Read Aztlan Page 8

  “Hi, Dad, is Mom still there?”

  “No, she walked away. I think she is planning the best way to kill you.”

  ‘Dad, it’s not that big of a deal. We’re here at the ranch for one night. What could happen? There’s no one out here. We’re in the middle of nowhere.”

  “I know. I was seventeen once. Just stay out of trouble and keep Cody out of trouble. We’ll be there in the morning.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I have plans for Cody.”

  The girls went into the ranch house and started exploring it. John and Cody brought in the food they had in the Explorer and put it in the refrigerator.

  “This house is a lot nicer than I expected. Why do you call it a ranch?”

  “My grandparents always called it that. I guess because it is on several acres. They lived here for several years and renovated it. They liked to have all the grandkids here so they have five bedrooms.”

  “What do you do out here?”

  “All the grandkids like to ride ATV’s and shoot guns. They also have a Jacuzzi in an enclosed sun room in back. But mostly my grandparents just liked having the kids around.”

  “Wow. They even have a modern kitchen with granite counters and a hardwood floor.”

  “Go look at the bathrooms. They all have Travertine showers and floors and granite counters.”

  “This is nicer than our apartment in New York.” Ellen commented surprised.

  “Go pick a bedroom. It looks like we’ll be here all night. Cody and I are going to get the wave runners ready for tomorrow morning. We have to put new batteries in them. We’ll be out in the barn. I’ll turn on the AC before we go out.”

  They left the girls in the house and walked to the barn.

  Cody said, “It’s hot out here. Why don’t we do this later?”

  “Because I can’t stand them, I needed some fresh air.”

  “Got that. Do you want to ride some when we’re done?”

  “It’s sure hot, but it does get us out of the house,” said John. “Works for me.”

  “Do you still have that wireless mike we used to spy on our cousins when we’re all here?”

  “It’s in my room. What do you think? Do you want to hear what they are saying about us?”

  “Of course,” said John. “We can put in the family room and monitor it from that hill. Do you think the spy camera will work that far, so we can see them too?”

  “Naw, the range is too far. We need the video cam, with the telephoto. I don’t think it will work through the windows while it’s still light out. Let’s just use the hidden mike.”

  John and Cody went back into the house.

  “Hey, the wave runners are ready. We are going to ride ATV’s. Do you guys want to come?”

  “Go with the two of you on ATV’s in 100 degree heat? I’d rather have my teeth pulled out.”

  John thought, I think I could arrange that, we have pliers in the barn.

  “Your loss.”

  The boys went back out to the barn and got on the ATV’s.

  Cody blurted, “I can’t believe what a bitch Ellen is. Did you get the mike planted?”

  “All set. Let’s go up on the hill and see what they are saying.”

  Up on the hill overlooking the ranch they turned on the hidden mike to listen to the girls. Ellen and Sarah were talking in the family room.

  “I still can’t believe we are out here in the middle of a desert with them. How did we ever get into this?”

  “You know. It’s for Mom. I still don’t know why she wants to do a trip like this even though she’s dying.”

  “Dad said she has always wanted to see Lake Powell and the red rock canyons. She remembers Dad talking about them when he used to go when he was a kid.”

  “I still can’t believe she’s dying. She only has about six months. Why didn’t she tell us earlier?”

  “I think she just wants to spend her last six months with the family, and do the things she always wanted to do and never got around to.”

  “I guess we need to suck it up and make this trip as enjoyable as possible for her. I just can’t stand being around them.”

  Sarah looked thoughtfully at Ellen.

  “Actually, I don’t mind Cody as much as I thought. He’s not quite what I remembered.”

  Ellen rolled her eyes. “Sarah, I can’t believe you said that. Look how he dresses. He doesn’t even wear designer clothes. It’s like he doesn’t care what he looks like. He doesn’t comb his hair and slick it back. He just lets it go wild. He looks like he belongs on a beach. He even wears flip flops instead of shoes. It’s like he wants to be a beach bum.”

  “Sometimes I think we care too much about how we look. I don’t mind getting dirty when I play soccer. It feels good to get out and get physical sometimes.”

  “I can’t believe you said that. It’s like you want to be like them. That incident last year in Arizona really messed up your mind. I don’t understand how you think sometimes. Don’t you care about being cultured anymore? What would my friends think if they saw you talking like that? I’m still afraid they’re going to find out you play soccer.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. They would never go to Central Park and get some dirt on their designer shoes.”

  The older sister cocked her head, puzzled. “I don't understand you anymore. It’s like you want to embarrass me in front of my friends. Erin saw you last week in our apartment lounging around in shorts and a sweatshirt. She asked me why you don’t care how you look anymore. I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to say.”

  “Sorry to embarrass you. I’m going to get something to eat.”

  “What did I say?”

  John and Cody were slack jawed on the hill.

  “Cody, I can’t believe their mom’s dying. Why didn’t someone tell us?”

  “It sounds like she just wanted a relaxing vacation with the two families. If we knew she was dying, we would spend all our time feeling sorry for her. Do you think you would want that?’

