Read Behind His Lies Page 1

  Behind His Lies

  New York Times, USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author

  Sandi Lynn

  Behind His Lies

  Copyright © 2018 Sandi Lynn Romance, LLC

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Photo & Cover Design by: Sara Eirew @ Sara Eirew Photography

  Editing by B.Z. Hercules

  Mission Statement

  Sandi Lynn Romance

  Providing readers with romance novels that will whisk them away

  to another world and from the daily grind of life – one book at a time.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Books by Sandi Lynn

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  It was a Friday afternoon and I was sitting in Starbucks at my favorite table when my phone rang and displayed a number I wasn't familiar with.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  "Hello. Is this Miss Addison Belle?" the woman on the other end asked.

  "Yes, this is Addison," I replied.

  "Miss Belle, this is Veronica Moore, head of the Human Resources department at London Arc Corporation. We would like to interview you for a position we have available at our company."

  I gasped and the coffee I had just taken a sip of went down the wrong way as I started choking into the phone.

  "Miss Belle, are you all right?"

  "Yes, excuse me," I apologetically replied. “I would love an interview with your company. May I ask how you got my name?" I nervously asked.

  "We pulled your name from the University of Hartford's Architectural program and you are one of the qualifying candidates we are looking for."

  I sat there stunned. I’d only graduated three days ago and now a company like LAC was calling me for an interview.

  "How is Monday at noon?" Veronica asked.

  "Monday at noon sounds great. I'll be there."

  "We will send our private jet to get you here and back home. I’ll email you the details."

  "Thank you, Ms. Moore, but if it's okay with you and your company, I'd rather drive. It's only two and a half hours and I love the scenery."

  The voice on the other end sounded agitated.

  "Okay, Miss Belle, if that's how you want to arrive, then by all means. See you at noon sharp,” she spoke, and I heard a click.

  I sat there, staring out the window and watching the rain fall gracefully down from the sky. My favorite place to be when it rained was sitting in Starbucks, at my favorite table by the window, drinking a latte and reading a book.

  Hartford, Connecticut was my home and had been for the past twenty-five years. I lived with my mother, Madeline, and my stepfather Edward. My father, Charlie, died when I was eight years old. His death was something I would never get over. Charlie was the love of my life and I was his little girl.

  Edward married my mother when I was ten years old. I resented her for getting married so soon after my father died, and she knew it. She said we needed to be taken care of and that was what Charlie would have wanted.

  "Do you believe in fate, Addison?" my mother asked me one night as I was lying in bed. I looked at her with innocent eyes as only a child would have.

  “What's fate, Mama?"

  She gently placed her hand on mine and gave it a soft squeeze.

  "Fate is when things happen in our life the way they are supposed to. We are on a journey, Addison, and fate leads the way."

  I wasn't sure at that moment what the hell she was talking about until I was older and realized she was talking about marrying Edward.

  I got up from the table, grabbed my umbrella, and pushed in the chair. As I stepped outside, I took in the sweet earthy fragrance. I loved rain. There was something soothing about the sound that it made when the raindrops hit the cement. I walked to my car, which was parked around the back of the building, and proceeded to drive home. I was reeling from the phone call and as excited as I should have been to tell my mom, I was nervous.

  I opened the front door and was taken back by the smell coming from the kitchen. Our kitchen was my mom’s sanctuary. She loved to cook and bake because she believed that was what made a house a home. She was truly a June Cleaver.

  "What is that delicious smell?" I asked as I took a seat at the island.

  "I'm baking pies for the school bake sale tomorrow."

  My mom loved to show off her desserts and did so every chance she got. Even after all the years I’d been out of elementary, middle, and high school, she still continued to bake for their bake sales every year.

  "I hope you made my favorite cherry pie?" I smiled.

  "Of course, I did. It’ll be done in thirty minutes."

  Madeline's motherly instinct kicked in as she turned to me and smiled.

  "You have something to tell me, Addison. It's written all over that beautiful face."

  God, I hated how she knew me so well. I stood up from the stool and opened the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water.

  "I received a call today for a job interview."

  "That's wonderful, darling. I knew it wouldn't be too long before you'd find something. What company is it with?" she asked.

  I knew she was going to ask that and I felt my stomach bottom out because I’d have to tell her it was in New York.

  "It's with London Arc Corporation," I softly answered.

  I watched her gently set the bowl down on the counter she was holding.

  “I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of that company. At least not here in Connecticut.”

  "It’s not in Connecticut. They are located in New York, and my interview is scheduled for Monday at noon."

