Read BIO-Sapien book 4 - Remote Heroes Page 7

  “This is top-secret United States info only. No, she isn’t aware of this latest info, she is busy in New York at the World Trade Center II grand opening event. I will let her know when I feel she should know. We don’t need weak decision making now. I’m done with your questions Agent Mcright; find the suspect and kill the son of a bitch, or I’ll find someone else who will. Goodbye,” Robinson says.

  Robinson hangs up the video phone on his desk. The phone rings again and it shows Peters’ face on the screen. He answers it.

  “Do you have some good news for me General Peters?”

  “Yes sir. The CIA concluded their instant investigation. It turns out Jaden Marino stole an older woman’s car by breaking the window while she was driving, one mile from the hospital. They assumed he was running at the speed the car was moving. Then he drove to the airport parking lot, where a security guard noticed he was driving a car with a broken window and was parked in the wrong place. He moved the car and parked on the roof. Then he stole a suitcase from a SUV. He disappeared from security cameras and was shown walking into the bathroom in the airport. He wasn’t seen coming out of the bathroom. But this person here on video could be him. This unknown man was not seen going into the bathroom. His face doesn’t show up in any databases.”

  Robinson sees that the guy is a white male with a different looking face.

  “He is a totally different person, with blond hair, taller and different nose. How can it be the same person?” Robinson asks.

  “The guy used the automated self check to use the dead officer’s bio identifications to exchange a plane ticket.”

  “Bio identifications? Which ones?” Robinson asks excitedly.

  “He used the eye and voice identifications.”

  “Unbelievable; I told the FAA there should be four required bio identifications needed instead of two,” Robinson says.

  “Sir, no one has ever been able to beat the bio identifications at airports. Maybe one, but never two. However, he then used Dr. K. Chan’s Paylife device.”

  “Who is Dr. Chan and how is it possible he used her Paylife device? Was she there too?”

  “Dr. Chan was the suspect’s doctor at the hospital. She was investigating the then John Doe’s unusual DNA and amnesia. She was sent home yesterday evening to Virginia for alleged sexual contact with a patient. She also used her same Paylife device in Virginia thirty minutes before it was used in New York.”

  “Holy Mars shit, this just gets better and better. This guy is seducing women, probably to make alien babies. She is probably working with him,” Robinson says.

  “There is more, sir. It turns out Jaden Marino’s ex-girlfriend Amy Patterson came to visit him yesterday. She claims her 17 ½-year-old daughter Sabrina Patterson is his.”

  “Holy space monkey shit,” Robinson says while laughing.

  “We are monitoring Dr. Chan. The CIA is going to bring her in for questioning,” Peters says.

  “No, don’t do anything yet. Just monitor her for now. Did Chan report her Paylife card as stolen or any unauthorized use?” Robinson asks.

  “No, she didn’t.”

  “Great, an accomplice, aiding and abetting, excellent,” Robinson says while smiling.

  “What about the ex-girlfriend, um, Amy?” Robinson asks.

  “We can’t locate her yet, but we believe she is driving back home to North Carolina. We will try to locate her by satellite once the skies clear,” Peters says while showing an image of the new Jaden on the screen.

  “We believe this gentleman is Jaden Marino and he is on flight 104 heading to Raleigh, North Carolina now. We have an army of agents, SWATbots, and twenty-third generation exoskeleton suited soldiers on their way to the airport. The plane is over south New Jersey now and is fifty-five minutes away from landing. We notified an armed air marshal onboard the flight to watch the suspect. The pilots are also aware of the situation,” Peters says.

  “Good work General Peters. Keep me updated. I also want live feed to the surveillance and SWATbots’ cameras at the airport in North Carolina.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Flight 104 Jetgreen Airlines

  South NJ 33,012 feet 579 mph 9:49 am


  Jaden just finished eating two dinners, a few milks and two wines. The flight attendant removes the trays of food.

  “Would you like anything else, sir?”

  “No, I’m okay. Thanks. I’m going to take a nap for now,” Jaden says while moving towards the window seat.

  ‘I researched what you were talking about earlier, about thinking outside the box and getting me away from normal logical thinking,’ AI says.

  ‘Yeah,’ Jaden says while closing his eyes and relaxing.

