Read BIO-sapien book 5 - Nanodrone vs Motherdrone Page 9

The airborne car ascends over the beginning of the roadblock at an altitude of thirty-five feet. Swooshing sounds pass by the car from the yellow glowing projectiles. The nanoscanners detect burning metal in the area. The two opposite directional shields touch each other creating an EMI in all directions. A bright light flashes in all directions as hot fire still burns around the shield. The tank drones stop firing their rail gun cannons. The unaffected missile continues towards the Bugattee. The kinetic missile hits the rear shield area of the Bugattee. The powerful force passes through the Bugattee, causing it to quickly rotate in the opposite clockwise direct. The kinetic missile is eating the shield generating Nanodrones. Fire is all around the full energy shields. The Bugattee’s convertible top is fully open and fire is all over him. Kim feels the brunt impact and begins to scream. Her slow sounding scream sounds like a man’s deep voice to Jaden. Her body briefly jitters towards him from the impact, hugging her body against the seat belt.

  The outside shield absorbs the powerful explosion, but loses eighty percent of its rpm speed. The Bugattee continues to spins out of control at a high speed. Sounds of spinning wheels echo in all directions. Another bigger missile is shot towards the car as the X-57 aircraft levitates not too far behind the car. Jaden holds onto the steering wheel while kneeling in the seat and quickly turning to his left. Jaden is standing up, but slightly crouching with his left leg bent on his seat and his right leg is on the floor, leaning against the steering wheel. Pro-gravity Nanodrones in Jaden’s feet are keeping him from floating away from the Bugattee. He sees debris slowly flying in different directions around him. Jaden stops creating the shield around the vehicle. A trail of white smoke tunnels up from the ground and up into the bottom of the car. The bigger missile gets within twelve feet of the Bugattee. The rear of the car slowly spins around to face the opposite direction as Jaden’s mind is in 50x nanotime. Jaden brings both hands toward his shoulders. His brain is at eighty-nine percent usage and his brain waves begin to spike making him feel tremendous pain. Jaden’s nervous system feels the effects as he keeps the timer on nanotime continuing to extend. He surpasses his nanotime limit and his brain feels the damaging effects.

  Jaden sees the semi-invisible X-57 and missile slowly getting into sight from the spinning. He extends both arms and fires a gravity shock wave and atoms ripper towards the kinetic missile. The energy leaves his body. The missile is hit by the powerful gravity shock wave and atoms ripper weapon. Portions of the missile instantly disintegrate and there is a small explosion as the forces quickly move towards the X-57. The Bugattee begins to descend towards the ground as the anti-gravity Nanodrones begin to strongly disrupt the gravity under the car. He focuses most of his concentration on that since he feels the car quickly falling towards the ground. The X-57 is caught in the shock wave and propels backwards at a fast speed. Jaden sits back down in the driver’s seat as his nanotime goes off. The Bugattee continues to float and spin closer towards the highway.

  Jaden puts the gearshift into reverse and presses on the gas. He straightens out the wheels as the car gently lands backwards on the highway at a momentum speed of 42 mph. Skidding sounds are heard as the car hits the ground. The car touches down like an airplane and the shocks absorb the lighter car. The windshield displays electricity coming from the shocks of the car to help charge the battery system. The Bugattee continues driving backwards on the highway. Jaden holds his head as he feels pain in different areas.

  “Are we alive?” Kim asks.

  “Yes baby,” Jaden grunts.

  “I can’t keep doing this Jaden. This is wrecking my nerves now,” she says.

  “Me either, this is wrecking my brain cells and giving me a migraine super headache,” Jaden snaps while groaning.

  “I feel so dizzy from all that spinning around. Why are we driving backwards?”

  “Oh yeah, let me fix that backwards thing. I was practicing my driving backwards skills,” he says.

  He slams on the brakes while turning the steering wheel to the right. The car whips to the left and he puts the gear into neutral and then drive. The wheels peel off as he hits the accelerator.

  “I thought the Dukes of Hazards, Knight Rider jump and James Bond action sequence you just experienced would be a turn on for you,” Jaden says.

  “I had my eyes mostly closed, I was too scared to look.”

  “Would you like a replay of it? I had the nanoscanner recording it from different angles like movie cameras,” he says.

  “Sure,” she says while she grabs his right hand and places it over her eyes.


  The debris from the missile and X-57 land in a lake a few miles away off the highway. Kim sees the video replaying through her eyes in slow motion.

  ‘AI, are you there?’ Jaden asks while continuing to drive high speed with one hand.

  ‘Yes, I’m here.’

  ‘I’m going to need that high energy surge soon, my energy is at twenty percent. That kinetic missile drained a lot of my shield energy and destroyed some Nanodrones,’ Jaden says.

  ‘Okay, I’m working on locking onto you again now. I noticed that many parts of the X-57 were made with technology not from Earth. The pink torpedo was destroyed by your government’s air defense system. Lasers were fired from the ground and anti-air missiles took out the torpedo at the same time. The blimp is still online and is intercepting all of the communications. I’m going to fire an artificial intelligence black torpedo nanite-sphere, it will hit the blimp guaranteed.’

  Kim removes Jaden’s hands from her eyes.

  “Wow baby! You just pulled off the almost impossible. That high-speed jump through the back of the tractor-trailer in the Bugattee was unbelievable. It was like watching a Michael Bay movie, but ten times the special effects. I like how the nanoscanner passed through the explosion to change angles, while the wheels were spinning in slow motion. The missile explosion outside the shield created a nice lighting effect. The gravity shock wave was the icing on the cake. Very cool, baby,” Kim says while looking at him smiling.

