Read BIO-Sapien book 4 - Remote Heroes Page 6

  Jaden arrives at the airport. He pulls into the long-term parking area. Security cameras are all around recording license plates and pointing in different directions recording activity. There are people walking around and pulling luggage.

  ‘I need to change my appearance and change my clothes. Use the nanoscanners to check every car in this parking lot for any clothes around my size. Most likely they will be in a suitcase and trunk of a vehicle. Also check to see if there is wireless Internet in the airport,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Yes sir.’

  Jaden pulls into a parking space on the fourth level. He is facing a brick wall. Jaden turns the car off with the keys. He closes his eyes and switches to the nanoscanner’s vision.

  ‘There is free wireless Internet in the terminals. I’ll use two of the nanoscanners to continue downloading more of the information we will need. The other four are checking vehicles on each floor. So far I found a suitcase with suits in it around your size,’ AI says.

  ‘No, keep looking. I can’t walk around in a suit,’ he says.

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘I need to do something about my facial structure. I’m thinking about the facial recognition scan done to me when I first checked into the psychiatric hospital. I know the government uses that as a way to identify people. Look up more info about that on the Internet and have the nanodrones analyze my face to see what can be modified,’ Jaden says in a confident voice.

  ‘I just checked eight websites, the government does facial recognition scans at all transportation sites throughout the country to catch criminals and fugitives,’ AI says.

  A security guard walks up behind the car. He stops for a second then walks towards the driver side of the vehicle where Jaden is sitting with his eyes closed.

  “Excuse me sir, is everything okay here,” the guard asks while looking at broken glass still stuck in the frame of the window seal.

  Jaden opens his eyes startled and looks at the guard. He quickly thinks of something to say, while he sees the guard’s eyes on the broken glass all over the place inside the car.

  “Everything is fine, sir. I was out partying last night at a club, and someone broke into my car last night. I didn’t have time to get it fixed because I have to pick up my parents at the airport this morning,” Jaden says.

  “Sorry to hear that sir. What did they steal from your car?” The young man asks.

  Jaden continues to look the guard in the eyes, as he thinks of something to say.

  “They stole my Walkman and some music cassette tapes,” Jaden says.

  “Don’t you mean Blu-ray music disc or holographic disc? What is a Walkman?” The guard asks.

  AI quickly pulls off the Internet gadgets young people use in 2018 and displays it on Jaden’s eye screen.

  “I’m sorry sir, I meant an I-PCphone second generation was stolen and a holographic disc with over 150 movies on it,” Jaden says.

  “Oh okay. I came over to you because you are parked in a non-electric car zone. On the other side of the roof is a free electric car plug,” he says.

  “Thank you sir,” Jaden says while starting the car.

  “I have some plastic to put over the window if you need it.”

  “No, I’m okay. Thanks anyway. I won’t be long here, goodbye,” Jaden says.

  He backs up and drives forward.

  ‘Thanks for the help, AI. That was close. I didn’t know all these cool gadgets are out. Three hundred high definition movies on one holographic disc? That’s crazy. One mini Blu-ray music disc plays over 15,000 hours of music?’ Jaden asks in a surprised tone.

  ‘I found a SUV on the roof that has luggage and clothes around your frame type. Someone just parked their car up there,’ AI says.


  Jaden pulls into a parking space with an electric outlet. He sees other cars and SUV’s with solar panels on their roofs and hoods. The roaring of airplanes taking off and landing are all around. Jaden can see the security guard is checking with the police department about the car he was driving, downstairs in the office.

  Jaden gets out of the car and goes invisible. Glass is falling from his legs and backside. He walks over to the SUV three cars away. The rear of the SUV is by a five-foot concrete wall. He looks over the concrete wall and sees the street. He turns towards the trunk of the SUV. Shield energy goes around his right hand as he destroys the rear lock of the trunk. He lifts the trunk hatch with his other hand. The vehicle alarm goes off. The horn honks and a voice comes from the SUV’s loudspeaker, “A theft has broken the back window! Calling owner’s cell phone and notifying Offstar!” It continues to repeat itself.

  Jaden removes the luggage in the middle and closes the trunk hatch. The nanodrones begin moving around the luggage as well, making it go invisible with his body. Jaden walks towards the stairwell as more security guards run towards the alarm going off. He walks down to the second floor and crosses a walkway into the airport. Jaden avoids walking into people since they don’t see him.