  Just as I finished my words and before my mom could speak, Edward came walking into the kitchen.

  "What's this about an interview?" he asked.

  He walked over to Madeline and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

  "Addison has an interview at a company called London Arc Corporation on Monday. It’s in New York.”

  "Well, I’ll
be damned, Addison, that's great news!" he exclaimed as he hugged me. "Did you apply online or something?"

  "No. It's the weirdest thing. They called me and said they got my name off the Architectural program list from the University and they want to interview me."

  "That there's fate, Addy. Congratulations.” Edward smiled as he pointed at me. "I’m taking you and your mom out to dinner tonight to celebrate."

  “But I was going to make a turkey breast,” Madeline spoke.

  “That’s okay, honey. You can make the turkey breast tomorrow.” He kissed her cheek.

  "Thanks, Edward. That sounds like fun." I smiled.

  I could tell my mom wasn't happy, not because of my interview, but because of the possibility of moving to New York.

  Chapter Two

  It was seven a.m., and I was awoken by the sound of my computer alerting me that I was being summoned for a video chat. I tried to open my eyes, but I hardly got any sleep because my mind and thoughts were racing, chasing each other about my upcoming interview. I grabbed my laptop and opened it.

  "Hey, girl. Oh, you look like crap, Addison. Didn't you sleep well?" Emma frowned.

  "Thanks, Emma, and no, I didn't. I tried calling you last night, but it kept going to voicemail," I spoke.

  "Sorry. I had my phone turned off. I was a bit busy."

  I could tell by the way she said it she was with someone.

  "What's his name?" I smirked.

  "If you must know, his name is George, and he's fabulous.” She smiled as she threw her arms up in the air. "So, what's going on with you, Addison? I feel like we haven’t talked much lately.”

  "Well.” I smiled. “I landed an interview Monday at noon with London Arc Corporation."

  Emma's jaw dropped.

  "What? How did you manage that one? They just don't hire anybody," she spoke.

  I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, friend.”

  “No…no…no, that's not what I meant,” she spoke as she sipped her coffee. “What I’m saying is that London Arc Corporation usually only hires people who have been in the industry for years, not new graduates. But I’m super excited that you’re coming to the city. I’m going to cancel all plans and prepare for your stay. You are staying with us, right?” She narrowed her eye at me.

  "Of course, I’m staying with you.” I smiled.

  "Hooray!” She jumped up. "Jasper," she yelled. "Addison is coming to New York Monday and staying with us."

  Suddenly, Jasper, Emma’s roommate and my best friend, appeared on my screen with a towel wrapped around his waist and a toothbrush hanging from his mouth.

  "Hey, Addison, totally awesome you're coming to visit. I’ll plan us something special.” He gave me a thumbs-up.

  “I can’t wait to see you, Jasper!” I grinned.

  "Call me Monday when you're done with your interview,” Emma spoke. “And Jasper and I will meet you over by the building.”

  "I will. I can’t believe this!” I exclaimed.

  “Me either. You getting this job and moving to New York would be totally amazing!”

  “I didn’t get it yet, so let’s not get too excited.”

  “I think you will. Who in their right mind could resist your charm?” She grinned. “I have to go. George is picking me up and we’re going to breakfast.”

  “Wait. I want to hear all about this George guy!”

  “I’ll tell you all about him when you get here.”

  I closed my laptop, got out of bed, and started packing a small bag for my trip.


  I looked in the mirror, trying to figure out what to do with my long blonde locks. Curly or straight was the question. I decided to go wavy. I put on my black pencil skirt and a sheer white blouse with a cami underneath. I threw my black pumps in my bag and put on my flats, so I wasn't uncomfortable driving. Edward grabbed my bag and headed toward my car.

  "Addison Rose," my mother looked at me with that look only a mother can get, "you be careful driving and text or call me when you get into New York."

  "I will, Mom.” I smiled as I gave her a warm hug.

  It would never matter how old I was, Madeline Reid would always be protective and overbearing with me. She always had been, but more so after Charlie died. Edward threw my bag in the back seat of my Escape and walked over to me and my mom.

  "Goodbye, darlin’. Drive safe and good luck," he said with his southern drawl as he hugged me.

  “I will, Edward. Bye, Mom.” I gave her a small wave.

  It was a beautiful warm sunny day; the perfect day for a road trip. With the window down and the sunroof open, I was listening to my favorite band, Maroon 5, when my cell phone rang.

  "Hello," I answered.

  "Miss Belle, this is Veronica Moore with London Arc Corporation."

