Read Balancer's Soul Page 50


  For the next two hours they talked about the carnival and what went down at graduation. And then Kara asked “Speaking of… How are you feeling, Brother?”

  Connor tore his eyes away from his blunt sister. Looking up he noticed that the sun had gone down and the stars were twinkling in the clear night sky. The light given off from the fire reflected off the trees eerily. He added a few sticks into the fire to keep the night’s cool air from chilling them. Then his hip was beginning to feel sore so he took Tool out and laid it next to himself, on the ground.

  Looking back at Kara who waited intently and impatiently for an answer, he retorted “I’m fine Kara. I wasn’t hurt too bad, luckily.”

  “But there was so much blood?” She sounded worried.

  “It was only a small cut.” Connor felt Sarah shift uncomfortably next to him. Putting his arm around her for comfort, she stilled and leaned in closer to him.

  Mark came to the rescue. “Kara, the head bleeds profusely. Even from a small cut. It usually looks worse than it actually is.” Connor mouthed ‘Thank you.’ and Mark barely nodded for his conformation and then asked Sarah “Are you cold?”

  “Not really, but I am getting slightly famished.” She smiled up at Connor.

  Kara threw her head back and barked a laugh. “I don’t think we brought enough food to fill your bottomless pit.”

  “I think I can survive from the meager morsels we brought with us.” Sarah said giving a small smile to Connor’s sister.

  Mark grabbed the bowl and walked over to the stream to refill its contents while Connor pulled out his pack and grabbed four apples and two family size cans of chili. After tying the rope back to the tree he walked back to the fire.

  Mark had already returned with the bowl full of water and set it over the fire to boil. Connor tossed everyone an apple as an appetizer until the water became hot enough for the cans of chili to be added.

  Connor had forgotten to grab the bowls and cups from their packs and Kara obliged by getting them herself. Kara and Mark ate the first batch of chili and after Connor walked over to the stream again to refill the can; Sarah and he finally ate.

  It was around midnight from the way the crescent moon hung in the clear night sky when Connor said “We had all better get some sleep tonight. The sun will be up in about five hours.”

  No one had any arguments because every single one of them were weary from today’s journey. Connor added a few pieces of oak to the small fire to keep it from dying during the night.

  Kara picked up her quiver and longbow and laid them at the mouth of the shelter. She laid down on the litter and it crackled as it supported her weight. She was then followed by Mark and his weight sunk the litter down into the soil by an inch. They took the left side of the lean-to shelter.

  Sarah went to bed first as Connor stood and washed the utensils, cups and the bowls in the stream. He strung up the metal bowls and cups on the side of the shelter to keep them from getting dirty. He was tired and finally knew everything felt secure enough for the night.

  Crawling into the litter; Sarah was already laying on her side and her back aimed in his direction. As his full weight was taken by the bedding Connor tossed the other half of their sleeping bag over the two of them and then wrapped his right arm over Sarah’s abdomen. She shifted her body to press her back flush against his chest then thought softly in his mind. “It was a bit of work getting up here, but I actually had a good time walking with Kara today.”

  “She’s annoying, but she can keep you entertained for a rather long time.” Connor felt Sarah silently laugh as her back shook.

  “This is the first time I have gone camping with someone else that wasn’t family. I mean I usually go by myself or with my parents. We have this tradition in my family that we go camping together once a year, during the winter solstice.”

  He thought it odd so he asked. “Why on the solstice?”

  “I was born on December 21st over three hundred years ago. It’s better to call my birthday the solstice rather than giving the expressed date. It sounds cooler too.” She turned around on the litter and moved up to look at him, face to face. She wanted to see his reaction he supposed.

  “Can I ask what your exact age is?” He cracked a smile and she smiled back with mirth.

  “Connor, Balancers don’t keep their exact ages like humans do. We count our ages by every century we survive. Last time I checked I was the eleventh youngest of our entire clan. That is unless someone had another daughter in the past twenty five years.”

  “Well if that’s true I would be considered what? Being that I am not even a century old.” At that she smiles his favorite smile.

  “You are considered a Child until you become one hundred. Then you will be considered an Adolescent until you reach the age of five hundred. Then you become an Adult for the next one thousand years. If you reach the age of one thousand five hundred you reach the age of being a Sage.”

  “So I’m a Child huh?”

  “And I’m an Adolescent!” and she giggled silently.

  Connor leaned forward and they kissed softly and quietly. After they ceased the kiss they stared into each other eyes. He had another question. “Are there any more age levels as Balancers?”

  “There is only one more level. They are known as the Elders. There are only thirty Elders and they are our leaders. Each of the them are all well over eight thousand years old!” Her eyes became soft while his eyes went wide.

  He delved into her mind even more to see what she pictured. In her mind she imagined herself holding his hand while staring off into the sunset. Orange streaks from the sun gave everything a new shade of color. Birds flew towards their nests while the wind swirled loose leaves. They stood on a castle terrace smiling at each other. “What is that picture meant to be?”

