Read BIO-Sapien book 4 - Remote Heroes Page 15

  “Are we safe yet? I can hear birds and crickets. Can I open my eyes?” She asks while continuing to hold on tightly to Jaden.

  “Yes, we are safe now. Are you okay?” He asks while she stands on her feet with a confused look on her face. She straightens and pulls down her skirt.

  “I’m fine, just a little shook. The inside of your shield felt like a plastic bag over my head, I couldn’t breathe at all,” she says while gasping and taking deep breaths.

  “Sorry about that.”

  They look at the prison on top of a mountain across a small river. The building is completely destroyed. There are three UAV drone aircraft flying over the scene.

  “I can’t believe they destroyed the entire prison and all those prisoners inside. It doesn’t make any sense,” she says while holding her chest and still trying to catch her breath.

  ‘That drone plane at 532 feet away is watching us,’ AI says.


  “We have to keep moving, Kimberly,” Jaden says while walking forward and extending out his right hand to her.

  “I’ve never experienced anything like that. That was unbelievable, I mean, if this was a movie, that would have been one of the best rescues I’ve seen,” she says while walking and grabbing his hand.

  They walk down a slight hill with bushes, grass and leaves on the ground.

  “What are we going to do now?” She asks.

  “I was thinking we should leave the planet. I want you to come with me,” he says.

  “Leave the planet? What about trying to stop this attack and warning as many people as we can?” Kimberly asks.

  “I’ve tried and I’ve tried. Nobody wants to listen, no one cares, the government thinks I’m a terrorist and I’m a threat. I’ve been put in a jail, a hospital, I’ve been shot at thousands of times and constantly chased the past few days. I don’t need this, I’m the hero that was sent here to help save this planet. But I’m the villain, wasting time defending myself. I can spend the rest of my life traveling the galaxy or going back to Xenos. What is the point of trying to save our primitive, religious, homicidal, genocidal and self destructive race?” Jaden asks while she stops to look him in the eyes.

  He turns to her and she says, “Jaden, there is a strong possibility there could be one or two people in the government making it difficult for you. Our race is all we have. If people knew what was about to happen, maybe more could be done…”

  “It is too late, sweetie. That mother ship is here and the countdown is running out. I did an interview with a news reporter an hour ago and the government took the holographic disc. I’m the enemy of America, I think the rest of these humans should suffer the consequences. Humans were expecting the end of the world in 2012. Maybe Nostradamus was off by a few years and this is the end of human civilization,” Jaden says.

  “Come on Jaden, that’s not true.”

  “The government can’t comprehend that these Darclonians are the real enemies. Religions around the world all talk about rapture and Armageddon coming, well I think we shouldn’t disappoint them. Maybe now is the time for change on Earth. Come with me Kimberly, we can live on our own planet somewhere on the other side of this galaxy, just like Adam and Eve. We can start our own family and create our own first Bible and laws….”

  ‘There are search dogs with guards and military personnel getting off a small boat near the river. There are more men coming from each direction around us,’ AI says.

  ‘I see them, shit, they don’t give up,’ Jaden says.

  ‘You don’t have a scent, but Kimberly does. We can’t outrun them.’

  ‘I have an idea,’ Jaden says.

  “Let’s walk and talk Kimberly. What do you think about what I just said?”

  “That sounds good, I’ve always wanted to travel to new planets and worlds. But, I can’t leave my father here. He is older and I can’t leave him knowing what is about to happen to the human race. My father and I are our only family here in USA. The rest of my family is in Taiwan. What about your family? What about your daughter, father and mother?” Kimberly asks.

  There are UAV aircraft and helicopters flying by above. Jaden and Kimberly quickly walk down another small hill and over green leaves on the ground. Jaden leans against a huge tree and grabs Kimberly close to him. He puts his arms around her waist and looks deep into her eyes.