  “I’m glad you liked it. I told you it was awesome. I’m sure I broke some kind of world record. I feel like an unstoppable legend,” he says.

  ‘How is Air Force 1 coming along?’ Jaden asks.

  ‘I’m still trying to get full control of it and there isn’t enough fuel for it to land at the nearby airport in Alaska. The aircraft is 190 miles north of Alaska, over the Arctic Ocean. The craft is at 23,000 feet and at 1091 mph. I’ll try to figure out something. Five minutes ago, two hypersonic UAV drones successfully dropped off two SWATbots onto the hull of Air Force 1 when I was trying to get control of the pilot. But the aircraft was moving at Mach 3 and the SWATbots couldn’t hold on. They fell off and parachuted down towards the ocean. This doesn’t make sense, why would they fly into an area full of Darclonian proton energy area without any protection around their brains?’

  ‘I smell a full government conspiracy. Shit, I see another reinforced full roadblock being created 2.1 miles ahead of me with more tank drones. This is the last roadblock before the highway splits off. The government just doesn’t give up,’ Jaden says.

  ‘I don’t know how you going to make it through the roadblock. I’m doing high speed calculations as we speak,’ AI says.

  ‘There has to be a way. I want to ram straight through it at a high speed,’ Jaden says.

  ‘For you to ram through the reinforced titanium tanks and nanotubing solid steel bar behind the tanks, you would need a outside shield speed of one million rpm minimum and the help of matrix vortex particles. I can transmit some of those particles through your nanoscanners from space. The only thing is that it is going to be near impossible for you to get the shield’s rpm at 1,000,000 by yourself. Just trying to get to that speed will really overload your organic brain. Even with the help of the Nanodrones in your brain’s neurons, it still won’t help. We need to figure out another way, it is too dangerous,’ AI says.

There isn’t another way. I’m going to have to do this, I know I can do this. I have confidence that I can do this or anything.’

  ‘This isn’t a superhero movie, where special effects save the hero. You can seriously injury your brain, give yourself a seizure and put yourself into a coma. Not to mention killing yourself and Kim in a huge fireball if you don’t reach that minimum rpm,’ AI says.

  ‘I don’t have a choice, I’m going to go for it. I know I can handle this.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  “Kim, play some good music for me, I need to concentrate on this last roadblock.”

  Kim changes the radio station to Cinemagic.

  “What kind of music is this?” He asks.

  “These are movie soundtrack songs. It is cool and something I’m sure you would like. It always helped me to relax and concentrate,” she says.

  “Cool, I’m open to something different.”

  Jaden stops in the middle lane of the I-95 highway. The convertible roof closes back and there are no cars or vehicles on the highway in both directions. The roadblock is 1.6 miles in front of the Bugattee. The Dark Knight soundtrack song number twelve begins to play. He stares down the road of life or death. Jaden has his right hand over the gear shifter in manual mode. He shifts the gear and steps on the accelerator pedal. Kim raises the volume and Jaden focuses on his energy shield’s rpm moving around the Bugattee. He concentrates on the energy particles and Nanodrones moving around the car faster and faster. AI locks onto Jaden’s nanoscanners above the Bugattee. The weapon energy beams down to him with some matrix vortex particles. His weapons energy goes up to one hundred percent. Kim begins to hear a humming sound as the shield’s rpm reaches 722,000. The shield glows around the car. His breathing increases and blood pressure quickly rises. The Bugattee accelerates to 99 mph. Jaden’s eyes are glowing blue as they are focusing on the matrix vortex shield slowly forming blue lightning in front of the car. The shield energy is duplicating itself by forming light energy patterns in front of the Bugattee. His brain feels a huge amount of pain in different areas. The pain spreads around his body. His body begins to shake uncontrollably as the roadblock quickly approaches. Shiny black material begins to cover Jaden’s fingers and hands. His rpm reaches 870,091. Kim closes her eyes as her heart quickly beats. She takes a deep breath as the outside shield begins to glow with a blue tint. Jaden’s brain usage reaches ninety-six percent as his brain waves are spiking. The shiny black material slowly dissolves some of the steering wheel. The plastic on top of the gearshift disappears. Jaden lifts his hands off those two areas and holds his hands in front of him.

  “Kim, hold the steering wheel straight for me. My hands are covered in this black shit,” Jaden quickly says.

  “Okay,” she says and holds the steering wheel. “Are you okay baby? Your body trembling isn’t a good sign.”

  “I’m fine, just need to concentrate,” he says in a trembling voice.

  Blood comes down his nose and his brain is glowing under his scalp. The theme music picks up tempo as his speed picks up to 141 mph. Huge 105mm saber cannon shells, rockets and thousands of bullets a second are shot simultaneously from eight tank drones on both sides of the highway. Jaden’s blood pressure continues to rise. Very loud cannon fire take over the airwaves as fire and explosions ignite around the blue-tinted shield of the Bugattee. The car feels the brunt of the explosions as Kim’s left hand shudders on the steering wheel. Jaden sees the rpm speed reaching 918,000 and his brain usage is at one hundred percent. There are warning signs on his eye screen. His brain begins to spike as his body continues to shake uncontrollably. The outside shield is glowing brighter blue. The area in front of the shield is consuming the explosions and high-speed projectiles. Kim squints from all of the bright lights and explosions.

