Read BIO-Sapien book 4 - Remote Heroes Page 14

BBQ Fusion wings. Best sellers. Action wings, bbq sauce, action spices & special garlic sauce.

  Chapter 20: The Prison In-break

  10:06 AM North of Halifax NC

  Traffic is moving slowly on Highway 301 as a tractor-trailer pulls into a checkpoint. German Shepherds smell each vehicle and are walking with a state trooper. Federal agents are asking each driver questions.

  “Sir, where are you heading and do you have a driver’s license?”A FBI agent asks the truck driver.

  “I’m heading to Roanoke, Virginia to drop off this load of books to a warehouse,” the truck driver says while passing his driver’s license to the agent.

  “Roanoke? My mother lives on Cove Road in Roanoke, very nice town. Sir, have you seen these two men?” The agent asks.

  “No, I haven’t,” the truck driver says.

  An agent opens the passenger door and looks in the rear cabin behind the driver. He sprays a white powder in the cab with thermal glasses on.

  “We are going to have to do a quick DNA cheek swab and we are going to have to look in your trailer also,” the agent says while passing the truck driver a fresh Q-tip.

  ‘AI, this isn’t going to work, they are going to see me.’

  The truck driver presses a button inside his cabin and the rear trailer unlocks. Dogs smell the back of the trailer and an agent climbs into the rear of the trailer. He sprays a white powder into the air and walks to the front of the trailer with thermal goggles, looking around. He looks at a shipment of books that read Quickflash 2030, Sci-fi, secret agent, thriller. Two best seller lists through the plastic on a crate.

  The agent jumps down from the rear and says, “All clear.”

  Another agent on the roof of the trailer spraying a light white powder climbs down a ladder saying, “All clear.”

  The truck driver drives off and heads towards Highway 125.

  ‘It worked, but the skin on my back is killing me. I’m also feeling a little dizzy,’ Jaden says while the wind brushes against his body.

  Jaden’s back is against the side of the tractor- trailer.

  ‘How didn’t they see me with their thermal glasses?’ Jaden asks while turning to the side to pull himself up to the roof.

  ‘The temperature outside your body was matched with the temperature of the trailer. I also blocked any scents from leaving your body,’ AI says.

  ‘Good work buddy, now you are thinking. The driver said he was going to Roanoke right?’

  ‘Yes, the west side of Virginia. We need to go northeast to Buckeye. I checked the path of the highway for the next one hundred miles by connecting the nanoscanners. There is another light checkpoint getting onto Interstate 95 in five miles,’ AI says.

  Jaden pulls himself to the roof of the trailer. He lies on his back on top of the trailer as his body turns visible again. The air is full of pollen and fresh oxygen from the trees around him. He is admiring the sky and clouds on this partly cloudy day. His body feels the gears shifting. He is thinking about Kimberly and his parents as the wind blows on his body. The engine constantly switching gears reminds Jaden when he was learning stick shift. Jaden thinks about being on another planet with Kimberly and starting a family.

  They reach another checkpoint with two state troopers and the driver shows his ID. Jaden quickly goes invisible. The truck continues onto I-95. Jaden stands up using the pro-gravity nanodrones in his feet, fighting the strong winds as the truck reaches 65 mph. Cars are cruising at high speeds in the HSCCVL lane. He walks to the front of the trailer near the cabin. Jaden climbs onto the side of the passenger door and breaks the window. The truck driver swerves in the middle lane and cars to the side of him honk their horns while trying to avoid him. Jaden opens the door and climbs in. His body suddenly reappears as if he teleported there.

  The truck driver begins to scream at the top of his lungs while trying to focus on the road and steering.

  “Are you finished screaming like a little girl?” Jaden asks.

  “How did you get in here? What do you want?” The frightened driver asks while looking back and forth

  “For starters I would like your truck. Just to borrow it,” Jaden politely replies.

  The guy pulls out a stun gun from his visor and shoots Jaden with it. It jabs his arm and shocks his body.

  “Wow, that felt good. But seriously I need your truck, you can pull over now or I can toss you out while it is moving,” Jaden says.

  “You aren’t getting my truck,” the scared man says.

  ‘His heart rate is going very high.’

  ‘I’m losing patience and I really don’t care,’ Jaden says.

  The driver pulls out a knife, while pulling over and slamming on the brakes on the shoulder. Jaden leans forward and holds onto the dashboard.

  “I’ll stab you right now, if you don’t get out of my truck,” he says.

  “You have a wife and two sons. Today is your oldest son’s birthday. Do you really want to die on his birthday to protect your company’s truck?” Jaden calmly asks while the truck completely stops.

  The driver tries to stab Jaden in the left leg, but it doesn’t penetrate his skin. His tough skin repels the knife like Kevlar in a bulletproof vest.

  “Would you like to try again?” Jaden asks with his arms folded.

  He stabs Jaden harder in the shoulder while grunting, the knife doesn’t penetrate.

  “What are you some kind of alien or cyborg?” He asks while stabbing Jaden in the head.

  “You just made some of my hair fall out. It is men like yourself who leave people behind asking God why you had to die. All you had to do was jump out and say someone stole your truck. But you future dickheads want to do things the hard way!” Jaden yells while opening the passenger door. Jaden takes the knife and stabs the man in the leg with it. The man screams in pain while Jaden unbuckles his seat belt.

