Read Balancer's Soul Page 35


  Connor awoke around noon with a dull, throbbing headache and all of his muscles were screaming in agony and fatigue. Looking to his right and hoping to find Sarah, he was disappointed to find a letter on Sarah’s pillow. It read:


  I had to go into town for some shopping with Mother. I will be home at around three. Please meet me at my parent’s with the wagon.

  I love you

  He folded up the paper and slid it in his pocket.

  Sitting up, Connor pieced together the last few hours of yesterday before sleeping like the dead. He remembered a massive amount of cranial pain as Jack read his mind, losing strength quickly as he reassured them that he wasn’t taking Sarah away. Then waking up on the floor feeling as weak as when he obtained the brand on his chest. He looked around her room to see Sarah’s parents laying at either side looking completely drained.

  When they eventually got home and he was finally able to manage to get into the shower brought back delicious memories. The water was so refreshing that it relaxed every muscle in his quivering body until he noticed Sarah in the shower with him. She really did look like a goddess. Her perfection couldn’t be matched by anyone, but that was the extent of his memory of yesterday. He didn’t even remember the dinner that she made. Connor felt so tired and that was the first dinner she had made for him.

  Pulling himself out of bed Connor still felt weak, but much better than yesterday. He walked to the closet and put on a brown sleeved shirt. He then felt very hungry. Walking into the kitchen he ate four bowls of cereal and five bananas. Feeling full he eventually meandered into the bedroom, opened up Sarah’s boxes and his cases and put clothes in the dressers and closet. He decided to leave the delicates box closed and sealed for his own safety.

  About two hours before meeting Sarah, it started to get hot in the house. Connor made the decision and put on the chest harness and pulled the wagon outside. Still feeling weak he simply walked into the forest at a reasonably slow, but measured pace.

  It took over twenty minutes before reaching Jack’s house and it proved to be truly exhausting. Connor took off the strap and placed the wagon next to Jillian’s fire engine red sports car, in the garage.

  He knocked on the garage door to be greeted by Jack.

  “Connor? What are you doing here? You should still be resting in bed like I told you before you left.” His azure eyes were filled with worry. Connor dug out the folded letter and handed it over. After Jack read it he looked up. “Connor, come inside you look like you’re overheated.”

  “I am Jack, and thank you.” He led Connor into the living room and helped him to lie down on the sofa. “Hey Jack? Can you please bring me a gallon of water?” Jack knew that he literally meant a gallon.

  He went into the kitchen and brought a gallon jug of water. Connor drank slowly, knowing if he gulped the water down his stomach would be liable to ache and everything might come back up. Jack sat down in the opposite seat. “I’m sorry about my actions yesterday…”

  Connor sat the now half empty jug down on the table between them while cutting him off. “Listen to me. I would have done the same thing if I was in your position.” He looked directly into his azure eyes. “Just please explain one thing for me?”

  He looked relieved to know that he was forgiven. “Name it.”

  “Could you explain what you did when I was unconscious?”

  He smiled and tossed his silver hair behind his neck. “Of course I can. When I used too much power entering your thoughts, your mind couldn’t handle the force I generated to get past your defenses. Your body tried to protect itself by going into a coma because you were losing energy too quickly. It is a natural survival instinct that all creatures have. Lesser creatures die instantly.

  “I didn’t realize how much power I used until we saw you collapse on the floor and hit your head. Jillian and I had to act quickly. We have only recharged another person about five times during our lives together. We failed once and the person died.

  “A Balancer’s power comes from the energy within us. If it was a smaller person I could have revived you myself, but because of your size… my mate and I had to work together to funnel our combined powers into you. And I have never seen the look on my daughter’s face as she watched you fall...” He looked up at the ceiling and closed his ageless eyes. “That’s enough for now. Tell me of your current symptoms.”

  “I feel exhausted and I have a small headache from that fall you mentioned. The trip to get here was difficult as you can clearly see. By the way, where has your other half gone with Sarah today?”

  He looked down and laughed. “For the first time Jillian, Sarah, your sister and your mother all went shopping together… It looks like we are both in mortal danger.” He smiled again, but it was a genuine smile between worried men.