  My stomach sank, and all I could think was that they changed their mind and were canceling the interview.

  “Hi,” I nervously spoke.

  "When you arrive, please pull up in front of the building and our valet will park your car for you. See you soon, Miss Belle.” Click.

  I pulled my phone from my ear and looked at it. She was always so quick to end our calls. Excitement flowed through me as I turned the radio up and started tapping the steering wheel to the beat of the music, smiling and thinking about how this opportunity could change my life forever.

  Once I finally found the LAC building, I pulled up and quickly put on my heels just as a man dressed in a black suit walked over to the driver’s side and opened the door.

  "Miss Belle, I presume." He smiled as he held out his hand.


  I placed my hand in his and he helped me out of my Escape.

  "Thank you," I politely spoke and headed through the front doors of the building.

  I stood in the lobby and was overcome by its beauty and architectural design. In the middle of the lobby stood a massive fountain complemented with flowers and greenery all around it. The furniture was antiqued with dark woods and cream coverings to match the walls and intricately carved moldings. Crystal chandeliers graced the ceilings, as did the large columns that stood from floor to ceiling.

  "May I help you?" a lovely woman asked as I approached the front desk.

  "I'm Addison Belle, and I'm here for an interview with Veronica Moore."

  "Ah yes, Miss Belle, please wait a moment while I let Ms. Moore know you're here."

  I looked around and studied the structure of the building and the opulence the lobby held.

  "Miss Belle," a familiar voice called.

  I turned around, and in front of me stood a tall woman with fire engine red hair.

  "Addison Belle." I held out my hand in a professional manner.

  The woman before me extended her long, petite, well-manicured hand.

  "Veronica Moore. Nice to finally meet you, Miss Belle." She smiled.

  Veronica stood about five feet eleven with a petite frame. Her red hair was swept up in a neat tight bun that sat on the top of her head. She wore a beige pencil skirt with a blush-colored blouse and a beige short jacket. Her eyes were the color of jade, which reminded me of cat eyes. She was probably one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen.

  We stepped inside the elevator and rode it up to the tenth floor. The doors led to a wide-open area with a long reception desk and many secretarial cubicles. The decor was the same as the lobby, very warm and inviting. Veronica Moore led me to a conference room with a long table that could seat about twenty people. The interview took approximately one hour. When it was over, she stood up and extended her hand.

  "Welcome to London Arc Corporation, Miss Belle. If you’re interested in the job, we’d love to have you as part of our family and team.”

  "Thank you so much for this opportunity." I smiled as I lightly shook her hand.

  I was ecstatic, and I wanted to jump up and down in excitement, but I had to remain composed and professional. I’d save my little happy dance until after I left the
building and was out of her sight.

  I got a job, and not just any ordinary job, but a job working for one of the most prestigious architectural companies in the world. I stepped outside the conference room and Veronica showed me to the elevators. The lobby was crowded with people coming and going, and I noticed there was a cafe called "The Coffee Pod,” so I decided to get a coffee, my one natural addiction in life. After standing in a long line of people, it was finally my turn.

  "How can I help you?" the cute barista boy behind the counter asked.

  "I’ll have a medium caramel latte with nonfat milk please.” I smiled.

  I set my purse on the counter and fumbled for my wallet. As twenty shades of red graced my face, I realized I left it in the car. Flustered and embarrassed, I shook my head and apologized.

  "Here, this one is on me," a firm voice spoke from behind.

  I turned around and gasped at the man that was standing behind me. He handed the barista boy a ten-dollar bill and told him to keep the change.

  "Oh no. I'm sorry, I can't,” I spoke with embarrassment.

  "Sure you can, and you will." He smiled.

  My heart started racing and my legs became weak. I didn’t think I'd ever seen a more beautiful man in my life. His dark brown tousled hair with bangs swept to the side, and his bright blue eyes that sparkled like the ocean water on a clear sunny day were just a part of him that made me quiver. His body was lean but muscular, not too muscular, but just the right proportion for his body. His face was perfectly chiseled in the right places and his lips were shaped to perfection. The five o’clock shadow that he sported made my legs tighten.

  "Thank you. I will pay you back," I spoke nervously. “I left my wallet in my car before I came in here for an interview."

  "Ah. Do you know how dangerous it is to leave your wallet anywhere but with you in New York?” He smiled. "Did Veronica interview you?" he asked.

  "Yes. Do you know her?"

  He laughed. "I know Ms. Moore. She’s very good at her job. I actually work here.”

  “That’s good because I’ll be working here as well, and I can pay you back.”