Read Atlantis The Beginning Page 6

  9. The Dark Side

  It had been a couple of days since we arrived at the Wolf Capital. We had been assigned our own quarters within the citadel.

  The room was quite big and airy, with two soft beds and an intricate table at the center. There were two high windows facing the east.

  ''Scar, let's go out'', sighed Alice. ''I am bored''.

  ''Alright'', I nodded.

  ''Wear a hooded cloak or something'', she suggested. ''I don't want to take any chances''.

  I grabbed a cloak and we made our way down to the entrance hall of the citadel.

  ''Do you think we are allowed to go out?'', I asked, glancing around nervously.

  ''Nobody is stopping us, so I guess it is alright'', shrugged Alice.

  ''Probably because I am wearing a hood'', I muttered.

  I looked around the streets. The sun was shining down brightly on the city, its light reflecting off the white, ornate houses.

  Behind us loomed the lone mountain of Lycaonia, at the base of which nestled the white citadel. Armed soldiers roamed around the battlements.

  ''Look at all this. I imagined the city of lycans would me more unruly. It all looks so peaceful'', I said, looking at Alice.

  We went down to the stables, where the horses were kept. I saw a stable boy, brushing one of the horses outside.

  He looked young, about twelve years old. When he saw us, he put down the brush and smiled at us, bowing slightly.

  ''You must be Scarlett Ironfang'', he said, ''It is an honor to see you in person''.

  ''How did you know?'', I asked, surprised.

  ''Word spreads'', he shrugged. ''And your eye patch is a major giveaway''.

  ''Next time wear a mask'', whispered Alice.

  We went inside one of the barns, which was lined with long rows of stalls. The wall was covered with saddles, harness and other equipment. The stallions moved restlessly as we walked towards them.

  ''What is your name?'', I asked, looking at the stable boy.

  ''Laurent'', he replied.

  One of the stallions caught my eye. It was pitch black with a white patch on its forehead.

  ''That is Blackflame'', said Laurent, following my eyes. ''He is one of the best war horses''.

  It sniffed my hair and tried to lick my face. I softly brushed its head. It looked at me balefully with its large brown eyes.

  Alice was feeding a gray stallion with hay from her hand. It smelled her hand before it started eating.

  ''That is Graybolt''.

  ''Why do they have horses?'', asked Alice. ''They are faster in their wolf form''.

  ''For war'', replied Laurent. ''Not everyone in Lycaonia are werewolves''.

  The streets were full of people going about their business. The plan of the city was systematic. The houses got gradually bigger as they neared the citadel. The streets were clean and the vendors were given a particular spot to set up their stalls.

  ''Scar, you know what'', said Alice. ''Let us climb to the top of those walls. I bet we can even see beyond the river from the battlements''.

  ''Are you crazy? There will be guards'', I replied.

  ''Are you scared? The great Scarlett Ironfang is scared of guards'', she mocked.

  ''Fine!'', I snarled, giving in to her taunting, ''But let us take some food with us. I am hungry''.

  We went down to the kitchens and filled our pockets with food. We even took a waterskin, in case we felt thirsty.

  ''The food is really good. It has been a long time since I had something other than half cooked meat and stale bread'', sighed Alice, as we made our way towards the wall, stuffing our mouth with food.

  The guards looked at us suspiciously, but kept their distance. We peered over the parapets. The view from the walkway was breathtaking.

  ''Wow, look at that'', Alice gasped in awe.

  Beyond the Zhor river, stretched the green plains, bathed in gold by the sunlight. The sky was clear, with only a few wisps of cloud. Standards, bearing the crest of the wolf capital flowed down from the ramparts.

  Below us, the land between the wall and the river was dotted with small cottages and farmhouses. A number of roads and tracks crisscrossed through their midst. I was able to see travelers and wagons on the road, who looked no larger than my little finger from this height.

  ''All these farmlands are going to come in handy during a war'', said Alice.

  We sat down on the battlements and ate the food, enjoying the beautiful view.

  Slowly, the sun started to set and the guards told us to return to the citadel.

  The streets were bathed in a dim light from the lamp posts installed at regular intervals. There was no one to be seen.

  ''I hope they don't notice our absence'', I muttered.

  ''Don't worry, Scar. It's not like we were outside the gates''.

  Suddenly, I heard a low growl from one of the dark alleys.

  ''Look out'', I screamed, just as something huge jumped on me and dragged me to the ground. A werewolf!

  It grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into an alley. Alice drew her sword and came running after me.

  More werewolves appeared at the mouth of the alley, completely trapping us inside. Alice stood her ground, firmly gripping her sword. The werewolves advanced, baring their fangs.

