Read BIO-Sapien series book 1 - Destination optic warp Page 16

  He puts the circular saw towards Jaden’s chest, closer and closer. Jaden’s eyes are focusing in on the high-speed blade creating a breeze towards his chest and face. The sharp circular blade pierces Jaden’s chest causing him tremendous pain. Blood splatters in all directions, but floats upwards. He yells in agony and the guards begin to laugh. His blood forms half-inch round balls. Jaden blacks out and goes into shock from the pain quickly overloading his brain. As Jaden closes his eyes, he sees two bright eyes without a body on the ceiling above him. The doctor takes off his glasses and looks in confusion at the blood floating upwards. The blood bubbles disappear as they get near the ceiling. The mad doctor continues to cut downwards to his upper abdomen. The lights flicker then go out. It is completely dark in the room. The doctor stops cutting and yells to the guards still laughing.

  Suddenly something falls from the ceiling and there is a lot of noise and scuffling in the dark. There is a glowing object that resembles a sword, quickly moving back and forth in the air. The glowing blue weapon has red lightning jumping around it. The yells turn into loud screeching sounds and stuff falling over. Something is sprayed over Jaden’s open chest wound. Something is then injected into his neck through his jugular vein that mixes with his blood. It is completely dark in the room and it goes quiet. Jaden’s large chest wound stops bleeding.

  Jaden, still unconscious, is lifted from the operating table by something. His body is put over the shoulder of a warm alien being. The lights flicker in the room and Jaden regains some consciousness. He sees the doctor with blood all over his jacket and the circular saw going through his head. Jaden moans in pain as he tries to figure out what is going on. Jaden’s body is being carried towards the door. Jaden hears a high pitch sound that sounds like a fax machine.

  Then, a very fast speaking female voice is heard, “I’m Bellona and I’m here to rescue you. I’m trying to get you outside this virtual hospital and underground city. Your body will remain paralyzed and your lungs will stop working soon. You will be holding your breath for about ten minutes once we get out to the surface. My team and I are trying to get you off this planet. Your normal vision will be back very soon.”

  The fast talking voice echoing from all directions stops. He was able to make out most of what she said. Jaden sees himself being carried by a silvery alien body in the reflection of a mirror on a wall. It has two legs like a human. Jaden is able to turn his head slightly. Jaden notices this alien has six fingers that look human, with an extra thumb. The extra identical thumb is on the opposite side of the hand and is providing an extra grip on Jaden’s body. He is facing down towards the ground while his legs and lower body are over the shoulder of this alien rescuing him. Jaden sees pieces of the guards lying on the floor. He looks again and the image is distorted. The pieces of the guards turn into hairy pieces of an animal with claws where the hands used to be. Bellona looks through the door in both directions. Jaden looks behind him in the room and the room changes. It changes from a bright operating room to a dark, slimy room. The skinny alien begins jogging down the long hallway. Jaden feels high up in the air, as if the alien is at least seven feet tall. His body is going up and down with the fast movement. The hallway turns into a tunnel. Jaden notices a clear force around them. Jaden hears many footsteps. They go up many stairs. He is petrified since he can’t see what exactly is going on. Bellona stops running and stops against a wall. The air is turning very humid and Jaden is breathing very lightly. The footsteps go by at a fast speed down the stairs.

  Jaden believes they are cloaked and invisible like the UFO spaceship. They go through a door. They continue to run down this eerie tunnel with low light. Dark colored trees and vines are appearing all over the place. Mist is in the air and reminds him of being in a sauna at the gym. The tunnel opens up into a large room with high ceilings that resembles a gymnasium. The room has vines, trees and plants all over the place, similar to a greenhouse. Bright light is shining on Jaden and Bellona from the light emitting trees. She has small light particles inside her skin as she gently puts Jaden against the wall sitting up. Jaden sees the alien figure that resembles a human body walking forward. Her body looks smooth and similar to a female human with curves. She walks like a human being.


  Fourteen hairy, black animal-looking creatures approach. They are called Zetrobs. The Zetrobs are hairy creatures that look like a half gorilla with two very hairy legs with feet and an upper body like a beetle, with little antennas coming from their heads. The Zetrobs are making loud animal sounds. They also have a round arch around their backs like a beetle and four claws that extend out like hands. The Zetrobs line up and fire a green liquid from their claws at her. Bellona instantly forms a shield three feet around it. An awkward sound comes from the formation. Another smaller shield forms around Jaden as the sounds from the middle of the room go quiet. A slight humming sound is also heard in Jaden’s ears. The complete bubble-shaped shield extends into the wall digging into it. His vision becomes blurry and altered by the clear shields around him. It looks similar to looking through a clear lake. He can’t hear anything except the humming sound.