  “There there, it doesn’t hurt that much. Just remember, material things can’t replace a life.”

  Jaden tosses the man out of the passenger door with one hand into the bushes about twenty feet away.

  “Tell your company the BIO-Sapien Hulk stole your truck,” Jaden snaps.

  Jaden moves into the driver’s seat and begins to drive. He switches gears. His hair begins to grow back in a patch in his scalp.

  “Why must people do things the hard way, I don’t get it… This isn’t too hard, just like a stick shift car,” he says while the engine stalls and the gears grind.

  ‘Shit, I’m very rusty,’ Jaden says.

  ‘The driver is in a lot of pain and losing blood deep in the bushes,’ AI says.

  ‘The hell with him, he is lucky to still be alive. I’m having these evil feelings and thoughts of just killing anyone that gets in my way. I feel as if I’m turning into the Terminator or something. This is really strange, it is as if there is something evil growing inside of me,’ Jaden says.

  ‘I think those strange energies that come around you when you get angry or feel pain have something to do with the changes in your personality.’

  ‘If it does, I’m sure you will figure it out. Every vehicle I see has GPS systems.’

  Jaden inputs the address to Buckeye Federal Prison into the built in GPS screen.

  “Drive forty-eight Miles on I-95,” the GPS says.

  Buckeye Federal Prison 11:57AM

  Prisoners are moaning in surrounding cells around Kimberly. She can’t go back to sleep because of the smell and prisoners yelling obscene remarks from their cells.

  A man yells from his door with a scary voice, “It is snowing outside Chinese food, today is our lucky day. I’m going to fill you up with some warm protein, then top you off like a gas pump. I’m a certified serial rapist. They call me the Gyn-analyst.”

  She begins to cry again and doesn’t know how she is going to get out of this mess. She keeps thinking someone is going to come in her cell any minute.

Jaden is two miles down the road from the prison in the tractor-trailer deciding his best strategy. He sees a strong prison guard presence throughout the prison with machine guns.

  ‘What are these prison inmates doing to themselves in the basement?’ AI asks.

  ‘You don’t want to know. Think of it as practice makes perfect or the death of millions.’

  Jaden locates Kimberly in the cell in the basement on the other side of the prison.

  ‘There is a prison guard holding his head screaming. It looks as if he was escorting a prisoner. Now the prisoner is kicking him and hitting up with something…oh no, he is knocked out cold now,’ Jaden says.

  The prisoner is taking the guard’s keys.

  ‘His nanomole is affecting his brain. It is in between normal open and neutral. Most of the guards are coming towards the front of the prison with guns and exoskeleton body suits. There is only one other guard in the unit,’ AI says.


  ‘Shit, a huge machine is blowing white powdery looking flakes all over the ground and in the air around the prison.

  ‘I guess we won’t be sneaking in invisibly with that powder. You might need to do a full atomic solar recharge, if your shield strength gets too low,’ AI says.

  ‘I don’t need to sneak in anyway. I’m ready for that atomic solar recharge. I remember when Bellona did it, that was so cool. I just hope it isn’t too painful.’

  ‘It won’t work the same way, ours is configured differently. They can be deadly around humans. When the nanodrones explode at near the speed of light towards space, they make holes in everything in all directions. When they return to Earth, they carry a good amount of radiation energy from the magnetosphere. It can affect anything in a thirty foot radius until they return back into your body and are contained.’

  ‘Okay. As long as my energy is replenished from it, I really don’t care about anyone else. Damn, these guards in the towers have twin M2hb guns with fifty caliber rounds. Damn those are big bullets. They also have a weapon I’ve never seen before,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Those bullets fire over 4000 feet per second. That much power can penetrate your skin and quickly weaken your shield energy. They have a next generation nitrogen-cooled 15,000-rpm M134 mini gun in a tower. They also have bat bullets with little wings on each of them and nanorockets. Bat bullets turn in the air and hit the exact target it was aimed at, even if the target moves. Nanorockets are ten-inch mini rockets with C4 explosives,’ AI says.

  ‘Shit, let’s do it,’ Jaden says while there is a brief silence, ‘I have a plan.’

  ‘I have a plan,’ AI says at the same time.

  A few minutes pass by. The tractor-trailer is driving straight towards the gate of the prison. The driver’s seat is empty. A prison guard sees the truck coming at 50 mph down the street and he gets on the radio. The guards in the three towers begin firing their huge powerful mounted guns at the truck as the truck bursts through the twenty-foot high checkpoint gate with barbed wire on top of it. The high-speed bullets look like flying sparks of light. The truck quickly catches on fire as Jaden is running one hundred feet behind the truck while invisible. The powerful bullets rip hundreds of huge holes in the trailer like paper. The tires go flat and the tractor-trailer changes direction and explodes. The books in the trailer explode in different directions as well. Jaden fires a shock wave at one of the towers. It cruises through the air making a hissing sound like a high-speed softball. It hits the tower ripping the top of it off. The guard in the tower feels an abrupt movement and then he experiences weightlessness as his body floats through the air with the tower. He grabs onto the walls around him. Fifty feet in the air, the guard suddenly experiences a direction change downwards and the weight on his body greatly increases. His body weight of 180 lbs increases to 520 lbs and his spine feels the sudden strain. He screams in pain as the glass and tower crash into the ground creating a huge amount of debris. The tractor-trailer stops against a huge wall and continues to burn. Black smoke quickly floats into the sky.

