Read Beautiful Page 36

The congregation at United Family of Prayer Church was on their feet as the pastor delivered his sermon. He had a way with words that touched someone right in the midst of their storm. It seemed to Tierra that since the first time she arrived, the young pastor somehow was able to read her perfectly. Every time she came, he spoke directly to her broken places.

  “The Lord doesn’t want half of your praise. He doesn’t give you half a blessing. When he blessed you with a raise, it wasn’t half a raise. When he blessed you with a house, it wasn’t half a house. When he blessed you with a wife, it wasn’t half a wife. Why would you give him half praise? Why would you hold back on your thanks, and glory to God? What are you afraid of? Stop looking around at who is looking at you? Why do you care what your neighbor thinks? Maybe they don’t think they have as much to be thankful for as you do. Maybe God didn’t move some mountains this week for them. Why do you care? Praise God for what he has done for you!

  “Did he turn you away? NO, He welcomed you into his fold with open arms. He loved you as you were, and he showed you how to be better. Now I don’t know about some of you in here, but if it had not been for the Lord on my side…” The church was a thunderous roar the more the young pastor spoke. “I don’t know where I would be, do you? I might still be in that bar, still going after them girls to fill my voids. I might be dead… but the Lord kept me! The Lord renewed me! The Lord took me as I was and healed me,” The pastor wiped the river of sweat that poured from his brow with his black handkerchief. He took a sip from the glass of water below the pulpit and looked out as his congregation rose to their feet, shouting words of praise.

  Pastor Xavier Norwalk may have been a bit on the young side some when he took over for his ailing father. Some thought he would not be able to stand in the shoes his father left and left the congregation. He was able to bring in the younger followers that his father was never able to reach. United family of Prayer Church had what the pastor considered a nice size congregation. Not too big, not too small. ‘I want to know my flock, personally. I can’t know 20,000 people on that level. I don’t want to be responsible for that large of a flock. It’s my job as pastor, to lead them to the Kingdom of Heaven. Two-thousand is hard enough for me. I don’t know what I’d do with twenty-thousand.’ Pastor Norwalk said once to a Union News newspaper reporter.

  “You think the Lord just handed me this robe? You think because of my age I haven’t gone through any tribulations? I bet you think that I haven’t had my share of pain, trials and storms to get to where I am now? Do you believe that because I wear this robe that I have no more storms to endure? I have storms! I have issues! Trust me when I say, the Devil still throws at me. Yet, I know with whom my strength lays. I know what name to call on to make the devil and his minions flee. I know what name is mightier than any other name. Do you? Do you know how to call on the father? Do you only call his name when you’re going through? Do you call his name when you’re happy and feel blessed? When you have plenty, and when you have little? If he never blessed you again, could you STILL praise on his name? Come on, praise his name. Praise his name congregation! He’s waiting to hear from you. He’s been calling to you. He’s left messages; have you checked your machine? Did you take your phone off the hook and leave a busy signal for your God? But then wonder why there’s been no change in your situation. Well, I dare you to pick up the phone. I dare you to answer the call of the Lord. I dare you to surrender to him and say, ‘Here I am, Lord. Use me, as you will’. Who will answer the Lord’s call today?”

  Pastor Norwalk walked down from his pulpit and stood in front of the sanctuary, his arms stretched out wide. This was the time when he opened the church for anyone who wanted to give his or her life to God, wanted to renew their relationship with God, or join the church. The church choir sang “Mercy Saw Me” to get everyone’s heart in the right place. The musicians strummed on the drums, and the pianist transferred emotions through the keys.

  Tierra’s heart was beating to match the intensity of the drummers beat. She felt like she was floating on a cloud. She had no control left. Her body was not her own, her legs were not under her control.

  She jumped up and down, raised her hands toward the sky, and looked up at the picture of Jesus on the cross that hung on the wall behind the altar. She was drawn to it. She stepped out from her row in the back of the church and walked down its center aisle. Several members of the congregation patted her on the back as she glided down the aisle. When she reached the end of the pews, she fell to her knees, closed her eyes and began to cry.

  “I’m sorry Father, forgive me!” she cried. “I shouldn’t have blamed you for what they did to me. Oh God, I’m so sorry!”