  Sweat is running down his face and he breathes very heavily. The front shields take on maximum projectiles. His brain spikes at 110% usage as he reaches 1,009,421 rpm. The front of the Bugattee rams through roadblock at 175 mph and there is a huge explosion. The enhanced front shield area instantly disintegrates the tank drones and steel metal bar coming from the highway. The engines begin to shutter as three of them turn off. A huge fireball of smoke spins upwards into the sky. The tank drones on the southbound side of the highway continue to fire towards the fast moving, glowing Bugattee. Thirty seconds pass by and Jaden’s foot comes off the accelerator as the car begins to slow down. Kim keeps her hand on the steering wheel. The shield around the car disappears.

  Computer gear control error flashes on the Bugattee’s LCD screen.

  His body continues to shakes violently and uncontrollably. Jaden blacks out. Spit and drool comes from his mouth. His nose bleeds and the mysterious black material disappears from his hands. His head slumps over like a sleeping drunk person.

  “Jaden, are you okay?” Kim asks while she has her right hand on the steering wheel and turning to watch the road.

  There is no response and his body stops shaking. His eyes roll back into his head. AI rides the last energy wave beam from space towards Jaden.

  “Jaden! Jaden! Wake up!” Kim yells while the Bugattee cruises at 25 mph.

  She lowers the volume and touches Jaden to wake up. She can’t reach the brake pedal to stop the car, so she puts the gear shifter into neutral and turns the steering wheel to the right onto the shoulder. The car slows down and Kim shifts the Bugattee into park. The vehicle jerks forward and Jaden’s head hits the steering wheel.

  “Jaden, baby…” she says while taking his pulse on his hand and neck.

  She feels that he has a pulse, but he is not breathing. His head and neck jerk for a few seconds as AI enters his body. She sees that he isn’t breathing.

  “Jaden! Baby, are you back?” She asks while looking around the deserted highway.

  ‘Jaden!’ AI yells. ‘What a mess in here. There are millions of brain cells damaged and structural damage to the cerebellum,’ AI says.

  Kim opens the passenger door and runs to the driver’s side. She opens the door and pulls Jaden out by his shoulder onto the ground. She begins to administer CPR on him. She breathes into his mouth and pushes on his chest as he lays unconscious.

  The Nanodrones are already trying to repair damaged brain cells, tissue and nerve cells. Jaden’s mind is in a full vegetable state coma. Kim continues to administer CPR on Jaden.

  ‘Kim, he is getting oxygen through his pores! There isn’t anything you can do for him right now…. I forgot, she can’t hear me. Think, AI, think; Think creatively. How can I communicate with Kim?’ AI asks himself.


  Washington, D.C. Pentagon 3:39 pm

  “Object and anomalies are still alive, Vice President. Estimated total damage for tank drones, UAV drones, highway structures, possible civilian lawsuits….” Motherdrone says.

  “I don’t care about the…” Robinson says.

  “….twenty-two billion dollars…”

  “… damage costs, tell me our options now and the status of the unknown bogie projectile.”

  “The UAVs and tank drones so far are not effective against the subject. There aren’t any more UAVs or tank drones in the area at the time. Congress had an emergency session five minutes ago and they have limited your access for using live military personnel. I came up with another strategy, as you can see from the screens the subject seems to be injured. We can do a silent attack using the special forces prototype exoskeleton nanobond fifth generation kangaroo body suits.”

  “Good idea, we can run live tests on those million dollar each exoskeleton suits. I’m also glad the X-57 wasn’t badly damaged and can be recovered,” Robinson says.

  “The black sphere projectile has been unstoppable so far. It originated from the North Pole. Ground to air lasers has had no effect on it. It elevated into space and disabled one of our satellites. It has reprogrammed three of our air-to-air missiles while it was on its way down. Its trajectory is heading down toward
s the blimp over Virginia. Three of our missiles are following this projectile to destroy our own airship. The blimp’s communications are temporarily offline and it is slowly moving its location. The projectile will hit our communication blimp in four minutes. The special forces soldiers are being deployed as we speak, ” Motherdrone says.

  “Even if the blimp is destroyed we have backup blimps and we will know the location of the UFO if it fired another projectile,” Motherdrone says.

  Woodbridge, VA I-95 northbound shoulder 3:43 pm

  Jaden is laid out on the ground and Kim continues to give him CPR while she is on her knees over him. His heart is still beating and he has a low pulse. AI comes up with an idea. There is a loud explosion echoing down from the sky sounding like thunder. The airship at 70,000 feet explodes in the sky.

  AI speaks to himself and unconscious Jaden, ‘Your involuntary muscles aren’t working. I can’t control or remote into your body manually, that will cause permanent damage in your motor cortex part of your brain. I need to keep oxygen in your lungs so I can talk out of your windpipes in your throat, so I can get a message to Kim. But she keeps pushing the oxygen out. Okay, I’ll hold your lung muscles next time she breathes in.’

  “You can’t die on me, baby. Not now, I need you, and I love you,” Kim pleads while breathing into his mouth and tears are running down her face. The warm tears land on Jaden’s unconscious face.

  Kim remembers what Jaden’s father used to tell him in karate school when he was young. A slow moving military propeller aircraft flies towards Jaden and Kim from a distance. On fire fragments of the blimp showers around the area.

