Read Barcelona Jones - Murder on Broadway Page 14

  Chapter 59

  Well, my friends, that's how I met Barcelona Jones, stage and screen actress. We've had a great life together. Our wedding took place at my folks' home. They had the house and backyard beautifully decorated. Around the pool were tables and chairs, and on the lawn area one huge tent that sat around one hundred and seventy-five people. We had over two hundred who attended our special day, not counting the press. It was a sunset wedding and the weather couldn't have been better.

  We took a cruise for our honeymoon to Spain and Portugal. We loved it so much that we returned five years later. It was on that trip our daughter, Lisbon, was conceived.

  Barcelona made the movie version of Murder on Broadway with Charlie Long. It was a box office success, bringing in big bucks to the delight of the producers and director. Barcelona and Charlie won Academy awards, plus it won the Oscar for best picture.

  Barcelona also won the Tony for her performance on Broadway, as did Brenda Summers, who is now part of our family. I get a big kick out of her honesty and blunt remarks. When in a conversation with her, she holds nothing back. As Barcelona has said many times, "Either you like her or you don't."

  After three years of marriage, Sam Jr. came along, and right after that my folks decided to sell the house and move into a retirement community. We bought the house and have lived there for over forty-five years. When we decide to move out, Sam Jr. will move in with his family. Our other two kids are in agreement with that.

  Barcelona's grandmother came to live with us. She loved the kids, and babysat often when Barcelona and I needed a break. Barcelona went on to make more movies, all which were successful, but her heart was always for the Broadway stage. She had said so often, "I love to act in front of a live audience."

  Soon after all three of the children arrived, she semi-retired and then eventually didn't go back until all of our kids were grown. When she did return to Broadway, she took it by storm, winning a couple of more Tony Award's, one again for the revival of Murder on Broadway.

  Wow, it's getting late so I must go to be with Barcelona. I can't believe we'll be celebrating our fiftieth year together as husband and wife. My, how time goes by.

  The little church I attended has become our little church, and whenever we can, we attend. The pastor and his wife are still there, and have become very good friends of ours. He is of course retired now, but he still preaches on special occasions, and he officiated at our marriage ceremony. All five of us have been baptized by him over the years.

  Sorry, but I really have to go. I don't want to be late. And I have to make one stop on the way.


  Chapter 60

  Sam ran out the door, not wanting to be late. The one stop he had to make before meeting Barcelona was the flower shop. He had already placed the order . . . one dozen white roses and one red rose. He gave specific instructions as always for the red rose to be placed in the middle of the arrangement. There would be no card this time. He would be telling her in person how much he loved her.

  He arrived just in time. He knew she would be waiting for him. Carrying the flower arrangement in both hands he used his shoulder to open the door. It was heavy but he managed to swing it open. The room was filled with flowers of congratulations, each one having a card with encouraging words for their fifty years together.

  Barcelona smiled at Sam as she saw the beautiful white roses, and the red one in the middle. It was just what she had been waiting for as Sam entered her hospital room. He had to swallow hard to hold back his tears as he looked over at his wife. She still seemed as beautiful to him as the first day he met her in that taxi, even though she had lost so much weight, and most of her hair had fallen out. The wig he had bought her a week ago had cheered her up, and she had gotten a big laugh over it. Today one of the nurses had to help her put it on as she was too weak to do it herself. She had been waiting for her one true love to arrive, and wanted to look her best for him.

  They both knew the time was near when she would no longer be part of his life on this earth. Sam walked over to the bed, took her hand in his and leaned over and kissed her first on the forehead then on the lips. This was a custom he had started many years ago. How and why, he didn't know. It just seemed to come naturally.

  Barcelona motioned for him to sit on the bed close to her. Looking up at him and in a weak voice that was almost a whisper, she said, "I love you, my beloved Sam."

  Sam was unable to control his emotions, even though he had promised himself he would. The tears filled his eyes, then freely ran from his eyes to his cheeks and on to the sheet that covered Barcelona.

  "Be brave, Sam. Remember what we learned at our little church where God said, "There is a time to weep and a time to laugh. We've been so blessed that there has been more laughing then weeping in our lifetime together."