  These werewolves were smaller than the ones I had traveled with. One of the werewolves morphed back into its human form and stepped forward.

  I jumped back on my feet. When I reached for my sword, the wolves snarled at me in warning.

  ''Scarlett Ironfang'', sneered the lycan. ''You have made some really big enemies, haven't you?''.

  ''What do you want?'', I asked, my hand on the pommel of Shadowfang.

  ''It is nothing personal. The bounty on your head is too large for us to ignore. We could be rich. Maybe I can even build my own pack'', he said, his eyes shining with greed.

  ''Is this for gold?'', asked Alice. ''Do you  realize that a war is brewing and Scarlett is your only chance against the Emperor?''.

  ''We do not care about the war. We will just make peace with the winning side. It doesn't matter as long as you are rich''.

  ''You are traitors to your own kind. You have no honor'', spat Alice, raising her sword.

  I kicked the lycan in the chest and drew Shadowfang. The werewolves charged forward, feral snarls ripping through their throats.

  Just as a werewolf lunged at me, I stabbed its flank, and it went down, yelping in pain. It struggled for a few seconds before it went still. I remembered that Shadowfang was deadly for lycans too.

  The other werewolves were taut with rage. They ignored Alice and charged directly at me. I was able to kill one more, before I went down.

  ''Kill her!'', snarled the lycan, standing behind the raging werewolves.

  Suddenly, I heard a louder and more frightening snarl from behind the lycan. The werewolves that were snapping at my face, whimpered nervously and slunk back.

  ''M..My lord'', stammered the lycan, looking in fear at the gigantic werewolf behind him.

  He staggered back in fear and started transforming as the larger werewolf charged.

  He was no match for the larger wolf, which sank its fangs into him and shook him like a rag doll, before throwing him at the wall. The lifeless form of the wolf fell on the ground with a thud.

  The rest of the werewolves scattered, climbing over the walls. The bigger wolf raised its maw to the sky and howled into the night.

  A few seconds later, it was answered by many distant howls.

  The gigantic werewolf in front of us morphed back into its human form. I couldn't make out his features in the dark.

  ''What are you two doing outside the citadel, this late?'', he asked. ''I was searching for you everywhere''.

  It was Lucas, Alpha of the second pack and right hand of the Wolf Lord.

  ''Oh, thank the gods it's you'', said Alice. ''I thought it was Alistair''.

  ''You are very good at attracting trouble, aren't you?''.
  ''We were returning from the walls when we were ambushed. They were after Scar's bounty'', said Alice.

  Just then, the werewolves from his pack arrived. Lucas told them what had happened. The werewolves sniffed around the alley. As soon as they caught the scent, they darted off into the night.

  ''It's dangerous here, even under our very noses. I apologize that you had to see the dark side of Lycaonia'', he said. ''Come, let us go back to the citadel''.

  ''Thank you, Lucas'', I said.

  ''Be more careful next time'', he warned. ''Especially you, Scarlett. I will have my sister to keep an eye on you two''.

  ''I hope she is more like you and not like Alistair'', muttered Alice.

  ''Don't worry, she is alright. She is a substitute Alpha for the first pack when Alistair isn't around''.

  We finally reached the citadel. Lucas nodded at the guards and they opened the gates.

  ''Go back to your quarters'', said Lucas.

  ''What about you?'', I asked.

  ''I still have some work to do'', he said, before he morphed and  darted off into the night.

  We headed back to our room. The corridors were almost empty, except for some servants who passed by.

  ''That was terrifying'', I whispered, still shaken from the experience. ''If Lucas wasn't there I would be dead by now''.

  ''Tell me about it'', muttered Alice, her face white with fear.

  As soon as we reached our room, I undressed and snuggled under the covers.

  Pale moonlight shone through the slit windows, washing the interior with a faint silver glow. The bed felt soft and comfortable. Within a few minutes, I was sound asleep.

  I woke up to the sound of knocking at the door. The sun was already up. I looked over at the next bed and saw Alice still asleep. I picked up my pillow and hurled it at her.

  ''What?!'', she asked, looking around with groggy eyes.

  I shrugged, pointing at the door. She looked at me with narrow eyes, before slumping back on her pillow.

  I sighed and slipped out of bed. ''Give me a minute!'', I shouted at the door, before heading to the washroom.

  As soon I was dressed in fresh clothes, I opened the door. A young pretty girl, slightly older than me, was standing outside, leaning against the wall. She had short, dark hair and gray eyes.

