Read Beast Page 5

  “Your car break down?” I gave her the universal gesture for come on over.

  She looked both ways and quickly trotted to my passenger side. A car crested the hill behind me, so I put it in drive. If we had to turn around to get back to her car so be it.

  She buckled her belt and shook her head. “No. I was on that date with the millionaire.”

  I kept my eyes on the road. And then I realized my hood was down, and I hadn’t even thought about it when she got in the SUV.

  “It didn’t turn out great.” She sighed.

  I checked out her expression in a glance. Frustrated. She wasn’t disappointed-- she was frustrated. I was getting suspicious of her date.

  “Was he a gentleman?” I tapped the steering wheel. She was my bartender. A new one, but still.

  “Oh hell no. Please. This would be the first time I’ve ever been told he was ready for road head before we even got to our first date destination.” Hendrix blew her bangs out of the way. They settled right back where they were.

  I eased the SUV over on the shoulder. “What do you mean?” I kept my voice calm. But if she was still walking home, that meant the dick bag was probably close.

  “Well, the jackass had on a helmet and a lifejacket and then proceeds to tell me he had two condoms on—with his balls included in case any of my saliva got on them. He’s a germaphobe. So he said.” She sat there for a minute before a light appeared in her eyes and she started to laugh.

  I was angry for her but the image of some dude tucking his balls into a condom was freaking hilarious. When she started laughing out loud, I had to join in.

  Soon we were out and out wiping tears and begging for air. She kept trying to add more to the description, but it was mostly delivered in squeaks and gasps until she managed to say, “Ripped them off and pulled off all the hair.”

  And then we were done again. I was slapping the dashboard and she was sinking lower and lower in her seat. At points we both complained of sudden onset hysteria headaches.

  When we finally had simmered down to bursts of hearty giggles I was able to ask her where the date had been.

  “Well, he took me to the pick-your-own-apple-orchard.” And then she started laughing again.

  I had to make a joke. “He was already picking his apples. His pre-wrapped apples.”

  The slapping started then, on my bicep while she hiccupped and giggled.

  I flexed because it was what I did. Eventually she just laid her hand on me. Like it was nothing. Like I was anybody. Like I was a friend.

  My heart soared. I knew then to not look her in the face because she would see the hope coming up in me. And I had to protect her from that. It was a chore and a duty.

  “Well, safe to say there won’t be a date two. Damn, if I don’t know what to do about my phone.” She exhaled before biting her lip.

  “How do you mean?” I was all ears (and abs.)

  “Well, my phone fell out of my hand and then he locked the van so I couldn’t get to it before I stomped away from that date.” She folded her fingers together.

  “Did he say where he was going?” I put on my blinker. I knew where the pick-your-own-apples were.

  “He was going to pick apples. Without me. I think we were knocking off something on his to do list.” She gave my blinker a puzzled stare.

  “Do you want to come with me to get your phone? Or do you want me to drop you off first?” I waited for a sports car to zoom by.

  “Don’t do that. I mean, he might get violent. He seemed unhinged.”

  She touched my arm again.

  I looked up and swallowed. This girl was going to test me. I wanted to pin her against the side door and kiss the living hell out of her. The kindness in her gentle touch was so unusual to my system that it almost hurt.

  “Oh, he’s giving you back your phone. Today. I just wasn’t sure if you wanted to have to see him again or not.” I looked at her hand. Silver nail polish. That soft skin that would be fun to warm if she’d let me hold it.

  “I don’t want you to have to get involved. It’s not your fight.” She nodded. “I’ll get it somehow.”

  I made the decision and whipped the SUV into a U-turn. She was quiet on our way back to the orchard. I had to remember not to scare her away. And then I remembered that scaring her away was the best thing I could do for her.

  Chapter 16


  His jaw was set. This was Dick Dongy pissed right the hell off. It was making my heart pound. I didn’t want him to have a confrontation with a millionaire jerk. Rex probably knew people that were in high-powered positions.

