Read Atlantis The Beginning Page 3

6. Silver Of Atlantis

  I jerked awake, gasping for air, as I felt a sudden pressure on my chest. I sputtered, water pouring out of my mouth. I rolled over and took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

  As I opened my eyes, I saw Alice kneeling beside me. Behind her stood Morgan, both their clothes were dripping wet. Alice sighed in relief when I sat up.

  ''Scar! Thank the gods. I was worried sick. Are you alright?'', she asked.

  I nodded reassuringly. ''How did I get out?'', I asked. ''I was trapped''.

  ''We dragged you out. Of course, Morgan had to blow the deck'', Alice replied. ''We had abandoned ship, but you were nowhere to be seen. So I called out for help. Morgan tore apart the ship with his magic. We found you inside the gun deck, unconscious''.

  I looked around, taking in my surroundings. The pirate ships were retreating, three tiny specks on the horizon. The city lights of Westerport shone at a distance. We were near the edge of a forest.

  ''What about the others? Where are they'', I asked.

  ''They are probably inside the city by now. If you want to escape and save your parents, this is your only chance. Are you sure you want to do this?'', asked Morgan.

  ''Yes'', I replied. ''Let's go''.

  ''Can you stand?'', asked Alice, looking at me uncertainly.

  ''Yes, I'm alright''.

  I felt a little woozy, but I was able to walk.

  ''I think it is better if we keep off the roads for now'', said Morgan. ''It won't be long before they notice our absence''.

  It was almost dawn. We plodded on in silence, following a winding path, bordered by tall cedar trees.

  By sunset, we had covered almost five leagues. After walking for another couple of miles, we decided to set up camp in a small clearing, dotted with gnarled junipers.

  ''This is as good place as any'', said Alice, throwing down her pack.

  The moon was shining bright in the velvet sky, dappling the ground with faint silver light. I shivered as I felt a cool breeze pass by.

  ''I will get some firewood'', said Morgan, before disappearing into the darkness. Alice grabbed a couple of apples from her backpack and passed one to me. She had probably salvaged them from the wreckage.

  Alice looked at me suspiciously and asked, ''Scar, What were you doing below deck ?''.

  ''Nothing'', I lied, averting my eyes.

  ''Really, Scar? I know when you lie'', she said.

  ''Fine, I was just helping the prisoner. I gave him a chance to escape'', I said. ''Drowning in a locked cage is a bad way to go''.

  She looked at me incredulously, ''The one who tried to kill you?''.

  ''I know it was stupid, but, like my mother used to say, one good deed can turn an enemy into a friend''.

  ''Sure sweetheart, whatever you say'', she replied, rolling her eyes. ''I hope he doesn't come after you again''.

  ''Thank you, Alice''.

  ''For what?''.

  ''For dragging me out of the water'', I replied, my lips curving in a smile.

  ''Thank Morgan for that. You could have killed yourself'', she scowled.

  I watched the fire dancing over the throbbing coals. It cast a reddish light across the clearing. Occasionally, orange sparks shot out, before disappearing into the night.

  ''I am sorry. But I had to do it, at least to rest my conscience''.

  ''I cannot believe you are a vampire'', she snorted.

  ''Half vampire'', I corrected.

  ''Sure'', she smiled.

  It was almost an hour, before Morgan returned with some firewood and a couple of rabbits. After cleaning the carcass, he impaled it on a spit, and suspended it over the fire, rotating it with magic.

  After we had eaten our fill, I spread my cloak on the ground. It was very uncomfortable, but I had fallen asleep in worse conditions before.

  ''Here'', said Alice, handing me a spare blanket from her pack.

  ''Thank you'', I whispered, pulling the blanket over me.

  The sky was clear and starry. Light wisps of mist crept from the ground. I stared at the swaying branches, thinking about my mother and friends, back in Atlantis.

  I wondered what Alec and Damon were up to, or if they knew about our plight. I closed my eyes, and after a few seconds, slumber slowly overtook me.