  ‘Jaden, I have a way to change your facial and body appearance. It is going to be painful, but I researched on what muscles, glands and tissues in the face can be moved around. The first face transplant was done in 2006, and the second in 2010. There is a lot of info on face lifts and face repairs on the Internet,’ AI says.

  ‘Okay, there is a bathroom straight ahead inside the building on the right side coming up. I’m going to walk in there to change, and you can work on my face,’ Jaden says as he goes visible again. There are people all around walking in different directions.

  He walks inside the airport building and walks towards the bathroom. A man with his kid walks out of the bathroom. Jaden walks inside and goes in a toilet stall. He quickly closes the door with his small luggage.

  ‘Okay, start changing my face,’ Jaden says.

  Jaden opens the small luggage over the toilet.

  ‘Outer space bags?’ Jaden asks, while reading the label of the plastic bags.

  The clothes are in vacuumed sealed plastic bags. He opens the compressed plastic bag and looks for the clothes he wanted to wear. Several men are coming into the bathroom and using the urinals. Urinals are flushing and the sink water is running. He puts on his new clothes. A navy blue button up silk shirt and a cream pair of dress pants. He puts on a black blazer and some black dress shoes. Jaden remembered seeing a small CD in the inside compartment from the nanoscanner. He looks inside and sees a holographic disc. Jaden puts it in his pocket along with his belongings from his jeans. He puts his old clothes back in the luggage.

  Jaden looks at himself through a nanoscanner in front of him.

  ‘Okay, this guy has some nice clothes and knows how to dress,’ Jaden says while he pushes the luggage under the toilet stall and into the next stall.

  Jaden begins to groan and moan as one hundred billion nanodrones begin working on different areas inside the skin of his face. The men using the urinals look at the stall Jaden is in. They think he is trying to unload something big.

  “Don’t push too hard in there!” A man yells while walking out of the bathroom without washing his hands.

  The four nanoscanners are in front of Jaden’s face recording different angles. Jaden sees on his eye screen: Temporary disabling nerve endings in face, Saving face distance structure 85%, Modifying fat tissue 47%, Analyzing bone structure 80%, Stretching bone density in legs and hips.

  Jaden’s face feels numb as his jawbone and cheekbone crackle. He feels a burning sensation in his nose as the cartilage structure is changing. The nanoscanners go out and look around the bathroom. He sees many more words passing on his eyes: Reducing cartilage in nose and restructuring, Cheek bone modifying, Reducing 20% of Melanin pigment in Epidermis around body, Modifying DNA in Hair Follicles and accelerating hair growth 1500%, Changing eyes and ears structure.

  Jaden feels his skin around his body tingling. His hair is falling off his head as he leans over the toilet. H
e feels completely bald as his hair begins to quickly grow again. Jaden notices airport police officers are walking towards the bathroom door. He can hear their radios above the urinals flushing.

  ‘How much longer AI?” He asks.

  ‘Less than a minute, the nanodrones are ninety-five percent finished.’

  The officers open the door and start looking around the mid-sized bathroom. They look at the three guys by the urinals and one washing his hands. He notices none of them resemble Jaden.

  “Excuse me; we are looking for a fugitive. Has anyone seen this young man? He was last seen coming into this bathroom,” the older police officer says.

  ‘Damn, I knew I should have stayed invisible all the way in here,’ Jaden says while his face is still bubbling.

  The men in the room shake their head and say no. They quickly try to leave the bathroom.

  “Hold on a second, before you gentlemen leave,” the officer says.

  A younger officer starts pushing open the toilet stalls. He pushes open the other two to the right of Jaden. He gets to Jaden’s cubical.

  “Excuse me sir, are you almost done?” He asks.

  “I’ll be out in a minute,” Jaden replies with an English accent.

  “Sir, if you have some ID on you that would be sufficient and you could finish your business,” the young officer says.

  Jaden ignores him while he flushes the toilet. The older officer opens the other stall to the left of Jaden. He sees the stolen suitcase from the SUV sitting in the open cubical by itself.

  “I found the suitcase,” the older officer says while pulling it out.

  The younger officer bangs on Jaden’s door again.

  “Some ID, sir,” he asks.

