Read Being the Bad Boy's Victim Page 17

  And she called me a bitch? Really? There was something she wasn’t telling me. But I just shook my head, grabbed the plates, and walked over to the sink.

  “Leading them on?” I muttered under my breath, shaking my head angrily. “Stupid asshole.”

  “Bella! We’re home!” my mum cried out, opening the door wide as Sophie and Luca ran in, giggling like crazy.

  My dad followed my mum inside, shutting the door behind them.

  “Oh my! I forgot to tell…”

  My mum placed her hand on mine. “It’s okay, pumpkin! Jess called us saying that you slept over at her house.”

  I frowned, confused. “Ohhh, okay.”

  “So how was the party?” she asked, excited.



  “A bitch? Really?” I asked myself as I drove through the empty streets. I know, I know. I’m a liar. A sick, heartless liar. It was just, seeing her reaction made me feel disgusted with myself. And I knew I wouldn’t be able to tell her. I parked the car, glancing up at the mansion.

  Time for another lie.

  While trudging on the walkway, I thought over what she said about Liam. What about his sister? What was wrong with his sister? I shook it off as I found myself standing in front of the door. Maybe I should just leave. I’ve already done enough, as it is. Turning to leave, I jumped as the door quickly opened.


  I turned quickly, coming face to chest with Matt.

  “Er, hi!” I said awkwardly, taking a small step back.

  He stared at me for a moment before stepping to the side. “Come in,” Matt said with a flourish.

  As I walked through the doorway, I glanced back at my car, wishing I was still in it, driving home.

  “What are you doing here?” Connor spat out. He was sprawled out on his couch, an annoyed look on his face.

  I opened my mouth to snap back at him, but I realized what I was here for. What I had to do.

  “I lied,” I said, looking from Matt to Connor.

  “Hey, guys. Where…? Jess?” James asked, walking down the stairs in only a towel.

  I gulped and looked at the ground, blushing slightly. I would be lying if I said he didn’t look absolutely gorgeous.

  “What did you lie about?” Connor asked, his eyes narrowing as he stood up.

  I bit my lip nervously, thinking over what I was going to say.

  “Bella was never abused,” I said, looking up at all three of them. “I lied because I just wanted to scare you off. So you wouldn’t end up hurting her.”

  “Who lies about abuse?” Matt asked, a look of disgust crossing his face.

  It made me feel awful, but I couldn’t back down now. I just couldn’t live with myself if they knew Bella’s secret, her biggest secret.

  “I know, it’s just…”

  “That’s sick,” Connor said, glaring at me.

  I bit my lip, praying to God that I wouldn’t start crying.

  “I get it.”

  I looked up in surprise, staring at James with wide eyes. The guys stared at him, the same expression on their faces.

  He shrugged, staring straight at me. “You were trying to protect her. She’s your best friend and you didn’t want to see her get hurt. Sure, what you said was wrong—a bad excuse. But I can understand why you did it.”

  “Well, I don’t.”

  I turned my attention to Connor. He was now only about three feet away from me, causing me to grow nervous.


  “What did you think I was going to do to her? Sexually assault her? Huh?” Anger was evident in his expression. Needless to say, he was enraged.

  “I don’t…”

  “You don’t know?” he asked scornfully. “I would never hurt a girl, especially not Bella.” His tone was cold and harsh, and I deserved it.

  Accepting the fact that I was in too deep, I just nodded my head.

  “I’m so sorry. That’s all I can say.” At that, I turned to leave, but then remembered something. Quickly turning back, I took a deep breath before speaking. “Can you guys please not mention this to her?”

  “What? That you lied about her getting abused to scare me off?” Connor spat out, his arms crossed tightly at his chest.

  “Y-yes,” I whispered shakily.

  “Fine, we won’t say anything.”

  My head snapped to James. Still only in a towel, he stood there, glaring at Connor.

  “Like hell!” Connor hissed, his eyes narrowed.

  “You will not say anything,” James said, finality lacing his tone.

  Connor turned back to me, taking a couple of steps forward so that he was now in my face.

  “If it’s not true, then why can’t I tell her about it?” Connor asked, an uncomfortable heat radiating off of him.

  I gulped and took a couple of deep breaths.

  “I just don’t want her to know,” I whispered, balling the edge of my shirt into my fists nervously. Looking up at Connor, I tried to decipher his blank expression. I let out a gasp of surprise as I was pushed against the wall.

  “Piss me off again like you did today, and I will tell her. As long as you stay out of my fucking way, I’m fine,” he snarled threateningly. He smirked as I nodded quickly, and I let out a breath of relief as he backed away.

  I quickly opened the door, ready to leave, when I stopped myself.

  “At the risk of pissing you off again…”

  Connor raised an eyebrow, a cold look taking over his face.

  “You should know that Bella spent the day with Liam.”

  Silence. I bit my lip before choosing my next words.

  “She saw him in the park. And according to her, something clicked with them.”

  A slight look of hurt flashed through Connor’s face.

  “She… she really likes him.”

  “This is messed up,” Matt said, shaking his head. “Liam knows Bella is Connor’s g——“

  “Whatever. This is fucked up,” Connor said, his tone dead, lifeless. “You can leave now.”