  “My father, I don’t even know if he is alive or dead. The letter he left me said he was being treated for cancer. AI used the nanoscanners to try to find him in Halifax when I was in jail with no luck. My mother is in London with her family. She should be okay, but I’ll check on her before I leave Earth regardless. My daughter is a little bitch that deserves to have an alien take over her body, maybe she would have some better manners then.”

  “Don’t say that, sweetie. Even though you barely know your daughter, you still love her. She is half of you and I’m sure there is a side of her that you can appreciate and learn to love. She is your flesh and blood. The Jaden I know isn’t a quitter or someone who gives up. You are a fighter till the end, just like me. From the man who implanted his entire life in my memory has a good heart, love for his country and is a fighter…”

  Kimberly pauses as she sees men and dogs behind the tree and Jaden.

  “…there are guard dogs and military men with guns about thirty feet behind you coming this direction. My vision is blurry. Shouldn’t we run or do something?” She asks while looking in other directions.

  “They don’t see us. I’m reflecting the light around us, making us look invisible.”

  “What about our body heat? They have heat sensing glasses.”

  “That is taken care of sweetie, nothing to worry about. The nanodrones are making the heat around our bodies the same temperature as the air. Your body scent molecules are being destroyed as they leave your body. Two nanoscanners copied your scent and are going to have fun with the dogs,” he says while dogs and prison guards walk by kicking leaves. The dogs are barking as they smell the ground.

  “You are so smart and creative to figure this out,” Kimberly says while smiling, chuckling and watch the men walk by clueless.

  “Well, AI helped out. So, continue what you were just talking about. Wait a second, turn around and watch the two groups of men with search dogs over there,” Jaden says while pointing.

  The dogs begin to quickly run and pull their owners. The dogs are barking loudly. A nanoscanner close to the ground is reproducing Kimberly’s scent while three bloodhounds are pulling one guard. Two German Shepherds are pulling another guard from another direction. The German Shepherds are being manipulated by the other nanoscanner. Two soldiers are walking behind each of them. The nanoscanners pass by each other and all the dogs run into each other causing the guards to fall over each other.

  “Oh shit,” she says while laughing, “that was hilarious.”

  “Shh, they can still hear us,” Jaden says while covering her mouth with his hand.

  “Okay, okay,” she says with a muffled voice.

  “Can you continue what you were saying earlier Dr. Chan?” He asks while putting his arms around her waist.

  She puts her arms around his neck.

  “I was saying, you have a good heart and you are a fighter till the end. So what, the government is trying to kill you, there are always going to be a few bad apples. But there are a lot of good apples on this planet that deserve a chance at living their lives. There will be so many innocent children becoming victims in this attack. They need you…”

  She looks up into his blue eyes and sees deep into his soul.

  “…and I need you. I have just witnessed the impossible with that escape and rescue you just did. I have never witnessed something like that before, not even in a movie. I believe we can still help do something to prevent this attack on Earth. I want you to stay and fight to save our human race,” she says in a sensual whisper.

  She brings his head closer t
o her mouth. Her lips sets off a chain reaction through his body. They hear a commotion to the side of them. The guards unwrap themselves from the dogs’ chains. The dogs quickly run into another direction as the nanoscanners guide them.

  “Yeah, you are right Kimberly, you have some good points. I didn’t really think about it that way. I have been doing the impossible lately and I shouldn’t give up yet.”

  Kimberly looks deep into Jaden’s eyes and he does the same. He spreads his legs outwards, so that he is at her eye level.

  “You are a good man that I felt I’ve known all my life now. I have feelings for you and I know you will do the right thing. I love you Jaden Marino and I don’t want you to leave me,” Kimberly says while she kisses him gently on the mouth, he responds, but quickly pulls back.

  “I love you too, my little Chinese food.”

  “Hey! Hey! Don’t bring my mind back to that dirty, nightmarish prison,” she says while Jaden quickly kisses her to be quiet.

