Read Being Diane Page 22

  Chapter 22

  When we got to her parent’s home, Julie suddenly said. “Oops I forgot to tell them you are coming. Oh well you can be a surprise, but I want you on your best behavior. Robert and Katherine have broken up and dad fired Katherine. She is causing a big stink over it and he isn't happy with her and neither is Robert.”

  “I'm sorry I caused all of this.” I said.

  “No you didn't cause it. When they fired her, she wasn't allowed back in the building so Robert cleaned out her desk and found that she was manipulating some of the company books and had been skimming about a thousand dollars a months off and putting it into a bank in Florida. They think that she has been doing it for about two years without being caught. You know she is three years older than Robert don't you? And apparently she has been seeing someone else the whole time that she has been engaged to Robert, he is devastated.” she said.

  Mrs. Givens met us at the door and she hugged and kissed me. “Diane I am so glad to see you. I have been so worried about you what with that nasty business with the women from the DHS and all. You look so beautiful, come on in and tell me what has been going on. Oh hello Julie.” she said and then she grabbed Julie and hugged her too. “I am truly happy to have you home for thanksgiving, I have so much to be thankful for with you and Diane. Come on in don't just stand there like a lump on a log you two.”

  “Thank you Mrs. Givens.” I said and picked up my bag and walked in. She told me to put it in the spare bedroom and then come back downstairs. Mr. Givens and Robert hadn't made it home yet so it was just the three of us.

  Mrs. Givens called the guys and told them to come home then she changed her mind and said to meet them at a restaurant in town. Then she told us to get our purses we were going out for the evening.

  I couldn't get over the way she was acting. She really seemed to be happy to see us.

  Julie brought her bag up right behind me and on the way back down, she asked. “Does my Mother seem a little different?”

  “Yes she does. She doesn't seem to be as in control as she was.” I said.

  “Yes, yes that's it.” and a light went on in her head.

  “Mom?” Julie asked getting her mother’s attention. I had never heard her call her Mom. “What's wrong.?”

  “Oh Julie.” she cried, “we may lose the company.” and she really started crying then.

  “Mom what's happened. I thought the stores were doing so well.”

  “Apparently that bitch Katherine was able to take a lot more than what was thought earlier. She had managed to clean out the bank accounts in each city that we had a store. It was about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.”

  “Julie and I both sat down on the couch at the same time. They are trying to get the account frozen in Florida that she was using. The FBI are involved with it right now and the Banking Regulatory people also. Roger doesn't know that I have found out about what is going on. He has been working overtime every night lately and so has Robert. So don't say a thing about it to Roger or Robert.” she ordered while drying her eyes. “I have had all of the art appraised and my jewelry and I can just about raise the money in the auction at Christy's in New York. Roger doesn't know that I have done that. I want to do my part because I have worked hard to make the store as successful as it is also and I don't want to lose it.”

  “Mom, let's talk to Dad and see what we can do first before you go and do something like that. I know that you have collected all of those things for the future and I really don't think that you need to sell them right now.”

  “Okay then I'll wait. Let's go and see the boys and get something to eat. Diane get your coat. Julie..... I love you.” said Mrs. Givens.

  In the car, I was curious about how she managed to do so much damage to the store without being caught. “Mrs. Givens do you know how she did it? Take all that money without anybody noticing.” I asked.

  “She got the secret passwords that locked the accounts so that only a few people could have access to them. We think she got them from Robert's office since she had unlimited access to it. She emptied the bank accounts yesterday even though she has been gone from the company for five days. Then she also started to have a delivery diverted every now and then and that amounted to quite a bit of money in itself. The departments that were losing inventory just chalked it up as loss. A lot of that has been recovered since it was sitting in a warehouse in St. Louis. We think she did that just for spite since very little had been sold. She was doing all of this from different department phones at first, apparently, she was focusing on one person to incriminate them. Then when that person quit she had to find a different way to do her dirty work. So that was when she started using different department phones. The trucking company that was doing the deliveries actually became suspicious and called to find out if that was actually, where we wanted the deliveries made. She got lucky and intercepted the call and gave a bogus name for her own. She was doing everything she could to destroy us. We still don't know why though.” Mrs. Givens relayed that information and sat quietly thinking. Then she perked up.

