Read Becoming a Legend Page 7

  ‘For seeing you.’ Andrew kept his back to her but she could feel the worry as he answered.

  ‘Me?’ Arianna was horrified that Andrew would be punished for seeing her. She felt tears beginning to build in her eyes. His uncle, Edward Lucan, was truly a monster.

  ‘Don’t worry. They go away when I change.’ Andrew pulled Arianna back in front of him, sensing that she was getting sad on him.

  ‘You haven’t changed in two weeks?’ Arianna fed at least every other day, and had to change to do it.

  ‘I haven’t had enough blood to do so. I had to be present for tonight, which forced my uncle’s hand.’ Andrew picked up her hands and held them in his own. He placed one of them back on his chest. He liked the feeling of her hands on him as much as she liked to touch him.

  ‘Why would he keep you from blood?’ Arianna asked, horrified at the thought. The thirst could overpower even strong night humans, making them do things they regretted.

  ‘I think he suspects that I’m hiding my power.’ Andrew brushed a calloused finger across her cheek and wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye. ‘Don’t worry about me. I have a plan to take care of everything.’ Arianna numbly nodded, still trying to understand how an uncle could be so cruel to his own nephew. Andrew leaned down and pressed his lips to Arianna’s before she could move away or protest. He was so gentle she barely felt it before he pulled back.

  “I think they’re ready for us.” Andrew pointed at the door where Devin was shifting again. “We best be getting down there to appease the masses.” Andrew was completely back to his normal arrogant self, with only a hint of sadness behind his eyes. Arianna wanted to stay upstairs and talk more. Her time with Andrew was constantly cut short. Their physical connection was always obvious, but she wanted to know more about him. Andrew intrigued her; he had as many secrets as Devin. Their connection intrigued her even more, and she had a feeling Andrew knew more about it than he led her to believe.

  “You have to teach me how to do that someday,” Arianna added as she quickly changed into her night human form. Her features refined as she grew taller, her skin paled and even glistened in the moonlight, but her blue eyes remained. Andrew followed by turning into the monster she first saw over a year ago. His frame doubled in size and his hair turned white. Even though she first though all baku looked the same in night human form, Arianna now could see the differences. His long white hair still had a hint of the waves from his naturally black hair. The muscles that were now shown off in his shirtless outfit, were the same as his day human form, just larger. In fact he now just looked like a larger, paler version of his normal self.

  “Do what?” he asked in his now lowered voice.

  “You and Devin keep your emotions so covered. I need to learn how to do that. Become more like a robot.” Arianna checked the mirror, and Andrew had been right. Her team had tastefully chosen a dress that would expand enough with her night human body. The tea-length skirt was even still coving her thighs, thankfully, and the top kept everything else in place too. She would have to thank Molina later. Having a girl on her team was beneficial, even when she choose the most horrible frilly pajamas to put her in, like the night not too long ago.

  “I could always be more like you,” he suggested as intense emotions hit Arianna. In an instant she was in his arms, meeting him halfway with her lips. It wasn’t the gentle kiss from a moment ago. She couldn’t help but be drawn to him. Everything she felt, and was hiding inside, was being reflected back to her by Andrew. Now she needed him close and pressed against him. Andrew’s hands traced the bodice of her dress while her hands cupped his face. Intense happiness came off him in waves. Arianna felt the same emotions well up inside her. Everything between them was mutual and perfect in that moment.

  “But then we would be late to your party.” Andrew stepped back at the sound of the door opening.

  Devin stood just outside, in the hallway, without speaking. Arianna tried to straighten out her dress as a blush crept up her face. She regretted her actions immediately at the sight of Devin. He’d just told her a day ago he loved her, and now, she was caught kissing Andrew. She wanted to tell him that she couldn’t help it, but it wouldn’t make a difference. She needed to learn how to control her emotions like everyone around her.

  “I think the dog has grown impatient. We must be needed downstairs,” Andrew said, staring at the open door.

