Read Being the Bad Boy's Victim Page 12

  “My bike,” Connor said, jerking his head towards the direction of his abandoned motorcycle.

  I had forgotten about that. I headed towards the door, ready to unlock it, when I remembered my plan. I quickly dropped my bag and turned around, just as Connor was about to start his bike.

  “Wait!” I called out, sprinting towards him and getting in front.

  Luckily, Connor slammed his foot on the brakes, stopping only inches in front of me.

  “What the hell, Bella? Are you trying to get yourself k——” he yelled as he yanked off his helmet.

  “Thank you,” I breathed out. I gathered all the confidence I had and walked to the side of his bike, ignoring his confused expression. Before another second could go by, I leaned forward, stood on my tippy toes, put my arms around his neck, and kissed him. I pulled away after a minute or so, enjoying his surprised look.

  “You put yourself out there for me,” I said, “I was a bitch to you, yet you still tried. And that means a lot.”

  No response.


  I looked at his face, attempting to read his blank expression. “God, I’m sorry,” I muttered, turning around. I walked a couple of steps before turning back around to face him, a surge of confidence running through me.

  “Actually, I’m not sorry,” I said.

  Connor raised an eyebrow, but remained silent.

  “I’m not going to pretend that you didn’t make me actually like you when you admitted that you were trying for me. I don’t care if maybe that was some pick-up line you use on most girls. Because you know what? It worked.” With that, I turned away, walked back towards my front door, and picked up the items I dropped. But just as I unlocked the door, I was suddenly turned around.

  “It wasn’t some pick-up line. I meant every word of it,” he said softly, leaning down to look into my eyes.

  I stared back at him, not bothering to hold back the smile on my face.

  “What do you say to coming inside?” I asked. “So we can talk, that is. You know, get to know each other better.”

  Connor’s eyes were twinkling when I finished.

  “Or we could just.” He leaned in, brushing his lips against mine.

  “Connor!” I shrieked, raising my hands to push him away.

  He leaned away, letting out a carefree laugh.

  “Lead the way, darling.”

  I playfully scowled as I opened the door, walking inside my house with Connor behind me.

  “Bella! Bella, is that you?” my mum called out, appearing at the doorway of the kitchen.

  “Mum! What are you…?”

  “Why’d you skip school?”


  “Jess,” she said, pointing to the pile of books at the foot of the staircase. “I heard you and Connor took the day off together.”

  I blushed and mentally cursed Jess as I got ready for my mum’s scolding.

  “Well, it’s a good thing that you two are back because Connor’s family is coming over again.”

  “What?” Connor asked, confused.

  My mum nodded cheerfully, smiling at the both of us.

  “Yes! It’s going to be wonderful! I’m making lasagna!” she said, giggling a bit.


  “Listen, it’s nearly five o’clock. So, pumpkin, go get changed while Connor helps me in the kitchen.”

  Connor gave me a helpless look as he followed my mum into the kitchen, leaving me to go and change.

  An hour later

  “Bella, could you hurry up!” Connor hissed from out in the hall.

  I finished applying the mascara, taking a step back to look at my reflection.

  “That’s it, I’m…”

  The door opened up, revealing a frozen Connor.

  “What do you think?” I asked, twirling around in the light orange dress.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, smiling at me.

  I looked away to hide the blush that I knew he had already seen.

  “Are your parents here yet?” I asked, as I followed him out into the hallway.

  “Yeah, we’re all waiting for you,” Connor said.

  “Hey, it’s not easy finding something to wear on such short notice!” I hissed at him when we entered the dining room.

  “Bella, you look gorgeous as always,” Mrs. Michaels exclaimed.

  I blushed and politely thanked her, taking my seat next to Connor.

  Just as we began to eat, the doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get that,” I said, excusing myself from the table as I walked to the front door.

  “Hello, can I…?” I froze in horror. “Liam?”

  “I texted you to say I was going to be late. Didn’t you get it?” he said, handing me the bouquet of flowers.

  “Honey is there a— Oh! Hello, there,” my mum said, standing by my side.

  “Mum, I forgot I had a date tonight with Liam and…”

  “Not a problem!" she said, ushering him into the house. “Please, join us!”

  My eyes widened as she lead him to the dining room. I watched helplessly as they added a new place setting for Liam and I placed the flowers to the side before I sat back down… in between Connor and Liam.


  Just when I thought I had Bella… that I was actually starting to get through to her. Guess who showed up?


  I controlled the urge to punch him in the face as he sat on the other side of Bella. Then, I glanced back at the bouquet of flowers she had put to the side.


  Well, you know what? I don’t care if he thinks he can steal Bells from me. I just got her and I’ll be damned if I was going to let her be taken away so soon—or ever for that matter.

  There was one thing I knew for sure. As shocking as it might be, I liked Bella. Whether she liked it or not, she had gotten my attention, my interest. So now, there was no way in hell I was going to let her get away!


  As the conversation picked up again, I remained awkwardly silent as Connor burned holes into the side of my head, and Liam looked at me with a confused expression. Maybe this will all be okay, as long as nobody says anything to…

  “Bellaby, is Liam your boyfriend?” Luca asked loudly.