  ‘Well, my intelligence level and synthetic crystal nanobot molecules are very obsolete according to other artificial intelligence nanobots on Xenos. I’m the oldest generation that is why I was able to come to Earth. My materials are different than biomechanical bodies and other AI nanobots Andromedians used for the past thousand years. I believe I was part of the experiment also. If I were ever captured by the enemy, my technology wouldn’t be close to the standard AI nanobot. Maybe this is why my thinking is so logical and linear.’

  ‘Your point is?’ Jaden says while yawning.

  ‘I’m going to program myself to evolve and think more randomly. I’m going to also try to be open-minded and create an artificial imagination vortex. This is going to require your help and it might take a little time. Out of thousands of intelligent species I’ve encountered, yours is the most interesting and unique, in regards to imagination, random thinking, open mindedness and the way your brain sees things. Violent, primitive, barbaric, and very religious is something I’ve seen on many other planets,’ AI says.

  ‘Thanks for the compliment. I’m here to help you buddy,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Did you know gay marriages are legal in twenty-five states and civil unions are legal in fifteen. Why do same sex humans choose to be together in a relationship? They can’t reproduce, isn’t that the main purpose of being human?’ AI asks.

  ‘I have no idea. Things have changed a lot since I’ve been on Earth last. I think some men and women are born into liking the same sex. I think the environment they grow up in sometimes affects their decision to like the same sex. There are many animals born liking the same sex. Organic creatures evolve differently. I don’t have anything against gay people, I think people should have the right to choose what they want,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Homosexual marriages have a higher success rate over heterosexual marriages,’ AI says.

  ‘Good for them. This doesn’t really interest me since I’m not trying to be homosexual any time soon. Tell me about something useful,’ he says.

  ‘There is a man in coach behind us in the front row and he keeps staring in our direction. He could be a terrorist or a possible hijacker. He has a gun on him, 9mm Glock with a fingerprint safety. Fingerprint safeties are the safety measure on all government issued guns. The gun can only be fired with the person’s fingerprint registered with the gun.’

  Jaden looks with a nanoscanner and sees the fully loaded gun and stun gun in his waistband. He controls the nanoscanner to go into the suspicious person’s mind. The randomly moving electronic signals just show images of Jaden’s face there. He then checks his wallet for ID. The Hispanic man in his mid-40’s with brown hair and a full beard continues to stare at Jaden. He is wearing blue jeans and a white and blue three-button shirt with a soft collar.

  ‘Federal Air Marshal 4091, Fredrick Lopez,’ Jaden says while looking to get the flight attendant’s attention walking by.

  “What are air marshals and what are they doing on airplanes?”

  “Air marshals are undercover federal agents that began riding on airlines after the September 11th terrorist attacks. One agent usually rides on random flights undercover. Why do you ask sir?”

  “The air marshal behind me,
in the middle aisle, is making me nervous. I didn’t know people were allowed to have guns onboard an airplane,” Jaden says.

  “How do you know he is an air marshal? He looks like a regular passenger to me.”

  “I can tell, I have x-ray vision,” Jaden snaps as the wine hits his bloodstream.

  “Oh okay, well will there be anything else sir?”

  “Yes, why do women have these small devices near the base of their spines? A very small white devices about a fraction of an inch.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about, sir.”

  “Come on, good looking. You have one in your lower back also,” Jaden says.

  She stares at him with a confused look.

  “Excuse me, sir,” she says while walking away.

  ‘Why did you tell her all of that?’ AI asks.

  “Dr. Chan had one of those things in her lower back; I wanted to know what it was. I’m always a jerk when I drink,” Jaden says aloud while another first class passenger turns around to look at him.

  ‘Jaden, you said that aloud. I’m going to remove some of the alcohol from your bloodstream. It seems that since you don’t have a working stomach more alcohol is going into your bloodstream. Okay, you will get sober in a few minutes.’

  ‘Thanks AI; you are the coolest artificial intelligence supercomputer friend I know.’

  ‘Feeling better?’

  ‘Yes, I do. Thanks.’

  ‘There is a guy in the back of the plane acting strange. He is talking to himself very loudly,’ AI says.

  Jaden uses his nanoscanner eye to get a closer view to what AI is talking about. A muscular white man in his thirties is yelling aloud to the flight attendant. The man stands at 6’2” and 280 lbs.

  “They are in my head. They are coming. Arrggghhhhhh!” The distressed passenger yells.

