Read Beautiful Page 30


  After her session, her blackberry vibrated to remind her that, she was supposed to be meeting Aquarian for lunch? They had both been so busy for nearly a month and hadn’t had time to see one other. They made a promise not to allow a month to go by without seeing each other once. It had been 29 days and Aquarian called her last night to tell her to meet him for lunch at JC’s, no excuses. She hopped in her car and told the driver her new destination. Then she called Terri to inform her of where she was headed and to clear her next hour.

  JC’s was a nice, quiet place for lunch: not too many people, not big crowds or long lines and the house band would be playing Jazz tunes. JC’s had light lunch items on the menu like: salads, soup, cold and hot sandwiches and Tierra had her heart set on some sweet potato fries and an apple, mango salad. When she walked in she looked around for Aquarian, but he hadn’t arrived yet. She noticed Roe sitting at the bar and walked over to him.

  “Hey, miss thang!” he said and stood to give her a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Back with that big bear you were with the other week?”

  “No Roe, I’m meeting Qu for lunch. Have you seen him yet?”

  “Nope. Why you dating that ex-ball player anyway? He’s not your type. You could do so much better.”

  “And just what is my type, Roe? He’s nice, respects me, and he goes to church with me. What more can I ask for?”

  “Ti listen, you’re a good friend. We’ve known each other for a few years now. So I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t tell you my concerns. Just be careful.” Roe said placing his hand on Tierra’s shoulder, turning her attention to him. “With him things may not be as they seem, ok. Something just doesn’t feel right about that guy,” he warned.

  She wasn’t listening. She was tired of hearing about how she was making a mistake with Malcolm. Terri didn’t like him. Timothy, the agent she placed his account with, begged her to take him away. But, what did they know? For that matter, what did she know? She spotted Qu as he walked in. She excused herself, and went to meet him, glad that conversation was over.

  “Hey Tia’wanna, long time no see,” Qu greeted her. He picked her up, wrapping his muscular arms around her, and spun around. He had the biggest childlike grin on his face. When he put her back down, he poked her in the arm.

  “Ouch! What’s that for? You mad at me or something?” she frowned, trying not to rub her arm.

  “Naw, I’m just playing. Saying hi. I ain’t trying to catch a beat down by your new beau.”

  “Y Tu?” she said to Qu, cocking her head to the side “What does everybody have against Malcolm?” she fumed. “I don’t get it. For years I’ve been single, and all ya’ll was bugging out telling me I needed to date. Now that I have someone, everybody wants to hate on him!”

  Qu smiled seeing see she was emotional over this. He laughed inside at the sight of the lil girl her remembered from 20 years ago showing up in this adult frame. She was in her usual pouting stance; her weight shifted to her left leg, arms folded tightly across her chest, lips slightly poked out and her eyes quickly fluttering. She was still a Beautiful Mess.

  He pulled one of her hands out of their locked position and took them into his. Then he wrapped his arms tightly around her and leaned down, whispering in her ear, “Ti, you are everything to me. I don’t know about anybody else’s motives, but as for mine, I don’t want anyone to hurt you. You are a very special woman to me.”

  “Lately, I’ve seen a change in you, and I thank God every day for bringing us back together. If this is the man God has for you, then I’ll pray for your happiness. I’ll be the flower girl in your wedding,” he laughed. “But Ti, you don’t look like the woman in love that you claim to be.”

  Neither one made a move or remarked on Qu’s last statement. Instead Tierra dragged her feet across the tiled floor, over exaggerating every step, until they reached her favorite table. Qu pulled out the chair for her to sit in and she dropped down into it, continuing her pout.

  “What am I going to do with you?” he asked, readjusting his chair so it was right next to hers. When he sat down Tierra laid her head on his shoulder releasing a long sigh.

  “You ready to order?” the waitress asked.

  Tierra nodded her head. Qu ordered Tierra a steak & cheese Panini, with mushrooms, Jalapeño, Chipotle mayo, grilled onions and a Strawberry lemonade to drink. For himself, ordered a Tuna Panini, with mayo, lettuce, tomato, banana peppers and Swiss cheese, along with a Strawberry lemonade to drink.

  Tierra sat up and looked at him crossways as the waitress walked away with their orders.

  “Was that right?” he asked.

  Tierra remained silent.

  “Ti?” he asked again.

  “Well, I was going to order some sweet potato fries and a salad. But, actually it’s been a while since I had my favorite Panini.”

  “Are you sure, because I can call her back.”

  “Naw, I’m good.”

  For the next few minutes, no one uttered a word. They focused on the stage and the smooth Jazz sounds coming from the trio. Brownstone didn’t recite poetry this early in the day, so just the musicians where present.

  “What is it like, Qu?” she asked, breaking the silence between them.

  “What, what’s what like?”

  “Being in love? What’s it feel like?’

  Qu was taken back by her question. He turned to look at her and found her fiddling with the silverware on the table. He lifted her head and sighed. “Ti, if you have to ask that question…”

  She gave him a blank stare, curled her top lip, and inhaled and exhaled forcibly before turning away from him.

  “Tierra Rodriquez, listen to me!” he demanded. Startled by his tone, she turned back around, but showed no emotion while she faced him. “Love, can’t be explained. When you feel it you’ll know it, is what I mean. You won’t have to wonder. Sure, you may be afraid of what you feel. I mean love, love is a powerful emotion. You think of that person all the time. You pray for them. If they were hurt, you’d never leave their side. Love and infatuation can be mistaken, though, so, when people tell you to be careful. That’s all they mean, be careful. Guard your heart.”

  “Qu, I don’t have much experience, no, let me rephrase that, I don’t have any experience, you know, in this area. What if I’m making a big mistake? I don’t want to get hurt,” she revealed.

  “Listen to your heart, Ti. You’ve always had great instincts. Don’t stop listening to them now. Trust yourself and what you feel. Pray. Yeah I said it, pray for guidance. Pray for the wisdom to know loves truth from, it’s lies. If he is telling you lies that is.”

  The waitress brought their food over and they left the conversation where it was. They ate their food, pretty much in silence.

  Afterwards, Qu slid his chair back over to Tierra and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. They sat and listened to the band play. Tierra sank into the safety of Qu and smiled. ‘ Why didn’t it feel like this when she was with Malcolm? ’ When several people stood up to dance, Qu made his move. He jumped to his feet and stuck out his hand.

  “Care to go for a whirl?”

  She looked up at Qu. The soft glow of the chandeliers overhead rose over him. He looked like something out of a dream. She slowly reached out her hand, and allowed him to lead her to the floor. Qu took her in his arms, and pulled her close to him. The house band was playing their favorite jam, “ Karyn White’s, Love Saw It” He smelled like a mix of Egyptian Oil and Curve as she melted against his frame. She’d been this close to him before. At their high school prom, they danced together, but it didn’t feel like this. In Qu’s arms she felt safe, like she was gliding on heavens clouds. She closed her eyes and reverenced the moment.

  “Heaven,” Qu said softly.

  She stopped dancing and looked up questioning him with her eyes.

  “This must be what heaven feels like,” he said, brushing a curl out of her face.

  “What do you mean?”

He just looked at her, and kissed her gently on her forehead. “Malcolm better be good to you, Tierra. I hope he realizes what a gift he has in you.” Qu, held Tierra close, and as they resumed their dance.

  Be a MAN!