Read Atlantis The Beginning Page 5

8. To The Wolf Capital

  As we set out from the mining village, the sun was slowly climbing up on the horizon, bathing the sky with a reddish hue. A light breeze passed through the woods, rustling the leaves. The ground was covered with green, leafy undergrowth.

  The trees slowly started giving way to more barren land. I did not see any signs of living things, except for some small animals and reptiles.

  After some time, the ground slowly started to rise again and I was able to see a line of green hills at a distance.

  ''Those are the misty hills'', said Lucas, ''at the foot of which runs River Endor''.

  ''Like I care which river flows behind which hill'', sighed Alice.

  ''I wasn't talking to you, Alice. I was talking to Scarlett'', he replied, winking at me.

  ''Yeah, she is the only one who will listen to your crap'', smirked Alice.

  ''Hey Lucas, how many lycan packs are there in Lycaonia?'', I asked.

  ''Twelve'', he replied.

  ''So, twelve Alphas?'', asked Alice, with a spark of interest.

  ''Yes. The twelve Alphas make up the Lycan Council''.

  The sun had already disappeared beyond the horizon by the time we stopped to rest. We found a good camping spot near a clump of trees to spend the night.

  The lycans started a fire and made dinner. I watched the dying embers, as I sipped on the stew.

  After eating, I grabbed a bedroll and spread it on the ground. I was tired, but it took quite some time before I could sleep. .

  ''Goodnight Scar'', whispered Alice. ''Sleep tight''.

  ''Goodnight Alice'', I replied, closing my eyes.

  The next day, we started early after a light breakfast.

  ''Are you sure that Feon isn't already under the control of Empire's soldiers?'', I asked Lucas.

  ''Feon is an old abandoned town, even if there are soldiers, we have already sent a message to Lycaonia. Reinforcements will have arrived by the time we reach Feon''.

  ''Do you think it will be enough?''.

  ''I agree that the Empire is strong, but they cannot defeat us near our own Capital''.

  ''And why do we need a ship?'', I asked.

  ''To cross the lake'', he replied. ''It will take too long to skirt it by foot''.

  We plodded along all day, only taking very short breaks to rest the horses.

  Finally, we reached the hills. The company decided to camp near a small stream and start the climb at sunrise.

  Suddenly, one of the lookouts came lumbering from the north. The werewolf came to stop in front of the Wolf Lord and turned back to his human form.

  ''More of Viktor's soldiers have arrived from the north. I think they had already started from the base in South Warren even before we reached Crystal Mill. We must hurry, it won't be long before they catch up with us, and judging from their pace, all of them are vampires''.

  ''We leave at the break of dawn'', said the Wolf Lord. ''Take some rest. We must be ready to fight when they come''.

  An old stone bridge spanned the mighty river of Endor. The water rushed underneath, with a tremendous force, battering against the huge boulders that poked out from the water.

  The road looked like it hadn't been used in a long time, and was covered with grass and weed.

  ''No one uses this road anymore?'', asked Alice.

  ''Rarely. It was one of the most used route, back when Feon was major trade town, but there was feud and the townspeople split up. Half of the traders built a new town called Whitebridge, a little ways to the north. The rest moved down to Ithacus. Now it is just an old, abandoned set of buildings''.

  We followed the road for some time, before taking to the cover of trees.

  Suddenly, Alice gasped, ''Look!'', she said, pointing back the way we had come.

  A huge battalion of the empire's soldiers was marching down the slopes.

  ''Wait, is that Ragnor?'', I asked, pointing at the giant at the lead. It was difficult to make out clearly, but he was definitely a giant.

  ''Impossible'', said Lucas, staring at the giant in shock. ''We had buried him in the woods''.

  ''Well, he must have crawled out somehow'', said Alice.

  The rest of the company seemed to have noticed the enemy. Lord Stonearm growled in anger, looking at the giant.

