Read BIO-Sapien series book 1 - Destination optic warp Page 18

  Bellona quickly swings at the Skeleborg’s head, cutting its head off before it could draw its weapon. She misses the other one. A trail of white smoke comes from the ground and up towards Bellona’s spinning body. Her body looks like a glowing spinning T. The other Skeleborg she passed aims its primary weapon at her. She tosses the sword in her right hand towards the ground. Dozens of lasers are passing by Bellona; she collects some of them into the sword on her left hand. She fires a semi-invisible force from her right hand at the Skeleborg as it fires an orange projectile. The force makes the projectile explode and propels the Skeleborg’s body into the shield covering the plateau area. The explosive fire and the pro-gravity force of her weapon makes the side of the mountain crumble and pulls the Blisters body down the side of the mountain. The Blisters try to hug the wall and hide in their shells, but it is too late. Screeching echoes in all directions as they all slam into the ground at three times their body weight.

  Rocks and boulders rain from the sky in a blur of light, hitting dozens of Blisters. They come down in a loud whistling sound that echoes between the surrounding mountains. The high-speed projectiles smash into the iron-metallic ground creating holes. The impacts echo for miles and sound like landmines going off. Bellona’s body stops spinning and she falls towards the ground, while catching her spinning second sword. She lands on a blister crushing it into the ground, like Mario steps on a turtle in Super Mario Brothers. She crouches from the impact and her face looks as if she is ready for battle. She is in the middle of a mob of Blisters, fleeing to get out of the way of the raining projectiles. They gallop to take cover against nearby mountains. The high-speed boulders and projectiles bombard the area. Three remaining Skeleborgs fly by overhead and two fly down towards Bellona with glowing plasma swords in their hands. All three of their chest areas glow green as if they are charging a weapon together. UFO1 lands on the plateau area.

  Dozens of lasers are being shot by the Blisters towards Bellona while they seek cover. The swords absorb the energy of the yellow lasers. Bellona accelerates at high speed and moves in milliseconds. Her body also quickly rotates on its knees for faster turnaround time. The joints on her arms enable them to rotate in 360° angles and to intercept dozens of lasers a second into the two swords. Her hips and waist has magnetic energy around them helping her to rotate her flexible body. Bellona is moving so fast that everything seems to be happening in slow motion around her. From a distance, she looks like a blur of silver light. A boulder the size of a sumo wrestler comes directly over her. She turns and moves out of the way and it hits the ground where she was standing. The shock wave of sound from the impact slowly echoes in all directions. The debris and sand explode upwards in slow motion from around the impact areas. Bellona dodges lasers while striking several nearby slow moving Blisters. Her swords begin to glow bright yellow from all of the lasers that went into it. She dodges another rock impact within inches. The Skeleborgs are moving at high speed as well, and dodge the missile rocks while getting closer to Bellona. Her right arm spins around to the other side of her body collecting the yellow lasers.

  The Skeleborgs on the ground are twenty-five feet in front of her. The Skeleborg flying above beams a bright green laser from its chest towards teammates on the ground. The Skeleborgs on the ground fire two bright green matter beams from their chest at near light speeds towards Bellona. She quickly somersaults foward into the air, while leaving her legs below her knees on the ground. Rocks and debris still exploding in the air, harmlessly bounce off her body. She tucks in her upper legs and narrowly misses the first and second beams by inches. The green beams create a hole through several mountains behind her for miles. Bellona also just misses being hit by another boulder projectile. The red molecules on her arms rest in the opening at her wrists. While somersaulting in thousands of millisecond revolutions, she throws her swords at the two Skeleborgs in front of her. Her hands leave her body and propel with the swords at breakneck speeds. Thrust explodes from the red molecules at the end of her hands like rockets. The swords cut through floating sand and debris. Her body stops spinning and quickly descends towards the ground and magnetic energy pulls her legs on the ground back towards her knees. The Skeleborgs quickly activate their shields and the swords explode on impact into a huge explosion of fire, yellow light and blue lightning.


  The Skeleborgs fall back from the explosion and sustain damage. The explosion temporarily disrupts their defense and shield systems. Bellona’s nanobots infiltrate the two Skeleborgs’ bodies as she charges towards them in a blur. Her arms flip around 180° and another pair of hands form. The Skeleborgs quickly get up off the ground and the one still levitating above them aims its arms at Bellona. She puts her hands together and forms two swords full of red particles of energy. She spins around, just missing another rock projectile. Bellona’s red swords strike the Skeleborgs’ plasma swords and there is a spark of light flashing. They separate to two sides of Bellona. She blocks and swings at both of them as they do the same. Bellona is blocking behind her as well as in front her with her fast moving magnetic joints. Marco places Jaden’s frozen cocooned body into UFO1. The inside temperature drops below -300°F.

