Read Balancer's Soul Page 24

Past and Present

  Crossing the road and walking up Connor’s driveway, Sarah desperately pleaded to her mother, who continued to hold her child’s wrist in a vice like grip. “Mother, what are you doing?”

  “I want to see what your man is like for myself before Jack has the opportunity to meet him tomorrow. He doesn’t suspect anything… Oh how long I’ve been waiting for this day. At long last, my little girl has finally found a love interest, after all this time.” Jillian sounded giddy and very amused at the prospect, but Sarah felt terrified and a little humiliated by her mother’s actions.

  “Tomorrow?!” It was the only word Jillian said that rang through Sarah’s entire being. “Are you positive that this can’t wait until… later? What if he gets hurt or worse? What if he wants nothing to do with me? I can’t live think what Father will do.” Sarah was truly pleading at this point and with a sharp tug she somehow managed to break her mother’s hold. Jillian was stopped physically, but her excitement was easy to read and impossible to quench.

  Jillian remained grinning and then she shocked Sarah by becoming serious. Coming out of nowhere she calmly asked “Do you love him?” Sarah’s face answered of its own accord by going beet red. Sarah then wrung her hands together nervously, feeling a little insecure at the moment. “I thought so. Now Sarah, do you want him to be your mate?”

  “Yes.” She replied very quietly towards the ground.

  “Good. Now just follow my lead and let’s see how he reacts to meeting me.” Jillian could no longer contain her excitement or impulsiveness behind the serious mask any longer. Like she could ever do it to begin with?

  Stepping on the entryway of Connor’s front porch Sarah’s noticed that Jenny’s car wasn’t there. It was quiet inside his home…too quiet. She hoped they left the kitchen light on for security purposes and no one currently occupied the residence, but her mother would already know if no one laid within.

  Standing shoulder to shoulder in front of the door, Jillian knocked firmly. Then terror set in. Sarah clearly heard Connor’s deep voice coming from the kitchen to say “I’m coming.”

  When he opened the door Connor looked immediately at Sarah and her stomach filled with a ravenous horde of butterflies again. She could barely draw breath let alone be the first to speak. “Good evening, Princess. Is something wrong?” Now she was really blushing and her heart began another cross-country marathon.

  Why do I react so strongly towards him? This is all so confusing…

  “He calls you Princess? Oh that is sooo adorable, wait till I tell this to Jack. And oh my Sarah he certainly is a Big one.” Jillian said by pushing her excited thoughts into Sarah’s head. She usually does this when she can’t speak naturally in public.

  Connor wore his usual black long sleeved shirt and black pants. His shaggy and sandy blonde hair was washed and brushed back, showing his rugged handsomeness openly. His sharp masculine features were awake and apparently happy to see Sarah so unexpectedly. Just the sight of him took her breath away and she remained unable speak.

  Jillian was closing the mental link as Sarah glanced at her. Connor’s piercing stare followed hers and finally looked at her mother carefully. “Mother, this is not a sick joke, I really care about him. Please don’t push him too hard…”

  Connor looked between them only once and offered his hand to her mother as a greeting. “Hi. I’m Connor.” Shaking Connor’s hand, Jillian returned the gesture in her chipper voice. “Hello Connor, I’m Jillian. I am Sarah’s big sister.

  Connor leaned down and looked at her mother, face to face, and smiled at her, but his smile said ‘I’m on to you.’ Only he said one clear and confident word that cut through everyone like a sharp blade. “Liar.”

  Sarah’s eyes widened in shock, but Jillian could only manage to blink several times in obvious surprise by being called a liar. She composed herself and asked “Excuse me?”

  He stood erect again and continued to wear the same knowing smile. “I called you a liar, Jillian. You are not Sarah’s big sister. You are Sarah’s mom.”

  Sarah’s mother smiled knowingly from how she’s been caught and instantly turned to her dear daughter. “He is good.” She turning back to him and said “I’m impressed Connor, what gave me away?”

  “A few things tipped me off, but first, please come inside.” He gestured by stepping back and raising an arm towards the living room. “Both of you may speak openly with me. My mom and Kara will not be home tonight. They are having a mother/daughter night out and won’t be back till noon at the earliest. Sarah, please show Jillian into the living room while I make some refreshments for both of you.”

  Their eyes met again and he smiled her favorite and personal smile.

  Connor left them and went to the kitchen, while quietly Sarah led her mother into his charming home. “Mother, please be nice. I like him.” She said very quietly because she knows how well Connor can hear.

  “Ok, but give him some credit. He’s better than you described him on the phone.” She giggled quietly. Jillian had intrigue and amusement written within her golden eyes.

  “You have no idea.” Sarah admitted with glee, knowing he had already impressed her. But what would happen next she knew not.