  Devin turned to lead the way, but Arianna caught the sigh behind her. It seemed that Andrew didn’t want to leave the room upstairs as much as she didn’t. Arianna concentrated on Devin’s back. There was still no chink in his emotional armor. Maybe he hadn’t actually seen what she’d been doing with Andrew. She hoped he didn’t, but knowing Devin, he already knew. Somehow, he always knew. Arianna continued to blush on the dark stairs as she descended behind him. It was so hard. Behind her was one man who freely gave her his emotions any time she asked, and in front was one that wouldn’t ever be free from his past. Neither asked her to choose, but it felt like she was leading them both on.


  Clouded by the feelings of Andrew, Arianna didn’t see Devin slip beside her until his knife was at Andrew’s throat. His two guards down the stairs moved to jump into the action, but Molina and Turner held them both at bay. Everyone was frozen and staring at Devin and Andrew. Andrew’s large fingers grasped at Devin’s neck, setting the two at a standstill. Devin’s eyes flickered to Arianna during their silent conversation, but his concentration was always on Andrew.

  “What are you doing?” Arianna asked Devin, as neither Devin nor Andrew moved. Andrew opened up the conversation.

  ‘It seems your dog here thinks I’m the root of all evil, and planning to do something to harm you,’ Andrew replied, fingers never leaving Devin’s throat.

  ‘What now?’ Arianna asked Devin. Exasperated, she tugged at his sleeve. She could easily overpower him, but with his blade so close, and Andrew’s hands at his throat, she didn’t want to put either in more danger.

  ‘We’ve got surveillance of Edward Lucan planning to overthrow Gabriel. He has been planning this for almost a decade,’ Devin replied. ‘And since his entrance at the party, we’re now more certain, he plans to do it tonight.’

  ‘There are no plans that I know about,’ Andrew replied.

  ‘The other purebreds will not stand for a change in the system,’ Arianna replied, still unsure how to get them to both relax. ‘Gabriel already explained this all to me.’

  ‘They may not stand for mutiny, but from his smug attitude, I think Lucan has found a way around it,’ Devin replied. ‘I was just so kindly asking your escort here what the plan is, and how he plans to hurt you.’

  ‘Andrew would never hurt me,’ Arianna snapped back. That was one thing she was absolutely sure of.

  ‘Can you be certain?’ Devin tried to get her to see reason. Andrew was the nephew of her only baku enemy, power-hungry Lucan. Andrew had nothing to gain by being with Arianna.

  ‘Yes.’ Arianna replied. Andrew gave a smug smile at Arianna’s remark.

  “Now everyone, let’s go,” Arianna commanded. Molina and Turner slowly backed away from the two fully-transformed baku. The will of the lesser night humans was easier to command. Stronger night humans would willfully go against her command, but it still took energy. Devin and Andrew continued to stand ready to hurt each other, still both fighting the urge to listen to her.

  “It would be so easy to just squeeze,” Andrew said to Devin in a low voice. “Do you think you’d have time to put that blade in far enough before I had time to squeeze?” The two baku guards both snickered, knowing the answer.

  “I don’t think you’d want to try me since the blade is laced with nightshade,” Devin replied. It was now Turner’s turn to snort. “I wouldn’t come to a baku party without it.” Devin’s smile was deadly. Even a knick from that blade would incapacitate Andrew. Arianna reached up between the two men and unpeeled Andrew’s fingers while, at the same time, lowering Dev
in’s blade. She’d had enough with their excessive male bravado.

  “Touché,” Andrew replied with a smile and a bow. Arianna gave a disapproving glare to each of them. Andrew offered his arm to her, and she reluctantly took it, not wanting to choose sides. “Guess I’ll escort your girlfriend to her birthday party for you.” Devin glared at him as they walked past. Even Devin couldn’t hide the slight jealousy showing through his normal calm.

  Arianna winced at the bright lights as they walked onto the back porch and into the brightly lit nighttime party. While the dearg-duls feared bright lights for their burning effects, the baku seemed to bask in them. Arianna was glad to reach the tent until she realized that she was under the gaze of the hundred hungry people sitting there. All eyed her greedily, wanting a bit of the emotional energy she always threw off. Arianna was to the baku like a light is to insects. Thankfully, she was under Andrew’s aura and away from the constant emotional pull the baku all did, whether consciously or unconsciously.

