jomelekh said, “I want to see in my eyes how Jehu would bring an end to the Idols’ worshippers. Tomorrow Jehu will besiege the Baal House. Would you join me, and see how they kill the hideous Ball priests and worshippers ?”

  “No,” said Joseph,” I have a different mission there, in Samaria. To meet Gehazi. You have told me that Gehazi has been there. I want to hear his tales about the prophet Elisha. And maybe he knows where the prophet is now.”

  “Well, we will take the path to Megiddo!” said Jo-Melekh, “Megiddo is in the valley, and from it we’ll climb the mountains of Samaria.”

  They were lodging for that night in ‘Rahab’s Inn’ – in the town of Meggido.

  Priest Joel smiled, seeing its plateboard outside. He told the Prophet:

  “Miss Rahab was the first Inn Keeper, who the sons of Israel had met when they penetrated into the counrty with Joshua.”

  “Rahab the harlot,” Joseph said, “perhaps this inn is also a bordel, but the prostitutes hurried to Carmel’s celebrations.”

  “Woe to them. Jehu won’t pity them, too.”

  They hired a nice room there, and slept well, being very tired. In th
e morning they brought a bucket of water from a small stream thereby. They let their donkies drink too, and fed them with barley, that Joel had brought in his sack from Beth El…

  The weather became warm. The donkeys were climbing slowly the low hills leading to the Mount of Samaria. They were breathing heavily, sometimes blowing the air from their lungs and halt, then continue their strive up the way. People were hardly seen on the path itself, but along villages at the side there were shepherds taking care of their meagre, gloomy animals. They were chewing the remainders of grey grass, and goats were peeling a young tree’s trunk or remnants of rotten fruits and vegetables.

  In the afternoon the two young clergyman entered Samaria’s gate. Priest Joel departed from Joseph, saying:

  “We shall meet here tomorrow, if you want. In the town-square, near broken Ashera Statue!”

  “How can I find Gehazi’s dwelling?” asked prophet Joseph.

  “Ask people where is ‘the Free House’,” said Jo-Melekh, “They use to give that name for whatever kind of hopeless invalids or sicks would be there.”


  Elisha arranged a bed for his asistant - in the Free House, located in the edge of Samaria. He knew that the sick youth would write the ‘Marvellous Tales of Elisha’, as he had begun that already previuosly. We read in the Bible(KINGS 2 –chap.8 - 4) About the woman’s Shunamit return to Israel from exile in GAZA, towhere she had escaped from the famine in Israel. She wanted back her property in her village, and came to king Joram: ”And the king was talking with Gehazi, saying: ‘Please relate to me all the great things that Elisha has done. And it came about…that he related to the woman whose son - he (Elisha) had rescued…”

  Elisha relied on Gehazi, that he would write truth about him. He himself refrained from writing his reminiscenses, thinking that a man of spirit like him should face the future – not the past. However, Gehazi was boasting in his heart about his desk, which was filled with scrolls and papyruses telling his master’s marvellous deeds.

  When prophet Joseph found Gehazi in his room, he was scratching his head in one hand. The other one, which was wrapped, except in the palm, was quickly writing, sinking his pen from time to time into a coaled-inked rough glass bowl. Beside Gehazi was an old leper lying on the floor, wrapped with rags and moaning from pains. Gehazi had a distorted face, full of red and brown stains, and his forehead’s skin was hanged like leaves over his flashing eyes.

  Prophet Joseph was looking at him, and told him that he would like to hear some tales about his master, even copy them for his own use. Of course, he would pay something for that.

  “Well, sir,” said Gehazi, “tell me who you are, and where you have come from. I will sell you some tales...As you see - we are poor and sick, and the money will enble us to buy rape figs or rotten grapes. Recently we have not tasted any fruits.”

  “Very well,” said the Prophet, and told him about himself, having arrived from Judea. This was one of the ancient deals of story tellers, if you get deeper into this tale within the tales…

  “Most of the tales about my master have almost been completed,” added Gehazi, “though I should edit them again and again. You can sit at the corner and copy what you want.”

  “Well,” said the Prophet, who did not tell him that he would like to meet his master and be an ‘apprentice prophet’ like the leper, though not a servant.

  “I have here fifteen Shekels for all the tales,” said Joseph, “Take them, please.”

  “That’s fine,” said Gehazi, “Let me have a gold currency for each tale, as I have fifteen of them at hand.”