  He flipped his blinker on to turn into the apple orchard. The orange blinker reflected a bit on his tanned skin. His hood was down. Dick Dongy was a handsome guy. It was hard to tell through the muscles, but I had forgotten to see them when we were laughing. I knew he was strong; he’d lifted me so easily. And the hardness of every part of him was a testament to a constant regimen to maintain that physique.

  We started down the driveway and I could see Rex’s Grand Caravan parked at the end of it.

  “That’s the van.”

  Rex was nowhere to be found.

  “Maybe he left it unlocked.” I offered.

  Dick nodded. “That’s a possibility.”

  I got the feeling that Dick was here to get more than my phone. He wanted revenge for what Rex had put me through.

  I would be happy to just get my phone.

  As Dick rolled to a stop, I unbuckled and hopped out. The van was still locked. I peered through the window. I could see my phone’s screen lighting up under the passenger seat.

  “Hey. You’re back!” I winced when I heard Rex’s voice.

  I turned to see him approaching with a big, brown bag filled with apples.

  Dick moved next to me and I watched Rex’s eyes go from me to the huge guy next to me. His face fell.

  Dick put his hand on my lower back. “I hear you have my friend’s cell phone locked in your car. She’s going to need it back.”

  Okay. This was going well. That was just a polite request.

  And then Dick added, “And you were a creepy bastard to her so you better hurry up with your unlock button before I bash in the windows on this crappy van.”

  Rex looked in a few different directions with his mouth open and an indignant tongue peeking out. “Oh. You don’t know who I am, do you?”

  Dick bent his neck from one shoulder to the other, spine cracking while he did so. Then, he took his hand from my back and punched his own palm. “I don’t care who you think you are. I know if you took advantage of a girl in your car and then let her walk home you’re a fucking asshole.”

  I felt my mouth drop open. Dick Dongy was in charge of setting the tone and was completely in his element—ready to fight. And it was hot as hell.

  He took a second to lock eyes with me. “Go back to the truck, Hendrix. Lock the doors and don’t open them until I’ve laid this fool out.”

  I closed my mouth. I couldn’t let him fight this battle.

  He didn’t care who Rex was, but I could tell this guy had a chip on his shoulder and was not used to being treated like anything but a princess. I didn’t want Dick in jail. Who would take care of Lucky the bat?

  I shivered, thinking it would have to be me and I really, really didn’t like the idea of holding the bat. I stepped around Dick.

  “Rex? I’m going to need my phone.” I wanted the flush out some of the testosterone in the air.

  “Well, you missed your opportunity to get any favors from me earlier.” Rex leered at his crotch and then back at me.

  Now, I was angry. I took two steps closer to Rex and his apple bag and felt Dick taking steps with me. He literally had my back.

  Once I was close enough to his apples, I stuck my tongue out and blew a big juicy raspberry at him. I made sure to spittle all over his fresh picked apples, knowing that a true germaphobe would lose their minds.

  Then I smiled. I watched Re
x pitch a fit as I predicted. Then his gaze flickered over my shoulder to the beast behind me. He seemed to be trying to decide what to do. He dropped his bag of apples and in the same moment, Dick had grabbed me around the waist to pull me backwards.

  “You ruined my apples!” Rex pointed his finger at me. Well, it was me at first, then it was at Dick.

  I heard the very telling sound of Dick’s hoodie unzipping. He slid it off his shoulders and passed it to me without looking. “Can you hold this for me?”

  I took it and it was still warm from his body heat. I saw that Dick’s arms had abs on them as well.

  He looked terrifying. And strong. Really strong.

  “What did you say to her?” He was preening now. Doing that thing that men do when they are ready to fight.

  “I just picked out these apples and now she’s spat on them.” Rex replied. The millionaire sounded far less convinced I needed a punishment now.

  “Well, there’s an easy way to fix that. Go get her phone from the van, apologize for being a wanker and then pick your apples up and wash them.” Dick’s muscles tightened even more as he advanced. “Though, I bet you could get more than a few guys to buy them now because she spit on them. Pretty much everyone in town would drink her bathwater given the chance.” Dick put his hands on his hips.

