Read BIO-sapien book 5 - Nanodrone vs Motherdrone Page 7

Virginia Interstate 295 north 2:47 pm


  Kimberly and Jaden pass huge billboards on the right of the highway. The wind is blowing through the open windows. Jaden reads the words on the huge billboard, “Join a class action lawsuit against cell phone companies? What did cell phone companies do to people?”

  “Cell phone companies have been putting cell phone tower antennas on top of buildings and near people for years. The last five years, people have been coming forward after getting tumors, cancers, miscarriages, multiple sclerosis, immune illnesses and children with birth defects. Cell phone companies has since united together and put airship blimp cell phone tower antennas at 65,000 feet all around the country to avoid future lawsuits,” Kimberly says.

  “Damn, that sucks,” he says.

  “Cell phone companies are also being sued for selling higher radiation 4, 5 and 6G cell phones to consumers. Brain cancer cases increased forty percent over the past twenty years.”

  Jaden thinks about all the people suffering with brain cancer. His eyes wander to another billboard.

  “What is this billboard about? Harry Potter fans would enjoy Terry’s Nightmares trilogy now in paperback in stores?” Jaden asks.

  “That is a new book series by author V. Carter, I read some of his stuff on ebooks. It’s pretty good, he wrote the Trialien trilogy a few years ago and he helped direct the movies of the books.”

  “Oh, okay. Interesting.”

  ‘Three police cars are quickly approaching. I came up with a resolution for the communication problem from the Gravhawk. I can communicate to you through the crust and mantle of the planet, by using solar neutrino particles,’ AI says as the Bugattee increases speed.

  ‘What are neutrino particles?’

  ‘They are particles that mostly come from the sun and can pass through any material. There are trillions of them passing through us and through the planet as we speak. They are smaller than Nanodrones, and are around the same size as nanoscanners.’

  ‘Cool, did you have any ideas on getting me some more energy?’ Jaden asks AI while police cars pull up behind him doing 85 mph.

  ‘Not yet. But I calculated the energy shield to be open at the front near the intake air vents of the car, so the vehicle can have the proper airflow.’

  ‘That’s good AI.’

  The Bugattee drives ahead of a pack of cars and is in the middle lane.

  “Be careful baby, police cars,” Kim says.

  “Pull over now! Pull over! This is your last warning!” The police yell over a loudspeaker.

  Jaden increases his speed to 102 mph as the windmill blades begin spinning from the taillights. The energy shield recalculates around the car to avoid destroying the windmill turbine blades that just came out on the rear of the car.

  “They are attempting to do a PIT maneuver on us baby,” Kim says.

  “I can’t believe they still do this. Let them try their fishtail maneuver,” he says with confidence.

  The first police car quickly pulls up on the right and the other two are a few cars lengths behind. A nanoscanner overhears the news helicopter reporter above giving his commentary live on the air.

  “...the police car on the right is attempting a PIT maneuver to get the high speed sports car to stop. He is going for it, the front of the police car is about to hit the rear of the expensive white stolen sports car. I hope the owner has good insurance for that car… What the hell? There are awkward flashes of light at the front of the police car as it hits the sports car. This is unbelievable ladies and gentlemen, half of the hood is completely obliterated. The police car is spinning out of control, grinding against the ground and crashes into the concrete guardrail. The other police cars avoid the out of control car. The wheels are ripped in half. Oh my god I can’t believe what I just saw. The sports car is in fact slowing down so the cop cars can catch up…”

  ‘That felt good at 300,000 rpm shield speed.’

  ‘Your energy is getting lower and lower,’ AI says.

  More police cars are approaching quickly from behind as Jaden passes an entrance to the highway. A state trooper car stops about a mile ahead of the Bugattee and gets out of his car. A second police car approaches again on the passenger side of the Bugattee. Jaden continues to drive in the middle lane at 80 mph. The car on the right tries to smash into Jaden from the passenger side. Abnormal bright light flashes around the left side of the police car. Kim screams from looking at all the bright light to her right. The officer pulls to the right away from the sports car. The officer hops and quickly climbs into his passenger seat trying to avoid the light particles near him. The officer is still holding on to the wheel as the car slows down. Jaden’s energy shield destroys a foot into the nanotube body doors. The third police car falls back.

  “Did you see how fast that officer jumped into the passenger seat of his car? That was like watching an old episode cartoon of Scooby Doo. When Scooby jumps into Shaggy’s arms when he sees a ghost,” Jaden says.

  “I couldn’t see it, I had my eyes closed,” Kim says.

  ‘There is something in the middle of the road quickly approaching us. It looks like some kind of…’

  ‘It is some kind of a net device. Full shields!’ Jaden quickly yells as they are about to run over it.

  The energy shield fully surrounds the outside of the car and quickly wraps around the underbody and wheels of the car. The Bugattee wheels begin to spin faster since they aren’t on the solid ground. The X-net crossing the highway jumps off the ground as the car goes over it. There is a flash of light under the car as the X-net is destroyed by the energy shield. There is an explosion of threads and materials going into different directions. The shield quickly goes off. A state trooper looks at the Bugattee quickly going by and can’t believe the car beat the system.

  “What was that baby?” Kim asks.

  “Some kind of car net stopping device. It jumped from the ground to wrap around the wheels. I thought they were tire spikes, but I was wrong,” Jaden says.

  There is a roadblock two miles ahead as the Bugattee goes invisible. They take an off ramp and get off the highway. They go visible again as the helicopter continues over the highway.

  “Did you see that what I just saw? The car went over the police department’s Tru X-net system and then the car disappeared into thin air,” the news reporter says.

  “I’ve seen those nets on police shows, and they stop vehicles one hundred percent of the time,” Kim says.

  “Well now it is ninety-nine percent of the time,” Jaden snaps.

  “Off route, recalculating,” the car navigation says. “Drive five miles and take ramp onto Interstate 95.”

  They reach a red light and the car goes visible again in the color blue. On the other side of the ramp, police are blocking off the entrance to get on the highway. Jaden runs the red light and makes a left turn onto a two-lane street.

  ‘AI, I have an idea. You remember how the nanoscanners connected together to communicate when I was landing the 737 airplane?’


  ‘How about using the nanoscanners from the Gravhawk to connect together, to somehow transmit constant energy from the magnetosphere to me. The atomic solar recharge receives its energy a similar way right?’ Jaden asks.

  There is a pause as AI does calculations. A nanoscanner sees the traffic coming from different directions before he reaches the intersection

  Jaden reaches a four way stop sign and goes through it at full speed.

  “You have exceeded your maximum car color changes for the day. You will receive a fifty dollar fine for each violation in the mail,” the car computer says.

  Police cars come from all directions and down the ramp the Bugattee just came from. Jaden sees heavily armed drone aircraft coming from a distance. He quickly accelerates on the six lane two-way street quickly moving around cars.

  ‘Yes, that just might work. It is kind of risky, but we ca
n do that. Kim will be exposed to high radioactive energy, so I came up with an idea to fix that. Your nanoscanners and Nanodrones will have to create a filtering energy matrix above the car to send it down directly into your body. That is something we can do, but we still have the last problem. You can’t control the high-speed calculations needed for the shield system with your mind alone. I can’t be at two places at the same time,’ AI says.

  ‘AI I can handle the calculations myself. I have confidence I can multi-task, control the directions and movement of the shield generating Nanodrones. I’m not going to overload my brain. I’ve done the impossible until now, I have the confidence that I can handle it.’

  ‘Are you sure? There could be irreversible damage to your brain,’ AI says.

  ‘Yes. We don’t have too much of a choice anyway, I need your assistance friend,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Okay, sir. I’m updating the Nanodrones now and preparing for flight. If you don’t survive, I’m suppose to come back to fully destroy your body and then return to Xenos right away.’

  ‘Yeah, I know. ’

  Vehicle text messages bombard the windshield from other cars: WTF! You asshole, you just ran a stop sign without stopping. I video recorded you and I’m going to report you. I have children in the car, slow down. I’m reporting you for running 2 stop signs, unless you give me and my twin sister a ride in your hot sports car. 704-555-3091.

  Jaden peaks over and his eyebrows raise. The last vehicle text shows an image of two hot young females.

  “Damn these easy materialistic southern bitches,” Kim says in an upset tone.

  She presses some buttons on the LCD screen and begins to talk.

  “Listen you two easy, gold digging bitches, you can ride on my two fists. Get a life, he is taken,” Kim says while pressing send.

