Read Balancer's Soul Page 19


  “KARA!!!” Connor yelled in anger and Sarah removed her hand from his leg because of the sudden and unexpected startle. His expression changed into the battle ready one he showed earlier, he was ready for a fight and his direct, withering gaze focused solely upon her. She saw Jenny drop one of the grilled cheese sandwiches on the floor from Connor’s sudden outburst. When Kara looked at Conner’s face she shied away like he never showed this side of himself to her before. If Sarah wasn’t there during the cougar attack she too would have been deathly afraid.

  Very compassionately David gently laid a hand on Connor’s shoulder and visibly cooled as he breathed heavily through his flared nose. All the older looking gentleman said softly was “Relax, Son.” There was something painful in David’s expression that made Sarah feel sorry for the old man at the moment.

  Connor slowly turned his head to his grandfather who now smiled in understanding. Connor took a few slow and deep breaths in the attempt to calm his emotions. “Ok, it’s ok.” Sarah stole a quick look at Jenny who also had a very sad expression on her face as id she remembered something extremely traumatic. “What happened in this boy’s past to make everyone show such pained features?”

  Connor’s voice brought Sarah back to the moment, but now his expression seemed apologetic. “I’m sorry for yelling at you Kara, but it is as you just said it’s My Secret. It is not your place to tell another’s past without permission. Ok?”

  Kara quietly and weakly said “Ok Brother. You are right.”

  “I need to change the atmosphere in here quick.” “Um… David…”

  “Granddaddy.” He corrected Sarah like she were a child.

  “What?” She said in faked confusion.

  “Call me Granddaddy like everyone else does, Sarah.” David ordered politely, ending anything she might say to contradict him. “Ha Granddaddy…I could be your 6th or 7th removed great grandmother you Child.”

  Sarah couldn’t help but grin back. “Granddaddy, what do you do for a living?”

  “I own some livestock and sell some to the local butchers, but my true passion is in being a blacksmith.” That explained his dark skin and the strong build for his age. “I have my own personal technique for working with my metal. I use homemade colored inks to quench the hot metal.” Sarah saw Connor give a steely glance as a warning to his grandfather to which he caught in understanding. Somehow some secret is a very touchy subject.

  “Ink? That is different.” She wanted to know more about this method.

  “Yes, I said ink. Most people quench red hot metal in water or use some other cooling method and then they need to paint the metal after. With my special homemade ink, you never need to paint the metal ever again. Color gets absorbed in the metal. It also looks very nice depending on what ink I decide to color it with and how smooth I craft the metal. It’s better than paint in my opinion because it will never need another coat ever again. If it will help you to understand the method better, it’s like getting a tattoo. The color is in the metal, rather than coated or applied on it.” He elaborated with a grin.

  “That’s news to me.” Sarah said honestly to David.

  “Foods ready.” Jenny announced to everyone.

  They ate all of the sandwiches on the dining table Connor made. Sarah remained in shock at what a craftsman he is. Connor ate six sandwiches himself while she ate two. “Well I see why Connor’s so big.” It was a very good meal.

  Before everyone finished, Sarah recalled a memory from yesterday. She turned to look into his hazel eyes. “Yesterday I saw you pulling Kara in a wagon. Why do you do that?”

  He smiled, but David was first to speak. “Because he’s a man and he needs to be strong to protect those under his wings. It might be old fashioned, but it was how I was raised and I expect no less from him.” With pride he stated “Connor has always been extremely strong and big. He trains so that whatever the situation is, he can react accordingly; whether to run, fight or even traverse long distances without resting every ten minutes like some weak city folk.” He puffed out his chest. “I also believe that you need a strong mind with a strong body and that’s why we always go camping, to train his body and mind at the same time.”

  “I can see that in him myself. He had the strength and endurance to track me down in the pitch dark forest last night. You have taught him very well, Dav… Granddaddy.” Sarah reached under the table again to touch Connor’s leg, adding her own pride to David’s.