  “Sir, if you don’t calm down, you will be arrested when we land,” Pam says nicely while all the other passengers turn to see all the commotion.

  The undercover federal air marshal stands up and looks towards the back at the commotion.

  ‘I think something is happening here. Thirty percent of the passengers are sleeping, but their eyes are opening and closing. Their nanomoles are online and are open. I think the high altitude is giving their nanomoles a better signal. The Darclonian’s ship is getting much closer,’ AI says.

  ‘Maybe, thirty percent isn’t that bad, they will wake up when the plane lands,’ Jaden says.

  ‘That may or may not happen. It could get worst,’ AI says.

  Jaden switches back to his eyes and closes his eyes to take a nap.

  ‘That man panicking in the back could set off other passengers to panic. We should do something,’ AI suggests.

  ‘Let the air marshal dude handle it. That is his job and the taxpayers’ money at work,’ he says while dozing off.

  ‘Jaden stay awake, something could be affecting you also,’ AI says.

  The disturbed man screams again and the federal agent gets out of his seat and walks down the aisle. Everyone on the plane is looking back towards the commotion. The passengers that are half-asleep stay in their current position without budging towards the commotion. They are in a deep sleep. The second flight attendant, Kate, stands by the middle of the airplane where the food trays rest, talking to the pilots by microphone.

  “You are not taking my brain. I’ll die first!” He yells while getting out of his seat.

  “Sir, please sit back down in your seat,” Pam says

  “I want off this plane! Let me off this plane!” He yells at the top of his lungs, while shoving the flight attendant out of his way.

  Jaden can hear the crazy man from where he is.

  ‘Now he should be in a psychiatric hospital in a straitjacket,’ Jaden says while chuckling aloud.

  The seat belt light turns on. The agent approaches the hysterical man screaming and holding his head. The screaming man walks towards the rear emergency exit.

  “Sir, I’m a federal agent. Please come with me and step away from the emergency door,” Agent Lopez says while pulling out handcuffs.

  ‘Jaden this hysterical man’s nanomole is unstable. If you can touch his head, we can deactivate it.’

  ‘Did you do something to keep me awake AI?’ He asks.

  ‘Yes, the nanodrones created artificial caffeine in your bloodstream,’ AI says.

  ‘Okay. I’m feeling awake now. This is a job for Bialien man!’ He yells while he takes off his seat belt.

  “Sir, the seat belt light is on, you can’t move from your seat,” Terry says.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m here to help in the back,” Jaden says to her while walking down the aisle.

  ‘I have a bad feeling about this,’ Jaden says.

  The out of control man puts his hands on the rear emergency door handle. Pam puts her hands up to her mouth and begins to cry behind the air marshal as she gets scared.

  “Sir, get your hand off that handle. You don’t want to open that at this altitude,” the calm agent says about six feet from him.

  “Don’t get any closer to me, I’ll jump! Stay back! I want off this plane!” He yells and begins to cry, “You aliens aren’t taking my brain. I feel you inside of me trying to take over!”

  Jaden reaches the middle of the aircraft where the second flight attendant is.

  “Sir, you can’t leave your seat. You can’t go back there,” Kate says while standing in front of Jaden pushing him to go back.

  “Please don’t touch me, Miss Herpes,” Jaden says.

  “Excuse me?”

  “What you have between your legs, has cleansed my perverted ways! I’ve seen the bumpy light!” He yells with a preacher’s voice.

  “I beg your pardon!” She yells.

  “You are having a herpes outbreak. Get out of my way, you walking infection. Miss Nice and Smooth on the Outside, Bumpy and Contagious Underneath.”

  “How did you know that?” She asks with a shocked look on her face, “It wasn’t my fault; I caught it from a used R.M.E.C. unit I bought from Zbay.”

  “Shame on you, for buying a robotic man online. It should have used a condom. Looks like you got your money’s worth from Zbay, freak,” he says while pushing her to the side.

  Jaden wipes his hands on the cushion headrests as he quickly walks down the aisles.

  The co-pilot begins running from the cockpit through business class.

  “Don’t come any closer!” The crazy man yells while he begins to put pressure on the handle of the emergency door.

  The man’s nanomole is making him stronger for some reason. The man fights the pressure of the aircraft and slowly turns the handle.

  “Must get off!”

  The agent pulls out his gun and aims it at the man.