  “Wake up! Get up! You’re no quitter, you are a fighter. Don’t quit on me now. Tuck in the pain and stand up like a soldier!” Kim yells while pushing on his chest. She stops when she feels his lung muscles hold in the air.

  Jaden whispers in a mumbling voice with his eyes closed, “…radio… car…. FM”

  “What? What did you say baby?” She asks.

  She puts her right ear over his mouth. Jaden’s lungs take another breath and AI uses his vocal cords and tongue.

  ‘You bit your tongue in a few places, Jaden you jerk,’ AI says to Jaden.

  “Kimmm, this is A…I. Turn… on… the…FM radio…stat-ion….in… the car,” Jaden’s mouth says.

  “Okay,” she says while quickly standing up and sitting in the driver’s seat accessing the radio.

  She comes back out of the vehicle and kneels over Jaden.

  “Okay, AI I turned the radio to 87.1, now what?” She asks.

  “Kim can you hear me?” AI says through the speakers in the Bugattee.

  She jumps up from the loud voice and it scares her.

  “Yes, I can. What has happened to Jaden? Is he okay?” She asks while holding her chest.

  “He is in a deep coma. His brain and nerve cells suffered damage in a few areas in his brain. He suffered a seizure when he overused his brain. Don’t worry about him not breathing, Nanodrones are filtering air directly into his bloodstream. His vitals are identical and normal to a patient in a coma. Nanodrones are looking for him now in his subconscious,” AI says.

  “What can I do?” She asks.

  “We need to…” AI is interrupted.

  “We need to what?” She asks.

  “The nanoscanners are detecting something. There is a hovering, two foot round, white, donut-shaped UAV spy chopper 300 feet directly over us, watching us with a small camera. A military propeller aircraft has dropped off two military men and a female officer in exotic exoskeleton suits. They are parachuting towards the ground about 1.5 miles behind us. The small camera’s signal is splitting towards the military men,” AI says while the propeller aircraft passes over them at 5300 feet and keeps going.

  “Shit, that isn’t good,” Kim says while sniffling and looking up towards the aircraft flying over her, “I don’t see anything except the aircraft above.”

  “They are using opaque materials, they are semi-invisible. It is very hard to see with human eyes. Trust me they are there and they just landed. They just began running towards us. Something is extending out of their feet and they are getting taller. They are running and leaping six feet into the air. We need to get Jaden into the passenger seat and you need to drive right away,” AI says.

  “They are using bionic boots, I read about those. They are banned for civilians. We have to hurry, those boots allow soldiers to run around 25 mph,” Kim says while grabbing Jaden under the shoulders. She drags him around the rear of the Bugattee as she hears sounds from exhaust of the muffler.

  “They aren’t boots, they are built into their exoskeleton suits like small shoes. Correction, they are leaping at 41 mph towards us,” AI says.

  Another special forces man in an exoskeleton suit jumps out of the aircraft. He has a small sniper gun on his back. Kim tries to lift Jaden into the passenger seat, but she can’t.

  “I can’t lift him. I’m not strong enough,” Kim says while continuing to try to lift Jaden’s lifeless body.

  “Why not?” AI asks.

  “I’m a small woman and I’m only 115 lbs,” Kim says while breathing heavily trying to lift him.

  “Can’t a woman do everything a man can?” AI asks.

  “That is a metaphor. This isn’t the time. I’m a human girl, AI, not a Terminator robot. Is there any way you can do to help me lift him?” She asks.

  The kangaroo leaping semi-invisible soldiers get within half a mile behind Kim and Jaden. The female soldier is in front and they wear serious faces under their suits. One soldier two miles in front of the Bugattee lands on the ground and he gets rid of his parachute.

  “I have an idea,” AI says.

  “Hurry, I hear low clicking sounds approaching,” Kim says.

  “They are 500 feet behind us, lift him now,” AI says through the car speakers.

  Kim lifts Jaden easily into the passenger seat.

  “What the hell? How did you do that?” She asks while placing his legs into the vehicle and closes the door.

  She runs around to the driver’s seat, climbs in and closes the vertical door.

  “I used anti-gravity Nanodrones around his body to reduce his weight by seventy-five percent. Hurry and drive, they are almost at the vehicle,” AI says in 10.1 Dolby stereo sound.

  “Cool, do you know you sound like KITT from Knight Rider?” Kim asks.

  “I know, this is what Jaden wanted me to sound like.”

  Kim shifts the gear shifter into drive and steps on the accelerator. She drives onto the highway, but the Bugattee speed reaches a top speed of 29 mph in first gear.

  Computer gear control error flashes on the LCD screen and windshield.

  “Something is wrong, the engine gears aren’t switching and only two engines are responding.”

  “I located Jaden in his subconscious neurons,” AI says.

  “What is he doing?” She asks while trying to switch the gears in manual mode.

  “He is… he is… he is playing Super Mario Brothers?”

  “Super Mario Brothers? Is he playing with a controller or he is actually Mario?” She asks.

  “Yes, he is actually Mario and he is using a controller, he is playing from two different angles. He thinks he is dreaming and is not aware of what is happening.”

  “What level is he on?” She asks.

  “Level 8-1, he warped up a few levels and he is playing very fast.”

  “Can you wake him?”

  “Yes, I just read about a famous neuroscientist by the name P. De Fina in the medical encyclopedia that knows the procedure for waking up vegetative state brains. I know what I have to do to wake Jaden up.”

