Read Being Diane Page 23

  Chapter 23

  Mrs. Givens didn't say a thing about Robert inviting the two ladies to lunch. She just went and told Sarah that there would be three extra people for dinner. I wondered who the third one was. I already knew that Ted was coming and a place had already been set for him so who was the third one.

  Julie was razzing Robert about paying for their breakfast. “So did she bat her eyes at you? To get you to take pity on them. Or did you do the I'm the president of the store thing again and they swooned at that.”

  “Robert Givens. Don't tell me that you have been using that as a pickup line?” exclaimed Mrs. Givens.

  Mr. Givens spoke up, “Why not I used it once. On you.” and he winked at Mrs. Givens.

  “No Dad and Mom I was motivated to do it by Bruce Lee over there. She kicked me in the shin.”

  “Good for you Diane. Someone needs to teach him manners.” said Mrs. Givens.

  “I give up. I'm going to help Sarah. At least she appreciates me.” huffed Robert.

  I giggled and Julie teased him with, “Poor baby.” But she got jumped on by Robert and tickled. Then he ran into the kitchen and slammed the door. I heard Ms. Sarah yelling and then he came running out holding his head and ducking while she swung a spoon at him. I burst out laughing at him.

  “Hey you don't have anything to laugh about. She met a booyy this morning and she pretended to be having trouble with the kite to lure him into her clutches.” and he put on a smug look.

  Julie sat up at that. “Was he cute.”

  “Yes he was a perfect gentleman. His name was Harold Whitehall and he is from England and he is here with his parents to meet Elvis. He just made sure that the kite didn't pull me away because someone else here thought it was funny to watch me being dragged away by a kite.” I said and knew I was blushing.

  “Yeah but did he have to hold you so close and kiss you?” Teased Robert. I threw a pillow and hit him with it and he pretended to be knocked out. Julie jumped on him and paid him back for tickling her.

  “Alright you three go on upstairs and get ready for dinner. Diane I have laid out a dress for you and some shoes. And fix your hair.” then she leaned in close and said. “Did he really kiss you?”

  “Yes Mam.” I said kind of nervous.

  “I remember my first kiss. It was magical, but he's a pig farmer now. So get going. And you say he is going to meet Elvis this afternoon?” She asked in a peculiar way.

  “His father is a big fan.” I said and got up and went upstairs to get ready.

  I took another quick shower and styled my hair. She had laid out a black dress that was a little tight and clingy, but it was so sharp and a pair of beautiful black pumps that had sparkles all over them. Ms. Givens saw me and came in and told me to sit down at the vanity. She said she was going to change my hair a little. She brushed it out and then she put it up in a bun and pinned it there with two jade chop sticks. I was so excited. Then she took a little perfume and sprayed it on my wrist and neck very sparingly. “You want them to want to come in closer to smell it. Not to ward them off from a distance.” she said. Then she took the studs out and replaced them with small pearls. The final thing she did was place a pearl choker around my neck. “I like this better than rope.” she said as she touched the scar that was still there. “Now put some makeup on, just a little and don't forget the lipstick. And come on down.”

  I did as I was told and when I started down the stairs, I was met with the flash of cameras. Robert came up behind me and Mrs. Givens and Julie had us pose together on the stairs. He looked so handsome in his suit and he looked happy a lot happier than the last time I saw him. Robert was still having trouble adjusting to Katherine's betrayal and was having trust issues. I was concerned that he might not ever find the right one. I was wrong.

  Becky and Monica came on time. Mrs. Givens greeted them at the door and invited them in. They had changed into something nicer, although not exactly at the same level as what we were wearing. You could tell that they had worked hard all their lives, I noticed that Becky's hands had calluses on them and that Monica had scars on her arms from some type of hard work. Both were scared to death. After the introductions, I led them to the coat rack and then took them into the living room. Robert was in the kitchen worrying Sarah and he came out being chased by Sarah again. “Now stay out Mr. Robert.” He walked into the living room and saw Monica there. I thought he was going to trip over his lower jaw.

  “Please excuse my rather ill-mannered son. He seems to have suddenly suffered from a apoplexy and is unable to speak.” said Mr. Givens. “Robert would like to say hello to our guest?”

  He raised his hand and waved at them. “Hi. You look beautiful.” he said.

  Mrs. Givens covered her face with her hand and hung her head. I giggled and Julie hee-hawed. Monica and Becky turned beet red, “Maybe we had better just leave so Robert can speak again.” said Monica.

  “No! No! You have to stay and eat with us now that you are here.” exclaimed Robert and he tripped over a stool as he moved to greet them. “How long has that been there?” he asked as he stood up.

  “Oh, about five years. You know it's the same one that you have been walking around all that time.” said Mrs. Givens. “I'm sorry girls he is under a doctor’s care for klutz disease.”

  “Mom that's not true.” He said.

