Read Becoming a Legend Page 8

  “If she has a tengu, we will not support any unequal fight between a tengu and baku.” An older man rose from the other end of the table. He was the head of the tengu. His black wings fanned out behind him as he talked. “The tengu only support the baku due to the joint treaty.”

  ‘What does that mean?’ Arianna asked Gabriel. ‘Why would it be between a tengu and baku if Andrew and I are both baku?’

  ‘Being your tengu means I have to accept any challenges to your power by fighting for you. It’s a way to keep the power in balance. Tengu will only support a baku leader if a tengu is second-in-command,’ Thomas replied, still not worried about the situation.

  Arianna’s head snapped up to stare at Thomas. “You didn’t tell me that was what it meant. I can’t let you throw yourself in front of everyone that challenges me.”

  “Have a little faith in the bird,” Turner added from her other side. He was also anticipating a fight and was eager to join in. He might not be able to hunt birds, but the baku would be just as much fun.

  “If it comes to a fight, I do so using your blood,” Thomas answered, nodding to Turner for his support. “I might not match a baku in power, but with your blood, I could defeat any tengu that challenges me.”

  “You claim to be her tengu?” Lucan asked Thomas. Lucan stood and began to walk forward, but Molina moved between the head of the table and Lucan, holding her poison-laced blade up.

  “Anyone with hostility better move away,” Molina suggested. “Baku may be forbidden to shed blood at a celebration, but I’m not. If you’d like to test me, go ahead.”

  Lucan looked at the blade and could smell the poison on it. He returned to his chair but didn’t sit down. Molina wasn’t a threat by herself, but the poison was.

  “If that’s true,” Lucan said calmly, “Prove it.”

  ‘How do we prove it? He asked; I said yes. Do we have some sort of lie-detector test?’ Arianna asked Gabriel.

  ‘Watch and see.’ Gabriel nodded to Thomas.

  “Not a problem,” Thomas replied. “Master?” Thomas bowed to the head tengu.

  The head tengu, Malachi, moved to one side of Arianna and Thomas stood on the other. Thomas smiled as if he already knew the secret. Taking the plate offered to him from Patrick, Gabriel’s son and second-in-command, Gabriel set it in front of Arianna. Malachi took the nearest knife and poked his own finger first. He squeezed a large bubble of blood onto the plate. Thomas did the same, putting his dot on the other side of the plate. Arianna looked between them and didn’t understand what was going on. Gabriel reached over and pricked her finger. Gabriel placed a dot of Arianna’s blood between the two other dots. Both of the tengu’s blood began to move toward Arianna’s dot, but her blood already chose Thomas, and it zoomed away from Malachi’s blood.

  “That’s enough evidence for me. Blood has been shared and bonded,” Malachi said loudly to the silent crowd. Lucan fumed across the table. “Do you wish to retract your challenge?” Malachi stared down Lucan. Lucan stared back. Arianna finally realized, not a single tengu supported Lucan. His followers were all baku. Lucan didn’t speak, but instead glared at Andrew.

  Andrew stood and cleared his throat. “Yes, we wish to retract our challenge.” A collective sigh was heard throughout the room. “In fact, we want to offer our sincere apologies for any disrespect the Grace family might have felt.” Andrew’s eyes bore holes into Arianna as he tried to get his message across. “Actually, I’d like to go even further.” Andrew winced. Lucan was silently screaming at him. “And offer my heartfelt regret that this occurred at all. If Arianna could find in herself to forgive me, I’d like to be her keeper.”


  The people inside the tent stared in complete dumb silence at Andrew. Purebred baku never became a keeper to another. In fact, Andrew was high enough up in the line of power that he should have several keepers of his own by now. No one questioned why he didn’t have a keeper yet as they all feared Lucan, but no one expected that Andrew would want to be a keeper to someone else. Faces all stared at Andrew in shock, but none saw the shock on Arianna’s own face.

  ‘So, will you accept me?’ Andrew asked Arianna, who was still staring at him, trying to figure out if she’d heard it all correctly.

  ‘Andrew, you can’t do that.’ Being a keeper meant he could never have one of his own. It also meant he would have to leave his family and always be beside her. Andrew actually looked forward to that part.