  Her words convert over into a text message and are sent out. Jaden and Kim laugh to themselves.

  “Wow baby, you are like a pit bull, defending property. That is crazy, women picking up men in the future. Times have changed, baby. I didn’t know you could send messages back to people also, that is cool,” Jaden says.

  “Yeah, you just need the first letter or number of the license plate. Someone can also point a device at a car to send a message,” she says.

  Jaden is still driving around cars and just went through a yellow light.

  ‘Are you ready to leave, AI? I’m at twelve percent total energy.’

  ‘Yes, I’m lining up the nanoscanners to slingshot me north. I have microscopic proton thrusters to guide me, when I slow down from 0.001% the speed of light. It should take me a few minutes to reach the Gravhawk and another few minutes to setup the Gravhawk’s nanoscanners. When I leave your body, you will feel a tingling sensation in your brain. When using full shields around the car, remember not to have the forward shields destroying the ground you are going over or you can crash into the ground. Just guide the shield generating Nanodrones around the specified dimensions of the car and they will do the rest. The faster you guide them, the faster the rpm. Concentrated shield energy is needed in one area of the shield to destroy material at a high rate of speed. Just in case you crash into something, you won’t damage the car. A faster rpm requires more energy and more instant destruction. They can be expanded out as far as you want and they can go around something else. It is all about mind control and multi-tasking. Good luck Jaden,’ AI says.

  ‘Thanks I’m going to need it,’ Jaden says while he continues to speed around cars changing lanes, doing 75 mph in a 35 mph zone, while still receiving vehicle texts. AI shrinks in size and leaves Jaden’s brain. He feels a tingling sensation as AI leaves. Jaden feels a cold loneliness as he realizes he has to do everything by himself. He feels as if he is Captain James T. Kirk from Star Trek and quadrillions of Nanodrones are his crew or the apprentice just promoted to Jedi. Jaden knows he has to do the impossible.

  He tries to psych himself up with his eyes in a trance, ‘I am the lawnmower man, I am the lawnmower man.’ Nanodrones start a diagnostic test on Jaden’s eye screen, 210 Billion enhanced Neuron cells and 12 trillion supporting Glia brain cells online. Artificial Synapses and Axons Nanodrones on standby for Nanotime. Chemical nerves, Nanodrones and brain impulse speed averaging 5200 feet per second.

  Jaden explains to Kim that AI went back to the Gravhawk to help him with his energy. Kim tries to relax while holding on to Jaden’s right hand. She knows Jaden concentrates better with loud music, so she changes the radio satellite station to rock and roll from the nineties. Seven police cars quickly approach from behind. The loud sirens sound in all directions as passenger vehicles move out of the way. Some police cars are driving on the other side of the street and some in the service lane. A police helicopter hovers right above the Bugattee with a dual mini gun. Officers in three of the cars begin shooting towards the tires. The bullets disappear into the forward shield as Jaden continues to concentrate on the rpm speed. A drone aircraft is approaching from above as well. Jaden quickly approaches a busy intersection at a red light. His nanoscanners are looking at the traffic in both directions, but Jaden can’t calculate what speed he should go through the intersection at to avoid an accident.

  “The hell with it,” he says while accelerating on the broken white line in the middle of the street, squeezing between four cars stopped at the light behind each other. A missile is shot from the UAV Predator drone with a lock on the Bugattee.

  The Bugattee passes the solid crosswalk line as it enters a bi-directional one-lane traffic intersection. Jaden’s brain goes into nanotime 100x, as he reaches 375,000 rpm. Three-fourths of the shield goes around the car. Jaden gets creative and sends anti-gravity Nanodrones around the outside of the shields to soften the impact. Kim takes her hand from Jaden’s and covers her eyes with both hands. A flashing bright camera light comes from behind the Bugattee as the red light camera goes off, taking a picture of his license plate. A blue passenger car approaches from the left and a green minivan from the right. The driver of the blue car tries to slam on the brakes, but smashes into the left driver side of the Bugattee. Light particles light up around the Bugattee. A glowing translucent energy travels around the Bugattee from the impact area. The blue car leans forward from the momentum and the energy shield instantly destroys some of the front end of the car.

  Kim feels the powerful jolt on the car and a shock wave goes through her body, pushing her towards Jaden. She begins to scream while holding onto the dashboard and grasping the handle on the door with her right hand. The air briefly comes out of her lungs. The force of the hard impact absorbs into the two layers of the shield and moves the entire Bugattee. The first layer of the shield protects the body of the car. The impact force pushes the Bugattee’s rear towards the right into a tailspin. The blue car’s rear is lifting up from the ground, while broken glass, metal, and debris is flying into the air in slow motion. The missile slowly inches closer towards the Bugattee. The zero gravity around the Bugattee causes the blue car to flip upwards into the air from the rear. The Bugattee is spinning out of control and crashes into the minivan. The passenger side of the Bugattee smashes into the left side of the minivan heading in the opposite direction of the blue car. The second red light camera flashes capturing the chaos. The minivan’s left side is slowly destroyed as the force of the impact pushes it into the sidewalk. Half of the minivan driver’s body rips away. Debris is flying upwards into the air. The Bugattee is spinning in circles inside the energy shield. Kim and Jaden feel the powerful forces around them. The seat belts tighten their grip around them. The wheels are spinning out of control without any traction creating smoke all around the outside of the car.

  The Bugattee’s windshield is displaying information, Enhanced Stability control engaged, Traction system engaged.

  The blue car with a missing front end does a somersault just missing the fast moving missile. Jaden concentrates on expanding the shield out further around the car as his nanotime goes off. The blu
e car lands upside down and skids on the ground. The minivan smashes into a bus stop, destroying it. The Bugattee is still spinning with forward momentum onto the other side of the highway. Pro-gravity Nanodrones are under the car trying to slow it down. Jaden braces himself and tells Kimberly, “Brace yourself.”

  The missile hits the front of the spinning Bugattee head on and there is a loud explosion echoing in all directions. Kim bangs her head on the passenger side window from the powerful force. Fire explodes around the translucent lightning-colored particles. The force causes the shield to implode towards the inner shield. The Bugattee is moving faster out of control. The concrete rips away behind the spinning Bugattee. A huge fireball spreads around the entire car. The Nanodrones in the shield counteract the fire and force. The streetlight overhead explodes towards a wooded area to the left. A shock wave of energy goes in all directions. Other cars in the intersection burst into flames from the explosion. The Bugattee changes directions towards the right of the road and heads towards a storefront, still spinning out of control. A nearby tree catches fire while a light pole is ripped in half by the energy shield. Simultaneous car accidents follow as other cars slam on their brakes and smash into other cars on fire in the intersection. People walking near the intersection are running away screaming. The police chasing behind Jaden stop before the intersection and witness the destruction in front of them.

  The Bugattee crashes into the front entrance of a store. There is a loud crash and Kim bangs her head on the side of the passenger window again, this time from the sudden stop. Kim’s ears begin to ring as she opens her eyes to look around. People run out of the side entrance of the store. The shield goes down around the car. There are dildos and blow up dolls falling onto the hood of the car. There are two guys face down in a Third Virtual Life machine. There is a black material over their bodies as if they are in a body suit. The two men continue in their virtual world and don’t realize a car just crashed within a few feet of them. Kim and Jaden take deep breaths. Jaden looks to his left and notices the big hole through the store.

  Kim hears a familiar voice, but it sounds far away, “Kim, are you okay? You okay baby?”

  Kim looks around in a slight daze as she rubs the side of her head. She looks Jaden straight in the eyes and smiles.

  “I’m okay, just banged my head up a little. You sound far away. I’m surprised we survived the car crash and missile. I think the loud explosion from that missile really hurt my ears. I thought the shields around the car absorb loud sounds also,” she says while her voice echoes to herself.

  “Sorry sweetie, the shield’s energy can’t deflect all the sounds.”


  “Hang in there baby, I don’t want anything to happen to you. What kind of store is this?” He asks.

  “Wow, I can’t believe we are still alive. Everything happened to fast,” Kim says while opening her eyes.

  “Baby, what kind of shit is this? These two guys are strapped into Third Virtual Life and they are having a threesome with a virtual R.F.E.C. unit. How sick is that?” Jaden asks.

  Washington, D.C. Pentagon 2:55 pm

  General Peters walks into the small room where Robinson is standing with a huge grin on his face watching the huge screen. Robinson is watching his predator lock on to the Bugattee entering the intersection.