  The next morning was cold and clammy. My whole body ached and my neck was stiff. Alice was already up and was trying to build a fire. I went over to the tiny stream that trickled nearby and washed my face.

  After a light breakfast, we continued our journey north. The ground was getting rougher, covered with thorns and brambles. I had a strange feeling that we were being watched by unfriendly eyes.

  ''We have to move fast'', said Morgan. ''Even I cannot fight more than one werewolf. Especially not from the first pack''.

  ''You think they will send a whole pack?'', I asked, surprised.

  ''At the very least. You are very important to them, especially if they are trying to declare a war on Aregon''.

  As we trudged on through the tangled forest, the trees started to get closer and thicker. Upon that, a dense fog had started to creep in. I could barely see Alice walking in front of me.

  ''Morgan?'', called Alice.

  She stopped and looked back at me. ''Where is he? I think we lost him. I cannot see anything in this fog''.

  ''Here!'', came a faint reply from further down the path.

  Suddenly, I heard a croak of a raven at a distance. The cry was answered by at least a dozen birds. It sounded ominous in the mist and sent chills crawling down my spine.

  ''I think it is better if we rest for a while'', said Morgan. ''At least till the fog clears''.

  We found a small clearing down the path. I slumped on the ground, leaning against a large oak. Alice sat down beside me.

  ''Wait here. I'll try to gather some food. Soon it will be dark'', said Morgan, before disappearing into the fog.

  I gazed at the branches above, as we waited in silence for Morgan to return. It was starting to get cold.

  ''What do you think of him?'', asked Alice.


  ''You know who I mean'', she replied, rolling her eyes.

  ''I don't know. He seems good enough. Maybe a little mysterious'', I said, looking at her. ''You still don't trust him, do you?''.

  ''I don't know'', she replied, tracing an outline of a skull on the ground. ''I find it a little strange that Alistair and Stonearm did not know about him''.

  ''Yeah, but he helped us to escape'', I said.

  Alice was silent for a minute, before she pushed herself on her feet and said, ''I'll be back in a few seconds''.

  I nodded absentmindedly. My legs ached from walking for so long. Slowly, I started drifting off to sleep.

  I woke up with a start, when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. It was Alice.

  ''Wake up!....We have to leave now....He is with the Empire'', she panted, trying to catch her breath.


  ''Morgan. He was sent by the Witch. I overheard him arguing with that dark thing that attacked us in Beachcastle''.

  ''No, it can't be'', I whispered in shock.

  ''I saw them with my own eyes, Scar. We have to leave before he returns''.

  Suddenly, the air was rent with the croaking of ravens. We looked at each other, our eyes wide with fear.

  Alice lifted a finger to her lips.

  ''They are nearby, do not make any sound'', she warned.

  We carefully moved forward through the mist, straining our ears.

  ''Wait'', I whispered to Alice. ''Can you hear that?''.

  ''Hear what?'', she whispered back.

  I heard faint, whispering voices coming nearer. ''….cannot kill her........take her to my mother.....''.

  ''We were ordered to kill the red head. We have to kill the girl'', replied a harsh, guttural voice.

  I felt chills travel through my spine when I heard that cold voice. It was the cloaked creature from Beachcastle!

  ''It's them!''.
  ''Let's go!'', whispered Alice, grabbing my hand. Together, we started running in the opposite direction.

  We strode through the jungle, stumbling through the dense undergrowth. After sprinting continuously for quite a while, we stopped to catch our breath.

  ''We can't stay in one place for long. He will have already noticed our absence''.

  We trudged on through the forest, with no idea where we were going. At about noon the woodland started thinning and we reached a small clearing.

  I caught a sudden movement through the corner of my eyes. The next moment, I was pinned to a tree by an invisible force.

  ''Alice'', I gasped.

  But the cloaked creature already had a knife to her throat.

  Morgan walked out from behind one of the trees. ''I guess the cover's up''.

  ''Let me go!'', I snarled.

  ''Did you really think that you could escape me'', he chuckled.

  ''Why are you doing this?'', I asked. ''You said you were going to help me''.