  “You know there was a man who came to work for us in the shipping department and he was caught diverting freight to different locations. Most of it was other company’s goods. He said he didn't know anything about it, but the private investigators that were hired proved it was him. We didn't press charges and none of the other companies wanted to press charges because it would expose a critical flaw in the security of the freight delivery system we all used. I wonder if he is the same one that is with Katherine and this is his way of getting revenge for being caught.”

  “Surely not.” said Julie. “I remember that. It was five years ago I was in college when it happened.”

  “I wouldn't put it past him. He seemed to be untrustworthy from the start. He was always sucking up to me and some of the higher up secretaries. I thought he was a gigolo.” she said.

  There was that word gigolo again and it was being used in a very negative manner. I see why my dad would insult me by saying that I needed to be a gigolo or a police officer. This guy was a snake in the grass and my dad must have considered me the same. I was starting to see how he really felt about me. I was lower than whale shit. Well I don't care what he thinks of me now. I had enough to live on and I was going to get to live on the farm something he didn't want me to do. I was going to be alright in spite of him and that to me was the only way to get back at him.

  Mr. Givens and Robert were at the restaurant by the time we got there. Mr. Givens had a large smile on his face and grabbed Mrs. Givens up and swung her around and kissed her passionately. “Roger put me down we have a child watching.”

  “I think Julie and Robert are old enough to see us in love.” he replied. I stepped out from behind Julie and he grinned even bigger. “Come here you little scamp.” and he grabbed me and swung me around also. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you too.” then without letting go of me he pulled Julie to him and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I have missed you both.” he stated.

  “Come on in. Robert has some good news for you.” He said. We filed into the restaurant and were seated by a window that overlooked the river.

  I was enthralled by the beauty of the Mississippi River at night. The tow boats and barges were moving up and down on what looked like glass flowing by us. Mr. Givens wouldn't say, what the good news was until the waiter brought a bottle of champagne and glasses for all. The waiter had already opened the bottle and poured us all a glass of the bubbly liquid.

  “A toast to Robert who single handedly saved the company. Now I'll let him tell you how he did it.” said Mr. Givens.

  Robert looked around the table and finally he told us what had happened. “I have been arguing with the insurance companies about covering what had been taken from us. They aren't wanting to do it because it was taken from the banks. They are saying that it wasn't taken from us but from the bank and it's the responsibility of the bank to cover it. The
banks are trying to say that it was a legitimate withdrawal since the person used the right codes and passwords. It looked as though we were going to have to sue both of them to recover what was taken. We were in a panic over this since the accounts that were stolen were payroll accounts and it was going to be difficult to cover them this late in the week. I talked to our lawyers and got them on it, I also talked to the FBI and the Banking Regulators and they both put considerable pressure on the banks around here and the bank in Florida that the money had been transferred to. As I understand it the FBI started looking for an inside person and were going to freeze all the assets and moneys in all the banks until they had time to go through their books to make sure that everything was alright. That was when one of the executive officers in the home office of the bank we used suddenly disappeared in the middle of the day. He it turns out was the master mind of the whole thing and Katherine's boyfriend had been a fellow college student with him. They even shared a dorm room. Now that suddenly makes it the banks responsibility.”

  “It gets better as I go along. It seems as though this bank official holds a considerable amount of stock in the insurance company that we have been using and would stand to lose a lot of money if they paid off. I had gotten curious about the insurance since I negotiated the policy myself and it specifically said that if we suffered a monetary loss due to a person or persons removing monies or property from our possession they would cover it. The FBI and the Banking Regulators became very interested in him then. So any way they are looking for Katherine and the two men now. They know that the money is in an account in the Cayman Islands but they can't touch it because of the secret banking laws there.” he said.

  “So how are we going to get our money back?” asked Mrs. Givens.

