Read Ballad Of A Bad Bitch Page 12

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  12. Mirror,Mirror

  Mia stood outside her mothers bedroom door unsure what to do. She didn't know what her and Quinton had fought about but her mom had been crying every since he'd walked out. I can't stand his ass but he makes her happy.

  Mia turned the knob and walked inside to find her mother balled up on the bed sobbing.

  “ Mom are you okay?” Mia asked walking to the bed and sitting down. “ Do you need me to get you anything?”

  Terri suddenly stopped crying and just laid there not saying a word. Rolling onto her back and staring at the ceiling.

  “ Are you hungry? Quinton ordered pizza...our favorite kind. I can heat you up some.” Mia asked softly.

  “ You'll never know the type of pain I'm feeling right now.”


  “ You heard me Mia. You'll never understand what it's feels like to be the the one girl in the crowd to never get asked out, or to never have a man truly want you. My own daughter is the type of woman I've always wanted to be my entire life. You're also the type of woman I've always hated.”

  Mia sat there confused as hell. She'd never heard her mother talk like this before. Where was she going with all this?

  “ Go sit at my vanity Mia I want to show you something.” Terri said.

  Mia walked slowly over to her mother's vanity table and sat down nervously. Terri reached over Mia's shoulder and grabbed her hairbrush. She began slowly brushing through Mia's long,thick ,jet black hair.

  Mia began to relax. Maybe her and Quinton broke up and her mom just needed someone to talk to? Her mother didn't have many friends. Though in Mia's opinion the few ladies her mom used to hang out with,like Ms. Janice disappeared soon after her mom had met Quinton.

  “ You've been beautiful since the day you were born. My entire pregnancy I was scared. Can you imagine what it's like to walk around for your entire pregnancy scared to death?” Terri made a strange muffled laugh.

  “ I understand mom. It must have been scary thinking about becoming a single mother. I'm sure you had a lot on your mind.” Mia said as gently as she could.

  Terri laughed,never missing a brushstroke.

  “ I wasn't scared of being a single mother. I always knew I wasn't a stupid woman Mia. I didn't have my degree at the time but I always knew I'd make a way to take care of us financially. Despite what you may think about me now I'm not a weak woman. But a man can bring the strongest woman to her knees. You just remember me telling you that. It ain’t happened to you yet. It's coming though.”

  “ Mom I don't....,”

  “ No need to try and cover it up Mia I can see the disapproval all over your face every time you look at me. You know what I was afraid of the entire time I carried you? I was afraid you'd be plain looking like me. Can you imagine? The entire pregnancy I worried about how you would look. I've never really spoken to you about your father. Leon your daddy was half Mexican. That's where you get all this long,thick black hair from. You damn sure didn't get it from my side of the family.”

  Mia sat unsure of if she should say anything. Part of her wanted to bolt from the room her mother was acting so strange. On the other hand in almost 18 years her mother was finally revealing more facts surrounding the circumstances of her birth. Details about her father.

  Terri rubbed her hands over Mia's face.

  “ Your face is flawless. Not a pore to be seen. It' s not your age either. There are plenty of young bitches walking around looking a hot ass mess. You’re a true beauty Mia. Even with your mocha skin tone,no one is gonna care about you being dark because you're fuckin' beautiful. Half these hoes out here buying packs of hair trying to get what you have naturally. Your figure. Tall,curves in all the right places,big titties,tiny waist and flat stomach. You're every woman's nightmare. Here I am stuck raising you. You bitch!” Terri yelled pushing her forcefully in the head.

  “ Mom! What are you saying to me?” Mia said jumping up and away from Terri.

  “ I'm saying I've given up my entire life for you and you'll be gone soon. Your going to float through your fuckin' life...the life I gave you without a care in the world. You're the type of woman that a man will take care of. Marry. You'll be someone's wife and even though you're my daughter and I love you more than life itself, though I don't always show it,I hate you too. I mean it Mia,you're my daughter but I really,really hate you. Get out Mia. I need to be alone right now.” Terri said turning her back to her and walking into her bathroom.

  Mia practically ran out of her mothers bedroom and didn't stop until she was in her bedroom with the door locked. She glanced over at her desk,walked over and pulled her chair from the desk positioning it under the door knob for extra security.

  Mia heard her cell phone beep and jumped. I don't know what the hell is going on around here. This is not the mother I know. I need to get out of here now. Everything in her mind was telling her she wasn't safe but where could she go? They didn't have any family she could reach out to. Her grandmother passed away two years ago. Her mother had a sister in Maryland but they barely spoke.

  She'd already spent the most of the evening over at Rayna's house. It was after midnight. No way could Rayna get her in our out of her house this late. Mia stopped for a minute to see who the message was from. It was Jeremiah.

  I have to get out of here.

  Mia pressed call on her cell phone,on the second ring Jeremiah picked up.

  “ Jeremiah,can you come get me?” Mia whispered.

  “ Now?” Jeremiah asked confused. He definitely wanted to get with her but he hadn't expected her to try to get with him this quick. Especially after their conversation earlier.

  “ I know your mom ain’t letting you out the house this late is she?”

  “ Jeremiah can you come or not? It's some crazy shit going on in my house I can't explain right now. I just need to get out of here and think. If I had someone else to ask I would but I don't. I'm going out regardless. So if you can't just say so.” Mia said hotly. She was trying to keep her voice down so her mother didn't come to the door asking any questions.

  Mia looked out her window over the driveway and saw Quinton was still gone in her mothers car. The last thing she wanted to hear was their fighting when he returned.

  “ Damn baby...I don't know what's going on but it sounds like you need somebody. Imma fall through and get you.” Jeremiah said hesitantly. He didn't know what the hell was going on but something wasn't right.

  “ You remember where I stay right? I'll meet you around the corner from my house okay. I'll be there in thirty minutes. Please hurry Jeremiah...thank you.” she whispered hanging up the phone.

  Mia looked down at herself. Her mind was going in a million directions but still wasn't going to leave the house looking crazy. Quinton was gone so she took a quick look at the clock and removed the chair from the door. I'm going to take a quick shower, and throw on some jeans and a shirt. Mia grabbed her towel and walked out of her room down the hall to the bathroom.

  As she walked into the hallway she could hear music blasting from her mothers room. The Ojay's “We Cry Together” was playing loudly. Before Quinton came into their lives,there was a time when Mia would have run into her mothers room and enjoyed the music with her. Her mom would even request her favorite songs. She'd sing to her mother they'd talk about plans for the future...for the both of them. Those times seemed so far away it was hard to believe they'd ever happened.

  Those days were over.

  Her own mother had just confessed to hating her.