Read BIO-sapien book 5 - Nanodrone vs Motherdrone Page 8

Washington, D.C. Pentagon 3:04 pm

  “The terrorist anomaly survived and successfully took out our first wave of attack. The probability of two humans taking out a wave of UAV wolf pack drones is 0.1%. The EMI wave from the anomaly was highly unexpected. The technology the anomaly possesses must be obtained for our technological advances. Should we change strategy to try to capture the terrorist anomaly?” Motherdrone asks.

  “No. Figure out a way to disrupt that high-energy source coming from space. Continue to set up a full double lane roadblock to destroy this threat. There is only so much luck one person can have, I’m sure it is running out. This threat must be annihilated at all cost. Setup a class A roadblock with titanium steel plates behind double the tank drones,” Robinson says.

  “Yes, I compute. My calculations conclude that using one UAV prototype Pegasus X-57 in full stealth mode will be the best strategy. It has the experimental levitation engine and its advanced circuitry isn’t affected by EMI waves,” Motherdrone says.

  “Yes, but that is a two billion dollar prototype experimental aircraft. We can’t afford to have anything happen to it.”

  “Vice President Robinson. I will use the X-57 for surveillance only and only fire a shot if the opportunity arises. If there is an available shot to be taken, it won’t get close to the anomaly. Local police have cleared the highway of passenger vehicles. There are only a few tractor-trailers left on the highway. I will run a second wave of UAVs and use nanotube titanium tank drones on both sides of the highway.”

  An officer walks into the small room with Robinson.

  “The thermal imaging is ready for viewing, sir,” the middle-aged officer says while images show up on the huge screen.

  “Holy shit, that little cock sucker,” Robinson says.

  “Yes, sir, it is exactly what you are seeing. He was having sex with the female while he was driving. The energy shield protecting the car was being generated by the subject Jaden Marino and an outside energy coming from space. We were able to see thermal imaging when the shields would go off. The shield system is able to change into any shape very quickly. When the shield is on, you can see there are openings in the front of the car’s shield. I’m assuming it is for air to circulate. There are also small holes in the rear where the air exits. The shield can also expand around the wheels, fully covering the vehicle when a missile or huge explosion occurs. The Bugattee doesn’t have any traction on the road at such time. We also notice the energy shield getting very weak when the thermo bomb was dropped. The shield is not powerful enough to completely destroy nanotubing titanium steel. Setting up a full roadblock with snipers with thermo imaging gear is also an option,” the officer says.

  “Good work officer. I don’t know if we will have time to deploy snipers,” Robinson says while saluting the officer.

  “Okay. By the way sir, the U.S. government in 2017 added a special government luxury tax on all vehicles over $100,000. The tax paid for all new vehicles to have a secret emergency Offstar car disabling feature installed.”

  “Good work officer. Get right on it!”

  The officer salutes back and walks out of the room.


  “Did the President land in Alaska yet?” Motherdrone asks.

  “We are not sure, satellites have been down all around the northern hemisphere for the past twenty minutes. Radio transmissions aren’t being received and we do not have any contact with Air Force 1.”

  “Should we launch an UAV search party?”

  “No, I’m sure they are fine. That is for congress and the joint chiefs of staff to decide. You just concentrate your fifty billion dollar defense system to take out this terrorist threat.”

  “Yes, Vice President Robinson.”

  ‘Soon you will address me as President Robinson, Miss Motherdrone,’ Robinson says to himself while chuckling.

  Fredericksburg, VA Interstate I95 north 3:13 pm

  Kim is back in her seat with her clothes on. Vehicles are approaching the Bugattee as Jaden is still driving north in the southbound HSCCVL. He slows down and breaks through the concrete divider, back to the other side. They quickly accelerate on the north I-95 HSCCV lane.

  The Bugattee’s male voice begins to speak, “Offstar online, your vehicle will be disabled in one minute. Please pull over into a safe location.”