  The two-foot long spray, that looks like flying vomit, hits her outside shield and goes around it. Smoke is coming from the ground where the alien creatures are firing their toxic poisonous acid. The shield turns completely green as all of the Zetrobs continue to rapidly fire at the same time. Jaden can see through the green material over her shield.

  Jaden is hypnotized by her warrior stance as if she is ready for battle. She stands fearless as the animal creatures surround her while continuing to fire. Two red molecules suddenly appear around her wrists. The molecules look similar to the ship’s molecule, but only six inches in diameter. Her body looks like a blur as she begins moving at high speed. She punches holes through her shield in the direction of the animals. Green glowing balls of energy fire like high-speed cannons towards the enemies. Their green toxin that was absorbed into the shield’s energy is being used against them. They are hit and their bodies are quickly penetrated and ripped into pieces. She is moving so fast it looks as if there are two female aliens inside the shield punching holes in different spots.

  Jaden witnesses this and is speechless. Bellona stands there with these red molecules spinning up and down her arms in sync. They begin to glow very bright red. She looks up towards the ceiling. She puts her arms together over her head. The two molecules slowly move upwards and leave her fingertips. They merge and get larger as they float near the top of the shield above her. Jaden sits there speechless and is unable to blink his eyes. The single molecule is about four feet in diameter. Bellona extends her right hand towards the ground. Jaden feels an invisible force quickly passing under his legs and towards the female alien. She quickly extends her arm towards the molecule above her and an invisible force leaves her arm. The force propels the molecule through the shield and towards the ceiling in a red flash of blurry light. Bellona turns around and walks towards Jaden, sitting against the wall in disbelief. Some debris falls from the newly created hole as air is quickly sucked through it like a vacuum. Branches, body parts and vines are pulled into the ceiling’s new hole.

  The shield disappears and the particles go into her back. Smoke comes from the lifeless body parts. Some of the creatures’ bodies pull towards the ceiling. She walks back towards Jaden. Jaden is mesmerized by her walking towards him. Her beauty and brawn captivates Jaden. He knows she can’t be human, but a cross between a mechanical robot and human. Bellona has something over her face that resembles some type of mask the same color as her body. He looks deep into her blank face with no hair sticking out from the mask. Her two wide eyes are glowing white, like an eyeball without pupils. Her iris reflects the light that is behind her. Her chest looks like a mannequin’s breast, smooth, but no nipples. There are hundreds of white light particles slowly moving around inside her skin. Her legs are skinny and muscular. She has six f
ingers, but no fingernails. Jaden sees no lower female body parts. He feels she is someone here to save him, he feels safe and comfortable around her. Jaden also feels helpless since he is still unable to move. This alien female warrior stands in front of him and stares deep into his soul.

  “Who are you? Why are you helping me? What’s going on?” Jaden asks but doesn’t get a response.


  Bellona picks him up again and places him on her shoulder. She quickly walks to the middle of this large room, stepping over slimy hairy body parts. Air is sucking out of the four-foot octagon-shaped hole above them. The howling sound of wind moves around the silent room.

  Suddenly the ground shakes and thirty hairy creatures begin coming from the walls in all directions. These creatures are called Blisters and they have long white and black hairs around their body. They walk upright and stand about 5 feet high. They are more organized and walk slowly in formation about thirty feet away. These Blisters have different shiny metals over their bodies. Similar to knights in the old days, but without the swords or shields in their hands. They also have a large, shiny hump like a beetle on their backs. They have two black antennas sticking from their helmets. Their eyes are at the end of the antennas. The creatures only have two arms and a metallic mask over their heads. They have an object looking like a weapon, in their right hand. The weapon looks like narrow silver Television remote controls a few inches in size. They appear to float a few inches from their hands. In their left hand, they have invisible shields over their ant-like faces.

  They fire yellow energy beams at Bellona in the middle of this room that Jaden is still over the shoulders of. The yellow energy beams hit the outside of her shield and bounce back in different directions. This time it bounces back off the Blisters as each has their own clear invisible energy shields that light up over their left arms. The beams bounce onto the walls and in all directions making holes in the walls. She fires a blue six-inch round energy projectile into the air with her left arm. It passes through her shields and floats about twenty feet in the air and gets larger. It spins around clockwise very fast, drawing some kind of energy from the large room. Jaden is held tightly by her right hand.