  ''Stonearm'', called Alistair Talbot, ''we have to go, now. Our priority is getting the girl safely to Lycaonia''.

  Stonearm grunted in response. Alistair Talbot looked at the rest of the company, ''Quicken the pace. We need to hurry. We cannot take on a battalion of that size without suffering heavy casualties''.

  The forestland sloped southwards, covered with stunted trees and heavy shrubbery. We trudged along, tripping and stumbling through the thicket, though the lycans and the giant did not seem to have any problem.

  ''I'm tired of running'', sighed Alice.

  ''Me too'', I replied. ''It has been so long since I had some real sleep''.

  ''Yeah, you should say that to the vampires when they catch up with you two'', said Julian, who was walking beside us.

  Another day passed with the vampire army still on our tail. We rested only for three hours before we set out again. The lookouts reported that the vampires were gaining on us.

  Finally, we caught a glimpse of the old town through the trees. It was located on the shores of lake Vervain.

  ''There it is'', said Lucas. ''The town of Feon''.

  ''The ruins in the cursed forest were in better shape than this'', muttered Alice.

  Even as we entered the town, I heard shouts at the back of the company. Lucas stiffened, ''Feyer is dead'', he gasped.

  ''Lucas!'', called the Wolf Lord. ''Take the girls and run to the pier. There is a vessel waiting for us! Take Julian with you! We will hold them off'', he shouted, just as a horde of vampires came charging down the slopes.

  ''Come on!'', said Lucas, and together we ran towards the small galley that was moored at the docks.

  The air was filled with terrible growls as the lycans morphed. The vampire army was already swarming the old town. Suddenly, I heard more howls from the south.

  ''Reinforcements from Lycaonia!'', exclaimed Julian.

  ''Good'', said Alice. ''Now, are we escaping or what?''.

  ''I don't think so'', I whispered, pointing down the street. A dozen vampires strode towards us, their swords drawn.

  ''Let's go!'', shouted Lucas.

  We bounded up the gangplank, and onto the deck of the galley. Lucas lifted the gangplank and hurled it at the vampires, who jumped out of the way.

  ''Man the oars!'', shouted the captain. ''Let's get outta here!''.

  The crew started to get busy as the vessel pulled away from the docks. I could see Stonearm clashing furiously with Ragnor.

  Sparks flew as their blades met with tremendous force. The huge gray werewolf, which I assumed was Alistair Talbot, raised its head to the sky and howled, rallying the werewolves to its side.

  ''Scarlett! Take cover'', warned Julian.

  We were not safe yet. There were still some old boats and ships at the pier.

  ''They can still follow us'', I said. ''Look at all those ships and boats''.

  ''We cannot worry about that now'', replied Julian. ''We must reach Lycaonia before they catch up with us''.

  In front of us, the water stretched as far as an eye could see, still and flat like glass, broken only by the ripples caused by the moving vessel.

  ''That was close'', sighed Alice.

  ''This is just the beginning'', I said, gazing over the water. ''Soon, the ripples of war will spread all over Aria''.

  ''Don't worry, Scar. We will get through this''.

  ''Yeah, we will'', I agreed. ''At least our friends are safe''.

  Suddenly, there was a shout from the aft. It was Julian, ''Lucas, get your wolves up here!''.

  A small cutter was slowly gaining on us. I was able to see about twenty vampires on the deck.

  Lucas rushed towards Julian with ten lycans at his tail.

/>   ''Man the stern ballistae! Fire at will!'', shouted the captain.

  The lycans brought out the spears and loaded them onto the ballistae.

  ''Fire!'', shouted Lucas.

  Most of the spears pierced the hull of the enemy vessel, but failed to do any real damage. The vampires were too quick and easily dodged the projectiles.

  ''No!'', gasped Alice. ''They are going to board the ship!'', she shouted.

  In no time, the cutter had pulled astern and the vampires were throwing grappling hooks.

  Lucas and the rest of the crew started morphing as the vampires boarded the vessel. I drew Shadowfang and braced myself, ready to attack.