  Whispers began around Arianna when Andrew didn’t answer her question. Arianna could faintly hear people as they all questioned the same thing. Why would Andrew choose to be a keeper?

  ‘Why not? The dog did, and he’s second in line to his father,’ Andrew argued. Everyone continued to stare silently at the two of them as they talked mentally.

  ‘Turner doesn’t have a place in Tricity. He has nothing to throw away. You have a place here. If something were to happen to Gabriel and me, you’d have to take care of everyone.’ Arianna looked over to her uncle to gauge his response. Gabriel was still staring at Lucan. There was more than just tonight between the two men.

  ‘If something happened to both of you, I’d commit suicide before I’d let my uncle have power over these people. Think about it. This way I can have free access to you—Devin couldn’t say we can’t see each other. And I can be free of my uncle.’ It wasn’t beneath Andrew to beg. He needed to stay be her side.

  ‘What do you mean, ‘free?’’ Arianna looked across Devin to Andrew. Andrew didn’t reply. ‘Everyone is wondering the same thing as me. Why would you choose to be a keeper?’

  Andrew ran his hands back through his hair in frustration and then looked around the room at the blank faces that were still trying to understand what had just happened. One minute there was a challenge to the power of the Grace family by the Lucan family, and the next, the Lucan family was offering to be the keeper for the Grace family. No one was saying a word. It was completely silent in the tent.

  ‘You hear talking?’ Andrew asked, realizing her last statement. Yes, he saw it on their faces too, but no one was actually speaking.

  ‘Yes, quietly,’ Arianna was still staring at Andrew, but now looked away. Malachi was still standing next to her. Arianna heard his voice softly though his mouth wasn’t moving.

  ‘Serves… bastard right… always… down on us… lost his… power… good… finally standing… him.’ Several words were missing, but Arianna heard some of the man’s thoughts. Andrew was right to question her. Arianna heard the thoughts of people who were not talking to her.

  Gabriel seemed to be locked in his own conversation and didn’t notice the conversation between Arianna and Andrew. Devin did notice, and ushered her back to her seat. Devin no longer considered Andrew a threat for some reason.

  “We will discuss this later,” Devin said quietly to them both. “But right now, I think it’s best that we get back to the house before this all explodes. Our team has fortified the east wing of Gabriel’s house.” Devin directed Arianna, Andrew, Thomas, Turner and Molina out of the tent.

  “What do you mean?” Arianna asked as Devin pointed down the way to where she had just been standing. Gabriel was radiating strength. People around him were finally coming to their senses and moving away. Across the table, Lucan was also in full form, flexing his own power.

  Devin pushed Arianna to get her walking, as she was enthralled by the scene at the table. Gabriel was glorious, with his long, white hair flipping behind him, and power oozing out of him. Lucan didn’t stand a chance. Lucan’s display of power was actually less than half of Gabriel’s. Arianna didn’t want to walk away, she wanted to see what would happen next. Devin pushed a bit more forcefully, but Arianna couldn’t take her eyes away from the scene. Andrew helped Devin by grabbing her hand. His baku skin sent tingles down her arm, momentarily distracting her from her uncle. Andrew got her feet moving, and everyone closed in around her so that she couldn’t see the battle of wills taking place. Her guard was all close b
ehind as they walked away from the tent. Devin stopped at the patio doors to Gabriel’s house.

  “You may enter, but they cannot.” Devin pointed to Andrew’s guards behind him. The two guards looked at Andrew and then each other.

  ‘Lucan will be pissed if we let him get away,’ the one said to the other. As they talked together, their voices were crystal clear to Arianna. She marveled at this new skill, but didn’t say anything.

  ‘He needs Andrew’s blood if he plans to actually beat Gabriel and his brat. We need to get him back there now, before Gabriel strikes.’

  ‘Lucan should have just left Andrew chained in the basement. Andrew doesn’t seem to get how to follow orders. You talk our way in. We can’t let them isolate Andrew from us. We won’t be able to take him back otherwise.’

  ‘You brought the sedative?’