  Pastor Norwalk walked over to where Tierra was kneeling. One of the ushers brought her some tissues and wiped her brow. Another placed a gold colored piece of material around her back, to cover her. Tierra jumped in her skin at the ladies touch.

  “It’s just God child. He won’t hurt you. Let go and let God have his way,” the woman spoke in a calm voice.

  Tierra surrendered to the powerful sensation that came from within. The young pastor placed his hand on Tierra’s forehead and spoke to her in her ear. The congregation was again on its feet, waving their hands, shouting, and jumping around. Some prayed aloud with their hands out-stretched towards the new disciple in the front of the church. Others were sending up hallelujahs all of their own.

  “This is a glorious day! You see what the Lord can do, if only you open your heart to receive him? Each of you here has made a choice to come, to call upon the Father and express that you need him. It’s a beautiful day church!” Pastor Norwalk exclaimed.

  Each of them affirmed in voice that they believed Jesus died for them, rose again and was their savior. The pastor walked down the row of people, asking each of them, if they understood what it meant to give their life to Christ and if they were ready to commit their lives to him.

  “Pastor, I need Jesus to fill me, to heal the places that the Devil has tried to tear apart. To make me whole again!” she cried, when the pastor came to her.

  “You’ve just asked him,” he said placing his hand on her shoulder.

  Family members came up and hugged their loved ones who gave their lives to Jesus. Tierra stood silent covering her tear filled face.

  “Someone come and welcome our new sister into the family.” Pastor Norwalk asked. A silhouette rose and made its way to the front of the church. Tierra felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, and looked up from under her tissue covered face.

  “God isn’t concerned with your looks,” a familiar male voice said.

  Qu looked like an Angel. Right on time, again! She stood up on her tip toes and hugged him tightly.

  “I love you, Tierra Marqusia Rodriquez,” Qu said in a soft quiet voice.

  Several other church members took turns giving Tierra a hug. Soon she looked around and realized Qu was no longer there. When she made her way back to her seat, she looked for him, but didn’t see him anywhere.

  After service, as she was making her way to the main entrance, she saw the woman she referred to as “the lady in white”. She was standing in her usual spot by the door.

  “Hello. It’s nice to see you again.”

  “It’s nice to see you too. Where’s your beau today?” the lady asked, speaking about Malcolm.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t call him. He asked me to… well, it doesn’t matter. I guess he had something else to do today.”

  “I see, and your other friend? Did you ever find him?”

  “My other friend? Oh, you mean, Qu? Yes, I found him. He was here today, in fact. I don’t know where he went off to though. I thought he was mad at me, but then tonight he said… I don’t know if I heard him right. In fact, he’s said some really confusing things to me lately.”

  Realizing how much of her personal life she was spilling to a nice, but practical stranger, Tierra changed the subject.

  “I’m sorry, Miss. Please forgive me. I didn?
??t mean to spill all my drama on you.”

  “No, it’s no problem young lady. We all need someone to listen to us at one time or another. Now if you don’t mind my giving you my two cent…”

  Tierra shrugged.

  “I don’t believe your friend, Qu was it, I don’t think he is mad, not at you. It’s a stronger emotion but not anger. He just doesn’t know how to tell you, doesn’t want to ruin your friendship,” she explained, putting fans in a drawer.

  “What? How do you know what he’s thinking? Do you two talk about me or something?” she replied in a disturbed tone.

  “Oh no, I can see it, though. You just have to look in that man’s eyes,” she moved to wipe off the counter. “You’ve seen it, you have, but you run from it. You’ve got to stop running before he turns and goes to someone else, or you make the mistake of giving yourself to one that’s not meant for you,” she placed her hand lightly on Tierra’s arm.

  Tierra thought she heard Qu call out her name from behind her and turned to look towards the sound of the voice. When she turned back around, the woman was gone.

  “What? Where’d she go?” she asked aloud, as she looked back in the sanctuary for the woman or Qu, but there was no sign of either one. “Ok, that was beyond weird. I’m going to go home and get some sleep on that note.”

  The sun was shining and there was a pleasant breeze in the air. It was a Beautiful day after all.

  Please say it Ain’t so!