  “Well I remembered that Katherine had a brochure from a tourist flight company in Florida and the FBI didn't think that they had time to leave the country yet so they sent someone down there and caught them as they were walking to the plane.” he said. “She started talking right away and agreed to transfer all of the money that was in the account in the Cayman's back to our account in exchange for a deal. The US Attorney agreed and we now have all of the money that was taken, back in our accounts plus the other that she had been taking all along, but don't worry she isn't going to get away Scott free. She is going to have to go to the federal prison and her two accomplishes are going down for a long time. Justice was swift and righteous this time. Although I have to say something here, that is very important. Without you, Diane, we would have had a hard time surviving, it was your stocks that have kept us afloat during this hard time. You see we have been buying the same ones and have made a considerable pile of money, enough in fact to cover the loss without any problems. You have turned out to be a better insurance policy than we had. Oh and by the way we are going to change banks and insurance on Monday.” Robert concluded.

  “So everything is alright?” asked Mrs. Givens.

  “Everything is alright.” said Mr. Givens.

  “Yeah!” and she kissed him.

  That night after we got back Mr. Givens turned on the TV and was watching the News. I asked him what happened to Albert's parents. I had been worried about it since I heard that he had taken his life. I hoped that his parents hadn't caused his suicide by doing something rash.

  “Diane, Albert took his life because his parents were sending him to a very conservative Christian school in Georgia and he couldn't live with what was going to happen to him there. Apparently, his Mother was searching his room and found something that he had written. A plan to run away to live his own life. His father has quite the temper and he beat Albert pretty bad. Later that night Albert took his own life in desperation. I saw his father a week after the funeral and he was saying to another person that it was someone else's fault. That someone told him to hang himself to punish his parents. I didn't say anything to him and he didn't know I was there, but I guess that it was his way of not accepting his own responsibility for the death of his son.” he said.

  I just nodded and excused myself to go and take a bath. Once in the tub I felt the cleansing and the warmth of the water like a total body hug. I knew that I was being cleaned inside and out. I felt remorse that Albert's death was useless and that his parents had caused it by being such bigots. When I got out, I put my night gown on and said a prayer for Albert. Sleep came slowly to me that night I couldn't get the memory of hanging by a piece of twine feeling the life flow from me. Then looking up and seeing a mouse chewing through the twine. All of the pain and sensations returned in detail. The feeling of uselessness and the depression were more than I could tolerate. I remembered the tears in my eyes making it difficult to tie the noose and then almost falling off the ladder before I got the twine tied to the upper rung. Then the sudden snap of the noose around my neck followed by a feeling of euphoria as I used up the oxygen in my body. Defiance that was the angel’s name! That was what he meant when he said I already knew his name. Defiance had to be the angel that was sent to look over me.

  When I came to that realization, I fell in a deep sleep. “So you have figured out who I am. Good for you. I couldn't help Albert as much as I wanted to. He died instantly when he jumped from the attic opening. His father had humiliated him and committed a serious sin with his son. A father that does things like that has to pay every day and he is about to have to pay a harsh price of his own. Diane you have still to endure pain and humiliation, but not as severe as Albert did. Go to sleep and enjoy this time with these people that love you and care for you. Know that they will be here to help if you need it.”

  I awoke the next day completely rested and ready to go, but I remembered the dream and got down on my knees and thanked God for being there for me and sending Defiance. I got up and put on a pair of shorts and a sweat shirt and went down stairs. I did my exercises and came in to find Sarah putting the turkey in the oven. I asked if she needed any help and she looked at me smiled and thanked me, but sent me on out of the kitchen, but not before getting me a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll. I was sitting at the table reading the business section when Robert came down stairs.

  “Good morning Diane. Did you sleep well? I know I did.” he stated.

  “Good morning. I slept well for a change. Thank you.”

  “Hey, have you ever flown a kite?”

  “Why yes I have. I guess everybody has flown a kite.”

  “No, I mean a big kite that does acrobatics.”

  “No. but I have had several kites do death dives to the ground.” I laughed.

  “Great then go put some clothes on and let’s go fly a kite.” he said.

