Read BIO-Sapien book 4 - Remote Heroes Page 5

  WHAT HAPPENED IN “BIO-Sapien 1 & 2?”


  The evil Darclonians (formerly known as Robogods) used to be an all robotic species, but have been using organic bodies for the past 150,000 years in search of the perfect host for their experiment. The robotic droids scanned millions of solar systems to find a planet the right distance from the Sun that could support life. Over 100,000 years ago a droid fired small comets filled with sextillions of Nanomoles towards Earth. Reaching the lower atmosphere, the comets had exploded and dispersed Nanomoles which sought out organic and intelligent life. Undetectable, the parasites have since been sitting in their host's brains learning the biology and recording the human experience from generation to generation. They have been awaiting a signal from a mothership which will activate an 84 hour, three stage countdown.

  The good Andromedians (from the Andromeda galaxy) needed a purpose for humans as well. They are peaceful explorers and have been in several battles with Darclonians over the years. Their dilemma is their Biomechanical bodies would be destroyed in their ships when they use Optic-warp to exit the Milky-way’s center super massive blackhole in subspace. They have been monitoring a lot of Darclonian activity in this galaxy and needed a way to investigate it. They used one of their older class ships with Artificial intelligence on it to seek out an intelligent human being on Earth, to see if the body can make it to their Galaxy in one piece. This is when Jaden Marino finds the UFO.

  On a cold winter evening in 2000, Jaden Marino, discovers a UFO near his home in upstate NY. The government detects it and swarms the area on a full-scale UFO hunt. Unable to find the now invisible UFO, the government follows Jaden to it after listening to him excitedly disclose it to a friend on the telephone.

  On the run from the persistent government  wanting him for “further questioning,” he hides inside of the UFO made of liquid metal nanotechnology. Meanwhile, the government tries to take the craft to Area 51. Inside the ship, Jaden’s body goes into a comatose state, and he has an out-of-the-body experience. The spaceship translates his English language and math capabilities from his mind into its alien language, subsequently enabling him to control the UFO with his mind.

  Jaden manages to pilot the ship, escaping the government. As he gets used to controlling the ship by pure thought, the government sends all of their best and top-secret aircraft to intercept and destroy the spacecraft. Jaden uses microscopic autonomous alien eyes, called nanoeyes, which allow him to see outside the ship in dozens of directions, as well as smell, taste, and feel. The nanoeyes transform into nanoscanners when they detect a threat. Nanoscanners can scan through any non-shielded aircraft and learn its defenses in seconds.

  Jaden quickly learns the capabilities of the UFO and engages the best government pilots in an intense chase over New York. Jaden outruns missiles and can actually see bullets moving past the UFO. The intense chase creates dozens of powerful sonic booms, the impact of which breaks windows and causes citizens’ ears to ring. Jaden rescues an SR-71 Blackbird aircraft that flies past its maximum ceiling height.  Jaden’s quick thinking activates a tractor beam in an attempt to stop the SR-71 Blackbird from crashing into a house.

  Jaden races a top-secret Blackbird from New York City to Chicago at Mach 7, just missing an airliner that was about to land. Jaden realizes he is at the maximum speed on Earth and is trying to explore the speed of light engines. He overrides the light engine controls in an attempt to outrun the Blackbird. The engines of the UFO charge to 0.1% the speed of light and Jaden is over North Korea in a split second. Jaden loses control of the ship and it flies on autopilot away from Earth’s orbit. The UFO accelerates and takes a quick thirty-minute ride to Jupiter, where it explores the inner layers of this giant planet. Jaden’s mind is blown away when he sees Jupiter up close.

  The UFO then explores Jupiter’s moon Europa and Jaden has his first alien encounter with thousands of species of alien sea life. The glow-in-the-dark animals are intriguing to Jaden at first. Jaden then encounters intelligent, coordinated alien sharks that greet him by biting different parts of the UFO. Being integrated with the UFO, Jaden’s body feels what the ship feels. Eventually the ship tries to leave the moon Europa, but not before being swallowed by a mother shark and taking her to the surface of the moon with the ship.