  White powder completely covers Jaden’s invisible body. He quickly turns visible and runs through the first gate. A secret weapon elevates out of the concrete on top of the wall. There are two square metal dishes right next to each other turning directly towards Jaden. Someone is controlling them remotely. The machines channels two invisible microwave beams towards Jaden’s body causing him to fall and roll on the ground a few feet. The intense heat from the twin ray guns penetrates half an inch into his skin and turns off. The pain quickly stops as he lies on his back. The pain traveled all around his body as if he was being burned alive.

  ‘Why didn’t you use the shields Jaden? Why did you override me?’ AI asks.

  ‘I knew something was coming, I wanted to see what they were going to hit me with.’

  A prison guard on a loudspeaker speaks to Jaden.

  “Put your hands over your head and get on your knees. You are surrounded by two ray gun machines. If you step a foot into any direction you will feel heat greater than 150°F.”

  ‘Scan the machines with the nanoscanners when I get up so we can find out how this weapon works. Also analyze the waves’ frequencies,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Yes sir.’

  Jaden stands up and walks forward. A double burning sensation comes over his body as his body feels 155°F of microwave energy. He stops moving forward and the microwaves stop. Smoke can be seen coming off his clothes.

  ‘Shit, now I know what an ant feels like when someone puts a magnifying glass on it in the sun,’ he says while rubbing his hot navy shirt with holes in it.

  ‘I have the configuration of the guns. There is a laser under the machine, heating up and ionizing the air. Then a plasma channel is created and electromagnetic waves go in the direction the square dishes aim towards,’ AI says.

  Jaden puts his hands over his head as if he was surrendering and rests on his knees.

  ‘How can we use that type of energy?’ He asks.

  ‘The system works similar to the components of your molecule rippers by creating plasma energy. But to reproduce the same effect will require a lot of energy and not worth it. But, we can contain the wave energy by getting nanodrones to spin around in two directions to collect the electromagnetic waves and then redirect them like a mirror. Your hands will need to hold up the hot energy forces.’

  ‘Sounds good, let’s do that,’ Jaden says.

  Two officers in exoskeleton suits walk from the front steel gate surrounded by twenty-foot concrete walls. One of them has handcuffs in his hand. Jaden stands up and extends his arms in front of him.

  “Get back on the ground and put your hands over your head, or we will hit you with a 180°F blast of heat. You will suffer second and third degree burns!” The man yells through the loudspeaker.

  Jaden continues walking and yells out.

  “Let’s see what you got!” Jaden yells while his fingers are waving at them to come at him.

  The two guards stop thirty feet in front of Jaden. The translucent heat wave molecules are disrupting the light waves between him and the ray guns. The vision looks hazy as the air quickly heats up. The intense double beams come towards Jaden at a high speed. The white powdery flakes floating in the air catch on fire between the ray gun and Jaden. They turn to smoke and disappear. He quickly turns his palms around towards the square dishes. The nanodrones are quickly rotating on the skin of his palms and try to contain the hot, intense beams in front of him. The force to contain the hot energy slowly pushes down on the palms of his hands and touches his skin. Jaden grunts and groans as his hands feel intense burning sensations up to 177°F. Jaden goes down on his knees from the forces on his arms and hands. The intense heat bombards Jaden’s body and makes him perspire. His muscles bulge in his arms and shoulders. Smoke is coming from his shirt and hair. The operators of the machines believe there is a malfunction and increase the power. He slowly changes the direction of his hands and aims them towards the
guards standing in front of him with confused looks on their faces. Jaden grunts aloud while sweat runs down his face. He redirects the hot waves of energy towards the guards in front of him. The ray gun waves redirect and hit the guards’ suits, but can’t penetrate the nanotubing fiber materials. The nanotubing material reflects the direct blast of heat. The waves quickly move in different directions around the exoskeleton suits. The heat cooks them from the outside and they begin to do a chicken dance and run back towards the gates.

  “Do the southern fried chicken dance!” Jaden yells.

  Jaden stands up with a smile on his face and runs behind the guards. He redirects the funneling energy back towards the dishes. The dishes turn glowing red and quickly turn off. His hands are smoking and suffer burns all over the skin. The guards in the two towers arm their big guns. Jaden can hear the loading of the guns from where he is.

  He makes it through the second gate. He runs and jumps thirty feet into the air firing a blue tinted atoms ripper with his left hand towards the tower on his left. The atoms ripper creates a three-foot hole straight through the tower. The atoms ripper also makes a hole straight through the mini gun and the guard’s body. Blood splats all inside the tower as if a tomato just exploded. Jaden runs into a small building where visitors enter through. He sees through the nanoscanners that prisoners are letting other prisoners out. The second guard is taken down and is beaten unconscious by crazed prisoners. Prisoners have their hands through the opening of their cells, yelling to the other prisoners to let them out. Kimberly hears the rioting outside her cell door and begins to pray.

  “You are all mine, Chinese food. I’m going to put my duck sauce all inside of your sweet egg roll holes,” the Gyn-analyst says through her prison cell opening while he jiggles keys.

  He tries both keys but they don’t open Kimberly’s cell door.