  ‘Yes, so start talking. You’re better at this than I am.’

  ‘Andrew, we need to stay with you. How can you trust the Randolph dog with his poisoned swords?’

  Andrew shrugged. “It’s not my decision. Devin said you can’t come in, and I’m not going to leave Arianna alone right now. You can wait out here. It’s not like we’re going anywhere. Right?” Andrew directed his last question to Devin. Devin didn’t reply, but only opened the door for Arianna.

  “They are not allowed in,” Devin repeated his earlier statement.

  “See you guys in a little bit, when all this energy dies down.” Andrew shrugged as they both moved to protest.

  ‘We need to stop him. Do something.’ One voice said to the other. Arianna couldn’t tell them apart, but knew from their proximity that it must be Andrew’s guards talking.

  “We want to be her keepers also,” the shorter one quickly blurted out.

  ‘What?’ the other guy asked, while trying to hide the disbelief on his face.

  “We, too, want to stay beside our leader and keep her safe.” The one who offered continued with more confidence.

  Devin smiled at him and pushed Arianna forward with Andrew right beside her. “We’re not doing any more interviews today beyond Andrew. I advise you to stay outside and not try to get in right now. The house is protected by several anti-baku charms, and along with those, we are each carrying a blade laced with nightshade. Orders are to kill anyone who tries to enter the house. We will return Andrew to you when this all dies down, if he chooses.” Devin ushered Arianna forward, away from the doorway. He saw the desperation in their eyes, so he carefully unsheathed his blade, keeping it away from Andrew. Both boys backed away from the threat that Andrew didn’t even acknowledge.

  ‘I hope Lucan fed him enough before we left.’

  ‘Not our problem if he goes nuts and kills everyone.’

  ‘It is if they kill him.’

  Both looked up at the two dearg-dul guards, Mica and Nelson, who now stood in the doorway. Their swords were gleaming from the torchlight that lit up the backyard. Neither moved nor even looked down at the two boys. Andrew’s baku guards weren’t even a threat.

  ‘Let’s hope they don’t kill him, or we will be dead as well when Lucan finds out.’


  Arianna yawned for a third time as she sat on the couch. Devin didn’t move from his spot at the window where he could view the tent, but not the occupants inside it. Turner was pacing the room like a trapped animal while Thomas sat in the corner and read a book. Her keepers were all occupied, but there was nothing for her to do. She really wanted to be back outside to watch Gabriel in action, but no one in the room was going to let her out. Arianna yawned again. It was boring to just sit.

  “Go to sleep,” Andrew suggested, his hands were close to her but not touching. She felt the heat pulsate from his hand toward her. There was an undeniable draw to him that she had to keep at bay while others were around. She really just wanted to climb into his lap and take a nap.

  “I can be your pillow if you’d like.” Andrew patted his lap. As Andrew finished his sentence, a sword was drawn and placed at his throat. Arianna looked up and glared at Devin.

  “I wouldn’t suggest her sleeping here right now with you, a baku, around,” Devin replied. “And if you suggest something again that could lead to her getting hurt, I might accidentally slip with this sword.”

  Andrew was undeterred and pinched both sides of the blade with his fingers carefully to avoid the sharp edge as he pushed it away. Devin always got on his nerves, but this was being a bit excessive. Andrew didn’t know how to get Devin to understand that he cared for Arianna as much as Devin did.

  “And is it exactly safe to be holding a baku-poisoning sword so close to a baku you’re trying to protect?” Andrew hinted at Arianna.

  “It won’t hurt her.” Devin smiled wickedly. He truly wouldn’t mind running Andrew through with his sword.

  “How do you know that?” Arianna asked, finally realizing that maybe it wasn’t good for her to carry poisoned blades around either. Devin didn’t reply while Arianna huffed her guess. “You tested it, didn’t you? Great. What else have you done with my blood?” Devin was now occupied with the angry Arianna.

  Andrew sighed and tussled his long, dark hair as he became a day human again. There was no need to keep his baku form now that they were inside, safely away from the escalating encounter outside. Arianna had released her form before they even entered the house. She didn’t fear anything. Gabriel and Lucan were still outside flexing their muscles, but the fight had yet to actually begin, if it ever would.

