Read Barcelona Jones - Murder on Broadway Page 13

  "Slow down, my friend. I'll come up with some proposal and give it to you. I want you to be honest with me how you feel about the offer. If we're to work together, honesty must be a factor in our relationship. Please read it carefully and then get back to me. Until then, I do have a job for you, if you want to give it a go."

  I handed him a piece of paper that I'd written three names on, along with some information on each person on the list.

  He looked it over. "Wow, this is great. When do you want the information, and which one do you want me to start on first?"

  "That's up to you. I just want you to bring me back the information on any one of them. The choice is yours. Pick anyone you like."

  He smiled, as if to say, "I know you're trying to find out what kind of work I can do by tracking down one of these people."

  He was clearly even smarter than I thought. I waited to see what he'd say next.

  "I'm on it, Mr. Jones. I'll have all the information for you in less than seventy-two hours."

  Two of the names I'd given him were suspects, each one having a connection with the murders. But the third and last name I just picked out at random, as I wanted to give him three names. I was sort of testing him to see what he would come up with.

  He shook my hand. "I'll be looking forward to reading what your offer will be for the job. I know you'll be fair. So don't worry, Mr. Jones, I'm sure I'll be able to accept whatever you offer. You're one person I've been praying about working for."

  I arrived at the hospital around 1:15 and waited for the Chief. I didn't go straight up to see Charlie Long, because I felt he might start giving me some information, and I wanted to wait for Marty. I thought that was fair and I was sure he would appreciate it.

  Just after 1:40 the Chief came briskly walking up to me. "Sorry I'm late, but I got caught in traffic. Thanks for waiting for me. I knew you would. You're so much like your father. Integrity should be plastered on your office door in big bold letters."

  We met Erica in the hallway and she said that he was waiting for us. When we opened his door and walked in it was like looking at a miracle. The Hollywood star's color was back and there was a big smile on his face. We didn't need to be detectives to tell he had just showered -- his hair was still wet. He was shaved and looking great.

  Rachel, his wife, greeted us with a warm welcome and then excused herself. Charlie explained that she didn't want to hear the gory details about the accident again.

  "Charlie, you look great. Many prayers have been answered." I shook his hand and then introduced him to the Chief.

  "Thanks, Mr. Long, for agreeing to see us this afternoon. I was here the day of the accident but you were in a coma, so I'm sure you don't remember me. I'm happy to see you doing so well. You have certainly recovered remarkably quickly."

  "Thanks, Chief. Please feel free to ask whatever you wish. I don't know how much help I can be, as I don't remember a lot that happened that night."

  "What do you remember, Mr. Long? Did you notice the make of the car? Or if it was a man or woman driving? Anything will help us, no matter how small you think it is."

  "Well, I remember leaving the hotel. I wanted to get out in the fresh air and walk a little. I'd asked my new agent Edward to go with me, but he declined. I walked out of the hotel, looked back and waved to him. He was standing by the lighted window. It was getting dark now. I crossed the street and saw this car was coming speeding towards me. The car's lights weren't on. I do remember that."

  "And the make of car?" the Chief asked.

  He shook his head. "I'm not too good on cars. It was large. Long hood. Maybe a few years old. Dark blue or black probably."

  "And the driver?"

  "Sorry, Chief, I couldn't tell for sure if a male or a female was driving. But it looked like an older person, wearing a hat and coat and with a funny looking smile. I felt the car hit my body, felt a sharp pain, and then I must have blacked out. That's about it. I've been lying here trying to come up with something more, but that's all I can remember."

  "What do you mean when you say a funny smile, Charlie?"

  'I'm not sure, Sam. It happened so fast. I think it was something to do with his upper front teeth. I think they were missing. Sorry, wish I could be more help."

  "Actually, Mr. Long, you've been a big help to us. Thanks for letting us come in and talk to you."

  We talked for a little while, then the Chief and I left. We told Charlie we didn't want to tire him out. He said he was fine and that we didn't have to leave. By that time Rachel had returned, so we left them alone.