  Her arms wrap around his neck as they lock in a deep French kiss. She pulls him closer and his hands go to around the top of her ass. Her soft lips press against his as their heads go side to side. Their wet tongues greet each other and slowly wrestle. Their hearts begin to beat faster as their chemistry connects. He is staring deep into her brown eyes and she does the same. She unbuttons his navy blue dress shirt half way.

  “I love your eyes and their shape, it is as if I can see deep into your soul. When I first saw your eyes when you were seven years old, I knew there was something special about you,” Jaden says.

  “You pedophile,” she whispers

  She rubs his back up and down slightly scratching it with her nails. She grabs his broad shoulders and rubs his muscles as she continues kissing him, making slight moaning sounds. Kimberly pushes Jaden to the right and off the tree. She turns and leans her back on the tree as she grabs Jaden’s neck to pull him closer to her.

  “Freaky and aggressive, are we?” Jaden asks.

  “You should know,” she snaps.

  “That is so sexy…”

  She pulls apart his button up navy shirt and the buttons fly in different directions. The buttons land on the leaves and ground around them. She pulls his shirt down to his arms and leaves it there.

  The three bloodhound dogs are running towards a tree and the nanoscanner goes through it. The dogs run into the tree and tangle themselves around the tree.

  “What is wrong with you boys today?” The guard asks the dogs. The dogs bark in confused tones.

  Labrador search dogs from the military join the search and the dogs pull their master, while another nanoscanner joins the fun.

  Kimberly is kissing and licking Jaden’s muscular chest area. His shirt holds his arms in place. She stands back up to slowly kiss his neck. Jaden’s head is looking up the high tree, as he slightly moans from the sensual pleasure he is experiencing. She pulls down the rest of his shirt and it hits the ground.

  ‘This considered second or third base?’ AI asks, while Jaden pays him no attention.

  Jaden’s hands go up her skirt and he rubs her smooth legs.

  Jaden whispers, “Damn, your legs and skin are smooth.”

  She whispers in a flirting voice in his right ear, “That is the Asian secret. Only the chosen few are able to experience an Asian woman’s naturally smooth skin.”

  “I guess I am lucky to have been chosen by you to experience the Asian secrets,” he snaps.

  “I’m risking being arrested when I return to Taiwan for espionage for giving away the Chinese secrets. That would make me a really, really bad girl,” she says in a sexy voice.

  Jaden lifts her up as she puts her arms around his neck. She wraps her legs around his hips as she leans against the tree. His pelvic area rubs against hers. Jaden put his right hand between her legs and on the outside of her panties.

  “Whoa, your panties are soaking wet,” he says while putting his fingers under her panties from the sides.

  “You rescuing me and watching the police dogs run back and forth has really turned me on. I’ve never been turned on this much. The fact that they can’t see us is making my heart pound. I feel as if we are in the wilderness and the world is watching us,” Kimberly says while reaching down below Jaden’s stomach and opening his pants.

  “Wow. That feels perfectly wet, meaty and lubricated…” Jaden says while Kimberly places her finger over his mouth.

  “Shhh…she is ready for an easy entry. Is your space shuttle ready to enter Earth’s small tight window?” She asks while his pants fall down to his ankles.

  “My new Orion space shuttle is ready. Do you like what you are feeling?” Jaden asks while she rubs her hand on it.

  “What the hell?” She asks while looking down.

  “What?” Jaden asks.

  “What the hell is that? That third arm is about twelve inches long, three inches wide and as thick as my upper arm. Where do you think you are putting that?” Kimberly asks with a surprising look on her face.

  “You don’t like? Don’t women like the King Kong size? I thought big was in?” Jaden asks in a confused voice.

  “Big went out in the late nineties, women by the 00’s wanted the average size and women by the two thousand teens realized the average size with a slight curve worked best,” Kimberly says with a disappointed voice. “Jaden, I’m 5’6” 114 lbs, how did you think that would fit in my little body?”

