Read Balancer's Soul Page 23


  “Why is the desk moving?” Dropping the clock she heard Connor yelling her name. In the same instant she had the sudden and odd sensation of weightlessness from falling.

  “What’s going on? Connor help!” Unfortunately the only thing that came out was a scream.

  Just before hitting the ground, Sarah felt something grab her protectively in powerful restraints that encircled her instantly, they didn’t hurt, but they weren’t allowing any freedom to escape. Sarah opened her eyes and noticed that she was spinning in the air because at one moment she saw the tile floor and in the next the ceiling showed itself. Then there was a feeling of a sudden jolt from the impact of the ground, but it didn’t cause any harm. “The ground should hurt a lot more than this, right? So why doesn’t it?”

  Looking up, Sarah noticed that Connor was holding her in his large arms and that she lay on his chest. “Connor took the entire impact of my fall upon himself? I hope he isn’t hurt.” She started to ask “Are you…” and stopped when she saw his eyes were full of concern and primal fury. It was a frightening mix that she has never seen before.

  “Are you unharmed, Sarah?” He said in a tight tone of voice.

  “Yes, thanks to you again. How are you faring?” Her voice spoke of concern.

  “I’m glad.” Now his voice steeled and the concern in his eyes vanished, but the primal fury in his steely gaze began blazing even more vehemently.

  Without letting go of her, he slid one arm under her legs and stood up so easily that Sarah still couldn’t fathom the depths of his true strength. It was beyond the ordinary. He held her for a moment in the same way he did that night she allowed him to kiss her neck. It was wonderful to only be held by him.

  He stood her up and Sarah still didn’t understand what was really going on. The clock lay broken and in pieces on the tile as she looked at the ground that Connor saved her from getting injured on. Connor gently pulled her behind his back the same way he protected her from the cougar.

  “Wait the Cougar? Who is Connor protecting me from? Where is the danger?” Looking around the room Sarah saw nothing at her sides or back, she looked around Connor slightly and followed his line of sight, seeing the danger that put him on the offensive.

  Her student, Mathew, stood just a few feet away and was sneering at her. “What’s his problem?” She didn’t wait long to find out.

  Connor’s dark form bent forward and his stance widened, he balled up his fists so tight that his knuckles were white and you could see his tendons screaming through the skin. His eyes were blazing so fiercely that Sarah knew beyond shadow of doubt that Connor truly wanted to kill Mathew and seeing just a taste of his strength, she knew he most certainly could.

  He crouched even more, to spring, but stopped suddenly.

  A flash of movement crossed over and Sarah saw a kid step in between Connor and Mathew. The kid punched Mathew in the jaw with enough force to knock him several feet back and land flat on the ground. She noticed the boy’s appearance. He had jet black spiky hair and wore a silver shirt and dark shorts. It was Connor’s best friend Mark.

  Mark’s back was to Connor as he spread his arms out in a protective fashion. Mark spoke in a cold, steeled voice when Mathew looked up at him showing the pain and confusion in his expression. “Connor was not the only person who saw that you pulled the desk out from under Ms. Sarah. You better run away from here. NOW! Or Connor is going to really kill you.”

  Mathew gave off a throaty, menacing laugh that sent a cold chill down her spine. Still laying on the floor he sneered “The Black Sheep going to kill me?” He laughed menacingly again. “He couldn’t do anything if he tried. He is nothing but an oversized retard. He…” Mathew stopped cold when he looked over and saw how dangerous Connor can really be.

  His face paled and his eyes went wide with true fear. Connor’s shaggy hair no longer covered his penetrating eyes at the moment, making the threat real. Getting up very slowly he backed out of the classroom then Sarah heard Mathew running for his life.

  Connor stepped forward to run Mathew down and finish the job. And knowing Connor he could easily catch up. Mark turned around with those calm silver eyes and looked Connor in the face, keeping his arms in the same wide protective spread. “Buddy, don’t do it! Mathew is not worth it. You saved Ms. Sarah just in time. It’s over. Calm down.”