  Jaden opens his cubical door and looks the officer in the eyes. The officer looks at Jaden’s face.

  “Good morning officer,” Jaden says with an English accent.

  “Good day to you sir. I’m sorry to bother you, but we are looking for this fugitive,” the officer shows Jaden’s picture from the hospital check in.

  “No, I haven’t seen him. But he is a handsome fella,” Jaden says.

  “Have you seen someone in the next cubical put this suitcase down and maybe change his clothes?” The younger officer asks.

  “Yes, someone sat down there, used the bathroom and left the suitcase on the floor five minutes ago. He didn’t even wash his hands that nasty American bastard.”

  Jaden walks over to wash his hands at the sink.

  “You American buggers are still the most overweight country in the world and you wash your hands the least. Do you know how many germs are out here in the world?” Jaden asks.

  “No sir.”

  “I can see little bacteria on your face and hands right now. They are crawling around and moving as we speak. When I was using this john, which might I say was very dirty compared to my city in London, I noticed only two out of six people actually washed their hands. Also what kind of a bathroom doesn’t have mirrors…” Jaden is interrupted.

  “I’m sorry to hear that sir, but we are trying to find someone. Thank you for your time,” the younger officer says.

  “Excuse me sir,” the older officer asks Jaden.

  Jaden stops in his tracks and slowly turns around. He keeps his cool and looks the officer in the eyes. A young kid walks by and bumps into Jaden.

  “Watch where you are going, you 90210 wanna be!” The kid yells.

  “Yes sir?” Jaden asks in his American accent.


  He responds again with his English accent as the officer stands in front of him, “Yes officer?”

  “Why did you have tears in your eyes when you came out of the toilet stall?” The officer asks.

  “I was crying a little while ago because I just found out my R.F.E.C. unit was stolen from my house back home. Some bloody bugger took her a few hours ago. She was my best friend, she cooked, cleaned, took care of me in the bed at night; my father got her for me for graduating from Harvard. I also didn’t have insurance on her and my father is still making payments on it,” Jaden says.

  They look at Jaden with a strange look.

  “Us British people are emotional people,” Jaden adds.

  “Okay sir, have a good day,” the officer says.

  Jaden walks out of the bathroom. His nanoscanners are still in the bathroom monitoring the officers. One radios in the findings of the luggage.

  “Man what is going with this generation of young kids, crying over a metal non-human object and even having sex with it. A father buys their son a robot instead of a car? What is this world coming too?” The older officer asks.

  “At least he is having sex with something that looks like a female. I thought he was gay or something,” the younger officer says.

  “Yeah, he looked a little like one of those guys I arrested years ago, who was having sex in a public bathroom with other men,” the older officer says.

  “I’m glad that doesn’t happen anymore. Now they do it at Adult World online. So sick.”

  “That is sick. I could have sworn his hair on his head grew another inch before my eyes.”

  Jaden walks downstairs. He uses his nanoscanners to look at his face.

  ‘Wow, I’m a handsome white guy with blond hair. Cool. I can’t believe my skin color is pale white, I feel like another person. Those officers were right, I do look gay. My face feels so tight,’ he says.

  ‘Jaden, why did you spend so much time talking to those officers about irrelevant things?’

  ‘I’m sorry AI; I was practicing my acting skills. I was also trying to annoy the police officers like most European men do when they want to complain about something here. Also in movies, the bad guys always talk more to the officers to throw them off.’

  ‘I understand. What is the plan now?’ AI asks.

  ‘I’m going to try and book a plane ticket to North Carolina,’ Jaden says while walking by different airline counters. The nanoscanners are looking at different departure screens throughout the airport. The arrival and departure screens are floating over each airline check-in area in 3D.

  ‘I found a departure from Jetgreen Airline going to Raleigh at 9 am,’ AI says.

  ‘That sounds close enough, we have twenty minutes before it takes off,’ Jaden says.

  He walks up to an automated self check-in. Jaden clicks on the screen.

  ‘I doubt if we will have enough money to pay for this ticket,’ AI says.

  “Welcome, do you have a ticket, or would you like to purchase your ticket now. Press or say your choice,” the female voice computer says.

  Jaden clicks on have a ticket. AI is confused as to what Jaden is doing. Jaden types in a last name.

