Read Ballad Of A Bad Bitch Page 13

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  13. Sang It!

  Jeremiah reached across the table to hold Mia's hand. Mia hadn't said a word every since he'd picked her up. He'd taken her to a nice little karaoke bar. One of the bouncer's was his friend so they got in without any problems.

  “ I know we just met Mia,but you know you can talk to me if you need to. You can tell me anything,I'll be here for you...,”

  “ My mom told me she hates me Jeremiah. That’s what she told me right out of her own mouth.”

  “ I'm sure she was just upset. I know at times we think our parents are above the things we do but they are human. They get mad too.” Jeremiah said trying to ease her mind about the situation. Yeah it was a fucked up thing to say to your kid but hell he could clearly see Mia was well cared for. Hell he'd been in her home today. He and Cedric came up in a home with a single mother where they did without all the time. This clearly wasn't the case with Mia.

  “ Please don't do that to me Jeremiah. I already know what you're thinking. You don't know what she said to me. What I been going through in that house with Quinton...,” Mia said finally breaking down in tears. She'd managed to hold them in every since the cruel words fell from her mothers mouth.

  Jeremiah got up and went to the other side of the table and wrapped his arms around her. The bar was loud and people were singing...badly but for those few minutes wrapped in Jeremiah's arms Mia felt like her world wasn't crashing down around her.

  “ Mia what does any of this have to do with Quinton?” he had to know. The exchange about Mia between Cedric and Quinton earlier that day had never left his mind. Yeah his brother was just being a rude ass nigga with his loose comments. But that nigga Quinton? If he was any type man he woulda checked Cedric off the rip instead of laughing along with him. Jeremiah's also noticed the way he'd been looking at Mia. When that nigga came out the house and saw him laughing and talking with Mia...that nigga looked like he was ready to go off the deep end. It wasn't on no protective father figure type shit either. That nigga looked jealous as fuck. He'd planned on asking Cedric about it but when they got in the car Cedric's ass fell asleep high and drunk.

  As they sat there Mia confided in him everything that had taken place in her life from her younger childhood and her mother refusing to tell her much more than her father's name, her mother meeting and moving Quinton into their home within weeks of knowing him,down to the glances,looks and unnecessary touches. Mia broke into a fresh round of tears when Mia relayed the earlier conversation with her mother.

  By the time she was done talking,Jeremiah wanted to cry for her. What kind of woman would turn her back on her own child over some dick? He knew it happened all day every day though.

  “ Baby why don't you hit the ladies room and wipe your face,hell both our asses in here under age but imma get us a damn drink.” Jeremiah said standing up.

  “ I don't drink Jeremiah!”

  “ Don't worry we'll just have one. Imma get you a nice friutty,girly drink.”

  “ Just one Jeremiah. Then I need to get home, I did sneak out and I have to sneak my ass back in!” Mia said laughing as she walked away to use the ladies room. My God! I look a damn mess.

  Mia quickly grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser and splashed water on her face. When she was leaving the house,all she'd done was take a quick shower. Mia pulled out her makeup bag and did the fastest makeover known to man. A little BB cream,a dab of blush and lip gloss and she felt a hundred percent better. I may as well enjoy myself because I need to make plans to get out of that house. Quinton isn't the only one I have to watch out for apparently. Mia thought pulling her large pair of silver hoop earring from her purse. Her hair was already in a smooth top knot,high on her head.

  Jeremiah was at their table waiting with a Blue Hawaiian waiting for her. He saw her walking towards the table but she was delayed by a few nigga's trying to stop her on the way trying to get her attention. Mia handled the unwanted attention with class and grace. Twice he saw her just smile and point over at him. Damn she got niggas wide open. Jeremiah's chest swelled with pride. Nigga bring that shit down ten notches ! You gotta make her yours first, he told himself.

  “ Okay I'm back. What is this you bought me? It looks yummy! Is this whipped cream on top?” Mia asked taking a sip.