  We went to the Shelby Farms and he pulled out a large red kite that had two handles that he used to control it. I held the kite and he took off running and got it into the air. Then the show started. He made it do loop the loops and dives and all sorts of tricks. I jumped up and down and clapped my hands I was so excited to see him doing them. He let me try it, but I had a little problem I didn't weigh enough and almost got dragged away by the kite. Robert fell out laughing watching me with my heels dug in trying not to be pulled out into the field. I was rescued by one of the guys standing around watching the show. He ran out and caught me. He stood behind me and put his arms around me and held me close so I could work the controls.

  He felt good to me. And he was cute on top of that with his brownish curls and his dark eyes. He was very strong yet he held me gently. He would lean down close so he could talk into my ear and I could feel his warm breath against my ear. He had a beautiful tenor voice and he had an accent that I couldn't quite place.

  Robert came over and took the kite from me and introduced himself. “Hello. I'm Robert Givens.” and he stuck out his hand.

  “I'm Harold Whitehall.” he said. “I guess I need to know your name.” and he looked at me with those beautiful eyes and smiled.

  “I'm Diane Allen.” I said shyly.

  “So is this your girl.” He asked Robert.

nbsp; “No, but I wish she was old enough to be.” he said. “She is one of my sister’s students and a financial genius. I would marry her in a heartbeat if I could.”

  “Robert! Stop that.” I exclaimed and blushed again.

  “I don't blame him and I agree with him. I like a girl that blushes. It shows innocence.” He said. “So do you live around here?”

  “No, I live in the next state on a cotton farm. Where do you live?” I asked.

  “Ah I knew you would get around to that. I am from Wales in England.”

  “What are you doing here? Beside saving damsels in distress.” I asked. Robert told me I was acting coy to him. Batting my eyes at him and smiling a lot. I even did little things like brushing my hair out of my face and smiling at the same time.

  “I am here on holiday. My father is a big Elvis Fan and he has arranged to meet him this afternoon at Graceland. I on the other hand am a huge fan of Blood Sweat and Tears.” then he turned and waved at a man walking on the side of the road. “That's my dad I have to go. Could I have your post address so I can write you?”

  I gave him my address and got his so I could write him. Then he leaned in and kissed me. I was surprised by the move, but didn't resist. I waved bye to him and was standing there watching him go when a giant red bird looking thing swooped by me.

  “Earth to Diane. Earth to Diane. Come in Diane.” I heard Robert calling. I turned and ran to Robert and started crying.

  “Hey what's up sweetie? Why the tears.?” he asked.

  “I want to be a real girl! I don't want to be a girl look alike!”

  Robert held me close until I stopped crying. Then we loaded up the car and he took me to a little burger stand like place that was the only thing open and got me a strawberry milk shake as well as one for himself. “Don't tell anybody that I like pink milk shakes.” he ordered and looked around, acting like he was making sure no one he knew was watching.

  “Diane, I have been talking to Ted and he even took me to a place where there are others like you. I talked to several of them and they all want what you want, to be a female. I even met a few females that want to be males. All of them have the same complaint that they can't find real love like they are. They all feel like they are trapped in the wrong body. Some are saving for a surgery, but it is very expensive and some haven't done well with it. Then I met a woman who actually had the surgery and is now very happy. She said she was able to get a job without a problem and found a man who really loves her and knows about her past. She said that was the key, to find someone who didn't care about their past only about them. I know that you are all confused and today didn't help. You met a very handsome boy who treated you like a princess and you are worried that if you tell him he will drop you like a grenade. If he does then he's not the one. You will find the right one in the future and be very happy, but it's not time for that.” and he started drinking his milk shake.

  Two ladies came in but there weren't any empty tables. Robert being the gentleman he is offered them our table. They said they couldn't run us out so he asked them to join us. They accepted that. One sat next to me and one sat next to Robert. “My name is Robert and this is Diane.”

  “I'm Monica and this is Becky.” the one sitting next to Robert said.

  “We were going to order breakfast. What could I get for you this morning?” asked Robert.

  “How about a job.” stated Becky.

  “I meant, what would you like to eat this morning? And we can find you a job while we eat.” He said.

  “Are you serious?” Monica asked.

  “Very. My parents own Givens and I need two secretaries right now. Can you type?” He asked.

  “Yes!” they both said. At the same time.