  “What is Offstar?” Jaden asks in a confused voice while looking at the countdown on the screen. He continues to drive around vehicles on the road at high speed.

  Kim quickly replies, “We don’t have Offstar installed in any of our vehicles. The Offstar services offer live location information, calls authorities if someone is in an accident, helps investigators in accidents and tracks and disables stolen cars for police. The government bought the private company out in 2016 and there have been reports of the government listening in on people’s conversations, even when the service wasn’t on. The government must have secretly begun putting it in everyone’s vehicles. That means this car probably has a vehicle black box.”

  Jaden interrupts, “How does it receive the signals? How can I stop the car from being disabled?”

  “It uses a satellite to send the final disabling signal,” Kim quickly says.

  Thirty seconds continue to countdown and Jaden accelerates.

  “I can block the signal with the full shields right?” Jaden asks.

  “Yes, but the satellite sends out disabling signals for up to thirty minutes.”

  “Shit, I can’t drive without any traction on the ground, nor can I keep the shields up for thirty minutes,” Jaden says with his hand on his chin.

  “Ten, nine, eight….” The vehicle says.

  ‘AI, I need you to locate that satellite above us.’

  ‘Yes sir, I’m locating it now with the Gravhawk’s nanoscanners and scanning for microwaves transmitting signals.’

  “Three, two, one….”

  Jaden activates the full shield around the Bugattee. The microwave signal from the satellite travels towards Earth and hits the outside of the shield in an attempt to disable the car. Jaden can actually see the satellite signal hitting the top of the shield. The wheels lose traction to the ground. Zero traction flashes on the windshield. The signals keep coming down.

  “The signals don’t stop until the vehicle responds to confirm the engines are off,” Kim says.

  The car slows down to 25 mph in the HSSCVL. One UAV comes out of nowhere and fires a missile at the Bugattee. It is a direct hit and the force from the missile passes through the shield and spins the car into 360° circles. Jaden tries to steer, but he doesn’t have any control. Kim closes her eyes and braces herself. The vehicle stops completely on the highway with fire still burning on the outside. A light pole falls directly onto the Bugattee from the left. The pole splits into two pieces and a crashing sound proceeds.

  She mumbles and says in a quick, nervous voice, “In the summer of 2015, the sun had strong solar wind storms that temporarily and permanently destroyed satellites. If you can recreate the same effect, it might be easier to disable it and the signals.”

  “Thanks baby,” Jaden says.

  ‘I found the satellite orbiting in high orbit. There is a lot of debris in low and high orbit…’ AI says.

  ‘Yeah yeah, AI, not now. You heard Kim right?’

  ‘Yes, I heard her distorted speaking.’

  ‘Do you think that might work?’

  ‘Yes, I can easily divert the sun’s solar winds outside the magnetosphere into a concentrated beam at the satellite transmitting towards your location.’

  The Bugattee sits on the highway backwards with smoke coming from around it.

  “This is for putting car thieves on the unemployment line Spystar!” Jaden yells.

  “Yeah, this is for spying and listening in on millions of people’s private conversations!” Kim yells.

  Concentrated solar flare energy hits the satellite directly, frying its microchip
s and then exploding it. The microwave signals stop bombarding the Bugattee. The rear wheels touch the ground and Jaden puts the car into reverse. He quickly accelerates backwards, then turns the wheel and shifts it into drive. They continue to drive on the highway and Kim opens her eyes.

  ‘Would you like me to destroy some space junk in orbit, while I’m up here?’ AI asks.

  ‘Don’t waste your time, if the Darclonians take over humans, I’m sure they could clean it up faster than humans,’ Jaden snaps.

  A few minutes pass by.

  “It’s amazing how certain things from your memory are in so many random places, Kim.”

  “I know. I’m surprised so many of my memories are implanted in your mind and vice versa. I randomly remember things from your childhood,” she says.

