Read Balancer's Soul Page 25


  Standing up after Jillian left his home, Connor looked at Sarah and her smile said everything ‘It’s ok, I’m ready if you are.’ They walked hand in hand and arrived at his room together. Connor released his grip on Sarah and slid into his queen size bed first so that she wouldn’t feel forced under the difficult conditions that were set, she could take all the time she needed.

  Looking up at her, she stared at him in the darkness, Connor offered her his hand to help ease the shock. Sarah took it to slowly and gently sit on the mattress. She stiffened to that of a statue suddenly and he let go not wanting to make this unpleasant for her. Just as suddenly, she grabbed his hand with both of hers.

  Sarah drifted and lay down next to him on his left side. Her hair cascaded down to the sheets of the bed to blend in like they were one in the same. She rested her head over his chest and he felt her pressed firmly against his side, she didn’t look comfortable. Connor supported her by using an arm as a back brace and he rested his palm over her taut belly. A moment later she threw her leg over his, he noticed the vee of her thigh straddling his leg and the shocking sensation became evident yet even more comfortable as he could feel her heat. Her sexuality beat against his will and only a supreme effort kept his sanity. Her firm yet soft breasts were pushed up against his ribs. Her smell was alluring as well and she still smelled like fresh strawberries and apples.

  Connor began remembering what had happened earlier tonight on the first meeting with Jillian, Sarah’s biological mother of unknown age. She seemed nice and eccentric yet protective over Sarah and their family secret. Knowing that it was Jillian who did her thing in his head was no far stretch for him. It felt like she was using an entire chisel set inside of his head, it was very painful. Even now his head continued to throb dully from the experience. Connor also thought quite a bit about Jillian’s rules, there was something about them...

  A noise broke his train of thought. Looking down upon his chest, Connor noticed Sarah was fast asleep and snoring. “I’ve almost forgotten how cute she is when she does that.”

  Knowing tomorrow would be a long day, he needed some sleep. “Sarah, no matter what happens tomorrow, know that I’m in love with you.”

  Connor awoke at the crack of dawn, like always. Without moving his body he looked down to see Sarah laying in the exact same position, only now her left arm had found its way to lay across his abdominal muscles. She embraced him as if she never wanted to let go. What was obvious to him was that she never had to. Connor never wanted her to go willingly either.

  He continued to watch Sarah sleep in the same position for the next few hours.

  Suddenly all of the hairs on the back of his neck began standing straight up, just moments before a frigid, wet mist blasted in his face. Sarah stirred too. “That must have been Jillian calling us.” Getting her bearings, Sarah looked up at Connor and smiled so beautifully, as if still in a delightful dream. “Good morning, Princess. How did you sleep?”

  “Better than the night that I fell asleep on your shoulder, during the rain storm.” Her eyes then widened. “Shh… Mother will get mad if we talk.” She didn’t move as she still looked at him, with an arm and a leg laying across him.

  “It’s ok now.” Answering her questioning face he explained “Jillian said that we couldn’t talk during the night. It is now morning. The evening hours are gone and past.” Moving his hand, he placed it on her lower back and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

  Now beaming, Sarah said with glee “I can work with that loophole.”

  “Well?” Connor was curious about her.

  “Well what?” She was looking confused.

  “How did you sleep?” he was smiling softly.

  She tightened her legs around his again and squeezed her chest closer on his ribs by pulling her arm that remained stretched across his middle. She placed her head back over his chest to comfortably say “Like this.” She looked up again, with those dreamy green eyes. “Never in my life have I ever slept so well and your heart and smell are so relaxing.”

  “My smell?” Her face went red. “She didn’t mean to say that out loud I’d bet.”

  Sarah looked down and buried her face in his chest. “Yes… I like your smell, ok.” She said in a short and embarrassed manner.

  “I love your smell as well. You smell like apples and strawberries.” She looked up and smiled happily. She liked having another thing in common, they both liked the scent the other gave off.

  She sat up suddenly and listened. “Are Jenny and Kara back yet?”

  “No. Do not worry, Princess. They will not be here until the late afternoon and it is not even nine.” Feeling the hair’s on his neck rise again, Connor smiled just before a whirl of wind whipped in his room, he asked “What was that?” Even though he already knew who the culprit is.

  Sarah was smiling as she said “Mother is getting impatient, again. She’s using her abilities to disturb the air itself.”

  “Should we get going then?”