  My heart stopped beating and my mouth went dry.

  “No, Luca! Bellaby likes Connor! They kissed, remember?” Sophie said to Luca equally loudly.

  All eyes were on me.

  Kill me. Now!

  Chapter 11

  I gripped my fork tightly as I stared at Luca and Sophie, unsure of what to say. The whole table was awkwardly silent, and I had better chances of withering up and dying under Connor’s glare than getting out of this situation.

  “You guys kissed?” my mum asked, breaking the silence.

  I opened my mouth slightly, ready to come up with some crazy excuse.

  “Mummy it was so romantic! Connor was about to ride off on his bike when Bellaby ran in front of him and kissed him!” Sophie cried out, clapping her hands in delight.

  Now, I love my siblings and all, but at this moment, I only had one thought directed at Sophie.

  Die, bitch, die!

  All the parents turned to me, their eyebrows raised. I gulped and looked down at my plate, wishing I could just disappear. But they know it wasn’t just me! I thought to myself as everyone continued to watch me. I turned to look at Connor, giving him a nasty glare in response to his smirk.

  “Help me,” I hissed quietly.

  He sighed and turned back. Everybody was now watching him. Grateful for the distraction, I took a huge bite of lasagna.

  “I guess we might as well tell you guys the truth. Bella and I are dating,” Connor announced.

  Our moms gasped and looked at each other, grinning. Mr. Michaels gave Connor a nod of approval just as I started nodding along in agreement.

  Then the words sank in.

  “Wha—!” I began choking on the mouthful of lasagna I just shoved in
my mouth. Just as I was coughing it up—gross, I know—both Connor and Liam just so happened to choose that moment to come to my rescue. I straightened up, ready to say I was fine, when something—well, two things—slammed against my back. Sending me face first into my lasagna.

  My hands gripped the side of the table tightly as I slowly pulled myself up, the warm cheese and tomato sauce stuck to various parts of my face.

  “Bella, I’m so sorry,” Liam said, his eyes wide.

  I nodded, smiling a little, to show him I wasn’t mad. I turned to look at Connor, expecting an apology. His eyes were wide as he stared at me. I raised an eyebrow, slightly annoyed.

  Then, he burst out laughing.

  I growled and stood up, mumbling that I had to go wash off, angrily walking away while Connor continued to laugh. Honestly, though, it took everything inside of me not to laugh my head off along with him. Sure, I just got my face thrown into a plateful of lasagna, but it was funny… and a great distraction.

  After I washed my face, I leaned against the wall, thinking. Actually, I was conflicted. What was I going to do about Liam? I felt horrible that I had completely forgotten about him.

  Actually, I felt guilty. Want to know why? I never actually forgot about the date. I was just hoping he wouldn’t show up.

  Awful, I know!

  But I was “shockingly” having a pretty good time with Connor, and I didn’t want it to end so soon. On the other hand, I was mad at myself for being slightly nice to Connor. It felt like I was leading him on, making him think that I was going to open up to him. I know, I know. Only a couple of hours before, I willingly invited him into my house so that we could “bond.” I was desperate. I didn’t want him to leave. It was like I had this strange attraction towards him.

  The door suddenly opened and in slipped Connor. He quickly shut the door behind him, turning to face me. I pushed myself off of the wall, coming awkwardly close to him.

  “We’re not having another bathroom make-out session if that’s what you’re here for,” I warned him, trying to walk around him.

  He mirrored my movement, causing me to freeze and frown, glaring at him.

  “I was hoping we could have a repeat of that nude scene you had in my bathroom. Remember?” he asked, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

  I scowled and smacked his chest, which I highly doubt even hurt him, in the slightest. “You’re such an ass,” I snapped, trying to get around him.

  He continued to block my exit, causing me to grow angrier by the second.

  “What do you want?” I hissed, craning my neck so I could look him in the eye.

  The amusement vanished from him face, and a look of seriousness took over.

  “Why’s Liam here?”

  Oh, shit! I should have known he was going to ask me something like that. “I was supposed to have a date with him tonight. I forgot by accident,” was my hasty reply.

  Connor’s eyes narrowed. “So you were going on a date with him.”

  “Yeah. That’s what I just said,” I said awkwardly, looking around.

  “Do you even understand how bitchy that is?” Connor snapped, causing me to look up in surprise.


  “Well, I find it interesting that you insist we ‘hangout’ first before anything else. But with Liam, it seems you don’t have the same requirements.”

  I sighed and crossed my arms. “Connor, I thought we were over th—”

  “I’m done with you.”

  “Excuse me?” I asked, surprised.

  “I’m done with you,” he said slowly. “I’m sick of acting like I’m okay with the way you treat me compared to others. I don’t care what you’ve heard about me or what my reputation may be. But I always thought you were not one to judge. Guess I was wrong.”

  He turned to leave and I grabbed his arm.

  “I may have judged you because of what I’ve heard, but I’ve also experienced it all first hand. So, being judgmental may not be such a bad thing,” I snapped, glaring at him.

  “Whatever! I’m done. Go, run to Liam.”