  “Please identify yourself, you can insert ID or credit card or other,” the computer says.

  Jaden presses Other on the ten-inch touch screen.

  “You can use: fingerprint scan, voice scan verification, facial recognition scan, or eyescan ID. Please select your two other ID verification methods.”

  He chooses two.

  ‘AI run the saved Ruffo’s voice profile.’

  Jaden feels his throat stinging and his Adam’s apple tingling.

  “Please speak into the mini microphone to the right and read the following on the screen.”

  “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” Jaden says in Ruffo’s voice.

  “Thank you, voice confirmed. Please standby for second verification.”

  ‘AI, change my eyes…’

  ‘I’m already ahead of you. The nanodrones are modifying the iris, pigment color cells, texture and patterns in your eyes as we speak.’

  “Please insert eyes into the above viewer. Thank you.”

  Jaden inserts his face into the viewer as a green light scans his eyes.

  “Sorry match not confirmed. Please try again. Another invalid verification and the authorities will be notified.”

  ‘AI what is going on? It isn’t working.’

  ‘He was wearing contacts. Try it again, I’ve adjusted the pigment color and verified the pattern distances. These machines only need seventy percent verification,’ AI says.

  “Please insert face. Please insert face.”

  ‘This better work or the police will be all over me. We only have fifteen minutes before the flight leaves. We still didn’t go through the checkpoint,’ Jaden says.

  Jaden inserts his face into the eye viewer. It quick scans his eyes again. There is a pause.

  ‘Shit, it’s not working,’ Jaden says while getting nervous as the green light goes out.

  A few seconds go by, “Thank you, verification complete. Good morning Dexter Ruffo. Your flight leaves today for Cancun at 4 pm.”

  Jaden clicks on change flight to Raleigh for 9 am. He clicks first class.

  “First class would be for one-way. Round trip would be an extra $300.”

  ‘Why not just fly coach and get a round trip?’ AI asks.

  ‘I never flown first class and I remember airlines usually hold the plane for first class people if they just purchased a ticket. I also doubt if I’ll be flying back,’ Jaden says.

  “Do you have any bags? A bag over thirty-five pounds will be an extra fifty dollars. If you weigh over 240 lbs it is an extra seventy-five dollars.”

  Jaden clicks no for bags. A small platform comes out from under the machine.

  “Please step on scale for weight verification.”

  He steps on the scale.

  “Verification complete, congratulations Mr. D. Ruffo you lost 105 lbs.”

  ‘I can’t believe they charge for overweight people now. Man I lost weight; I’m at 155 lbs now,’

  ‘I removed a lot of unnecessary body fat,’ AI says.

  The screen shows an extra hundred dollars to change to another airline.

  ‘Shit, I still have to pay. Man, these airlines are rip-offs in the future. I know the price to Cancun coach costs more than a one-way trip to North Carolina first class.’

  “How do you want to pay today?” The computer asks.

  He sees Paylife at the bottom and clicks on it.

  “Is this Paylife device yours or a friend’s?”

  He clicks on a friend.

  “Please note fraudulent activity will be reported to authorities. Unauthorized use of a Paylife device is a federal felony. The owner of the Paylife will be notified within seconds of this purchase. Clicking yes means you agree to these terms.”

  ‘I hope she knows it’s me and doesn’t rat me out,’ he says while clicking yes.

  The nanoscanners copy the saved magnetic information from Chan’s Paylife card to the nanodrones in Jaden’s left hand. He feels a tingling sensation in his left hand as his nerves feel the magnetic impulses.

  “Please swipe device by the Paylife logo below.”

  Jaden swipes his left hand.

  “Thank you, your friend is being notified by phone and brain text. Have a good day. Your boarding pass is printing out now, please hurry to gate five. Flight 104 leaves in eight minutes.”

  Jaden grabs the boarding pass and quickly walks to the security gate. He sees his other face on the screen above as a wanted fugitive. There are a lot of police walking around the terminal.

  ‘Take off your shoes,’ AI says.


  Jaden gets to the gate and goes to the left where only two people are at.

  “Please take off your shoes and put anything metal through the scanner on the right,” a female security personnel says.

  ‘What is this, Russia or Israel?’

  He takes off his shoes and puts them on the x-ray machine belt. He walks through the full body scanner. A male and female behind a computer screen tell him to put his hands up. He puts his hands up and they look at Jaden’s naked body through the machine.

