Read Behind His Lies Page 3

  "I’m sorry, did I say something to upset you, Addison?"

  The moment our skin touched, I felt this overwhelming electricity shoot through my body and it startled me.

  "I'm sorry," I spoke as I looked up at him. "I learned about food and wine from my father. He really knew his stuff.” I managed a smile.

  Andrew cocked his head to one side. "Knew?” he asked.

  I could feel the stinging in my eyes but refused to let any tears fall down my face in front of him.

  “He passed away when I was eight years old. We were very close. He taught me a lot of things.”

  He gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

  "I'm sorry, Addison, I know how hard it is. I just lost my father a little over a year ago."

  At that tender moment, the waitress set down our bottle of wine and two glasses. Andrew grabbed the bottle and poured some in each glass.

  "Tsk. Tsk. No wine until our meal comes." I smiled, "You need to experience the tastes together."

  Andrew laughed as his blue eyes lit up.

  “Okay. Then we shall wait." He smirked.

  We sat in the booth for over two hours laughing and enjoying each other’s company. Being around him was so easy and natural. It felt like we had known each other a lifetime. We had a connection, a spark, a familiarity that couldn't be described.

  It was getting late, so we grabbed our leftovers and headed towards the door.

  "Here, I don't want you getting cold," Andrew said as he wrapped his coat around me.

  "Thank you." I shyly smiled. "Andrew, I kept meaning to ask you something."

  "Shoot.” He grinned.

  "How is it you can get someone kicked out and banned from a nightclub like you did with George?"

  He chuckled. "I'm a VIP, remember? I have some pull."

  We stepped outside the diner and parked on the curb was his black Escalade. Andrew opened the door for me and I slid inside.

  "Hi, I'm Addison," I spoke as I extended my hand to Phillip.

  "Hello, Addison. I'm Phillip."

  His smile was warm and welcoming. His copper hair was neatly combed back, and his deep brown eyes reminded me of a box of dark chocolates. The ride home wasn't far, and before I knew it, Phillip pulled up to my apartment building. Andrew got out first and walked around to open my door. After he held out his hand and helped me out, I peeked back inside at Phillip.

  "Thank you for driving my friends home earlier. I really appreciate it.”

  He kindly smiled at me. "No problem, Addison. I'm just doing my job."

  Andrew shut the door and walked me up to the building. He tugged the front of his coat that was wrapped around me and stared deeply into my eyes.

  "Thank you for a wonderful night, Addison."

  "Thank you, Andrew, for everything today. The coffee, the club, the drinks, dinner."

  He threw his head back and laughed, then gently brought his forehead to mine so they met.

  "I think you’re a very special woman and I'd like to see you again."

  I started to tremble in front of him. My heart began to race, and a profound excitement circled through my body. The connection I felt earlier was nothing compared to what I felt now. He leaned in and brushed his lips softly against mine.

  "I would like to see you again too," I breathed. “Give me your phone.” I held out my hand.

  He pulled it from his pocket, handed it to me, and I punched my number in.

  "I'm number one on your contact list." I smiled as I held it up in front of him.

  He took my phone and grinned as he looked at it.

  “Top spot. That’s where you should always be.” He winked.

  For the hundredth time today, I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.

  "Goodbye, Addison.” He blew me a kiss. “Till we meet again,” he spoke as he walked to the SUV.

  “Wait, Andrew!” I shouted. “Your coat.”

  “Keep it for now. I have plenty more.” He smirked.

  I blew him a kiss back and softly waved goodbye. I twirled into the building with a wide grin on my face as Carson the doorman stood looking at me, "Ah, young love is so nice to see," he said.

  I smiled and waved at him as I stepped into the elevator.

  Chapter Six

  I walked into the apartment and found Jasper on the couch reading a cookbook. He looked so studious in his black-rimmed glasses.

  "Well, young lady, it's about time you got home. Now get your ass over here and fill me in on Mr. Hottie.” He smiled as he patted the couch.