  “Monkey’s cum! These keys ain’t working!”

  “You dickhead, let us out, we can help you,” a man yells.

  He opens the other prisoners’ locked doors.


  Jaden sees Kimberly is in trouble and quickly runs through the empty visiting area.

  ‘It is a trap Jaden, I count: seven federal agents, fifteen prison guards, and six special ops military in exoskeleton suits carrying mini guns. They all have on gas masks. The men have twelve gauge shotguns, sniper rifles, bat bullets, nanorocket guns, and twin M2hb guns from the inside towers. There is an unmanned aerial helicopter gunship called a helidrone hovering above with Hydra II rockets,’ AI says.

  The hybrid helidrone has two wings on both sides that face down. There is a medium-sized rotary blade in the middle of each wing.

  ‘Wow, AI you know your weapons.’

  ‘I downloaded most government weapons and guns before we left town.’

  ‘I don’t have too much of a choice. It’s show time, let’s see what kind of a human weapon I am.’

  Jaden opens the door into a huge courtyard area. He runs forward as white powder is everywhere and canisters of tear gas are exploding a few feet around him. The canisters explode as they hit the ground. Jaden holds his breath and closes his eyes. Thousands of fast moving bullets are shot at Jaden from the towers. Soldiers in exoskeleton suits a few dozen feet away fire their mini guns at Jaden as if they are a firing squad. Guards and agents on foot fire M16’s and shotguns at Jaden. The fast moving bullets come from all directions and hit the outside of his shield with tremendous force. Bat bullets are coming at Jaden from rooftops. He has the rpm at 150,000 but the forward shield can’t destroy the bullets fast enough. Nanorockets are being shot at Jaden from a distance. They twirl in the air from the towers and a huge explosion is seen hitting his outer body shield. Fire shoots upwards and Jaden’s hands are holding the inside of the shield from jerking from the force. Fire forms around his shield as smoke flies towards the sky. The force from the four nanorockets with C4 knocks Jaden off balance and off his feet. The shield begins to enclose on him and turn grey as his shield gets weaker. The molecules from the bullets and energy from the blasts quickly move around the shield.

  “We got him boys! Keep firing!” A guard yells, while they move closer to Jaden laying flat on his stomach with a grey material surrounding him.

  Kimberly hears explosions and gunfire from a distance. She stands in the corner of the cell looking at the door. The roaming prisoners in the SHU area are running around yelling and screaming. One man runs into a small kitchen area that is behind the guard’s office to steal food. A long corridor area behind the office leads to a steel door sealing off the SHU area from the rest of the building. Eight other men are trying to get Kimberly’s door open with the two keys.

  “Central we need help, two guards are down in the SHU2 area, prisoners are roaming freely,” a guard at the checkpoint says on the radio while looking through security cameras.

  “Sorry SHU2, keep the area sealed off, we are handling a serious threat,” the warden says on the radio.

  The prisoners talk amongst themselves.

  “This is a special lock, the key is probably somewhere in the office,” a prisoner named Tommy says.

  The Gyn-analyst quickly pushes people out of the way and runs to the locked office where the SHU guards sit. He has a look of determination on his face to get Kimberly’s cell door open. His hormones are driving him to find the key and be the first one through her door.

  “The guards’ room is locked. Someone help me find something to pick the lock,” Gyn-analyst says.

  A Mexican prisoner runs from the kitchen area behind the office with a small bottle in his hand.

  “Look what I found! Some organic corn oil!” He yells at the men crowded around Kimberly’s door.

  “Alright! Good work man. Just what we needed!” A prisoner yells.

  He pours it in a few of the men’s hands as they rub it together in their hands. Drips of the corn oil fall all over the floor. Then they rub their hands in their orange prison pants. Tommy shines the guard’s flashlight on Kimberly. He picks out the part of her body he wants to taste first.

  “There is no MSG in this Chinese food!” Tommy yells.

  “You are going to be Freddy Kruger’s mother by the time we finish with you,” the Gyn-analyst yells from down the hall while trying to pick the lock with plastic utensils.

  “I’m first you dick,” Tommy yells while they push each other.


  Outside, the men continue firing over 3400 bullets at Jaden. The helidrone continues to float above, monitoring the situation. The glowing grey energy inside of Jaden’s shield continues to crush his body. The pressure increases as his shield weakens more and he drops to his knees trying to fight back the strong forces pushing down on him.

  ‘How much longer, AI? I feel as if I’m being crushed by a four hundred pound woman,’ Jaden mumbles.

  ‘Just a few more seconds. Continue fighting against the pressure,’ AI says while doing calculations.

  ‘What is all this grey shit around me?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Advanced plasma fusion, it’s recycling the kinetic energy and molecules in the bullets,’ AI says.

  “Keep shooting, he is still glowing!” A guard yells while all the men walk closer and circle Jaden.

  Jaden is pushing his hands off the ground trying to lift himself against the strong pressure around his body. He strains and groans as he uses all of his muscle strength to push back. AI is doing advanced Andromedian calculus calculations for some nanodrones to return to Earth at slightly different angles and group together.