  ''It is nothing personal. It's just a little favor to my mother. You see, she has some grudge against your father, Lucien, and she wants to take it out on his daughter''.

  ''I could've taken you to her without a fuss, if not for that damned vlarik'', he said, throwing a contemptuous glance at the cloaked creature. ''She and her useless experiments'', he muttered in exasperation.

  He smiled at the puzzled expression on my face. ''They were human once, before being mutilated by her dark magic. They are a product of my mother's experiments''.

  ''You are just another monster, just like them'', sneered Alice, her hand slowly creeping towards the knife at her belt.

  Suddenly, she grabbed the creature's hand and spun around, burying her knife in it's chest.

  It screamed in pain clutching its chest, but before Alice could land another blow, it recovered and caught the knife with its hand.

  ''Kill her!'', ordered Morgan, lazily pointing at Alice, who screamed and collapsed to the floor, clutching her head.

  ''No, Alice. I'm not like them. I am far more powerful'', he sneered, a cruel smile curving his lips.

  ''Let her go!'', I shouted, struggling to get free.

  He looked at me with an evil grin on his face, and my head exploded in pain.

  ''Did you know that it was me who captured your dear mother. She was quite brave, ready to sacrifice her life to save you. Now she is imprisoned in the dark dungeons of the black castle, barely alive, all because of you''.

  ''Shut up, you vile bastard!'', I screamed, as he laughed again.

  I was filled with bubbling hatred towards him. He had tricked me and now he was taking pleasure in mocking us.

  ''I cannot decide whether I should take you to my mother or kill you myself. She would probably use you in one of her experiments''.

  The vlarik grabbed Alice by her shoulder and dragged her towards a tree. It tied her hands with a length of rope, even as she struggled against its vice grip.

  ''Fight me like a man, you coward'', she shouted at Morgan.

  ''Silence her'', Morgan ordered the creature.

  The vlarik shoved Alice to her knees and raised its knife. ''I Will cut  out your sharp tongue first'', it growled. ''Or maybe.....AAARRGGHH''.

  Its sentence was cut short by a black dagger protruding from its mouth. It gurgled as black blood poured down on its cloak. It grabbed the blade, trying to pull it out.

  Suddenly, there was a whooshing sound, as something dark jumped down from the tree, landing behind the creature.

  The vlarik gasped, looking down at the pitch black blade protruding from its chest. The creature started dissolving into a thick, smoke like fluid which was absorbed by the blade.

  Someone was standing behind the creature, holding a huge two handed great sword. He wore a black cloak with a hood, his face covered by a scarf. Only his red eyes were visible. For a moment, I thought it was a vlarik, but the skin around his eyes was fair.

  ''You!'', gasped Morgan, staggering back a few steps. He looked at the newcomer with an expression of horror.

  The masked stranger picked up the dagger and stuck it in a sheath which was strapped to his lower leg. He stared at Morgan with his piercing eyes.

  ''It has been a long time, sorcerer. Give my regards to your mother'', he said, in a smooth voice.

  His eyes fell on Alice, who was kneeling on the ground. He walked towards her and severed her bonds. Morgan made no move to stop him. He was still rooted to the spot in shock.

  The masked man looked at Morgan and said in a cold voice. ''Let her go''.

  ''No, she is mine''.

  Morgan seemed to have recovered. He raised his hand and chains shot out from the ground, but the stranger was too quick. His sword flashed like lightning, parrying the chains. Morgan started muttering a curse, but nothing happened.

  ''Your spells don't work on me, sorcerer'', said the stranger, raising his black sword.

  ''Chaos'', gasped Morgan. ''So it was with you all along''.

  The masked man lunged forward, slashing with his blade, but before it could touch him, Morgan dissolved into a flock of ravens which dispersed into the sky.

  I felt the invisible hold loosening and I fell on the ground. The masked man offered his hand and pulled me on my feet. He handed me a wine skin bottle.

  ''Drink some water. It will make you feel better''.

  I took a long draught, before handing it to Alice, who emptied the whole bottle.

  ''Thanks'', I said, smiling uncertainly at the masked stranger. ''Who are you?''.

