Read Balancer's Soul Page 36


  Throughout the entire school day Sarah kept hearing rumors of a good looking body builder in the school. And she knew who exactly they spoke of, he’s her fiancé and hers alone. Just like he said this morning. All of the young men were talking about how he could have achieved those muscles while the girls wanted to meet him. “Kara, you were right. I am jealous. I can feel the hackles on the back of my neck rising. I need to control myself… Control… Control.”

  As most of the students settled in for the final class of the day Sarah wondered where Connor could be. Her fears were relieved as he walked in the door as the bell rang. What shocked her, Connor and Mark came next.

  Almost everyone stood up and started applauding for Connor, but a snide person remained silent. People were saying “Congratulations” and “Welcome back.” Connor finally unfroze and looked at everyone, he then asked the class “What’s going on in here?”

  One of the girls in the class answered “All of us wanted to say good job for making Mr. V. look like an idiot.” Her name is Caliegh; a former cheerleader.

  “You did what?” Sarah looked at him as he turned to look at her with a smile that relieved her worry.

  The girl answered for Connor. “I was in science when Mr. V. was lecturing us on the elements again. Connor made him look like a frightened child when he stood up. Connor proved that our teacher was lacking compared to his surprising knowledge. We were all surprised. Mr. V. quizzed him in the classroom and he answered everything perfectly. It was almost funny.”

  “Well it’s no wonder, my man is a genius after all.” Sarah said under her breath and she saw Connor smile. “I know. I know. You heard me.”

  Connor still stood at the door along with Mark when another student stood up. “I know all of us treated you like garbage. I was wondering if you would forgive our actions.”

  Connor’s face became an unreadable mask. “No.” He said evenly. Everyone’s eyes went wide including Sarah’s. “Connor, why don’t you forgive them like you do everything else?” “What? You think forgiveness is a right you deserve to be given? You’re all ignorant, pathetic, and lazy children if you think that way. Forgiveness is not given, it is earned! Prove it to yourselves and to me, then one day you might be forgiven. Not everything can be given to you.”

  Connor and Mark walked silently back to their normal seats in the back of the room. The class remained quiet long enough so she started the lesson.

  That night, when they got home Sarah asked him at the dinner table “Tell me what happened during your school day?” Connor made a large mushroom and pepperoni pizza for dinner.

  “I was finally able to show people who I really am. It is all thanks to you, Princess.” And she smiled. Connor asked after another bite “Did you hear any juicy gossip about me before I came into class?”

  “Actually, I did.” And Sarah told him everything that she overheard.

  They both laughed throughout the night telling stories about their day. Sarah really laughed at how he made her colleague look like a know-it-all child who didn’t know anything whatsoever.

  The next three days went by in nearly a blur. In her class the students were trying to be forgiven. She had to give them some credit. They were actually trying. The students asked many questions about him and what he was about, without malice. One of the male students asked “Connor, where do you work out? How did you develop this physique?”

  “I’m an outdoorsman. I hike long distances, travel, track and I run to school and back every day.”

  His follow up question was “Then how many miles do you run in any given day?”

  “At least sixteen miles… Why?” And everyone looked at each other like Connor just grew another head.

  Just before the bell rang to signal the end of the school day Sarah sat at her desk and saw a beautiful girl with an olive tone complexion walk up to Connor. It was Caliegh again, the former cheerleader captain. She wore a low cut white shirt that showed her black bra and endowed breasts that were larger and more defined than hers were. She also had a low cut blue jean shorts that exposed long legs. She had a curvy, hourglass figure that sent every male begging to her like little puppies looking for a good toy to chew on.

  Her rich and silky voice asked Connor who was looking the other way “Connor?” He turned his head to look at her with a confused expression. “Connor, is it alright if I ask a personal question?” Her hands were twirling her long strawberry blonde hair.

  “I’ll answer it if I can. Go ahead.” His voice was even.

  “Do you have a girlfriend?” She looked away trying to be shy, which Sarah knew she was faking. If she knew, so did Connor. Sarah felt so very jealous, but she couldn’t say anything until tomorrow afternoon.

  Connor burst out with laughter which made everyone look at him. “What are you planning?” He slowly stood up, towering and eclipsing over the girl. He rested his hand gently on her shoulder. Connor spoke softly “Caliegh, I am sorry that was rude, but yes I am taken.”