  They whisper to each other and Jaden overhears.

  “He has a good sized penis, but I know he is gay, look at his flat ass,” the security lady tells her co-worker and they chuckle.

  Jaden sees himself naked from the security people’s screen.

  ‘What the hell? They are laughing at me.’

  ‘The machine is releasing a small amount of radiation around us, we can use and convert this radiation,’ AI suggests.

  “Turn around sir!” The female yells.

  Jaden’s nanodrones leave his body and quickly spin around his body. They see a swarm of microscopic particles moving around Jaden on the screen. They have a surprised look on their face as the images on the screen become distorted. The radiation is being drained and the machine automatically increases the power. The machine quickly turns off and they signal Jaden to walk through. He walks over to the security officers.

  “Everything okay back there?” Jaden asks in Ruffo’s voice, while grabbing his shoes and putting them on.

  “Yes, there was a malfunction in the system,” the lady says.

  “You know you two don’t look so hot naked either,” Jaden looks at the female. “Your clit ring is buried in the valley of seal blubber. You sir, your hemorrhoids looks like an unborn fetus.”

  They look at Jaden with shocked looks on their faces.

  He jogs to gate five. Jaden notices men and women are looking at him smiling. Police dogs and officers are patrolling. There are hundreds of cameras all over the place. Jaden sees through the nanoscanners that the plane is eighty percent full in coach and half-full in first class. The plane is waiting for him. Jaden notices the 737 airplanes have wing tips that point upwards.

  He reaches the gate and gives the airline guy the boarding pass at the gate.

  “Thank you sir, have a nice flight.”

  “Thank you,” Jaden says.

  ‘AI change my voice back from that sick bionic dick pervert.’

  Jaden walks down the tunnel and steps onto the 737. The jetliner has two seats on each side of an aisle.

  “Good morning sir,” the flight attendant says.

  “Good morning to you also,” Jaden replies in his normal voice.

  He walks to the left in business class and finds his seat. He takes off his blazer and sits over it.


  ‘There are 131 people in coach, eight people in first class, three flight attendants and two pilots on this plane,’ AI says.

  ‘Thanks for the info AI. Did you finish downloading the information you need?’ Jaden asks while sitting down.

  ‘Yes, I’ve downloaded another fifty-five terabytes of information. Bringing the total to 155 terabytes of downloads and website information,’ AI says.

  Jaden feels very comfortable in his leather seat and ten-inch LCD on the headrest in front of him. The flight attendant talks to everyone about airline safety. Jaden tunes it out.

  ‘So tell me all I need to know. Any questions I think about you can answer them while you are talking,’ Jaden says while the airplane taxis on the runway.

  ‘The dopamine neuron signals in the frontal lobe of your brain have been changing and being manipulated by unknown forces. I can’t detect what or where the energy forces are coming from. The frontal lobe of your brain controls long-term memory, judgment, morals and decisions on future actions. Your judgment was being suppressed and you were having feelings of doing evil or bad things without consequences for your actions. When you were feeling pain, you were getting more angry. There are strange chemical and energy imbalances coming from different areas of your brain. It affects my synthetic brain in calculations and other operations. No, the nanodrones aren’t affected by this for some reason. I tried that, I have tried to disable certain nerves sending pain to your brain. The pain signals are still getting to your brain somehow. I have to run more diagnostic checks on different parts of your brain when you are sleepi
ng. I will use some special nanodrones smaller than .002mm to check and analyze all your 150 billion neurons in your brain. This may take a few days. Yes, the average human brain has an average of one hundred billion neurons, but your brain neurons are modified to reproduce like stem cells. The additional neurons are mostly for multi-tasking, enhancing your current neurons and nanotime.