  I didn’t hesitate to leave that time.

  All I could do then was pray that Bella wouldn’t find out about what I said. In an attempt to clear my head, I shook it a couple of times. Thinking over what had just happened, I realized how stupid I was. I told them about Bella’s biggest secret. Then, I ran back telling them that it was all a lie. And I confessed about doing something bad, and completely raised Bella’s suspicions. Then, I blew it by giving her some crap excuse.

  Connor and Matt were right—this is fucked up.



  “I know, I know,” I muttered, shoving past James as I headed upstairs, but not before grabbing a bottle of vodka… to drown away my sorrows with.

  I shook my head as I took a gulp, falling backwards on my bed. What was I thinking? I scowled as the burning sensation went down my throat, causing me to wince a little. Trying to make Bella jealous was absolutely stupid. This whole thing was useless.

  Bella doesn’t like you, I told myself, taking another swig of the numbing drink. I groaned as I thought back to my once “foolproof” plan. I was going to make Bella jealous by flirting with a bunch of girls, sleeping with them if I had to. I was trying to get under her skin, but I guess it just pushed her to Liam. I shook my head in disappointment. I always get the girl. Always.

  “Man, what are you doing to yourself?” Matt asked, standing by the doorway. “It’s been barely two months and you’ve been so hung up on this girl. It’s like you’re… never mind.” But he stopped talking, looking down at the floor. Despite my spinning head—a sign that the vodka was taking over, I sat up and glared at Matt.

  “What were you saying?” I asked, my tone low and dangerous.


  “Matt!” I snapped.

  “It’s like you’ve gone soft!” Matt blurted out, watching me cautiously.

  I growled and stood up, standing straight in f
ront of him. “I am not soft,” I spat out, leaning down a bit.

  He shook his head in defeat and turned to leave. Angrily, I grabbed his shoulder, shoving him into the wall across the hallway. “What do you want me to do? Huh?” I roared, getting up on his face.

  Matt winced and pushed me away lightly. “I didn't mean…”

  “Should I go back to sleeping with a bunch of girls? Getting shitfaced every night and starting fistfights for fun?" I seethed, slamming my fist into the wall. I ended up stumbling backwards, faced with a now angry Matt.

  "Yeah, well that was you! But you’ve changed. And now, you act all messed up because of Bella,” Matt sighed, looking down at his hands. “I don’t like this. I miss my friend.”

  All my previous rage got washed away at hearing those words. “But…” I started.

  “I don’t like seeing you this way,” he said quickly, looking at me. “I’m not saying you can’t chase after Bella anymore. What I am saying is that the plan you’re using now, it’s changing you.”

  I frowned, not understanding what he meant. “What do you mean?”

  “He means that because of your pathetic chasing after Bella, people think you’re going soft. You’ve been acting that way lately. And as much as you may want to deny it, it’s true,” James said, now standing in a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

  I shrugged numbly and went back into my room, locking the door behind me.

  They were right. Bella was making me insane and I hated it. I don’t chase after girls, they chase after me. Dropping myself back on my bed, I realized something. All this drama and shit Bella has brought me, it wasn’t worth it. She wasn’t worth it.

  Looking up at the plain, white ceiling, I let out a breath of air. I was done with her. If she wants to be with Liam, so be it. I am Connor Michaels. I can and will get any girl I want, whenever I want.

  A small smile quirked on my lips.

  I am back!


  It has been a full week of school.

  Connor hadn’t talked to me, not even once. Well, I guess it would be hard to when he was constantly with other girls. Jess and I made up, which I was grateful for. She was my best friend and I didn't like being mad at her.

  Oh… and Liam and I are dating.

  So, yeah…

  At the lunchroom

  “How was your date last night?” Jess asked, leaning forward as I picked out the mushrooms in my salad.

  “It was amazing!” I couldn’t help but brag. Liam and I weren’t official yet. Although, we had been going out almost every night.

  “You guys might as well just say that you two are boyfriend and girlfriend,” she said, her eyes twinkling.

  At the sound of the word boyfriend, my eyes flickered over to Connor’s table, where he was currently sucking the face of some junior while Matt was talking to another girl. James? Well, James was alone. I noticed that lately he hadn’t been with many girls. None, actually. Glancing back at Jess, I noticed her staring over at James.

  “Jess? Something you’d like to tell me?” I asked, excitement running through me.

  A faint blush appeared on Jess’ face. My eyes bugged out as I looked from James to Jess, piecing everything together.

  “You like…”

  “Shut up!” she hissed, glaring at me.

  I closed my mouth, fighting halfheartedly against the smile that was threatening to show up on my face.

  “So? Are you…?”

  “I do not like James,” she said, her voice calm and steady. “I barely even know him. And I guarantee you, he doesn’t know me.”

  I didn’t buy that for a second.

  “Hey, babe,” Liam whispered into my ear, sitting down next to me.

  At that moment, I chose to do a wonderful impersonation of a tomato.

  “You’re cute when you blush,” he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

  Jess laughed as I slapped his chest, glaring playfully at him. When the bell finally rang, we parted ways. And Jess and I were walking back to our lockers when…

  “Oh, Connor. Yes,” The girl moaned as Connor sucked her neck.