  AI quickly interrupts, ‘Technically it should fit inside. This area and muscle are very stretchable. The average baby’s head is one inch thicker than your reproducing tool down there, so…’

  ‘AI, keep that info to yourself, she isn’t having a baby now,’ he says.

  “Good question, I didn’t really think about that baby.”

  “Very big, went out the last century. How you use it has been in for the past fourteen years.”

  “I’ll make a note of that. But I have a solution,” Jaden says.

  “What is that? Putting your head down there instead?” She asks excitedly.

  “I can do that, but I have a better idea. What size would you like it to be? An average Asian man’s size, average white man’s size or average….”

  “How about an average eight inch size and average thickness? I think I can handle that,” she says.

  AI gets right to work. ‘Reducing spongy tissue, corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum tissue in penis organ,’ AI says while it quickly shrinks in size.

  “Is this better sweetie?” Jaden asks as she inspects it.

  “Shit, wow, that is amazing. You can control your penis size?” She asks loudly.


  Jaden just kisses her lips and then her neck. She is still leaning against the tree while her legs are around Jaden’s lower hips. Kimberly closes her eyes and moans in pleasure as Jaden unstraps her bra with his left hand. He gently massages her breasts and kisses her nipples. Her pinkish brown nipples are pointing out. He pulls down her panties with his right hand while he continues to stare deep into her eyes kissing her. They stretch as she pulls her left leg towards her face and the panties come from around that leg. Jaden wraps the pink panties around her right leg as her left leg goes back around his lower waist.


  He begins to kiss her left ear and sticks his tongue inside of it.

  She whispers, “Wow, baby, you know my turn on spots.”

  He palms her ass cheeks with two hands.

  “You know I like my ass grabbed,” she moans in his ear.

  His private part rubs up and down against her very moist, slightly hairy bush.

  “How are you doing that without any hands?” She asks in a whispering moan.

  “I can control it like a joystick in any direction. I have some extra small muscles down…”

  “Shut up and put it in me,” she whispers in a sexy voice looking at him while pulling his head closer to her face.

  The area has
search dogs and men running back and forth. Military men are looking around the area with advanced thermal goggles. UAV drone aircraft, hobby size UAV aircraft and helicopters slowly pass by overhead. Jaden and Kimberly remain invisible up against the medium-sized tree that is shaking on top.

  “We got them boys, I know they are close by,” a guard yells.

  A nanoscanner guides the bloodhounds into the slowly moving river by the prison. The guard lets the leashes go as they jump into the water and they doggy paddle across the river. There is a loud pleased female scream coming from the woods. The guard by the river turns around and looks towards the top of the trees. Birds start flying into the air from the top of the trees. The military men and the two other search dog groups stop and look into the direction the scream came from. Jaden is covering Kimberly’s mouth as he pauses inside of her. She closes her eyes and holds her breath. She is squinting and gripping his back very tightly with her hands and legs. Jaden feels sensual chills moving up and down his spine. He connects with her emotionally and physically. Kimberly feels Jaden’s Chi energy passing through her body and combining with hers. She breathes from her nose and Jaden slowly removes his right hand.

  “You okay?” He asks.

  “Yes, just felt you going through my entire body just now and it’s been awhile. Just give me a second.”

  ‘Aren’t you going to use the condom in your pocket Jaden?’ AI asks.

  ‘That outdated condom? Do you feel how good this feels?’


  “Keep going, baby,” she whispers, “But cover my mouth, I might get loud.”

  He continues to penetrate in and out of her. Muffled moaning and whimpering continues under Jaden’s hand as his hand vibrates. The top of the tree branches shake and a few leaves slowly fall around Jaden and Kimberly. The leaves land on Kimberly’s hair and on Jaden’s back. He continues to kiss her neck and thrust himself inside of her. She continues to scratch his back with her nails. The men look in Jaden’s direction, but they don’t see anything. They continue canvassing the area.

