Read Beautiful Page 45

“Aquarian Skeene, you get up off your butt and stop moping around! Mrs. Skeene scolded her son, who was sitting in his wheelchair in front of a walker refusing to use it. “You came back from as close to death as I ever want to see you get. You have plenty to be thankful for. So stop being stubborn!”

  “I’m not walking with no DAMN walker, mom!” he yelled at his mother, grabbing the metal walker in his hand and tossing it across the room.

  “Oh really? You think you’re all big and bad and you can curse at me now, huh?” she warned, poking him in the head with her index finger. “I know you might not feel all happy happy, joy joy, but you better watch your tone young man!”

  Qu smiled on the inside, remembering the good ole days when his mother used to tell him to put on his happy face no matter what he felt like inside.

  “I’m sorry Ma, but I can’t do this. It’s too hard. I might as well just buy one of those damn, I mean, one of these contraptions with a motor,” he banged on the wheelchair, making clear his intentions. “You and dad better get used to helping me change clothes, eat, shower and all that. I might as well just hire a live in nanny for myself!” he took a deep breath before continuing, “What woman in her right mind will want me now? She won’t want me,” he finished in a whispered tone, hoping his mother didn’t hear.

  “First of all, your father and I don’t have to get used to doing a dang thing!” she cursed.

  Qu’ looked up at his mother with disbelief and a wide grin. Dang, was as close to swearing as he ever heard his mother say. “Oooo Mom…”

  “Don’t you ooo mom me boy! We didn’t raise a weak child. You’ll get through this, or you’ll be hiring that care-giver alright. And, I’ll be there to make sure she’s an ole’ wrinkled face prune!” she teased with a big smile. “See if you like her giving you a full body sponge-bath. Second of all, who are you referring to, Aquarian? Is that what has you all upset son? You’re worried about some girl, who you think won’t accept you because of how you are today?” she questioned, and knelt down in front of her son taking his hand in hers. “Aquarian, if she won’t accept you with the possibility of you never walking again, then son, she isn’t who God has for you. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but, whether you are walking or in this chair, you are still a Son of God and he wants only the best for you!” she leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead. “Now get your butt up!”

  “Ouch! C’mon, really? Where is the compassion for the cripple?” Qu questioned, referring to the slap on the bad of his head, she delivered as she rose to her feet.

  “Compassion? Boy, get your butt up!”

  Qu looked up at his mom. He could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn’t playing. He reached out his hand towards the nurse who took hold of him by his left elbow. He grabbed the side of the walker that his mother placed back in front of him, with his right hand. It took all his will-power to pull himself to his feet. His legs hurt tremendously, and shook as he stood. As he began to take his first steps, his breathing intensified, but finally, there he was, upright. Now he just had to convince his feet to move across the floor.

  “Don’t stand in one place for too long, son. You have to keep it moving,” Mrs. Skeene preached, speaking about more than his physical stance.

  Moving his feet was the hardest thing he ever had to do thus far in his life, besides burying Beautiful. It felt like he was trying to pick up a 500 pound dumb bell with his foot. Slowly though, he began to feel his foot slide across his hardwood floor. It was only a few inches, but the nurse and his mother made such a big deal about it, that he tried again and again. Fifteen minutes later sweat poured from his face like he had just completed an hour on a treadmill, although he only slid his feet three feet across the floor. No big deal to the average person, but to someone who was in a coma for nearly nine weeks and was thought to never make it out of the hospital alive, it was everything.

  Qu smiled and winked at his mom.

  “Hey, Man!” a voice called out from behind everyone.

  Mrs. Skeene turned around to see Vito and her daughter Chamani standing in the doorway behind them.

  “I hope you don’t mind, big brotha. I stopped at Gus & Paul’s on my way back from the plaza to grab me one of those Lemon bars you always talked about on the phone, and Vito was sitting there having lunch. We got to talking ‘bout you…”

  “So I offered her a ride home, so I could stop by and see for myself how my new business partner is doin’,” he finished her sentence.

  “It’s cool.”

  “Thanks for bringing Chamani home Vito.” Mrs. Skeene said politely.

  “No problem,” Vito said.

  “Hello. How are you?” she asked.

  “I’m good.”

  “That’s good. Would you push his chair over here please?”

  “Oh yeah, sure,” he rolled the wheelchair over behind Qu and held it steady as the nurse and Mrs. Skeene helped him into it.

  “What’s up, V?” Qu said, lifting his hand over his head giving Vito dap.

