Read Behind His Lies Page 2

  I grabbed my coffee and couldn't wait to get out the door. The humiliation would follow me for days.

  "Thank you again. I promise I'll pay you back as soon as I can," I yelled as I turned my back and headed towards the front.

  Chapter Three

  I stepped outside and realized I hadn't called Emma.

  "Ugh, where is my head right now?" I asked myself.

  Just as I was digging in my purse for my cell phone, I heard someone yelling my name. I looked down the street and there were Emma and Jasper waving at me. I was so excited to see them. It felt like an eternity since we were all together, but in reality, it had only been three months. Emma Ross and Jasper Huntington were my two best friends. Emma and I had been friends since we were six years old, and Jasper joined us when we were ten. Emma and I had a passion for art. She was a fashion designer and I loved to draw and create. One of the reasons I studied architecture was because I'd always been fascinated with buildings and structures. Jasper went to culinary school and was now the head chef at Revenge with the dream of owning his own five-star restaurant one day.

  I ran to them with a big smile and threw my arms around both of them for a big group hug.

  "Ah, I missed you two so much." I fought to hold back the tears.

  "Addison!" Jasper shrieked as he checked me out from head to toe. "Girl, you look fabulous."

  “I missed you,” Emma spoke with a tear in her eye.

  We headed back to the LAC building and I handed the man in front my ticket for my Escape. When my vehicle pulled up to the curb, I looked at Jasper.

  "You drive."

  "My pleasure, girlfriend." He winked.

  "Oh boy, better buckle up. You've never driven with hell on wheels in New York," Emma sighed.

  Jasper shot Emma a look and I couldn't help but laugh.

  "So how did the interview go?" Emma asked.

  "They offered me the job."

  Emma jumped from her seat.

  "Oh my God, Addison, that is awesome."

  Hitting Jasper on the shoulder, she excitedly spoke, "Do you know what this means, Jasper?"

  Both of them, in harmony, began singing, "Addison's moving to New York. Addison’s moving to New York!”

  "Ugh." I took in a sharp breath. "I don't know how my mom is going to handle the news."

  Suddenly, my excitement temporarily left, and worry set in. Jasper turned his head and looked at me.

  "Madeline's cool. She'll want what's best for you, and she'll be for whatever makes you happy."

  "Yeah, don't worry about it, Addy. Your mom will get used to the idea like my mom did," Emma spoke.

  Jasper pulled into the garage of their apartment building and parked my Escape in visitor parking. He stood six feet tall and weighed about 180 lbs. His hair was strawberry blond and he kept it short in a clean crew cut. His daily style mainly consisted of jeans, t-shirts, and Converse shoes, even when he worked. He had a big smile that lit up a room, a charming personality, and he had one of the biggest hearts of anyone I had ever known. Jasper could have been my perfect boyfriend, if he wasn't gay. He grabbed my bag from the back seat while Emma and I linked arms and headed towards the elevator. The doors opened, and Emma pushed the button to the 20th floor.

  "Ah!" she shrieked. "I'm so excited you're here. We're going to have so much fun, and now that you're moving to New York, we'll be the Three Musketeers once again."

  Standing at five feet four and ninety pounds, Emma was one of the most exuberant people I'd ever known. She loved life and let everyone around her know it. She wore her black hair in a short bob that displayed fire-red highlights. Her big round emerald-colored eyes were always dancing with excitement.

  "Come on, let me show you around.” Emma smiled as she grabbed my hand when we walked through the door of their apartment.

  The living room decor was a modern couch in black and two modern square chairs in red. Glass tables complemented the room, as did the 50-inch HD TV that was mounted on the wall above the marble fireplace. The kitchen was decorated with white modern cabinets and black marble countertops. The apartment was a true dream, and between Jasper and Emma, it was decorated to perfection.

  Jasper took my bag to the third bedroom and placed it on the bed.

  "This is your room, Emma," he said as he waved his hand and motioned for me to step inside.

