Read Aztlan Page 9

  “They think it’s terrible that I like that he carried a concealed weapon.”

  “This is the guy that saved you from being raped and killed?”

  Now it was her turn to lower her eyes. “They really aren’t my friends anymore. I don’t have any friends anymore.”

  Shrugging he said, “I don’t think they ever were your friends. Friends stick up for each other. If something happens to you, they have your back.”

  “Do you think it’s bad that he used a gun? Are you against guns?” she asked hesitantly afraid of the answer.

  “Are you kidding? I love guns.”

  Cody heard his cell phone ring and looked at the display.

  “It’s my mom calling. I better take this. The cells don’t usually work very well out this far. It’s probably because we are on top of this hill.”

  “Hi, Mom, what’s up?”

  “I just wanted to see how you’re doing, Cody. I worry about you being out there without any parents. Are you staying out of trouble? You aren’t on the ATV’s are you?”

  “Mom the ATV’s are just sitting there.”

  “Good. I don’t want you getting hurt. I know how irresponsible a 14 year old can be. How are you getting along with Sarah? Are you at least talking to her instead of ignoring her?”

  “Actually we’re getting along good. She’s a lot different than I thought.”

  “I told you she changed. I’m glad to hear that.” He could see her smile in his mind. “You know she’s cute. She’s grown up a lot since the last time we saw her a year ago. Do you think she’s cute?”

  I am not going to have this conversation with you thought Cody

  “She’s fine, Mom.”

  “It’s good that you’re getting along. Your dad wants to talk to you. I’m giving him the phone.”

  Cody’s dad grabbed the phone and watched his wife walk away.

  “Cody,” he said, his tone almost secretive. “Don’t get hurt on the ATV’s. Your mother would kill both of us.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I used to be 14 once. Just make sure you don’t get hurt. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. On second thought, don’t do anything I told you not to do. Are you getting along with Sarah?”

  “Oh yeah. Things are good.” He replied as he nodded his head.

  “I’m not sure I like your response, but I’ll let it go. Keep your nose clean. I’ll be there tomorrow.”

  “Don’t worry. We’re good. Just don’t tell Mom about the ATV’s.”

  “Do you think I’m stupid? I would get in a much trouble as you. Just don’t get hurt. Did you tell her you weren’t riding them?”

  “She asked me if I was on them. I wasn’t at the time. I told her they were just sitting there.”

  “Smart kid. You’re going to make a good attorney someday. See you tomorrow.”

  “Bye, Dad.”

  “I really like my dad.”

  “He sounds great. What did your Mom say?”

  Cody looked at her slyly, “She thinks you’re cute.”

  “Oh,” she said, grinning, “did you agree with her?”

  Cody looked at her thoughtfully thinking too deep to share the mirth. “You’re nothing like I remember you. By the way, it’s not true that you don’t have any friends. You have at least one.”

  Sarah thought for a few minutes.

  “Cody, I have a question for you. What happens when we die?”

  He looked awry. “What do you mean, what happens?”

  “One minute we are alive and the next minute we are dead. The body is still there but it's dead. What happened?”

  “Why all these questions about dying? You look healthy to me.”

  Sarah held in her tears for a moment and then the dam burst. Between sobs she said, “My mom has cancer. She has about six months to live. I can’t believe she will just be gone and I will never see her again. It just doesn’t make sense to me.”

  Cody put his arm around Sarah.

  “I’m really sorry about your mom. Are you sure she’s dying? A lot of people recover from cancer.”

  She took a deep breath before blurting out, “She has advanced pancreatic cancer. It’s always fatal at that stage. They say she has about six months.” Sarah sobbed. “I can’t believe she’s going to die. What happens when we die? What do you think happens when we die?”

  Cody thought deeply for a minute about how to reply.

  “My Grandpa Joe taught me a lot. My grandfather and grand-mother spent a lot of time after he retired trying to figure out what life is about. He wrote a book about it.”

  She stifled a sob. “He wrote a book?”

  “Yeah, but he never published it. It’s back at the ranch.”

  “Do you know what it says?”

  “Most of it. We talked about it a lot when I was out here with him and he tried to explain to me what he thought.”

  What does it say about dying?”

  “That there is something that inhabits your body and makes your body alive. When it leaves your body, your body dies but it still lives.”

  “What is it?”

  “Grandpa Joe called it a life force. Some people call it a conciseness. But it is what makes your body alive. When your mother dies, that life force will leave her body.”

  “Where does it come from?”

  Cody was earnest now. “He said it has always existed in some form or another and it comes into your body when you are born and it is what makes your body alive. Your life here is just one stage of your overall existence and progression.”

  “And when you die it leaves your body? Where does it go then?”

  “This can get really involved. My grandfather went deep with his ideas. It might be better if we had the book with us?”

  “Can we talk later then?”

  He gazed into her eyes, his heart full of empathy. “Of course. I’m not trying to put you off. It’s just that this is complicated. I think it would be better to have the book.”

  Could we talk about something else totally unrelated?”

  “Sure, whatever you like.”

  “Cody, you said something about liking guns. Do you know how to shoot?”