  Apparently Connor didn’t hear his best friend. He took another step closer to the door, but Mark held his ground. “Nothing on this planet will stop Connor if it is a threat to me. The only one who can calm him is…Me!”

  Summoning up all of her courage, Sarah quickly stepped in front of Connor. Talking to his friend she said “Mark, get out of the way. You cannot stop him; you know that only I can.” her back stood to Mark, but he understood Connor’s strength better than she did and moved out of the way.

  Reaching up with both of her hands, Sarah cupped Connor’s cheeks tenderly. “Connor, it’s ok, I’m unharmed. You saved me, again. Mathew is gone and so is the threat he posed to me, so please calm down before you do something you’ll regret.” She kept speaking softly and reassuringly, but Connor didn’t hear her and took another step forward, nearly knocking her over. “Connor!” Yelling usually helps with stubborn men and she used her hands to force his head down to look directly at her.

  His raptor like hazel eyes looked and at first saw her as an obstacle. She held her ground through some miracle. The only thing Sarah could do at this time was smile his smile at him. It worked and his eyes and face slowly relaxed along with all the bunched muscles of his body. Sanity returned and bloodlust vanished.

  “I’m sorry.” His face became apologetic after he found his voice.

  “Everything is ok now, just relax.” She said reassuringly.

  After a few moments Sarah realized they were still in the class room, filled with immature eyes. Looking around the class she noticed that everyone sat silent and in shock. They were all looking at the three of them and especially at Connor and herself. She slowly removed her palms away from Connor’s face and put them at her sides.

  One student broke the silence “Nice punch Mark! I even felt it all the way over here.” The kid didn’t know that Mark was actually trying to save Mathew’s life while also dealing a semblance of punishment. Then everyone started talking quietly amongst themselves. Connor and Mark stood by each of her sides, close and alert. Sarah overheard a few comments from the small crowd.

  “I’m glad Ms. Sarah’s ok, but did you see how quickly Connor moved, especially all the way from the back? I sure didn’t. All I saw was a bolting shadow…” “How about that spinning, midair catch?” The next comment made her heart race in jealously over a girls comment “I’ll never call him Black Sheep again…More like a Dark Knight.” “No. he is my Knight and I’m his Princess you ignorant child.” “Wow, I didn’t know the Sheep was actually a wolf in disguise. Did you see his eyes? He was really going to kill our quarterback…” Sarah lost track as they continued to talk amongst themselves. Having a prideful thought she smiled “Yeah Connor is a wolf and he protects his mate.

  The bell rang not too long later and everyone left the classroom in excitement over the latest gossip that was sure to spread. Mark left not too long later waving goodbye and leaving them completely alone.

  Connor broke the silence and spoke tightly. “Sarah, can I ask for a favor?”

  No hesitation entered her mind as she replied “Anything.”

  “Will you please take Kara home?” He asked, leaning angst the wall.

  “Sure, but what are you going to do?” Her alarm’s rose, feeling a sense of malice rolling off him. “You are not going after Mathew, are you!?”

  His face still revealed an emotionless mask. “Nothing like that, Princess. I just need to blow off some steam and I can’t do it with my sister nearby.” He finally cracked a weak smile, but it was forced.

  “Ok.” He hugged and kissed her head.

  “I’ll go retrieve my sister
and we’ll meet you out by your car.” He said, leaving the room fluidly and silently.

  Getting to her car while opening the door Sarah heard Kara from across the field yell “He did what to Sarah!? I hope you had him admitted at the hospital!”

  Connor said calmly “Well I didn’t. Just don’t tell anyone else ok?”

  “Ok Brother, I promise.” Now the siblings walked into view. They were polar opposites. He was big and brawny while she was small and skinny. Her clothes were bright and revealing while her big brother wore dark and conservative clothing. The only thing they had in common was the same hair color, and that’s all. Even their facial structure wasn’t alike. When Kara spotted Sarah she shouted “Hey Sarah! I’m so glad that you didn’t get hurt.”