  The Blisters charge towards her from all directions still firing, weakening her shields. The shields get smaller to about two feet around Jaden and her. She begins to run towards the wall knocking creatures out of her way, with the shield following with her. The shield is getting smaller and smaller. Jaden notices her body is getting smaller. The blue projectile explodes in all directions. The Blisters dive and dig into the ground with their claws to keep from floating away. Their antenna eyes look out to see what is going on. The blue projectile makes the entire area lose its gravity. They continue to fire at Jaden and Bellona. She jumps on the wall and begins to run vertically up it. Jaden hears her loud thumping footsteps. The Blisters stop firing as they hold on tighter from the zero gravity in the room. Everything is happening so fast for Jaden; he feels as though he is in a dream. Some lose their grip and float towards the vacuum hole forty feet above, making loud screeching sounds. They are sucked in like a dust ball into a vacuum cleaner.

  Jaden doesn’t even feel like he is on a wall. His up and down balance makes him feel as if he is on a ground surface. They reach the ceiling and run on it. Bellona detects something coming below. Jaden looks towards the ground and he sees a different type of huge, robotic alien creature with a long neck. The Skeleborgs’ are translucent down to the skeleton bodies, as if you are looking through an x-ray. They are about ten feet in diameter. Their white glowing bone structure can be seen through their synthetic skin and muscles. Their outer body suits are invisible to Jaden’s eye. They have a dark helmet over their skinny faces with glowing green eyes. They have long glowing arms that resemble a weapon. Their weapons are purple and extend out where the hands would be. They walk on the ground not affected by the gravity disruption in the room. Their big size makes Jaden believe their weight is keeping it from floating away. It stands there looking up and gives Jaden the creeps. He swallows saliva as it looks up at him. Their staring at him makes Jaden’s blood pressure increase.

  “That thing looks very scary, it’s almost eight feet tall and wide like a fat girl at an all you can eat,” Jaden says while keeping his eyes on it.


  The equilibrium in his ears goes out of sync and he feels very nauseous looking down. The howling octagon hole in the ceiling gets louder and louder. Jaden’s lungs stop breathing on their own. He feels as if something is making him hold his breath. The robotic alien fires a fast moving orange ball with a ring around it from its left arm towards them. Bellona tosses paralyzed Jaden into the hole head first and the shield goes around his body. He feels a powerful acceleration as he falls upwards. The orange ball explodes creating a large explosion. A huge amount of debris and rocks fall all over the place. Jaden sees fire that looks like small spheres in front of him. He is surrounded by fire from the explosion. The blast greatly increases his speed as he freefalls up the dark hole. The powerful blast hits the female alien directly. Her body sustains heavy damage and is on fire. There are microscopic robotic organisms called microbots, attacking her body through the fire. Her legs amputate from the torso and suck through the hole. Her fiery left arm floats away, but quickly pulls back towards her body by a magnetic force. Her body sustains hundreds of holes through it. There are clear seals over the area where her legs were cut off. Her left arm is floating two inches from her torso, where her arm came off at.

  The Skeleborg extends both of its hands upwards. Bellona’s eyes glow very dim and she can’t move. Her severely hurt body is caught in some kind of tractor beam, slowly pulling her downwards. The fire on the ceiling blows out into the hole. Everything is happening so fast.

  Jaden is less than a mile from the surface. Jaden is falling upwards faster than an express elevator. His arms are to his side and his body is straight as he continues to fall upwards with fire all around and the clear shields protecting him. Jaden hears noises like a fax machine and dial-up modem, but much faster.

  The Skeleborg’s microbots are attacking the inside of her body. The defensive nanobots inside her body are trying to fight them off, but are being overpowered. Bellona is twenty feet away from the Skeleborg, when suddenly its head disappears. The upper body expands outwards. An open area that resembles a shredder with spinning teeth replaces the head and neck area. She is about to be pulled into a spinning vortex of glowing razor sharp teeth. She is fighting the tractor beam energy with pro-gravity nanobots quickly moving around her body, pulling her upwards. But it is not overpowering the Skeleborg’s tractor beam around her. Most of her energy is going towards protecting Jaden and keeping the shield energy around his quickly propelling body. She needs his body to make it to the surface. Microbots are trying to enter a secure area in her brain. The force of the tractor beam slowly detaches her head from her body. There is magnetic energy pulling between her neck and head. The army of Blisters is holding onto the ground and lifts their heads simultaneously and fire at Bellona. The beams fire together and hit one targeted area on her body creating a hole through it. Her body reacts to the penetration.