  “Then you are both hired. Hand me a napkin please.” and he gave them the name of the office manager and told them to have him call him if there was a problem. Then he ordered breakfast and we had a wonderful time. They were from a small town that had a chicken processing plant in it and that was all. They both had worked in it until they decided that the only way to get ahead was to get out of there.

  He and Monica hit it off well. Becky seemed to be happy to have something to eat. Robert excused himself to go to the men's room. Monica and Becky started digging in their purses for the money for their part of the bill.

  “Ladies, I wouldn't do that if I were you.” I said.

  “Well we just can't let him buy our breakfast. He doesn't even know us.” said Monica.

  “I know, but I don't think he will let you pay anything and you will only offend him. Besides his Mom would kill him if she knew he let you go Dutch.” I said. “So where do you live?”

  Neither one said anything, they only hung their heads. Finally Becky spoke. “Alright we are flat busted. The only thing we have is that car and a tank of gas. We have spent everything trying to find a job. We have been sleeping in the car and now we have to try to get back home. This was our only chance to get out of there and start a new life.” Tears started forming in her eyes. “I don't want to work in a chicken processing plant. I want to be someone, to do something important.”

  “I think you will. Now give me the keys to your car so you can’t run off, and just so you don't think I am going to steal it you hold my purse.” she did it. I took the keys because I knew that they would try and leave so they wouldn't be owing anybody. I had a real good feeling about these two.

  I walked back to meet Robert and talk to him, “Robert those are going to be two hard workers, but they have a little problem. They are flat broke and have been living in their car. Is there anything you can do to help?” I asked.

  “Ah such a big heart in such a small body. Yes, there is something I can do and I already have. First, I called Mom and asked if they could eat thanksgiving with us, then I called a friend who has an apartment that they can have for a reasonable amount. Third I am paying for the first month’s rent and fourth you are buying breakfast.” I kicked him on the shin and gave him a dirty look. “Okay, Okay. I'll buy breakfast also.”

  “That's better.” I said.

  He limped back to the table, and rubbed his shin. “What happened to your leg?” Asked Monica.

  “He needed motivating.” I said.

  Becky giggled at that. “And you gave it to him. The motivating I mean.”

  “Well someone had to. Alright here are your keys. Robert has something to talk to you about. So listen carefully.” I said.

  “As my very beautiful and darling friend said. I would like to make an offer to you.” Both girls recoiled at that. “Don't worry it has nothing to do with a personal relationship. I would like to offer thanksgiving dinner to you and I have found you a place to live that isn't too far away. I am going to pay the deposit and the first month’s rent. Oh and I am going to, buy breakfast. Now we need to eat so I can show you where the apartment is since Jamey is going to meet us there. So are you interested?” he said. “Listen call it an employment bonus since I really need two secretaries bad.”

  “Monica, I don't think we are going to get a better offer than that ever.” said Becky. “What do you say?”

  “I think we would be fools to pass it up. Let's go.” said Monica.

  Robert stuck out his hand and shook on it with them. I couldn’t help but notice that when he shook Monica’s hand he held onto it a little longer. Robert ordered breakfast for them and we had a wonderful time talking and chatting about their lives. Then we went up to the cashier and Robert looked around and asked the cashier if she could gather all the other tickets for the people in the restaurant quietly and he would pay them. She did and he paid all of them and gave a generous tip. Outside he saw a man sitting on the curb and he looked a mess. He got him up and took him inside and paid for him to eat also. He looked at me and said. “What good does it do to have all this money if you can't use it for good?” I hugged him.

  He drove over to the apartment and met his friend. He introduced Jamey to Becky and Monica and they looked
at the apartment and Jamey told them how much it would be and all of his rules. It was furnished with some old furniture but it was clean and serviceable. We helped them unload their car and Robert gave them the address and told them when to be there.

  We left them still thanking us and headed back to Robert's house. “You really surprise me.” I said.

  “And why is that? What did I do?” he said.

  “I could see you paying for all the people in the restaurant, but when you took that man in and paid for his that surprised me. For as you do to the least of these you do unto me.” I said quoting Jesus.