  “If that isn’t the understatement of this millennium.” And they both laughed easily at their misfortune. “All of the women together have never been a good sign for any man since the dawn of time.”

  Jack stood up and slowly and walked around the table to stand in front of Connor. Looking up he said “I’m going to help you out a little bit. Stand up, take off your shirt and turn your back to me.” Jack held his hand out and helped Connor to stand. He took off his shirt as ordered and sat it on the table.

  “What’s going on?” And he silenced Connor with a simple stare. Connor felt him rest his hands over each of his shoulder blades. Moments later, his palms began to heat up and a comfortable warmth grew slowly within the core of his body. Connor’s headache went away and he finally didn’t feel so disoriented. Jack removed his hands and sat on the couch Connor sat at. Connor turned to look at him. “Thank you for that. That was… refreshing.” The silver haired Balancer looked only slightly worn out when he smiled. Connor put his shirt on and sat down to finish the remaining water.

  They sat in silence, both resting their eyes until they heard the garage door open. “Father, we’re home! Is Connor here yet?”

  “In here, Princess.” He surprised himself at how strong his voice felt and the ease at which the rest of his body reacted as well.

  His beautiful princess walked in wearing a white shirt that barely revealed a dark bra underneath. Sandals protected her feet and black shorts gripped her heart shaped posterior. Her green eyes lifted his spirits even higher and her voice was heavenly. “Connor, you look so much better today. Are you feeling any better?”

  He stood up saying “Yes, I do especially after your father’s latest treatment.” Connor hugged her and she beamed.

  “What kind of treatment?” Jillian walked in with several bags full of food and clothes. She sat the bags down to look at them.

  Jack also stood by his side. “I just gave him a little more stamina.”

  Jillian came up and then kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks, My Love. I was going to go over today and do it myself, but you beat me too it.”

  Sarah let go and hugged Jack and the look on his face was priceless. He went completely rigid and his face went nearly sheet white. It was like he never had a spontaneous hug from her before. As she pulled back he spoke quietly. “What was that for?”

  “Father, that was for helping Connor to feel better.” She hugged him again and he softened. “You saved him.”

  He finally chuckled. “Hey, I can’t let my son-in-law die when we are just getting to fight with each other. There is still more punishment I’ve yet to deal.”

  Connor laughed and everyone turned to look at him. “Hey that’s the best compliment you have given me yet.”

  They all began to smile like idiots.

  An hour later after the car was unloaded Connor asked Sarah “What have you been up to today? Did you leave the store anything in stock?”

  “Shopping.” She answered simply, wearing that kind of grin meant he was in dire trouble.

  “What did you buy?” He asked in a cautious and guarded voice.

  “You will find out whe
n we get home.” She smiled even brighter at saying it again. And it was then that he really felt that danger loomed overhead.

  After everything Jillian bought was put away, Jack helped Connor out by putting everything Sarah bought into the wagon. The wagon looked like a muffin that mushroomed over the sides and top of it. It was heavy yet light enough for him to drag home.

  Sarah held the sides of the bags as they forced the wagon inside the front door of their home. As he sat down in the kitchen he said to Sarah “Last night was the first meal you cooked for me, but I forgot what you made me. I’m sorry.”

  She walked over and sat on his lap in the kitchen. She looked at him with a wry, playful smile that was spirit lifting. “We had meatloaf. And I don’t blame you for forgetting. You probably had something else on your mind.” She rested her head on his collar bone.

  Feeling playful Connor said lightly “Yeah, I saw a living goddess blushing at a raging erection.” Her head shot up and looked at him before her face flushed. Unexpectedly she wrapped her arms around her neck and pulled him to her lips. Her kiss was even more rejuvenating than getting energy directly from Jack.

  “I was so worried about you after what happened last night.” Her eyes started to fill with tears and her voice quivered. “When we got home I saw how drained and weak you were. I wanted you to have something good for you to go to sleep with.” Tears spilled down her cheeks.

  Using his thumb to wipe away her tears he said “Sarah, just being with you keeps away all of the nightmares.” And Connor thought of a way to get her mind off of himself. “You’re lucky you know that.”

  “How was I lucky when you were the one to get hurt?” Her voice strengthened and her eyes began to harden.