  Nanotime is when your brain is speeding up, but everything around you feels as if it is slowing down. A cluster of suprachiasmatic nucleus cells in your brain have been modified and tweaked. Time dilation in different parts of your brain is rerouted when nanotime is activated. Neurons are nerve cells that send chemical signals to and from different parts of the brain. The neurons in the part of your brain that controls the central processing is enhanced with artificial neurons. Nanodrones temporarily bypass chemical signals in the spinal cord and nerves, by sending their own wirelessly. This increases the nerve’s transmission speed from 200 mph up to 8000 mph. The muscle fibers accepting the faster transmission signals will suffer a bottleneck, resulting in a delay in how fast you can move. I help with the processing so that your brain doesn’t get overloaded or go into shock. The nucleus of the neurons has been reprogrammed to temporarily accept this high speed of transmitting. Everything has to be closely monitored. This requires a lot of energy to create and is only temporary. Some tissues and cells will need to be repaired, because scarring happens. Nanotime is on a timer and can last anywhere between ten to thirty seconds. It’s on a timer to protect your brain and nervous system from being overloaded. Your mind wasn’t made for this type of high-speed communication. Your body movement speed will need time to adjust with your faster thinking speed. Time meaning maybe days,’ AI says.

  ‘That’s cool, about the frontal lobe thing. I have been feeling a lot different; the pain has been making me think evil things. When the lady in the car almost ran me off the road hitting me with her car, I wanted to pull her out while it was moving. When I found out what Ruffo did to his family members, I had no respect if he lived or died. Something is changing in me and I feel as if I’m fighting with myself on decisions when I’m angry. I’ll try not to get angry until we figure this out. I would hate to lose you my friend,’ Jaden says.

  ‘I have never been another species’ friend. A friend is a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.’

  ‘Exactly; what did you do, download the entire dictionary?’ Jaden asks.


  ‘If something happened to you, who is going to tell the nanodrones what to do and give me superhero powers?’

  ‘In theory, you should be able to do everything I do for you. What your mind is fully capable of is still unknown. Your organic brain is capable of things mostly computers are geared towards,’ AI says.

  The plane quickly accelerates to take off. Jaden can see the plane taking off from outside the plane at different angles. Jaden sees the aircraft’s speed and altitude on his eye screen.

  ‘This is an awesome view. The engines are so loud outside and a perfect take off at 205 mph and 158 feet. This is a realistic view. I can even see inside the jet engines. How fast can these nanoscanners made for a human body go?’ He asks.

  ‘Speeds vary, they move faster in the sun and slower at night. Now they are riding in the wake of the plane. The nanoscanners for our Gravhawk can move fifteen percent faster than the speed of light in space. The nanoscanners working with your body are still in the experimental stage.’

  The plane turns a few times and then sets its bearings south. It continues to climb in altitude.

  ‘Looks as if we were the last plane to take off,’ AI says.

  ‘What do you mean?’ He asks before changing nanoscanner.

  The first nanoscanners are floating midair not moving. The second pair is in the airport terminal reviewing the flight boards. Jaden sees inside the airport that all the flights are cancelled due to an ongoing police investigation. Police locked down the entire airport and is DNA scanning everyone. Jaden is happy he lucked out and had excellent timing.

  ‘How am I able to see inside the airport?’ Jaden asks. ‘We are over thirty miles from the airport and at 9081 feet.’

  ‘I’ve connected two together. The first nanoscanners in the airport are sending their information to the nanoscanner midway. Then the first one slingshots back into the other, giving it enough momentum to reach the aircraft,’ AI says.

  ‘Cool. Very cool. The Internet has helped us out a lot I see. Anything new with the nanodrones?’

  ‘Yes, reversing the polarity of the pro-gravity nanodrones in your feet will create a strong magnetic field. They attract the Earth’s natural magnetic energy that is all around us. Meaning you can walk on something metal easier in any direction, and it won’t use your bodies pro-gravity energy or anti-gravity energy. They will then be called magnetic nanodrones,’ AI says.

  ‘That sounds good. For some reason I keep thinking about Chan. I have feelings towards her already. This is weird, I keep thinking about everything I learned about her in such a short period of time. I feel as if I’ve known her for quite some years. I keep thinking about her likes, dislikes, where she likes to be kissed and about her personality traits. I know all the activities she likes to do and I care for her already. It feels strange and confusing. Do you think she feels the same way?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘I’m still learning about human emotional feelings and relationship bonding. She learned the same things about you when you two were connected to each other by your minds. Her logic might override her emotions. Her logic can also override all the info she learned about you traveling to another galaxy and coming back here to help save Earth. I guess time will tell.’

  ‘I hope she feels the same way. I think she does so far, since she didn’t report the Paylife stolen. Did you find anything out about my parents and friends?’ He asks.