  “Can you at least tell me what I ever did to piss you off so much?” Andrew asked Devin. He threw his head back on the couch to get comfortable, knowing that his uncle wouldn’t be backing down any time soon. Devin didn’t reply, but moved back to the window and put his blade away. He was obviously done with the conversation. Turner resumed pacing, and Thomas hadn’t even looked up from his book.

  “Are you serious about being my keeper?” Arianna asked, turning to him and moving slightly so that their hands would barely touch to relieve the urge she had to throw herself at him. “It wasn’t just a ploy to get away from your uncle, was it?” Hurt hid behind her question.

  Andrew sat up and smiled, trying to ease her worry. “Of course I’m serious. I was actually planning to ask you later tonight, but it seemed like a good moment back there. If I wanted to get away from my uncle, I would. This isn’t just an excuse to use you.”

  ‘Would you?’ Arianna asked silently to Andrew only. ‘I heard those two guys talking. They wanted in because they have a sedative with them.’

  Andrew smiled a strained smile and nodded before lying back again on the couch. “You never answered my question, Mr. Alexander.” Devin still made no effort to even acknowledge Andrew was talking to him.

  “Your brother killed his family,” Arianna answered quietly. Devin didn’t even turn to look at them as they talked. Devin was in full protection mode again after this new threat had materialized. He was always that way around Arianna. Alone, he was the most caring person she had ever met, but when duty called, he was a soldier and a good one at that. Devin turned from the window and evaluated Andrew.

  “What?” Andrew asked, sitting up and looking at Devin for a reply. “My brother died years before your family was attacked. I read about it. You must be mistaken.”

  “No, he was alive until thirteen years ago,” Devin corrected. Devin nodded at Turner, who was asking permission to leave the room. “Gabriel and Randolph killed him together.”

  “That’s not possible. He died with my family.” Andrew was now sitting on the edge of his seat. He didn’t break the contact with Arianna either, but he was much more alert now. “Everyone died together in the fire.”

  Devin gave Andrew a pitiful smile, and tried to ignore Arianna and Andrew’s hands placed so close together. “Is that what Lucan told you?” Andrew didn’t reply.

  “Did he ever say what started the fire?” Devin turned to look out the window. It was easier to ignore Arianna’s pull toward Andrew that way.
  “No,” Andrew replied. “I don’t have much more than fuzzy memories from it. Lucan lied to me?”

  “It appears so,” Devin replied, not surprised by that fact. Devin sat at the window and appeared to relax a bit, but nothing was really relaxed. He was ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. Two fully-transformed, purebred baku were in the backyard having a showdown. Nowhere was safe at the moment.

  Andrew shook his head in disbelief that his past was a lie, and even more so that Devin knew more than he did. Andrew looked closer at the man across the room. Devin was poised perfection, a perfectly-molded soldier. He was relaxed, yet attentive. He never missed a beat, and was ready for a fight at a moment’s notice. Randolph had done well picking and training Devin. Andrew had no doubt Devin spoke the truth and had more access to information than Andrew ever did.

  “Your uncle and father turned your brother when he was only twelve. He went crazy. Lit the house on fire. It killed your father, mother, and sister, but Lucan and you got out. When Lucan went back in, he found your brother and brought him out as well. Knowing that the kid was crazy, and there was nothing he could do to fix that, he chained him in the basement.”

  Mental pictures flooded Arianna of the basement in Lucan’s house and the thick chains to the wall. Arianna looked up at Devin, but he was as closed off as ever. She turned back to Andrew. The hands she saw in the memory were right in front of her. Arianna reached over to his hands and took them in hers as she examined them closer. They were the hands in the chains. In Andrew’s mind, the hands balled into fists and pulled against the chains. There was pain, and desperation to be free. Andrew reflexively did the same, pulling his hands from Arianna.

  “He chains you up too,” she whispered. Andrew didn’t reply. Turner returned and threw two packs of blood at Andrew. Arianna looked up and noticed the same thing as Devin already saw: that Andrew, while fed, definitely needed more blood.