  An army of nanoscanners quickly enter the octagon hole from the surface of the planet. They quickly pass Jaden’s lifeless falling body and reach Bellona’s amputated free falling legs that are on fire. The nanoscanners quickly spin around it, dissolving them into molecules.

  Her head separates from her neck by nine inches and is two feet from the spinning mouth that will destroy her. She feels tremendous pain as her body is being pulled in two different directions. Her very low energy body is not responding.

  There is a dimly lit red dwarf star in the sky above. The galactic center’s light is also shining brightly over the surface from the west. Jaden is moving upwards at a very fast speed and reaches the surface. His uncontrollable body continues upwards by the side of a l
arge rocky mountain. Fire explodes around him and in different directions as he spins sixty feet into the 1% oxygen atmosphere. Jaden can see and feel bright sunlight shining over the top of the mountain. There is also some dim red sunlight shining behind Jaden. The ignited fire around him quickly goes out. His body descends as the planet’s gravity takes over. Jaden is falling towards the ground, but not as fast as he would on Earth. He is about to hit the ground and closes his eyes to brace for impact. He abruptly stops a few feet from the ground, when something grabs him. The shield around Jaden’s body goes off and another one quickly forms. He is being held by something invisible with feathery and hairy large arms. Jaden can’t see its face, but assumes it’s someone on Bellona’s team. It begins to run with Jaden over a rocky surface. His body slowly bounces up and down.

  There are purple and green dagger-like crystals of many sizes all around the surface of the planet. They point up as high as fifty feet from the surface. They point out into different directions and some sit on top of mountainsides.

  “I’m Marco and I’m going to get you to our ships not far from here,” he says in a deep robotic voice.

  Jaden understands, but doesn’t reply. Feelings of confusion continue to cross his mind.

  The Skeleborg has its arms around Bellona’s head, slowly pulling it into its mouth. The top of her head is being cut away by the hot plasma energy teeth. The nanoscanners reach down the hole where Bellona is at. They quickly spin around her body, changing her molecules into energy. Her body and separated head disappear into a flash of light into the tunnel towards the surface. The billions of microbots are left behind and float into the Skeleborg. It then jumps upwards towards the ceiling with thrust coming from its feet and elbows. The alien’s huge body shrinks in size as it reaches the tunnel. It fires another large orange projectile upwards towards the flash of light moving at a fast speed.


  The flash of light reaches 153 feet over the surface of the planet and stops. There is a bright beam coming from a nearby star and another source of sunlight coming from Andromeda’s Galactic Bulge. Bellona’s energy molecules begin to form back into her body. Hundreds of nanoscanners spin clockwise reforming her body with the help of the sunlight. Her body has trillions of yellow spinning light particles reforming her into solid matter. Nanobots are quickly moving around the inside of her body creating glowing light particles. Her silver body returns and something comes out of her back. Semi-visible wings that resemble an angel’s wings come out her back and levitate six inches from her back. The wings are not touching each other and extend down to her buttocks. The trillions of spinning yellow light particles disappear from around her body. Glowing blue particles come out of her arms and disrupt the gravity around her as her wings slowly flap. She quickly flies towards the ground.

  Marco is carrying Jaden, across rocks, sand and debris. He closes his eyes and he is able to see through a nanoeye. Jaden sees Bellona’s body floating like alien angel in the bright sunlight. He is still not breathing and is holding his breath. It is amazing to him he is able to hold his breath for such a long time. Jaden realizes they must have done something to him when he was in the UFO.

  The orange projectile comes out of the tunnel in a glowing blur of energy straight towards Bellona. She fires an invisible force from her right arm, hitting the projectile head on. It explodes into a horizontal line of spherical diamond fire, lighting up the shadow side of the mountain. She passes through the fire and continues downwards. Jaden has a front row seat to the fireworks show. She quickly reaches the ground near the tunnel and kneels from the sudden impact. The wings on her back disappear into her body. She makes two fists and puts them together. She pulls them apart and a glowing sword forms. The weapon has blue lightning jumping around a yellow light that extends 2 ½ feet. The tunnel glows and she swings her weapon downwards just as the Skeleborg exits.