  “Can you check my e-mail on the Internet baby. I want to see if James e-mailed me,” he says.

  “Sure,” she says while touching areas on the passenger side windshield with two fingers and moving things around.

  Jaden gives her his login information that AI setup at the hospital for him.

  ‘Jaden, I would suggest only keeping this high energy coming down towards you for another ten minutes or less. The low radiation levels are getting higher around Kim. Also, this high energy trail can be detected by your government and the Darclonians.’

  ‘I understand, can you stop the feed now and continue later?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘Yes, but it might take a little time to lock on again. Those UAV drones are very synchronized and are all being controlled by one source. They also inflict the most damage on your shield system. I followed and trailed their signal source. There is a government blimp about 72,000 feet above you. The huge airship is receiving a laser signal from several spread out satellites. The blimp is using microwaves and radio waves to communicate instantly with the UAV drones, tank drones and all video cameras on the highway.’

  ‘Interesting, I bet there is no delay at that high speed. We need to take out that blimp. I can’t reach it that high up, but maybe there is something you can do. Can you put the energy path through the blimp?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘It isn’t the type of energy that will destroy a blimp. An explosive type of energy would be needed,’ AI says.

  ‘Can you shoot a torpedo from where you are in the North Pole?’

  ‘That is possible. But it would have to be a long-range torpedo, so it could change directions. I wouldn’t want the government to know my location.’

  ‘Okay, get on it.’

  ‘Yes sir.’


  “Baby, you have an e-mail here from two people,” Kim says while tapping the windshield and sliding her fingers over different areas on it.

  There are no UAVs flying in a five-mile circumference. There are also barely any cars on the road, except a few tractor-trailers miles ahead.

  “There is an e-mail from James. It reads: Hey man! Jaden is that really you man? I thought you were dead. When I saw a message from you on Myfacebook, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Where you been the last eighteen years? Guess what man? I’m a millionaire now. I won the lottery twice in a row. Call me at 516-555-9089 my old friend.”

  “Call him for me baby,” Jaden says.

  “I’ll text him first,” Kim says.

  “Text? What is wrong with an old fashion telephone call?” Jaden asks.

  “People barely talk on the phone now, everything is about instant message, brain text, computer phone text and vehicle text. Some people actual talk into a microphone and the software translates the voice into words to be instant messaged,” Kim says while dialing numbers on the phone.

  “That is crazy, what is the point of doing all of that?” Jaden asks.

  “I don’t know, this is the norm. The number went to voice mail,” Kim says while handing Jaden the phone.

  Jaden takes the phone and speaks into it, “Hey, James, it is your old best friend Jaden. I have a long story to tell. Congratulations on winning the lottery man, I knew great things would happen to you. I have an emergency situation happening in Manhattan. I want to know if you could meet me there. Around midtown or lower Manhattan would be good. I can’t talk much over the phone, but I’m going to need your help. Text, call or e-mail back if you can. See you there man,” Jaden says while giving Kim the phone back. Kim hangs up and tries to redial her father’s cell, but it goes to voice mail again.

  “The second e-mail is from a General Peters, it reads: Jaden Marino, I know you are here to help us. I’m aware of the pending attack against America and the world. Vice President Robinson has completely lost it and is trying to kill you at all cost. You are on the top of the terrorist kill list. I believe he has something to do with the President’s airplane being non-responsive. We have lost all communications with it over north Canada. Radar is showing it is on autopilot and flying at Mach 2.5 at these coordinates.... We believe no one onboard had a special helmet that would have protected them from these unknown energy waves coming from space. Air Force 1 will run out of gas in the next hour and crash. We have attempted an air board without success. Marshal Lopez told us how you saved Flight 104 on Saturday. The Panstarr telescope has detected something sitting between Earth and the moon. We desperately need your help. If you are still alive and getting this, call me at 202-555-5131. That is a secured line. President Paylin was never aware of these facts about you. Her life desperately needs to be spared if we plan to fight this alien invasion together. If she dies, Robinson will be President of the United States,” Kim reads.