  Mathew interrupted rudely saying “Yeah right!”

  Connor simply looked at Mathew, which shut him up instantly. “Don’t interrupt me when I speak to a lady.” He looked back down to her and he continued speaking calmly. “I’m sorry about that. Some people are just innately rude and inconsiderate.” He removed his hand and looked around the class as he softly said “Do not ask me about her because I will not explain. My love life is none of your concern.” Caliegh turned away blushing from being turned down.

  The bell rang and everyone left the class except Mark and Connor. Mark elbowed him in the ribs “Well are you going to tell your best friend who this mystery woman is?” He shot a playful glance at her.

  “I think I can trust you. She’s actually an underwear supermodel.” Connor shot a playful smile at her.

  “Well she must be quite a woman to be able to put up with you.”

  “Your right about that. She has to also be capable of feeding him too.” Sarah finally chipped in and the three of them had a small laugh at their mild idiocy.

  The next morning Sarah looked up from the bed to see Connor laying on his side, looking at her passionately and wearing the smile that she loves. She yawned and turned on her side and moved closer, bringing her body flush with his. “Connor, what’s gotten you so happy this morning?”

  His smile widened “Think, Princess. What is today?”

  Thinking and not fully awake she retorted “It’s Friday.”

  His particular smile made her wake up just a little bit quicker. She became fully awake after he said his next statement. “Yes it is Friday and it’s the last day of school. We will no longer be restricted after today. We may do as we will.”

  “Your right,” Comprehension grew by the moment. She could finally be with Connor completely. His hand slipped down to clutch her bottom as he pulled her closer to his face. She loved the firm feel of his hands on her. They kissed with relief knowing that the deadline will be over in a few short hours.

  Connor wore the usual dark tops and bottoms that he modeled for the last day of school as she wore a sunny yellow top with blue jeans.

  As this was the last day Sarah noticed that for the last day of school they always throw a school wide party for all classes. All of the clubs had a different booth. There were so many games like karaoke, tug of war, flag football, water balloon fights, dunk the teacher, ring the bell and many other relays. As this is the last day the school, it will close earlier at one rather than three in the afternoon. Like the students, teachers may do as they like and play the games, but they need to keep an eye out for any troublemakers.

  Connor met up with her and was followed by both Mark and Kara. Kara wore her usual pink top and orange pants while Mark wore a silver shirt and silver shorts. “Hello everyone, what should we do first?” Sarah asked as soon as they were close enough to speak conversationally.

  “I know, let’s show off the new and improved Brother!” Kara chirped.

  “No wa
y!” Connor didn’t want to show off. Sarah’s grin spread.

  “I second Kara’s proposal.” This came from his best friend Mark, who wore a feral smile. He looked as giddy as his girlfriend, and she approved.

  Connor looked at Sarah with pleading eyes. She smiled widely and then said “I’m sorry Connor, but I want you to show off in front of everyone too. Show them what you are made of.” She patted him on the back.

  Kara ran up beside Sarah and took her arm in her own. “You hear that, Brother! That’s three to one. Now let’s go and have some fun.” Kara dragged Sarah to the Ring the Bell booth. The line grew long and full of boys trying to show off their manhood by slamming the rubber mallet on the lever, to try and ring the bell at the top of the tower.

  Mark and Connor stood in line for ten minutes, under some subtle coaxing from their women. As they waited, Kara and Sarah only heard three people ring the bell out of twenty, but only just a faint chime could be heard. As Mark came up first, the operator handed him the mallet. Mark tested the weight of the object in his hands. Connor stood back as Mark positioned himself in front of the red lever. As Mark’s mallet struck the lever with a speed that seemed difficult to achieve with his frame, many heard the bell ring louder than the previous times. Mark came up to Kara with a pink teddy bear. “This is for you.” She took it with a red face and a grateful smile.

  Now it was her Connor’s turn to try and make some noise for the crowd. Sarah heard some of the people talking about him and wondering if his highly developed muscles were all for show. That put a smile on quite a few faces. They were all proven wrong in thinking all his hard work didn’t have a meaning or use.