  "How's Emma?" I asked.

  "She's going to have one mean hangover in the morning. Good thing she doesn't have to work tomorrow. She'll bounce back. I knew that George was a shady motherfucker.”

  We sat on the couch for over an hour talking about Andrew. I was exhausted, so I went to my room and changed into my nightshirt and climbed into bed. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand to see if I had any messages. I didn’t, and disappointment came over me. My father used to tell me, "Addison, never chase the boys. If they’re worth anything, they’ll come to you first." Pretty sound advice for an eight-year-old. All I had hoped for was a goodnight. As I set my phone on the nightstand and plugged it in, a text message came through from a number I didn’t have registered in my phone. A smile crossed my lips as I opened it.

  “I look forward to many more nights like tonight. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. By the way, it’s Andrew.”

  Those words made me melt and my heart began to palpitate as I sent a text message back.

  “I had a great time. Thank you again. Sweet dreams.”


  I awoke the next morning to the sound of my phone chiming with a text message.

  "Good morning, I hope you slept well, and I look forward to seeing you soon."

  A big smile graced my face as my fingers responded quickly.

  "Good morning. I slept very well. I hope you did too, and I look forward to seeing you again."

  I bounded out of bed in a very good mood. I put on a pair of yoga pants and my black tank top and went to the kitchen for some well needed coffee. When I walked in, Emma and Jasper were sitting at the table.

  "Good morning,” I sang as I grabbed a mug and filled it with hot coffee.

  "Ugh," Emma yelped as she put her head down on the table.

  "Don't mind her. The wicked hangover fairy stopped by for a visit," Jasper said as he rubbed the back of her neck.

  "Are you okay, Emma?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

  She lifted her head and rubbed her eyes.

  "I'll be okay in a few days."

  I smiled and stroked her hair.

  "You’re rather chipper this morning, my dear Addy bear. Would it have anything to do with a man named Andrew?" Jasper smiled.

  "Maybe." I grinned as I sipped my coffee.

  Emma put her head down again and mumbled.

  "I want to hear all about last night after I take a nap."

  "Okay, sleepy hangover head, let's get you back in bed for a while," Jasper spoke as he put his arms around her and helped her out of the chair.

  I was looking at my phone when another text message from Andrew came through.

  “Something has come up, and I need to attend to the matter immediately. Unfortunately, I have to go out of town for a few days. I’ll call you when I return. I will definitely miss you."

  My smile turned into a frown and I started biting my lower lip when Jasper walked in.

  "What's wrong, princess? You're biting your lip."

  "I just got a text from Andrew, and he has to leave town for a few days. Something came up and he needs to deal with it."

  Jasper refilled both our coffees and sat down.

  "What does Andrew do?" he asked.

  I looked at him and shook my head.

  "All I know is that he works at London Arc Corporation.”

  "You had dinner with him for hours and you didn't bother to find out what he does there? Addison Rose, I can't
believe you."

  “I know, I know. But we didn’t talk about our jobs at all. We just talked about food and wine and a little bit about my dad.”

  "Do you even know his last name?" he asked.

  I started to twirl my hair. "No, Jasper, I didn't get that either. Ugh. I was just so smitten with him. We have this connection that I can't explain."

  I grabbed my phone, realizing I never responded to his message.

  "Have a safe trip. I’m heading home tomorrow to pack and get things ready to move to New York. I should be fully moved here in about a week. Talk to you soon.”


  I headed out the next morning back to Hartford. My mind was unsettled with thoughts of Andrew. I sent him a text last night and asked him if he made it to his destination safely, but he didn't respond back. I started to wonder if maybe he changed his mind and didn't want to see me again. I had this habit of falling too quickly for guys. I only knew him for one night and that certainly wasn’t enough time to fall for him, even though my heart told me something different.

  I drove the whole way home thinking about him and how perfect he was. I kept having the same conversation with myself over and over again.