  ‘I know this is what men call going to home base or scoring, right? It is also interesting seeing how the chemicals in your brain react with this feeling of love you are experiencing. I understand better now with what the couple on the highway was actually experiencing and what you experienced in your past sexual relationships. Your entire body’s nerve senses are lighting up and sending signals all around your body,’ AI says.

  ‘You are messing up my concentration here…why don’t you make yourself useful by counting the strokes,’ Jaden says to AI, while he breathes heavily.


  It goes completely quiet around Jaden and Kimberly. A clear energy shield forms around them and around the bottom of the tree isolating any sounds. The shield hugs and changes shape around the tree so that it isn’t damaged. He uncovers her mouth as she moves her hips in sync with Jaden’s thrusts. Her body moves up and down as she quickly moves her hips around in circles.

  ‘You are eighty-five percent near orgasm and at 71,72,75 strokes…’ AI says.

  ‘The sperm is on vacation and won’t come out right?’ He asks.

  ‘I’ve reprogrammed most of the sperm.’

  “Hold on a second Jaden, I’m not on any birth control,” Kimberly says while catching her breath.

  “I noticed one thing didn’t change in the future. Two people are still talking about birth control after sex has already started,” Jaden says while chuckling. “I have a condom, but it expired fifteen years ago.”

  ‘Technically the condom wouldn’t have been expired, it would have only aged a little over a month as you did,’ AI says.

  ‘Thanks for the technical analysis.’

  “I have built in birth control, AI reprogrammed my army,” he says.

  “Damn you are amazing baby, that’s cool. Baby, I have a question, when you first went inside of me, did your Orion space shuttle curve inside of me?” She asks.

  “You noticed huh? Yes, my shuttle went straight for your G landing spot. You liked that, right?” Jaden asks while smiling.

  “Yes, I did. That was amazing, it was like a shock all around my body. I almost came instantly that’s why I screamed. It was like there was some electricity coming from your shuttle and curving upwards into my G-spot,” Kim says.

  “I bet the small device in your lower back can’t do this…” Jaden says while thrusting himself deep inside of her and hitting her spot again. An electric spark leaves his body.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit! Ahh!” She yells while her legs and lower body shake uncontrollably. She trembles against Jaden’s sweaty chest and moans with pleasure. She breathes as if she has asthma, “Oh my God! I can’t stop shaking. What did you do to me?”

  Jaden has a smile on his face and looks at her breathing heavily with her eyes closed.

  “I never had an orgasm like that, I don’t think anyone woman has. That was unbelievable. I felt like I left my body for a few seconds there. That was like a super orgasm. You are milking me like a cow.”

  “On demand instant orgasms,” Jaden says while chuckling.

  “I’m keeping you baby. You are one of a kind. I need a little build up time, before I have a heart attack or can’t walk the rest of the day,” she says.

  Jaden begins thrusting himself into Kim again. He stops suddenly, “Wait a second Doctor Chan, are you having sexual relations with your patient? You aren’t supposed to be touching a patient, Doctor Chan that is unprofessional,” Jaden says in a deeper voice sounding like Dr. Abraham.

  “I’m sorry, sir, I was giving the patient a varicocele exam,” she says while reaching down and grabbing Jaden’s balls, “Now cough, Mr. Marino.”

  Jaden coughs and she says, “Okay the patient is fine Dr. Abraham.”

  Jaden changes his voice back to his voice. “Oh and Doctor Abraham I was just taking the doctor’s temperature with my smaller Dragon spacecraft. Her internal temperature is 98.69°F sir, she is normal,” Jaden says while laughing and she chuckles in a fake tone.

  She grabs his ass and pulls it closer to her. “Now stop procrastinating, my back is beginning to hurt against this tree. Give it to me baby, I want to feel your duck sauce in my egg roll,” she says. Jaden thinks to himself that she was probably in the prison too long, talking like that.

  He thrusts himself deeper inside of her while he sucks her pointy nipples.

  “Shit, shit, shit…I feel it in my stomach,” she says while scratching deeply into his back.