  Under the tent it was just as bright as the walkway, but Arianna’s eyes quickly adjusted. Andrew led her to the head of the table next to Gabriel. Andrew then moved to the empty seat beside her. Lucan smiled at his nephew. Arianna tried to ignore his joy, but obviously Andrew could not. Arianna felt the tension in Andrew as his arm muscles tensed beneath her hand. Lucan was talking to Andrew, but Andrew clearly didn’t approve. Everyone stopped talking as Gabriel stood.

  “I’d like to thank everyone for coming tonight to celebrate with us on the birthday of my niece, and our leader, Arianna Grace. Since she has taken over in the past year, we’ve had fewer conflicts with the dearg-dul and one might say she has even brought peace to our lands. We are lucky to have such a great diplomatic leader,” Gabriel began. Arianna blushed and tried to ignore Gabriel talking. Her only diplomacy was her birth. Gabriel continued his speech, while Arianna talked silently to Andrew.

  ‘What’s your uncle planning?’ she asked.

  ‘No clue. His decisions never involve my opinion.’ Andrew continued to stare at his uncle. ‘I guess I’m supposed to keep my mouth shut, according to him.’ Lucan’s glare was evident to both Arianna and Andrew.

  Arianna looked back up at the crowd as they all proclaimed “Happy Birthday!” together. Most of the people were genuinely happy. As everyone sat down so that dinner could be served, Lucan continued to stand. Gabriel nodded for permission to talk as there was no reason to deny him.

  “What a great occasion this is to celebrate,” Lucan began. “But why stop there at a birthday celebration, but at a change of power.” The crowd began to murmur their disapproval. Gabriel was correct in guessing that no one approved of mutiny.

  “Are you suggesting a rebellion? Are you making a challenge?” Gabriel asked, his baku form expanding a bit as he stood. Not a single person seated at the large table seemed to agree with Lucan.

  “Never, great leader,” Lucan said with sarcasm. “I’m speaking for my nephew, since he’s seated at the left hand of the leader, Andrew assumes second-in-command for tonight.” The talking grew around them from murmurs to talking over each other. Arianna strained to listen to the conversations and understand what was happening. Andrew’s seat meant nothing to her. The males were all seated on the left of the females dates of each baku at the table. It was etiquette to have them there.

  ‘Please explain,’ Arianna asked her uncle, but Gabriel didn’t reply as he stared daggers at Lucan. Arianna looked around the room, still confused. Everyone else seemed to get what Lucan meant even if she did not.

  Andrew reached for her hand, but Devin suddenly stood between them. Devin’s blade was pulled out, and it was obvious that he planned to use it as soon as he could. Andrew didn’t hit back this time. There was none of the bravado of power. Andrew sighed and returned to their silent conversation.

  ‘At all times, the second-in-command can challenge the head of the families to a duel for the right to be in charge. The person seated to the left of the leader at formal functions is considered the number two in command. I should have been this coming. My uncle might not be strong, but he’s clever when he wants to be. Gabriel should have been seated here, but since you’re a female, they seated me here as your date.’ Andrew dragged his hands through his hair, wanting to be face-to-face with Arianna, but instead finding himself staring at Devin.

  ‘This was all a set up?’ Arianna asked Andrew. Disbelief filled her face. Andrew had always been honest with her, at least she thought. She counted back to all the times she had been alone with him in the past year. Not one time did she feel unsafe around him. Was she supposed to? Devin seemed to think so, and now, Devin was correct.

  ‘Never by me. I truly just wanted to be your date,’ Andrew tried to beg for her to listen to him.

  ‘And you can’t just decline?’ Arianna demanded. The tension in the tent was mounting, and they were sitting at the core of it. Gabriel was now fuming over having been caught in a trap. His anger wouldn’t hold much longer.

  ‘My uncle speaks for my family. His word is law in our house.’ Andrew hung his head in defeat. He couldn’t protect Arianna after all.