  “If I wasn’t so tired, I wouldn’t have been able to restrain myself in the shower with you. We’d be mated… or did you already forget my… reaction?” And it worked perfectly because she stood quickly and her face went red.

  She looked around for something to take her mind away from the thoughts in her head while he enjoyed making them. “Umm… Umm…Connor, go to our room and I will show you what I bought.” He stood, walked over to kiss her head and then followed her order to reside in the bedroom until she came in.

  Connor heard her quick footfalls in the kitchen along with the refrigerator door opening and closing a few times. With the sounds of the pantry door closing ten minutes later, she knocked on the bedroom door. He said “This is our home. You never need to knock.” She came in bashfully, holding two large bags of clothing. She handed over the two bags. Opening them he smiled up at her.

  “These are for you, Connor. Please try them on for me?” She looked a little uncomfortable. Perhaps she was still daydreaming as he was.

  “Before I do can I ask you a personal question?” She looked up at him with those soul searching eyes. She nodded, still slightly flushed. “Why did you choose to be a teacher? I suspect that you don’t need the money because these are top of the line designer clothes.”

  “I hoped you wouldn’t notice that little detail.” She sighed “Why should I be surprised now? You notice everything.”

  “Only because I am in love with the woman I’m noticing.” And he tapped the bed and she sat next to him and looked at the floor.

  “This subject doesn’t leave this room. Not even Father and Mother know the exact reason why I’m a teacher these days.” Connor said “Ok.” and she went on by saying “Yes Connor, I do not need any money whatsoever. I have saved and invested much in my lifetime. But if I didn’t teach, I would never have met you.” She looked up at him with a happy smile and matching eyes. “I teach because it keeps me close to normal humans. I like meeting new faces and personalities. Since I have lived for over seven human lifetimes, I’ve noticed just how truly short life is. I need to feel like I can give something to my students during their short terms in this unjust world. I know it sounds foolish…”

  Connor put his arm around her. “It is foolish…” She looked at him like he was making fun of her. “But it’s one of the things I love about you. You help while I protect. There will never be a better combo than the two of us.” He kissed her temple and she fell silent.

  Connor stood up, carrying the bags she bought. “Where are you going?” He held up the bags and walked to the bathroom. He tried on all of the clothes she bought and remarkably they all fit comfortably. And Connor never thought he could look this good when he saw his reflection. She knocked on the bathroom door and asked “How do they fit?” She walked in and went speechless.

  “You have outdone yourself this time.” He walked up and kissed her.

  She shook her head to clear her mind and her hair went everywhere, but it was still so amazing just to watch. She mumbled “Greek God.” and looked up to say more clearly “Sit down.” He sat on the commode and she pulled out a pair of scissors and a cloth from the drawer beside the sink. She wrapped the cloth around his thick neck and gave a haircut. After she finished she left and walked in the living room with a pleased expression.

  Following her he noticed on the table all of the graded papers she put on hold this weekend for him. “Princess, I have work around the house while you do your teacher thing…” and she laughed at his wording.

  Later that night they slept soundly in each other’s arms.

  Waking up early Monday morning and feeling normal again Connor put on his newly purchased clothes after he shaved. She bought all dark clothes and they were all mostly black, but all of the shirts were sleeveless and all of the bottoms were shorts along with boxers. Looking in the mirror he smiled at the reflection and thought “Wow! Is this really me? My arms are huge and so are my legs! This short haircut really makes my jaw more defined, but how will others react to my eyes? The armlet fits perfectly. I look like a hulking shadow.”

  Connor stepped out of the bathroom to see Sarah leaning on the wall, wearing a green top and white shorts. “Well look who it is… My Knight looking more handsome than ever before.” She pushed herself off the wall and gave him a good morning kiss.

  He loved living alone with her.

  Before they left he grabbed Sarah’s bag while she grabbed two thick sandwiches. They walked together through the trees and ate their breakfast. They talked about nothing in particular as they crossed the tree line of her parent’s property. It was still a dark morning, and as they came upon Jillian’s house they heard “Brother! Can I ride with Sarah this morning?” When she ran up to them she stopped and her chocolaty eyes completely widened. “Brother? Is that really you? It can’t be…”

  “Yes Kara, it is.” Sarah said happily. His easily excitable sister squealed and ran up to hug him, but she stopped mid-jump and turned to hug Sarah instead.