  ''You can call me Silver'', he said, throwing back his hood. He had long black hair, streaked with silver. He looked surprisingly young. ''You must be Lucien's daughter. He was a very honorable man''.

  ''You knew my father?'', I asked.

  ''We worked together for a long time'', said Silver, strapping the great sword to his back. ''When I left the Guard, he was trying to learn Viktor's secret. You see, Viktor is one of the ancients, he cannot be killed easily''.

  ''Are you a vampire too?'', I asked.

  ''I am now. I was turned by your father'', he replied, leaning against a tree.

  ''Why?'', I asked, surprised.

  ''When I escaped during the uprising, Viktor sent Lucien to hunt me down. Since he had imposed a huge bounty on my head, every bounty hunter in the country was after me. I was being attacked by a coven of vampires when your father found me. I was on the brink of death. Your father took pity on me and killed the whole coven. Since my injuries were too severe to heal, he turned me into a vampire. I owe him my life''.

  ''When was that?'', asked Alice.

  ''About a hundred years ago''.

  ''How old are you?'', gasped Alice.

  ''I don't keep count nowadays. But I was twenty five when I was turned''.

  ''What about the Emperor? Didn't he find out?'', I asked.

  ''No. Lucien convinced him that I had already left Aria''.

  ''Silver. I remember that name'', gasped Alice. ''You are from Atlantis'', she said, looking at him in awe. ''You were inducted into the Imperial Guard  at the age of fifteen, right after you finished your training at the academy''.

  ''Yes, that was during the time of the old king'', he said, looking at Alice. ''He was on one of his visits to Atlantis at that time. I was in the Arma, and the king was one of the main guests during the final test. I won the Hunter's mark and  king was impressed. He invited me to join the Imperial Guard'', he said, as he pulled back his cloak, displaying the trident tattoo on his neck.

  ''And your sword?'', asked Alice. ''Is it one of the five?''.

  ''You are one curious little girl, aren't you?'', he chuckled. ''Yes, I stole it from Viktor himself. That is one of the main reasons for imposing a huge bounty on my head, though I doubt anyone knew about the sword, except for Viktor himself. It is named 'Chaos', the darkest and most dangerous of all five swords''.

  ''How did you find us?'', I asked.

  ''I have an old friend who is
a witch. Her name is Selene Valdis. I had asked her to keep an eye on you. She warned me that you were in danger''.

  ''What about Morgan? Will he come back for me?'', I asked.

  ''No. I will make sure of that'', said Silver.

  I heard a faint howl from a distance.

  Silver straightened. ''I think it is time for me to leave. We will meet again, Scarlett and Alice. Till then stay with the lycans. You will be safe in Lycaonia for now''.

  He raised his head to the sky and made a strange sound with his mouth.

  Suddenly, a fiery bird flew down onto his shoulder. There was a sudden flash and they disappeared into thin air, leaving behind a circle of smoldering grass.

  ''Wow'', Alice whispered in awe.

  I heard a rustle of leaves as a dozen gigantic werewolves lumbered into the clearing. They grimaced, revealing dagger like teeth. Deep snarls rolled from their throat as they scanned the clearing. One of them sniffed at the burning grass and growled.

  The gray werewolf at the lead turned back to its human form. It was Alistair Talbot. He looked at us with annoyance.

  ''Where is he?''.

  We recounted the events. He looked up in surprise when I told him about Silver. Alice pitched in, making it look like we were abducted by Morgan.

  ''Your foolishness knows no bounds'', he growled in anger. ''Let's go. We have to rendezvous with the rest of the pack at the next village''.

  We followed the Wolf Lord through the jungle. The other werewolves padded along on either side.

  ''Try not to cause any more trouble'', he said, looking at us. ''We have to reach Lycaonia before Viktor sends his army. You are first ones they will take''.

  After walking for several miles, we finally reached the road. The rest of the pack, along with Stonearm and Julian was waiting at a small village, farther along the road. The members of the pack were huge and muscular, garbed in leather outfits.