  Trillions of energy storing nanodrones enter the glowing grey energy and quickly move around at high speeds. There is a bright flash of light around Jaden’s body and a huge explosion is created. Jaden’s mind goes into 80x nanotime mode. The white powder flies in all directions. The energy-storing nanodrones, grey molecules and shield generating nanodrones explode in all directions at half the speed of light, creating holes in anything in their pat
h. The men fly backwards into the air from the huge explosion as billions of microscopic holes are created in their bodies and guns. The military men in exoskeleton suits slowly fall backwards from the blast. Their impenetrable nanite-graphite armor has microscopic holes all over.

  Jaden, still holding his breath, stands up with his arms toward the sky. He yells as his muscles strain and are in pain around his body. The fast moving nanodrones reach the strong energy from just outside the magnetosphere above the planet. They quickly slow down and change direction back towards Earth in groups. Jaden has no shields while the men land on the ground screaming in a low growl. The helidrone fires several Hydra 2 rockets at Jaden. A few of the men’s bodies shake uncontrollably and bleed. Jaden’s nanotime goes into 10x as the rockets slowly move towards him from above. The two towers to the left and right of Jaden 150 feet away begin firing their high-powered twin M2hb guns and nanorockets towards Jaden. The bullets slowly cruise in the air. The bullets quickly heat the air around them. Two soldiers in bionic suits struggle to stand to the right of Jaden. They are bleeding inside of their exoskeleton suits.

  Nanotime continues, the first Hydra rocket get within seventeen feet of Jaden. He looks around at everything slowly coming towards him. The groups of nanodrones with radiation charged particles return from space at one quarter the speed of light. They come from all directions quickly passing through the guards laying flat on the roofs and the guards in the right tower. They also pass through the chest of a military man in an exoskeleton suit that just stood back up. They die instantly. The returning nanodrones return through the path of the bullets shot towards Jaden, destroying them also. The nanodrones return to Jaden’s body and quickly start forming an energy shield around him. Jaden’s sees on his eye screen that his full energy is at fifty-five percent. A 200-foot circle of gravity shock wave smoke is around Jaden as he fires it with his right hand towards the Hydra missiles. A great ball of fire forms as the first of four Hydra missiles explodes. The shock wave takes the explosive force and reverses its direction. The fire is circling inside of the shock wave like a tornado. Jaden’s reverse shield forms around him at 275,000 rpm. Hundreds of bullets stop in midair to the left of Jaden. The first of two nanorockets from the left tower explodes at the outside of the energy shield creating an oval fireball around it.

  Nanotime speeds up to 75x as the oval fire expands around Jaden’s entire shield. The gravity shock wave fired towards the Hydro rockets continues to destroy the remaining three. The huge spinning fireball shock wave hits the helidrone before it gets a chance to move. The helidrone explodes from the force and explosion of its own rockets. It propels backwards out of control into the sky as a gigantic fireball. Jaden fires a gravity shock wave and an atoms ripper with both hands in front of him at the same time towards the left tower. The suspended bullets are quickly destroyed as a small bubble of the shield quickly moves with the shock wave. The bubble breaks up while expanding with the atoms ripping shock wave. It moves through the air like a huge spitball. The bullets and nanorockets vaporize before they can explode. The shock wave hits the tower with tremendous force, ripping the top of the tower off and causing it to spin. Trillions of molecules in the tower incinerate as nanotime goes off in Jaden’s mind. The top part of the tower continues half a mile into the air and then straight into the ground.

  The fireball that hit the helidrone continues a mile and suddenly changes directions straight towards the Earth. The last standing man in the exoskeleton suit tries to fire his mini gun at Jaden, but it doesn’t work. The gravity shock wave nanodrones quickly return from different directions and into Jaden’s body.

  “You didn’t learn anything from the end of The Lawnmower Man did you?” Jaden asks while walking over towards him. Jaden can see the fear in his eyes through his helmet. The man fires a stun gun from his left hand and the electricity goes around Jaden’s shield.

  “That’s all you got?”

  The man slowly walks away towards Jaden’s left . Jaden picks up another huge 150 lbs mini gun lying on the white powdery ground.

  “Please don’t shoot,” a robotic sounding voice comes from the soldier’s helmet.

  “Robocop voice guard, I just took out an army and you still going to try to shoot me? I see the fear in your eyes, bionic dick. Don’t walk away, you should have thought of don’t shoot when you were about to shoot at me again just now,” Jaden says while the soldier walks towards the building on Jaden’s left. He continues to aim the big gun towards the soldier.

  ‘Don’t shoot him, he is unarmed and we have to hurry to save Kimberly.’

  ‘No, it is beginning to feel good, killing people. It’s giving me some kind of high,’ Jaden says in a low voice to AI.

  “They say that graphite nanite plastic and nanotubing fiber materials are impenetrable to any bullet on Earth. I’m going to be your MythBusters host today. Seventy-five bullets a second, over 4000 bullets a minute, Robosoldier,” Jaden says with a smile on his face.

  ‘Jaden no!’

  The loud mini gun’s barrels quickly spins in circles, while bullets are shot at the soldier, who braces to cover his face. Hundreds of bullets riddle his exoskeleton suit in a few seconds. Shells from the gun bounce onto the ground. The noise from the ricocheting bullets echoes in stereo from all directions. The soldier falls face forward onto the ground.

  “He is down for the count, Tyson knocked out his opponent in under three seconds. The crowd goes wild and people are demanding their money back,” Jaden says while dropping the gun and putting his arms in the air as if he is the champion. Jaden makes crowd cheering sounds. Smoke comes from the barrel of the gun and the bottom of the soldier’s body.