  ''So you must be Scarlett Ironfang'', she said, staring at my hair. ''My name is Lucy Talbot. Lucas has told me a lot about you. Anyway, I came here to tell you that you have been summoned by the Wolf King''.

  ''Both of us?'', I asked.

  ''No, she can stay'', replied Lucy.

  Alice poked her head out of the covers and stuck out her tongue, as I gritted my teeth.

  ''You are his sister?'', I asked.

  ''Yeah'', she answered. ''What happened to your eye?''.

  ''I lost it during the Hunter's test, back in Atlantis'', I said. ''One of the participants went rogue and attacked us''.

  ''The eye patch looks good'', she winked. ''Captain Scarlett''.

  ''Alice made it'', I laughed.

  The King of lycans, Hector Talbot, was sitting on his throne. Half a dozen lycans were standing near the foot of the dais. They stared at me curiously. I assumed they were the Alphas of different packs. Even Julian was present.

  Lucas smiled at me as we joined him, after bowing to the king.

  ''Scarlett Ironfang, is it true that you were attacked last night?'', asked the Wolf King in a deep voice, his dark eyes boring into mine.

  ''Yes, my lord'', I replied.

  The Wolf King nodded at Lucas, who gestured at the men standing at the doorway. They brought in six lycans, bound in chains, escorted by armed guards.

  ''These are the ones?'', asked the Wolf King.

  ''I do not know, my lord'', I replied. ''They were in their wolf form''.

  ''They are the ones who attacked her'', confirmed Lucas. ''I was there''.

  ''Which pack are you from?'', asked the Wolf King, looking at the captives.

  ''Mine'', answered a lycan who was standing beside Julian.

  He was tall, with broad shoulders and a fierce, handsome face. He strode towards the prisoners. His pupils glowed red, as his fingers elongated into claws. He was trembling with rage.

  ''Is it true'', he snarled at one of the captives.

  ''N..No my lord'', stammered the suspect.

  But his eyes betrayed his words.

  ''What have you done? You are disgrace to the pack and the whole of Lycaonia'', the Alpha roared in anger, as his hands slashed through the air.

  The next moment, the lycan's head was rolling on the floor. The rest of the captives shrunk back in fear.

  ''Calm down, Norman'', called Lucas.

  ''Do not interfere, Lucas. I can discipline my own pack without your help'', he spat. ''I will deal with the rest of you later'', he said in a menacing voice, as he cleaned the blood off his hands on one of the prisoner's the clothes. ''Clap them in silver'', the Alpha ordered the guards.

  ''That is Norman, Alpha of the ninth pack'', Lucy whispered in my ear. ''He is a major hothead''.

  Norman bowed to the King. ''I apologize for the disgrace that my pack has brought upon Lycaonia''.

  ''You are not responsible for their individual actions, although keep a closer watch on your pack from now on'', said the Wolf King.

  ''I will, my Lord''.

  I was sill staring with my mouth hanging open, when the Alpha turned towards me. I stepped back nervously.

  His eyes cleared and he smiled apologetically, ''I am very sorry, my lady. I promise it won't happen again''.

  I nodded and gave him an uncertain smile. He resumed his place beside Julian and looked forward as if nothing had happened.

  The Wolf King cleared his throat and looked at me, ''Scarlett Ironfang, the reason you were brought here to the Wolf Capital is because of the prophecy, according to which, you are destined to bring about Viktor's downfall. I assume you already know that''.

  ''Yes, my Lord'', I bowed.

  ''I have a proposal for you'', he continued. ''In exchange for your assistance to bring down Viktor, I will help you free your parents''.

  ''I am ready to help, but I don't know how I am supposed to fight the immortal Emperor. I am just a normal hunter from Atlantis. Anyone in this hall has a better chance of defeating him than me''.

  ''You are the daughter of Lucien Ironfang, one of the greatest warriors in history. Do not forget your bloodline. The time has come for you to embrace your true self. Together we can defeat Viktor''.

  ''Yes, I will do all I can to help you'', I bowed. ''For my parents''.

  ''You will have them back'', replied the Wolf King, before he turned towards Lucy. ''You know what to do''.

  ''Yes, my lord. We will start tomorrow'', she replied.

  ''You can leave'', said the Wolf King, waving his hand.

  I headed back to my room, followed by Lucy. I was still wondering about what the King had said. Lucy answered before I could ask.

  ''We will start your training tomorrow. First you must learn to control your dark side'', she said.

  ''You mean my vampire side?''.

  She nodded, smiling at me. ''Anyway, get some rest, and don't sneak out. Tomorrow is a big day. Lucas has asked me to keep an watchful eye on the two of you and I will''.