  The prophet laid his hand on the leper’s poor wrapped hand, and said:

  “Look at my touch on you as a handshake, dear Gehazi.”

  He counted the gold coins and handed them to him. Gehazy counted the coins too, and gave the old man do it again.

  “Well, it’s a reasonable and good sum,” said the man, and put the amount in a small bag. Then Gehazi told Joseph: “Sit down, please, and hear the prefix to my wrirtings, that I have just written. You can copy that too.”

  “Oh, it’s a honor for me to listen,” said the prophet.

  “Well: ‘Though the great prophet had lepered me and resented me very much, I- Gehazi, son of Geula Bat Eviathar, would never hate my teacher Elisha’…”

  “Very nice and really exciting,” said the Prophet.

  “Elisha is closer than anyone to God Almighty,’ continued Gehazi, “and I love him - no less than he had loved Elija, his teacher, ‘coacher’ and promoter. And Just as I love Elisha- I love his marvels and amazing deeds, which had been so successful in helping people…Some of the tales written here - the prophet had read himself. He confirmed them to be copied by scribes and interested readers. However, some tales were not brought to his knowledge, as he had become busy with his complicated contemplations. He and would refuse to visit me any more. . .”

  “Can you read something more from that preface?” asked Joseph.

  “No, it is finished. Now you can copy the tales. I am realy very tired from that work. I feel fed up from that scribe’s craft. Enough for me, at least for today...”

  “Well,” said Joseph, “Is there a list of all the tales, with the headline to each one?”

  “Of course,” said Gehazi, “otherwise I won’t be called a scribe.”

  Soon Gehazi handed Joseph the table of contents - or tales headlines, that the prophet began to copy immediately.

  They were as follows:

  Prophet Elija chooses Elisha as his heir. Throws his marvelous mantle on him.

  Elisha escorts Elija, sees his riding fire-horses-and-chariot up to the sky.

  Elisha curses babies who mock at his baldness.

  Elisha’s miracle - he makes poisoned food become sweet.

  Elisha is lodging in Shunamit’s house, blesses her to be fertile and she bear a son.

  Elisha saves Dotan and Samaria from siege.

  Elisha saves Shunamit’s son(unofficially- his son)from death by a sun strike.

  Elisha prevents water from Israel’s enemy Moab, and dances in ecstasy.

  Shunamit returns from Philistines’ town. Elisha helps her get back her land.

  Elisha strikes Arameans in blindness and they fail in to besieg Samaria.

  Elisha curses king Joram, who relaeases Aram’s prisoners.

  Elish dislikes Naaman of Aram, who immerses in Jordan and cured from

  leprosy. Instead of him- Gehazi is cursed to suffer from that horrible sickness.

  13.Elisha in Damascus; prophesizes that Hazael will be crowned and hurt Israel.

  14.Elisha sends a prophet to crown Jehu as king of Israel, replace Ahab’s dynasty.

  15.Elisha marries a harlot, Bath Gad. (This tale was not published in the Bible).

  On the following day Joseph met priest Jo-Melekh, and apologized to him:

  “I must remain here,” he said, “and copy many prophecies and amazing tales of Elisha. They are fantastic. One day you’ll surely read them. Thank you for travelling with me. Hope to see you again some day.”

  The flower priest left him, wondering about his enthusiasm from a ‘leper’s legends’.

  Three full days - prophet Joseph was busy in copying Elisha’s Tales. He packed the papyruses in his bag, which he then carried to his patient and obedient donkey, that was standing on his hooves three consecutive days and nights. (The animal did not complain, because his owner used to feed him and let him drink twice a day). There was not a happier man in Israel than Prophet Joseph, having finished his holy task of copying the tales.

  When he was on his way back from Samaria to Beth El, he saw a group of families, who seemed to be refugees. They told him that they had escaped frightened from the north. There were some villages attacked by Hazael, king of Aram. Jehu’s army had been defeated and panicked...

  Joseph had now a good reason for being frightened himself. Gehazi’s scripts should be rescu
ed, he thought. God had not sent me to the poor leper for being captured by Arameans and be burnt on fire with the tales. I must drive speedily back home to Judea. God is merciful. Go forth, donkey Bilam! Gallop like a horse, you are almost as tall as it. I’ll feed you with weat, not with poor barley - if you bring me back safely home to Jerusalem.”