Read Beautiful Page 46

A few weeks had passed since Sean last saw Qu. He went to see him a few times after he arrived back home. But, the last time he visited his friend, Qu really laid into him. He was upset that Sean didn’t tell him about Tierra. ‘ How you not going to tell me Tierra was engaged to Malcolm? ’ he complained, explaining that he was pissed he had to hear it from Vito. Sean and Qu were closer than he and Vito were, so he felt the news should have come from him. Actually, he felt it should have come from Tierra herself, and he was going to tell her that, as soon as allowed her to come and see him, that is.

  Shireece told Sean that lately Qu seemed to have found a new lease on life and was quickly improving. He was no longer using the wheelchair or the walker and now only needed a cane for support. Since their last encounter Qu made many calls to Sean. He was trying to get him to wake up and see where hi marriage was headed, if he didn’t pay more attention to his wife. After Sean told Qu, where to go, how to get there and offered to buy his one way ticket, he noticed some of the things Qu mentioned. He began to take a long hard look at his life, and marriage, and realized neither was what he envisioned them to be. Sure he had the money he always wanted, and was able to provide for his wife and mother the way he promised he would. But, unfortunately he was so blinded by success that he didn’t realize he wasn’t the husband he thought he was.

  It was Friday afternoon, and Sean was on his way home from a business meeting at Markis Entertainment. He had finalized his last account before the White Ball coming up and wanted to surprise Shireece, but didn’t know how. He wandered aimlessly around town and when he finally stopped, he was standing in front of Tigrez. Knowing it was one of Shireece’s favorite boutiques, due to the many times the name showed up on his credit card statements, he went inside hoping to get some inspiration.

  “Good afternoon Sir,” a young man greeted Sean, as he walked in. “Can I… help you with something?”

  “Naw, I’m cool, just looking right now. I’ll let you know if I need anything,” Sean replied, going towards the ladies’ section.

  Sean searched through several different racks on the main floor, but nothing spoke to him. He didn’t want to get just anything, nothing too sexy and damn sure not to plain. It had to be just right. Suddenly, he noticed the sales clerk seemed to be focusing his folding efforts on the items in his vicinity.

  “Is there a problem here?”

  “Oh no sir, no problem.”

  “You sure, because you seem to be sticking to me pretty closely.”

  “I’m sorry if you feel that way, sir. I’m just doing my job,” the young man replied, resuming folding a stack of clothes that were obviously already folded.

  Sean bit his tongue and remembered he was here to find something beautiful for his wonderful wife. He turned his search to another section of the store. Yet, after a few minutes, the same clerk was again, just steps away.

  “You know, I was going to hold my tongue. I was going to allow you to be you. I was going to go on and just shop for my wife, but now I can’t do that.”

  “Well, I’m sure there are plenty of other shops on the other side of town that you would feel more comfortable in, sir,” the man said in a very smug tone.

  “Excuse me? What in the hell did you just say? My wife shops in here all the damn time. I thought I’d come in here and get her something since this is obviously her favorite place, but you know what? I think I’m out, and I don’t think she will be coming here anymore either,” Sean vented and started towards the front door.

  “Yeah, whatever… your wife shops here, like you could afford to shop here!” the man said, under his breath. Unfortunately for him, not low enough.

  Sean stopped dead in his tracks, hearing every word the young man said. He turned around slowly, and eyeballed the man as he walked back over to him.

  “What the fuck did you say to me?”

  “Nothing. Good day, Sir,” he bobbed as he spoke.

  “Oh, no, you get your damn manager out here right now!” Sean demanded, pointing sternly towards the floor.

  The man quickly turned up his head and walked to the back of the store. He was mumbling under his breath about how he can’t believe he has to do this. Voices could be heard arguing from the back. It seemed one of the other attendants on the floor, had observed the altercation and had already gone to alert the manager. The young clerk was not happy that he had been ratted out. A few moments later, Marques sashayed out from the behind a curtain, with a grin on his face.

  “Good afternoon, sir. My name is Marques. I am the manager here. I understand there is a problem?” he said in a mild tone, hoping to keep the situation from getting out of control.

  “You better believe your ass there is! First of all, let me just make this as plain and clear as I can…” he said pounding his fist into his hand. “A lot, and I mean a lot, of my money gets spent in this store. Not by me, but my wife who shops here religiously. Matter a fact, so do her girlfriends. I came in here to get some inspiration for a gift for her. But since you have employees that seem to think a brotha can’t afford to shop in here, and what was it you said, ‘there are other shops on the other side of town, was it… that I could shop at’! I don’t think I’ll be letting any of my money go to this shop anymore!” Sean stated matter-a-fact like.