  I felt myself blush at the reference to my bath water. That was a new one.

  Rex sputtered but headed towards the van while he grumbled. “I’m not drinking anyone’s bathwater. How disgusting.”

  Dick turned to follow Rex with his eyes. I should be watching Rex so I could retrieve my phone in a timely manner-but the profile shot of Dick in attack mode was too much man to peel my eyes away from. He was monstrous with all his muscles. Beast would have been a title that fit him. I thought for a moment how cruel kids were. How many taunts did he receive because he looked so unique? What kind of man did that experience make someone into?

  He took his watchful gaze from Rex and put it on me before I could take the awe out of my stare.

  He looked from my eyes to my lips and back again. Then his smirk went up on one side.

  He mouthed, “Your phone,” and I snapped out of it.

  Rex dug around under the passenger seat before pulling out my cell. He held it out to me. As I tried to reach forward he tossed it.

  The phone hit me in the forehead before I caught it against my chest.

  “Ow.” I rubbed at my skin.

  Then there was silence. I hit the home button and saw all my missed messages. The loud sound of a body being thrown against a van made me snap my neck up.

  Dick had Rex pinned against the side panel by his throat. Rex struggled and his eyes bulged out.

  “Don’t!” I needed to stop Dick because strangling Rex to death was not how I pictured my blind date ending.

  Dick whispered things near Rex’s ear and then let him drop. He took a step backwards as Rex slid down the van into a little whimpering pile.

  Rex held his throat and looked at Dick with wild eyes. “You’re a menace. You’re dangerous.”

  Dick held out his hand to me and I realized he wanted his hoodie back. All of his muscles were tensing and flexing so it took me a second to figure it all out. I handed him the sweatshirt. He slipped it on before pointing at Rex.

  “You hurt her. You hit her with her phone. You asked for this. Stay away from her. You can come for me any day. I’m always ready to beat sense and manners into you.” Dick turned to me, his hood was still down but his spectacular arms were now hidden. “You okay, Hendrix? You need some ice or something?”

  I didn’t want to create more trouble for Dick. “I’m getting a headache. Maybe I need some ice?” I pretended to stagger.

  Dick’s eyes narrowed and he looked ready to have another go at Rex so I put my hand on his forearm. “Let’s just go. I have my phone. You’re going to give me a ride, right?”

  “Of course. I’ll find a way to get you ice. Are you seeing double or anything?” Dick put his arm around my shoulders and helped me into his big SUV. He carefully shut the door like I was made of glass.

  Rex was still crumpled in a little ball, but he was frowning now. I put my hand to my head and pretended to wipe away tears. Let the millionaire worry that I was thinking about calling the cops or something. Or suing.

  Chapter 17


  I kept one eye on Hendrix while I backed out of the driveway. I didn’t want to take the time to do an eight-point turn in the little parking lot at the orchard. I had to get her to the ER. Head injuries were no joke.

  Eventually she started laughing. “I’m fine. Seriously. You look so worried. I just wanted Rex to think he deserved what you just did to him.”

  I stopped the SUV just before the road. “Are you sure? It looks like you’re getting a red mark there.”

  “It’s nothing. I’ve knocked my head harder on my kitchen cabinets before.” She touched her forehead.

  I reached out and put my knuckle under her chin. “Close your eyes real quick.”

  A little suspicion crossed her face before she went ahead and did as I asked. I had her open them again. Her pupils seemed equal and reactive.

  “Okay. I think you’re all right.” I wanted to kiss her. Her lips would be as soft as her skin. It was science.

  Instead I put the SUV in drive and warned her off of me. “I know you think I’m super manly and you probably want to get pictures of me to plaster in your room and everything—but you’re going to have to hold off.”

  I heard her give an exasperated snort.

  I waited for her to say she would never think of doing anything like that—but instead there was silence.