  “It’s time, we had better go before she comes over to drags us to my house.” She wheeled over and exited the bed gracefully. He too did the same and stopped when he got a good look at her.

  “Um… Wait just a moment, Sarah.” She turned around to give him a questioning expression. “Would you like to freshen up before we leave?”

  “What do you mean?” Connor walked her over to the mirror in his room to show her what he was looking at. She gasped because her hair stood out in a mess, even her clothes were completely wrinkled. “My hair looks like we have been doing the wild thing.” She said quietly and smiled with him.

  “That’s why I asked before we go over to your house. I don’t think that your father will be too thrilled to see you looking like this.” He gestured from behind the mirror she was still staring at. She turned and smacked his arm playfully.

  “Ok here is the deal. We don’t have much time before Mother comes over here to get us herself. You shave and change clothes while I take a quick shower.” Both of their faces went red at that thought. “Ok?” And then she headed for the shower after steadying herself. Hearing the shower turn on he heard her say “Connor, come in and do your thing.”

  Opening the bathroom door, he noticed that her clothes were piled on the floor and upon closer inspection Connor noticed that she wore a black lacy bra and matching panties. He turned his head, looking at the opaque shower curtain that stood between himself and a stark naked Sarah.

  Pulling himself out of very exciting thoughts, Connor turned on the sink faucet, filled up the basin and began shaving.

  Now finished with the task, Connor heard the shower’s water cut off. He grabbed Sarah a towel and draped it over the top of the shower for her to catch. “Thank you.” He slipped out of the bathroom silently and walked across the hall to enter Kara’s room.

  Almost everything in the room stood a different variety of pink. Pink walls, cover, drapes, cabinets, even her ceiling fan was bright pink. Connor walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer to find a shirt for Sarah to borrow. Who could have guessed it…every shirt had some kind of pink in it. He grabbed the least advertizing top and grabbed a pair of white shorts. And that was all as he left the room.

  Connor knocked on the bathroom door. “Sarah, here are a change of clothes, but I don’t have any undergarments for you to wear. I’d never hear the end of it and I’m not suicidal.” She cracked the door and held her hand out, using the door as a shield to cover her nakedness.

  “I think I can manage. Thank you, Connor.” She took the articles of clothing as Connor went to his room to change into fresh clothes himself. Soon he attired a black long sleeved shirt and blue jeans and put on his boots.

  He walked into the living room and sat down to wait on the leather sofa.

  Soon, Connor heard her open the bathroom door quietly and noticed her trying something. He let her think she got the drop on him by staying still and remaining oblivious. Suddenly her soft, bath warmed
arms slowly and gently encircle his neck from behind and Sarah’s newly brushed and long wet hair fell over his shoulders as she leaned over him. “I hope that everything will turn out for the best.”

  “It will. I will protect you forever.” For the very first time Sarah kissed the side of his neck, once and gently. His heart began stuttering like an old and rusted engine and it felt great. “She kissed me this time.”

  “Thank you, Connor. I truly mean it.” He stood up and grabbed a plastic grocery bag so she could put her clothes from last night in it. They walked out the door together. Soon they entwined their fingers together as they walked across the street. Her hands seemed so small and delicate next to his, but they seemed to be a perfect fit for each other.

  The old log house had a fresh coat of crimson red paint which made it look a little eerie. At the very least the wild grass had been mowed to show someone finally bought and lived on the property. Walking onto the entry way of their home Connor’s pulse quickened. He knocked on the newly painted front white door three times and waited.

  He heard Jillian say in a chipper voice come from somewhere in the back of the house. “I’m coming, hold on you two!” Jillian opened the door quickly wearing a ruby red halter top and a very short beige skirt. She was a strikingly beautiful woman, but to him she seemed boring in the wake of Sarah’s natural beauty. She looked at Sarah and soon smirked, knowing that she had changed clothes and taken a shower before coming over. In a quiet voice she looked at Connor and said “You passed my test.”

  “What test did I pass?” He asked, feeling a little bewildered.

  “I know you two kept your promise last night, but Connor you are a constant surprise, even to me.” Jillian’s golden eyes glimmered as did her perfectly white teeth. She reminded him of Kara on a sugar high.

  “Do tell.” He wondered what could surprise this ancient woman.

  “In our laws you are given two tests. One from the mother and one from the father.” Her voice became a conversational level now.

  “And what test did I pass?” Connor placed his free hand in his pocket and smiled pleasantly.