  The operator was a small girl that looked to be a sophomore and she walked up and tried to hand him the mallet. “Here you go.”

  Connor waved his hand away from the little girl. “No thank you. I won’t be needing that toy.” She looked confused while everyone in line started laughing at Connor’s boast. He balled up his fist and walked up to the lever, took a small breath and swung his fist like Mark swung the hammer. As Connor’s fist met the board the ringer shot straight up and hit the bell with a loud TING and everyone in the line and the other spectators went completely silent. The ring was so loud that it echoed several times within the courtyard. Kara, Mark and Sarah were among the speechless. The crowd more so.

  Moments later Kara yelled “Way to go, Brother!” And then everyone wanted to congratulate Connor, but he walked over to the gift rack with a smile on his face and picked a present from the box. He smiled and quickly shoved it in the bag before Sarah had a chance to see what he picked.

  From then on, every guy had two tries at Ring the Bell. They tried their best to copy what Connor did, only for all of them to utterly fail in the attempt. Not one even reached half the distance. From then on everyone got two tries; one with their fist and the other with the mallet. One kid hurt his hand attempting this stunt.

  Connor came up to the three of them with a grin. “Have I showed off enough for you three yet?”

  “Not in the least, next we need to dunk the teacher.” Mark said and then turned to look at Sarah.

  “Oh No, No, No. Think again. I’m not getting dunked.” Kara saved her from the dreaded dunk tank by turning Mark’s playful glare away.

  As all four of them got in line they noticed that it wasn’t a teacher, but the principal himself who sat behind the net and on a board designed to drop him in the water beneath him. He was a tall and thin man but recently he’s grown a beard. Sarah still needed to thank him for finding another place for her to reach her mail. The principal seemed a stern man, but he loves to make fun of himself so that’s why he was in there.

  Sarah went first up and she threw three times and only managed to dunk him once. Kara was next and she hit the plate dead center all three times. “Wow Kara. You have really good aim.” Sarah said in astonishment, but she cut into the congratulations. Her chocolate eyes were twinkling in excitement.

  “Wait till you see Brother…” She left Sarah hanging.

  Connor went next and took the three baseballs from the operator and walked away. Everyone began yelling for him to come back, they thought he was stealing the balls until he pivoted and turned around. He now stood three times further back than the yellow line. He took one ball and threw it. You could hear the ball whistling through the air and all you could hear was the loud clang of the ball hitting a bull’s eye on the plate. Everyone went speechless again as he did it two more times, proving he knew what he was doing. He walked up with a smile to the prizes again and did the same thing with another prize hidden in his bag.

  Not to be outdone, Mark did the exact same thing that Connor achieved. The ball whistled through the air and hit the plate every time. It was remarkable how well Mark could keep up with Connor. He gave Kara a purple rubber bracelet as his prize because they didn’t have her favorite color. “It looks like both of our men like to give us presents, right Kara?” Her face turned beat red and she nodded as Sarah whispered this in her ear.

  “Well what’s next on your to do list?” Connor looked directly at Sarah with a smile that said he was actually beginning to have fun.

  She looked around and saw the perfect thing for him to do “That!” and then pointed. He looked where she pointed and said “Really? Well if you say so… Hey Mark would you like to pair up?”

  Mark looked over to see what they were discussing and his eyes glistened as he saw her idea. “Oh Buddy, they are all going to so hate us after this. Hey wait a minute, come here for a second. I have an awesome plan.” Connor went over and leaned down to let Mark whisper in his ear. Connor had a feral smile growing. And they suddenly took off into the crowd.

  Kara stood next to Sarah and she too had the same smile on that Connor just had. “Kara, did you hear their plan?”

  She turned that smile on Sarah and grabbed her wrist. She dragged her through the crowd saying “Oh you are going to love this, Sarah. No one will ever forget this! Not after today.” Sarah had a deep and strange feeling that she wouldn’t be proven wrong.

  Finally reaching the destination Sarah heard Mark issue a challenge to the crowd. “Everyone Listen Up! The former Black Sheep, Connor and I issue a challenge to anyone who thinks that they can beat us in a match of Tug of War!”

  “I accept the challenge!” Sarah knew that voice anywhere, Mathew.