  “Is this live sir?” Peters asks.

  “Yes,” Robinson replies.

  The missile has a camera on it as it cruises right over a police helicopter. It goes under a blue car flipping forward and hits the fast spinning out of control Bugattee. The video on the missile becomes static as the Predator drone continues recording from a distance.

  “Sir, the Motherdrone just fired a Hellfire missile in a local U.S. city,” Peters says.

  “Yes, I know,” Robinson says.

  “What is the civilian casualty percentage set for Motherdrone?” Peters asks while he sees cars on fire and cars running into each other.

  “Seventy-five percent,” he says while watching smoke coming out of the store.

  “Sir, what are you doing? There are going to be many innocent citizens killed at that high percentage. You can’t do this,” Peters says.

  “Don’t tell me what I can’t do. Jaden is a terrorist and needs to be removed from the face of this planet. He has been a nuisance to me for the past eighteen years. He is the cause of the problems we are having around the world and he is the reason for these conspiracies.”

  “Sir, that is not true. We are getting intelligence that he is here to help us. We have testimony from a Marshal Lopez that Jaden Marino is a hero and saved Flight 104. Scientist Dr. Kimberly Chan and her team have found a foreign organism in human brains that is causing people to lose consciousness. This is confirming the information we received weeks ago from the unknown source in space,” Peters demands while looking directly at Robinson. Robinson’s face turns red with anger as he watches the Bugattee drive out of the storefront without damage.


  Robinson turns towards Peters, “Listen Peters, I don’t have time to hear this bullshit. This man is the problem and he is heading to Washington to attack the Capitol. He manipulated our LRSB to create this hoax somehow. The aliens that took him are in his body and they are all part of this conspiracy.”

  “Sir, where are you getting this information from?”

  “Listen Peters, you have been by my side for the past twenty-five years. I’m pulling a lot of strings for you to get your hearing early for secretary of defense. General Peters, are you aware of the New World Order program?”

  “Yes sir, I am. New Mars World Order program is still over one hundred years away. It involves terraforming Mars to be a second Earth and creating a new law system there. What does that have to do with what we are talking about?” Peters asks.


  “Plenty, there is a New Earth World Order at the beginning stages now. You didn’t have clearance for this intel before. Microchips in people, DNA of every citizen on record, everyone being monitored, swine flu microorganism shots, technology overtaking society and microtransmitters in money. This is all the beginning stages of the New Earth World Order. The human population needs to be controlled better. Outsides or the unknown can be a threat to this process,” Robinson says.

  “I can’t agree with all those tools being used on our own American citizens. Religion and keeping a certain amount of fear in Americans has been the best strategy of choice over the years. Scaring the public to an extent to have more money for defense is plausible. However, painting Jaden Marino as a terrorist and putting this type of fear in the American public is not a logical strategy. Threat level red is not needed for this. People are confused enough with all the headaches and sudden sleeping. This isn’t the time and place to scare the public even more. We know the helmets block out this invisible signal to human brains. I don’t understand why you are going after someone innocent and putting American civilians in harm’s way.”

  “I don’t have to explain myself, Peters. I don’t need some alien terrorist getting in MY country’s way.”

  “Your country?”

  “Yes, my country.”

  There is a pause as Robinson and Peters look dead into each other’s eyes.

  “Sir, why did you have the Buckeye Federal Prison destroyed?”

  “Peters, destroying the prison was also a part of my New World Order plans the government has been preparing. This is the beginning of it. This is what you call instant justice and saving the taxpayers billions of dollars. I packed hundreds of prisoners from Guantanamo Bay; the terrorist from the Jet Ski attack on lower Manhattan in 2015, serial killers, death row prisoners, drug dealers and terrorists on long trials all in that one building. No one saw the missile attack and we put the blame on terrorist Jaden Marino. Martyr terrorists want to die anyway, I just gave them what they wanted. Seventy-five percent of the prison was on death row also. We will rebuild that one buildin
g for a couple of million dollars and save billions in the long run. It is a win-win situation and justice is served. I call it T.N.W.M.M.M. or The New World Modern Money Mechanics,” Robinson says.

  “Sir, that doesn’t even make any sense. This isn’t justice, this is killing humans who deserved a fair trial…” Peters is interrupted by Robinson.

  Robinson frowns, turns red and gets angry. He slams his hand on a table and kicks a chair and looks Peters in the eyes.

  “You don’t tell me shit about justice! I served this country all my goddamn life! This is how I’m going to run this country! I watched while the greatest prison, Guantanamo Bay, was shut down in 2010. I watched real justice done on criminals at that prison. We were able to do whatever we wanted to get answers out of prisoners or terrorists. Those prisoners were happy to commit suicide by the time we finished with them. This court system and justice system in America is outdated. The Constitution is an outdated joke. We need a new world constitution and it needs to start somewhere! We waste countless money on long trials and criminals having too many rights! Every time I take a shit, I hear of some criminal beating the system. I’m making that start and getting rid of anyone who gets in my way. This man Jaden Marino is a loser alien with magical powers. If we kill him, I bet all these problems around the world will stop,” Robinson yells.

  “What if you are wrong sir?”

  “I’m one hundred percent sure, if not I’ll still be relieved that the little bastard that cost me my career promotion eighteen years ago is still blown to pieces.”

  “So, this is a personal vendetta between you and this teenager?”

  There is no answer and Robinson takes a deep breath.

  “Sir, the countdown is real. This half-alien kid can help our military forces greatly. If our soldiers can do a fraction of what this kid can do, we can be the superpower of the world again. We can invade any country we want and use economic hit men on China and other countries we owe money to. Our spaceships could reach light speed within the next ten years. We can make private space travel a thing of the past, if we can learn this advanced technology. Jaden is the key to learning this. This teenager traveled 4.2 million light-years in seventeen years and he is the same age as when he left. Killing this kid will be a very big mistake,” Peters says.

  “I do not trust this kid, if we don’t destroy him now, he will take over our planet. His alien friends sent him here to take over human civilization and killing him will stop this silent attack on humans. I need you to trust me on this one. Peters, I need to know if you are going to be by my side. I’m guaranteeing you will make secretary of defense next week, I need to know if you believe in what I believe,” Robinson says.

  “Sir, you have changed over the years. You’ve gotten worse and worse with your judgment. Now you are killing innocent and guilty people. You have taken the law into your own hands. Jaden is someone here to help us. This isn’t what I stand for and not what America stands for. You ordered the shooting down of Flight 104 because you thought Jaden took over the flight. You denied a possible military SWATbot air boarding. You are killing innocent civilians on your war campaign with Jaden Marino. You turned Area 51 into a new age universal Guantanamo Bay. I can’t follow this dark path you have chosen. You lost your morals and your humanity. I understand the court system doesn’t work, but it is up to the people and congress to change that. It is not up to you or us to decide who should live or who should die. I followed you all my life and I was always by your side. But, now I stand down. I don’t want the secretary of defense position if it will be under you and your new vision,” Peters says disappointingly.

  “You are relieved of your duty, General. That is the problem with this country, weak humans with morals and emotions trying to run it. America needs strong leaders to make real decisions like myself. I’m one of the few vice presidents who weren’t a politician. This country doesn’t need money hungry politician puppets being manipulated by big corporations. You keep our conversation between me and you, unless you want your name smeared and to be court-martialed,” Robinson says.

  “Yes sir,” Peters says while saluting Vice President Robinson.

  Peters turns around and walks towards the door.

  “That is the problem with America today, it is run by nothing but pussies that aren’t about any type of change!” Robinson yells while looking at the screen.

  “At least these pussies have some value of human life,” Peters says while stopping with his back turned.

  “I always looked at you with higher regards than my own son. Even though my son is a senator, he has always shared my values and beliefs. Goodbye General Peters,” Robinson says.

  Peters walks out the door.

  Robinson turns and looks at his wolf pack of UAV drones flying together towards Jaden’s location.

  Chamberlayne, VA highway 301 heading west 2:57 pm

  Jaden is nervously awaiting communication from AI. Kimberly is using her cell phone in an attempt to reach her father. Jaden is down to three percent total weapon energy as the Nanodrones slowly recharge themselves. There is silence in the car and the engines sound in the background. The windmill blades on the tailspin like two fans at a distance. Jaden is a few miles from Interstate 95 and he comes up with an idea. There is a Mustang car tailgating the Bugattee at 75 mph.