  “To see if you could be that close to my daughter and remember my rules without letting your sex-drive take total control of your senses. Also you found the catch in my rules that I placed specifically for you. When it became morning, you figured my rules became void and started talking.” Jillian took a much needed breath to say “My test was geared toward seeing if you could follow the rules, but also to think around them too. So you passed with flying colors.” Jillian offered to her hand in congratulations.

  Shaking Jillian’s hand, Connor turned to look at Sarah after remembering something. “You said on Monday that you had a major test coming up, I didn’t realize that I was a part of it too.” He smiled at her.

  “I didn’t know that you would be tested like this either.” Sarah turned to the smirking Jillian. “Why didn’t I know about this?”

  “Because if you knew, you would tell Connor and he might be prepared for my arrival. I can’t have you spoiling all my fun now can I?” Jillian looked at up at him, but Sarah didn’t understand what was going on like he did. There was more to Jillian’s words than she was letting on.

  “Sarah, think. Your mother’s lying to us again.” Sarah looked up at him, frowning while Jillian’s jaw practically dropped to the floor. Connor turned to look at Sarah as they still held hands. “Her test wasn’t to see if I would listen to her Laws, it was a test to see if I could respect her wishes, like any other normal mother would. There is no law regarding a parent’s right for us to be together. Only to see if I could respect their wishes. Furthermore she is also saying for me to always keep my guard up and think before I act. A good mind needs to be sharp.”

  Off to the side, Jillian said in a laugh “I need to keep up my guard with you around. You are too good at figuring out if someone’s lying.” Sarah was proud and speechless at the same time. “Ok you two get inside.” Jillian shook her head as if she had lost for the first time and couldn’t believe it.

  Shutting the door behind them, Jillian immediately started talking. “After our reuniting, I told Jack about his surprise and he became a little upset, worried and quite sad. It was a little funny from my end though. A good romp made him relax at least.”

  “What surprise?” Connor asked in honest confusion.

  “That our little Sarah has found you, of course.” Sounding obvious wasn’t Jillian’s strongest ability, but she rolled her eyes like a pro.

  “Well what’s the problem?” he asked, being a little confused about all this.

  Sarah squeezed his hand and said “Connor, he is not worried about his daughter finding someone, but about how our family secret might potentially get out into the open. It puts us in great danger.”

  “Well then there won’t be any problems.” And Sarah playfully elbowed him below his ribs, knowing what he meant, but Jillian didn’t.

  “Tell me why then.” Jillian was curious as she held her hands together.

  “Because a person’s secret’s is theirs, and theirs alone. If they wish to tell that secret to someone, it should not go any further than the person it was told to, unless permission is granted by the person it originated from.” Jillian looked to Sarah for clarification.

  “That’s how Connor is, Mother. He will never reveal our secret unless we give him permission first.” Pleased, Jillian escorted them into the living room.

  The walls held new yellow wallpaper and the windows were as freshly washed as the fans. Hung on the walls and shelves were a few antique paintings and bowls. A box in the corner showed they were still unpacking. In the living room sat two love seat sofas, facing each other, and a wide coffee table sat carefully situated between them. The floor was made of hardwood and Connor didn’t spot any carpet, just like his home.

  The tall and silver haired man sat on the sofa that faced the window.

  He stood up slowly and walked over to greet them. He is as tall as Connor is, but muscular wise, Connor far outweighed him. He was wiry where as Connor was more than filled out. “Hello, I’m Jack. You must be Connor, I assume.” He reached his hand out.

  Letting go of Sarah’s hand Connor took his. “Yes I am and also the Mule as you once so graciously call me.”

  Appalled, he looked at Sarah “Do you tell him everything?”

  Squeezing his hand hard enough to get his attention off Sarah and back to himself, Connor calmly said “No sir. She would never say anything bad about anyone, let alone her family. You just need to be sure if you’re talking about someone, make sure they don’t have excellent hearing.”

  Jack squeezed his hand back just as hard. “You are stronger than I gave you credit for old man.”

  Both men poured all of their hand strength to the other’s and by the looks of it no one seemed to be winning, but Jack gritted his teeth and his face reddened. He was by far the strongest man Connor has ever faced by the judge of hand strength. From the look in his eyes, Jack was nearly beyond shocked about Connor’s innate strength as well. Some part of Connor explained that he didn’t need to hold his true strength back from this man.

