Read Balancer's Soul Page 20

Learning and Remembering

  “Finally it’s Monday.” Connor excitedly said while jumping out of bed and heading into the shower. Never before had he looked so forward to something with such eagerness. After shaving and dressing in his usual attire of black long sleeves and jeans, he heard Kara knock on the bathroom door, immediately her voice followed. “Brother, we’re having scrambled eggs and grits for breakfast!”

  “Ok Kara, be right there.” Connor said in acknowledgement because she will not stop talking until she gets an honest verbal answer. One doesn’t take their sanity lightly with her.

  After finishing up in the restroom he headed into the kitchen to get a bite of breakfast. Connor nearly inhaled his meal and afterwards noticed Jenny and Kara staring openly at him. They were both standing by the sink and were almost talking to each other with only their eyes before he asked “What’s going on? Is there something on my face?”

  His mom wore an apple red top and khaki pants while wearing her white work shoes. She answered, “You look happy this morning.” She smiled proudly. “I’m just very surprised, that’s all, Connor.” Kara said nothing, which sent off all of Connor’s alarms on high alert. It had never ever happened before. Kara being silent. What became even more frightening was the feral grin that she shot at Jenny.

  “DANGER! DANGER! Mom and Kara are planning something and apparently I am their target. Run for it you dope!” “Umm… What’s going on in here?” Asking cautiously was his only safe bet.

  “Oh it’s nothing at all, Connor.” His mom replied airily with another smile, but the way she said it he knew something wasn’t right.

  Kara threw him his backpack while walking to the garage, still remaining ominously silent. He felt relieved to hear her break the silence when she got into the wagon. “Let’s get going, now!”

  Going along with the strange situation he didn’t quite understand, Connor walked promptly into the garage and handed over her his book swollen bag and she handed over his harness. Pulling out of the garage he noticed Sarah’s car still parked in the garage and the living room lights were on. “She must be getting ready for school as well.” Connor turned to look at his little sister who just spoke and she continued studying his reactions closely.

  “Ready to run?” He asked and her answer was to offer another feral grin.

  After running nonstop for just over four miles Kara finally asked over the sounds of the wagon “Do you like Sarah?” He stopped dead in his tracks and the wagon slammed heavily into the back of his legs, it hurt but didn’t make him stumble or fall. Without turning around he thought. “There is no use denying it. All weekend they must have caught me staring across the lawn.” “How did you tell? Was I sitting too close to her or something?”

  Connor turned to look down at his seated little sister, who was wearing a pink shirt and white shorts. She playfully said “Please… I saw you how you two looked at each other Saturday, when you brought her back. I have never in my entire life seen you smile like you do when she was near. You’ve never seem truly happy until now and that is a good thing. The only time you were apart was when you took a bath. While you were away Sarah seemed all too jittery and glancing everywhere like she was scared and when you walked in, she became quite calm. I know how lovers look at each other and that’s how I know that you two are going to be perfect for each other.”

  He could only blink at Kara because Connor has never known that the Jack Rustle paid so much attention. “And Mom? What was with that look you two had this morning?”

  “Well Mom noticed it too, about the two of you I mean. She is also ok with it too because even Mom wants you to be happy, Brother. Even though Sarah is just a little older than you and your teacher, it doesn’t matter all that much to me. You’re both legally adults. But be careful. If you screw up it could cause a scandal that will force us to move. Small towns never forget anything juicy. If she makes you happy, that’s all that really matters. Good luck Brother, we’re rooting for the both of you.” A moment later she stated “By the way I saw how you held and kissed her on the head before you took her home. I never thought someone could turn so red. Don’t worry though, I did not tell Mom. That will be our little secret.”

  “Thank you Kara, really.” She had on that same wolfish grin again.

  Red faced in his own embarrassment, Connor ran the rest of the way to school in utter silence except for the sounds of running from his stealthy foot falls and the wagon that needed more lubricant for the axles. Arriving at school and putting away the wagon, Kara ran to go meet with her friends as perky as ever.

  Mark showed up not too long after wearing a grin, when he spotted Connor again in the old oak tree. “So you and Ms. Sarah huh?” He heard Connor groan. “Does anyone around here not know about how I feel about her? “Don’t worry, Buddy. Relax, I won’t tell a soul about your romantic getaway. Kara and I talked about it last night, when I got off of work and we both agreed that you two are perfect together. Oh and on a different note, are you ready for today’s tests?”

  Jumping out of the tree Connor exclaimed “Yes.” And Mark didn’t flinch again as Connor landed right beside him. They punched their fists together as he said “Thanks Mark, for the first time in my life I’m happy about myself.”