  Jaden witnesses a second colorful explosion splitting in two directions. The Skeleborg is split into two pieces and then explodes. The energy sword disappears into Bellona’s hand as she runs towards Jaden. The nanoeye is not controllable by Jaden.

  Jaden hears the low fax machine sounds around him again. The alien carrying Jaden appears and he is able to see its entire body through a nanoeye. The alien resembles a male figure and his size and shape intrigues Jaden. The blue and orange alien is about ten feet tall. His light blue semi-metallic frame is wide. He has orange fur all around the top part of his body. Around the skin of the alien is a shiny blue metallic body. There are small white light particles moving up and down inside the skin. This alien looks like a powerful fighter. He has several chrome spikes two feet long coming from his back and up to the shoulders. Red lightning particles are jumping around between the spikes on its back. There are red molecules on each wrist of the alien. His arms are long and furry and look somewhat human. His face is covered by something that looks like an exotic blue chrome helmet. His round reflective helmet glows different colors. Jaden continues to stare at the color-changing helmet.

  Both aliens run together. Jaden does not feel like Marco is running. They both go invisible again. Jaden, still unable to move, turns his eyes to the right and sees a clear energy shield a few inches from his eyes.

  They run across an open, rocky field. There are large, shiny metallic discs half way into the rocky ground all over the place. The galactic bulge’s bright sunlight shines on them as they carefully run around the huge metallic discs that are arranged in an orderly fashion. The light is so bright that Jaden has to squint to see what is going on. His eyes cannot tolerate the bright light so he closes them. Jaden feels as if he is dreaming. Nothing feels real.

  The ground starts to shake and rumble. The bright light fades away from Jaden’s closed eyes. They run between a small passageway that resembles a ravine. The small mountains on each side are separated by about thirty feet and are about twenty feet high.

  Six enemy spaceships approach them from the same direction. The ships are called cubfighters and look like flying brown stingrays. Each double wing is levitating a few feet from the body and they have white thrust coming from the rear of them. They stop midair simultaneously and their bodies begin to glow. They fire two sets of brown laser beams at them. Marco and Bellona’s shield systems become very visible and absorb the powerful blasts. They stumble from the sudden impact of force. The ground is shot up around them creating a lot of dust. The holes in the ground go down dozens of feet. Jaden experiences the forceful movement with his new friends, but concentrates more on trying to breathe. He tries to inhale, but he feels as if he has a plastic bag over his face. His body is still paralyzed and he struggles to get some control of his body. He wants to move his arms around his throat, but he can’t.

  Marco tosses Jaden to Bellona. His body feels weightless as it glides ten feet through the air. The feeling instantly registers in his long-term memory as a feeling he felt when being tossed into the air by his father when he was a toddler. Jaden feels as if he is being tossed around like a Raggedy Ann doll.

  Bellona holds Jaden against the wall and they are invisible. Marco runs towards the opposite wall and takes on the green laser fire. His shield takes on the powerful blasts. Suddenly, the dozens of chrome spikes on Marco’s back stick up and float a few inches from his back. The red molecules on his wrist begin to spin in circles and light up red. He sticks his right arm out and a spike from his back travels through the molecule on his wrist and turns into a long metallic weapon in the shape of a spear. The weapon has light particles moving up and down it. His right hand holds the long barrel weapon that looks like a sniper rifle and a rocket launcher combined. The edge of his red spinning molecule is at the grip of the gun, somehow powering it. Marco quickly approaches the mountain and his body becomes semi-visible. His body disappears into the solid rock. Three cubfighters quickly circle around and levitate over the area scanning for them.

  Suddenly Bellona becomes visible with Jaden in her arms and begins runni
ng down the ravine area. The cubfighters turn and begin firing at her. The barrel of Marco’s four-foot long semi-visible weapon pokes from the top of the mountain. The weapon moves in a blur to three different positions in less than a second. In each position, a glowing silver projectile was fired towards the cubfighters at near the speed of light. Jaden hears a low popping sound from a distance behind him. The three cubfighters quickly propel backwards into the air and explode into brown fire. They are completely destroyed. There are three more cubfighters at a distance approaching. Marco pulls himself up from inside the mountain and is not on top of it. His body turns visible as he quickly begins to run. His body is moving so fast that he looks like a blur of energy. The weapon disappears through the molecule on his arm and returns with the rest of the levitating spikes on his back. The molecule on his left arm is missing. Another spike from a different area on his back floats upwards, changes direction and passes through his right molecule. A lime glowing green weapon forms in his hand. The weapon looks organic with light particles moving around inside of it.