  Jillian and Sarah moved over and sat on the plush couch when she asked “Wow these are beautiful paintings and this couch looks custom made.” Jillian seemed just as impressed as Sarah had been when she first saw them for herself.

  Sarah smiled gently “Kara, Connor’s little sister, is the artist of these paintings and Connor is a very capable carpenter. He built this sofa, the tables, the kitchen cabinets, the beds and their dressers.”

  Her mother whistled in amazement and said cheerfully and amazingly truthful “He has some good qualities.”

  Connor entered the living room with a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and two glasses of milk. He sat down the plate and drinks on the coffee table in front of them. He then walked over and pulled a recliner around to sit front of them, wearing a comforting smile. He looked so calm and commanding, even when he looked relaxed.

  Jillian reached forward to grab a glass and a cookie. When the dessert touched her palate she moaned in appreciation. Sarah took one for herself and gave a similar sound as the still warm and chewy cookie melted in her mouth. It was absolutely delicious. Jillian finished off the treat and sipped on the drink before admitting aloud “This is good. Thank you for being hospitable.”

  “I’m glad you are enjoying it, but back to your earlier question…” He started to say until her mother interrupted him.

  “And which question would that be?” Jillian looked confused, but she was faking her confusion.

  “Where I knew that you lied to me.” She nodded in understanding with barely a hint of a smile. “A few things tipped me off. The biggest was how Sarah looks like a beautiful combination of you and her Father. Another was the way you move, you wasted no excess energy as you walked. That proved that you have had a lot of lifetime experiences despite how you look age wise.” Taking a breath he continued “But what really tipped me off were your eyes.”

  “My eyes?” She looked skeptical.

  “Yes Jillian, your eyes.” Now Connor smiled in confidence. His tone remained calm and completely secure in his observations. “You have ageless eyes Jillian, but they are far older than Sarah’s. The eyes never lie, especially to me.”

  “Really? If I am far older than my daughter, how old is she?” She was simply playing with him now. Only she didn’t know was that Connor only really play’s with Sarah, to make her blush continually.

  “Around three hundred years old.” He sounded unconcerned with her age.

  Jillian nearly choked on her drink as he spoke truthfully and without pause. When her mother stopped choking and caught her breath she nearly shattered the glass on the table. She turned to Sarah in astonishment and her golden eyes flared in accusation and anger. “You told him about WHAT WE ARE!”

  “NO, she didn’t.” Con
nor defended, gaining complete command of the room, he walked around the coffee table and sat between the angered mother and timid daughter. Connor grabbed Sarah’s hand gently and they laced their fingers together out of a natural habit. Sarah had no choice, but to look down at her shaking drink.

  Speaking to Connor tightly and trying not to yell Jillian demanded “Explain yourself, Child. Tell me exactly what she has told you.”

  “I will, but not right this second.” Connor said bluntly.

  Her control over her voice began slipping. “Tell me or I will force you to answer me. One way or the other.”

  “I know that you can.” He said compassionately and truthfully. “Just please wait until Sarah’s ready for me to explain.” Her mother didn’t say a word, but Sarah felt the atmosphere begin to calm down.

  Sarah heard her mother stand up and pace the room. “I can see that you truly care for my daughter. I will wait, but not for too long.”

  Sarah eventually felt capable to look up a minute later to see her Connor’s handsome hazel eyes looking down at her with compassion and admiration. “I really do. No one has ever made me feel as you do, Sarah.” Connor’s eyebrows suddenly furrowed before he turned his head in an instant to look at her mother. “Jillian, will you please stop doing that. It’s not very pleasant.”

  “Stop what?” Her mother looked confused for some reason, but she already knew that he could feel the presence of an invading mind because Sarah previously explained the incident over the phone last week.

  “I know it’s not Sarah doing it because, with her, it felt like someone is scratching my brain, but with you, it feels like your hammering nails into my skull. Plus, I already asked Sarah to never do it again because it gives her terrible migraines and you are obviously not having one. Either it’s about control or you’re different somehow.” His brow remained wrinkled.

  “You have a very strong mind and I am surprised you felt it. I’ve never known anyone who can feel the touch of another’s mind. I was just reading your thoughts, so I know now that you didn’t tell anyone about my family’s differences. Also you know that something is very different about us, yet you don’t care.” Jillian’s face contorted quizzically. “Connor? Your blocking a few things away from me, how are you doing that? Are those secrets that important to you?”

  “Yes.” Connor was getting slightly angry from the intrusion. “Next time Jillian, ask for permission before you do whatever it is that you’re doing.”

