Read Atlantis The Beginning Page 2

5. The Imperial Feud

  I glanced up at the castle, as the ship started pulling away from the docks. I raised my hand and waved, sure that Chrissy was watching from one of the windows.

  She had wanted to come to the docks, but her father had refused to let her out of the grounds, especially after the incident.

  She had been sulking since the ship had arrived from Westerport, but had cheered up when I promised her that we would meet again soon.

  ''I'm already starting to miss that little pixie'', sighed Alice.

  ''I hope we will see her again''.

  I felt the salty breeze caressing my face as we sailed towards Westerport. The ship swayed in the wind, but I had gotten used to the motion. I did not feel seasick anymore.

  The words, 'Flying Wolf' were painted on the bow, below the wolf figurehead of the ship. It was slightly smaller than the Dark Angel, but faster. The water was dappled in blue, reflecting the clear sky above. I was able to see the mainland from starboard.

  ''At least we are not chained or locked up in the brig'', said Alice, throwing a furtive glance at the giant, who was sitting below the mast.

  ''Yes, especially after what happened'', I grinned.

  Alice shivered at the thought, ''I hope we will never see those creatures again''.

  ''Do you think we should have escaped when we had the chance?'', I asked, looking at her.

  ''I think it is better if we stay with them until we can figure out a plan to rescue your parents. Besides, the whole Empire is after you. At least you will safe from the Empire's soldiers while we are with them '', she said.

  I nodded in agreement. I had no idea how I was going to rescue my parents from Aregon. My instinct kept telling me that going to the Capital was suicide, but I had to try.

  ''Don't worry, Scar. We will rescue them'', reassured Alice, clutching my hand.

  The weather remained favorable for a couple of days, but that did not last very long. Around noon, black clouds had started rolling in from the west.

  The air started to grow cold and the sea turned rougher. Huge waves lapped against the hull, rocking the ship. The sails flapped wildly in the wind, pulling at the rigging.


  ''And I was expecting a good night's sleep'', shouted Alice, over the howl of the wind, as we  pulled on the ropes with the crew.

  ''I hope she doesn't capsize!'', I shouted back.

  I gasped, as a huge wave washed over the deck, dousing me from head to toe.

  ''Great!'', I muttered, dripping from head to toe.

  Lightning flickered across the sky, as the ocean heaved underneath. The ship groaned under the onslaught of the violent storm, which continued for another day.

  It was almost noon, the next day, when the clouds started clearing. We had barely gotten any sleep, what with the roaring thunder and the howling wind, over the rocking of the vessel.

  The sun was already in sky overhead, when someone shouted, ''Land ahead!''.

  I ran over to the railings and peered over the side.

  ''There'', said Alice, pointing at the faint outline of an island on the horizon.

  The ship changed course and headed towards the island. The outline slowly started getting more defined and I was able to see a small village near the beach.

  The houses were surrounded by farmland, beyond which stretched a dense forest. The docks were lined with a large number of fishing boats.

  ''Looks like a fishing village'', observed Alice.

  ''DROP ANCHOR AND LOWER THE LONGBOATS !'', shouted the captain.

  I watched as the Wolf Lord and a few crew members rowed towards the village. Even Julian was on the boats and of course, we were not allowed to go ashore.

  I watched as they moored the boats at the beach and entered the village. Stonearm was staring at us suspiciously from his seat at the mast.

  Suddenly, I heard something whistling through the air. Instinct took over and I pushed Alice aside, jumping out of the way.

  A couple of knives embedded themselves on the deck, on the very spot where we were standing a moment before.

  ''Who is that?'', whispered Alice, glancing over my head, her eyes wide with shock.

  I looked up and saw a man sitting on the yard of the foremast. Stonearm was already on his feet, glaring at the figure above.

  ''You!'', he snarled in rage.

  ''Yes, me'', sneered the man sitting above. ''Why is the girl still alive? Weren't you supposed to kill her already?''.

  ''Shoot him down!'', ordered the giant. The remaining crew grabbed the bows and aimed at the stranger. As soon as they fired, he disappeared into thin air.

  ''He is a teleporter mage'', gasped Alice.

  Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder. I screamed, trying to find a handhold, as I was pulled into a void. I fought back and felt the grip loosen.

  ''No'', I gasped, as I was thrown out of the dimensional vortex. I wildly flailed my arms as I fell headlong into something soft. It was sand. I had landed on the beach!

  I jumped back to my feet, thanking the gods for my luck, and looked around. I was standing at the edge of the village. I could see the ship anchored at a distance.

  ''You are quite a fighter, aren't you?''.

  I whirled around and saw him smirking at me. He had dark hair and was wearing a brown cloak. His belt was lined with small throwing knives.

  ''Who are you?''.

  ''You don't know me?'', he asked, raising his eyebrows. ''After all, I was inducted into the Guard as your father's replacement''.

  He lazily picked a knife from his belt and started twirling it by the circular ring at the pommel. ''You were supposed to be dead by now. I don't know what those two are playing at. If Viktor found out about this, he would have their heads. I guess I will have to finish you off myself'', he said, clutching the knife, ready to strike.

  Suddenly, something huge darted past me and crashed into him, throwing him to the ground. A gigantic gray wolf growled and snapped at his head, but before it could attack, he disappeared again.

  Julian rushed to my side, ''Are you alright?'', he asked and I nodded.

  ''I see you have met Ronin, the newest member of the Imperial Guard'', he said. ''Be wary, he is highly dangerous. He was a mercenary  before he joined the Imperial Guard. There is no telling from where he will strike, so be on you guard''.

  The teleporter had reappeared a few paces back from where he had been standing. The werewolf stood in front of me, growling at the teleporter.

  ''It has been a long time, Alistair. You have grown'', he said, grinning wickedly at the werewolf.

  He charged forward, a knife in each hand, but just as the werewolf lunged, he disappeared and reappeared again to the left.

  ''Watch out!'', I screamed at the wolf, but it was too late. The werewolf yelped in pain as the two knives pierced its flank.

  ''Now it is your turn, Scarley'', he crooned, winking at me. He grabbed another knife from his belt and charged.

  At that very moment, chains shot out from the sand and lashed around his legs, pulling him to the ground.

  I glanced around and saw someone walking towards us from the village. He was young and good looking, with green eyes and black, shoulder length hair. I felt my heart skip a beat when he smiled at me.

  ''Who are you?'', snarled Ronin.

  The newcomer ignored him and made a gesture with his hand. The chains tightened around Ronin, making him unable to move.

  Alistair Talbot turned back into his human form and pulled out the knives from his side. The skin around his wounds pulled together as they started healing. Julian handed him his cloak.

  ''Who are you?'', asked the Wolf Lord, looking at the newcomer.

  ''My name is Morgan, an ally. You have to hurry. The Emperor grows suspicious. Lord Hector Talbot has already sent the first and second packs to capture the base at Westerport''.

  Alistair nodded and sent Julian to gather the crew.
The prisoner was loaded into a longboat. I climbed aboard, along with the Wolf Lord and Morgan.

  Alice rushed forward as we boarded the ship. ''Are you alright?'', she asked, anxiously.

  ''Yeah'', I nodded, reassuringly.

  Stonearm growled in anger when he saw Ronin. The giant strode forward and grabbed his neck, lifting him up. ''You have nerves, playing with me, boy'', he snarled, glaring into his eyes.

  ''Viktor will have your head'', gasped Ronin, his face turning blue.

  ''Viktor can go to hell. I will be happy to send you before him, but I might need some information first'', said Stonearm.

  ''Lock him in the brig'', he said, throwing the teleporter at Julian's feet. ''Make sure he doesn't escape''.

  A day had passed since the incident at the Fisher's Isle. Ronin was locked up in the brig. The ocean remained peaceful and the sky was bright.

  I was lying in a hammock on the tween deck near the galley, staring at the wooden ceiling.

  ''Are they ever going to stop'', sighed Alice, as Ronin screamed again.

  Alistair and his men had been torturing him since yesterday, trying to get information about the Empire's movements, but I guessed they had not gotten anything out of him yet.

  ''We have been dragged into a war between monsters''.