  I walked in and fell back on the full-size bed. Jasper fell on one side of me and Emma on the other. The three of us lay there and stared at the ceiling.

  "This will be your room when you officially move here," Emma spoke.

  "You want me to move in with you?" I asked as I turned my head and looked at her.

  Jasper grabbed my hand as Emma turned and looked at me.

  "Duh. Where else would you live? Besides, my dad bought this three-bedroom apartment, hoping one day you would move in. Plus, Madeline would feel a lot better about your move here if you lived with us.”

  It was now official. I was moving to New York, starting my career, and moving in with my two best friends. I grabbed Emma's hand and gently squeezed it along with Jasper’s.

  "Thanks, guys. I don't know what to say."

  Jasper sat up. "When do you start the new job?" he asked.

  "Veronica said I could start whenever I'm ready and settled in New York, but no longer than a couple of weeks."

  "Well then, we better get moving." Emma smiled as she rolled over and hugged me.

  Chapter Four

  "Hey, Mom," I nervously spoke when she answered the phone.

  "Hi, honey, how did the interview go?" she nervously asked.

  I had to muster up the courage to tell her I got the job and that I was moving.

  "I-I got the job, Mom," I finally spat out.

  There was a moment of silence on the other end.

  "That’s wonderful, Addison. I’m so proud of you," she spoke.

  "Thanks, Mom. You won’t have to worry about me because I'm going to move in with Jasper and Emma."

  "I'm happy to hear that, sweetie.”

  I really expected her to say a little more, but she didn’t.

  "Mom, is everything okay?"

  Something sounded off with her.

  "Everything is fine, honey. It's just a little hard knowing you won't be walking through the front door every day or blasting that god-awful music late at night."

  I laughed. I had to because I could feel the tears stinging my eyes.

  "I'm heading home in a couple of days to pack my stuff. I have to start my new job soon."

  "Alright, I'll talk to Edward and we’ll plan something special for you before you leave." Her voice was shaky.

  "Thanks, Mom. I love you and I’ll see you soon." I swallowed hard.

  "Love you too, Addison. Goodbye."

  I held the phone against my chest and took in a deep breath. Suddenly, I felt two arms around my neck.

  "You'll be okay, and your mom will be okay. Just give it a little time," Jasper said as he buried his head in my hair. "Girl, I love the smell of that shampoo you use. Would you mind if I borrowed?”

  I let out a laugh. "You can borrow anything you want."

  Later that night, the three of us went out to celebrate my new job. We ended up going to a new club that opened a few months ago called Tryst.

  "I really wanted to check this place out." Emma pouted when she saw the line of people wrapped around the corner of the building.

  "Me too. I hear it’s a really cool club," Jasper commented.

  "How long do you think the wait is?" I asked.

  It was getting chilly out and I didn’t bring a jacket. I was biting my lip and practically shivering, when all of a sudden, I felt a coat wrap around my shoulders. I quickly turned around and there he stood, the man from the LAC building. The one who bought my coffee.

  "You look quite chilly. Let this keep you warm." He smiled.

  Jasper's mouth dropped at the beauty of the man standing before him, and Emma’s eyes fixated on his face a
s if she had just seen an angel drop from the heavens. I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks and rapid beats of my heart.

  "Are you always there to rescue a damsel in distress?" I grinned.

  "It only seems to be where you’re concerned." He smirked.

  I smiled as I looked down in embarrassment.

  "Hi, I'm Emma, and this is Jasper. We’re Addison’s best friends," Emma spoke as she held out her hand.

  "Ah, Addison. So she has a name, and a beautiful one at that." He smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Emma and Jasper.” He shook both their hands.

  "And you are?" I nervously asked as the corners of my mouth curved upwards.

  "My name is Andrew." He gently placed his hand on my elbow. "Come with me.”

  Emma, Jasper, and I walked with him to the front of the nightclub, where a very muscular and tall bouncer was standing with his arms crossed until he saw Andrew.

  "Good evening, Bruce," Andrew spoke with a smile.

  “Good evening, Andrew. How are you?"