  She burst into laughter. “I like you kid.” Connor’s expression finally relaxed as Jillian ceased using her abilities on him. She tapped her forehead a few times while her eyes were closed, deep in thought. “Ok it’s settled. Tomorrow morning you will know everything about what we are.”

  “Mother, are you sure, I don’t want to run Connor off.” He squeezed Sarah’s hand reassuringly while still looking at her mother.

  “Ok, Jillian. I will be there. Should I bring anything?”

  A wry smile crept on her mother’s plump lips. “Yes Connor, you will bring something very special. You will bring Sarah to my home with you tomorrow because she is going to stay here, tonight with you.”

  Connor sat straight up like someone just shocked him with a cattle prod, well in a way, Jillian did. Wanting to understand more clearly he asked her “What do you mean by that?”

  “There are some strict rules you must abide by.” She looked at the two of them in turn. “When I leave here I am going to go home to my mate.” “Mother, please don’t be a pervert and make another innuendo.” Jillian smiled, apparently listening to Sarah’s thoughts again since she couldn’t get away with it with Connor. “Connor, you will sleep with my daughter in your arms tonight. During the night you will not kiss, talk or do anything…physical.” She looked at Sarah after she raised her left eyebrow. “Sarah, you will not use your gifts at all. You will sleep in his arms and in the morning I will summon you both with my power; when things are ready at the house. You will not mate with him under any circumstances. Hormones won’t temper my wrath. I trust you, Daughter, but if you do him I’ll stop you from making a costly mistake.” She no longer smiled and was actually serious.

  Unconcerned, Connor asked “Why do you wish for us to do this?”

  “For four reasons Connor.” Holding up one finger she said “Because it is my right as her parent.” She held up another finger. “I can tell exactly what you are doing here at all times with my power, if you do anything but what I say.” She then held up her last two fingers. “Because I have been away from my mate for too long and lastly I don’t want anyone in the house incase we get overly enthusiastic. It’s been too long since my man was away and I’m feeling rather vocal.” Connor burst into a fit of laughter which was soon followed by Jillian and finally Sarah giggled because it became contagious… If highly embarrassing.

  When everyone finally settled down she said “Now both of you, off to bed. I can feel that your father is awake. He knows that I’m here and is getting impatient.” She disappeared as she burst out through the front door and the door slammed shut from the recoil. Sarah then had a feeling of a pulse of a breeze, but the room felt completely still because the ceiling fan wasn’t on. “Mother wasn’t joking, she really is watching us.”

  Still sitting on the couch and holding hands, Connor stood up. He smiled her private smile as she looked up at him. His eyes asked something else ‘Are you sure that you want to go along with this?’ Sarah smiled his favorite smile in positive conformation. He helped her stand and then they walked hand in hand down the silent hallway, to his isolated bedroom.

  Entering his room, Connor left the lights off. Walking into the dark room, Connor slid into his bed first while letting go of her hand. He laid there patiently while she just stood there, staring down at his dark form. Sarah’s heart started to beat faster than when he first kissed her neck. He lifted his left arm in offering as he saw her distress and shyness about this event.

  She had never lain in bed with another man before.

  Grabbing his hand, Sarah slowly slid down and sat on the edge of the bed. She couldn’t see his expression in the darkness so a memory jumped into the forefront of her mind. Remembering the time that she slipped and fell on top of him, Sarah stopped suddenly and went rigid at recalling how close they were at the time and what she felt like doing with him. He noticed her moment of hesitation and started to remove his hand from hers.

  Sarah caught the escaping hand with both of her own. She reassured herself and Connor as she twisted to lay down next to him. He felt so warm and it seeped through the fabric of her clothes and into her skin.

  Resting her head over his heart Sarah realized that her breasts were pressed against the side of Connor’s ribs. She bit her lips and was glad her bra was thick enough from the intense desire to be fondled. She never knew that someone with a chest so hard could be so comfortable to lie on. He put his arm down around her back and rested his hand over her waist line and over her abdomen.

  Trying to find more comfort in this laying arrangement, Sarah threw her left leg over his thick thigh. He didn’t move at all, but his heart gave him away by beating like a drum solo next to her ear. It put a small smile on her face.

  With an ear over his heart, she noticed that it began slowing down and becoming an even and calming beat. His smell was as intoxicating as ever. Sarah thought something peculiar when she realized how they held each other. “We fit perfectly together, like two pieces of a puzzle.” As she listened to his steady heartbeat and breathed in his manly aroma, she realized that his window over his head remained open and brought a cooling breeze into the room to keep her from getting overheated from his own comforting body heat.

  When the embarrassing moment ebb she went to sleep within moments with a feeling of true comfort. His steady heartbeat helped calm her. And her last coherent thought was “Connor, I really and truly do love you.”