  ''We won't'', I assured her.

  She gave me one last piercing look, before heading back. ''See you tomorrow'', she said.

  As I entered the room, I saw Alice sitting near the window.

  ''So, what happened?'', she asked.

  ''I made a deal with the Wolf King. Not that I really had a choice'', I sighed.

  ''Did he agree to help you free your parents?'', asked Alice.

  I nodded and Alice beamed, ''Now you have a real chance at freeing them. These Arians take prophecies too seriously. I have no idea how you are going to kill the Emperor. You can't even defeat me'', she snorted.

  ''Thanks for boosting my confidence'', I said sarcastically, p
ulling at her hair.

  ''Ouch, let go!''.

  Lucy's plan turned out to be locking me in a dungeon cell. Alice was grinning at me from the passage.

  ''This is better than I thought'', she smirked.

  ''Shut up!''.

  The bars were made of steel, impregnated with sunstone particles. According to Lucy, these cells were originally built to hold vampires.

  ''You have to trust me on this Scarlett'', said Lucy. She was standing outside with Lucas and Alice. Julian arrived a moment later, carrying a couple of waterskins.

  Lucy nodded at him, before turning to me, ''Scarlett, give me your wrist. The one with the sunstone''.

  I held out my hand through the bars. Lucy unclasped the bracelet and backed away.

  ''Get back!'', she warned the others.

  I felt a strange sensation, and suddenly, my head exploded in pain. I screamed in agony, collapsing on the floor. Something was happening to me. Slowly, I started losing consciousness.

  I could feel the darkness closing in on me, pinning me to the ground. My throat was dry and my lungs were on fire.

  Suddenly, I saw a light flare into existence. I could feel the warmth wafting from it. I could smell its sweet scent.

  I struggled to my feet and started towards it, but something was blocking my way. I pushed, but it wouldn't budge. I stepped back and crashed into it with all the force I could muster, and it shook. A little more force and it would break.


  I faintly heard someone calling my name.

  ''SCARLETT! ''

  Suddenly, I was jarred back into reality, and I saw everything around me clearly. More clearly than usual. I could even make out the tiny motes of dust in the air, and the indents in the bars, which were bent out of shape.

  I saw Alice, Lucas and Julian, standing outside the cell, staring at me in horror.

  ''Impossible!'', gasped Lucas. ''They had been made with sunstone''.

  ''It must be because she is half human, maybe the sunstone doesn't affect her as much'', said Lucy, uncertainly.

  ''Are you alright, Scar?'', asked Alice. She looked worried.

  I nodded. I was able to hear their heartbeats. I could even hear the voices from the upper levels  of the citadel.

  Suddenly, I felt the thirst again and my throat burst into flames. I went mad with blood lust. I could smell the scent of the blood flowing through their veins.

  But there were these bars blocking me. I stepped back and crashed into them again. It hurt a little, but it was nothing compared to the thirst.

  ''I'm thirsty'', I groaned.

  ''Julian!'', shouted Lucy, looking nervously at the bent bars. ''The blood!''.

  Julian slipped in something from the gap at the bottom of the bars. I could smell the scent of blood. It was a waterskin.

  I grabbed it and removed the cork. I started drinking, and the infernal thirst started to subside. I tossed the empty waterskin aside and licked my lips.

  ''Are you sure that you are alright'', asked Alice again.

  ''I am now. It was the thirst. I cannot control it. I think it is better if I stay in here for a while, at least till I learn to control the blood lust''.

  ''Hey, do not worry, I will keep you company till you get better'', said Alice.

  ''I guess I will have to keep an eye on you, so that you wont escape and suck Alice dry till there is nothing but a pile of bones left'', said Lucy, winking at Alice.

  ''Thanks for the detailed description'', said Alice, sarcastically.

  ''I won't'', I promised, smiling in amusement. My head was still hurting, and my throat was starting to itch.

  ''Julian, I think I might be needing more blood'', I said.

  He nodded and went upstairs. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes, trying to distract myself from the thirst.

  I had to control the yearning for blood. I had to be strong. I had to keep getting stronger, till I was powerful enough to rescue my parents.

  This was nothing compared to what they were going through. I would get them back no matter what, I promised myself.

  ''Hey Scar!'', called Alice. ''Remove the eye patch''.

  ''Why?'', I asked.

  ''Just do it. I have a hunch''.

  I removed the patch and gasped in surprise. I could see though my left eye.

  ''It's healed'', I exclaimed, beaming at Alice.

  ''Yeah'', she smiled.
