Read Balancer's Soul Page 51


  As they left camp this morning Sarah made sure that her canteen sat securely on her hip. She tucked her shirt into her pants and made sure that her boots were laced properly. When Connor came back, he looked at the three of them. “Ready to go?” He asked everyone. They all were ready and as one; the four of them walked into the forest to get some exploring in.

  Throughout the day they followed the trails and trees. The hills and mountains were even more stunning than Kara led Sarah to believe. Connor pointed out certain tracks of animals from deer to wild pigs, many that even the most skilled trackers would have missed. They relieved themselves periodically throughout the day when a break was required. At one point Connor pointed out a herd of deer in a clearing as they grazed along the mountain side, being oblivious to being watched.

  As the four of them were returning to camp Kara knelt down, studying the ground. “Brother. Take a look at this!”

  They all stopped and walked over to see what Kara spotted. There was an impression in the dirt that had four forward pads and one bigger one that was just behind the four. Plus, there were sharp claw indentations in the dirt. “What did you find Kara?” Mark asked curiously.

  “I think it’s a pack if wild dogs.” She said standing up.

  “Let me take a closer look.” Connor said, kneeling and Kara backed away. He brushed some dead leaves away and walked over to another spot to look at. He stood and walked back to but he looked at her. “Close, but they aren’t wild dogs. These tracks are from Timber wolves.”

  “Are we in any danger from them?” Mark asked.

  “No. Wolves are afraid of humans. Normally you will never see them unless they wanted you to.”

  Sarah asked “How many are in this pack?”

  He scratched his head. “It is a large pack with about seven members.”

  “There must be a lot of game in this area.” Kara put in.

  “Not necessarily.” Sarah said and Kara and Mark looked at her, Connor smiled. “Timber wolves can have about five hundred miles of territory. With a pack of their size I would imagine that they have a large hunting region.”

  Mark and Kara looked at each other and then to Connor. “Hold old are these tracks, Buddy?”

  Connor wore his knowing and testing smile as he said to Mark “You’re old enough to know that they are at least three days old.” Mark’s face became a stone mask, but his eyes went wide yet he remained quiet. “What worries me is that they were either running after something or trying to flee. The spacing between the front and back legs tells they were in a hurry. Since we have only seen one trail, I expect that they were just passing through. I think we are in the clear.”

  That was enough reassurance for everyone.

  They returned to camp just before dark and Connor brought the embers back to life quickly, with the aid of his power over fire. He looked up with innocent eyes. “What? All I did was give it a little push.” And she couldn’t help but smile.

  Since it was a warm day all of their clothes were caked with dirt and sweat. After everyone washed up and changed clothes Mark cooked dinner.

  After the meal Sarah sat down next to Connor as Kara did with Mark. When darkness took over the sky Sarah noticed that the clouds were rolling in and blocking the moonlight, making it eerily dark. Connor added more firewood and made the fire larger, illuminating more of the campsite and it also kept the mountain’s chill away.

  They all sat in silence, watching and listening to the crackle of the fire and the night time noises of nocturnal creatures. Sarah happened to look up to see Mark watching Connor with his silver eyes, intently and showing no emotion. She looked up and saw that Connor was watching as intently with his predatory hazel eyes zeroed in on his target, but he had a small, knowing smile at the corner of his mouth. Had something happened?

  “Connor, what is it? Are the two of you having a fight? ... Why are you two having a staring match?” She thought to him.

  Connor looked down at her and his expression softened. “No real reason, Princess. There isn’t anything to worry about.”

  She wanted to know more so she pushed deeper into his mind and hit a solid wall that he erected of her green eyes as he felt the intrusion. Sarah felt her forehead frown. “Connor, what are you hiding from me?”

  “I’ve just figured a few things out and it’s not my place to reveal this secret to anyone. I’m sorry Princess, but it’s not my place.”

  Sarah laid her head back down on his muscled arm. “That’s alright. It’s a part of why I love you. Even if it annoys me thoroughly when you keep secrets from me; I understand.”

  “I love you.” He thought while wrapping his arm around her back. She moved her head from his arm to his ribs.

  A few minutes later a thick, dry branch went SNAP and some dead leaves were crunching. Something approached.

  Connor and Mark simultaneously jump up instantly, hearing the noise. Sarah felt the breeze left behind as Connor stood using his Balancers speed and Mark moved just as quickly somehow. Connor went into his battle stance holding Tool tightly in his right hand. Mark too was slightly bent forward and instead of his fists being closed his fingers were spread and hooked like the talons of a raptor. They stood shoulder to shoulder as they looked into the darkness.

  Kara became alert not long after and grabbed her silver longbow and had an arrow already notched. She stood quietly and had three fingers on the string and had her other hand holding the bow. Her arrow stayed pointed to the ground as Sarah stood up and walked silently around the fire to stand next to Kara. Even though she had a longbow Sarah knew out of the four of them she was the weakest.

  She said barely at a whisper “Brother. What is it?”

  “I don’t know, but I have a bad feeling in my gut.” His voice became slightly louder. “Sarah, keep Kara covered.”

  “I’m already on it!” She said and Kara jumped in shock to see just how close she already was. Sarah stood less than a foot away from her.

  “Sarah?” He said.

  “What is it?” She said hearing his worried tone.

  “My eyes are not adjusted to see in this darkness and I need to see. I was staring at the fire directly and for too long.”

  She pushed telepathically “Sonar?”

  “Yes. I need to do it!” He said in an even voice.

  She knew he wouldn’t do it in front of someone else unless there wasn’t any other choice. “I understand. We will deal with the consequences later.”

  Connor stood erect and Sarah felt the strange sense of him gathering energy. Suddenly she could feel the rapid pulses emanating from him. Mark remained still in his fighting stance, but he glanced at Connor; his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped, and just as quickly he looked away and went back to being on alert. Mark now looked like he was smelling the air.

  Connor turned his head from side to side in a sweeping pattern.

  Sarah heard Kara draw a loud and quick breath as she saw what Connor was capable of. Connor’s black shadowy figure was contrasted by his eyes glowing brightly in the night. She said speechlessly “Brother… You’re eyes…”

  “Kara. Be quiet.” She turned her head to look at Sarah as she spoke softly. “It will be alright. Trust your brother.” She turned her speechless eyes back to Connor.

  “What do you see, Buddy?” Mark asked evenly as he was still on alert. His calm demeanor looked twin to Connor’s

  A moment later Connor crouched back down in his fighting stance and Sarah continued to feel his sonar pulses. “Crap! Sarah, you and Kara back away slowly and get out of here.” He said in an even tone, but he was dead serious. And through the bond she felt his rage surfacing again.

  “What is it, Buddy?” Mark still didn’t budge as he asked again.

  “It’s the biggest Grizzly Bear I have ever seen.”

  SNAP and they heard the dry grass and sticks crunch under heavy feet again. Sarah instantly grabbed Kara’s arm. “Let’s leave this to them.”

; “But?” She was completely scared.

  “Kara. Listen to me. Connor can take care of a bear.” Sarah looked directly at her. “He is more powerful than you will ever know.”

  Sarah had to use her inhuman strength to pick Kara up and throw her over her shoulder. She dropped the bow as Sarah ran into the tree line and stopped. The two of them hid behind an oak tree to watch the coming battle.