  “You are a miracle worker, Big Sister!” She laughed with delight as did Sarah.

  “Big Sister huh… so that’s how you see her.” “Kara, what do you think of my new look?” Connor spun around just for her.

  “I think no one will recognize you. That will be a given.” And Sarah agreed. “Sarah, you going to need to get a stick, a very big stick.”

  “Why would I need one?”

  Bluntly, Kara elaborated “To beat away the competition. Now my brother is Hot and the girls are going to flock to him like never before!” At her words, Sarah’s fear, insecurity and jealousy came to life in her eyes like she might actually lose him.

  “Sarah, I am yours as you are mine. If anyone comes between us I will stop them if they are a guy and you do the same for the girls.” She smiled in acceptance.

  Sarah looked at his obnoxious little sister and then towards him. “I think we need to go. Connor, will you ride with us?”

  Connor shook his head. “No we can’t be seen so close together until this last week of school is over. After that, everything will be fair game.” She nodded in understanding, but still looked upset. He walked up and kissed her. All of her fears vanished instantly to be replaced with love. Connor felt grateful he could do so much to her. Then
she began winding her fingers through his hair.

  “Why don’t you two just get a room?” Kara said impatiently.

  Connor pulled away from Sarah to look at his annoying little sister. “Why don’t you and Mark go do the same?” Her face went red and she stomped away silently and in embarrassment. He kissed Sarah’s head before starting his run.

  It felt good to stretch his legs with a good sprint through the trails that led to the school. Not a single speck of dirt or piece of nature clung to the new attire. He ran as fast as he could, almost flying through the forest and noticed that since he’s built the cottage that he had become slightly faster. He shaved nearly five minutes off his normal run and still felt great. He didn’t even break a sweat.

  Arriving at school Connor walked over to his favorite tree and climbed it.

  Mark showed up later with a shout. “Connor, is that you up there?” Feeling better than ever he lunged out of the oak tree and in front of Mark’s path as he walked up. “No Way!” His jaw hung by its hinges.

  “Yep, it’s me Bud. What do you think?” Connor smiled meaningfully at his best friend.

  Mark spoke, wide eyed, with his silver eyes blazing with excitement. “I think that you’re now the manliest man in the entire school. It looks like I’ve finally gotten some honest competition. No one will notice who you are with that new look. I can’t wait till they realize...”

  They talked continually until the first morning bell rang. Staring straight ahead through the hallways Connor heard what people were saying with his excellent hearing.

  From some of the guys he heard “Who is that? Is he new here?” “What is up with those muscles?” “Is he a pro bodybuilder or something?” “What is he doing here?” “We need him for football practice.” “Could he be a student or a new teacher?” And on and on it went.

  From some of the girls: “Who is that hunk?” “Is he a movie actor?” “Did you see his butt? What about those arms?” “Who is he?” “Do you think he’s nice or naughty? I’m hoping naughty.” The schools female population’s gossip grew more rowdy and racy from there.

  During lunch, Mark sat beside Connor while he crossed his ankles on the bench and threw his head back to enjoy the sun with closed eyes. All this attention was new, but ever so fun to watch people trip over themselves. Everyone kept glancing at him as he looked around the courtyard towards the end of the allotted time before the next class.

  One timid little girl approached the two of them while Connor glanced around her to see a flock of other girls telling her to go on and speak to him. “Excuse me?” She said quietly and timidly. She wore a purple top and beige short. She was cute, but nothing compared to his goddess.

  “May I help you?” She almost jumped out of her skin as Connor spoke deeply and with unleashed confidence.

  “Umm… Yes, my friends and I would like to know what you are doing at our school so late in the year. Where did you transfer from?”

  Connor laughed as did Mark. They’ve been waiting all day for someone to have the nerve to come up and personally ask those questions. “I didn’t transfer in from anywhere. I have always gone to this school. I’m Connor.”

  “I don’t understand? Connor who? I don’t ever remember you coming here. I would have remembered. No one around here looks like you do.” She looked honestly confused.