  AI increases oxygen and glucose rich blood to the cerebral cortex of Jaden’s brain, along with some tissue repairing Nanodrones. The Nanodrones help accelerate the growth of new axons. A few minutes go by. The Nanodrones fire electric particles up the spinal cord to the tha
lamus. His body nervously shakes around his head. Eighty-seven percent of his damaged brain cells slowly repair themselves and his motor cortex is online. AI sends Nanodrones to repair nerve cells, reroute neurons and create artificial stem cells.

  “His brain is almost repaired, I just have to get him out of his subconscious by talking to him.”

  “Yes, that’s a good idea. That is what humans do for people in a coma,” Kim says.

  Jaden is deep in his subconscious, he is jumping up hitting bricks and coins are coming out of them. He is throwing small fireballs on turtles with hammers. One of the hammer-wielding turtles begins to talk.

  ‘Jaden, this is AI. You need to wake up, Kim needs your help. You suffered a severe seizure and you are in a coma,’ AI says as Jaden runs by him.

  ‘AI, what are you talking about?’ He asks while ducking to go inside of a pipe. ‘Get out of my game, I was almost hit by that huge bullet with a face. I never beat this game, out, out, out,’ Jaden says while stepping on AI in a turtle body.

  Kim pulls out her cell phone and types on the keyboard. She’s trying to text Peters to call off this attack.

  “I’m not good with texting and driving, oh shit,” she says while swerving over the empty highway. “I’ve gotten so many tickets doing this.”

  “You can multi-task, every human is capable of it,” AI says.

  “Thanks for the advice, Dr. AI,” Kim snaps.

  The soldier one mile in front of the Bugattee pulls out his sniper rifle. He begins leaping towards the Bugattee. The soldier with the sniper rifle leaps into the air, aims and in midair, fires one shot towards the Bugattee. The bullet travels through the windshield creating a two-inch hole and misses Kim’s head by four inches. She drops the phone before the text message is done.

  “Holy shit! I felt the air and heat from that bullet!” She yells while swerving over the highway as the windshield turns completely black.

  “Shit! AI, I can’t see the road,” Kim nervously says.

  “Damage to front windshield, replace windshield. Please pull over and call a tow truck for your safety. Estimate cost to replace windshield is $13,000 dollars U.S., www.bugatteeparts...switching windshield information to LCD screen,” the computer voice says.

  Jaden collects coins inside of a pipe and AI reappears as a turtle near Jaden.

  ‘Kim needs your help, she was just shot at. I need you to wake up out of this and stop stepping on me, that hurts,’ AI says.

  ‘Who is Kim? I’m sleeping at the psychiatric hospital now and you are supposed to be figuring out a way to use the Internet so we can get out of this place. Stop wasting time and let me finish this game,’ Jaden says while stepping on AI in a turtle’s body.

  Kim puts Jaden’s left hand over her eyes with her right hand.

  “AI, turn on the nanoscanner vision,” Kim pleads while swerving around the road blindly at 29 mph.

  Kim hears clanking sounds behind her as if horses are behind her. AI hears Kim’s pleas and does as she asks.

  Back in Jaden’s subconscious, AI reappears as a turtle with wings and continues to speak to Jaden.

  ‘Kim is Dr. Chan….’ AI continues to explain what has happened up until now.

  ‘Now look what you made me do. Now I’m small, like a baby penis. I was bitten by that huge Venus flytrap plant from the Little Shop of Horrors movie. Why is a hungry plant in a sewer pipe anyway?’ Jaden asks while going to the last level.

  Kim sees through the nanoscanner and looks behind her. She sees three semi-invisible bionic soldiers thirty-five feet in the air over her and coming down to land on the car. She quickly moves to another lane and they land on the concrete. AI uses a nanoscanner to mess with the communication donut flying above them. He creates some magnetic interference.

  “AI, is there anything you can do to check the computer system of the car?”

  “I’ll have two nanoscanners check the computer system. But if there is a problem, there isn’t much they can do to repair something electrical. These Nanodrones and nanoscanners were specially created to work with cell structure organisms,” AI says.

  Kim reaches the cell phone between her legs while continuing to swerve around the highway. Another bullet penetrates the passenger side windshield and hits Jaden in his left shoulder. Kim screams again and the bullet penetrates his skin. She presses send to send the text message.

  ‘….you need to wake up. Dr. Chan is being attacked…’

  The last level of the game is all silver and looks like a dungeon with bricks.

  ‘I’m coming princess,’ Jaden says while running small over fire and obstacles.

  ‘Are you serious? Kim is Dr. Chan and she is my girlfriend now?’ Jaden asks.


  ‘Stop joking around. I have a girlfriend, Amy. I left her a voice mail earlier,’ he says while going down in green pipes.

  ‘No. That was days ago…’

  ‘Bionic soldiers in exoskeleton black suits chasing us? Landing airplanes with nanoscanners? I had sex with Dr. Chan twice? Jumping out of an airplane without a parachute? I learned everything about Kim in ten minutes by scanning her mind and nanomole?’ He asks. ‘That is alien ALF and E.T. bullshit AI. Why are you pulling my third leg? I just had a dream about a pyramid and flying through space. I remember just going to sleep in the hospital bed. Are you having human visions from the future or are you working on your humor?’

  ‘The seizure has affected your short-term memory. Your brain cells and neurons are still being repaired with artificial stem cells as we speak. You have to stop playing this game and wake up to the real world, Monday September 7th 2018, 3:55 pm. You are going to die if you don’t wake up. There is only so much the Nanodrones can do for you while you are unconscious. Your body is not in a hospital bed, you are on the passenger side of a sports car slumped over,’ AI pleads.