  Jaden sits by the window and stares out it. The sunlight energizes his body. His leg is near the electrical outlet on the floor slowly draining electricity from it.

  ‘There is a good chance your father is living in or around Halifax, North Carolina. I searched many records and they point to down there. I believe your mother lives in London with her family. Your parents were divorced since 2002 records show. Your father had prostate cancer, but it was treated. I don’t know if it is best to contact your parents, especially with the government probably having phone lines tapped,’ AI says.

  ‘Yeah I know. Can you tell me something about my friends?’ He asks.

  ‘Your friend James lived or lives in New Jersey. According to his Myfacebook page, he has hit the lottery twice. He opened his own studio and started producing music for people recently. He was married and has kids.’

  ‘Next time you get on the Internet leave him a message on his page, saying I’m back,’ he says.


  “Sir would you like something to eat or drink?” The young Hispanic flight attendant asks.

  A menu shows up on the screen in front of Jaden. He has a choice of breakfast, lunch or dinner.

  ‘Jaden you need something high in protein, your body needs natural nutrients. Choose the dinner,’ AI says.

  “Yes, I will. I’ll take the roasted half chicken meal and some white wine,” Jaden says while smiling at the flight attendant.

  “Yes, sir. I’ll bring your white wine out now. The food will take a few minutes. I’m Terry, if you need anything just turn your light on above,” Terry says.

  Jaden smiles at her while she walks away.

  ‘My logic still doesn’t understand what you are getting out of looking through women’s clothes with a nanoscanner. These women’s bodies all look the same to me, similar to looking at an animal’s body or a human male’s body,’ AI says.

  Jaden’s wine arrives and she places it next to him.

  ‘It is a sexual thing with men; we want to know what is underneath the clothes. For example, look at this g
ood looking, mixed Asian and white flight attendant named Pam serving drinks to fliers in coach with a skirt to her knees. She has a hairless body with very smooth looking skin. She even has a thong on under her skirt. I can smell everything around her body. That is a turn on. Now look at this other blonde hair, firm hips, white flight attendant named Kate. Her hips are perfect for conceiving a child. Her silicone breast implants are perfectly implanted, no scars. Between her legs, long and silky, I travel north. She moves quickly serving drinks on the food cart and the nanoscanner stays between her legs like a basketball being dribbled in someone’s hand. They slowly travel up her legs to see what pretty image lies at the top of the one-eyed vertical basketball hoop. What do we have here? Are these, are these, are these little mountains? What the hell?’

  ‘She has some kind of sores. The medical encyclopedia downloaded in my memory banks indicates the flight attendant as having herpes. There is a vaccine for it, but no cure for people who have it already,’ AI says.

  ‘Yuck, that was nasty. The image is stuck in my mind. I feel like throwing up,’ Jaden says while switching back to his eyes.

  “Here is your food sir,” Terry says while she places the tray over his lap.

  “Um.. thank you,” he replies.

  ‘AI I keep seeing this lady’s sore mountain bumps. Can you do something about those disturbing images?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Sorry, friend. You’re going to have to live with those images for now. I’ve learned the saying is, you are getting what you deserve,’ AI says.

  ‘You are learning too much human culture, Mr. AI. Come on, I want to eat my food. These images are too enhanced,’ Jaden pleads.

  ‘Pervert: a person who practices in sexual perversion or man who looks at naked women without permission, correct?’ AI asks.

  ‘Yes, but that is only for guys looking at women in dressing rooms or peaking through a female’s house window. This is like looking at a nice looking lady in a porno magazine or movie. I’m observing the art of a beautiful woman’s body,’ Jaden says.



  ‘Friends try to help friends with a problem, correct?’ AI asks.

  ‘I don’t need your help and I don’t have a problem. I’ll block the images out myself,’ Jaden says while cutting up his meat and chewing it. He shoves some vegetables and wine down his throat.

  ‘See, I don’t need your, I don’t need your…’

  He sees herpes sores on his chicken and vegetables. Jaden puts his hand over his mouth and puts the tray on the empty seat next to him. He quickly walks to the small lavatory and closes the door. He begins to throw up into the toilet.

  ‘You see AI, now I’m losing proteins and nutrition.’

  ‘I already drained the proteins and nutrients out of the food when it went down and back up.’