  I cringed at the sight, turning to open my locker.

  “Oh, yes! Baby, yes!” she said loudly.

  I couldn’t stop myself as I turned back around.

  “Can you two please stop dry humping each other right now?” I hissed, watching as his hand slid up her shirt. After a couple of seconds, Connor pulled away, smiling smugly at me.


  “Of what?” I asked distastefully.

  His smirk only grew bigger as he turned back to the girl, poised for another attack with his mouth.

  “Seriously, can’t you two find a room? It’s not like you haven’t done that before,” I guessed. Knowing Connor, he must have fucked a girl in every room at least once. Heck, maybe even twice.

  “You really are jealous,” Connor said, not even glancing back.

  “No, she isn’t. I’m sure everyone else would be equally as happy if you two leave,” Jess cut in, standing by my side.

  I let out a gasp of surprise as Connor whirled around, towering over the both of us, causing us to shrink back into the wall of lockers.

  “If you’re not going to watch what you say, Jess, then neither will I,” he snarled.

  I watched in amazement as he stormed off, leaving the girl to trail behind him.

  “Jess, what does he…?”

  “I’ve got to go,” she muttered, walking off without another word.

  I stared down the hall at the retreating backs of Connor and Jess.

  What the hell was going on?!

  After I grabbed my books from my locker and shut it, I realized that there was something going on between Jess and Connor, something that I wasn’t supposed to know about.

  And you know what? I felt bad for them. Why? Because I am Bellatrix Brown. I am stubborn, dramatic, and bitchy. And if there’s something I want—because of those very traits, I almost always get it.

  And right then, I was out to get the truth.

  Chapter 15

  “You’re just not going to tell me?” I asked, annoyance lacing my tone.

  Jess looked at me, picking her food wearily.

  “What’s there to tell?” she mumbled, looking around awkwardly.

  I threw my arms up in annoyance, causing a couple of people to turn and stare. Jess flushed and began eating quickly.

  “What’s going on?”

  I looked around to see Anna sitting next to us. Then, I looked at Jess expectantly. But after realizing she wasn’t about to say anything, I spoke up.

  “Jess is hiding something from me,” I said, glaring pointedly at her.

  Jess looked up with her mouth full, chewing frantically.

  “I’m not hiding anything!” she cried out, causing even more people to stare.

  I leaned on the table, dropping my tone. “Yes, you are. Don’t think I will stop trying,” I hissed, narrowing my eyes.

  “You’ve been like this the whole week!” she exclaimed, leaning down as a bunch of people were now staring.

  It was true. I had been incredibly persistent and annoying the whole week, not letting up once. But then, Jess was pissing me off. Why? Because she continued to avoid my question and lie to my face.

  “Well, I have to go,” Jess said, walking away before I could say another word.

  I growled in frustration, running my hand angrily through my hair. Glancing at Anna though, it looked like she was deep in thought. Frowning, I cocked my head to the side.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Well, it’s just…” She stared at the doors where Jess just walked through.


  “Jess only acts like that when she’s hiding something big.”

  My eyes widened, and my throat went dry. What was Anna trying to say? What could Jess have done that was so bad? I turned to look at Connor’s table, where—as usual—he was making out with some girl

  “What do you think it is?” I asked, my heartbeat quickening.

  Anna shrugged as she began eating. “Well, I’m going to need some details,” she said casually.

  I crumpled my trash and leaned against the table.

  “It was something Connor said to her. It’s like there is something they’re hiding from me. And I can tell that Jess really doesn’t want me to know what it is.” I paused, glancing back at Connor who was now watching me. “I think he is holding something over Jess’ head.”

  “Like blackmail?” Anna asked, as she finished her fruit bowl.

  I nodded, turning back to her.

  “Well, I can’t tell you much, but I can tell you one thing. Your theory? It’s probably right. Jess probably said something, and now Connor is using it against her. I don’t know what she could have said. But it must be something big,” Anna said, trailing off. Then she stood up and gathered her stuff. “I’ll see you around, okay?”

  I nodded numbly as she left, leaving me confused and worried. The bell rang, telling us to leave. So I picked up my things and was following the bustle of exiting students, when I was shoved into a hard body, and I found myself falling. Letting out a yelp, I held out my arms and prepared for the impact… but surprisingly didn’t actually make contact with the floor.

  “You okay? Oh, it’s you,” my rescuer said.

  Then I found myself looking into Connor’s deep brown eyes, and willing myself not to swoon. When I righted myself, I noticed that Connor’s arms still remained around my waist.

  “You can let go now,” I muttered, placing my hands on his arms, trying to push them away. I let out a small squeak of surprise as his arms tightened, causing me to be pushed closer to his chest.

  “What? No ‘thank you’?” he asked, his hot breath tickling my ear. I shivered involuntarily and blushed at the sight of Connor’s smirk. “Well?” he asked, his lips brushing against the side of my face.

  “I didn’t need your help,” I said shakily, my breath catching in my throat.

  He pulled me tighter so that he was looking directly into my eyes and our noses were nearly touching.