  At last the screaming stopped. I climbed out  of my hammock and walked towards the ladder.

  ''I'll be back in a few minutes'', I informed Alice, before I went down into the hold. Julian was standing guard near the cell where Ronin was chained.

  ''What are you doing here, Scarlett? You are not supposed to be here'', said Julian, looking at me suspiciously.

  ''I couldn't sleep'', I replied. ''Can I speak with him?''.

  He nodded, pointing at a cell at the back. ''Be careful''.

  Ronin was lying on the floor, his clothes stained with blood . His hands were shackled to the bars. He raised his head when he heard my footsteps, ''What do you want?'', he groaned.

  ''Why were you trying to kill me?''.

  ''I was just following orders. The werewolf and the giant were supposed to kill you. The Witch found out and informed Viktor that you were still alive. So I was sent to complete the job instead'', he said. ''Anyway it doesn't matter now. I am as good as dead anyway. The Emperor does not forgive failures''.

  ''Do you know about my parents?'', I asked.

  ''They are locked up in the dungeons of the black castle'', he replied.

  ''Are they still alive?''.


  Suddenly, he clutched his stomach and doubled over, coughing blood.

  ''Leave'', he said, waving his hand.

  I climbed back to the upper deck and found that Alice was already asleep. I slid into the hammock and closed my eyes, pulling the blanket over me.

  The ship swayed in the wind, as storm clouds slowly started gathering overhead. We were standing at the forecastle, when I saw the tip of a mountain poking through the clouds.

  ''The Glair peaks. We must be near Southfay''.

  It was Morgan. He was standing behind us, staring at the horizon.

  ''Thanks, for saving my life. I am grateful'', I smiled.

  ''I did what I had to do'', he said, returning the smile. ''Anyway, I came here to warn you, Scarlett. Your life is in great danger. Aria is on the brink of a civil war. Staying with these warmongers will only bring you grief. You must escape before they throw you into the midst of a war that is not yours to fight. I can arrange a ship to take you back to Atlantis. This is your only chance''.

  ''Why would you be willing to help us ?'', I asked, surprised.

  ''I knew your mother. She was a very kind woman. I just want her daughter to be safe''.

  ''But I am not going back to Atlantis, I have to save my parents'', I said.

  ''I guess I can help you with that. Your father still has some loyal followers in Argent. Maybe you can find someone who can help you. I can take you there''.

  I nodded, ''Yes, I will need all the help I can get, if I am to free them from the Empire''.

  ''Be ready to escape as soon as we reach land. We won't have much time'', he said, before heading back to the main deck.

  As soon as he was out of sight, Alice looked at me and asked, ''Do you think we can trust him, Scar?''.

  ''Yes, of course. He saved my life, Alice'', I replied, defensively.

  ''Oooh! Someone fancies him'', she snickered.

  ''Shut up'', I snapped, as I felt a blush creeping over my face.

  A heavy fog had dropped on the ocean. The Glair peaks loomed before us, surrounded by a dense clouds. I was standing near starboard, peering at the ocean, when I saw multiples fires in the direction of mainland.

  ''There!'', I called. ''I think the city is on fire''.

  Suddenly, two ships appeared out of the fog, at the bow of the ship.

  Alarm bells started ringing and all the crew assembled  on the deck.

  ''Look!'', said Julian, pointing at the sails of one of the vessels.

  Pirate ships! The sails were painted with a hooded skull in a circle of nine bones.

  ''Edward Payne!'', gasped Morgan. Even the two members of the Imperial guard were staring at the ships in alarm.


  ''Do not fire!'', warned Stonearm.

  ''Who is Edward Payne?'', I asked Alice.

  She gave me an incredulous look before answering, ''The most powerful and fearsome pirate in history. Everyone knows that. He has a fleet large enough to take on the Empire's navy''.

  ''Do you think he is on that ship?''.

  ''No, I don't think so. Those are just scout ships'', answered Julian, who was standing nearby.

  The two vessels were now passing on either side of the Flying Wolf. Neither the pirates nor the Imperial guard were making a move. The pirates leered at us from their ship as they passed by. Stonearm's crew was almost trembling with fear.