  ''Alice'', I called, nodding at her. ''Be careful''.

  ''You too'', she winked, twirling her sword.

  One of the vampires charged and lunged at my throat. I ducked, just as Lucas jumped over me, tearing off its head in midair.

  ''Thanks'', I muttered, as the brown werewolf ripped at the vampire with its jaws.

  Alice was trying to fend off an adversary with her sword. I sneaked up behind the vampire and plunged my sword through its heart, vaporizing it on the spot.

  ''Good one'', grinned Alice.

  Julian set their tips on fire, before loading the spears onto the ballistae and aiming at the cutter.

  ''Alice!'', he shouted, ''cut off the grappling lines''.

  ''Scar!'', called Alice, ''Cover me''.

  I nodded, as Alice started cutting through the ropes.

  Another vampire jumped on the galley, but was ripped apart by a couple of werewolves as soon as his feet touched the deck.

  ''Julian! Now!'', shouted Alice, as soon as she had sliced through the last rope.

  Julian launched the projectiles at the cutter. One of them hit the yard and soon, the entire sail was on fire.

  The galley pulled away from the burning cutter. Three more lycans were dead. Lucas and the others carried them inside.

  ''What do we do with the vampires?'', asked Julian.

  ''Stack them in a pile'', replied Lucas. ''We can burn them on land''.

  Soon, the flaming cutter was just a tiny yellow speck behind us, as the galley started gaining speed.

  ''Please tell me we are directly headed to Lycaonia. We cannot run into any more of the Empire's soldiers, especially in the absence of both members of the Imperial guard'', said Alice.

  ''Yes, do not worry Alice. We will reach the fortress in a couple of days'', replied Lucas, reassuringly.

  ''Good'', sighed Alice, as she flopped down on the deck.

  ''How many lycans does the Wolf King command?'', I asked, curiously.

  ''More than a thousand. First pack has the most powerful werewolves and it goes in that order. Alistair being the heir to the throne, is the Alpha of the first pack''.

  ''Heir to the throne?'', asked Alice, puzzled. ''What about his father?''.

  ''Do not ever mention his father in front of Alistair or the Wolf King'', warned Lucas.

  ''Why? What happened?'', asked Alice.

  Lucas stared down from the railing. ''Alistair's father was Andreas Talbot. He was imprisoned for treachery after he organized a coup d'etat against the king, his father and lost. Now, he is locked up in the Iron Tower on Dragontooth''.

  I stood at the prow with Alice, gazing at the horizon and listening to swishing sound of the oars.

  ''It feels like we are back in the ocean'', sighed Alice.

  ''At least there are no monsters or storms'', I replied.

  ''Is it across the lake?'', asked Alice, looking at Lucas, who was leaning against the foremast.

  ''No. Lycaonia lies at the base of a cliff. The only way into the Wolf Capital is from the east. We will have to take the Zhor river, which passes outside the eastern walls of Lycaonia''.

  The next day at sundown, we finally reached the mouth of the river. The oars were pulled in as the river currents bore the small ship forward.

  The river was very wide and the banks far apart. It was covered with dense trees, their roots directly tapping into the water. The forest looked dark and serene. White mist wafted up from the river like steam from boiling water.

  I sighed, as I lay down on the deck, enjoying the cool breeze, gazing at the dark, starless sky. Eventually, I passed into an uneasy sleep, as the vessel gently rocked to an uneven rhythm.

  I woke up with a start, my face dripping and cold. I heard hurried footsteps and giggling.

  ''ALICE !'', I screamed, wiping my face. She was at it again.

  Lucas was standing at the prow, shaking with silent laughter.

  ''Where is she?'', I fumed.

  ''She went below decks''.

  I drew another bucket of water and waited near the hatch door. She returned after sometime, trying to sneak up the ladder. I was careful to keep out of sight.

  Just as she started climbing, I emptied the bucket on her head.