  ‘Okay, AI you win,’ he says while clearing his throat and spitting.

  ‘It is bad enough women are looked at like sex objects and are still fighting for equal pay with men. Women are exploited enough and deserve respect from their male counterparts. They cherish their naked bodies…’

  ‘Okay, enough with the speech. I get the point, you sound like a lesbian equal rights protester giving a speech on a college campus.’


  Washington, D.C. Vice President’s office 9:41 am


  Vice President Robinson is looking at a computer screen talking with special FBI agent Andrew Mcright in charge of apprehending Jaden. The agent is at the airport using a BlueberryPC phone with a camera in it. He also sees Robinson’s face. Agent Mcright is a white male in his late 50’s with a full head of salt and pepper hair. He is of medium build and has been with the FBI for the past fifteen years.

  “I know a lot doesn’t make sense and you think he is still hiding in the airport somewhere. Listen Mr. Mcright, this young man is not human. He got away in a UFO and now he is mysteriously back on Earth eighteen years later. He has found a way to escape our security several times. I believe he has taken someone else’s body as an identity. I believe he is part of some conspiracy to kill many Americans. This thing is not considered human and needs to be destroyed,” Robinson says on an image phone.

  “Sir, doesn’t he need to be interrogated and questioned if he is apprehended?” Mcright asks.

  “Interrogated? Interrogation is for humans, citizens and non-alien personnel. This alien, Bialien, bisexual alien or alien experiment can be here to kill us all. He is a threat to this country and planet. Didn’t you learn anything from War of the Worlds, Independence Day, and V?”

  “Sir, I’m not comparing movies to real life. This could be a serious situation we have here with these unknown energy waves coming from deep space, affecting millions of people at night. He could be here to help us. We could probably learn from whatever advanced technology he possesses. He can manipulate his DNA for starters and disappear. A member on your team said he could be here to help us, and possibly protect us from a pending unknown attack,” Mcright says.

  “Who told you that?” Robinson asks.

  “I’m not at liberty to say. The point is we need to get to the bottom of what is going on and so far he looks as if he is trying to help us in some way. I think arresting him and interrogating him is the best option. I read the anonymous blog left from the computer at the state psychiatric hospital. Those coordinates were precise and only top government officials knew. I also read the encoded information from the unknown space source. Microscopic nanomoles in our brains that could take over our minds. The things to do to block the signals of the nanomoles. A possible pending attack.”

  Robinson shakes his head in disagreement. His face gets red as he gets upset.

  “Listen agent, we didn’t find any nanomoles in anyone’s brain yet. We have our top scientists looking for this protein in people’s brains. So far this could be a hoax.”

  “Have you begun creating the special helmets or materials to block these signals on a massive level?” The agent asks.

  “We produced a few hundred signal blocking helmets and some materials to put in a helmet for our military personnel only,” Robinson says.

  “Only a couple hundred? Military scientists already proved that the newly created helmets bring people out of a comatose state at night. The material being used over the head stopped future involuntary episodes in people.”

  “At night, only one percent of the population is affected. In the morning, they are fine. Mostly people at high altitudes are being affected,” Robinson says.

  “Sir, it could get worst. It could start happening in the daytime and it could start to affect more people. You grounded all flights at night and so did other countries for this reason. Sir, something big could be about to happen. We need to take this seriously. The other day there was hundreds of thousands of car accidents around the world when everyone passed out for thirty seconds. It wasn’t a fluke, something like that has never happened before.”

  “Listen agent, don’t worry about other problems or bigger problems. You need to worry about catching this little half alien boy running around killing people,” Robinson says.

  “He allegedly killed the security guard, we are still investigating that.”

  “If you can’t do the job, then I will personally. This kid is a terrorist and he must be killed,” Robinson says.

  “How do you consider him a terrorist?”

  “He downloaded over one hundred terabytes of information on how to build nuclear bombs, advanced energy manipulations, everything about our planet, security profiles, rocket science, our computer systems and everything we know about space. He downloaded entire encyclopedias, medical information and looked up thousands of people. He is a threat and part of this conspiracy taking place,” Robinson says.

  “That is what we need to find out. We need to keep an open mind. He could have downloaded all that information for himself or the aliens may be trying to help us. Sir,
have you notified other countries and is the President aware of this latest information?” The agent asks.