  “Since you saw it; it was what I imagined us being if we would be lucky enough to one day become Elders.” She smiled at him in longing.

  “I will do whatever it takes to make your dream a reality.”

  “It will be nothing more than a fantasy.” She closed her eyes.

  But still she honestly wanted to become an elder.

  “BULL!” He mentally shouted to her and her eyes shot wide open. “Now that I have your attention; I will make sure that one day you make Elder. Do you know what that means for you?”

  “I sure do. It means that we will have to put up with each other for a LONG time.” Sarah wrapped her arms around his head and held him in her vision. “I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.” Sarah pulled herself closer and gave him one more kiss. Then she stopped suddenly and drew away. “What was that?” Her eyes shot open again as Connor focused his hearing on a noise.

  There was a soft rumbling sound getting steadily louder. It had a gravelly feel to it, but it wasn’t a steady sound, it kept oscillating in and out. Connor didn’t budge a single muscle, nor did she as he tried to figure out where he heard this sound from. It seemed a familiar, dim memory. Then it came to him. Connor started to laugh quietly and he knew Sarah wanted an answer. “Kara’s snoring.” Sarah broke into a smile and she too started to laugh. “She hasn’t snored in years as far as I can remember, since I made her stop.”

  “How were you able to stop the sound of that locomotive?” Sarah gestured with her head towards where the other couple slept.

  “I put one of my dirty socks in her mouth.” Sarah had to take her arms from around his head to cover her mouth to muffle the laughter that shook the litter.

  After a few more minutes, she calmed down, but laughing tears still streamed down her cheeks. Her front was pressed to his and she used his left arm as a firm pillow. Then a similar snore tore alongside Kara’s as Mark snored too. Not long after, she started her gentle and innocent snoring and he knew she was finally asleep. Connor, tired as well, fell asleep not long after.

  The morning came and Connor awoke first. The first rays of light were filling the eastern sky, but the image
of the sun was still hiding below the horizon. It was surprisingly crisp this morning and a thick fog had rolled in the camp. He gently lifted his wife’s head and sat it down gently on the covering. He easily slid out of the bedding and walked to the fire without disturbing anything. It remained burning softly so he added a few more branches and stoked the fire, bringing it more life.

  Connor picked up the bowl and walked to the stream and filled it completely. He returned and put the water over the fire to boil.

  He walked over to the snore section and gently touched Mark’s shoulder. He was asleep in the same position that he did with Sarah. Mark awoke, turning his head slowly and carefully and his eyes focused on the person who disturbed his slumber, looking groggy. He whispered “What time is it?”

  “Early.” Connor whispered “I need some help getting breakfast ready.”

  Mark nodded and slipped out of bed easily without rousing his girlfriend. They walked away from the girls and to the fire before they spoke. “What do you need help with?” Mark said while stretching.

  “The water still needs more time to boil so I think we should go clean up first.” He suggested. Plus Connor needed to put a theory to rest that’s been scratching the back of his mind for a long time.

  Mark nodded and they walked to the suspended packs to get their cleaning supplies. Tool had already been slid into his belt loop as they walked to the stream. Connor stripped down to his boxers and held Tool and a bar of soap. He then entered the frigid stream. The water came nearly up to his hip till he submerged his entire body in the clear water and it about took his breath away. It was like getting punched in the chest. He started lathering his chest when Mark asked “How’s the water?”

  “Crisp!” Connor answered with a shiver and Mark laughed. He also broke down to his boxers and did a cannonball into the stream, splashing everything in sight. Connor had no alternative but to laugh. When he resurfaced Connor saw that the water came up to the middle of his friend’s abdomen. After he finished lathering Connor tossed the bar over to Mark and he started up his cleaning ritual.

  Lucky Tool had been sharpened before they left because it was still sharp enough to shave with, even after its use building the camp shelter. After he finished shaving he dunked himself in the water again and as he came back up he saw Mark’s pupils flash momentarily again. Connor didn’t react in any way as he walked out of the stream. He started drying his legs when Mark said “Do you shave your legs too, Little Missy?” and started laughing.

  “At least someone won’t make a mistake and call animal control on me; unlike someone else I know.” Connor fired back and they both started laughing at each other.

  “Touché. I need to shave as well. Could I use your hatchet?” He tossed Tool and Mark caught it by the handle. He lathered his face with the soap and shaved.

  As Connor finished putting on the spare black pants and shirt, everything that scratched the back of his mind about Mark all fell into place. The past linked together in a rush. The first time Mark went camping and sprained his ankle, Connor couldn’t see where he tripped. How quickly the bruise and the swelling showed up was the next abnormal indication. Mark’s drastic change in muscle development required hours upon hours of labor yet he didn’t do nearly enough. It came about too quickly since Connor knew his lifestyle and he doesn’t work out like he does. What seemed even more odd about the development was that his muscles looked exactly like Connor’s, but only smaller to fit his frame. The way he moved when they brought everyone to the cottage for the first time indicated he knew exactly what he was doing. And most of all, those quick flashes in his eyes weren’t natural. All of the pieces came together and Connor then knew exactly what Mark is.