  Kara standing beside her said “Yes… Their plan is working.” And it finally dawned. They issued a challenge aimed at the people who picked on them for so long and this would be their revenge. A feral grin too spread over her face as Sarah thought about the humiliation their two men were about to serve up.

  “I too accept!” Came a deep voice from the crowd. It was her disrespectful colleague Mr. V. It was no real surprise that these two idiots took the bait so easily.

  A total of seven men accepted the challenge, the others were also from the football team. The tug of war challenge was a solid piece of rope and between the long rope laid a large, hungry pit of black, muddy water. The school’s faculty and students all surrounded the arena. Everyone came to witness. This event would be told for years to come. What came next stunned the entire audience and the challengers except for Kara and herself.

  As the seven men stood by the rope Connor looked at Mark and yelled in his deep voice. “LET’S DO IT!” Mark went first. He grabbed his silver shirt and pulled it off over his head. His torso muscles were bulging on his smaller frame. next to his friend, Mark’s chest was hairier, but no less impressive.

  Next came Connor’s shocking performance. He pulled off his shirt to reveal the body of a Greek God. His black X was perfectly centered on his chest and was announced to the world. The result of seeing this silenced the crowd. Mark’s torso looked like an exact replica of Connor’s, but only on a smaller scale. It was truly a sight of two perfect male specimens.

  The men who accepted the challenge looked at each other and looked like lambs being led to the slaughter. If Mark
’s and Connor’s grins said anything, they said ‘That’s exactly where you all are heading.’

  Sarah immediately heard some people gossiping. “Look at that big tattoo on his chest!” “Look at those muscles that those two have!” “What are they made of?” and so on…

  Kara whispered in Sarah’s ear “Let’s be the Ref’s.” She took her hand again and led to the edge of the muddy water. Kara yelled “Are the challengers ready? Are the Beefcake’s ready?” At that everyone laughed and Mark said “I’m ready to show some losers what it’s like to be dumped on.” Connor didn’t say anything, but his eyes were blazing with payback.

  Mathew yelled to his companions “They are only two and we are seven. We can take out these freaks and put them back in their rightful places.” And the other men agreed. They quickly grasped their rope in hopes of feeling superior to the two men standing across the black water.

  Sarah felt slightly shocked by the strength of her voice as were everyone else. “Quality always trumps Quantity! And all of you are going to find that out the hard way!” She looked at Mathew and Mr. V. pointedly. “Get ready…” The nine men picked up the rope and took away the slack. “GO!!!” And the challengers pulled with all of their strength.

  As all of the men pulled, Mark let go of the rope, stepped aside and allowed Connor to do everything by himself. “Mark, what are you doing…? Oh now I see.” Connor jaw was set as were his eyes. Everyone soon started to laugh at Connor, thinking he couldn’t take on everyone by himself until he proved the spectators wrong. Both of Connor’s feet were firmly planted and the muscles on his arms were proving that Connor clearly had the strength equal to the seven men. Thirty seconds passed and Connor didn’t budge a single inch. The challengers were still pulling with everything they had and they were dripping with sweat. They even tried jerking the rope, but didn’t gain the effect they were hoping for. Seven large men began growing more and more tired while their lone opponent barely broke a sweat and looked to still have a huge reservoir of strength.

  Connor finally shouted “Mark! Now!”

  Mark grabbed the rope in front of his best friend and dug his heels in. He pulled. As the two men pulled, they gained four feet on the first tug. The duo didn’t yank the leash this time, but they started running backwards at an incredible speed. They pulled the seven men into the mud pit like they were being pulled by a freight train. They had no chance of avoiding the inevitable outcome.

  The wet and dirty men looked like the creatures from the black lagoon as they eventually pulled themselves out. It was funny because Mr. V. was cursing as well as Mathew did.

  Everyone was still silent until Sarah said “Told you Quality trumps Quantity.” Then the crowd laughed and came running to congratulate the victors.

  Sarah overheard some of the later comments. “How was he strong enough to do any of that, let alone Mark?” “Did you see that tattoo? It was awesome!” “I wish I was that strong!” Her favorite comment came from a little girl she didn’t recognize. “I wish that I could be his girlfriend instead of this mystery woman he’s dating. Lucky girl!” and she sighed. “Your right child I am lucky and so very proud.”