  More car text messages show up on the windshield, You asshole, I’m an off duty police officer. I saw you run two red signal lights and drive recklessly the last few miles. Stop your car now.

  The off duty police officer’s Mustang is tailgating the Bugattee. Jaden reads the windshield and looks in the rearview mirror. He slams on the brakes and Kimberly leans forward, dropping her phone. She braces herself and the Mustang runs into the Bugattee’s rear energy shield. The force of the impact makes the Mustang lift from the rear and flip over the completely stopped Bugattee. The front of the Mustang disintegrates and lands upside down in front of Jaden. The car grinds on the highway upside down.

  “What was that for Jaden?” She asks while reaching down to grab her cell phone.

  “He said stop my car now.”

  Jaden quickly accelerates to the still grinding upside down Mustang and rolls down his window. The officer is bleeding from the top of the head and mouth. What is left of the car stops in a grassy median and is smoking from the front. Jaden stops directly on the side of the car in the left lane.

  “Let’s go Jaden, don’t stop here,” Kimberly pleads.

  “Are you okay, Officer stop your car now?” Jaden asks while looking at the officer struggling to climb out of the passenger side door. He crouches on the other side of his Mustang and quickly draws his gun and fires at Jaden. The officer groans and breathes heavily while he shoots.

  Three shots ring out at Jaden from a 9mm Glock. Kimberly braces and covers her face.

  The bullets stop eight inches from Jaden’s left leg. Jaden puts the Bugattee in park, opens his car door and it flips up. He takes off his seat belt and turns his body towards the officer. The bullets fall towards the ground and Jaden’s left foot is outside the car touching the ground. Kimberly holds Jaden’s shoulder to keep him from leaving the car. The officer looks shocked. A few cars pass by and look towards the upside down car. Jaden’s eyes are turning darker.

  “Those bullets were shot kind of low. If this was target practice officer, you wouldn’t score in any percentile!” Jaden snaps.

  “Jaden stop this, let’s go,” Kim pleads.

  “Hold on a second, I don’t want to leave the scene of an accident, without checking on this officer of the law,” he says to her.

  “Officer! I don’t get a Freeze! Step out of the car with your hands up? What is this, the days of shoot first ask questions later huh?”

  The officer is in shock and doesn’t respond. His right hand with his pistol is aimed at Jaden and shaking.

  “Sorry to see you hurt, but if you had your seat belt on you wouldn’t have
banged your head on the windshield and steering wheel like a test dummy!” Jaden yells.

  The officer fires another two shots at Jaden. The sound of the bullets is muffled behind Jaden’s energy shield. The bullets stop six inches to the right of Jaden’s stomach. Police sirens can be heard coming from a distance. The bullets hit the concrete highway and roll with the rest.

  “Come on officer, you can’t aim for my heart or head? All those years at the firing range? I’ll give you another try,” Jaden says in a playful voice and a smile on his face. His eyes become completely black.

  Jaden takes his fingers and points one finger at his heart and the other in the center of his head. The officer aims his gun and unloads his gun at Jaden. Kimberly looks out of her window and braces herself. There are six bullets around Jaden’s heart and six around his head. Jaden now hears the clicking of the gun. Kimberly looks out of her window and sees a circle of smoke near the shoulder lane. She quickly takes off her seat belt and looks over at Jaden’s right hand going up.

  “You see that officer, good job. Good shot, you would have killed me. But let’s see how good my aim is on the first try.” Jaden says in a serious tone.

  Kim reaches down towards the brake pedal and shifts the gear shifter into drive with her right hand. The Bugattee jerks forward and Jaden grabs the closing door above him with his left hand. He brings his left leg back into the car and the door closes. He looks at the road in front of him and steers the car, while accelerating. He puts his seat belt back on.

  “Why did you do that?” Jaden asks.

  “You were going to kill that officer!”

  “No I wasn’t, I was going to hit his car and make it spin around some,” Jaden says as his eyes turn back to blue.

  “What is getting in you? We don’t have time to be messing with a police officer.”

  “You like how I was able to activate the shields by the time the officer clicked his trigger?”

  There is thirty seconds of silence as Kim looks through the windshield ignoring Jaden.

  “That was kinda cool,” she responds a few seconds later.

  Jaden quickly accelerates again as his overall weapon energy goes down to two percent.

  “I don’t know what came over me back there. Thanks for getting us out of there, baby,” Jaden says.

  “It’s okay, don’t worry about it.”

  A minute goes by and Kimberly asks, “What idea did you come up with a few minutes ago?”

  “I’m still waiting for contact with AI and my energy is getting very low for the outside shields. Can I put my hand over your eyes again? I need you to tell me what you see in the nanoscanners. Multi-tasking with the shield and driving is tough enough,” he says.

  “Sure, baby, I’m happy to help out in any way I can. I feel like I’m in Third Virtual Life here with you. They have a part in Third Life where you run from the police in the game and if you are caught, you feel hits with sticks from police all around your body. It’s cool seeing through the nanoscanners, when I see through things they look like an animated cartoon. But I feel so protected next to you,” she says raising the volume on the music. Jaden covers her eyes with his right hand.

  They turn onto the ramp for the I-95 expressway north. Jaden notices parts of the highway are made out of some futuristic aqua green material. A Nanoscanner passes through the material to determine what it is. The wheels driving over them make a weird ruffling sound.

  “Kim, what are these patches in the highway? I’m scanning hydrophilic glass compounds.”

  “They are called solar roadways and states are replacing damaged highways with these solar panels embedded into the highway. In the future, they would produce electricity for entire cities.”


  “There is a FBI helicopter coming up from the right and two military Hummers with huge guns a few cars behind us. There is also a pack of about, one, two, three, four, ten, fourteen aircraft approaching a few miles from the north. They look like UAV drones and F-35’s,” Kim says while looking through multiple nanoscanners.

  “Okay, thanks baby,” Jaden says while Kim licks his thumb with her tongue, “Damn, baby you turning me on with that tongue.

  “This feels as if you are blindfolding me baby and we about to do something freaky,” Kim says in a sexy voice.

  “Hold that thought for later,” he says while looking towards her smiling.

  They merge into traffic and drive in the middle lane of the three lanes. Huge tractor-trailers are in the middle lane of the highway, following behind each other. The Bugattee quickly moves from lane to lane and in between the trucks, cutting off vehicles and quickly accelerating to 89 mph. The Bugattee moves around the cars and vehicles as if they are standing still. Cars are swerving and people are blowing their horns as they are cut off.

  WTF repeats on the windshield message screen.

  “What does WTF mean, baby?” Jaden asks.

  “It is something bad, I’ll tell you later,” she says while giggling.

  “This is like playing the game Q*bert and OutRun,” Jaden says with a smile on his face.

  “Q*bert? OutRun?”

  “Oh boy, it is before your time Miss Pokemon generation.”

  The Bugattee cuts off a red SUV by a few feet. The SUV swerves into the right lane hitting another car. They lose control and other cars run into each other. Sounds of smashing metal and wheels locking up echoes behind them. There is a six car pile-up. One of the military Humvees is struck by a passenger car and stops. The second one continues driving at high speed on the right shoulder as more cars approach. There are two huge guns on the roof being controlled by a computer and pointing at the Bugattee about 900 feet away. One of the huge guns has thermobaric air explosive bat bullets, and the other is a nanorocket launcher. The Bugattee is changing lane to lane and quickly going around vehicles at high speed. Loud sounds of skidding wheels are all around them. The bat bullets lock on to different areas of the Bugattee. Slow moving bat bullets are shot at the Bugattee. The bullets take different directions around the moving vehicles on the road. Some bat bullets go under tractor-trailers and some quickly change direction around passenger vehicles. The dozens of bat bullets have small wings on them and thrust energy coming from their rear. The bullets are passing under moving vehicles and over cars towards the fast moving Bugattee moving at 92 mph. The bullets quickly speed up spraying the outside of the Bugattee’s first layer shield. They create explosions all around the car. Thumping sounds can be felt throughout the car. The energy shield around the car glows with translucent light particles around it. Some of the bullets ricochet into different directions and explode on other vehicles. The Humvee slows down and falls back, while the Bugattee speeds up to 115 mph. Vehicle text messages continue to flood the Bugattee’s windshield.