  “I’m good. Thank you. Quite a crowd tonight.” He smirked.

  “Always is, sir.”

  Bruce stood to the side and unlatched the rope between the club and the patrons waiting to get inside.

  "Thank you, Bruce, it was good seeing you."

  "Good to see you too, Andrew. Have fun,” he spoke as we entered through the large double doors.

  I couldn't believe we were standing inside the club after there was no probability a few minutes before we'd even be let in tonight. I looked at Andrew, who still had his hand gently on my elbow. The electricity that went through my body was unreal. It was something I had never in my life felt before. I looked at Emma and she mouthed to me with a big grin, "OMG," and Jasper just stood there and took in the entire nightclub scene.

  "Follow me," Andrew spoke as he led the way through the club.

  The three of us followed him toward the back of the club to a round booth that sat away from the dance floor but not too far from the bar.

  "This is my table. Please have a seat." He kindly gestured.

  Emma climbed in first, Jasper sat next to her, then I followed with Andrew sitting by my side.

  "Thank you for letting me and my friends in here tonight. You must be a VIP. Do you come here often?"

  He laughed. "I do visit here frequently. It's a great place."

  "If you’ll excuse me," Jasper spoke as he got up, "I'm going to check out the goods of this place."

  Emma and I looked at him and laughed.

  "Ladies, what would you like to drink?" Andrew asked. "The tab is mine tonight, so feel free to order whatever you like and how much you like." He winked.

  Emma was hitting my leg from under the table in utter shock and excitement. "I will have a Sex on the Beach." She smiled.

  Andrew smiled and glanced over at me. "And for you, lovely Addison?" he asked.

  I blushed and gave him a slight smile. "I'll have a Cosmopolitan, please."

  “One Sex on the Beach and a Cosmopolitan coming right up.” He grinned as he walked over to the bar.

  "Addison, who the fuck is that gorgeous creature God put on this Earth, and how the fuck does he know you? You don’t know anyone in this city but me and Jasper.”

  I leaned into her so she could hear me.

  "I met him today when I was at the coffee shop in the LAC building after my interview. He bought my coffee because, like an idiot, I left my wallet in the car."

  "So, let me get this straight," she said as she grabbed my hand that was resting on the table. "You met him today in the building you'll be working at, he bought your coffee because you didn't have any money on you, and now he saw you in a line full of people, brought us in this club, and now he's buying our drinks?"

  I pursed my lips together and nodded my head.

  "Yep, that pretty much sums it up."

  Andrew walked back to the table with our drinks.

  "Your friend out there looks like he's having a good time.” He smiled as he pointed to the bar where Jasper was talking up some really hot male model-looking guy.

  I took in the area surrounding me. The flashing lights, the blaring music, and the people who were dancing and grinding all over the dance floor.

  "So, what do you think about this place?" Andrew asked with a smile.

  "I think it’s great. It’s definitely a popular club.”

  Emma grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight.

  "Ouch. What's wrong?" I asked as I looked strangely at her.

  "That's George over there," she spoke in a panicked tone.

  "Which one? The guy talking to that blonde woman?" I asked.

  "Yes. The one that's kissing that blonde woman, you mean.”

  Emma placed her face in her hands as the tears began to swell in her eyes.

  "He told me things, Addison. He told me I was the only one for him and he made me believe things."

  "Wait a minute, you told me you just met him.”

  "I've known him for months, but we've recently started dating and—” A tear trickled down her face.

  It upset me to see my best friend so hurt.

  "Maybe there's an explanation," I spoke, trying to make her feel better.

  Andrew looked over at me and arched his brow.

  "I don't think there is since he's got his hand on her breast and he's squeezing her ass."

  "That's it!” Emma slammed her fists on the table and got up from her seat.

  "Uh oh. I think he's in trouble." Andrew squirmed.

  I let out a sigh. "Brace yourself. There's going to be a scene.”