  Stonearm was looking at us with annoyance. I scanned the landscape, trying to avoid those cold eyes.

  ''I warned you'', smirked Julian, catching up with us. ''But of course, you did not listen''.

  ''Shut up, Julian'', muttered Alice.

  Ragged clouds covered the sky, painted red by the setting sun. Since it was past dusk, the lycans decided to set up camp on the outskirts of the village.

  We set out early at dawn. The pack was carrying very little gear of war, since they fought with their claws and fangs. They had ponies to carry their supplies and tents.

  ''Lucas'', called Alistair Talbot, gesturing at one of his followers. ''Keep an eye on them'', he said, pointing at us.

  Lucas  was tall and broad shouldered. He had long brown hair and gray stormy eyes. He was younger than the Wolf Lord, almost our age. He smiled at us and winked.

  ''Hey, you two. My name is Lucas Talbot, Alpha of the second pack. It is a pleasure to meet you, Scarlett and Alice''.

  ''So, you are related to him?'', I asked, pointing at the Wolf Lord.

  ''Yes, Alistair is my cousin. He was quite beside himself when he found the two of you missing at Westerport'', he chuckled.

  Lucas seemed to be a cheerful company. He was quite different from his grumpy cousin.

  ''Let me get one thing straight'', said Alice. ''Are you as ill tempered as your cousin?''.

  ''So you noticed that, huh?'', he grinned.

  ''Noticed!'', snorted Alice.

  I smiled in amusement as they poked fun at the Wolf Lord.

  As the company headed south east, the countryside started becoming more rougher and barren. According to Lucas, out of hundred lycans, two had died during the siege.

  ''A hundred lycans took down a whole base?'', gasped Alice.

  ''There were only five hundred of them, since most of them were sent to recapture Southfay. They are probably dead by now''.

  ''Why did the Wolf King declare a war against the Emperor?'', I asked.

  ''Because Viktor betrayed him. He had promised all the lands below South Warren in exchange for his help in taking over the kingdom''.

  ''He helped that usurper?'', I asked.

  ''Yes'', he replied, staring at the ground. ''I know what you think. It was the greatest mistake he ever made. Who are we to question, when we are nothing but pawns in this game of war''.

  I pulled my cloak closely around me, as an icy breeze swept over the land. The lycans seemed to be unaffected by the cold, even though they were wearing light leather outfits.

  I was sitting on a fallen tree near the edge of the camp, chatting with Alice, when Julian walked over and sat beside us. He was carrying a long bundle in his hands.

  ''So how are my runaway pupils?'', he asked.

  ''We were just plotting how to kill you without Alistair noticing'', answered Alice, sarcastically.

  ''Sure, you were'', he chuckled.

  He opened the bundle and pulled out two swords.

  ''Here'', he said, handing over Shadowfang to me.

  He returned Alice's sword to her.

  ''So you want us to kill you right now?'', asked Alice.

  ''No'', he said, smiling. ''Now that the Emperor knows that you are still alive, he will start sending his minions after you. I thought it was safer if the two of you were armed''.

  ''Thank you'', I smiled.

  ''Do not lose it'', he said, pointing at my sword. ''It belongs to the Ironfang coven'', he said, ''But did you know that it is one of the five?''.

  ''What?!'', I gasped.

  ''I suspected'', said Alice, ''when you killed that vampire in Atlantis''.

  Julian nodded, ''Shadowfang is fatal to both vampires and werewolves. Anyway'', he continued, rising to his feet ''be careful, and don't get into any more trouble''.

  ''Watch your back Julian, I am not as forgiving as Scar'', Alice warned, giving him a wicked grin.

  ''I will keep that in mind'', he winked.

  We were given a tent at the edge of the camp. A couple of werewolves prowled outside, keeping watch. I flopped onto my bedroll and whispered goodnight to Alice, before closing my eyes.

  It was almost a week since the incident at Westerport. To the south, loomed the dim shapes of the mountains, their peaks rising above the dark clouds. The slopes glowed red wherever the sunlight slanted on them.