  “The FBI helicopter is about to fire something towards us, I can’t tell what it is,” Kim says. Jaden continues to pass around cars and trucks. The FBI helicopter comes up over the Bugattee. Jaden activates his shields as an agent on the helicopter fires a microwave beam towards his car. His shields absorb the powerful waves and then reflect them in the same direction. The helicopter begins to lose power and control. The engines make a malfunctioning sound. Jaden’s energy goes down to one percent.

  “Shit, we are dead baby. My weapon energy is almost depleted.”

  “Baby do something quick, a wolf pack of UAVs are getting closer.”

  A soldier on the back of a military hummer begins to fire a mini gun at the Bugattee.

  Jaden has another idea as he sees cars flying past him in the far left lane. As the traffic approaches in front of him, he goes over towards the entrance lane of the HSCCVL. The FBI helicopter crashes into a nearby schoolyard.

  “Baby, what are you doing? We can’t drive in the computer controlled vehicle lane, the system isn’t installed in this car. My father can get tons of tickets and this expensive car can be disabled by an electric shoc
k disabler,” Kim says.

  “Don’t worry baby, that might be the shock we need. I think your father’s license is the least of our worries,” he says, “The local police are being told to back down.”

  Jaden drives into the lane. He sees letters scrolling across a sign on the overpass above and a car text shows on his windshield, Please exit the HSCCV lane, you are an unauthorized vehicle.

  The other cars behind the Bugattee in the HSCCV lane automatically slow down and go into the small idling lane to the right. The super HSCCV computer is driving the cars for miles ahead onto the right shoulder and vehicles are put in neutral. The opposing HSCCV heading south is also shut down.

  “You have five seconds to comply or risk thousands of dollars in damage done to your car’s electrical system,” the car speaks.

  “More like hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage to the electrical system,” Jaden says while chuckling.

  Kimberly has confidence in Jaden. A powerful electrical charge comes from an overpass sign and from a rail on the left divider. The electrical charge enters the outside shield. Electricity lights up the outside shield area. The Nanodrones convert the energy over and Jaden’s weapon energy goes up to four percent. A missile is shot from the first UAV. Jaden accelerates to 98 mph and then to 121 mph as he passes cars idling on the right shoulder. Drivers are being advised to sit in their car until further notice. The missile hits the concrete divider twelve feet behind the Bugattee creating a huge explosion. The force propels the Bugattee’s tail upwards and then back down. The shield system absorbs the explosion. Jaden’s weapon energy goes down to 0.1%. The UAV also begins to fire a machine gun at the Bugattee.

  “You are driving seventy miles over the speed limit in a HSCCV lane, you have just received three instant moving violations. Your court date is set to January 14, 2019. Please slow down now,” the car says.

  “Hey! That’s my birthday, will I be twenty or thirty-eight?” He asks while trying not to panic.

  “Good question,” she says.

  “Shit, we are doomed. That last bullet penetrated and hit the right rear tire. I’m down to a weak first layer forward shield. What happened to AI?” Jaden asks.

  Jaden increases his speed to 140 mph as he passes cars less than two feet on the right side of him parked in the service lane. The UAV circles to come back around. There is a small spark of light outside the passenger and driver windows. The side mirror camera LCD screens turn black.

  “Shit, I controlled the shields around the car too close to the body and took out the side mirror cameras,” Jaden says.

  “You didn’t really need them right?” She asks.

  “Not really, but they did look cool. I’m trying not to damage your daddy’s car. I have to make sure I don’t destroy the windmill blades on the back. I’m trying to make sure enough air is passing through them also.”

  ‘……..’ Jaden hears static, ‘AI?’

  An older man is sitting in his expensive Mercedes in the service lane, to the right of the HSCCV lane.

  “This is bullshit, all this money I’m paying a month to use this HSCCVL system and I’ve been sitting in the same place for the past five minutes. How long does it take to disable one car driving in this lane. It is probably some immigrant that can’t read English driving in this lane,” the man says to his wife sitting next to him. He grabs the door handle.

  “Hubby darling, the system says stay in your car and don’t open the door. Where are you going? Stay in the car,” the man’s wife says.

  “I want to see what is going on and if I can see anything from here,” he says while pulling the door handle and flinging open his door.

  The Bugattee quickly approaches the Mercedes at over 160 mph. The Bugattee quickly rips off the man’s door. Concentrated atoms ripping Nanodrones are in the impact area of the shield. There is a loud roaring sound swishing by. Broken glass falls on the couple. The couple is shaken by the fast moving car and the wife screams. The man holds his chest as if he is about to have a heart attack. The door is launched into the air and off the highway.

  A nanoscanner goes into the ground in front of the Bugattee to transmit Jaden’s communications back. Jaden slows down to 105 mph.

  “Why are we slowing down?” Kim asks.

  ‘Hey, Jaden can you hear me okay?’ AI asks.

  ‘Yeah I hear you! Where you been buddy? I’m down to 0.1% energy left. I’m feeling weak and tired. What is going on?’ Jaden asks.

  “Don’t worry Kim, I have a plan.”

  ‘I was trying to establish the correct neutrino speed and frequency to…’ AI says.

  ‘Don’t worry about it, explain that to me later. Have you established the magnetosphere link with the nanoscanners?’ He asks.

  ‘Yes, that is complete and they are online. They are above the Earth and around the magnetosphere trying to lock in on your signal. There is so much satellite debris and garbage floating in space. It is like a junkyard on different subspace levels around Earth.’

  “Baby! The wolf pack of UAV drones just fired several missiles towards us!” Kim yells while flinching.

  ‘Hurry up and lock in now! They just fired nine missiles at us!’

  Jaden takes some deep breaths. His eyes focus on the road completely. He looks as if he is in a trance. He concentrates on what he has to do.


  “Let’s see what these last three gears and turbo button have,” Jaden says while he takes his right hand off Kim’s eyes.

  “You are driving forty-two miles over the speed limit, your license has been suspended until the year 2018 and a warrant has been issued for your arrest. Your insurance has been notified,” the car computer says.

  AI is preparing the Gravhawk’s nanoscanners to shoot a beam of unfiltered energy from the magnetosphere down to Jaden in the Bugattee. AI is having calculation problems with the distance, movement of Earth and the alignment from the magnetosphere. Three of Jaden’s nanoscanners are circling around each other above the fast moving Bugattee as the car reaches 102 mph. The nine missiles get within 500 feet of Jaden. Jaden goes around a slight curve on the highway and he sees a few miles of straight road.

  “Shit, I can’t wait on AI. Time for plan B. Hold on baby, it is Knight Rider turbo boost time. Let’s see what this 2.7 million dollar car can do,” Jaden says as the missiles get within seventy-five feet of him.

  “Hold on tight!” He yells.

  He shifts gears, floors the pedal and presses the red nitro button. The car drops an inch from the ground. The Bugattee propels forward at breakneck speed. Their heads and bodies press hard against the seat and headrest. Jaden’s eyes are wide open and his adrenaline kicks into high gear. The digital speed readout on the windshield quickly moves as if they are getting gas at the pump.

  “Holy shit!” Kim screams with her eyes closed as her body takes a few G forces against her seat.

  “Yeah baby! This is what I’m talking about!” He yells in a trembling voice.

  She clutches Jaden’s right leg and her right armrest with her hands. The force pushes her heart into her back. Jaden has a huge smile on his face as his body vibrates. The horsepower meter reaches 1204 and the car’s rpm reaches the redline. Jaden quickly shifts into the last gear and electricity can be seen in the slowly spinning rims. The Bugattee accelerates to 240 mph and then 272 mph in seconds. Jaden keeps the steering wheel very straight. Kim’s heart is beating very fast as everything looks like a blur around her. She digs into Jaden’s leg with her nails. A violent wind shakes the idling cars to the right, as the Bugattee zooms by them at lightning speed. Their cars pull inwards towards the HSCCV lane from the powerful wake. A light grey haze is coming from the four wheel wells of the Bugattee. The missiles hit the ground and concrete behind the car, just missing it. Concrete and debris flies in different directions.