  “Oh shit, oh shit,” he says while the tree branches shake from high above and green leaves fall around them again.

  “Oh shit! Whoa!” Jaden yells while his body shakes.

  He squeezes her ass tightly as he is about to climax. She moans louder as he curves himself inside of her. The German Shepherd search dogs stop running 175 feet away and begin to howl into the sky. The Labs do the same thing. Kim screams at the top of her lungs. Jaden moans as if he is in pain. They both climax and Jaden uploads ounces of sticky milk. They both breathe heavily as Kim’s entire body shakes the top of the tree.

  ‘Good work AI, manipulating my prostate and modifying my pituitary gland really gave me an out of this world orgasm,’ Jaden says.

  “You are the best baby, you are like a Superlover or Cockgod. Words cannot explain the feelings I’m feeling now. That was amazing, I missed the real thing,” she says while trying to catch her breath.

  “Baby, that was the best I’ve ever had also. I was so turned on,” Jaden says while he lifts her down.

  Kimberly stands up and puts her panties back on. Liquid is running down her legs.

  “Sweetie, are you sure you are on alien birth control? That was a lot of fluid coming out of you, it completely filled up my insides. I felt like you were giving me a vaginal douche, it’s oozing down my legs now,” she says while wiping her legs with her panties.

  “I’m sorry baby, I temporarily unregulated my pitu
itary gland for a better climax. Let me clean some of that up for you,” Jaden says while bending down and using his navy shirt to wipe the fluids running down her legs.


  They finish cleaning up the slight mess and they put their clothes back on. Jaden wraps the dirty shirt around his waist.

  The shield disappears around them, and Kimberly takes a limping step forward. She moans in pain and can’t take another step.

  “Shit, I can’t walk, my lower body is aching. My legs are still trembling,” Kim says.

  “Piggy-back ride? I’ll carry you,” he says while she hops on his back and he holds her legs up.

  They continue walking invisibly through the woods and across leaves.

  “Where are the dogs and military men?” She asks.

  “They are over a half of a mile that way. The Labs and German Shepherds surrounded a house, so the military is searching it now.”

  “Very clever. Your AI friend wasn’t watching what we were just doing right?”

  “No, he was concentrating on providing the cover for us. He wasn’t interested in what we were doing,” he says.

  “Cool. How does he communicate with you? What does he say to you? It wasn’t too clear from your memories.”

  “He sits in an area of my brain reserved for multiple personalities. He sees everything I see, hear and feel. He can see most things in my memory from my past. We communicate internally with each other. AI or myself can control the nanodrones and nanoscanners in my body. He can’t control my body, but he does help me out with a lot of things. Are you familiar with this area?” Jaden asks.

  “Yes I am. That’s very interesting. Hello AI, hope I wasn’t screaming too loud for you,” she says in his ear while kissing Jaden’s neck. Jaden laughs.

  “Keep walking that direction, there are some houses over that way. You find it funny when I kiss your neck?” She asks.

  “No, I’m laughing at AI. He is messing with the dogs at this family’s house. The military men are making a man get a cavity search because the dogs smelled his crotch. They thought he was hiding something of yours up there,” Jaden says while chuckling.

  ‘That is enough AI. You going to make his wife think the man was cheating on her with Kim,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Yeah you are right. I’ll fix that,’ AI says.

  ‘But that was funny,’ Jaden says.

  “That is funny, I wish I could see,” she says.

  Jaden reaches over his shoulders and covers her eyes with the outside of his right hand. Nanodrones enter creating an artificial pathway behind her eyes. She sees through the nanoscanner.

  “Wow, this is very clear vision. The details are amazing. I like all the wording on the screen,” she says.

  “Just keep your eyes closed or you might get double vision,” he says.

  “Cool. Ha ha, the police dogs are sniffing the wife’s crotch area now. Cool… the nanoscanner passed through her body and the inside of her body looks animated like a cartoon,” Kimberly says.