  Jaden turns the soldier over and sees hundreds of bullets stuck inside the armor.

  “The myth is confirmed, but the soldier’s life isn’t,” Jaden snaps.

  The nanoscanners show that the bullets didn’t penetrate, but the bullets pushed the body armor inwards. Jaden quickly runs through the second building, which is a kitchen area for guards.

  ‘Jaden, there are some chemical imbalances in your frontal lobe. Something is still changing your judgment.’

  ‘Yeah, I think you are right. I don’t know what came over me,’ he says.


  SHU 12:02 pm


  “What is taking so long? I feel like I’m cooking a sausage in oil with all this back and forth friction,” Tommy asks while walking to the door with his hand in his pants.

  “I can’t pick the lock,” Gyn-analyst says.

  “Idiot, how long you been in jail? These locks open with fingerprints and the warden has the only key for the door. Stop thinking with your brain in your pants,” Tommy says.

  “I’ve been in jail for twenty-two years. You are the idiot for just telling me now, you asshole. Come on, help me with this guard over here.”

  They run to the unconscious guard lying on the floor. Another man helps them lift and carry the guard to the office door. They press his fingers inside the door handle. The door opens automatically and they toss the guard to the side. They quickly find the key on a hanger.

  “Give it to me, give it to me,” Tommy demands.

  “I’m first. I’m the Gyn-doctor,” he says while holding the key in the air as if it is a treasure key. The rest of the men have smiles on their faces and cheer.

  “Yo, this dude is carrying every STD in the book. We all going to have what he has, he should go last,” Tommy says.

  “How you know?” Another prisoner asks.

  They push the Gyn-analyst down and take his key. Tommy pushes people out of the way as a mob of prisoners stand around the door close together.

  “Stop rubbing your meat against me,” a prisoner says to another.

  The Gyn-analyst tries to push his way through the crowd. They unlock Kimberly’s prison door with greasy hands as they yell amongst each other. They are pushing and shoving each other out of the wa
y to get to the door first. The door doesn’t open because men are in the way. A line of smoke appears on the floor around the prisoners’ shoes.

  “Move back you dickheads, I can’t open the door!” Tommy yells.

  “I just want to wear her skirt and panties,” a small skinny prisoner says.

  They open the door wide and Tommy runs inside first. The rest are pushing and shoving each other while trying to get in first. Suddenly there is a loud explosion. A second prison runs inside. A gravity shock wave force dismounts the holding area steel door down the hallway. The steel door flies down the hallway at a tremendous speed and down to the SHU cells. The fast moving door hits the third man from entering the cell and two other men in the hallway. Their bodies slam into a concrete wall and the door creates a new rectangular hole in the concrete. Sunlight shines through the hole over the horizontal steel door. Blood squirts in all directions. Jaden runs down the hallway as other prisoners lay on the floor with baffled looks on their faces. The Gyn-analyst is leaning flat against the wall across from Kimberly’s cell, looking at the steel door in the concrete at the end of the hallway. Smoke and debris is floating in the air as Jaden runs through it.

  Jaden turns and walks into Kimberly’s cell. The Gyn-analyst looks at Jaden as if he is a ghost. Kimberly throws a straight punch towards Jaden’s face.

  “Hiya!” She yells.

  He sees her punch coming towards him and quickly moves out of the way. She does not recognize Jaden covered in white powdery debris.

  “It’s me, Jaden,” he yells.

  Hazy light from the hallway is shining on her as she is standing in a karate stance with her panties on looking at Jaden with confusion. The two prisoners that ran into her cell are unconscious on the floor. Tommy’s head is in the toilet and there is a crack down the middle of the toilet bowl. The other three men run down the hallway through the new hole that leads outside.

  “You okay? They took your skirt off that fast?” Jaden asks.

  The Gyn-analyst speaks behind Jaden, “Buddy, if you wanted a turn all you had to do was ask.”

  Kimberly responds to Jaden while putting her skirt back on, “I’m fine, I can handle myself. I took my skirt off so I could fight these perverts better.”

  “I forgot you took self defense classes and a few karate classes,” Jaden says.

  Kimberly sits back down in the corner of the cell with a sad look on her face.

  “What are you doing? We have to get out of here,” Jaden says.

  “Hey dude, can you hurry up? This oil is heating up and I can’t keep this hand in motion,” Gyn-analyst says.

  “STD-analyst man, step away from the door, before I take you off this planet. You have enough little crabs and lobsters between your legs that you can open your own Red Lobster. Smothering them in corn oil is animal cruelty,” Jaden says while Kimberly chuckles.

  The man stands there with an embarrassed look on his face.

  “That was funny,” she says.

  “Kimberly, why did you sit back down? There is an army approaching the prison, we have to get out of here. I’m here to rescue you sweetie.”

  The Gyn-analyst responds while closing their prison door and locking it, “Screw you, you limp dick cocksucker.”

  It turns very dark in the cell as the closing door echoes in the small room.

  “Why did you come for me? What do you want from me? How can I believe you are who you say you are?” She asks while beginning to cry.

  “I care about you. I felt it was my fault you were put in prison in the first place. I thought breaking into a maximum security prison was enough proof to show I’m real,” Jaden says.