  The ground rumbles like an earthquake over and over again. Huge explosions of fire spread in several locations. A high
way sign that says 95 Washington D.C North falls onto the highway in flames. Huge craters form all around the highway. Light poles topple onto the other side of traffic. Two idling cars are hit and explode. There are several huge explosions as a cloud of fire reaches hundreds of feet in the sky. The Bugattee quickly passes the other cars sitting in the service lane. Jaden keeps the steering wheel very straight as the highway overpass goes by in the blink of an eye. The vehicles driving on the main part of the highway look as if they are sitting still. The engines are roaring as if jet engines are in 10.1 Dolby sound. An air vacuum under the vehicle is sucking the Bugattee to the ground and keeping it from taking off into the air. The windmill blades behind the car are spinning like helicopter rotors. The windmill blades, spinning rims and micro turbines around the Bugattee is contributing eighty percent of the car’s power to continue at this high speed. The news helicopter flying above is trying to catch up. Five drone aircraft fly closer to ground level and under an overpass. Two more are above the opposite highway lane dodging cars. Seven are spread out in formation about seventy-five feet above the highway. The car reaches 295 mph and messages show up on the windshield screen.

  “Maximum speed attained. Tires overheating, injecting liquid nitrogen into tires,” a female computer voice says. A male computer voice speaks, “You are driving 230 mph over the speed limit. Your license has been revoked until the year 2026. There is a warrant out for your arrest. Please turn yourself into the local police station. Your vehicle ID has been sent to the authorities. Your insurance carrier has cancelled your policy.”

  “I can’t open my eyes! I feel like I’m on a roller coaster!” She yells.

  “Shit, there is a…” Jaden says.

  A dancing R.F.E.C. unit is standing in the HSCCV lane next to a passenger car a few miles in front of the Bugattee. A man in his early thirties and his teen daughter are watching from the car window as it dances to some music playing from the car. The Bugattee slams into the R.F.E.C. at 279 mph ripping the robot into several thousand pieces in all directions. Vehicles on the highway are receiving car texts and phone texts to exit the highway.

  “What was that? What did we hit?” Kimberly asks with her eyes closed.

  “That is for ruining society’s values and trying to replace women, you wanna be mommy substitute. It was an R.F.E.C. with a skirt on. Shit, they are locking on to us again,” Jaden says.

  “Hey! Those R.F.E.C./R.M.E.C. units are helping lonely people and preventing lesbianism,” she says.

  “You should know, with your ex-boyfriend Maximilian,” he snaps.

  “Hey,” she yells while hitting his leg.

  Jaden reduces speed and talks to AI.

  ‘AI, where are you buddy? I can’t drive any faster and I can’t outrun directly fired missiles.’

  Kim is still talking, but Jaden doesn’t pay attention to her.

  ‘Any second now, the gravitational pull outside the magnetosphere and the planet rotating was interfering with…’ AI says going in and out with static.

  ‘Just charge me! Save the explanations for later!’

  The UAV drones lock on to the faster moving target and simultaneously fire several missiles at the same time in the direct path of the fast moving Bugattee.

  Jaden’s eye screen reads, Nanodrones reporting catastrophic impact at 0.5 energy strength.

  Most of the vehicles on the main part of the highway are in the right lane and trying to exit. Vehicles idling in the service lane to the right of the HSCCV lane are being told to manually drive off the highway. Jaden concentrates on his speed and shield rotating. He knows he can’t outrun the missiles again since the UAVs are directly behind him. A nanoscanner is detecting a 7000 lb thermobaric bomb in a stealth bomber quickly approaching a few miles in front of them. High-speed missiles quickly approach Jaden. He can hear the loud thrust of several missiles. They pass right through a nanoscanner and Jaden can briefly see the electronics inside a missile.

  “It’s time to pray Kimberly! Hold on!” He yells.

  A nanoscanner shows the materials in the thermobaric bomb as fluoridated aluminum and other explosive components. AI has a lock and the powerful energy is shot down towards Jaden at a quarter the speed of light. Jaden is watching his weapon energy screen still at 0.9% strength. His mind instantly goes into 100x nanotime and the car slows down to 140 mph. Everything is happening in slow motion for Jaden. His weapon energy accelerates from 1.1% to one hundred percent. Jaden feels the energy going into his body and back out into the clear shield around the car, reinforcing the layers. His signal strength from space is at seventy percent as he goes under an overpass. A huge invisible shield expands around the Bugattee in the shape of a circular mushroom, it stretches out to twenty feet and retracts. All two layers of the forward shield are online. The first missile explodes twelve feet behind the Bugattee and is absorbed into the shield. The force of the blast causes the car to swerve. There is a loud thumping sound and the car shakes. Kimberly screams from the impact.

  All the UAVs pull up into different directions. Two missiles hit the ground around the Bugattee. The rest hit the energy shield directly. There are several loud explosions.

  Fire is completely around the shields and Jaden’s human eyes can’t see the road. The powerful force causes the car to tailspin and scrape the concrete divider. His energy strength quickly drops as the shield-producing Nanodrones try to counter the explosive energy. The force of the missiles quickly passes through the shield and makes the Bugattee spin out of control. The full shield around the car doesn’t give the car any traction to the ground. It crashes through the concrete highway divider on the left and goes into southbound traffic. Debris, fire and metal flies in different directions. Everything is happening in slow motion for Jaden, but very fast for Kim as the car reaches 82 mph in out of control 360° spins. She feels the car spinning and pulling her body in different directions. The vision from the front windshield is a blur to Kim. Her hands leave Jaden’s leg and arm rest and slowly move towards her face. She is screaming in a low growl. A yellow cab is directly in front of the Bugattee.

  There are several cars quickly approaching the Bugattee. The outside shield is still on fire as the vehicle spins into the middle lane. The full shields around the wheels disappear and smoke comes from the tires as they spin on the pavement. Jaden turns the steering wheel the opposite direction of his high-speed counterclockwise tailspin. Jaden doesn’t panic and knows he can’t disintegrate an entire vehicle coming towards him. He tries to quickly figure out his options. Messages are showing up on the windshield, but Jaden doesn’t have time to read them. He does advanced calculus calculations in his mind while he pumps the brakes. Jaden comes up with a solution. The yellow cab doesn’t have time to react. Jaden changes the angle and direction of the shield around the Bugattee. He calculates the rear of the Bugattee will hit the front of the cab in 0.3 milliseconds. The shield takes the form of a ramp and scrapes the concrete highway. Pieces of the white line scrape into the shield. Jaden concentrates on a smooth ramp shield with anti-gravity Nanodrones over the top of the Bugattee. The rear slowly turns towards the front of the taxi. Pro-gravity Nanodrones go to the sides of the Bugattee to counteract the out of control spinning. The taxi driver slams on the brakes and turns to the right, but it is too late. The look of fear is present in the face of the driver as he runs into the Bugattee head-on. The yellow cab lifts into the air on a 20° incline. The bottom of the wheels are disintegrated as the car goes airborne at 68 mph. Kim’s hands finally reach to cover her face. The Bugattee reaches the right lane of the southbound traffic still spinning out of control. A female driver in a blue car lets go of the steering wheel and covers her face screaming as she runs into the side of the Bugattee. The car is lifted into the air by the shield ramp. Pieces of tire and metal go into the air as well. The fire around the Bugattee is gone.

  The Bugattee breaks through the concrete divider on the right hand side of the southbound highway. They a
re on top of an overpass. Jaden sees it is about twenty feet to the ground and quickly gains control of the vehicle. The back wheels are off the highway and are spinning in the air. Concrete falls down to the street below. The Bugattee is skidding and the shield is destroying more and more of the highway divider. The front wheels pull the car back onto the highway and Jaden continues driving north into southbound traffic. Nanotime goes off and the yellow cab lands on the highway without any wheels. Sparks and debris are under the cab as it grinds on the pavement. The blue car is airborne and doing a backwards flip forty feet in the air. Kim opens her eyes and looks around. She is dizzy and disorientated from the fast spinning movement. The Bugattee is at 20 mph.

  “Holy shit, that was amazing! What a rush!” Jaden yells.

  Jaden drives on the shoulder. Other vehicles slam on their brakes. The blue car lands head first on the highway. Broken glass lands everywhere. The blue car’s airbags deploy. Fireballs continue to explode upwards not far behind Jaden.

  “That lady is going to need an ambulance quick.”

  “What happened?” Kim asks.

  Jaden’s concentration is on the parachute bomb just deployed from the stealth bomber.

  “I’ll tell you later. We have to get out of here! Quick!”

  He turns back onto the southbound lanes of traffic driving north. There is a minivan coming straight towards them.

  “Watch out!” Kim yells.