  Becky and Monica were both giggling at him by that time. It seemed as though he could save a company but he couldn't deal with cupid’s arrows. We all saw it. He was smitten by Monica. I mean really smitten. I really couldn't see why not, she was beautiful and very personable. He asked them if they wanted something to drink. Neither one drank alcohol. I liked that. Neither one smoked. Another plus. Especially since Mrs. Givens didn't allow smoking in her house. From then on, it was like the inquisition from Mr. Givens. Then he declared that Becky was to work in his office and that Monica was to work with Robert. Robert complained that now he would have to find some else to fill the second vacancy Mrs. Givens just said that he was sure he would. I found out later that Monica and Becky did the work of four people and that Robert didn't have to hire anyone to fill that other slot.

  Ted arrived just before the dinner. Mrs. Givens asked what had happened. “I had a patient to come in to the hospital today and I had to admit him.” He said.

  “What on earth could cause a person to have trouble on Thanksgiving day?” said Mrs. Givens

  “He said he heard the voice.” and he looked at me. “It told him that if he would take his life then all the pain and suffering would go away. So he tried to shoot himself but as he pulled, the trigger a mouse ran up his leg and he jumped and missed all together. I do believe that there is something to this mouse thing. I have heard a similar story from someone not connected in any way to this patient. Oh well let's change the subject, who are the two lovely ladies here.”

  Julie introduced them to him and he made a point to shake both of their hands. “I am Ted Ross it's a pleasure to meet you.” he said. Then he couldn't pry his eyes away from Julie. Now that is a case of being smitten. Cupid hit him right in the …. well you know where.

  When it was time to eat, Robert and Ted had to go and help Sarah bring in the food. Then Sarah turned to go back into the kitchen. Mr. Givens stopped her and walked her to the table and pulled out the extra chair at the table. “Sarah sit down, you are what we are thankful for.” he said. She looked stunned and didn't know what to do. Mrs. Givens walked up beside her and gave her a little nudge to get her in the seat. Mr. Givens pushed her chair up for her. Then he seated Mrs. Givens beside him. We filled in with Robert at the other end. Julie, Ted and I sat on one side and Monica sat next to Robert and Becky sat next to Sarah. Mr. Givens blessed the food and the people there. Then he made a little speech about all the new and wonderful people in their lives that had enriched them to no end. He spoke of how thankful he was to have such a wonderful employee as Sarah. Her devotion to them was unwavering and worthy of note. Then he took a deep breath
, “Do you smell that? It's love. Family love. The kind of love that you can't buy. The kind of love that stays with a family through thick and thin. This week we almost lost our company that was when I found out that there are people out there who would sacrifice everything for us. My beautiful wife was ready to sell all to help. Ted offered all that he had to help. Diane, was willing to give up everything she had to help. That is love and I thank you all. Now let's eat.”

  After the meal Robert, Ted and I had to clear the table and wash the dishes. While the rest relaxed in the living room. It took about an hour for the three of us to clean up the kitchen. I had to know, “Robert what happened to you? You have turned to jello since you saw Monica. Is there something we need to know?”

  “You are being nosy.” He answered.

  “I want to know what is going on?” Asked Ted.

  “There's nothing going on.” Robert said.

  “Well Mr. Ross we met these two wonderful ladies and Robert hired them for the secretarial pool and then he invited them to dinner and since Monica came in he has been tripping over things and he can't put two words together to make a sentence without putting his foot in his mouth. Can you diagnose what is wrong with him. Do we need to take him to get a shot.” I teased.

  “I do believe he is suffering from a very serious condition known as lovinitis and the only way to cure it is to let it run its course.” teased Ted.

  “Hah, hah, very funny. You two need to go on the road.” he said.

  “Hey that might not be a bad idea. Ted and Diane the dynamic duo. A little soft shoe, some song and a little humor. I think we can do it what do you think Diane?”

  “I think we can. Let's go out and tell the rest.” I said.

  “What and leave Robert here all alone?”

  “He's a big boy. He can handle it by himself. Besides I don't think Robert, Ted and Diane sounds all that good.”

  “You know you're right. It doesn't have a very good ring to it like ‘the Ted and Diane Show’. See you Robert.” said Ted

  “I don't think so. Get back in here now. You're not getting out of cleaning up this.” he said and pushed us back to the sink.

  “Spoil sport just when we were on the verge of preforming a historical act for humanity.” said Ted. He changed the subject to me. “How have you been doing? Have you heard the voice lately?”

  “Yes sir but I pray and it goes away. I think that I am being watched over by someone to make sure that he doesn't come back.” I said.

  “So you heard a voice too.” interrupted Robert. “Uh sorry I didn't mean to eaves drop or anything. Did you try to take your life?”

  “Yes. I almost did. The mouse chewed through the noose and I fell to the floor.” I said.

  “Diane don't ever do that again. I would miss you so much.” Robert said and then he looked and saw the scar. He reached up and touched it causing me to blush.

  “I don't think that is an option from now on. I am surprised that you are able to go on with your life in light of everything that has happened, however you do. I am so proud of you.” Said Ted.