  “I’m still confused. I had this dream about my childhood this morning. So many things were corrupted in my memory, I need…” she says while stopping to sniffle and becomes more emotional.

  ‘We have to hurry. The guards are leaving this building and the other prisoners that were down here are releasing the prisoners throughout the building from their cells. There is about to be a riot in here. The military and guards aren’t coming this direction,’ AI says.

  ‘Okay, okay, AI.’

  “…I need to know something,” she says.

  “What is it? Talk to me,” Jaden says while sitting over Tommy’s head in the toilet.

  He breathes bubbles into the toilet, still unconscious.

  “I need to know the truth from you.... I’ve been putting things together in my head for the past couple of hours. When I was seven years old, I saw something traumatic that my subconscious made me forget until today. I was on a school trip in New York City on the tramway heading to Roosevelt Island. I saw this flying spaceship outside of the windows on the tramway. I’ve denied and suppressed this for years. I remember kids screaming and my hair floating in the air. I was the only person not scared of it. I felt something from the spaceship as if, as if my soul connected with it. I felt as if my life and future had a lot to do with that spaceship. If that was really you in that spacecraft, I want you to tell me what did the spacecraft do before it left?” Kimberly asks while holding back tears.

  Jaden thinks and thinks.

  ‘AI, help me out here, you were there too.’

  “That was about a month ago, for me. I briefly remember hearing the conversation in the tramway. Your teacher…called you Kim,” he yells.

  “Yes, in elementary school until high school I was called Kim.”

  “That was the day I found the UFO… February… 15th 2000 right?” Jaden asks while standing up.

  “Yes, it was. It was cloudy and rainy. But what did the UFO do in front of me?” She asks.

  ‘Shit, I can’t remember,’ Jaden says to AI.

  “Hmm.. You stood there and you weren’t scared, I remember saying that.”

  “If that was you in there, you should know what you did,” Kimberly says.


  ‘There is a heavily armed Raptor jet fighter flying this way. I think they are about to bomb this prison. All the guards are way outside the complex. There are also thirty prisoners running towards this direction from the upstairs cells. Sorry, I don’t remember what you did back in 2000,’ AI says.

  “The UFO ship did something that stood out before it left that I knew something or someone human was inside,” she says.

  A mob of men are at the prison door yelling inside their cell. Some look at the other prisoners’ body parts splattered against the wall to the right of Kimberly’s cell and run away screaming.

  “We want some Chinese food! We want Chinese food!” They chant.

  “Who has the key?” A big man asks.

  “I got it right here. That bastard is hogging the Asian cuisine to himself,” The Gyn-analyst says while he pushes his way through the boisterous crowd.

  Jaden creates a shield around them to block out the loud chanting. It becomes romantically quiet around them. The chanting completely disappears. Jaden looks deep into Kimberly’s crying brown eyes.

  “I remember now. I got it. I was looking at you thinking how cute you looked with your brown innocent eyes. You were looking at me as if you wanted to come with me and you didn’t have one nervous bone in your body. I made the outside shields look like a huge eye and I winked at you. The rain gave the shield a translucent look,” Jaden says.

  “Yes! Yes! That is correct!” She yells while jumping up and hugging Jaden.

  ‘Jaden…’ AI says.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you before. I’ll never doubt you again,” she says while putting her arms around his shoulders. He puts his arms around her waist.

  She tries to kiss him in the dark.

  “That is my nose…that is my eye,” Jaden says. She uses her hand for guidance and kisses him on his mouth.

  “Hey! That’s cheating,” he says.

  It is completely quiet as Kimberly’s lips touch Jaden’s. As her lips press against his, chemical signals travel all around his body. They c
onnect for the first time emotionally and physically. They continue to slowly open mouth kiss.

  ‘Her bacteria and cooties are entering your mouth…’

  ‘So..her cooties and bacteria taste good.’

  Time feels as if it is in nanotime for Jaden. He doesn’t hear what AI is telling him. He feels her tongue rubbing against his. Her head turns side to side and their noses touch.

  She pulls away and looks at him in the dark and says, “I think fate brought us together again.”

  “I think so, this is completely déjà vu. I felt similar feelings for you eighteen years ago as if you were someone I knew in another life or something,” Jaden whispers to her.

  ‘Jaden! There is a Raptor jet fighter two miles away that just switched to visual stealth mode and just fired a 5000-pound AGM-114Z Hellfire 3 vacuum missile. It is coming at this building at 1200 mph,’ AI says excitedly.

  “We have to go Kimberly, right now!” Jaden says while the door unlocks.

  “Why? What is going on,” she asks.

  “Trust me, there is a powerful missile coming to blow this prison up,” Jaden says.

  “Why would the government blow up one of their own prisons?” Kimberly asks.

  ‘What is a Hellfire 3 missile?’ Jaden asks while charging a shock wave.

  “Stand back sweetie,” Jaden says while stepping forward. The loud chanting and yelling returns.

  ‘One of the most deadliest thermobaric missiles. It will drop deep inside of a building before exploding. When it explodes it…’

  Jaden fires a gravity shock wave at the door as it slowly opens. She feels the slightly increasing gravity by her feet. The door flies straight across the hall impaling eight men and ripping five bodies apart. The door goes into the cell across the hall and slams downwards into a concrete wall. There is blood and gore everywhere. Men begin to scream as they run towards the exit.