  When we got outside, the Chief said, "Well, it looks like Brenda Summers did see a man."

  "Yes, or the mysterious man is Brenda Summers herself. Remember, she's an actress and a very good one. She most likely has access to all the props at the theater. Wig, hat, coat and so on. The only thing that puzzles me is the two missing teeth. But I guess make-up of some kind could take care of that too." I stopped and held onto the Chief arm. "No, that can't be so. Brenda Summers said that the person in the theater ran their tongue through the gap -- assuming she's telling the truth."

  The Chief smiled. "Good thinking, Sam. You could still be right about the make-up. If the driver was Brenda Summers, she wouldn't have needed a real gap when driving the car. Just black paint on her front teeth, so let's still treat her as a major suspect."

  Chapter 55


  I talked to Barcelona briefly on the phone on Sunday when she called to say everyone loved her ring and was wondering where I got it. She also said that most of the people there at the theater couldn't believe I'd designed it.

  Monday morning I went to the office early. Tooth gap or no tooth gap, I was still in the dark about who was the murderer. Again and again I went over my notes, looking for something I might have missed. I called the Chief and discovered that he too was puzzled. We had a couple suspects but still nothing firm, nothing where we could say, "That's it. We have enough evidence to arrest someone."

  He mentioned again that maybe there was someone else we hadn't thought of. He suggested that perhaps we should call the cast and crew together one more time. I told him I'd talk to Barcelona to see if she could arrange it for us.

  "Barcelona Jones." The Chief said the name slowly. He sighed. "Do you think, Sam, that maybe she has something to do with the murders? She could have thrown herself in front of that bus at just the right time, making sure she wouldn't get badly hurt?"

  "Definitely not, Chief. You see, I got myself engaged about five days ago and--"

  Before I could finish, the Chief interrupted me. "Engaged? Wow you work fast. Don't keep me in suspense any longer. Which one is she?"

  I knew he'd not read Photoplay. It wasn't his thing. "Would you believe the star, Barcelona Jones?"

  "Come on, Sam, no joking around. Confess up. Who's the lady who's knocked you off your feet?"

  "I just did, Chief."

  "You did? I didn't hear any name. Just Barcelona Jones. . ." Then silence. "You've got to be kidding. It can't be."

  "Yep, it sure is. The love of my life is the star of Murder on Broadway. Barcelona Jones herself."

  "I still don't believe it. Are you pulling my leg or are you serious?"

  "I couldn't be more serious. It truly is her."

  "When's the wedding? This is one I'm surly not going to miss. I will be invited, won't I?"

  "Not sure yet when the wedding will be, but of course you'll be on the list. One of the first to be invited."

  I hung up the phone and started to get a little melancholy. The Chief was actually the first person outside the family I'd told. Before the tears could swell up, the phone rang. It was Kim Suzuki. He said he had all the information that I'd requested.

  "You're mighty quick, Kim. It's been less than forty-eight hours. Who did you chose to investigate?"

  "I wasn't sure which one, so I picked the last name on your list."

  I was a little disappointed, because I'd written th
at name down simply to give Kim three names, to test his skills.

  "If you're not too busy, come by the office. You can give me the information you've gathered and we can talk about you coming and working for me full time and exclusively."

  I wasn't sure how he would to react to full time and exclusive, but his reaction was overwhelming.

  "Full time and exclusive? Just what I was looking for. I'm excited. I'll be right in and sign the agreement, if that's necessary."

  "I'll be waiting for you, and there will be no agreement signing. That won't be necessary."

  When I told Donna about Kim, she was elated and could hardly wait for him to start. When he arrived, Donna personally brought Kim into my office and fiddled around listening to all that I was telling him.

  Before I started, Kim handed me the information he had acquired. I laid it on my desk and explained what I would expect if he agreed to work for me. I mentioned a starting salary and the days he would need to come into the office, even if there was no searching to do.

  I told him he could use my old office, since I had taken over my dad's when he retired. I would also furnish him with a desk, a typewriter, his own phone line, and whatever else he might need pertaining to the job.