  "Stupid girl. Never fall for someone so fast. If he’s too good to be true, then he probably is." My inner voice was right. I had to concentrate on my move and my new job. There wasn't any time to be fretting over a dumb guy, even if he did make me feel amazing.

  Chapter Seven

  I pulled up the long driveway to the house. Trees lined the path up to the Cape Cod style home. The house wore the traditional white siding with black trim, black roof, a wraparound porch, and a welcome sign that hung next to the front door. It was the house I was born and lived in with my mother and father. In Charlie's will, he stated that the house was to be paid off upon his death. My mother loved that house and wasn't about to move out even after she married Edward.

  Fall fell upon Connecticut with its cool air and multicolored leaves that started to fall slowly from the trees. It was my favorite time of year. As a child, Madeline would bring my easel and paints in the front yard and I would paint pictures of the trees changing with the season. Charlie proudly displayed the last picture I painted before he died on the wall in his study. He used to say to me, "Addison, a picture is worth a thousand words. Whatever you're feeling, paint a picture and tell your story." Tears came to my eyes as I stood in front of the house and the memories I was leaving behind.

  The front door opened, and my mom stood in the entrance way looking at me with a smile.

  "Are you going to stand out there all day or are you going to come in and give your mother a hug?”

  I smiled as I walked up the porch steps and wrapped my arms around her neck.

  "Hi, Mom."

  "Hi, sweetheart. Come in, take off your shoes, and go sit in the living room. I'll make some coffee and you can tell me all about New York."

  While she was in the kitchen, I walked up the stairs to my room and threw my bag on the bed. Something inside me felt empty. I didn’t like this feeling and I wanted it to stop. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked to see if I had any messages. To my disappointment, I didn't. I went downstairs and sat on the couch by the fireplace. There was no way I was going to tell my mom about Andrew because I didn't want her asking a million questions. Especially ones I couldn't answer. She brought our coffee and we sat and talked about my interview, Emma, and Jasper. I started to talk about how much packing I had to do, and she slowly started to cry.

  A few days later as I was packing up the last of my things, I missed a call from Veronica. I pressed my voicemail button and listened to her message.

  "Hello, Miss Belle. I wanted to let you know that your start date has been moved to October 5th. I know that is two weeks later than originally planned, but we had a little hiccup at the company. So, get settled in your place and explore New York. Please don't worry. You will be getting paid from the date we originally set, so think of it as a two-week paid vacation. Have a good day, Miss Belle."

  I was leaving tomorrow for New York and I wasn't about to tell my mom or Edward that my start date got pushed back two weeks or she'd want me to stay home longer. I wanted to get to New York as soon as possible and start living my life on my own.

  The next morning, Edward packed the Escape with my suitcases and boxes and the three of us climbed in and headed for New York. Edward thought it would be better to leave my Escape at home. I agreed and didn't want the hassle of having to drive to and from places, especially with all the traffic. Plus, Madeline needed to check out the apartment I was staying in to make sure it was safe.

  I sat in the back seat and stared out the window, thinking about how it had been a week since I saw or heard from Andrew. My inner voice started to yell at me, "Get over it. He's gone, and you need to stop thinking about him." I rolled my eyes as I sighed and leaned my head against the window.

  Edward pulled up to the apartment building and Carson came out to the curb.

  "Hi, Miss Belle. Good to see you again. Drive your vehicle to the garage and use the service elevator to bring your stuff up. It's easier than coming through the front."

  I smiled at him. "Thank you, Carson. We'll do that."

  Madeline commented on what a nice man he seemed to be. Hopefully, that made her feel a little better about me moving to New York. I called Emma, and by the time we reached the garage, she and Jasper were waiting for us. As soon as Madeline got out of the Escape, Jasper and Emma went running to her and gave her a big hug. They were like family to her and Edward. Jasper brought down a cart and they loaded it with my things and we took the elevator up to the apartment. When Emma opened the door, my mother gasped.