  “Wow, I’m impressed,” she says while seeing a new doorway.

  “Well you did wanted to see some alien magic with your own eyes,” he says while grabbing her hand and walking forward.

  ‘…explodes it sucks all the oxygen out of a building, ripping lungs out, shredding internal organs, crushing the human body before engulfing the building in a huge fireball. There is also a powerful energy shock wave that can destroy nervous systems and brain activity in the body. Jaden! The missile is going to hit in twenty-one seconds.’

  “Let me carry you, and close your eyes. This is going to get ugly,” Jaden says while lifting her over his arms. She puts her left arm around his shoulder and holds his left hand with her right.

  Debris is everywhere as Jaden and Kimberly leave the cell. Some men are yelling in the hallway with missing limbs.

  “Good luck!” The terrorist man next to Kimberly’s cell yells through his cell door.

  “Can we let him out?” Kimberly asks.

  “No time!” Jaden yells while jogging away.

  “I’m okay, I’m going to meet my family in heaven soon,” Kimberly’s terrorist friend says.

  Jaden quickly turns the corner with Kimberly on his back, while stepping over bricks, debris and body parts.

  ‘Piggy-back ride will work better, you’ll be able to run faster. You are going to need full body shields over 300,000 rpm. Remember the hamster wheel,’ AI says.

  “Are we going to make it out in time?” She asks in a nervous voice.

  “Kim, piggy-back ride,” Jaden says while she stands up and quickly climbs on his back. Her skirt is pulled up as half of her light pink panties are shown from behind.

  “Whatever you do, don’t let go and don’t open your eyes. You can also pray to Buddha for both of us, ” Jaden says while he jogs forward stepping over body parts.

  ‘Run straight towards the small kitchen. There is a wall behind it, and past that, it drops off seventy feet to a river.’

  A full body forward shield forms ten feet around Jaden, destroying the doors and walls to the SHU’s. Suddenly there is a bright flash of light all around and a powerful blast is felt. The ground shakes like a magnitude 8.0 earthquake.

  “Take a few deep breaths and then hold your breath. I have to remove all the oxygen in this shield,” Jaden says.

  “Okay,” she says while taking a few deep breaths and then holding.

  Jaden’s brain goes into nanotime 90x as he jumps two feet into the air. Kimberly holds on tightly around Jaden’s neck while her legs are around his waist. He feels her heart beating fast against his back. He lands on the inside of his shield as his feet are running in slow motion above the ground. The inner shield slows down to an easy running speed for Jaden. He is controlling the direction the shield is moving in. Air shock waves from the blasts reflect on all the walls. The prisoners are running about twenty feet in front of them. The sudden drop in pressure makes them scream as the oxygen is sucked out of their bodies as if they are in space. The air shock waves quickly destroy their nervous systems. They collapse to the floor as a strong explosion comes from all directions, igniting their bodies. The walls, floors and ceilings are collapsing all around Jaden and Kim. The shield is shaped like an octagon around Jaden. The force of the missile causes the shield to move inwards by six feet. The shield is counteracting the strong forces of the thermobaric missile and uses that energy to propel them forward. Anti-gravity nanodrones are circling inside the shield at full strength. Shock waves from the blast absorb into the outside layer of the shield. Fire is everywhere as the ceilings continue to implode around them. Kimberly’s hair is floating as she feels no weight on her body.


  Concrete, debris, shards of metal, fire balls, high pressures, and shock waves of kinetic energy bombard the outside of Jaden’s energy shield. His rpm is at 450,000 while AI helps him with the shield direction and calculations. Jaden is fully concentrating on his running speed and the shield surrounding himself and Kim. The shield goes inwards another two feet as it counteracts the powerful shock waves pulling everything towards the initial blast zone. The pro-gravity nanodrones in Jaden’s feet are keeping him from floating away. He is running on the inside of the shield as if he is on a treadmill. He passes the area that used to be the kitchen. The shield is rolling in the direction Jaden is trying to go. Kimberly opens her eyes and sees orange fire all around her within a few feet. She begins to scream in slow motion as she sees death is all around her. Her deep voice sounds like a movie playing in slow motion. She climbs a little higher as Jaden increases his running speed to 21 mph. Nanotime goes off and her voice speeds up into a high pitch scream. Jaden and Kimberly explode outside a concrete wall of the basement area in the prison. They go airborne. Kimberly is gasping to breathe. The zero gravity inside the shield allows them to continue floating forward. Trees are below them, as they glide over a river below. The fire around the shield disappears into the wind behind them and he stops running.

  The shield disappears from around them and Earth’s gravity pulls down on their bodies. The strong wind passes around their bodies and face, as Kimberly takes deep breaths of fresh air for the first time in a day. They glide down between some trees as the anti-gravity nanodrones circle around them creating an upwards counteracting gravity force. They land in a wooded area and Jaden braces his knees for the impact. Pieces of burning debris fall from the prison from all directions around them.



  Dr. K. Chan Sandwich & Tots – Grilled chicken, egg, turkey bacon, honey mustard, lettuce, green peppers, tomatoes & double American.

  Nacho Extreme

  Chapter 21: Superlover

  (PG-13 Parental Guidance suggested)

  This chapter contains sexual references and romance scenes. If you are under 13 please skip this chapter.