  Kara entered the passenger side door and sat next to Sarah. Connor walked around to the driver side and stood before her, leaned down and whispered in a playful and seductive manner “I’ll beat you back home.” He was finally smiling the smile Sarah loved. He kissed her forehead and ran to the tree line, in an instant he melded into the trees like a flickering shadow. As he entered the leaves around him rustled oddly, but she didn’t see any wind. Kara, in a serious tone, said in the car “Let’s get going, drive slowly and tell me everything.”

  Driving slowly down the dirt road Sarah recounted everything that happened from her perspective, only leaving out the students comments. Kara actually sat quiet and didn’t fidget during the story. Finishing the story she had to ask “What is Connor really going to do?”

  “He promised that he was going for a run, right?” Sarah simply nodded. “If he makes a promise, Brother always keeps them. He won’t lay a hand on the fool who tried to hurt you. But for your information, knowing my brother, he will cripple Mathew if he comes near you ever again.” She smiled, wishing for it to actually happen and hoping to be there or could it have been something else?

  “Why are you smiling?” Sarah just had to ask.

  Sarah almost passed their houses when she clearly said “Brother must be truly in love with you.”

  Slamming on the brakes startled both of them. Luckily they were traveling slowly so they didn’t get whiplash. Dry dust from slamming the breaks surrounded them nevertheless. “W…What do you mean in love with me?”

  Kara had a serious expression on her face. “Brother would die to keep me safe, but the way he looks at you. He would go into hell without hesitation and bring you back unharmed.” She said, striking Sarah speechless. “What is with this family? Do they always speak from their hearts?” She continued “When you two get married I would be proud for you to be my sister-in-law.”

  So truly moved by this little girl’s words, Sarah hugged her.

  A tapping on the window broke up the hug. Connor smiled through the passenger window, Kara rolled down the window to speak. “Brother, we are having a girl’s moment. Get lost!”

  “Love to see you too.” “Love.” and Sarah blushed. “Mark is on the phone, he wants to talk to you.” He still smiled at her, as he turned to look at Sarah with her favorite smile, she knew he was already back to normal.

  Kara exited the car quickly and Connor said “I’m glad I was fast enough to catch you, Sarah. Since I ran to get rid of some of my excess energy, I need to shower and start dinner. I’ll talk to you later, Princess.” He leaned through the car and kissed her forehead.

  As Connor walked back to his house she called from the car “Thank you for everything.” Sarah blew him a kiss saying “Good night, my Knight.”

  “Good night my fair Princess.” He bowed dramatically and walked inside.

  After getting home and within five hours Sarah showered, cooked dinner, and washed her delicates. While watching TV she heard a knock at the front door.

  “Who can it be at this late hour?” Instead Sarah said “Coming…Who is it?”

  Opening the door stood a young woman about her age and height. She has darker hair though. It is closer to black than Sarah’s, but it is still brown though and it was only shoulder length. Their facial structure is about the same, but she has a slight widow’s peak and her jaw line is slightly rounder. She is slightly plumper but by no more than ten or fifteen pounds in all the right places. And her breasts were larger along with more attractively curved hips. Her excited golden eyes studied Sarah carefully. Finally she glanced at the garage to see a Fire Engine red convertible sports car.

  Putting all of the pieces together Sarah knew exactly who it is. “Mother! I completely forgot you would be home today.”

  “I’m sure you did my dear.” Jillian said with a little giggle.

  Changing subject wasn’t easy, but she managed. “Mother, Father is still asleep. Would you like for me to wake him?”

  Jillian had a gleam in her eye before exclaiming “No Sarah. I want to meet Your Man first.” and then she arched an eyebrow.

  “Oh No. Not now.”

  “Oh Yes… Now!” Jillian said, using her power to read her daughter’s mind.

  Jillian grabbed Sarah’s wrist and ferried her across the street to Connor’s house.

  “I didn’t realize my final test was so soon.”