  “ You like it? It's called a Blue Hawaiian. Take your time with it baby it does have alcohol in it. That shit will sneak up on you.”

  They spent the next 20 minutes laughing and talking. Jeremiah was making fun of the people who were getting up to sing. A few people sounded okay but the majority were horrible!

  “ These people sound like hit dogs that need to be put down! What made them think they could even get up in front of people?” Jeremiah was placing his hands over his ears. Not giving a damn who saw him either!

  “ Don't be like that Jeremiah. Music is about expression. Just because a person can't carry a tune in a bucket doesn't mean they don't love the lyrics, the melody all that.”

  Jeremiah rolled his eyes.

  “Whatever. You getting up there to sing? I like you girl but don't make me have to sandman your pretty ass off the stage. I'll boo you too if I have to.”

  Mia paused a moment then stood up and walked over to the books to choose a song and put her name on the list to sing.

  “ Oh shit! Look Mia you don't have to prove yourself to me!” Jeremiah said laughing.

  “ Don't make me have to get up and move to another table out here embarrassing me.”

  “ Jeremiah please hush! Let me see you get up in front of all these people. Whether they can sing or least they have the guts to try. They don't give a damn what other people think about them. I like that quality in people. That's the type of guy I want one day.” Mia said smiling.

  “ Is that so?”

  “ Yep. It's the reason I'm almost 18 and have never had a boyfriend. I mean I don't want a crowd follower, someone always worried about what other people think about them. I want a guy that will stand up for me no matter what. Through good and bad you know? After all the crazy shit my mom said today, I feel that way even more. Do you think she's losing it because my dad never married her? If so she should have gotten over that years ago.”

  “ Mia King to the stage!” came over the loud speaker.

  “ Oh Lord!” Jeremiah groaned.

  “ Go to hell Jeremiah.” Mia laughed getting up and walking to the stage.

  “ Only if you and your bad singing are going with me!” he said ducking back in his seat. Damn I didn't bring her here for her to actually get up there trying to damn sing.

  Mia took the stage and the men were already clapping. The familiar tune by Rose Royce began to play. Everyone in the club seemed familiar with the old R&B classic “ I'm Going Down”.

  “ Time on my hands, since you went away boy...”

  The crowd was mesmerized from the minute Mia opened her mouth and so was he. Mia could not only sing...she sang!

  When the song ended people were standing up cheering,Jeremiah included.

  “Encore! Encore!”

  The crowd was shouting. Mia politely thanked everyone and left the stage. All she'd really wanted to do was shut Jeremiah up!

  “Oh you really played me didn't you? Your ass knew all the time you knew how to sing.” Jeremiah smiled. Mia really did sound good.

  “ I'm okay.” Mia leaned back in her chair smiling. A few moments later a man walked over to their table.

  “ Excuse me,I don't mean to interrupt but I'm the manager here. You really blew us away. Have you ever considered singing professionally ? I mean I know this place isn't much but we'd pay you to host the karaoke night,the DJ would do everything else you just introduce and sing in between. If someone needs a duet partner and doesn't have one you stand in with them. Oh and I'm Don Jackson by the way.” he said extending his hand to both her and Jeremiah.

  “ Well thank you for the offer Mr. Jackson. Can I think about it overnight and get back to you

  “ Please do Mia,we'd love to hear your beautiful voice around here on a regular basis.” he said getting up to leave.

  “Oh my God! This may be just what I need Jeremiah. I mean everything in me is telling me I can't stay much longer with my mom. This will at least make me a little money. Anyway,it's almost three in the morning I'd better get my behind back in the house.” Mia really needed the time away from home. Her mind was clear on one thing. Her days in her mothers home were numbered. Everything was going to change. Even the plans she had for college. There was no way in hell she wanted to feel indebted to her mother for her life.

  The things her mother said to her were unforgivable. Her mother couldn't even say she'd spoken to her that way because she was drunk.