Read BIO-Sapien series book 1 - Destination optic warp Page 17

  The three cubfighters fire their green lasers simultaneously and they merge and hit the mountain behind Marco. A white energy leaves the cubfighters’ bodies and quickly rides the laser down to the mountain. Marco is running on top of the mountain and his feet thump the ground shaking the entire mountain. The entire mountain explodes under his feet and he leaps into the air at the last second. Marco’s left red molecule is rotating and floating about a ½ mile to the left of him in the sunlight. Rocks and fire explode around Marco’s body as he falls. He fires three green projectiles from his exotic weapon without even aiming it at the red molecule. The molecule redirects the projectiles towards the three cubfighters levitating together. The molecule slightly changes directions in milliseconds. The cubfighters are hit from behind and quickly drop towards the exploding mountain. They go down and the fire explodes upwards. All three crash into the fiery mountain at high speed. Marco lands on the ground below; there is a loud thud and energy disperses in different directions. His knees bend slightly and he quickly runs towards Bellona. His weapon disappears and floats around towards his back again. Rocks and debris continue to fly in all directions. He dodges medium-sized fiery rocks as they fall. The mountain Marco was on is completely destroyed. Dozens of diamond-shaped flames form towards the sky. Marco hears debris hitting the other mountain and rolling to the ground. Fire and rocks completely cover the path behind them.

  Sunlight appears again around Bellona and Marco as they run together across a rocky field. The three cubfighters that fell towards the mountain were not completely destroyed and quickly fly from the fire. Suddenly the bright sunlight fades away. Something dark is blocking most of the sunlight from the galactic bulge and local star. It looks as if a double eclipse just took place. There is a slight glow coming from where the bright light was. There is a low screeching sound coming from behind them. Jaden begins to gag and suffocate for air.

  An army of one hundred beetled Blisters start coming out of different holes in the large mountain behind them. Their arms extend like legs and they run like a quadrupedal animal. The Blisters have another layer over their bodies like synthetic suits. A half dozen seven foot Skeleborgs run behind the Blisters. The Skeleborg’s have transparent bodies. Their slightly white glowing bone structure can be seen through their synthetic skin and muscles. Their outer suits are invisible to the average eye. In their right hands are glowing green plasma swords. The Blisters fire their yellow lasers toward the rescuers. Jaden and his new friends helping him reach a small hill. They turn around to see the Blisters from a distance. The yellow beams strike around them, bombarding the mountainside with debris. Small light particles appear around their bodies as they jump up and float towards the top. The cubfighters coordinate their fire together into one brown laser beam. The beam creates small diamond-shaped flames around it and hits them directly. The force propels their bodies into the side of the mountain. Bellona has Jaden over her right shoulder and her left hand pushes off from going into the mountain. The powerful beam strongly disrupts their shield energy. They change direction and they begin running up the mountain. Hundreds of small rocks fall down the mountain. Marco’s shields begin to get weaker as he runs faster towards the plateau area. Jaden goes into cardiac arrest and stops gagging as Bellona quickly runs up the mountain. Something sharp like a needle leaves Bellona’s arm and goes into Jaden’s vein. Fluid quickly enters his bloodstream.

  The plateau area they are trying to reach has boulders and rocks falling over it. Suddenly the ground starts to shake all around like a magnitude 6.0 earthquake. On the far right of the large mountain is a smaller one that is about two miles from Jaden. The top half of the mountain explodes and creates a large mushroom cloud into the mostly carbon dioxide atmosphere. A UFO with a blue molecule around its hull quickly comes out of the mountain emitting the matrix plasma beams. A second ship follows with a purple molecule around its hull. This ship looks identical to the one Jaden was flying. The trotting Blisters stop running and look back at the large explosion from the mountain. It rains dirt, metallic rocks and debris into all directions.