  The day went by rather quickly. Connor took two tests, one was for science and the other in geometry. The football team only glanced his way during lunch, but kept to their corner. Nothing really bad happened for once. The day couldn’t have been any better or spoil the mood.

  Then Connor meandered his way to History class, he sat at his usual seat in the back of the room, by the window.

  Mark sat beside him and talked until Sarah opened the door.

  As she entered the classroom she was smiling. Their eyes met, but only for a moment and their eyes spoke, ‘I missed you.’ ‘I missed you as well, Princess.’ She turned to the front board and started class. Her long and beautiful brown hair was pulled back in a pony tail which exposed her fair complexion. He wanted to kiss her soft and elegant neck and inconspicuously licked his lips as he imagined how silky they’d be. She was wearing a deep red t-shirt that fit snug to her petite torso revealing breasts that he didn’t realize that were perfectly proportional to her elfin body. They weren’t too big nor too small, they were just right and had an ideal shape. Her jeans complimented her shapely hips and Connor couldn’t stop staring until Mark elbowed him. “I think she wants to look good for you Connor. I can see also see that you aren’t the only person who is happy around here.” He chuckled under his breath while hinting at Sarah.

  When the final bell rang, signaling the end of class, everyone left except for Mark and Sarah and Connor. She smiled at the two of them when Mark cut in “Go ahead.” With that said he stormed out of the room, leaving the two of them alone.

  Sarah walked up, asking “What did he mean by go ahead?”

  “It means that we weren’t as good of actors as we thought.”

  Her voice and eyes constricted as she asked “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It’s ok, Princess.” Reassuring her seemed always the best approach.

  She said in the same voice “Connor, please? Tell me what’s happening?”

  Sighing, Connor explained. “My Mom, Kara and Mark know when we came back from our excursion that I liked you more than just a friend or a teacher. They supposedly noticed the same things about you too.” He sounded a little annoyed at their meddling. “Why can’t they leave well enough alone and let us make our own decisions.”

  “And?” She started blushing and began biting her lip in a nervous way.

  “They all pretty much said “Go for it, we approve.” That’s all. Promise.” Relief washed over him after finally revealing this.

  “Really?” Her features remained flushed, but those emerald eyes of hers shone full of hope. With a sigh of utter relief, Sarah put her arms around him; clutching Connor’s ribs to her breast saying “I’m glad that your family approves of me. You have no
idea how much that truly means.” She looked up at him as he hugged her himself and both smiled upon each other in love for the first time.

  Pulling away Sarah asked “Connor, what time may I come over tonight so that we may study.”

  With a heartfelt smile and a bit of a smirk he answered “I have a lot I need to learn, so how about from six till midnight?”

  Her face flared as she said “Ok, but on two conditions.”

  Blinking in confusion he asked “And they would be?”

  “Since I am legally your teacher and cannot show favoritism, we cannot got that far into our relationship, at least until you get out of school.” Her voice became a little disappointed, but also there was more she meant yet she didn’t voice. “We could wind up…”

  “I understand that we would both get into quite a bit of trouble even though we are both consenting adults. You would be suspended if not outright fired and I would most likely not be able to graduate.” Connor said explaining that he knew why she said what had to be done while also not hinting at his observation.

  “At least we only have to wait two more months.” She said perking up.

  “Nope,” She looked up at him in disappointment and confusion. “Only fifty three more days left.” Then she beamed. “Now what is your other condition that must be asked?”

  “Oh right… What’s your favorite dessert?”

  “Wild apple pie.” She looked kind of confused, “The main ingredient is fresh wild apples, not store bought or farm raised.” He looked up at the clock. “I’m sorry, I have to go take Kara home… See you tonight.”

  When Connor passed beyond the door he heard Sarah quickly say “See you tonight then.”

  A few minutes later, he spotted Kara heading towards the wagon, Connor caught up to her and she turned and asked “How did it go, Brother?” Smiling as an answer, she beamed back in pride. “Brother, I’m so very happy for you, you finally found someone who you like. Just don’t do anything scandalous that will end up on the news…”

  Breaking Kara’s stride he said “Again, I do not forget. You know that all too well. Sarah is coming over tonight at six to tutor me. So when she gets there, make yourself scarce.”

  Not missing a beat she laughed saying “She will tutor you, but not in history, big brother. I know what will really be going on…”

  “And what do you mean by that?” He interrupted her which didn’t take all that much.

  “It won’t be history being taught, Anatomy sounds like a more apt description.” And her feral grin became even more pronounced.

  His face flushed as he pulled the wagon out of the thicket. Putting on the harness Connor pulled Kara home as quickly as he could down the trail. He wanted to say a few choice words, but Kara was just being herself.