  He didn’t call him out on it, but at least he finally solved Mark’s big secret.

  After Mark finished shaving and putting on a clean pair of clothes they walked back. They each put their dirty clothes in a plastic bag. Connor took out four small packets and some sealed sausages and meat patties. Mark walked over to collect the bowls and cups. He also grabbed a skillet

  The water finished boiling and with Mark’s help Connor filled four cups full of the boiling water. Mark opened the four packets and poured one packet in each cup. After he stirred them, he sat them down on the ground to cool. Mark handed the skillet over and Connor sat it over the fire; when it was hot enough he used a fork to toss the sizzling meats around.

  Two minutes later the wind changed direction. The smell of food wafted directly towards the shelter and sleeping women. Kara bolted up instantly and practically yelled “Food!” She looked over at the men and scurried over quickly, sitting next to Mark. Sarah on the other hand sat up slowly and rubbed her eyes. She walked over to the group after she untangled herself from the sleeping bag. She yawned and said at the same time “Morning.” She sat down next to Connor and laid her head on his arm.

  “Mark, they should be cool enough now.” He pointed to the steaming cups with the fork.

  As Conner kept flipping the meat around the skillet Mark passed the hot mugs around. He handed a cup to Kara first and she sipped its contents. She moaned as the hot liquid warmed her being and satiated her thirst. “Thank you.” He sat one between his best friend’s feet and handed the other to Sarah who took it gratefully.

  She smelled the cup first before she took a small sip. “This hot chocolate feels really good on a morning like this.”

  The cup between Connors legs allowed the aroma to mix in with the meat. And it was an amazing mix of flavors that assaulted the senses.

  When the meat had thoroughly cooked, everyone held their bowls out and each received the same amount of food. Connor finally sat the skillet down and grabbed the hot cocoa from between his feet, taking the first swallow. Sweetness and warmth hit the stomach and his body started warming up quickly from the cold morning bath. It was going to be a great morning.

  After everyone finished eating Connor washed all of the cooking supplies.

  Not long after, Sarah and Kara went behind the shrubs to the stream and they both cleaned up as well. What became a funny moment was when the men heard Kara yell “Damn! Why didn’t the boys tell us it would be this cold!?”

  Mark and Connor looked at each other and laughed silently knowing why they didn’t tell them. It was to listen for their reactions. It wasn’t disappointing.

  Sarah came back first, fully clothed and her skin looked almost pale white from the cold water. Her long hair stayed dripping wet as she put her dirty clothes away. The bandage he put on her arm yesterday had been taken off gone and she didn’t have a mark on her from where she cut her arm. So she too regenerated as quickly as he does. She quickly walked back to and sat in front of the fire, hoping to draw in its warmth. She looked up at Connor seriously. “That wasn’t funny.”

  “From who’s end?” He smiled yet she didn’t.

  “Let me get this right, you did that for fun?” Her green eyes narrowed and began to darken with resentment.

  The best solution came quickly. “No. So I could do this!” Connor picked her up and sat her in his lap. She squealed and Mark laughed. “Do you understand my reasoning now?” he whispered in her ear and she stilled.

  “I do now.” She leaned back into his chest without saying anything else. Her wet hair dried quickly as his shirt absorbed the moisture.

  Another idea came to him.

  “Are you still cold?” Connor whispered in her ear.

  “Yes.” She thought. He then used a small trickle of power and funneled it through his palm and into her forearm, making sure he didn’t give enough to make his hand glow. “That feels better. Thank you.”

  Kara walked back moments later and saw how Connor held Sarah. She quickly put her clothes away and literally jumped onto Mark’s lap without a moment’s hesitation. He obviously wasn’t ready for her leap as he asked “Kara, what did you do that for?”

  She turned her head to look at him too quickly because her wet hair smacked him in the face. Sarah tri
ed not to giggle, but he felt her body vibrating from the monumental restraint. “Because. I’m just as cold as Sarah is.” He sighed and wrapped his arms around her and she snuggled into his embrace.

  When the girls were finally warmed up the sun was finally high enough to burn the fog away. Sarah looked at Kara and Mark. “What are we going to do for today? It’s your show since you invited us.”

  Kara answered quickly. “We’re hiking. We are going to take in all of the beautiful mountain scenery.” She spread her arms in an exaggerated manor.

  “I think that will be fun.” Sarah said, getting off his lap to stand and stretch.

  Connor filled the canteens with the boiled water and each person hooked one on their belts along with a few energy bars in their pockets. He slid Tool in his belt while Kara strapped her quiver and longbow on. Before they left he pushed some dirt around the campfire to keep the embers warm.