  Marco makes it to the plateau area first, which is about 120 feet from the ground. Boulders completely cover the area. Light particles come from his molecules and move through the boulders. He quickly changes his energy shield into a long horizontal rectangular shape that goes under the boulders. Marco’s body goes semi-invisible and runs through the huge boulders.

  The UFOs fire cannon rounds at the cubfighters. The cubfighters’ shields glow pink. The UFOs fire two sets of yellow torpedoes that split into two more sets. The cubs fire dozens of red lasers towards the torpedoes. The torpedoes create their own energy shield around themselves. The red laser slows down the torpedoes causing them to break into pieces. The cubs fire mini red cubes the size of a paperback book. The glowing cubes synchronize their shield draining green lasers at the UFOs. The UFO ships quickly dodge the incoming green lasers. The torpedoes form back together hitting the cubfighters. The nanobots in the torpedoes eat away at the cubs’ energy shield, creating holes in it. The cubs take cover by retreating in different directions. The two UFOs go after them.

  Two of the four robotic aliens use their thrusters on the bottom of their feet and arms to go airborne.

  Bellona is standing invisible and absorbing incoming fire. Her body quickly turns -200°F and Jaden’s body instantly freezes. Marco begins to lift the entire boulder area with the horizontal energy shield. The area shakes and a forty square foot horizontal shield lifts with hundreds of tons of boulders on it. He lifts it over his head and Bellona runs under it with frozen Jaden in her arms. Two flying Skeleborgs fire their primary weapon from 250 feet away. Four bright orange balls propel towards the plateau at 300 feet per second.

  Bellona places Jaden on the ground; he lays there as if he is inside of a coffin made of clear energy. Marco holds the boulders and horizontal shield with his left hand. His right hand disappears and the large weapon appears. It lights up aqua blue and a projectile is fired towards the orange balls. Bellona also fires an invisible energy from her right arm. They destroy three of the four projectiles. The last one explodes near them knocking them backwards. The powerful blast propels their bodies across the ground and the area is engulfed with fire and strong winds. Bellona continues to concentrate on her shield energy around Jaden. Marco lays flat on his back and the horizontal shield quickly falls within two inches of his face, but he holds it up with two hands. Bellona and Marco’s bodies are on fire and take damage as they both lift the horizontal shield with boulders on top of it. The Skeleborgs charge their primary weapon system. Marco walks towards the edge of the plateau area, while holding onto the boulders above him with his left hand. He stands there, a huge flaming warrior. Bellona holds the horizontal shield area from the middle of the plateau area with two hands over her. The army of Blisters beneath him stands up on their hind legs and continue to fire towards Marco. His body takes several direct hits. Marco swings his right arm forward near the horizontal shield and downwards. A congregation of glowing huge rocks propels from overhead and move in sync with Marco’s arm movement. The rocks head towards the ground at 1000 feet per second. They slightly glow as they bombard the army of Blisters. Several Blisters are struck and the rest aim at the rocks. They dodge and roll to avoid being hit. The high-speed rocks create holes in the ground and debris explodes in different directions. Marco’s right arm spins clockwise in 360° rotations and some rocks continue to move like cannonballs.

  The fire burning in all directions shows fiery images of two other advanced looking UFOs parked behind Bellona and Marco. Microbots are in the fire attacking their bodies. Their spaceships are parked to the far right and left of the plateau area, UFO3 sits on the left side and UFO4 sits on the right. The ships have completely flat bodies and six separate floating pieces connect the ship together. There are red lightning particles in the middle and front of the UFOs. There are floating ball particles spinning under the ship and throug
h the rings of each red molecule. A clear wave of energy from UFO3 suddenly spreads into different directions putting out the sphere-shaped fire like a fire extinguisher. The clear wave of energy contains a trillion nanobots to fight the 500 billion microbots in the fire. Bellona walks towards her exotic flat UFO4 ship and a giant red molecule appears and comes out towards her. It leaves the ship and moves over her body and creates a red light as bright as a red dwarf star. The energy balls are quickly moving around the molecule tracks. Her entire body glows red and turns as bright as the sun. The light can be seen for miles as a long flash of bright light. Marco stops firing the projectile rocks towards the Blisters. He realizes the Blisters are able to dodge each rock and he needs something that delivers a harder impact. The Skeleborgs fire their orange projectiles towards the red light from a distance. UFO4 fires a few cannon rounds, from the top of the red molecule. It passes over Jaden’s frozen body and towards the orange projectiles. They collide and there is an explosion. Marco tilts and curves the horizontal shield with his right arm, into a 90° angle. Tons of rock slowly crushes together as one side is held vertically. Marco looks up into the sky as if he is doing calculations.