  “Let me try another way. You might know me by my nickname.” Mark still laughed as his friend continued to tease the poor girl. Connor forced his expression to remain calm, but he wanted to laugh as hard as Mark was doing.

  “What is your nickname?” She really wanted to know despite Mark’s incessant laugh.

  Connor leaned forward and froze her with his stare, enjoying the reaction. “Everyone here Call’s me… The Black Sheep!” He said in an annoyed voice.

  As she tried to remember the nickname and place it with her older memory of him, she froze completely still suddenly. Her face paled and she looked at him again, more closely. She then looked at Mark who no longer laughed and he nodded in confirmation. Her voice became shaky “Umm… Connor I… I have to… a… a…” She turned and ran as fast as she could back to her friends, and for safety. As she told them who he was, their faces paled and they looked at him and back to her like she just lied to them.

  Connor stood up from the bench and Mark followed as he walked up to the girl’s table. The students in the courtyard followed his movements as he walked over to them. The little girl who had the nerve to talk, moved over, but stayed close enough to hear what he had to say. Connor leaned down so that only the girls at the table could hear what was to be said. He spoke softly, but they didn’t move or breathe. “Yes ladies. It is me Connor, the Black Sheep.”

  One girl bluntly said “But it’s impossible. Why would you look the way you did, if you look so…”

  Mark spoke up and saved him because Connor was going to say something not appropriate to say in front of a lady. “He is finally done with everyone kicking him around. He’s now showing everyone who they’ve been messing with.”

  The first bell rang a few seconds later. Mark and Connor walked away and as they did, almost everyone flocked to the girls table and stopped when they saw their stunned faces. It made the two of them laugh all the more.

  Just before the last bell rang, signifying the start of science, Connor opened the door and walked into class. Mr. V. walked up to Connor with guarded eyes as he looked the student over. The old man stared directly at his knotted arms for a minute, probably trying to figure out if he was dangerous. In fact Connor was; if he dared cross him again. As he looked down at the teacher he asked sharply. “Excuse me, but I think you have the wrong class.”

  The rest of the class watched him and he heard one guy ask quietly to his peer “Is the new guy in our class?” “Nah, this class is already full.”

  “You’re wrong Mr. V. I am in this class and have been all year.”

  “Bull… I think I should know all my students by now!” He snarled while getting a little red and sweaty.

  “Really? Is that so? Hmm… I wonder?” Connor easily sidestepped him, making him gasp at the level of agility he possessed. He walked through the rows of chairs to his empty desk as everyone in the class silently watched the leisurely gait.

  Connor sat in his usual desk in the back of class and as the sun hit him his armlet flashed its reflection in Mr. V’s face. The annoying teacher’s expression paled as he began putting the pieces together and his voice sounded in disbelief. “It cannot be! Connor?” Everyone in the class started mumbling his name to one another with mistrust and skepticism.

  Connor silenced the crowd by saying “I’m back and not one damn person in this school knew who I truly was. I’m done taking your taunts and punishments because your personal lives are miserable. Now you can all see who I really am.”

  Mr. V. hates cursing, unless he does it himself. Such a hypocrite. His voice steeled and took on a demeaning tone. “Connor, why do you look like that? Are you on drugs or something?” His face turned red with fury.

  “Are you going to start class or are we going to start playing twenty questions?” Connor sounded bored because he was; especially with the teacher. A girl in the front of the class giggled at the forceful question to take the spotlight off himself and put it back on the teacher.

  Mr. V. remained angry, but chose the right path and started class.

  Mr. V. was doing the day’s lecture while standing behind the computer on his desk. During his lengthy speech he stated “There are only one hundred and sixteen elements in the periodic table of the elements…”

  “Wrong! There are one hundred and eighteen currently known elements and it is still growing with each and every scientific discovery and manmade breakthrough! Science isn’t set in stone and is subject to change, you should learn to do the same.” His expression was in shock. Connor took it as a sign to finally put him in his rightful place. “The elements are separated into two broad classifications; Metals and Nonm
etals. The Metals are then broken and divided again into Alkali, Alkaline Earth, Lanthanides, Actinides, Transition elements, Other metals and Metalloids. The Nonmetals break down into Other nonmetals, Halogens and noble gasses. Anything that hasn’t been classified yet is put into the Unknown category until it can be properly manufactured or found. Some have theorized that there are more than two hundred and fifty elements, but until the theories can be effectively applied or discovered we’ll not know.” He spoke clearly so that Mr. V. and everyone else could hear him.