  At exactly the same time, Jillian slapped Jack’s shoulder as Sarah slapped Connor’s. Simultaneously they said “Grow Up!” They were definitely mother and daughter.

  Jack and Connor smiled at each other and both quickly apologized for acting like childish fools.

  Jillian took Jack’s hand in her own and they both sat together on the couch facing the window. Sarah took Connor’s hand and they sat on the other loveseat, facing her parents and she let go of his hand as they settled in. Jack sat thigh to thigh while holding hands with Jillian.

  Jack looked directly across the table and started the conversation. “So Connor, Jillian said that you passed her tests. It is now my turn.” His expression remained unreadable and ancient. “I have only one question and request.” His features gave away nothing, but his voice shone full of concern and worry.
br />   “What’s your question, Jack?” Connor felt oddly confident and it truly was complimented in the tone of his voice and posture. Jack calmly asked “What are your honest feelings towards my daughter?” Concern now dominated his eyes as well as his voice.

  Connor looked into those beautiful green eyes that makes him forget who and where he is in an instant. He turned his head to look back at Jack directly, before forgetting his place. “Ever since I first laid my eyes on Sarah I fell completely for her. Since then, I can never stop thinking about her and only her. I can’t stop my eyes from following her every move or not hang on her every word. Even when my eyes shut I can still see her standing before me. If I could have a choice I would spent an eternity with Sarah and I would not have any regrets for as long as I lived.”

  Jack nodded once while Jillian’s eyes were sparkling excitedly and she wore a pleased smile. Then Connor felt a sensation as Sarah took his hand into hers again. He turned to look at her and noticed that her green eyes were full of unshed tears, but she was smiling his favorite smile. Connor asked “What’s the matter, Princess? Did I say something wrong?”

  Sarah shook her head and leaned in closer to lay the side of her head upon his shoulder. “Nothing is wrong, Connor, it’s just that I feel the exact same way for you.” She buried her face in his arm in embarrassment. She was still trying to hide from her family. “What’s wrong? What are you so afraid of Sarah?”

  Jack cleared his throat. “Princess? Connor, by now you should know that Sarah hates pet names and childish endearments.” Now Jack got his full attention, because she never said otherwise. “Not from him!” Sarah shot back forcefully in a voice that shocked everyone, including Connor. He’s never heard such a forceful reaction come from her before.

  Jillian burst into a fit of laughter while Jack blinked like Sarah had never spoken to him that way in her entire life. Connor looked into his favorite colored eyes and Sarah tried nuzzling back into his arm, trying to hide again. The heat in her face seeped into his covered arm

  After Jillian could breathe normally, Jack continued “I accept your answer. Now Connor, for my request…” He leaned forward. “Keep our daughter safe, protect her, for much will depend on it.” He was being very serious and his azure eyes meant every word and something more.

  Sarah looked up from his arm and grinned and Connor returned with a grin of his own. Jillian tried to cover a laugh with a cough that didn’t work over too well.

  “What? Am I missing something here?” Jack pleaded to Jillian and she affectionately said “Listen My Love, it is not my place to tell their secrets. Right, Connor?” Jillian winked at the boy knowingly.

  “Your right about that, Jillian.” Connor winked back.

  “Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on behind my back? This is really starting to get on my nerves.” He really was getting upset until Jillian touched his arm and he visibly calmed down.

  Sarah answered to her father’s question. “Father, Connor has been my protector since we first met.”

  “Elaborate.” He meant it. She looked at Connor and nodded because she gave him her approval. “The day I heard you yelling at Sarah and she ran off into the forest alone, I tracked her down for fearing she might have gotten lost or became hurt.”

  Jack held his full attention on Connor, but then he gave a look of doubt. “Get real! There is no way that you – A mere child – could track Sarah down, in the wild. She’s untraceable even to…” He sounded sarcastic and a little annoyed.

  Ignoring the remark Connor looked at Sarah. “I believe that you should tell them about what happened on our trip home.”

  “I agree that it will help them better understand what we’ve already been through…together.” Jillian and Jack looked at each other in confusion and worry. Apparently Jillian didn’t see that part of their fateful beginning. Sarah turned to them and said “As Connor was guiding me back home, a cougar attacked us!”

  Jillian cut Sarah an incredulous look and asked “A real Cougar? Sarah how did you kill a Cougar? You aren’t strong enough yet. You’re only slightly stronger and faster than an Olympic athlete.”