  ''NOO! '', I heard Julian shout.

  I whirled around, just in time to see an arrow whistling towards a pirate ship. It struck the quartermaster right between his eyes, who staggered backwards, tripped over the railing and fell into the ocean with a loud splash.

  ''I SAID, DO NOT FIRE! '', shouted Stonearm, as he strode towards the crew member who had loosed the arrow.

  The giant picked him up by the scruff of his neck and hurled him headfirst into the pirate ship.

  Suddenly, the pirates started shouting, waving their swords. The crew started to panic as grappling lines wrapped around the rails,  burying their claws into the wood.

  ''FIRE! '', shouted the Wolf Lord, before the pirates could board the ship.

  The air was filled with deafening sounds as the ship fired the cannons. Before the pirates were able to recover from the initial shock, the captain shouted.


  ''We are dead'', muttered Alice.

  ''Why?'', I asked, glancing around nervously.

  ''Because these idiots almost destroyed their ships. They will be back''.

  The Flying Wolf started gaining speed as the crew members cut off the grappling lines with their swords. I glanced back, towards the aft, expecting the pirate ships to be on our tail, but they stood stationary.

  ''You should not have fired at them. At least not with a single ship. They will be back in numbers'', said Julian.

  ''We might be able to fight them from Southfay'', replied Alistair.

  Morgan snorted, ''Did you not see the fires. Southfay is already under the Pirate lord's control. You cannot take the city with a single ship. Our only hope is reaching the base at Westerport before more of his ships arrive. They will not dare attack us near the naval base''.

  ''What are your orders, my lord'', asked the captain, looking at Stonearm.

  ''Set course to Westerport!''.

  I jolted upright, as the sound of alarm bells tore through the night. It w
as a moment before I realized that we were under attack.

  ''Alice! Wake up!'', I shouted, shaking her shoulders.

  ''Wh..What?!'', she stuttered, rubbing her eyes.

  ''The ship is under attack!''.

  I dashed out onto the deck, followed by Alice. The crew members were running around, carrying crates of explosives towards the cannons.

  Alice grabbed my shoulder and pointed towards the aft. I could see three warships emerging from the darkness of the night. Their sails were emblazoned with a huge hooded skull inside a circle of bones.

  ''I knew this was going to happen'', she whispered.

  Everyone was on the main deck. Stonearm had his huge scimitar ready on his shoulder.

  ''Westerport!'', someone shouted from the forecastle.

  ''MORE SPEED! SPREAD ALL THE SAILS! '', shouted the captain.

  I could see lights shining at a distance, as the city of Westerport came into view.

  The two ships at the sides broke formation, steadily gaining on us. In no time, we were surrounded by three warships, one at the aft and two on either side.

  ''LOAD THE CANNONS AND WAIT FOR MY COMMAND! '', shouted the giant.

  Alice ran towards one of the ballistae, to help the crew load the spears.

  We were doomed. There was no way we could take on three warships. Suddenly, I remembered something. I slipped into the captain's quarters and started searching. I found the keys hanging near the bed.

  I hurried down the ladder. The gun deck was busy with activity. The cannons were being loaded, ready to be fired. No one noticed me sneaking down the decks into the hold.

  I heard a deafening sound as the ships fired the cannons. The whole vessel shook and creaked under the impact. I ran towards the cells and threw the keys at Ronin's feet.

  ''Don't come back''.

  Just as he grabbed the keys, I heard a massive groan, and the ship started listing towards starboard. I ran back up the ladder as fast as I could.

  By the time I reached the gun deck, all the lanterns had gone out, and there was no one around. It seemed like the crew had already abandoned ship. The pirate vessels fired another volley and the Flying Wolf  was ripped apart.

  I ducked as a cannonball whistled past my head, blowing a hole in the side of the ship. I took a deep breath, as the water started pouring in. I was trapped! I pushed against the hatch, but it failed to yield. The ship was already sinking.

  I swam around, trying to find an opening, but to no avail. The water started filling my lungs, pulling me deeper into the watery grave. Everything around me was plunged into darkness as I began losing consciousness.