  “Nothing much Man, just came by to check out your progress. See if there was anything that you needed? Sorry I wasn’t at the hospital all that much, man you know me and hospitals…”

  “I’m cool, thanks. I know you were thinking about me. Never thought I’d be all excited over sliding my feet what… 3-4 feet,” he looked at the floor, trying to figure out how far he had traveled. “How is business going? Sorry for leaving you hanging like this,” Qu rolled his chair into his den, motioning for Vito to sit down in one of the black, leather upholstered chairs.

  “Man, please. Did you purposely step in front of a drunk driver? Chill. I was solo before you showed up. I can handle it till you get back.”

  “Yeah I know. I just wish I could do something, man. Sitting here all day, trying to move my damn legs is driving me crazy!”

  “Well, you have to get back on your feet; the White Ball is coming up Son! I need you there for that. I’m not trying to add no pressure to you, but if you have any rabbits left in your hat, being available for that night would be a trick I’d really appreciate. Even if you’re in the chair, I just need your presence in the house.”

  “Damn, Dog! I forgot all about that!” he remarked and then grew quiet. He turned toward the window and looked out in a daze.

  “What’s up, Qu? I know that look.”

  “I was just wondering… have you talked to Tierra lately? I haven’t talked to her in like 2 weeks. I don’t want her to see me this way, so I’ve kind of been avoiding her calls.”

  “Man, are you bugging or what? That woman practically prayed you back to life! Why you dissing her?”

  “Have you heard from her or not?” Qu snapped, sucking his teeth.

  “Yeah, she’s been making big moves over at Baxwell Enterprisez,” Vito began and then paused. He wasn’t sure if he should reveal the other news on Tierra and Malcolm.

  “Uh Man, listen I have to tell you somethin’. I’d rather you hear it from me I guess, well actually, I’d rather not be the messenger. But I don’t want you readin’ ‘bout it in no newspapa or magazine, or somethin’. I’m assuming that Sean hasn’t told you either… so don’t shoot the messenger aiight!”

  “What’s up man? You got me all nervous now.

  “OK listen. The word is that shortly before your accident, hmm Malcolm, he… “

  “He what? Spit it out Vito!”

  “Aiight calm down dude… Malcolm popped the Big Question dawg!”

  “ WHAT!” Qu yelled. If he could have stood he would have jumped out of his chair. Instead he pounded his fist on the arm of his wheelchair. “Damn!”

  “With a freaking 5 carat solitaire no less. I ain’t seen it, but ya know I got me a hunny over there in da office at B.E. and she told me ‘bout it.”

  “He’s not right for her.”

  “Oh really, he’s not right for her? And, who is, you?” Vito laughed. “Come on, Qu. You my man and all, but you told me you don’t even want her to see y
ou, or to help you. If you love her so much, why you blocking?”

  “Whatever Vito. What do you know about being in love anyway? You never have just one girl on your arm,” he replied defensively, turning his chair around.

  “Ya know what, you’re right, I don’t. But, I’ll tell you what I don’t do. I don’t play no games with no one. Every chick I mess wit, knows the deal upfront. If they cool wit it, then we roll. If not, I’m on to the next. But I don’t front man.”


  “Oh, and trust, I know what it takes to be in love. I just chose not to fall in love right now,” he announced. “And in case you’re wondering, she ain’t gave him no answer yet. I gotta bounce. I ain’t mean to come by here and start no mess aiight.”

  “I know dog, we good.” Qu, turned his chair back around to face Vito and offered his fist to seal the deal.

  “Cool man, just think about what I said ok? If you love her like you say you do, why are you holding her at bay?”

  “Thanks man, I will,” he paused. “, and thanks for telling me about Ti.”

  Vito walked out the den, said goodbye to Mrs. Skeene and showed himself to the door.

  Qu rolled over to the window. He sat there and looked out for a few minutes.


  “Yes Aquarian, what is it?”

  “I need your help mom, please. Don’t tell me I’m crazy either. Go and catch Vito”

  “Aquarian, what are you up to?” his mother asked, looking at him curiously.

  “Hurry mom!”

  She hurried off to catch Vito, catching him just before he it onto the elevator. Together, the two of them returned, sat down and listened as Aquarian told them his plan.

  “You sure you can pull this off, man?” Vito asked.

  “I hope so.”

  “I think it’s a lovely idea, son.”


  “Well, I’ll get on the phone with your physical therapist and see if she is available for some over time.”

  “Tell her I’ll pay her double to help me make this a reality.”

  “Hey, tell her I’ll match what he pays her if it goes as well as he hopes,” Vito chimed in.

  Just as she turned to pick up the phone to call Regina, Aquarian took his mother by the hand and gently kissed it.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “No problem.”

  Caught… Shopping?