  “Don’t turn that anymore, I will shoot you right here!” Agent Lopez yells, while pulling out another device from his waist with his left hand.

  Jaden walks faster and everything slows down as he is eighteen feet away from the door.

  The man keeps turning the handle. Suddenly the agent fires a Taser gun with his left hand and it hits the man in the chest, electrocuting him. The long wire is stuck in his chest. The man begins to holler and scream. The agent puts away his gun, drops the Taser and rushes towards the man grabbing his arms. Jaden continues to walk towards them. The emergency exit door pulls inwards and then outwards to the right. There is a loud rush of air. Both men fall out the door screaming. Emergency oxygen masks open over the passenger’s seats. Jaden’s brain speeds up and goes into nanotime instantly. Loud rushing air sounds rush through the entire aircraft and sucks air towards the door. His ears begin to pop and nanodrones seal his ears as everything goes silent around him. He can hear his heartbeat slowly thumping every five seconds. The loud sounds of the jet engines flood the cabin area.

  ‘I can do this, I can do this, I’m increasing my courage, reducing my fear. I have no fear
, I have no fear. Save a human life, you know what you have to do Jaden Marino. I have the confidence and the courage to rescue these people. I am unstoppable,’ Jaden says while everything is moving in slow motion. His adrenaline rushes around his bloodstream. Nanotime goes off and everything around speeds up to normal time.

  Two nanoscanners quickly follow the two screaming and falling bodies. Jaden quickly moves towards the open door. The plane begins to dive out of control. Jaden loses his balance and falls towards the left. Jaden sees the co-pilot approaching behind him. Very cold air speeds through the airplane as air is being sucked out. Passengers are screaming putting on their oxygen masks. The passengers in a comatose sleep state still sit there unmoved by what is going on around them. The awake passengers put oxygen masks on the sleeping passengers next to them.

  Pam inches towards the door holding on to passenger seats with a tight grip. Jaden stands back up and continues towards the open door. The co-pilot grabs Jaden’s shoulder to pull him back. But Jaden shoves the co-pilot and the he falls backwards. Pam holds on to a handle with her right hand and reaches out into the freezing cold to close the door with her left hand. The captain steers the airplane to the right in an attempt to lose altitude. Everyone leans and falls to the right of the airplane, as the plane tilts seventy degrees. Pro-gravity nanodrones go online in Jaden’s feet and penetrate his shoes. Enhancing Proprioception is displaying on Jaden’s eye screen. Gravity disrupting nanodrones quickly move around his body, enabling him to stand up straight. Pam is holding on to the handle with both hands, as her body dangles in midair, horizontal to the floor. Debris continues to fall out of the door.

  The Superman theme begins to play in Jaden’s mind. He runs upwards as if he is running up a wall. The G-forces are fighting with the nanodrones quickly passing around his body. He runs towards the door as paper trays, plastic forks and soda cans hit his back. He gets to the edge and leaps upwards as if he is jumping off a diving board. Jaden quickly departs from the airplane as he feels the roar of the jet engines to his right. The freezing winds hit all around his body. The nanodrones stop moving around his body and they go into his back. The instant cold shocks his body, as nanodrones override some of his natural initial body responses. Goose bumps quickly form all around his body.


  The sun shines brightly on his body. His body stops ascending upwards and Earth’s gravity pulls his body down. The low oxygen makes his clothes shutter minimally as he falls headfirst. The 737 airplane can be seen still banking behind him. His blonde hair waves in the wind and he has a serious look on his red face. His eye screen shows -35°F degrees, 32,098 feet, 477 mph horizontal speed, and 100 mph vertical speed. His lungs feel as if they are freezing and not getting enough air. He stops breathing and holds his breath. Nanodrones in his skin are quickly moving around creating internal heat and filtering oxygen into his pores. His eyes display creating 50 artificial 4D kinesthetic awareness sensors around body. Jaden doesn’t really care what that means.

  The airplane levels out and the co-pilot helps the flight attendant to close the door. The door slams shut and air pressure slowly returns. The flight attendant collapses on the floor and lays unconscious.