  Holding hands they shared those happy times. Reminiscing over the past fifty years, remembering how they first met, the zoo and Coney Island, the fun they had trying to ring the monkey's mouth, and now their three children and how much the Lord had blessed them all through the years.

  For a few moments, silence fell over the room, both of them in their own secret thoughts. Sam's of course was how much he would miss Barcelona, wondering how he could live without her.

  Finally Barcelona spoke up, her voice barely heard. "I'm getting tired, Sam. I need to rest for a little while. I think you've worn me out." There was a slight smile on her face.

  "Of course, my love. I should have thought of that. I'll go over there and sit while you rest." Sam pointed to the only chair in the private room.

  "No, please go out and get some fresh air, or go to the hospital cafeteria and get something to eat. Or at least have a cup of coffee while I rest. I'll be just fine."

  Sam was thinking how brave his wife was, and was wondering if he was in that bed instead of her, would he be doing as well?

  "No, I'm staying right here with you. Besides, I've ordered a very special dinner for us tonight to celebrate. Even two glasses of champagne. You rest. I've brought a book to read, and I'll be right here when you wake up."

  He got up, kissed her on the forehead and then on the lips. With tears streaming down his face, he said, "I love you, Barcelona Jones. I've always loved you from the first moment I saw you in that taxi, and I've loved you ever since."

  Sam got off the bed, leaned over and kissed his wife again. He held onto her hand, not wanting to let it go.

  Barcelona smiled at him as if to say, "You've got to let go, Sam." She gently removed her hand from his, releasing him to leave her alone for a time.

  As much as Sam tried to read, he couldn't focus on the story. Every few minutes he looked over at his wife, checking to see if she was still breathing. He didn't want to let her go -- even though he was sure she would be in a better place, and her pain and suffering would leave her. He knew he was being selfish, but when her time came he knew that a part of him would be leaving too.

  He laid his head back on the chair and began to pray.

  Chapter 61

  When Sam finished praying, he again looked over at his beloved, checking the monitor to see if she was still breathing. With everything looking good he moved the chair next to Barcelona's bed. She looked so fragile, but yet peaceful. Her hand was by her side and out of the covers.

  He laid his hand over hers. It seemed comforting to him. He then rested his head back on the chair and soon fell asleep.

  He woke up hearing the voice of his beloved as it was straining to speak, "Sam, Sam!"

  "I'm right here, my love."

  "I believe it is time. Please call the children."

  Sam knew exactly what she meant, and he had dreaded this moment. He had made arrangements with the oldest son, Sam Jr., that when it was their mother's time, he would call him and then he in return would call Lisbon and Jackson. They would be waiting for the final call and would drop everything and would be at the hospital as quickly as they could.

  After S
am made the call he went over and sat on the bed, and again held Barcelona's hand.

  She was taking deep breaths. He knew she would hang on to her life until the children arrived -- just as she had hung on so they could celebrate their fiftieth anniversary, even though the doctors said it was almost impossible.

  It didn't take long. Within half an hour all three arrived. Lisbon was first, then the two boys came within minutes apart. When everyone was there and the small talk was over, Barcelona said, "Let's hold hands and pray. There are things I want to thank the Lord for."

  The five of them stood around the bed holding hands, with tears flowing freely from their eyes. No one could speak except for Barcelona.

  Barcelona took a deep breath, trying to speak louder so all could hear. "Dear Lord, I want to thank you for my family. I've been so blessed by each one of them and their families. You, Lord, have been very good to me. I ask that you would bless them all the days of their lives, and you will always be the center of their lives and their protector."

  She had to pause in her prayer, to get her strength to carry on. Then she said, "Please bless their wives and husbands and my grandchildren, that they will grow up knowing you in a personal way. I pray that they will have the marriage that Sam and I have had all of these years, filled with love and respect and much joy. Thank you for Sam, Lord. You couldn't have chosen a better mate for me. I ask that you will watch over him, giving him your strength and helping him to go on with his life knowing I am free from pain and in the presence of you, Lord. And believing that someday we will be together again . . . Amen."