  The minivan turns to its right hard and is about to flip over on its own. Jaden drives directly towards the tipping van. Jaden hits the minivan and it spins sideways in the air and over the Bugattee. Jaden turns hard right and drives through the concrete divider. He is now in the northbound HSCCLV. He quickly accelerates in the HSCCLV. The airborne van quickly tumbles down the highway.

  Jaden floors the gas pedal to try to get in front of the thermobaric bomb about to land on the highway. The Bugattee reaches 108 mph as vehicles on the highway are moving to get off the highway exit. He reaches 151 mph and he calculates he will beat the bomb to the ground. The Bugattee quickly passes under the huge bomb and passes an oil tanker in the right lane. Suddenly the bomb explodes forty-five feet above the highway. There is a loud deep explosion that echoes in all directions. The energy waves of the huge explosion jerks the Bugattee forward while the full shield goes on. Kim covers her eyes again. The air sucks towards the powerful oxidizer explosion like a vacuum tornado. The green highway sign over the highway is pulled towards the explosion and rips off the support beams. A fireball spreads in all directions engulfing everything. The explosion spreads to other cars on the side of the road, quickly engulfing them. The air in the area quickly turns into flames. Fire is all around the shield as the tires lose traction to the ground. The force is pulling the car backwards.

  “Hold on baby, that second blast is coming.”

  The oil tanker behind the Bugattee explodes and that blast makes the car spin out of control. Whitish orange fire incinerates and kills people in their vehicles. Highway signs are ripped off and pulled towards the initial blast. Concrete is exploding into the air. The ground shakes as if there is an earthquake. The nanoscanners circling above the Bugattee move up higher. There are several loud bass explosions. Bright yellow and orange fire is everywhere. The powerful shock wave is felt over the Bugattee as the outside shield absorbs the high kinetic energy and explosive pressure coming downwards. The Bugattee begins to slow down as the forces pull it back towards ground zero of the huge explosion. Everything is being sucked into the area above the bomb blast. The shield Nanodrones are counteracting the vacuum and high explosive forces. The air pressure increases in all directions around the Bugattee. Jaden’s weapon energy goes down to sixty percent and then forty percent as he increases his rpm to 341,000. His mind starts to hurt as he overloads it. The strong forces destroy the second layer of Jaden’s outer shield. Air is being sucked out of everything in a mile circumference. The momentum of the Bugattee has slowed down to 81 mph as it continues to spin in circles. Debris is flying over the Bugattee. There is a huge inferno on the ground as the fire rises upwards. His nanoscanners signal strength goes down to fifty-one percent.

  The fast spinning is causing Kim to get dizzy. She screams from the fast spinning.

  “Stability control two engaged,” the car says.

  Different sides of the vehicle’s brakes randomly go on and off.

  “Quad traction sync engaged.”

  The wheels spin out of control while the tires create smoke from the friction of the tires on the inside shield. The oxygen inside of the car gets very low. The full shield is trying to keep the pressure in the vehicle stable.

  “Baby, hold your breath!” Jaden yells. Kim takes a deep breath and closes her eyes and mouth.

  Three different beeping sounds are going off in the car. The nanoscanners above the explosion detect a temperature of 3200°F inside the huge explosion. The Bugattee’s momentum slows down to15 mph.

  “Zero traction, hyper stability control engaged. Oxygen is low, switching to full battery power. Unfamiliar terrain. AC offline and outside temperatures exceeding 160°F,” the car’s female voice says. “Please select which planet you are on.”

  The center console shows local planets in the solar system. They ignore the flashing screen.


  “It is getting very hot baby and I’m getting very dizzy. I can’t take all this spinning around,” she says while she begins to cough.

  The Bugattee’s spinning slows down.

  “Hold on baby, don’t talk. I’m trying to counter the forces and figure a way to get some traction on the ground,” Jaden says while unbuckling his seat belt.

  “I can’t breathe and my ears are beginning to pop. I’m burning up in here,” she says while struggling to breathe. She looks out the window and sees fire burning all around her. She panics in her mind, but tries to keep it together.

  Jaden reaches over and unbuckles Kim’s seat belt. Sweat is dripping down her face. The Bugattee straightens out on the fiery road still in Jaden’s full energy shield. The Bugattee is still pulling backwards as Jaden’s weapon energy goes down to fifteen percent. The Bugattee’s wheels are still slightly spinning without traction.

  Jaden looks Kim directly in the eyes as she continues to cough, gasping for air.

  “I’m going to breathe in your mouth pure oxygen and then you are going to hold your breath for at least one minute. Okay?” Jaden asks while leaning closer to Kim. She nods her head in confusion. Jaden has his left hand tightly on the steering wheel. Pure oxygen enters Jaden’s pores and then into his bloodstream. The oxygen then goes through his capillaries in his lungs and his chest expands. He presses his lips against hers. He breathes into her lungs and she holds her breath.

  “Baby, climb over and sit on my lap. I’m going to have some Nanodrones regulate some cooler temperatures around the outside of my body,” he says while she takes off her jeans and quickly moves her sweaty body to his lap. Her legs are on the side of his waist as she faces him, blocking the fiery view in front of him. He closes his eyes and relies on his remaining nanoscanners. She quickly takes off her blouse and unbuttons his shirt. She rubs her chest against Jaden’s cool chest. Jaden has his left hand on the steering wheel and eyes shut. She embraces him with both arms around his neck and he puts his right arm around her back. Jaden feels her heart beating fast next to his.

  ‘Get out of there Jaden! The charging energy isn’t properly passing through the explosion,’ AI says.

  Fire is burning hot all around the Bugattee’s low shield as sweat is running down her chest and back. The car is trying to make it up a slight hill. Jaden uses the anti-gravity Nanodrones around the rear of the Bugattee to balance the vacuum forces pulling the car backwards. Cooler temperatures are circulating around Jaden and Kim’s bodies. Jaden is also creating stable pressure around Kim’s body. He is concentrating heavily on his shield speed moving around the car. A determined look is across his
face. Drips of sweat run down his face as his brain is at eighty percent usage. Rock and roll music is playing in the background. Jaden concentrates on creating an opening in the shield around the front wheels. The pressure increases in the car as more air sucks from the front of the wheels. The two front wheels touch the 1100°F concrete. The wheels quickly spin while the rear tires are still inside the energy shield. The vehicle senses the increased temperatures and injects liquid nitrogen into the front wheels. The rear wheels stop spinning and all the power goes to the front wheels as the traction system engages. The temperature increases in the car. The tires quickly spin on the concrete creating forward momentum. Fifty-five miles per hour is registering on the windshield.

  “Maximum battery speed attained,” the computer says.

  The car is moving at 12 mph. Kim feels air being pulled from her mouth and nose. She begins to gasp for air again. He feels her heart beating faster and faster against his chest. The UAVs are hovering back and forth over the huge mile long fire on the ground using sensors to detect the Bugattee in the inferno. Another missile is shot through the fire and hits behind the Bugattee, destroying the ground and giving the car forward momentum. The car lifts up into the air from behind. Jaden holds onto Kim tightly as their bodies lean towards the windshield. The rear of the Bugattee is three feet from the ground and the front scrapes against the shield energy. Pro-gravity Nanodrones keep the car from fully flipping forward. They are riding on two wheels. Jaden’s brain is in full multi-task mode as Kim has her hands tightly over her eyes. She coughs and gasps to breathe the hot air around her. Jaden quickly breathes his last breath of air into her. The car accelerates forward and out of the fire zone. He makes it to the top of the slight hill. Smoke trails the quickly accelerating Bugattee.

  The fire around the shield extinguishes as the sunlight returns and Jaden’s weapon energy quickly goes back to one hundred percent. The full shield goes off and the AC comes back on in the car. Jaden and Kim take deep breaths. The hill begins to decline and clouds of fire can be seen behind them. The cold air hits Kim’s sweaty back and feels so refreshing. There are some military vehicles on the highway and Jaden drives around them. They fire bat bullets from the gun turret on two Humvees.

  “Baby are we still alive?” She asks while opening her eyes and looking at Jaden driving with one hand with his eyes closed.

  “I’m fine baby, just have a slight headache, besides that I’m fine. Can you breathe okay? How do you feel?” Jaden asks.

  “I’m okay now. I felt as if I was being burnt alive. I never felt such intense heat. I felt like I was in an oven. Do you need me to move baby, so you can drive?” Kim asks.