  ‘Blah, blah, blah. AI, when I finish this last board and I wake up, I’m going to be upset with you, if it is still the middle of the night. Now can you get off this board, so I can figure out these mazes of pipes,’ Jaden says while running quickly through the game.

  Kim continues to drive and swerve over the road. She sees the two soldiers running behind the Bugattee. There is a thumping sound and the third female soldier jumps on top of the hard top Bugattee. The car leans towards the rear.

  “Shit, this crazy bionic bitch is on the roof!” She screams while driving in the shoulder lane.

  “Surrender, you terrorist, bitch!” The female soldier says behind a mask.

  AI is interrupting their communication.

  “I’m not a terrorist…and get off my daddy’s car, you G.I. Jane bitch!” Kim yells.

  Kim quickly turns left and attempts to do a donut on the highway. The two other soldiers jump over the car. The female soldier holds on tightly onto the rooftop while her body swings. The rooftop rips off completely and she falls onto the highway, with the rooftop in her hands. The Bugattee makes skidding marks and drives straight on the highway avoiding the other two soldiers trying to jump onto the Bugattee.

  “It’s raining soldiers!” Kim yells.

  AI speaks through the car radio again, “Kim, he isn’t listening to what I’m telling him. He still thinks he is at the hospital sleeping and I’m trying to pull his third leg. What does that mean?”

  “I’ll tell you later. We have to wake him up quickly, those soldiers are strong like Terminator robots. There is a machine that visually stimulates coma patients. Try to show him images of after you left the hospital. That should have him thinking you weren’t joking with him. I just hope his long-term memory isn’t affected. I’m glad you came back to help us now,” she says.

  “I couldn’t leave you by yourself here. I’ll have to remote the information using Nanodrones from one part of his brain to another.”


  “Oh no, that G.I. Jane bitch is getting up again and leaping towards us again. I can’t shake the oth
er two,” she says while reaching 31 mph and the vehicle’s rpm is in the red.

  Jaden reaches the half dragon and half turtle looking last boss enemy over a silver bridge. He can see the princess behind the big boss in the next room. The boss is shooting hammers and fire from his body at Jaden. He jumps over the fire and moves out of the way of the hammers. Jaden sees images of Kim’s face crying leaving the mental hospital behind the boss enemy. He then sees the disgusting herpes images of the lady on the airplane. He tries to quickly run under the big boss enemy, but it crushes Jaden and he falls into the lava pit.

  ‘Shit!’ Jaden yells.

  Jaden’s shot shoulder slowly repairs itself. One of the bionic soldiers grab onto the rear of the Bugattee. He lifts the rear of the car two feet while running at 30 mph. Kim screams as she feels her body leaning forward. The rear passenger wheel rolls to a stop as Kim tries to swerve around the highway. Jaden’s body leans forward as the seat belt grabs him. The soldier follows the Bugattee while it drives on two wheels and the other soldier tries to grab on. The sniper soldier is kneeling near some trees on the side of the highway. The Bugattee passes by, while he continues to aim towards them waiting for a shot. The soldiers are awaiting orders from command. Their communications from the blimp went out.

  “AI help me, they are trying to flip the car over!” She yells.

  Kim presses the manual windmill override button and the windmill blades come out of the taillight. They begin to spin on the soldier’s facemask, scraping the glass. The blades don’t penetrate the body suit material. He drops the car while reaching out to break the windmill blades. Kim swerves around the highway again. The blades fall to the ground in pieces.

  In the game, Jaden jumps out of the lava burning, but normal-sized. The enemy boss looks surprised as it continues to shoot fire and hammers at Jaden. He feels the pain of fire burning around his body.

  ‘I’m not starting over today, dragon breath,’ Jaden says in an angry tone.

  Jaden sees images again of him in jail and Kim saying she doesn’t want to see him anymore. His mind begins to recognize the images. The fire around his body disappears and his body turns completely black. The fire and hammers pull into his body by gravity. Jaden sticks his arms into the air and yells.


  The huge enemy boss sucks into Jaden’s body and dies along with everything around him. The lava from under the bridge comes up and goes into Jaden’s body, along with the ceiling. The princess is hanging on horizontally as her body pulls towards Jaden. She floats towards Jaden’s body and disappears into his dark abyss. The entire board turns completely black as everything is pulled into Jaden. He sees complete darkness and hears nothing. Suddenly images of Kim at seven years old on the tramway appear. Jaden sees her from the Gravhawk and her walking up closer. Other images quickly appear around him. His mind begins to recognize these new images and sounds. He hears Kim’s voice saying she loves him, over and over again.

  Two of the bionic soldiers get a grip behind the Bugattee and lift it up three feet into the air. They begin to pull back to slow the vehicle down. AI quickly dispatches some pro-gravity Nanodrones into the metal of the bumper, increasing the weight in the rear of the car. They lift harder while keeping up with the Bugattee’s slow moving speed. The front wheels skid on the concrete as the Bugattee slows down to 21 mph. The female soldier gets a grip on the vehicle and struggles to help flip it over. AI uses more pro-gravity Nanodrones to triple the weight of the rear. The soldiers lift the rear four feet into the air.

  “Where is Jaden? Is he waking up yet?” Kim asks while holding the top of the windshield.