  "Oh my, this is a very nice apartment."

  I could tell she was impressed with the color scheme and furnishings. She even went as far as to ask Emma and Jasper how they could afford it.

  "My dad paid for the apartment and we pay for the utilities,” Emma replied.

  "How nice of your father to do that for you."

  "He can afford it," Emma spoke with a wave of her hand. “Plus, he said it’s an investment.”

  Jasper and Edward took my bags and boxes to my new room.

  "Thanks for your help, Jasper," Edward said as he gave him a light hug. "It's good to see you and Emma again. Now I'm trusting that you'll look after Addison here in New York and make sure she stays out of trouble." He winked at him.

  Jasper smiled. "You have nothing to worry about, Ed. We will all look after each other."

  Madeline walked into the kitchen and placed her hand over her heart when she saw the two dozen pink and white roses that were displayed perfectly in a vase on the table.

  "Oh my, what gorgeous roses. Where did you get these, Emma?" she asked.

  "Um, they were actually delivered today for Addison," Emma spoke as she looked at me with that look she always gave if she was unsure if she should have said something.

  I walked over to the table and opened the handwritten card that read:

  "Addison, I’m sorry about my sudden departure. Please forgive me for not calling or texting you back. I can explain.”

  My heart skipped a beat, and suddenly, I was confused.

  "Addison, who are they from?” my mother demanded to know.

  "Oh, they're from LAC, welcoming me to their company. How nice of them," I spoke as I shoved the card into my jeans pocket.

  "Madeline, we need to get going if we're going to make it back in time to meet the Hendersons for dinner," Edward yelled across the room.

  I walked my mom to the foyer and gave her a big hug.

  “Thanks, Mom, for everything. I'm only a phone call away."

  "I know, darling, and we can facetime every day," she spoke in excitement but with a tear falling from her eye.

  "Sure, Mom, that would be great."

  Edward walked over to me and hugged me tight.

  "It's going to be weird not having you around, kiddo. I’m
going to miss you.”

  "Thanks, Edward. I’ll miss you guys too, but we'll have visits and phone calls and now Mom wants to facetime." I smiled.

  They both walked out the door, and it was official. I was on my own for the first time in twenty-five years.

  Chapter Eight

  "So, darling girl, are you going to give Mr. Hottie a chance to explain himself or what?" Jasper asked as he leaned over the island and brought his hands to his chin.

  Emma came strolling into the kitchen just as I was going to answer.

  "I wouldn't give him the time of day after that, Addison. He couldn't even call you or text you in a week. It takes a second to send a quick text."

  I sighed. "I know, but he did think of me enough to send me those flowers and he said he can explain, so I'm going to call and thank him."

  Emma rolled her eyes. "Do whatever you want, sweetie, but I don't think it's a good idea to get involved with a guy so soon after you moved here. Especially when that guy took you on one date, whispered sweet nothings in your ear, and then skipped town the next day without so much as an explanation.”

  "Okay, Mom. I'll take it under advisement," I growled.

  "I have to get ready for work. You two divas stay out of trouble while I'm gone,” Jasper said as he strolled out of the kitchen.

  Jasper was born with the gift of cooking. The cuisines and desserts he made were probably the best I’d ever tasted. He and Madeline used to cook in our kitchen all the time when we were younger. He spent a lot of time at my house growing up. His dad had anger issues and always liked to take his frustrations out on him with his belt, and his mother was too scared to even try and stop him. He left home when he was sixteen and stayed with his aunt for a while before going off to college. Madeline always told him he had a home to come home to for the holidays and vacations, which he did. He was like a second child to her and a brother to me.

  Pulling the card from Andrew out of my pocket, I reread it. I poured a glass of wine and took a couple sips before picking up my phone and dialing his number. My heart started racing as I heard the line ringing and a voice that answered, "Hello."