  As I checked to make sure I could safely maneuver onto the road I felt hope bubbling up again. The most dangerous feeling someone like me could have.

  Chapter 18


  Just when Dick was getting to me he would flip it. His delusions of grandeur were frustrating. I gave him a side eye while he got the SUV up to speed. Then I looked out the window.

  I reflected on how he’d just handled Rex. The infuriating part of my personality that I hid deep inside that wore a hoop skirt and a tiara swooned. It loved to be protected. It would have to shut its face.

  I was about to tell him where I lived when he pulled off to the side of the road and hopped out of the car like it had just caught fire.

  I felt my eyebrows try and touch each other. Using the rear view mirror, I was able to catch Dick crouching low over what looked like a discarded jacket.

  Curiosity makes me get out of the car. I hear gentle mumbles from Dick. He seems to be comforting the jacket.

  As I get closer I see that it’s not a jacket at all—but a raccoon. A raccoon that has reached it’s little trash panda paw out to grab Dick’s index finger.

  “What happened?” It was a stupid question. Wildlife injured by a road usually got there because of the most obvious answer.

  Dick’s voice was calm and pleasant as he gave me his assessment, “She’s hurt. I don’t see any cuts just yet. She may be lucky enough to have just been brushed by a vehicle.”

  “Aww.” I felt horrible for the hairy thing as its frantic eyes assessed me. “Poor girl.”

  “The bad news is I think she’s pregnant. I could be wrong. It could be swelling from her injuries, but…” He gently pet the raccoon on her head. She allowed it, surprisingly. “Her skull feels pretty good. So, hopefully no injuries there.”

  “Should we call someone?” I unlocked my cell phone.

  “Animal control would put her down. And the local wildlife rescue doesn’t take raccoons any more. We’re all she’s got.” He sighed.

  “Can I get anything?” I didn’t like how helpless I felt. I was also wondering if this animal was going to bite the hell out of Dick.

  “Do you mind driving? Would it be alright to stop at my house?” He turned to look at me with pleading eyes.

  “Of course.” I nodded.

  Dick unzipped his hoodie for the second time in an hour but instead of handing it to me he laid it over the raccoon.

  After some careful tucking, he was holding the raccoon to his chest like a baby.

  I hurried forward and opened the passenger door for them both. Dick eased in.

  “Your seatbelt?” I couldn’t fathom how to get it around them. The raccoon blinked a few times in my direction before leaving her eyes closed.

  “No time. I trust you, Hendrix. Let’s go.” He nodded at the passenger door.

  I closed it and rushed around to the driver’s side. I slapped my belt on while I slipped the SUV in drive.

  On the way to Dick’s house, he cooed to the raccoon and seemed to be running a gentle, assessing hand over her limbs. He would look up on occasion to give me directions, and soon enough I was pulling up a long driveway. The humble ranch was basic but tidy.

  I threw it in park and ran around to open the door for Dick. He cuddled the raccoon close and shook his head. “I’m worried about her. Let’s go.”

  I found the house key attached to the SUV keys, so I was able to let us all in.

  The rambler was sitting on top of an obvious basement was neat. The living room set up as a gym. I followed behind Dick as he asked me to open the door to the basement. I noticed all the doorframes had been widened. I absently wondered if it was to fit his giant shoulders. I hit the light switch on our way down, though Dick had managed to get halfway down the stairs without them.

  The bottom half of his house was obviously where he took animals that were injured. He had a folding table set up and laid the limp trash panda on the surface.

  He started shouting orders to me, and because he seemed to know what the hell he was doing, I listened.

  I started warming a stack of clean towels in the dryer as he readied a needle.

  He must have seen my wide eyes. “It’s just fluids. I don’t have any mad skills. The animals with me—I can splint them up, give them shelter, sometimes pain meds depending. I’m just a last hope stop. If natures going to take its course --it does.”

  I nodded and got one of the towels out of the dryer and let the rest keep tumbling. Dick motioned for me to come over as he cleaned a small spot on her rear leg that he had shaved.