  “I didn’t do the deed, but Connor did. I was too afraid to do anything except stand there and look like a pretty treat. Connor was the only one to keep a level head and saved both of us.” Sarah then looked at her father meaningfully. “He killed it with only one hit.”

  Her parents were struck speechless, so Connor continued the story. “And then yesterday, a student in class made Sarah fall off of a desk while she was fixing the clock. I barely caught her before she landed, possibly breaking her neck. I turned her over in midair, taking the brunt of the impact solely upon myself.” Connor started getting angry at remembering what happened and his free hand clinched into a tight fist. “I wanted to kill him for even attempting to harm her.”

  Jack’s face turned slightly red with rage and his voice matched it, at hearing this. “Why the hell didn’t you kill him then, Connor?”

  Both Sarah and Jillian laid a soft and comforting hand on their shoulders and left it there. After a short time, the two enraged men calmed and Jillian spoke quietly to Sarah. “Any good man would obliterate anything that might bring harm to their mate or offspring. It’s their natural protective instinct.”

  Sarah then spoke clearly to her father. “Connor would have killed the insolent student if I didn’t stop him myself.”

  “Sarah did the right thing, My Love.” Jillian said to Jack calmly as she tucked a loose strand of silver hair behind his ear. Connor then saw true love in their eyes as they looked at each other.

  With the two men calmer now, Jack asked pleasantly “What proof do you have that supports your claims? These days, people lie and make it sound as truth.”

  As Connor began quickly thinking, he came up with “Do you want physical proof or can mental proof be enough for you?”

  “Mental proof?” He asked and Connor knew he was testing him so he said “I’m sorry Jack, but I thought you could read minds like Jillian.”

  He looked down at Jillian “You’ve told him we can read minds? Is our secret that meaningless?” He sounded like he was used to her impulsiveness. She shook her head to quickly say “No, My Love, Connor actually felt me reading his mind and asked me to stop. I had to use quite a bit of power to get through his powerful mental defenses. He is quite a remarkable young man. It was harder than seeing into Ben Franklin’s mind.” She then smiled at the two of them with a wry smile.

  Jack turned back and looked at him again. “Yes, I can read minds like my mate here. Also I will accept your mental proof if it is sufficient enough.”

  “Ok please just give me a moment to collect my thoughts.” Sarah placed her other hand on his thigh while they still held hands. She spoke too “Father, read my mind as well to see from a different perspective.” After collecting their thoughts, Sarah and Connor told him “Ok.” Jack closed his eyes and instantly there was a painful sensation inside his head reading trough personal thoughts and observations. Unfortunately, Jack’s mind was even more painful than either Jillian’s or Sarah’s, but Connor had to push beyond the blinding pain and show what needed to be seen.

  Connor began to think first about trying to track Sarah’s difficult trail. Jack then started speaking to himself. “Wow. Even with almost no visible light… You are a very skilled tracker…” Killing the cougar came easy to pull to the front of his mind because one’s fright and terror is easy to recall in detail. “Now that’s a hit… You’re exceptionally strong, but I already knew that.” And finally, catching her before she landed on the ground at school was frightening itself. “You sure are fast, even better than most athletes…Good, I see that you would have killed him if Sarah didn’t stop you.” Unable to withstand any more pain from the onslaught, Connor demanded “STOP!” and the pain eased almost instantly. He rested his head on his hands and tightly gripped his hair because the pain was even more uncomfortable than Jillian’s. Connor had begun
panting heavily without even realizing it. Through the pounding headache he heard Jack whisper “You’re right he has extremely strong mental defenses. That was… challenging.”

  Sarah began slowly and gently rubbing his back for she didn’t feel the pain as he did. “Father, these are just some of the reasons we are together.” Connor finally looked up from his hands and for the first time, he saw Jack wearing an honest smile on his face.

  “Connor, you have passed my test.” He looked at Jillian to announce “Since he has passed both of our tests and understands the value of secrecy, I believe it is time to reveal our secret.”

  “Finally, I get to learn about all about this.” Connor thought to himself. Sarah’s hands start trembling in fear and anxiety before she stopped rubbing his back. He looked at her and saw she was genuinely frightened for some inexplicable reason. To ease her apprehension, he laced his fingers with hers so that she knew that she wasn’t alone in this. She then stopped fidgeting as their eyes met again.

  Jillian caught his attention a few moments later by sighing “Connor, it is time for you to know what we are.” Steeling herself, she explained “We are of an ancient race of immortal beings, better known as Balancers!”