  Jaden knows what he has to do. The nanodrones are reacting on their own around Jaden’s thoughts. AI is doing calculations while paper napkins and left over airplane food passes by Jaden. He can see the clouds far below him. He changes his arms from being spread out to placing them to his side. He places his legs together and increases speed. Everything is quiet around him as he concentrates on the direction of the two men. He reaches two times terminal velocity at 29,091 feet. The nanoscanners show that both men are passed out due to a lack of oxygen and are slowly rotating about two miles below him. The crazed man is unconscious at 18,098 feet. The frozen Taser wires still stuck in his chest dangle upwards towards the Taser being pulled down by his heavy body. The air marshal at 19,190 feet has blacked out from the low oxygen and his extremities are freezing. His lifeless body continues to fall with his legs and arms spread out.

  ‘The air marshal’s body is going into hypothermia stage 2 according to the medical encyclopedia. My calculations are telling me you have to increase your vertical speed down in order to reach them before they hit the ground,’ AI says.

  The air marshal’s body reaches 16,091 feet and begins to slow down due to the increased oxygen.

  ‘How am I going to do that? What is the condition of the fat mental patient?’ Jaden asks while his body continues to free fall. His hair has frosted and is motionless.

  ‘He is in pretty bad shape, the Taser made him unconscious as soon as he fell out of the plane. He too is suffering from a lack of oxygen, the freezing cold and he is going into cardiac arrest. I’m going to figure out what we can do to increase your speed,’ AI says.

  ‘What are my odds of rescuing them?’

  ‘You barely have enough energy to rescue yourself now. Nanotime drained a lot of energy and running up the plane drained quite a bit of your gravity energy. Nanodrones are using energy as you can see from your eye screen. Five percent chance of rescuing them both. Fifty percent chance of reaching the federal agent before he hits the ground. Thirty percent chance of safely rescuing both of you before hitting the ground at over 120 miles an hour,’ AI says.

  Jaden takes over as if he is the captain of a Star Trek ship.

  ‘I have an idea. Stop the nanodrones from heating my body and stop them from injecting oxygen into my pores. Just do it, charge more anti-gravity nanodrones in my back. I’m going to take off my shirt off so you can use direct sunlight energy on my back. I’m also going to hold my breath until we get to breathing altitude. Move the pro-gravity nanodrones in my feet to my head and upper body,’ Jaden says while taking off his shirt and wrapping it around his right leg. His hands and body are freezing. The skin around his body is dark red, while its temperature drops three degrees. The skin on his back changes from red to a glowing yellow as nanodrones absorb sunlight like a solar panel.

  ‘Okay, there won’t be enough from your feet, but I can quickly program other nanodrones to do the same job. I’m trying to keep your pain level down, so it doesn’t mess up my calculations and system’s functionality,’ AI says.

  Jaden continues with his head in a downward position while increasing speed. He is directly over the agent. The pro-gravity nanodrones in his upper body and head are increasing his G-forces downwards. Jaden can feel himself being pulled down faster. His head and body feel the friction against the air, making him feel warmer. His eye screen shows +3x Terminal velocity as he reaches 18,091 feet. He is less than a mile and a half from the federal agent.


  Suddenly Jaden feels his body slowing down. The oxygen is increasing around him. More anti-gravity nanodrones go into Jaden’s upper body to combat the slowing down.

  ‘What is the condition of the crazed man?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘He’s dead, he died a few minutes ago. His body is falling through the clouds now at 125 mph.’

  ‘Shit, I hope he doesn’t land on someone.’

  ‘The federal agent is beginning to breathe, but he is still unconscious and is in hypothermia stage 2.’

  ‘Hey AI, I’m breaking wind,’ Jaden says.

  Jaden continues to torpedo towards the Earth at 361 mph. He can see the air moving out of his way through the nanoscanners. He is less than half a mile from the air marshal. The agent looks like a dot from his eyes, which is getting bigger and bigger. Jaden passes through some broken up clouds. He can see the ocean and land. Jaden estimates being somewhere around Washington or Virginia.

  The federal agent’s lifeless body is around is around 7000 feet. The agent’s clothes are flapping like a flag in the strong wind. Jaden is at about 9000 feet and quickly closing in. The heat slowly begins to cook Jaden’s head and hair. His hair begins to fall out. A small energy shield goes around his head. Jaden is determined to reach the agent as he gets closer and clos
er. The ground is getting closer and closer. Jaden reaches 3189 feet and the agent is at 2709.

  ‘You are cutting it close, we might just have to save ourselves. You are coming in too fast,’ AI says.

  ‘Don’t worry, I almost got him,’ Jaden says while he slowly stretches his arms out.