  “Wow, that’s deep. Let the conspiracies begin,” Jaden says.

  “Do you believe him?” Kim asks.

  “No, not really. It’s probably a trap, I don’t trust anyone in the government now. But save the number, I’m going to have AI check into that Air Force 1 situation. Rescuing my daughter is first priority. I’ll call him if the story checks out,” Jaden says.

  ‘Earth calling AI. Pick up AI. Nanu, Nanu,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Nanu? Nanu?’ AI asks.

  ‘It was from the television show Mork and Mindy from the eighties. Oh, forget it. You don’t remember much from my memory huh?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘I only remember relevant things. I’m ready to fire the special torpedo,’ AI says.

  ‘Hold on a second, don’t fire the torpedo yet…’ Jaden says while explaining to AI the situation with Air Force 1. AI sends a high-speed nanoscanner and nanoeye towards the direction of north Alaska. They scan the entire area for thousands of miles in seconds. AI finds Air Force 1 flying at 1862 mph.

  ‘I forgot you don’t have to connect the Gravhawk’s nanoscanners together,’ Jaden says.

  The nanoeye looks at the passengers on board; all are unconscious. The video images are being sent back to the Gravhawk and relays through the planet to Jaden.

  “Kim, can you tell me if you see the President onboard?” Jaden asks while putting his right hand over her eyes.

  The nanoeye quickly sees secret service men in suits and the President’s cabinet people laying unconscious all around the airplane. Kim sees President Stefanie Paylin behind a desk lying on the floor with her family pictures in her arms.

  “Oh no, the President is laid out and unconscious,” Kim says nervously. “Why can’t I control this nanoscanner?”

  “You can’t manually control this one, it is the Gravhawk’s nanoeye, AI is controlling it. Why would you want to control? Hey! Wait a second, I just read that dirty thought that just flashed in your frontal lobe,” Jaden says.

  The Bugattee is moving on the highway at the speed limit as it passes tractor-trailers in the left lane. The windmill blades on the rear continue to spin. They pass a sign that says the next exit is twelve miles.

  “You wanted to see what kind of panties the President wears?” Jaden asks.

  “No I didn’t… Where did you get that from?” She asks modestly.

  “You are a twisted individual. Why would you want to do that
?” Jaden asks.

  “Okay, you caught me. I was just curious, what the President of the United States wore under the business skirt, nothing more,” Kim explains.

  “Yeah, yeah, okay Dr. Freak. I remember your experimental college days,” Jaden says while removing his hand from her eyes.

  ‘I thought I was bad,’ Jaden says to AI.

  “I’ll show you a freak,” Kim says while grabbing Jaden’s right hand and sucks on his fingers in her mouth.

  ‘You two were made for each other,’ AI says.

  ‘Tell me about it.’

  Two state trooper cars come on the entrance ramp to get on the highway and speed up with their sirens on.

  ‘AI, it is multi-tasking time. You have the Gravhawk’s fast computer processing and your own computer processing. I need you to land Air Force 1 the same way we did on Flight 104. I’m also going to need you to take out that blimp with the torpedo.’

  ‘I don’t know if it’s possible to land Air Force 1 from here. They don’t have enough fuel and they are too far from an airport. But I will try my best,’ AI says.

  ‘I’m also going to need you to stand by on locking on to me again. I might need that high energy surge soon,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Yes sir. I’m preparing a long-range pink torpedo. This should be strong enough to destroy the blimp. Your government would call this an ice to water, water to air, air to space, space to air missile.’

  The Bugattee speeds up as it passes more trucks. A nanoscanner detects a full roadblock two miles ahead. There is a row of tank drones completely covering the southbound and northbound routes. The nanoscanner detects high magnetically charged energy in the rail gun tank cannons. There is also a two-foot deep carbon titanium steel bar coming one and a half feet from the highway. Jaden also notices something flying invisibly one hundred feet above him. A nanoscanner quickly moves towards the unknown object and scans it.