  “I guess not. I’m sure we’re making it worse by the way we’re treating them. No wonder Mom’s so mad at me.”

  “What are we going to do? We can’t go through the whole week like this.”

  “Do you remember when we worked with Special Olympics and we were nice to the special needs kids?”

  “That was different. They couldn’t help it. I felt good when I helped them.”

  He looked pensive for a moment. “Can’t we just pretend they are special needs?” It wouldn’t be that hard. They kind of are in their own way.”

  “I think we have to try. I still can’t believe their mom’s dying.”

  “I think we have to do more than that. We should actually try to be nice. It’s only for a week. We can do anything for a week.”

  “Okay, I’ll try, but I don’t know if I can be nice to them for seven whole days.”

  “At least you have Sarah your age. She seems halfway normal and she plays soccer instead of spending all her time pretending to be better than anyone else like Ellen does.”

  The boys drove back to the ranch, put away the ATV’s and went into the house.

  “Hi, did you find anything to eat?”

  Ellen was wearing a petulant frown. “If you call this food. Don’t you have salad greens with non fat dressing?”

  John clenched and re-clenched his fists. OK, try to be nice, you can do it.

  “I think we have some lettuce and some different dressings. I’ll try to find them for you.”

  “Well, see what you can find. I just can’t eat food like this.”

  John gritted his teeth. OK, you have to try, you have to try.

  “I think I found something you might like. Do you want me to fix you a salad?”

  “No. just give me the food. I’ll fix it to my standard”

  Cody watched John starting to turn red, Uh Oh, he’s going to blow.

  “Uh John, could you help me with the AC outside, I don’t think it’s working right.”

  John followed Cody outside and slammed the door as Sarah watched thoughtfully.

  “Sorry Bro, the AC is fine. I just had to get you out of there.”

  “Cody,” John muttered taking a deep breath. “I can’t do this. I’m ready to hit her.”

  “Sounds appealing, but you still would have to deal with Mom. I don’t think that’s a place you want to go.”

  “Why don’t you try with Sarah?”

  As they walked back to the house, Cody said to himself, OK Cody, try hard to make this work.

  “Hi, Sarah! Did you get something to eat?

  “Yeah, thanks. I found some fruit. I’m good.”

  Ellen was wincing as she watched her sister eating.

  “Sarah, did you check to make sure it’s organic? You know we only eat organic.”

  Sarah turned to face Ellen as she continued eating.

  “I’ll live. I just felt like eating some pesticides today.”

  “I can’t believe you said that. It’s like you want to support the cooperate farms that are ruining our food.”

  “I’m sure the apple I ate won’t upset the world ecology.”

  “I just can’t believe you sometimes. If my friends heard you say that I would just die.”

  Cody was amazed watching the exchange, his eyes darting back and forth between Sarah and Ellen. Not a bad idea. Want some help. But Sarah’s acting a bit spunky toward the bitch. I like that. Oh well, here goes.

  Cody said to Sarah,

  “Hey Sarah. I’m going back out on the ATV’s. Want to come?”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  Cody lit up, “Really! All right! Let’s go!”

  John eyed his brother, his eyes blazing, I can’t believe you are leaving me with the bitch.

  “See you later John. We’re outa here.”

  Chapter 23

  Cody started up one of the ATV’s, Sarah jumped on back and grabbed Cody around the waist to hold on. They drove to the top of a high hill several miles from the ranch. The Saguaro cactus, everywhere reached for the desert sky, the mesquite and sage brush rolled past the ATV. In the distance saw tooth mountains silhouetted their jagged ridges against the sky. Cody thought, this is actually kind of fun. I’ve never gone riding with a girl before. I didn’t think about her having to hold on to me. I think I’ll hit those ruts a little harder and see what happens.

  As the ATV hit the ruts it bounced up in the air. Cody had the handlebars to hold onto, but Sarah was forced to grab Cody harder.

  “Sorry, Sarah,” Cody yelled back. “I hit those ruts harder than I thought. I didn’t mean to bounce you around.”

  “It’s okay,” Sarah yelled. “I have you to hang onto.” As she wrapped her arms tighter around his waist.

  I need to find some more ruts thought Cody. The top of the hill is coming way too fast.

  Cody and Sarah got off the ATV and stood savoring everything and gazing out over the valley.

  “What do you think of the view? asked Cody

  ”It’s amazing. How far can we see?”

  “From up here. It’s probably a hundred miles to those mountains over there.”

  She pointed. “What are those buildings over there?”

  “That’s part of the main ranch. It was owned by a man named Jensen. My grandfather bought the land our house is on several years ago from Mr. Jensen. The rest of the ranch surrounds our house. Now my grandparents and Mr. Jensen are dead. My dad said someone bought the main ranch a couple months ago and wanted to buy our place too, but my dad wouldn’t sell it to them. We should go over there and introduce ourselves. We’ve never met them.”

  “Maybe later” Sarah said as she scanned the panoramic view in wonder.

  “Wow, in New York there’s no way to see this far. Even from the viewing areas on the top of buildings the air is too dirty. The desert is so empty. I’m not used to looking at so much of nothing. I thought all of California was full of people.”