  “Of course, we shoot all the time when we come out here. We have a safe full of guns at the ranch.”

  “Do you think you could teach me to shoot sometime?”

  He cocked his head at her. “You really want to learn to shoot?”

  “I know it sounds surprising, but yes. Ever since that guy saved my life I’ve wanted to know how to use a gun.”

  “Do you want to learn now? We can go get a couple guns and come back up to that little valley we passed.”

  “Can you get the guns without your father here?”

  “Yeah, I got the combination to the safe from my grandfather. I think my dad knows I have it, but we never talk about it. I think if my mom knew she would make him change it.”

  She sounded dubious. “Your father is okay with you having it?”

  “My grandfather always said, ‘What’s the point of having them if you can’t get them if you need them.’ So he knows I have it just in case, but we don’t talk about it.”

  “So your dad would be okay with us shooting some guns?”

  “He wouldn’t get very upset as long as we did it safely. But if I asked he would have to say no. I always run under the theory that it’s easier to obtain forgiveness than permission. So are we on? Do you want to learn?”

  “Let’s do it.”

  Back at the barn Cody opened the gun safe.

  She was amazed. “Wow! I can’t believe how many guns you have in that safe.”

  He waxed philosophical. “You can never have too many guns. Having too many guns is like having too much money. It’s a problem you can live with.”

  “What are those big ones?”

  “They’re assault rifles like the military use
s. The small ones are pistols.”

  “You have assault rifles? I thought they were banned in California.”

  “Not if they were registered before January 2000. Which would you like to shoot?”


  “Works for me. I need to check that they are unloaded before we do anything.”

  “Do you leave them unloaded?”

  “Always. But you always check anyway. No exceptions! I might be young but I'm not stupid. My grandfather always drilled into me safety first. Do you want to shoot at posters of terrorists or just at rocks?”

  Sarah smiled, “Let’s go with the posters.”

  Cody checked an AK-47 Assault rifle and a Glock 9mm pistol to be certain they were unloaded. He then grabbed some ammunition and strapped the rifle to the back of the ATV and loaded the Glock, some posters and the ammunition into the saddlebags.

  “Okay, we’re good. I have an AK-47 and a Glock.”

  The kids climbed onto the ATV and Sarah grabbed Cody around his waist. Cody thought, this is good. I think I’ll go the long way. When they arrived at the valley, they got off and they smiled at each other. Cody said to Sarah.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  “I’ve been ready for this for a year, ever since that guy saved us. Let’s do it!”

  Cody set up some targets and loaded the guns. She intently watched every move.

  “We are shooting into that dirt bank, with a dirt hill behind it. Just don’t ever shoot above the hill. It’s a long way up so it won’t be a problem no matter how bad a shot you are.”

  “Why can’t you shoot in the air?”

  “A bullet can go a long ways. Even though that’s empty desert out there, we never take any chances. All the bullets go into the dirt where they can’t hurt anything. Are you ready?”

  “Let’s start with the pistol.”

  “Okay, I’m going to shoot. Watch what I do. Then I’ll help you.”

  Cody took several shots into a target of a terrorist.

  She was eager. “I’m ready. Let me try.”

  “Okay, use both hands and stand like this.”

  Cody stood behind Sarah and put his arms over her arms holding her steady.

  “Aim toward the target. Never point at anything you aren’t planning on shooting. Now if you pull the trigger the gun will fire. Aim at the target. Hold it with both hands and slowly squeeze the trigger, don’t pull it, like I said, squeeze it.”

  Sarah felt confident with her back pushed against Cody’s chest and felt his arms around hers and slowly squeezed the trigger.

  “Wow. That has a kick.”

  “That’s why you use both hands. Hold it steady and gently pull the trigger. Are you ready to shoot again?”

  “Oh yeah. That was great. Let’s keep going.”

  Cody wrapped his arms around hers again and she took several shots.

  “It really helps that you stand behind me and hold me steady.”

  Cody smiled, “It’s not a problem.” I don’t mind at all. “You’re not a bad shot, even for the first time. You don’t seem to be scared of it.”

  “I stopped being scared after that guy saved my life in Arizona. Can I try the rifle?”

  “That’s why I brought it. Everything’s the same, but just more kick. Try crouching down and put the stock against your shoulder. You can lean against me.”

  Sarah crouched down on one knee and Cody crouched behind her pressing his body against her as she fired the AK-47.

  She grinned. “Definitely more kick. But I like it. It gives you a sense of power. It helps when you get behind me and press your body against mine. It steadies me and makes me feel more confident.”

  I’m glad it makes you feel good Sarah. It works for me too.

  “Power’s good if it’s in the right hands. Do you feel like you could defend yourself if you had to?”

  “Absolutely. I’m not sure how much good it will do me back in New York City. Only the criminals and police have guns there. It’s not like Arizona where you are allowed to defend yourself.”

  Chapter 24

  “What was that? It sounded like an AK-47.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I know what an AK-47 sounds like. I think it came from over there.” Joseph said pointing to the hills. “We need to check it out. We go tonight and nothing is screwing this up.”