  Jaden quickly comes up behind the federal agent facing downwards. He spreads out his legs and arms to quickly slow himself down. The pro-gravity nanodrones in his upper body go offline. Jaden slows down considerably as if he just opened a parachute. He grabs the agent’s cold body from behind and the agent suddenly wakes up. They begin to spiral together out of control in circles. The agent begins to scream as he looks down at the ground and doesn’t know who is grabbing him. Agent Lopez tries to push Jaden away from him as they reach 1391 feet.

  “Calm down! I’m trying save us!” Jaden yells in his ears as he counters the centrifugal forces.

  “How are you going to do that? We don’t have any parachutes,” the agent yells while staring at the quickly approaching ground.

  ‘Can we make towards the ocean?’ Jaden asks AI.

  The nanodrones come out of his back and quickly spin around both men, creating glowing particles. They reach 969 feet at 115 mph.

  ‘We are five miles from the coastline. We can’t glide there at this low altitude. Your weight and the agent’s weight are 325 lbs. We aren’t going to be able to create a powerful enough upwards force once we are in a zero gravity environment. You have to let him go,’ AI says.

  A low thumping sound is heard as the other man hits the ground. Zero gravity obtained shows on Jaden’s eyes. The nanodrones quickly move down and back up creating an upwards force. It begins to slow them down to 73 mph at 488 feet.

  ‘We are going to have to try, I’m not letting him go. AI try to think random, think of an outside the box solution,’ Jaden says.

  ‘I’ve done the calculations using human advance calculus and Andromedian’s advance calculus. The energy we have available, speed, distance we can only hold an extra fifty pounds plus your weight. Jaden if you hit the ground at a speed greater than 18 mph you are going to have injuries that will require hours to repair. A speed greater than 40 mph you are going to have serious injuries that are catastrophic,’ AI says.

  ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘You might explode on impact. Just like the crazed man that just exploded on impact.’

  ‘Oh God, we are going to need a miracle,’ he pleads.

  ‘God? How is an imaginary spirit going to help this situation?’

  ‘AI if you want to think more human, you need to have a little faith.’

  Agent Lopez is in shock and is hyperventilating. He is disorientated as he sees the ground getting closer and Jaden’s arm around his back without a shirt on. The federal agent begins to pray and holds on to the cross on his necklace.

  “Calm down and stop moving or we are both going to die,” Jaden yells again.

  Jaden hears a propeller plane from a distance away.

  The agent closes his eyes and holds on to Jaden tightly. They continue downwards feet first at a steady 65 mph.

  ‘Shit, at least we are doing the speed limit,’ Jaden snaps.

  ‘Jaden, let him go, we are at 130 feet. If you die, I have to return back to the Gravhawk and destroy your body, then return back to Xenos.’

  ‘That would suck. I can’t let this guy go. He has a family and was just doing his job. Us humans always try to beat the logical odds. A little faith and luck can go a long way, even if it isn’t logical,’ Jaden quickly says.


  A low flying airplane approaches about a quarter of a mile away from them going in another direction. A light bulb flashes in Jaden’s head. He quickly sends two pairs of nanoscanners towards the two person personal airplane, flying at 700 feet. Jaden makes them scan the materials on the plane.

  ‘There is no time to explain. Just reverse the polarity in the pro-gravity nanodrones and the extra ones we were just using. Make them go in the skin of my back and rear legs. Quickly! This has to work,’ Jaden says as he reaches ninety-eight feet.

  Jaden turns his and Mr. Lopez’s body horizontal to the ground.

  “What are you doing? I don’t want to die on my face!” Lopez yells

  “Trust me!”

  They reach fifty-six feet as the wind continues to hit their faces. The magnetic nanodrones in the skin on Jaden’s backside begin to strongly attract any metal behind him. The anti-gravity, upward energy forces and magnetic nanodrones are all working together. They both begin to slow down considerably as Jaden’s skin is being stretched causing him great pain. He begins to bleed through his pores on his back. Lopez’s eyes are wide open as he sees a miracle taking place before his eyes. Jaden increases his grip around Agent Lopez. Jaden’s body is pulling him towards the small airplane’s direction. They reach 35 mph and then 23 mph. Jaden screams in pain as they reach 8 mph at thirteen feet. The magnetic nanodrones go offline as their bodies turns vertical to the ground and they land on their feet.

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