  The Skeleborg above catches Bellona in an invisible tractor beam and pulls her body upwards a few inches. The two around her try to strike her simultaneously. The alien behind Bellona strikes towards her leg and her left knee extends a few inches and the plasma weapon harmlessly passes between them. She uses pro-gravity energy in her feet to pull her to the surface as she quickly jumps and flips to the right avoiding a rock projectile the size of a fifteen-inch television. She comes down and quickly cuts off the left arm of the Skeleborg in front of her. It continues to swing its weapon with its right arm. The light particles are quickly moving around in her skin. She is done toying with the Skeleborgs as Marco signals her. Her entire back area down to her legs, glows bright white and a duplicate body comes out of her back. The identical faster moving body of Bellona comes swinging at the one-handed Skeleborg with two swords. Her stunt double quickly blocks the sword strikes and cuts the Skeleborg from the bottom up. Bellona continues to fight the second Skeleborg in front of her, while dipping and dodging the hot plasma sword. Bellona’s wings form on her back. Her stunt double quickly turns around and runs towards Bellona. Bellona quickly bends down on her knees and arches her back over. The stunt double leaps off her back while taking Bellona’s wings with it. The last of the rocks and boulder projectiles fall.

  Bellona leans up and the Skeleborg in front of her is completely frozen. The nanobots infected its entire system. Bellona’s stunt double goes after the last Skeleborg that has stopped using its tractor beam. The stunt double kicks off a high-speed boulder projectile in less than five milliseconds and propels itself towards the flying Skeleborg. The boulder projectile lands directly on the Skeleborg in front of Bellona, destroying it. Debris slowly flies around Bellona and her body shakes from the impact. The Skeleborg behind Bellona splits into two pieces and explodes. Her stunt double is about forty-five feet above her and is quickly flying and flapping its wings towards the last Skeleborg. The stunt double looks as if it is getting weak. It reaches the shield generating Skeleborg with a plasma sword in its hand. A midair battle begins. The stunt double’s two swords instantly disintegrate when it touches the Skeleborg’s energy shield. The Skeleborg lowers its shield and stabs the double through the chest. The hot plasma sword comes out the other side, between the flapping wings. There is no reaction from the stunt double as silver liquid pours down its lower back. The double quickly wraps its arms around the Skeleborg, stopping it from retracting the weapon or moving its arms. They look at each other face to race as the Skeleborg struggles. The light particle wings begin to flap as fast as a housefly’s. It pulls them both into a backwards direction. The Skeleborg tries to fight it with its thrusters. The thrusters extend five feet down and burn the double’s legs. The mask over the dou
ble’s face disappears. The double puts its face close to the Skeleborg’s face and kisses it. The wings continue to flap while completely confusing the Skeleborg. Suddenly they are both struck down by a high-speed boulder the size of a living room sofa. There are two explosions as the boulder hits the ground. Debris, fire and light particles explode into different directions.

  Twenty seconds has passed since Bellona jumped down from the plateau area. Time speeds up around Bellona and debris and rocks land fall towards the ground around her. She walks over a surface that resembles Earth’s moon. Bellona is weak from the battle and the light particles are slowly moving around her body. Her joints aren’t levitating. The boulder spot where her stunt double was destroyed glows silver. The silver energy moves across the ground and back into Bellona’s feet. The fifty-five remaining Blisters that sought shelter on the side of nearby mountains notice the raining rocks have stopped. They begin firing their lasers towards Bellona again. Some gallop and some run on two feet towards her, while firing. The shield around her body absorbs the yellow lasers.

  The angry Blisters run up around Bellona while continuing to fire. They form a circle around her and begin to stand on top of each other like stadium seats. Her knees bend from the hundreds of lasers quickly hitting her shield. She lays down defenseless on her stomach. The shield shrinks down and turns the color of the yellow beams. Yellow and grey particles begin quickly moving around the inside shield area. The particles collide into each other. The energy shields disappear into a bright flash of light. The flash of yellow light is brighter than the sun and turns everything in the surrounding area yellow. Her body explodes into thousands of pieces straight into space. The Blisters fall to the ground and on top of each other. Eight of the closest Blisters die from the explosion. Most are on their backs. They look around and into the sky to see what happened. Hundreds of glowing silver projectiles rain down directly on the confused Blisters. They try to lie down and cover themselves with their strong armor backs, but it is too late. The silver matter burns and implodes their bodies as each one of them screeches in pain. The sound echoes into all directions. A sizzling sound can be heard from the dying bodies like eggs in a frying pan.

  All the Blisters lay motionless on the ground. A clear film and silver matter comes from their dead bodies from all directions. The glowing matter forms back together in one place. It continues to form together and forms back into Bellona. Her eyes light up and red hair comes out of her head. She has her yellow energy sword in her left hand. There are dozens of bodies all around her, most inside of craters. Lightning comes from all directions. The white lightning lands in the palm of her right hand and slowly forms a sphere of bright energy. Her semi-visible wings are floating over her back. UFO2 can be seen firing at a cubfighter ship in the far background. Her magnetic joints return around her body, along with her two red molecules. There are a few marks around Bellona’s body. Suddenly the sunlight from the local star and galactic bulge shines down on Bellona and around the planet. The lightning energy dissolves into her right hand. Something small and dark is quickly falling towards the planet from space.