  “He is looking at the images, I think he is remembering,” AI says.


  Jaden begins to remember the events AI is showing him. He turns around looking up at his daughter and the words spoken between them.

  The Bugattee slows down to 15 mph, while the front wheels create more smoke from skidding. The soldiers lower the rear to two feet. The female soldier climbs on the bumper while maintaining a tight grip on the rear frame.

  Jaden sees through the nanoscanner Kim screaming and a bionic soldier climbing over the bumper towards her. He sees his head and body against the windshield.

  ‘I remember everything now, it just came back to me. I have to wake up.’

  He closes his eyes and concentrates on waking up. His brain does a diagnostics test.

  150 billion neurons cells online. High speed nanotime offline. Synchronizing motor cortex chemical messages.

  Jaden opens his eyes in his human body and his face is less than a foot from the dashboard. Jaden feels paralyzed and his body is moving left to right from the momentum of the car.

  ‘AI, why can’t I move?’

  ‘You woke up too fast, your body thinks you are still sleeping. You are in a REM-induced state of paralysis. Give it a few…’


  The female soldier slithers across the trunk like a snake towards Kim. The front wheels continue to skid on the highway. The soldier holds onto the headrest with her left hand and reaches down to her waist to pull out a handgun with her right hand. The soldier extends the gun towards the back of Kim’s head, while it automatically reloads.

  “Stop the car, you terrorist bitch!” The soldier yells with a computer voice.

  Kim releases the steering wheel and the accelerator pedal. She puts her hands in the air. Jaden reaches out and put his left hand between the gun and Kim’s head. Jaden presses his seat belt button with his right hand.

  “Remove your hand or I will blow your hand and the back of her head off!” The soldier yells.

  Jaden pushes the gun back towards the soldier. Kim moves her head towards the steering wheel. The soldier fires the handgun and it penetrates through the first layer of his skin. Jaden yells and Kim makes a quick scream. She floors the accelerator. The bullet stops in the inside of his palm’s skin. Jaden leans up and knocks the gun out of her hand. The gun tumbles on the ground. Kim accelerates while the front wheels continue to skid. She leans up over the windshield so she can see the road. The soldier grabs Jaden’s hand and tries to overpower him. His muscles begin to bubble as she tries to break his wrist and arm with her bionic strength. Jaden stands up with one leg on the trunk and the other in the passenger seat. He slowly overpowers the female soldier’s superhuman strength. The soldier looks at Jaden with a confused expression.

  “Females still aren’t stronger than men,” Jaden groans.

  Kim drives straight on the highway as Jaden and the soldier begin to fight. The two soldiers in the rear continue to run while holding the Bugattee two feet in the air. The soldier crouches on the trunk and swings at Jaden. He blocks the swing while grabbing her arm and fires a gravity shock wave towards her face, but nothing happens.

  ‘AI what is going on? My weapon energy is at twenty percent, but nothing fired out. I just tried to create a shield around the car and that didn’t work either,’ Jaden says.

  ‘The weapon system has to resync with your brain waves. It could take a few minutes. Your seizure changed some of your brain wave algorithms,’ AI says.


  She head butts Jaden and quickly slams him against the rear of the trunk. The two soldiers running and lifting the rear extend their right hands to grab Jaden. One grabs Jaden by the face and pulls him by the top of his mouth, trying to crush his face. The other extends his hand around his neck to choke him. He gags for a second and then stops breathing. Jaden feels a lot of pain as Kim starts swerving around the road again. Jaden struggles to remove their hands. The female soldier holds onto the headrest and pulls out a knife. She stabs Jaden in the chest towards his heart. The knife doesn’t penetrate his skin, but he feels the pain. His pain level increases as he tries to get up. Jaden gets very angry and veins begin to protrude around his body and he groans loudly.

  The black shiny material appears from his fingertips and quickly spreads down to his elbows.
Kim’s father’s watch on Jaden’s right arm instantly vaporizes. Jaden swipes the soldiers’ arms that are around his neck and face. Their hands are cut off instantly and they drop the rear of the Bugattee to the ground. The severed hands fall off Jaden and on the ground. They continue running while holding their severed wrist. She continues to try to push the knife through Jaden’s chest.

  “Do you think I’m a vampire or something?” Jaden asks her, while touching the knife down to the handle and the metal disappears.

  The female soldier looks deep in Jaden’s eyes. His pupils are completely black. Jaden sees fear in her eyes, under the facemask with a nanoscanner.

  “What the fuck? What the hell are you?” She asks.

  “I’m half alien bitch and this is for trying to shoot my future wife in the head!” He yells while swiping at her chest. He penetrates her unbreakable nanotubing exoskeleton suit with his dark hands. Her clothes, her bra and cell tissue in her breasts instantly disintegrates. She rolls off the car holding her chest screaming in pain.

  “I just did you a favor, your breasts were too big for that bionic suit!” Jaden yells while standing on the trunk, doing karate stances. The black material disappears from his arms and hands. The Nanodrones start repairing the extensive damaged skin and tissue on his arms. AI stops disrupting their communications. He sees the two men falling towards the ground and covering their heads. Kim reaches back and taps Jaden’s leg to get his attention. Her eyes focus on something in the air above them.

  “You bastards want some more!” Jaden yells. “Don’t hide your faces in the concrete, like an ostrich. Pick on someone your own size, I don’t need this black shit on my arms to kick your bionic asses,” Jaden says while taunting them.