  “Top-secret government X-57 prototype? Ever heard of that, Kim?” Jaden asks.

  “No, baby.”

  “There is something flying above us semi-invisible with reflective materials and it is flying using a strange engine to produce magnetic propulsion. The nanoscanner is detecting opaque body materials. The aircraft has two missiles that have kinetic energy compounds,” Jaden says.

  “Interesting…be careful. The government is sneaky with their secret weapons. I still can’t reach my father.”

  ‘AI, what will I need to go through the roadblock?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘The shields aren’t strong enough to break though the titanium tanks and steel blockage,’ AI says.

  ‘Shit, I’ll figure something out,’ he says.

  AI fires the pink torpedo from under seventy-five feet of ice and water from the North Pole. The torpedo has pink particles moving on the outside of it and contains billions of nanobots. It breaks through the ice, changes directions and flies south twenty feet over land. AI also starts to work on remote controlling the pilot of Air Force 1.

  Two tractor-trailer drivers are talking on their radios to each other as they see the Bugattee in their rearview mirrors, quickly approaching them with the police following. They stop following behind each other in the middle lane and each drive on the broken white lines, blocking all three lanes. The truck on the left is aqua blue with advertisements of getting your free carbon footprint. The truck on the right is grey and white. Jaden sees this blockage in all three lanes and slows down behind them as they block the highway. The police quickly catch up. Jaden honks the horn repeatedly behind the huge trucks swerving back and forth. Kim closes her eyes and puts her hands over her face.

  “Shit, these bastards are blocking me in,” Jaden says.

  “I don’t want to see, I’m scared of big trucks on the highway,” Kim says.

  “You aren’t scared of big trucks. Come on, what about that time back in May 2015, when the 18-wheeler driver cut you off on the highway and he poured coffee from his window onto your windshield?” Jaden asks while looking at her with her hands over her face. “You drove in front of him and tossed a 32 oz Slurpee into the air through your sunroof and it landed on his windshield. Then you quickly drove off with your middle finger through the sunroof.”

  “That was an exception; I had my period then and I wasn’t taking any shit from anyone. I keep forgetting you can remember events in my past. I’m still trying to get used to this. I’m amazed you know so much about me.”

  “I love the fire deep inside of you,” Jaden says.

  The Bugattee slows down to 47 mph.

  “Please stop your vehicle you have nowhere to go,” the troopers in the police car say over a loudspeaker.

  Meanwhile the pink torpedo is quickly accelerating south across the sky at high speed looking like a bright meteor.

  The roadblock is approaching in half a mile. The Bugattee tries to accelerate in the HSCCV lane, but the left truck swerves over there also, blocking off the Bugattee. Jaden slows down behind them. The military is telling the troopers and the truck drivers to stand down.

  “We have this little prick in the sports car cut off, he isn’t getting by us,” the truck driver on the left says over his radio.

  “We will be forced to open fire on you,” the troopers say to the Bugattee.

  “I have an idea Kim, but I’m going to need your help,” Jaden says while Kim takes her hands from over her eyes.

  “The truck on the left doesn’t have any cargo in its trailer. I need you to find the manual for this car and tell me the weight of it,” Jaden says.

  Kim quickly opens the small glove compartment and finds the manual. Jaden creates a 440,000-rpm shield around the Bugattee. Anti-gravity Nanodrones are over the hood of the Bugattee. He speeds up to the left side of the blue tractor-trailer. Kim looks down flipping through the manual. He slows down where the double rear wheels on the trailer meet, as the truck tries to cut him off. Jaden slowly turns right into the huge rear wheels and the outside shield slowly destroys the rubber and iron in the huge wheels. The rear trailer slowly drops to the ground as the Bugattee slows down. Debris and metal roll across the highway.