  “No, you can stay right here. I want you close to me. I’m using a nanoscanner to drive, this reminds me of the PC game Test Drive I used to play in high school with the different camera angles and views. My human eyes are good for seeing full menu screens for my body and weapon systems,” Jaden says.

  “All this near death, fire outside the car, explosions and high speed driving is turning me on baby. You protecting me like a superhero and saving my life has gotten my kitty cat very, very, wet sweetie,” Kim says in a sensual voice while kissing Jaden’s left ear and neck.

  “Wow, baby, your panties are soaking wet. You’re catching me off guard here…” Jaden stops while Kim kisses his lips and tongue.

  The Bugattee is swirling over the highway trying to avoid the bat bullets. The bullets hit the car and small explosions occur, making the car jerk up and down. Kim’s head and body moves up and down.

  Jaden disrupts the gravity around them so Kim doesn’t feel the sharp leaning forces of the car. His energy continues to go up and down on impact, but it stays near one hundred percent. Two UAV drones are flying behind the Bugattee at ground level. One is flying at ground level in the opposite traffic direction. Five others are flying eighty feet above the highway. The UAV drones begin to fire synchronized machine gun fire. Flashes of light precede bullets hitting the car from different directions. The powerful shield absorbs and deflects thousands of bullets. Passenger vehicles are approaching ahead on the highway as the Bugattee reaches 144 mph. The shield expands outwards like a mushroom as he continues to change lanes. Kim continues to kiss and grind her wet panties against his pelvic bone.

  “…You giving me a lap dance at high speed?” Jaden whispers while slightly moaning.

  “You like it?”

  “Yes. This reminds me of my first strip club when I turned eighteen last year. I mean seventeen years ago,” Jaden says while moving around passenger vehicles.

  “I feel like I’m floating, I don’t feel any weight on my body. I like this a lot,” Kim says.

  “Are you down for this high speed quickie baby?” Jaden asks while steering the wheel left and right quickly.

  “Yes!” She screams while leaning up to unzip Jaden’s pants, “Just don’t crash.”

  The Bugattee slows down as the top of the shield hits an overpass stripping away steel and concrete. Vehicles on the overpass feel a powerful vibration. The street begins to collapse onto the highway. Concrete and cars quickly fall down, hitting two of the UAVs flying at ground level behind the Bugattee. They explode and crash onto the highway. Vehicles on the highway slam on their brakes before the overpass.

  Kim pulls her panties to the side and Jaden enters her. She slowly grinds and rides him, while her ass rubs the steering wheel gently. Intense pleasure circles their bodies.

  A nanoscanner enters the car on its own and looks at Kim getting a ride on Jaden.

  ‘AI, what are you doing? I need that nanoscanner to see behind and over me,’ Jaden says.

  ‘You are doing the same thing the couple a few days ago was doing on the highway. She is stuck on top of you and is trying to get up, but you won’t let her.’

  “You like that baby?” Kim asks.

  ‘We are having sex, reproducing, remember?’

  ‘Now? At a time like this? What is wrong with you humans?’ AI asks.

  “Yes, I do. That feels good,” Jaden says to Kim while he curves himself inside of her again.

  ‘I’m multi-tasking and relaxing. My huge headache is also going away. We are doing what Lois Lane and Superman wanted to do while they were flying in the air together,’ Jaden says while chuckling and the nanoscanner goes back to over the Bugattee.

  “Shit!” She yells while pulling down her bra and putting her breast in his face.

  ‘You humans are very confusing sometimes. I can’t understand this on a logical or creative prospective.’

  ‘I’m doing the impossible AI. I have this superior feeling that I can do anything and no one can stop me,’ Jaden says while sticking out his tongue to lick her nipples.

  “I feel like I’m having sex with a blind man baby,” she says in a sensual tone while momentarily stopping.

  “You had sex with a blind man before?” Jaden asks while two more UAVs fly at ground level behind the Bugattee.

  “No, silly, I’m just saying that this is probably how it might feel, because your eyes are completely closed,” she says while continuing to ride him.

  ‘Jaden the silent invasion has begun. In Europe, half of the population’s minds went into neutral mode. Thousands are reported missing and it is spreading as it gets closer to the end of the countdown. I’m one hundred percent sure those missing humans are being beamed up to the mother ship,’ AI says.

  ‘Yeah, okay, AI.’

  ‘Be careful, your Nanodrones are reporting you are getting close to overloading your brain. That is why you are getting headaches. Your neurons and cells are being overloaded with processing,’ AI says.

  ‘I will…will. I’m monitoring it.t.t…’

  “What’s this song?” Jaden asks, “I like it.”

  “ ‘Follow’ by Incubus,” she says while turning her head to look at the LCD screen. “It says Halo 2 Soundtrack on the screen.”

  “Nice,” he says while reaching
to turn up the fast paced rock and roll track.


  “Damn baby! That’s my spot again!” Kim yells and moans loudly while riding him faster.

  The UAVs continue firing missiles and machine guns. The Bugattee slows down to 71 mph as the UAVs quickly pass by to circle back around. Twelve more UAVs and two Raptors approach from the north. There are several heavily armored tank drones about two miles ahead of the Bugattee blocking all the lanes on the highway. Jaden begins to concentrate on rotating the reverse shield outside of the forward shield. He is trying to create an electromagnetic pulse wave as AI suggested to him earlier. He concentrates heavily while Kim continues to ride on top of him. She is unaware of what is happening around her.

  Both shields’ rpm are moving in opposite directions at 120,000. The outside of the shield begins to glow bright. The Bugattee slows down to 42 mph and drives in the center lane of the highway.

  ‘You need them both to reach 200,000 rpm,’ AI says.

  “I’m coming baby!” She yells while moaning very loudly.

  Jaden is less than three-quarters of a mile from the tanks. The twenty-three total UAVs and Raptors all fire at the Bugattee at the same time. His body begins to tingle all around.

  “Arrrggghh!” Jaden yells as he hits 201,000 rpm on both shields. Full shields go completely around the Bugattee as traction control comes up on the windshield.

  “Aaahhhh!” Kim yells while the drums in the background to the music become louder.

  There is a flash of bright yellow light exploding from the shields touching each other. An electromagnetic pulse wave moves in all directions, frying all electronic equipment as it passes. A few cars moving in the opposite direction turn off and slowly come to a stop. The missiles coming towards the Bugattee lose their thrust, but continue to cruise off course.

  “Shit, shit shittt!” Kim screams while her body trembles all over.

  Jaden moans and climaxes with her.

  The UAVs and tank drones turn completely off. The UAVs fly out of control and towards the ground. They fall out of the air like flies all around the Bugattee. One of them lands directly in front of the Bugattee, but Jaden takes quick evasive action. Explosions and debris fly in different directions.

  “What was that bright light and weird low throbbing sound?” Kim asks.

  “Nothing much, just me releasing twice, one in you and one to anything electrical around us. Keep going, don’t stop baby. I’m not finished yet,” Jaden says while the full shield disappears from under the wheels.

  “You came and you’re still hard?” She asks.

  “Yes, baby, I have the bionic stick,” he says while she chuckles.


  The two Raptor pilots manually eject. Jaden avoids UAVs crashing and exploding onto the highway around him. He quickly turns hard left using the reinforced shield around the front of the car to break through the concrete divider that splits north and south traffic. The car shakes as it crosses over, Kim tightens her grip around Jaden’s neck. Kim continues to ride Jaden and make moaning sounds as she feels safe with him. The entire highway begins to explode as some missiles don’t explode on impact. Fire and debris is exploding in all directions.

  “Curve it baby, curve it into my spot. I want to feel that super orgasm again,” Kim says while being more turned on by the sounds of fireworks exploding in the background. The Bugattee straightens up and drives north in the southbound HSCCV lane. The car quickly accelerates to 76 mph while just missing being hit by a falling F-22 Raptor exploding behind him. Her body floats up and down while the Bugattee’s hard acceleration makes her breasts lean in Jaden’s face. He sucks and licks her nipples with his tongue as Kim goes faster.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit! Damn! Damn! Damn…Damn! Right there! Right there!” She screams while rubbing herself with her right index and middle finger.

  The southbound traffic is stopped on the highway and people get out to look under the hoods of their cars. The Bugattee passes the tank drones on the right. They both climax at 125 mph.

  “I love you baby,” Kim whispers into Jaden’s ear.

  “I love you too, my sexy tasty Chinese food,” he whispers back while they both giggle.

  Very small, milky bubbles can be seen floating in the air around them.