  "The room needs some cleaning, and the files will need rearranging, and so on. But you can do it at your leisure. Donna will help you."

  "When do I start? I'm ready right now, if you're willing. And I have my own portable typewriter I can bring in, so no need to furnish me one."

  "Don't you want to think about it first?"

  "Why? This is what I've been waiting for. My own office, the perfect boss and a cute secretary."

  He looked over and winked at Donna. She was in seventh heaven. She gave me that look like, Don't let this one get away.

  "Okay, then start whenever you want," and with those words from me, Kim went into his new office. It had become part of a storage room for old files that we no longer needed. Donna had said many times, "Boss, we've got to clean that room some day. You may want to hire somebody to help you."

  Kim looked around. "This is perfect. Can I paint it and use my creativity to make it my own?"

  "It's all yours, Kim. Do whatever you want with it."

  Donna said, "If you need anything, just ask. I'll help you as much as I can. But first let's get rid of all those old files."

  I went over to my desk with a smile on my face, sat down and opened up the investigation folder Kim had brought. My smile soon turned to a frown and then bewilderment. I called Kim in. "Are you sure of all this information?"

  "One hundred percent. Is it all right?

  "I'll say it is. You have just helped us find the killer and solve the case of Murder on Broadway."

  Chapter 56

  I immediately dialed the Chief at the station. I felt pretty sure he would be there.

  "Chief Mead speaking."

  "Hi, Chief, this is Sam. I have some great news for you. Can you come over to my office?"

  "I suppose you don't want to give it to me on the phone, right?"

  "That's right. I think it would be better to hand you the information myself . . . It's a killer."

  I had to smile at myself for the remark.

  "Give me about an hour and I'll be there. Is that soon enough for you?"

  "Well, the sooner the better."

  I hung up the phone and read the file over and over. It was still hard for me to believe.

  Marty arrived within forty-five minutes.

  "What's this killer news you have for me?"

  I handed him the file. He opened it up and began to read. I watched the look on his face. His expression I'm sure was about the same as mine when I read what Kim had come up with. He put the folder down. I could tell he was deep in thought.

  "I have an idea, Sam. Let's call all three here to your office. Make up something, anything, but don't tell them that anyone else will be here. How about tomorrow morning, at say around eleven? Maybe tell them we want them here because we're going to disclose to them in confidence who the killer is."

  "It sounds all right with me. Is it okay if I invite Kim Suzuki and Barcelona to join us?"

  "Of course. This is going to be exciting. I can't wait to see their faces. Especially the face of the murderer."

  After he left, I called Barcelona and told her our plan to meet at 11:00 in the morning with the three who were on my list. I gave her no other information, cautioning her to tell no one else about the meeting. I was also getting excited to meet with the three, and to finally close the case.

  Chapter 57


  The next day, the Chief arrived fifteen minutes after Barcelona. He congratulated her on our upcoming marriage and said I was sure a lucky guy. Then turning to me with his mischievous grin, he said, "Another beauty and the beast story!"

  All three of us laughed, knowing the inside joke of how, when I was in school, many called me and my sister that -- of course, Erica being the beauty.

  When all three arrived, we sat down in an informal group that Kim had arranged. They were surprised to see the others there. We sat in a circle facing each other so we could look at each others' faces.

  When everyone was comfortable, we announced to all that we had found the killer and that it was one of them. They gasped and looked at each other with disbelief. The three on my list were John Ashland the lead actor, Mike Larson the agent, and Brenda Summers, the actor of many parts.

  Brenda looked over at Kim. "I know it's not you, Kim. You're too sweet a kid to do something like that."

  "Thanks, Miss Summers. You've always been very nice to me."

  Mike the agent said, "Well I know it's not me, and it seems that Kim here is too nice of a guy, so that leaves Miss Summers and Mr. Ashton -- and the star herself. Barcelona. Which one is it?"