  “A lot of it is. But the deserts and mountains are mostly open.”

  “You have mountains too?”

  “Yeah, we go snowboarding in the winter up at Mammoth.”

  “I go snowboarding in Vermont with a friend of mine.”

  “You do?”

  “You seem so surprised. “Yeah, I do. What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing, you just seem a lot different from your sister and what I remember of you from a year ago.”

  “A lot has changed in the last year.”

  “Your sister seems the same, but you’ve changed.”

  “For good or bad?”

  He grinned. “Definitely good.”

  “How have I changed?”

  “I don’t know. You’re more…… uh normal. You came on the ATV with me instead of sitting in the house. I had fun riding up here with you. You play sports. You aren’t so stuck up like your sister.” And you’re totally hot he thought as his eyes traveled over her body.

  “If you’re trying to talk nice, you have a lot to learn.”

  “You know what I mean. You’re fun to be with. I just want to hit your sister and put her out of her misery.”

  “You’re not the first person who feels like that.”

  There was query in his eyes. “So how did you change? You used to be like that too.”

  Sarah’s eyes explored his eyes and then she murmured,

  “I changed about a year ago.”

  “That’s great, I wish it happened sooner. What changed you?”

  “It wasn’t a good experience. In fact I almost died. I still can’t talk about.”

  He lowered his eyes and turned away. “Sorry, I didn’t know. You don’t have to tell me.”

  Sarah thought for a minute and then said,

  “My therapist says I need to talk about it.”

  “You have a therapist! What happened?”

  Sarah sat starting out in the distance for a minute. I have never told anyone the way I really feel before. Even my therapist. It just seems like I want to tell Cody, but I hardly know him. I can’t believe I’m going to tell him something this personal. It just seems that I really want to though.

  Sarah turned and stared at Cody for a minute and then sat down on a rock beside him and started.

  “I have a good friend who’s an only child. She had to go to Arizona to visit her grandmother. They were going to stay at a nice resort and spend a lot of time shopping in Scottsdale, so she talked her parents into taking me so she wouldn’t be by herself. After we were there for a couple days, Shannon and I decided to stay at her grandmother’s one night instead of the resort. It was a beautiful night and Shannon and I went for a walk. We were walking by a park and two men ran out of some bushes by the sidewalk and grabbed us. They put their hands over our mouths and dragged us back into a wooded area. Then they put duct tape on our mouths, tied our hands behind our backs and tied our feet together with those plastic ties like the police use instead of handcuffs. They pulled out two big knifes and cut off all of our clothes. We were lying there naked and tied up with duct tape over our mouths. They started to tell us all the things they were going to do to us before they killed us. Then they took off their pants. We heard a noise and this guy walked up and saw us lying there and these two guys with knifes with their pants off. They got on both sides of him and started approaching him with their knives out. He stared them down and said,

  “You have one chance to get out of here alive. It doesn’t matter either way to me.”

  Then they started laughing and lunged at him. He reached into his jacket, pulled out a gun and shot them both twice before I could blink. He checked to make sure they were down, then took one of the knives and cut us loose. Then he gave Shannon his jacket and took off his shirt and gave it to me. He was a big guy so they came almost down to ou
r knees. He said, “They won’t hurt you now,” and called 911.

  The police came and we told them what happened. They took us to the hospital to make sure we were okay and called her parents. After the hospital checked us out we met with the guy that rescued us, Shannon’s parents and the police and he told us what happened.

  He was just walking through the park and heard a noise, got a feeling he should investigate it and came over to where he saw us lying there. Arizona is a ‘right to carry’ state which means he can carry a concealed weapon. Their laws also favor the citizen instead of the criminal like in New York. The city ended up giving him a medal. In New York they probably would have arrested him.

  I looked at my life after this and decided I wasn’t ever going to be the victim again. I started working out and standing up to people. Before that I would text my friends when something bad happened and whine to them about how unfair life was. It changed my outlook on life. That’s also when I started playing soccer.”

  “I can’t believe that happened to you.” Cody stated amazed.

  “Well, it changed my life. I’m a different person now.”

  “What did your family say?”

  “My parents were of course relieved that they didn’t have time to hurt us physically. But they had a hard time thinking it was a good thing that guy had a gun.”

  “What!” he yelped in exasperation. “Are you kidding me? He saved your life.”

  “My point too. My mom just hates guns so much, they don’t know what to think.”

  He shrugged. “I can’t understand people sometimes. What did your sister say?”

  She didn’t roll her eyes but looked like she wanted to. “My sister was mostly concerned with what her friends would think. She didn’t even ask how I was before she started texting her friends about how traumatic it was for her that her sister was almost killed.”

  He shook his head in dismay. “I shouldn’t say this, but I really can’t stand your sister sometimes.”

  “Get in line. You’re not the first person that said that. The scary part is I used to be like her.”

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Oh really. I thought you hated me.”

  Cody thought for a minute.

  “You’ve changed. Maybe I hated the old you, but definitely not the new you. What did your friends say?”