  “I’m sorry that you feel that way sir. I can assure you though that Cliff here does not speak for this establishment. This is not the way we do business. Can you please explain to me what exactly happened?”

  “I’ll tell you what happened; a black man walked in here, and was assumed to be a broke busta, maybe even a thief the way ya boy was all stuck up my ass. Why, because I’m wearing jeans and a pair of Tims and not an Armani suit. I was followed around the store like a common criminal. Wait till I tell Tierra what happened here,” Sean said opening up his cell phone and pressing his speed dial for Tierra.

  “Excuse me, sir. Did you say Ms. Tierra is a friend of yours?” Marques asked, surprised.

  “You bet your ass she is. We got back to elementary school. Shireece is my wife, and I work for Bridget,” Sean explained, wanting the manager to know just how deep he was with the women that shopped at this establishment. Just then Tierra answered her line.

  “Hello, Sean, you there?” she asked. She could hear his voice in the background, but he had not yet acknowledged her.

  “Yeah, Ti. What’s good girl?” Sean started as Marques touched his arm, pleading with him to hang up.

  “Hold on, Girl. Let me call you right back.”

  “Sir, listen I am so sorry for this employee’s actions. Ms. Shireece and her friends are personal clients of mine. I can assure you that the he will be dealt with swiftly. If you’ll allow me the chance to make up this misunderstanding, I can promise you that you won’t be disappointed!” Marques went on, walking away from Cliff. “Please, give us another chance. I can show you some things that Ms. Shireece was looking at the last time she was here,” Marques said to Sean pointing to the upper level.

  Sean paused for a minute. He thought and laughed to himself at how he was jealous over how Shireece raved always raved about her attendant at Tigrez. Marques this, and Marques that, how he always knew just what she’d like. Now he understood why he was so good at his job. I can’t believe I was jealous over this guy, he thought smiling inside, “Yeah, Ok that will work I guess.”

  “Cliff!!” Marques yelled, causing Cliff to jump where he stood.

  The young man walked over to where Marques was and observed Sean as he made his way to the upper level.

  “Cliff, I don’t think you know exactly what it is you’ve done. But, let me clear it up for you. You have insulted the husband of a very important client. That is unacceptable. We deal with people of all backgrounds and ethnicities in this establishment. If you are not capable of being professional and polite to everyone, whether they’re wearing Armani’, or in Tims, you need to find another position, outside this company! Either way you are suspended for a week!”

  “You ca
n’t do that, my uncle owns this place!”

  “I don’t care whose nephew you are. I run this place and until your uncle is willing to come in here and run it himself, I make the rules in here. Now you need to leave right now.”

  “I’m calling my uncle.”

  “Call whoever you want. Just do it on the other side of the door.” Marques walked away from Cliff and went to hopefully make amends for the damage he had done with Sean.

  That night when Shireece arrived home she was surprised to find her husband had beaten her home. He had candles lit and dinner waiting for her on the dining room table when she walked in. He smiled as he walked towards her and took her bags from her, leading her to the dining room.

  The look on her face was priceless. He loved it every minute of it. It was the first time, in a long time he had done anything this special for the woman he gave his last name to. He suddenly realized, how far off course he had strayed, and it made him pause.

  “Shi, listen. Thanks to a swift kick in my back side by a good friend of ours, I’ve realized that I’ve been taking you, us for granted. You’ve provided me with a great home to come home to for many years, and what have I given you?”

  “Sean, what’s wrong with you? You’ve been a great husband. We have a great home, you take good care of me, your mom and…”

  “…and that’s all I do!” he interrupted her pulling her close to him. “Please let me finish. It’s not going to be easy. Just be patient with me, ok. I promise, I am going to try to make more time for you, for us,” he wrapped his arms around her, lifted her in his arms and gently kissed her lips.

  Shireece was so shocked by his tone, his words, and then the kiss, so gentle and passionate. He hadn’t kissed her like that in… well she couldn’t remember how long it had been. She was left weak and dazed by it. He unzipped her sweater and removed it, tossing it over the back of a chair. He pulled it out for her and motioned for her to sit down.

  “You haven’t cooked for me in a long time.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  She began to cry, noticing what he had prepared.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “This is the first meal we had together, I can’t believe you remembered.”

  “Me either, to be honest. Obviously, this romantic stuff is in me somewhere.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.”

  That night Sean and Shireece laid in each other’s arms reminiscent of their dating days. They talked about starting a family, though they had problems doing so in the past. Sean came up with the brilliant plan of getting in some practice.

  “You know, just to be sure we are doing it right,” he laughed then leaned over and turned off the light.

  “You’re a mess! But baby, I miss this side of you.”

  “Well he’s back and here to stay… I promise.”

  More Truth, More Questions