  Emma stomped over to George and the two of them exchanged heated words. Hands were flying around, and mouths were moving at a fast pace. The blonde that George was with walked away gracefully as not to get caught up in their fight. Next thing I knew, Emma slapped George across the face and when she went to do it again, I jumped up and ran over to her. Andrew followed.

  "Emma, stop. He's not worth it," I snapped as I grabbed her elevated hand.

  "Who's this bitch?" George pointed at me.

  Before Emma or I could say a word, Andrew had him by the shoulders.

  “Nobody calls a lady a bitch, especially her," he spoke through gritted teeth.

  Andrew summoned one of the bouncers over to him.

  "Get him out of here. Get his name and make sure he never steps foot in this club again," he scowled.

  His bright blue eyes turned to gray like an angry storm passing through.

  "Sure thing, Andrew,” the bouncer said as he took George and escorted him out of the club.

  Jasper saw what was going on and made his way over to us. He took Emma and hugged her tight. I looked over at Andrew, who had his head turned, making sure George was gone.

  "That's three times today you have come to the rescue and I've only just met you a few hours ago."

  He smiled, and his eyes turned back to the bright blue they were meant to be.

  "Nobody calls a lady a bitch and gets away with it. Besides, he hurt your friend."

  I gently placed my hand on his arm. “Thank you." I smiled.

  "I think Emma needs to go home and drink herself into oblivion," Jasper said as he looked at me.

  I sighed because I knew he was right.

  "Why don't you stay with me, and I'll have my car take your friends home?" Andrew spoke.


  Jasper shot me that "girl, you better stay" look, and Emma lifted her head from his chest.

  “Stay, Addison, please. I'll be okay."

  I looked at her with deep concern. She leaned over and whispered in my ear.

  "He's into you, Addison, I can tell. Stay and get to know him. He seems like a really decent guy.”

  I gave her a slight nod and the four of us walked outside. In front of the nightclub was a black Escalade waiting at the curb. Andrew walked over and opened the passenger door.

  "Phillip, please make sure these two get home safe. They'll give you the address."
  "Thank you, Mr..." Jasper said as he extended his hand.

  "Just Andrew, and you're welcome." He smiled as he shut the door.

  Chapter Five

  It was only ten o'clock, but it felt much later.

  “Would you like to join me for dinner?” Andrew asked as he held out his arm. “I know it's kind of late, but I would very much enjoy your company somewhere else besides this club.”

  "I would like that. Thank you." I smiled as I tucked my arm around his and we started walking away from the nightclub.

  "The restaurant I’m thinking of is right around the corner. Are you okay? You're not too cold, are you?" he asked politely.

  "No, I'm fine."

  He made sure his coat was wrapped around my shoulders as I took in the scent of the Armani cologne that lay deep within the soft fabric. We approached a diner called Annie's Apple. Andrew opened the door for me and we sat down in a booth in the corner. The diner was very quaint and rustic-looking. The floors were wood, as were the logs that made up the walls. There were several booths with burgundy tabletops that lined the walls and windows. A fireplace made of stone stood against the back wall, warming the tables that sat in the center of the diner.

  "It's so cozy in here. It kind of makes you forget you’re in New York."

  "The food is excellent. It's real home cooking." He smiled.

  "Good evening, are you ready to order?" a tall brunette in a light blue uniform asked.

  "I’ll have the chicken pot pie." I smiled.

  Andrew glanced at me and then at the waitress.

  “Good choice. I'll have the same." He grinned as he closed his menu. "Also, could you bring us a bottle of..." Andrew looked at me and motioned for me to continue.

  "Chardonnay, please," I spoke.

  Andrew looked at me with his enchanting eyes. "Interesting choice of wine."

  "Chardonnay has a buttery flavor with a hint of oak. It's the perfect wine to be paired with a chicken dish.”

  He leaned back in the booth and put his hands behind his head.

  "A girl who knows her wine. Very interesting. How did you become so knowledgeable?"

  I looked down and started to bite my bottom lip. It was something I'd done for years whenever someone asked me something I learned about from my father. Andrew softly put his hand on top of mine.