  Connor and Mark walked past everyone, putting on their shirts again and walked up to Kara and herself. Everyone walked away and left them to speak in private. Mark spoke first and he radiated pride. “So ladies what do you think of our spectacular performance?”

  Kara said awkwardly “I’m just glad that you two waited until today to show off. If you would have showed everyone who you really were, we would have never gotten a chance. Sarah with Connor and me with you. I’m lucky we knew who you really were before all this.” She looked down at the grass. None of them had ever seen her look shy before. It was frightening.

  “I agree with Kara.” She looked up at Sarah with a faint smile. “If you two didn’t hide yourselves we would never have gotten so close.”

  Mark walked up to Kara and gave her a hug. Connor said for all of them to hear “Listen you two. We would never date shallow girls, we chose quality women instead.” And Mark agreed with every word.

  Twenty minutes later the final bell rang, signaling the end of the last day of school. As the students and faculty left, Connor looked at Mark. “Looks like we don’t need to hide anymore.” The four of them sat on an outside bench in the courtyard together.

  “Your right, Buddy! The three of us are now graduated seniors.” Mark took Kara in his arms and firmly planted a kiss on her lips. Her eyes went wide, but soon she got the idea and wrapped her arms around his head and returned the gesture. As they separated, she asked breathlessly “Wow. What was that for?” He answered with only a coy smile. He looked at Connor and Connor nodded. Mark walked away from the two of them holding hands with Kara.

  “What was that all about?” Sarah turned to look at Connor.

  He wasn’t paying attention to her because he began digging in the bag he has been hiding from her all day. He quickly put something in her hands that felt very soft yet hard. Looking down, Sarah saw a doll. It wasn’t just any old doll, it was a porcelain doll that truly is a real antique. It was wearing a black and green dress and it wore a tiara. “Is this doll a princess?”

  “Yes it is. And it is a matching pair with this.” He sat down another doll in her hand, only this one was wearing a black suit of armor. “I thought it was a good reference to us since you are my princess.” He spoke softly.

  Tears started filling in her eyes. “And you are my knight.” He bent closer and she met him halfway with a kiss of her own. As they separated she asked “Would you like to go home? I need some peace and quiet from all of today’s events.” He nodded and for the first time he rode inside her car.

  As Sarah parked the car in the garage she saw her mother’s face framed in the window, looking at them closely. Jillian shook her head and then nodded, her expression was easy to read. She was asking if Sarah made her choice. Even if she didn’t contact her with her telepathy, Sarah knew exactly what she was asking without being wry.

  Sarah nodded.

  Jillian’s face started radiating pure joy. Sarah saw her disappear from the window before Connor had a chance of spotting her.

  As they left her parents garage, Connor entwined their fingers and walked in silence through the forest. It felt as if they made it to the cottage in seconds because Sarah’s thoughts were going in every direction. Connor was being a gentleman, allowing her to enter first. He didn’t say anything about her silence or perpetual blushing.

  They ate an average dinner that she made to keep her hands from being idle. As they ate her heart continued thrumming like a humming bird’s. As he finished his meal first he finally asked “You have been awfully quiet lately. What’s the problem? Maybe I can help.” Her face went deep red at his innocent statement. She started eating faster to keep her mind occupied. As she finished and looked up, he moved his chair back and took the plates off the table to put them in the sink. He sat back down and just waited patiently for an answer.

  Taking a few deep breaths to try and calm her nerves, which didn’t work, Sarah asked “Did you enjoy yourself today?”

  “Yes I did because I was able to show off for you. I’m not sure things could get any better.” His dreamy eyes spoke the honest truth and hope blossomed in her chest. “Why prolong this hungry ache?” In a quiet voice she asked “Are you sure about that?” He tilted his head, searching for an answer. “Now that we are free to do as we like… I was wondering…? If you…well … We?” Sarah decided to blurt it out quickly. “Connor I want to be your mate. Do you still want to be mine?”

  “Yes.” No doubt even registered in Connor’s eyes as he spoke immediately.

  “Good, let’s finally become one!” Sarah stood and grabbed his hand to lead him towards their bedroom. “It is finally time we become whole.”

  There wasn’t anything else keeping them apart.

  It was time to connect.