  David suddenly burst into laughter. “Connor can track a shadow’s shadow while being blindfolded. I honestly didn’t teach him how to track. He taught himself that skill. He sees things I miss and has taught me a thing or two in that field. My grandson is a natural outdoorsman. In the woods you could never have a better companion.” Still beaming, David patted Connor’s back.

  “No more compliments. I’m not some prized stallion.”

  Sarah squeezed his thigh again and he smiled at her knowing what the squeeze meant. He casually placed his large hand over hers and returned the same amount of pressure, careful to not harm her injuries.

  When everyone got up from the table, Connor told his grandfather “Sorry, but I’ll need a rain check on this weekend’s camping trip.” David nodded in understanding.

  David soon walked outside and shut the blue front door. Sarah heard the truck’s engine fire up and then David left.

  Turning those raptor eyes at her, Sarah lost herself in his hazel eyes that took her breath away again. He said “I’ll walk you home, Sarah.” Her stomach lurched because she don’t like being away from him, even only knowing each other for so little of time. He had become dear to her so quickly.

  “Ok.” Sarah said in a disappointed tone.

  Feeling her distress he put his arms around her, his warm body and his smell relaxed Sarah once again. She felt better immediately. Good thing Kara and Jenny weren’t around to see.

  Sarah clutched him closer to her breast and all she could put into words were “Thank you so much.”

  His husky voice said “My pleasure, Princess.” And he kissed the top of her head. “If this is how he kisses my head, I can’t wait until he kisses my lips…”

  As they left Connor’s house she looked across the street and noticed that her father was awake because her car no longer sat in the driveway. Walking side by side she felt whole just being near him. When they got to the entryway to her house Sarah opened it and asked, “Connor, would you like to come inside?”

  “I’m sorry Sarah, but I need some rest and tomorrow I need to study up for Monday’s tests.” She forgot Connor stayed up all night, keeping watch for her to sleep contently and the skirmish with the cougar didn’t help.

  “Ok, get some rest Connor and I’ll look forward to Monday.” Sarah said cheerfully and expectantly.

  “For the very first time in my life, I am looking forward to school. Just hang out with you again, Sarah.” “I feel exactly the same way.” “Oh Sarah, just one thing?” He stopped and looked her eye to eye.

  “Yes?” She asked hopefully.

  “Whatever gift or power that you possess, please don’t use it, I don’t like the migraines you get from using them. I don’t like seeing you in pain.” Then he was gone and went to his house.

  In a daze, Sarah remembered that her mother wanted for her to call back. Sarah dialed the number and sat down because Jillian is going to want every detail. It rang only once and her mother began talking instantly, “Sarah, tell me everything! His looks, personality how he thinks…” Sarah had to ask her something first. “Mother, is it possible to not be able to read someone’s mind?”

  “Every mind can be heard with enough power, but some people have very strong minds and wills. You will need your full powers to do it for those rare few.” “So that’s it. He just has a strong mind.” “Now Sarah… Tell. Me. Everything!”

  Sarah told Jillian everything she knew about him thus far, walking around the cougar attack, falling on top of him, almost ki
ssing his lips and telling him about how old she is. Jillian will not need to know about those details. It could stir serious trouble. Sarah explained everything from his height to his build, how attractive he is and his piercing hazel eyes and how they were structured blue on the outside and brown inside before meeting the center’s black pupil. Most eye colors blended together, his didn’t. Even telling how he was able to track her down only made her mother giggle that much more.

  It hit Sarah then that she needed to keep her mother away from Connor’s sister Kara or else both of their lives will be in constant turmoil.

  Sarah continued telling Jillian how he made her heart race like a hummingbirds and explained just how her body tingled and the goose bumps he gave. Jillian admitted “I’m so happy you might have finally found your mate. And I cannot wait to meet this Connor for myself. I want to see just how observant he really is.”

  Sarah collapsed in her bed not too long after she hung up the phone, wishing that Monday will get here quicker. It’s been the most exciting day she has had in centuries and gave much to be reflected upon and considered.

  Unfortunately the rest of Sarah’s weekend turned out to be dull and as bland as ever. Even her own father didn’t care that she had come home, but he had a reason to be drunk. It was the only balm the helped when Jillian stood so far away from him.