  For ten minutes straight, the people around Arianna argued over the circumstances. All saw that it was a complete set-up by Lucan to gain power, but the rules were the rules. Lucan supporters, who did not support him in a revolt from the current leadership, now easily agreed with Lucan, while most others, who were neutral, or even supported Arianna, did not. There had never been a female baku, let alone a female leader, so there was no real protocol on how to handle the situation. Females always sat to the right of the male they were with. Gabriel was too incensed to calm the people around them; so, they rattled on all their opinions while Arianna sat and watched with Devin standing between her and Andrew. Andrew looked around Devin but made no attempt to talk with her. He was busy in his own conversation and growing increasingly irritated. Arianna felt the fury start to come off him. Devin’s hand rested on the sheathed blade he brought, ready to pounce in a moment’s notice to defend her as the crowd’s arguing grew.

  “What’s going on?” someone asked Devin, joining the already growing voices trying to be heard.

  Arianna looked up next to her. Thomas had entered from behind them. He was confused at the ruckus going on and was eagerly looking from one person to the next, trying to get enough of the conversations to understand.

  “A challenge was issued,” Arianna replied.

  ‘What does that mean?’ Arianna asked Thomas silently. He was the only person in the room not upset or even reacting to the news.

  ‘It’s a fight to submission between the clan leader and the challenger,’ Thomas explained. ‘Who challenged?’

  ‘Lucan said that Andrew challenged,’ Arianna replied. Thomas looked around Arianna and glared at Andrew also.

  ‘What an idiot,’ Thomas replied. “Are you really that dense?” Thomas yelled over at Andrew. Andrew didn’t reply. He had been caught in his uncle’s trap just as much as Arianna was.

  “The Lucan clan set up Arianna. They had Andrew be her date, and then called for a challenge since he’s seated to her left,” Devin explained over all the commotion.

  “Lucan can’t do that,” Thomas replied, shrugging at all the noise. He wasn’t upset at the possibility of a challenge, even though he just asked to be Arianna’s keeper, swearing to protect her less than an hour ago.

  “According to the rules he can,” Devin replied. “Andrew is seated on her left. That would be the spot for the second-in-command.” Thomas still waved Devin’s comment away and didn’t even anger in the least.

  “No, I know the rules. Yes, the rules state a challenge can be made, but the baku’s tengu is always second-in-command,” Thomas replied. “Even if they are not present. It’s the balance between the baku and tengu.”

  “Yes, but Arianna doesn’t have a tengu,” Devin replied, not lowering his knife, which was pointed at Andrew, who wasn’t sitting back down or even trying to contain his ra
ge. Andrew had spent years keeping Lucan from knowing the extent of his real strength, but it was much harder to keep under control when angered. Andrew took a few deep breaths and listened to Devin and Thomas speak.

  “Did they not leave me a seat? Arianna doesn’t know the traditions quite yet, and must not have told them about me,” Thomas replied. Devin’s head snapped up as Gabriel finally came out of his fog of rage.

  “Is that true?” Gabriel asked. Andrew felt the hope Gabriel had, and Andrew’s power fell back under control.

  “Yes, he asked just before coming here,” Arianna replied. She looked to Thomas for an explanation but Gabriel spoke first.

  “And he’s tasted your blood?” Gabriel added.

  “On multiple occasions,” Thomas replied. “Turner and I both use her blood when protecting her. Everything is set. I just wanted her to agree before I told you.”

  Gabriel smiled and stood up. Everyone was instantly silent. Gabriel’s power was strong and threatening, but the calm happiness that settled over him startled everyone. Gabriel wasn’t one to hide his emotions, and the crowd all knew to tune into it to get a better idea of what is going on.

  “Your challenge was heard,” Gabriel started. “But there will be no challenge tonight.” The Lucan supporters started to complain. Gabriel flexed his power over the crowd and they easily fell into submission. That’s something I have to learn, Arianna thought. “While we did seat Andrew Lucan at the table next to Arianna it was because her tengu was trying to show respect toward the Lucan clan.”

  “She doesn’t have a tengu. That would have been news we all heard of immediately,” Lucan replied. “Quit stalling, and let’s arrange the fight.” Lucan knew, like everyone else, that though Arianna was stronger than Andrew, his experience would win any confrontation. Lucan only hoped his nephew would listen to his orders and get rid of the girl. There was always the slight chance that Andrew would disobey. He had become more stubborn since meeting Arianna.