  Everything is happening so fast. The bright red light fades back into the molecule and it goes back into the ship. Bellona’s body changes into a more reflective chrome tone. There are trillions of white particles quickly moving all around and inside her metallic skin. There are alien symbols all over her body that resemble tattoos that look as if they are in 3D. The joints on her wrists, knees, upper arms, elbow, waist and neck aren’t attached to her body and levitate between one-half to two inches. Magnetic energy separates and holds her joints into place. There is a small red molecule moving up and down on both of her arms. Small chrome fingernails slowly grow from her six fingers. She is still partially covering her face and looks as if she is ready for battle. She quickly runs over to pick up Jaden and puts him into her ship. In the meantime, Marco swings his right arm up the vertical side of the shield containing the rocks and boulders. Rocks the size of basketballs shoot into the sky at 900 mph. Marco continues to swing and propels hundreds into the dark sky and some the size of a car. The Skeleborgs fire towards Marco. The Blisters fire their weapons towards Marco, when they figure out what he is doing.

  Suddenly, a larger shield appears around the entire plateau area in the shape of a huge contact lens. Marco’s ship is creating the large shield. The other two orange balls explode outside the larger shield, creating fire and a shock wave all around the mountain. More large rocks fall from high above the plateau area and into Marco’s 90° energy shield pile.

  The Blisters begin climbing the side of the mountain. Marco finishes launching several thousand tons of rocks into the atmosphere of the planet. His horizontal and vertical shield disappears. His ship quickly extends the shield over the area the boulders were at. Two Skeleborgs are floating outside the shield area and pink glowing cubes come from their chest areas. The cubes quickly spin in circles around each other, emitting an infrared beam towards the shield. It slowly breaks down the atoms in the shield in a two-foot area.

  The bright gigantic bulge sunlight is still blocked by something making the area dark as if it was night. Three cubfighters can be seen exploding in the far background with UFOs 1 and 2 flying behind them. Bellona sees the Skeleborgs trying to penetrate the shield with their anti-shield weapons to drop a bomb inside. Suddenly a rock comes from the sky at 9500 mph and lands where the Blisters are, just missing one. The resulting sound echoes and a three-foot crater is created in the ground. The gravity of the planet increased the force of the boulders and rocks Marco fired into the upper atmosphere. They begin to rain down over the area. Bellona runs and her body goes invisible. Her personal shield forms around her body. She leaps into the air and her shield passes through the larger shield. The shield disappears and her body slowly begins to rotate 360°. She puts her two fists together and pulls them apart. She forms two identical sword-like weapons from her fists. Everything is happening so fast and the Skeleborgs see two spinning swords coming at them. The sword has baby blue lightning jumping around a yellow light that extends two and a half feet long. The lightning jumps two inches and bounces back from a small clear shield surrounding both weapons keeping the energy intact. There are millions of anti-hydrogen glowing particles moving around the outside on the sword creating a smoky haze. Her body is spinning in circles and her arms are straight out. She quickly swings and cuts apart the cubes. The Skeleborgs see Bellona coming towards them and quickly react. The dark sky lights up like a meteor show as the rocks rain down. The Blisters on the side of the plateau area are trying to dig through the rocks under the shield area.