  “Jaden! Jaden! Look!” She shouts while poking him harder.

  He turns around and looks into the air.

  “Holy shit!” Jaden shouts.

  A huge 15,000 lb thermobaric bomb is falling from the sky by parachute to the right of them. Jaden tries to create his shields, but it doesn’t work. He quickly sits back down in the passenger seat.

  “Floor the pedal! Why are you driving at 30 mph?” Jaden asks.

  ‘AI! AI! My shields aren’t working,’ Jaden says nervously to AI, but there isn’t a response.

  “The computerized gears for the engines have been malfunctioning since you were in a coma. Thirty is the maximum speed,” she says.

  “This is bad, very bad!” Jaden yells while sitting down.

  “Just create a powerful shield around us,” Kim says.

  “I can’t now, my brain is still syncing with my weapon system. Even if I did, I wouldn’t have the energy to withstand a bomb that huge,” Jaden says while continuing to look towards the huge bomb 200 feet above them.

  “What are we going to do?” Kim asks.

  “We have to try to outrun it. Did you try to turn the car off and then back on?”


  “Try it now, hurry. It explodes fifty feet above its target,” Jaden says while the bomb reaches 108 feet.

  She stops the Bugattee and turns the ignition off.

  “There isn’t enough time, I have an idea,” Jaden jumps out of the car like a cowboy.

  “I need my dad’s fingerprint!” Kim yells.

  Jaden realizes certain Nanodrones are online. He quickly uses the anti-gravity Nanodrones to create a circular path above him. Jaden bends his knees and leaps into the air. His body continues to float upwards in a zero gravity pathway. The massive bomb reaches sixty feet while Jaden reaches thirty-five feet. Kim watches Jaden leap towards the sky like a superhero about to fight a battle. A trail of white smoke follows his body from the ground. He reaches forty-five feet and the bomb fifty-two feet. Both of his arms are by his side. Jaden fires a gravity shock wave towards the huge bomb over him. The powerful shock wave forces consume the bomb and explode into a fireball. The fireball travels away from Jaden and continues to ascend into the air. The powerful vacuum forces pull the air around Jaden. The bomb consumes the air in the area as the fireball increases in size and speed. Kim feels a strong vacuum pulling her hair towards the sky. Jaden begins to descend towards the ground. The entire sky lights up as the fireball reaches Mach 1, creating another explosive sound. The thermobaric fireball continues to race across the sky towards Washington, D.C.

  Kim steps out of the car to watch the fireball engulf the sky and burn past the clouds. A long trail of smoke and fire follows the fireball. Jaden lands next to the Bugattee and bends his knees to absorb the impact. Kim runs to Jaden and embraces him on the side of the highway.

  “Whew, what a rush,” Jaden says.

  “I thought I lost you baby. Are you okay?” She asks while kissing him all over his face.

  “I’m fine, I just have a headache and my skin is tingling on my arms. Hold on a second,” he says while turning around.

  Jaden fires a gravity shock wave at the flying UAV spy chopper eighty-seven feet above him. Jaden turns back around to face Kim and he notices the car.

  “Women drivers… what did you do to this nice car?” Jaden asks. “When I last left this car it was in mint condition.”

  “Don’t start that. Us women drivers are very cautious people. You were taking a coma break and decided to play some 1985 Super Mario Brothers, while I was being attacked by robocops? Anyway, what was that shiny black material on your arms?”

  “Let’s go, I’ll tell you in the car,” he says while jumping into the passenger seat.

  He reaches over to put his fingerprint into the ignition starter area. He punches his hand into the windshield to knock down the dark-colored glass. The car starts up and Kim shifts into drive. The fireball changes direction and heads straight towards the ground in Washington, D.C.

  “It worked, restarting the car worked, all four engines are shifting normally,” she says while reaching 70 mph on the empty highway.

  “See that, computers still work the same just like when Windows 95 used to crash on me. I miss my Doom 2, Test Drive 3 and flight simulator games. I miss all those hours of playing Doom 2 with James over the phone line,” he says.

  “Phone line? Don’t you mean through the Internet?” She asks.

  “Dial-up! Before your time young lady.”

  “Well excuse me for growing up in the future. Now the kids play Virtual Alien Call of Duty. I’m glad you enjoyed your old school flashback moment. Now tell me about your arms going to the dark side and turning as sharp as a lightsaber.”

  “There is something hidden inside of my brain that activates this black material to form on my arms. It happens when I feel pain or get angry. I can’t control it and I don’t know what it is. It does slowly destroy the skin on my arms. It doesn’t affect the Nanodrones, but it does affect AI. Get off this exit, we are going to take some local roads.”

  “That looks like dark matter or dark energy,” Kim says.

  “Yeah, I know. I was trying to think it was something else. It really scares me. In the back of my head, I’m thinking when I was kidnapped back on Planet 455 the Darclonians did something to me. I can feel energy going towards my arms from all directions. It destroys my skin and Nanodrones have to quickly repair my skin from the inside. It also feels very cold like ice, but the pain overcomes the cold,” Jaden says.

  “Don’t worry about it, we will figure something out together.”

  “I just hope AI is okay, he isn’t responding to me again,” he says.

  The fireball lands in the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool splashing water seventy feet in the air. The long trail of fire streaks across the sky. People are running in different directions to avoid the water.

  To be continued,

  Written by: Vlane Carter

  Final installment in the BIO-Sapien volume I series.