  I let out a short, dry, laugh. “Are you jealous or something?”

  “Jealous? You wish. Jealousy really isn’t my thing. No, I’m just disappointed,” he said, opening the door.

  “Disappointed? Why?”

  Everything was happening so quickly, I was getting very confused.

  “It’s really such a shame that such a beautiful shell would be wasted on a cold bitch like you,” he said, casting me a withering look over his shoulder.

  I watched in silence as he stormed back downstairs.

  What the hell just happened?!

  I went back downstairs after taking a couple of deep breaths. Connor said he was “done” with me. What does that even mean?

  I gave a small smile to everyone as I entered the room. Thankfully, Sophie and Luca had gone upstairs to bed. Everyone was now eating dessert, talking about business, shopping, and the school football team.

  Whoa! Connor and Liam were talking!

  I frowned as I sat back down, awkwardly cutting off their conversation.

  “Bella, are you going to the opening game?” Liam asked.

  I played with my ice cream for a bit before turning to him.

  “I don’t think so,” I murmured, turning back.

  “What? Why not?” he asked, shocked.

  I shrugged and placed my spoon back down. I had lost my appetite long ago.

  “Come on, it’s the biggest game of the season! And we’re opening against our rivals,” he said, in attempt to point out to me how important the game is.

  “I don’t know much about football,” I muttered, staring at the table. I had no idea what was going on with me, but I felt so sad.

  “Connor can teach you the sport. He’s our captain, the star player,” Liam said, grinning.

  I was so tempted to ask if he even knew that Connor hated him. Suddenly, an evil idea popped into my mind.

  “Why don’t you?” I asked, looking at him. I turned my body so that I had completely cut off Connor.

  “Uhm, well… aren’t you two…?” he trailed off awkwardly.

  I leaned back and let out a laugh.

  “Of course not!” I giggled, placing my arm on his bicep.

  I felt Connor freeze up as I said that, and a smile appeared at the corners of my mouth. Liam tensed under my touch, before relaxing and giving me his beautiful, crooked grin.

  “Well, in that case,” he said, winking suggestively.

  As much as I wanted to pull my arm away and scream, “Only Connor could pull that off!” I managed to remain giggly and flirty.

  Twenty minutes later

  “Bella, why don’t you guys go into the living room and talk?” my mum suggested.

  I nodded my head obediently and exited the room with Connor and Liam right behind me.

  “Man, you wouldn’t mind if I took Bella out sometime, would ya?” Liam asked as I sat next to him on the couch, forcing Connor to sit in the lone armchair.

  “Not at all,” he said, a tight smile on his face.

  I watched as his hands tightened into small fists, confirming that I had gotten what I wanted. Jealousy.


  Sammy said this would work—telling her that I wasn’t interested in her anymore and all. I frowned as I remembered what I had said, trying to see if I had done anything wrong. Maybe I rushed into it. Yeah! That had to be it!

  Sammy said the best way to get a girl to like you, to take interest in you, was to give her all this attention, and then ignore her. I was going to wait a while before I used it. But when I saw Liam, I just lost it.

  And now, Bella is flirting with him! I’m not going to even try to hide the fact that I was undeniably jealous. I wanted her to be on that couch with me—not Liam. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, looking up to watch as Bella leaned against Liam, resting her head on his shoulder.

  Deep breaths, Connor, I told myself in attempt to calm down. Ho
wever, I couldn’t help but grow angrier as Liam rested his head on hers as well, whispering something into her ear. I felt a sharp pang of hurt as she let out a small, bubbly laugh.

  “I have to go,” I announced, leaving before anyone could stop me—as if anyone would.


  I didn’t even hear what Liam said. I just laughed a little, hoping that it was something funny. Without warning, Connor abruptly stood, muttering that he had to leave. And with that, he left… before I could stop him.

  Friday, during lunch

  Connor didn’t come to school at all. Last I saw of him was on Tuesday night, and he didn’t look too happy when he left. I was worried. Matt and James were avoiding me, and I even caught them staring at me multiple times.

  “So, who’s excited for the big game?” Jess asked Anna and me.

  “Me!” Anna gushed, clapping her hands excitedly.

  I picked at my salad, glancing over at Matt and James. Once again, I caught them watching me.


  I snapped my head back towards Jess. She and Anna were now watching me with concern.

  “What?” I snapped, glaring at them both.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Anna asked, looking at me cautiously.

  I sighed and looked down.

  So many things.

  “Sorry, I—I’ll be right back,” I murmured, standing up and grabbing my bag. Ignoring all the weird looks I got, I walked over to their booth, standing in front of them.

  “Where’s Connor?” I asked, getting straight to the point. There was a moment of silence before one of them spoke up.

  “And you care because?” James asked, his tone cold.

  Matt’s eyes widened and he elbowed him in the ribs. “What he means is, why do you want to know?” Matt said awkwardly, giving me a small smile.

  “He hasn’t been in school and I was beginning to get…”

  “Worried?” James scoffed. “Oh, look Matt, the bitch is worried.”

  My eyes widened and I unconsciously took a step back, heat rushing to my face.