               _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  A few days back.........

  The wind howled through the night, carrying with it, a cold breeze. Dark clouds blanketed the sky. A lone raven flew towards the huge black castle that loomed at the edge of the capital city of Aregon, with its northern face falling steeply into the precipice below. The black towers reflected the pale moonlight that seeped in through the clouds.

  The bird flew in through one of the narrow windows of the tallest tower, and came to rest on the shoulder of a woman, who was sitting on the cold floor, surrounded by strange plants and crystal orbs. Bright lanterns hung from the ceiling, casting dark shadows across the room.

  She was clad in black robes. The raven croaked and dropped a small note on her lap. Her dark eyes narrowed as she opened the note and started reading.

  ''Please, let me go!'', came a voice from one of the cells that lined the wall.

  The Witch turned her attention towards the prisoner. ''Soon, very soon. You see, the Vlarik are too weak, like their counterparts. I need better ones. Faster and stronger'', she smiled.

  ''What are going to do to me?'', asked the voice, fearfully.

  ''I am going to make you more powerful''.

  The person inside the cell was dressed in rags. He had slanted eyes and pointed ears. His golden hair was matted with gore. It was an elf.

  She rose to her feet and the door opened of its own accord, closing behind her. She made her way down the stairs, through dark corridors, until she reached a set of black double doors. The guards bowed and flung them open.

  At the far end of the hall was a black throne, on which sat the Emperor in his red armor. A golden circlet rested on his forehead.

  The woman bowed before the throne and held out the note. ''The girl lives. I warned you not to trust them''.

  The Emperor frowned, ''I see. Do you know where she is?''.

  ''The vlarik spotted her in Beachcastle, but when they tried to capture her, the werewolf interfered and killed one of them''.

  ''I was foolish to trust that lycan'', he grimaced. ''How many of the Imperial Guard remain in the capital?''.

  ''Only one besides me, my lord. Europa has returned to Cerebrene and the Huntress is in Targantine. The only one remaining is Ronin, the mercenary''.

  ''Bring him to me'', he said, gesturing at one of the guards.

  ''But my lord, he is an arrogant fool. He will surely fail. Send me instead'', said the Witch.

  ''No. I shall hear no more of it, Zelda. I need you here in the capital. Let him take care of the girl. I am sure he knows the consequences of failure''.

  The doors opened and Ronin walked in. He bowed to the king. ''You summoned me, your highness?''.

  ''Ronin, I have an important task for you. Go to Beachcastle and find Scarlett Ironfang. Bring me her head. Let's see if you are as good as you say you are. If you fail, I will have your head on a pike''.

  ''Yes, my lord'', he said, bowing.

  Zelda snorted in contempt. Ronin turned his eyes on her, giving her a wicked smile. Without warning, he dashed towards the Witch. She raised her hands reflexively, but he had already disappeared before she could open her mouth.

  The Emperor continued, ''I will deal with them later, and as for you, send in more troops to the south. If Alistair Talbot has turned, it won't be long before Hector starts mobilizing his packs''.

  The Witch bowed and stormed out of the door. She was seething in anger. She wanted to kill Lucien's daughter with her own hands. Lucien, who had killed her brother in cold blood.

  Zelda Hallowlight was meditating with her eyes closed. Her lips were moving silently. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She raised her hand and the door opened.

  A young man was standing at the doorway. He had green eyes and shoulder length black hair. He was dressed in a black cloak.

  ''You sent for me, mother?''.

  ''Yes, I need you to do something for me. Can I trust you with this task?''.

  ''Yes, mother. Anything for you''.

  ''I want you to go to Beachcastle and bring me Scarlett Ironfang. Bring her alive, and make haste. That harebrained assassin is already on his way. Get to her before he ruins everything. Bring her directly to me''.

  ''As you command, mother'', he said, giving her a slight bow.

  ''Be careful, Morgan. I have a feeling that the giant and the lycan have already turned against the Empire''.

  ''Do not worry, mother. Those two won't even have a clue who I really am. She will be yours within a fortnight. Have you forgotten that it was me who had captured her elusive mother, Victoria, fifteen years back''.