  The lycans were in a good mood, shouting and laughing raucously. The Wolf Lord, Alistair Talbot was at the lead, and Stonearm walked at the rear. I could feel his eyes on our backs.

  Alice looked back at the giant and said, ''Relax, we are not going to run. Even if we tried, the wolves would be upon us before we could say goodbye''.

  The giant ignored her. The lycans stared at her with wide eyes as if she were crazy. Almost everyone was intimidated by the giant, except her.

  Lucas chuckled in amusement. ''You have got a death wish, Alice''.

  ''Definitely'', I agreed.

  ''Look who is talking'', she said, giving me a sideways look.

  ''That was one time'', I muttered, making a face at her.

  The path slowly started getting steeper. At some places it was blocked with boulders. I jumped in alarm as the giant pulverized a large stone in his path with the scimitar.

  ''Does he have to do that?'', sighed Alice, rolling her eyes in exasperation.

  ''How long do we have to walk?'', I asked, as I staggered behind the lycans.

  ''Believe me'', snorted Lucas. ''We have not even covered half the distance''.

  Soon, it started getting darker as the sun was covered with heavy black clouds, signaling a heavy storm. The wind howled, ripping at the trees.

  Alistair Talbot raised his hand, signaling the company to stop.

  ''We cannot go any further in this weather and it is already dark'', he said. ''Set up camp under that rock outcropping''.

  It was impossible to build a fire, so dinner was cold. As it began to rain, I rushed inside the tent that was assigned to us.

  ''I hope this tent doesn't blow away in the storm'', muttered Alice, who was spreading her bedroll on the

  ''Yeah'', I agreed, as the howl of the wind increased in intensity.

  The morning sky was clear blue, without any trace of the clouds. After a light breakfast, we were back on our way.

  We trudged along doggedly, footsore and tired. Lucas walked beside us.

  ''How far is the Wolf Capital?'', sighed Alice.

  ''Maybe another fortnight, if all goes well'', replied Lucas, smiling in amusement.

  ''So, only werewolves live in Lycaonia?'', I asked.

  ''It is too dangerous for humans. Though there are some human villages on the outskirts of the Wolf Capital. Lycaonia is surrounded by an impenetrable fortress, backed up against a mountain. Its defenses rival that of Argent itself''.

  At a distance, I saw a line of low hills. Mounds of green that rose from the flat land, surrounded by a thick layer of fog.

  ''Beyond that hill lies Crystal Mill, the mining village'', said Lucas.

  By the time we reached the hills, the day was finally drawing to an end. We slowly climbed up the slope, which was blanketed with thick grass, broken only by several oak trees that protruded from the earth . After walking for several minutes, we finally reached the summit.

  Standing on the crest of the hill, I could see the village of Crystal Mill nestled in the valley below. To the south rose three mountains, its base covered by a dense fog.

  The Wolf Lord raised his hand, signaling the company to stop.

  ''The Empire's banner!'', Julian exclaimed.

  Below us, I saw hundreds of tents on the outskirts of the village, swarming with the Empire's soldiers. The perimeter was surrounded by multiple watch fires, where the sentries kept watch.

  Lucas was acting strange, sniffing at the air.

  ''Vampires!'', he exclaimed. ''At least a hundred''.

  ''To guard a single village?'', asked Alice, with a puzzled expression on her face.

  Stonearm strode forward, looking down at the small army below them.

  ''Viktor's breed'', he spat. ''We must kill every last one of them''.

  ''Crystal Mill has one of the largest gold mines in all of Aria'', said Julian, answering Alice's query. ''It would be a huge blow to his resources if he loses Crystal Mill''.

  ''How are we supposed to pass through the village?'', asked Lucas.

  ''We fight'', said Stonearm, relishing the thought.

  ''Viktor already knows that we have Scarlett'', said Julian. ''It won't be long before he sends one of the Guard''.

  ''We have no other choice'', said the Wolf Lord. ''We have to go through the village or take a circuitous route through the cliffs. We are already late as it is''. He turned around to face his pack, ''Get some rest, we attack at dawn''.