  The entire class looked at him as if Connor had lost his mind for interrupting a teacher, while the vein in Mr. V’s forehead vein visibly pulsed. His face became even redder, if it could be possible. “Connor!” He yelled directly at him. “I will not be disrespected in my own class!”

  Connor zeroed his eyes onto the balding hypocrite. “You mean like how you have always disrespected me in front of everyone!” Connor’s temper rose, but his voice turned to cold steel. The teacher looked like he was going to murder him until Connor stood up from his seat. He stared down the science teacher like he was a misbehaving child. His classmates took a quick deep breath and held it.

  Mr. V’s. face began to pale and ashen as Connor walked around his table and stood in the man’s personal space. He stood with his back facing the class as Connor stood in front of him, staring down upon him with cold anger. To the students it must have looked like a fat, balding miniature poodle faced off an enraged and massive Great Dane. He set his angered gaze to look down the pompous fool in front of him. One forceful command passed Connor’s teeth that the teacher probably has never heard before from a student. “Move!”

  As he obeyed and moved over from the computer Connor felt the atmosphere of the class change and actually heard the class exhale a deep breath, as one, with relief. As Connor bent down to work on his computer he went on the internet and pulled up an updated Periodic table. Once it was pulled up he stood tall, towering over the now weak man who was all bark compared to Connor’s bite.

  “I said you were wrong Mr. V. Look here at the element chart and it back’s my objection to your outdated chart that is over forty years old.” Walking past him and back to his seat the teacher looked down at the computer and looked over the screen. Sitting down at his chair Connor caught his attention again. “Next time, study up before you look like a fool in front of all your students. Especially, if there is a student who knows more about the elements and sciences than you do!”

  After a minute of stunned silence Mr. V said in a restrained voice “Alright Mr. May, let’s see if you are as good as you say you are.”

  Over the next fifteen minutes he gave an oral quiz in the middle of class. Connor answered all of his questions instantly and correctly as he read off of the computer in front of his desk. Having an eidetic memory came in handy. The teacher let out a sigh and looked up in disbelief “How do you know all of this?”

  Connor startled him and the rest of the class by laughing. “Didn’t anyone miss me this past month or did you find another person to torment in my stead?” He looked around at everyone’s stunned silence. “I guess no one missed me whatsoever.” He shifted in the seat and sat straight up. “The reason for my absence was that I received many acceptance letters and scholarships from well recognized Colleges. Harvard, Yale, Brown. Mainly in the path of science, after I took their specialized tests when they didn’t believe that I intentionally skewed my high school transcripts to the bare minimum on purpose. I had to prove my knowledge because of my low school grades. I’ve been holding back, trying to keep my grades from making me be more noticed. If I tried I could easily go beyond an A in every test you threw at me.” Their stunned faces couldn’t be more priceless as they believed his well rehearsed lie. “What? You all thought that not only was I unattractive, but also ignorant?” he started laughing again. “It looks like not even one person knew who I was, let alone any of my capabilities. You’re all simpleminded fools.”

  One kid on the other side of the class room said under his breath “Well I feel a little shallow.”

  Connor looked directly at him “You all should.” His face went white and he nodded saying “Yes, I heard you.” He looked up at Mr. V. “Now can we finish the lesson before the bell rings or all of you going to stare like frightened deer in front of a car? Either way I win. Or do you need another lesson in humility and that your lessons are so outdated I learned them in the fifth grade?” Connor was finally having the greatest day of his life. School didn’t feel so miserable now that he could prove he was more than their shallow misconceptions.

  Mr. V. started class again, but spoke quietly for the rest of the class and he kept glancing at Connor with malice for making him look bad. “Welcome into my former place, old man.”

  Finally the bell rang and the class left silently. Connor’s favorite class was next. Meeting Mark in the hallway and entering History class just before the class started he was stopped in his tracks.