  “I think Abdul is out there. He was making a circuit around the camp. I’ll call him on the radio.”

  “Abdul, did you hear those shots?”

  “Yeah, they were over the hill from me. I just rode to the top and I saw two kids and a quad. They have a pistol and an AK-47. They’re shooting at targets.”

  “It’s just two kids?”

  “Yeah, a teenage boy and a girl. What do you want me to do with them?”

  “Do you see their parents?”

  “No, they seem to be alone.”

  “What weapons do you have with you?”

  “Just my knife. I wasn’t expecting trouble. I was just checking the area like you asked.”

  “Can you get close enough to them without them seeing you.”

  “No, it’s barren out here. It looks like they came on this trial I’m on. If I hide my quad behind that hill and wait behind the only bush around here I could be close enough to surprise them when come back down the trail.”

  Joseph thought for a minute.

  “I think you should hide and just watch them. I would hate to have their parents come looking for them. It’s a complication I’d rather not deal with.”

  “Whatever you want. They’re just shooting at posters. They will be done soon.”

  “What do you mean they’re shooting at posters? They aren’t just shooting at targets?”

  “No. They set up posters of terrorists. That’s what they’re shooting at.”

  His face darkened in anger. “I changed my mind. Take them out when they come down the trail. By the time anyone realizes they are missing it will be too late.”

  Cody and Sarah shared the assault rifle and took turns shooting at the terrorist targets for several minutes.

  “I didn’t bring that much ammunition Sarah. I didn’t realize how much you would like this. Here, this is our last bullet. You take the last shot.”

  Sarah drilled the target through the head.

  Cody’s eyes lit up. “I can’t believe how good of a shot you are. Are you sure you never shot before?”

  “First time, Cody. Maybe you’re just a good teacher,” she said, smiling at Cody.

  Cody nodded his head. “Yeah, that’s probably it. We’re out of ammunition for both the assault rifle and the pistol. Do you want to go back and get more or are you done for now?”

  “I’m good for now, as long as you promise me to bring me back out sometime.”

  “Oh yeah. That’s a promise. Ready to go back?”

  “Yeah, we better get back. It’s getting late. Don’t tell my sister what we’ve been doing. She would go crazy. I don’t want to deal with her.”

  “No problem, first we make sure everything’s unloaded. We always double check. Put the Glock in the saddlebags here. I’ll put them back in the safe after we check in on my brother and Barbie.”

  “That’s a good name for her. Are you going to tell your brother you taught me to shoot?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I’ll see how it plays out. I wonder how they’re getting along.”

  “Do you think they might be ready to kill each other? Ellen can be extremely annoying.”

  “I would second that. It’s hard to believe you are sisters.”

  “Should I take that as a complement?”

  Cody stared at Sarah and thought, That’s how it was given. I guess I’m not very good at giving complements. What I mean is I can’t stand your sister and I like being with you.”

  Sarah looked over at Cody and smiled at his discomfort. “
You’re right. You aren’t very good, but I appreciate the effort. I like being with you too.”

  Cody looked her over, smiled and climbed onto the ATV. “Let’s go” and slapped the seat behind him. “You might want to hang on tight. There are a lot of bumps on the road back.”

  “You will be careful to not hit any extra ones won’t you?”

  “Cody looked back at Sarah and grinned. “I’ll try.”

  Sarah jumped up behind Cody, and snugged her arms around his chest, squeezed her arms as tight as she could and whispered in his ear, “If I fall off, you’re going with me.

  Abdul hid his ATV and crouched behind the bush listening for the quad Cody and Sarah were on.

  Cody went part way down the trail and then suddenly turned near a

  bush without warning. Abdul lunged for the back of the ATV but was thrown off by Cody’s sudden turn and fell into the dust as Cody sped away.

  Sara said, “Where are you going? This isn’t the way back.”

  “I’m going the long way around the hill. I thought it might be smoother for you.”

  It doesn’t seem any smoother to me. I think he’s trying for the bumps. Sarah grabbed Cody harder around his chest smiling.

  “It seems bumpy, Cody. You don’t mind if I hang on tight do you?”

  Cody laughed. “No, it’s good. You need to hang on tight. I don’t want you to fall off.”

  “Abdul, what’s going on? Did they get to you? Did you take them out?”

  “They started coming toward me and then turned off the path just before they got to the bush I was hiding behind and went a different way. I lunged for them but they were going too fast and I fell in the dirt behind them. They were paying to much attention to each other to notice me. They just disappeared behind a hill going the other way away from our compound. Do you want me to chase them? I had to hide my ATV quite a ways away.”

  “No, come on back. We have more important things to do. If they aren’t from around here, it doesn’t matter. We’ll make another circuit around the ranch before it gets dark.”

  Cody drove back to the ranch hitting every bump he could find and enjoying every minute. He braked the ATV in front of the house and Sarah got off. Cody turned to her, “Was it a good ride back?”

  Sarah patted him on the shoulder, smiled. “I liked it”

  Cody got off the ATV and he and Sarah looked around.

  Cody asked, “Do you see them?”

  “No, they must be inside. What do we do with the ATV and guns?”