  "Wait a minute," John Ashland broke in angrily. "Let's not completely leave Kim out of it. He's the one who pulled the trigger. Besides, you're not out of the running yet either, Mike. You were their agent. And what about that strange man Brenda said she saw. Where is he?"

  The Chief broke in, "Well actually, that person is here. The so-called strange man is one of you."

  All three looked around at each other.

  "Whoever this mysterious man or woman is. . ." with that, the Chief looked over at Summers and then continued, ". . .had access to all the props at the theater. Anybody could have walked in and made themselves at home, picking and choosing whatever they wanted."

  Suddenly the office door opened and in walked the mysterious man.

  Brenda Summers shouted out, "That's him. That's him!"

  The two others started asking questions, and mass confusion began.

  I waited for a few moments until everyone stopped shouting out and settled down. Then I said, "No, this isn't mysterious man. It's someone dressed to look like him."

  When I said that, Donna straightened up, took off the hat and gloves and smiled very quickly, revealing two missing teeth.

  "I can't believe she's the killer," John Ashland shouted.

  "No, this isn't the killer. This is my secretary, Donna. We found the coat and hat at the theater. It may or may not be the original that was worn by the mysterious person, but very close. With the help of the makeup department it looks like her two front teeth are missing."

  Brenda Summers shouted out, "But I'm very sure that the man I saw really had his two front teeth missing. Like I said, he put his tongue through the opening, making sure I saw that his teeth weren't there."

  Each one by now was looking at each other and giving big smiles to show they had all their teeth.

  "Yes, that's correct. The killer's teeth are really missing. We checked with their dentist and one of you has two false teeth right in front."

  Two of them looked around at each other, but one was staring at the floor. They waited, but there was no response. Then all of a sudden it sunk in who the true killer was.

  Chapter 58

  Mike La
rson shook his head, saying that is wasn't possible that the person not looking up at them was the killer. He reminded us that the man was in the hospital the day Anthony Sparks was shot. Someone had slipped peanut extract into his food that day, which is why he wasn't at that evening performance.

  The Chief replied, "No, we thought he was in the hospital. Sam and I forgot to check what time he was admitted. John Ashland called the hospital in the afternoon saying he was coming in, but he didn't check in until six forty-five that evening. It seems he ministered his own peanut extract into his body and knew just the right amount to give himself. We all thought he was going to die, and that someone else slipped the stuff into his food. We felt so sorry for him thinking he was a victim, and we stupidly didn't think of him as a villain. We just didn't do our job. Kim, who now works for Sam, found out some important evidence from Ashland's dentist."

  By now, Mike Larson and Brenda Summers were sitting on the edge of their seats.

  The Chief said, "You guessed it. His two front teeth are missing. The teeth you see when he smiles are false. He got rid of Anthony Sparks by changing the bullets to live rounds, so he would have one less competitor for the movie roll. He also found the fugu poison that killed Peter Holmes. How, I don't know yet. And then he tried to kill Miss Jones and Charlie Long."

  Silence filled the room and Ashland didn't deny it. All he said was, "I want a lawyer. I deserved the movie roll. I'm a greater actor, and getting rid of the two I killed was easy. I had a hunch that Barcelona, the so-called star of the show would choose Charlie Long for the movie roll. When I didn't succeed in getting rid of her, my next choice was that Long fellow from Hollywood. The part belongs to the best actor . . . and that's me."

  When he was through, the door to Kim's new office opened and two policemen came out. The Chief said, "John Ashland, you are under arrest for the murders of Anthony Sparks, Peter Homes, and the attempted murders of Charlie Long and Barcelona Jones the true star of Murder on Broadway." He emphasized the word "star."

  Then turning to his police officers, he said, "Take him down to the station and book him. On the way, make sure you read him the Miranda rights."

  Barcelona finally spoke up. She'd been quiet all through the session, "I can't believe it. I can't believe that John is the person who tried to kill me by pushing me in front of that bus."

  "I can," Brenda blurted out. "I had a hunch it might be him. I've never liked him. He was a sneaky. . ." then she paused. "Well, you can finish the sentence."