  The trailer’s rear drags on the ground creating bright sparks and a loud grinding and scraping sound floods the airwaves. The truck continues to drive while the rear doors open and break against the highway. The Bugattee swerves around the two doors spinning on the ground. Jaden can see the roadblock ahead with his eyes. The tank drones are pointing their 20mm rail guns at the Bugattee from both sides of the highway. Jaden does calculations in his brain as he slows down again.

  “You know Kim, in high school we always wondered why we need to learn calculus if we would never use it in life. Today I’m using all those calculations I used to do on a graphing calculator, but in my head,” Jaden says while the Bugattee stops completely in the middle lane.

  “You should thank your math teacher one of these days,” she says while flipping through the pages of the manual.

  “Turn off your engine and step out of the car with your hands up,” a state trooper twenty feet behind the Bugattee says over a microphone.

  “I think I will do that when all of this is done. I used to hate calculus with all the stupid formulas and equations that I would never use. Now it all makes sense, especially with this equation solution I’m working on now,” Jaden says.

  “What are you calculating?” She asks.

  “You’ll see. Do you have the curb weight of this car?”

  “Not yet, I think it might be easier if I looked it up on the Internet,” Kim says while touching the passenger side windshield. She looks ahead and gets an idea of what is about to happen.

  Two state troopers get out of their vehicles with their guns drawn and approach the Bugattee. The two trucks slow down to 5 mph as they see the police are walking up on the Bugattee.

  “Got it! 2212 lbs” Kim yells.

  “Damn, that was fast. Okay, so that is 2487 lbs with our weight…” he says. ?
??Hold on baby!”

  Jaden presses the button to open the convertible top as he unbuttons his seat belt. Jaden floors the pedal and the tires skid off. The troopers open fire at the tires, but the bullets miss. Jaden is concentrating and multi-tasking on many things as the percentage usage of his brain increases past eighty percent. The engines quickly change gears. Kim covers her eyes with both of her hands. The Bugattee is aiming straight for the rear of the trailer still dragging on the ground. The top roof slowly moves to the rear, as the Bugattee reaches 65 mph. Jaden sends out invisible impulses from the shield to mess with the aiming of the tank drones. The tank drones begin firing at the car. Small impulses of electromagnetic energy move out in all directions from the tank drones. It affects the engines and electronics in the tractor-trailers. Hot magnetically charged steel projectiles propel down the nozzle of the tanks simultaneously. They exit the nozzle at 8900 mph in the direction of the Bugattee and quickly heat up as they push through the air. They look like blurry flashes of yellow light. Jaden’s mind goes into nanotime 100x, as the projectiles move slower in a blur. He narrowly misses being hit by one. The front of the car reaches the rear of the tractor-trailer. The Bugattee tilts upwards and drives up the rear of the empty trailer while projectiles make huge holes throughout the steel hull. Projectiles bombard the tractor-trailer and pass through it like paper. The drivers of the trucks die as their bodies rip apart. The tractor-trailer on the right slows down and crashes into the shoulder. The one Jaden is driving in continues forward. Kim grunts with the blunt force of the car changing directions upwards. Jaden concentrates most of his shield energy around the front of the car, while the reverse shield is quickly moving over the forward. On the ground, a white circle of smoke is about 500 feet around the area. The Nanodrones concentrate their energy at the front of the energy shield. The front of the car penetrates the metal front frame of the trailer at 77 mph, creating a huge hole in it. The Bugattee goes airborne as the tractor-trailer is slowly engulfed in flames.

  “Nice!” Jaden very quickly yells out loud.

  Jaden enhances the anti-gravity Nanodrones around the car. The X-57 aircraft fires an abnormal looking missile towards the airborne Bugattee. The wheels are spinning in midair as debris is flying in different directions. A projectile hits the rear of the shield areas and passes through several layers and narrowly misses a windmill blade. The force from the blunt strike makes the Bugattee slowly spin counterclockwise.