  They all wiped away their tears, repeating the word "Amen"

  "Now," Barcelona continued faintly, "I want the three of you to leave for a while, so I can spend a few moments with your father."

  Each one made no argument, and one by one they reached over and hugged their mother, and in their own ways said their goodbyes.

  When the three of them left the room, Sam sat back in the chair and leaning over Barcelona laid his head on her chest. She put her arm around his back. It was painful for her but she wanted to do it. She wanted to hold him for what she knew would be the last time.

  His tears became quiet sobs, as if he was grasping for air. "I love you, my love, and I don't want you to leave me. But I know you must. My life will never be the same without you, and part of me will go with you."

  "I love you too, Sam. But please remain strong, especially for the children. We will meet again."

  He didn't want to move, but turning his head he looked up at her. She'd also been crying.

  They smiled at each other. He laid his head back on her chest and the only words that came out of his mouth were, "I love you."

  "I know you do. Sam. But it's time for me to leave you. You have always been the love of my life."

  There were a few moments of silence before Sam could respond. But before his words would come out he realized, with his head next to her heart, that it had stopped beating, He lay there for a few seconds hoping she would start breathing again, but it never happened.

  He got up kissed, her on the forehead, then on the lips. And with tears streaming down his face, said, "I love you. I've always loved you from the first moment I saw you in that taxi, and I've loved you ever since, my Barcelona Jones."

  Chapter 62

  Sam left the hospital room as the nurses and doctors were hurrying in. He walked down the corridor to the elevators, wiping away his tears. It was time to tell his children that their mother was now in the arms of Jesus.

  When Sam entered the cafeteria his children were waiting for him. There was no need for him to explain. They could tell by the look on their father's face that their mother was no longer with them. After tight embraces and more tears they made plans to meet the next morning to make arrangements for the memorial service. Then each went their own way to be alone with their thoughts and memories of their mother. Of course Sam's thoughts would be on the love of his life.

  As Sam was sitting in the taxi going home, he started to reminisce about his life with Barcelona. He would miss her for sure, but what great memories he would have -- and of course the assurance that he would see her again.

  A smile came over his face as he thought about the time Barcelona walked forward one Sunday morning in church to commit her life to the Lord. It was the same day he had also walked forward. He hadn't known that Barcelona was in his little church that morning, as it was a last minute decision by her to visit the little church that Sam often spoke about. She had come in late and was sitting in the back row.

  The pastor's message was very powerful, challenging the congregation to surrender themselves to the Lord. When the pastor gave the altar call, Sam got up from his seat. While walking forward he wondered what Barcelona would think of him making such a commitment.

  That was when he felt someone's hand in his. He looked down at the hand that he knew so well, and a big smile came over his face as he looked up and saw tears flowing from Barcelona's eyes.

  Sam smiled as he remembered them holding hands as they walked forward, surrendering their lives together to the Lord. What a great moment that was for both of them. That was how he knew for sure that he and Barcelona would someday be together again.

  He sat in the cab in silence, wishing that they could have had a little more time together on this earth. The tears began to flow freely again, but even with the tears profusely coming from his eyes a peace came over him.

  At that moment he was sure he heard Barcelona's voice whispering in his ear. "Remember, Sam, it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

  Sam wiped away his tears, saying, "I know, my love, and I'll be looking forward to when we will meet again."

  The Prayer

  If you are looking for a blessing, then please continue to give your whole life to Jesus by letting all that you do glorify Him and God, our Father.

  If you haven't already, please say the following prayer inviting Christ into your life. You will be glad you did.

  "Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I believe that You are the Son of God. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I want to turn away from my sin and make You Lord of my life. I invite You to come into my life right now. Thank You, Jesus, for loving me. Amen."

  If you said this prayer, have faith that Jesus came into your life immediately, as He refuses no one.

  Please tell someone you know who is a Christian what you have done. And find a church and a Bible study that teaches Jesus is the way to eternal life, so God can work in you.

  I also would like to hear from you.

  Email: [email protected]

  P.O. Box 4404, Kailua Kona, HI




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