  ''Damn it'', she swore.

  I was still laughing, clutching at my stomach when she stepped onto the deck, her leather armor dripping wet.

  ''Watch your back, Scar. This is not over'', she said, trying not to laugh.

  We sat on the deck, as the sun slowly started to rise. After a light breakfast, we practiced with our swords for some time.

  Soon the trees gave way to rolling plains, beyond which loomed enormous cliffs, stretching in either direction.

  ''Look!'', gasped Alice, pointing towards the cliffs.

  ''Welcome to the kingdom of Lycaonia'', said Lucas.

  A magnificent fortress stood below the cliffs. Its walls were surrounded by small houses and farm lands. Beyond the wall rose a huge citadel that loomed towards the sky.

  ''It is beautiful'', I gaped.

  The galley was moored at the pier and we disembarked from the vessel. The docks were bustling with activity.

  We made our way towards the huge fortress. The walls were a hundred foot high, lined with watchtowers connected by walkways, which had arrow slits and armed with ballistae. The gigantic gates were made of oak, plated with steel.

  I had never seen such an impressive city in my life. No army could break through these impregnable walls.

  ''This city can withstand a siege from the Empire itself'', said Alice in wonder.

  ''The fortress of Lycaonia rivals that of Argent and Aregon in strength'', said Julian. ''It is more than five hundred years old''.

  The guards at the gate were huge. Their black helms had long cheek guards and red plumes on top. The crest of the Talbot family was embroidered on their surcoats.

  ''Open the gates!'', shouted the guards, pounding their huge pikes on the paved road.

  I heard the sound of gears turning. After a moment, the gates slowly started opening with a loud grating noise.

  ''Look at the buildings'', whispered Alice.

  ''Yes'', I agreed, gazing up at the large, ornate houses, decorated with sculptures and other intricate designs. The city was almost as beautiful as Poseidonia itself.

  As we walked towards the citadel, the lycan men and women stopped and stared. Some of them were even pointing and whispering.

  I gawked at the white turrets, as we passed in through the inner gates, across a paved courtyard, and finally inside the main doors of the citadel.

  ''Be careful, you two. Especially you Alice'', warned Julian, as we walked along the stone hallway. ''Hector Talbot is the oldest and the most powerful lycan. He is very proud, so leave the talking to us''.

  Alice nodded, rolling her eyes at him. We finally reached a tall door of polished wood, inlaid with gold.

  The rest of the lycans who had accompanied us had left at the outer doors. Now, it was just me, Alice, Julian and Lucas.

  ''I hope he is not as scary as they say'', I muttered, glancing nervously at Alice.

  The guards pounded the floor with the metal base of their pikes. There was a similar sound from inside and the doors slowly swung inward.

  The throne room was large and dimly lit by the sunlight streaming in thro
ugh the high windows. The pearl white ceiling was supported by gigantic gray marble columns. Even the floor was made of polished marble.

  At the far end of the hall, on a raised dais, sat the Wolf King of Lycaonia on his marble throne. Behind him, on the wall, shone the crest of Lycaonia.

  The King looked ancient, with his long gray hair and a beard. He was huge with a strong build and broad shoulders. He looked stern and intimidating. On his head rested a golden crown, inlaid with red gems.

  We bowed to the king. ''Hail, Lord Hector'', said Julian.

  He stepped forwards and offered the Witch Queen's sword to him, saying, ''As you asked, my Lord, I have brought back the Wraith Slayer''.

  The Wolf King took the sword from his hand along with its scabbard. He drew the sword and traced a finger along its blade. ''Magnificent!''.

  ''You have done well, Julian'', he said, in a deep voice that reverberated through the chamber.

  ''My lord, we have brought Lucien's daughter like you asked'', said Lucas.

  The Wolf King turned his dark eyes on me, ''Scarlett Ironfang'', he acknowledged. ''Welcome to Lycaonia. We have much to discuss''.
