Read BIO-Sapien series book 1 - Destination optic warp Page 19


  She leaps into the air and anti-gravity particles move around her body. Her wings slowly move back and forth as she flies towards the plateau area. It looks like a black meteorite. She reaches the top and forms her own shield. She passes through the larger shield still protecting the three UFOs there. Marco walks up to Bellona to see if she is okay. The black meteorite crashes into the ground about 500 feet away. The crashing sound bounces against the mountains and causes avalanches. Rocks fall onto the top of the shield. Bellona and Marco turn around, and walk towards the edge of the plateau and look down. Debris and rocks sit midair and appear frozen in time around this black object. The all black, shiny object looks like a huge alien with four arms. It has some human features around its body. Its left leg is bending across the ground while its right leg is kneeling. Its head is bowing down and looks as if it is praying towards the plateau area. Its two lower arms and hands are touching the ground to the sides. The mysterious alien’s upper arms and hands have two swords in them; and point straight outwards. The swords have mysterious dark flames moving around. There are also weird alien symbols along both sides of each sword. Bellona gets angry and forms her swords. Her wings extend from her back and she is about to leap towards this unknown alien. Marco quickly reaches out and grabs her shoulder to stop her. She stops in her tracks and looks at Marco and they communicate in milliseconds. Bellona turns back towards the ships and Marco continues to stand there.