  “The inside of an organic body looks cartoonish or animated. Regular materials and matter look as is,” Jaden explains.

  “Cool. Go up inside of the guards and state police crotches. I want to see what they are working with. I heard officers and men of authority have small private parts,” she says while her arms are around Jaden’s neck.

  ‘She is almost as bad as you,’ AI says.

  ‘Yeah, you are right. At least she has a reason. I don’t want to see though,’ Jaden says while continuing to walk down a small trail.

  “Yeah, I see you little pee wee, sleeping in your master’s pants. Oh look at this one, the little Shenzou space shuttle is awake at a full five inches. The male officer is watching the wife get a cavity search from a female officer. What a pervert. Look at the female officer, her little private friend has a full beard. I can tell she isn’t getting any…hey it is dark again, where did the images go?”

  “Okay, that is enough for you, Miss Pervert. I thought I was bad,” Jaden says.

  “I got a little carried away. I did my thesis on penis size in relation to a man’s work and vehicle. A big gun usually helps to make up for the size of his…”

  “Hey! I don’t care to know about this subject. You are a little freak aren’t you? Looking at penis sizes. I don’t remember this in your memories. I thought you were a quiet woman,” he says.

  “I’m sorry sweetie,” she says.

  “Don’t be sorry, I like it. Now I don’t feel as bad,” Jaden says.

  “You don’t feel as bad for what?” She asks.

  “Nothing,” he replies.

  “Tell me, before I tickle you in all your ticklish spots,” she says while tickling him under his arms and down to his waist.

  “Okay, okay, you win,” he says while laughing, “Well I guess I can tell you now… I don’t feel so bad for looking at your naked body dozens of times at the hospital when you walked around.”

  “I knew you looked at me naked. I was thinking about that when I was on the airplane flying back to Virginia on Friday. I knew it!” She yells.

  “Are you upset?” He asks.

  “No, not at all. If I were in your situation, I probably would have done the same thing. If I had x-ray vision and you were my doctor in the hospital, I probably would have looked you up and down also.”

  “I’m glad you understand like that. That is one of the things that I love about you. So me analyzing every part of your body at the hospital, doesn’t bother you at all?” Jaden asks.

  ‘Why don’t you tell her about you counting her pubic hairs?’ AI asks.

  ‘AI buddy, that was you suggesting me to do that,’ Jaden says.

  ‘I was practicing my human sarcasm, I didn’t really want you tell her that.’


  “Nope. I see it as you wanting to analyze my body because you wanted to draw a picture of it in your mind. I think bodies are like art and we shouldn’t be afraid to be in our natural human form,” she says while playing with his hair.

  “I had a naked body experience in an Andromedian city.”

  Kimberly rests her head on Jaden’s neck and a few minutes go by. Her skirt softly lifts in the air as Jaden walks. They approach an area with houses.

  “Now we just have to find a vehicle with some keys inside,” Kimberly says.

  “I already did, the black Cherokee at the third house in the driveway.”

  She climbs down from his back and they walk over to it and climb inside.

  “I guess only in the south do people leave their keys in their vehicles,” Jaden says.

  “Yep, I also do sometimes,” she says while Jaden starts up the SUV.

  They back up and quickly drive off.

  “They have roadblocks on the main roads,” Jaden says.

  “Let me drive, I know some back roads. We need to go to my father’s house first and then my house. I have some clothes at his house and he has a car we could borrow,” Kim says while he stops the SUV and Jaden opens the door. He walks around as Kim climbs over the center console and into the driver’s seat. Jaden sits in the passenger seat and slams the door. Kim quickly accelerates and drives off-road.

  ‘Did you notice she said she missed the real thing? What do you think she meant by that?’ AI asks.

  ‘I don’t know, but I’ll ask her later.’


  …………..To be continued.

  Written by: Vlane Carter

  Creative art director: Vlane Carter


  Graphic artist: John Buurman

  John Moriarty

  Matthew Garofalo

  Kwan Wilson