  The UFO sets a course towards the sun. The craft travels through space by using an advanced space traveling method called optic-warp. This system allows the UFO to travel in subspace after being broken into a quadrillion molecules, which allows the ship to pass a light-year every 7-90 seconds.

  The UFO eventually sets a course to planet Xenos (Andromedian’s home planet), they are captured by a Darclonian colony in the Andromeda Galaxy, 2.1 million light-years from Earth. His body was experimented on and the Darclonians realized there is some value in humans. This sets off a chain of events for Earth and a mothership is dispatched. Jaden and the ship are later rescued by an elite Andromedian biomechanical team lead by BELLONA.

  Bellona, Marco and Bomani, who range in age from 50,000-69,000 years old, make their debut appearance. Marco and Bellona show off a few of their superhero skills and advanced weapons as they take on an army of blisters, cubfighters and skelborgs. Bellona fights at super speeds with her anti-hydrogen energy sword while dodging a hail of meteorites hitting the ground around her. Marco also shows his stealth and advanced weaponry skills. These highly skilled, peaceful warriors are shocked when they see a new threat to their galaxy. The dark energy knight makes its first appearance. They hit it with dozens of torpedoes from their ships and then leave to return Jaden to their home planet.

  Jaden wakes up discovering he is on another planet called Xenos, and is in a virtual under water city in an artificial body.  Bellona informs Jaden of everything that has taken place and Jaden learns about a chain of events that is unfolding for Earth.

  While on Xenos, Jaden plays in the Andromedian’s futuristic gravity games; flies around the planet without a body by using nanoeyes; observes the planet’s gravity tides; wars; joins a space team; races in exoskeleton intergalactic spaceships (EIS) and plays a virtual game of chess with alien pieces.

  Bellona befriends Jaden and is his personal escort while he is a guest on Xenos. Bellona unintentionally develops a special interest for Jaden (Bellona used to be a carbon life form in her past life). She tries to understand his Catholic beliefs and explains her people’s long history on religion, technology and why he is there.

  Even though ten years has passed on Earth, Jaden’s human body has only aged a few weeks. He misses his family, friends and girlfriend back on Earth. Jaden’s travel to the Andromeda Galaxy sets off a chain of events for Earth. Jaden learns of a Darclonian mother ship leaving from another part of the Milky Way Galaxy and heading towards Earth. There are conflicts in the Andromedian elder council on whether it is too dangerous for Jaden to return to Earth by himself. Jaden later proves himself worthy to one elder.

  The Andromedians pack Jaden full of prototype organic nanotechnology called nanodrones. The nanodrones run Jaden’s body like crewmembers on the Star Trek Enterprise. The quadrillions of nanodrones modify his brain and DNA for optimum performance.

  BIO-Sapien book 3

  Book 3 starts off with Jaden returning to Earth in his upgraded EIS, eighteen years later by earth time.

  His bio-engineered body is slowly evolving into superhuman levels. His mission is to help scientist locate the Nanomole in humans and then deactivate it, before the Darclonian mothership enters broadcast range. When a Nanomole is activated and is in the correct stage, it can control a human body. It would need to synchronize with a Bio-parasite for a permanent takeover of the human mind (Bio-parasites are Darclonians in microbe form).

  BIO-Sapien book 4 – Remote Heroes

  Chapter 16: 3x Terminal Velocity Page 17

  Chapter 17: The Miracle Halo Page 51

  Chapter 18: Shoot Me Again With That Gun and… Page 87

  Chapter 19: In Contempt of America Page 114

  Chapter 20: The Prison In-Break Page 147

  Chapter 21: Super Lover Page 171

  (PG-13 Parental Guidance suggested)

  (This chapter contains sexual references and romance scenes. If you are under 13 please skip this chapter).

  Chapter 16: 3x Terminal Velocity