Read Being the Bad Boy's Victim Page 3

  Oh, shit!

  I looked back up at him as he looked me over shamelessly.

  “Just you wait, soon enough I will have you screaming my name in pleasure and begging for more,” he whispered huskily in my ear before exiting the library.

  Oh… my… God!

  Suddenly, the door opened again and Connor’s head popped in. “Wait! Bella, my house or yours?” The door closed quickly behind him, leaving me stuck in a library full of people giving me all these looks.

  I gritted my teeth and packed up my bag, hurriedly leaving the room. As much as I hate to admit it, but it’s Bella–0 and Connor–2.

  Chapter 03


  Thanks, mum, I thought to myself as I was forced to walk home in the rain. Yeah, I guess I should be really mad, but I was just too distracted. Thankfully, I already memorized the way to and from school, so I was able to walk home without any problem.

  Just as I was about to turn towards my street, a car drove by too close to the curb, causing a bucketful of water to splash over me.

  “Sorry ‘bout that, Bells.”


  I scowled and flipped him off, but he just drove off, laughing evilly. I knew I should be worried about him, but for some reason, I wasn’t. Sure, he scared me like no other, but something about him made me want to get to know him.

  As I turned up the walkway to my house, I noticed his car parked on the street. Filled with annoyance, I stomped up towards the car, ready to bitch off to him.

  “Connor…” I started, only to freeze.

  Connor smirked as he pulled away from the topless girl underneath him. I flushed, completely embarrassed, and quickly turned around, and walked into the house.

  I just interrupted Connor’s shag time.

  I could feel his stare on my back as I struggled to find my keys. Once I found them at the bottom of my bag, I rushed into the house, slamming the door shut behind me.

  “Oh! Pumpkin! I’m so…” My mum rushed to me.

  “It’s fine,” I cut her off, heading upstairs.

  Twenty-five minutes later

  I collapsed on my bed after the most relaxing hot shower I’d ever had. Leaning over the edge, I grabbed my bag and started working on the rest of my homework. Out of the blue, my phone started ringing loudly.

  The screen displays “Unknown.”


  “Hey, it’s Jess.”

  “Oh, yeah. Jess,” I said slowly, slight confusion tainting my tone. “How’d you get my number?”

  “I took it from your phone during Spanish,” she said casually.

  I smiled, figuring that she indeed seemed like the person who would do that.

  “So, what’s up?”

  “Ugh…” she groaned. “I heard about what happened… in the library.”

  My eyes widened, and I buried my face in my pillow.


  “Word travels,” Jess explained

  “I hate him,” I mumbled

  “It’s not true, is it?” she asked in a hushed tone.

  “What?” I asked hesitantly.

  “That you are going to have sex with him. People are saying that you were so desperate that you started stripping in the library. And also… actually never mind,” Jess muttered.

  “Jess! What were you going to say?” I asked, sitting upright, my heart pounding.

  “Well, Connor told a bunch of people that you were begging him to take your virginity.”

  I gasped, hate and anger quickly filling me.

  “And so you blew him at the back of the library because you were so desperate.”

  I didn’t respond. I couldn’t.

  “Bella? Bella, it’s okay. No one really believes him,” Jess tried to assure me.

  “Listen, I have to go,” I muttered, hanging up before she could respond.

  Connor Michaels, this means war!

  The next day, I woke up early just so I could pick out my outfit for the day. I smiled as I pulled out my pink blouse, leather skirt, and my black leather stiletto boots that went all the way to the top of my thighs.

  I gave myself one more look before heading downstairs.

  “Bye, mum.”

  “Bye! Hold up, come back here,”

  I groaned and turned around, heading back to her with my head drooping.

  “Who’s the guy?”

  “There’s no guy,” I snapped, angered by even the slightest hint of Connor’s existence.

  “Ah, I see. Okay. Well, have fun then,” my mum said with a knowing smile as she sipped her coffee.

  I gave her a quick hug before grabbing the keys and left.

  Fifteen minutes later

  I took a deep breath as I parked my car. There were a couple of kids by the entrance, but Connor or his friends were nowhere to be seen.


  I stepped out of my car carefully, feeling the attention turn to me. I smiled confidently, despite the nauseating butterflies at the bottom of my stomach. Ignoring the whispers, I headed inside, towards my locker.

  “That’s her.”

  “She blew Connor?”



  The thing about me is, words don’t faze me. Well, those pathetic insults people throw at me don’t. However, my heartbeat quickened when I saw Connor, by his locker, talking to Matt and James.

  Asshole! I thought bitterly.

  Keeping my head high, I strutted to my locker, taking out and putting in books. To my satisfaction, I heard Connor stop talking, along with James and Matt.

  All eyes were on me.

  “Bella?” a disbelieving voice asked me. I turned around to face a surprised-looking Claire and a silent, wide-eyed Jessica.

  “Hey, guys,” I said casually, slinging my leather bag over my shoulder. Yesterday, I found out that no one really used backpacks, just regular shoulder bags.

  “You look…”


  I turned to face a grinning Anna. The glint in her eyes told me that she knew exactly what I was going to do. She winked at me as she walked by.

  “Good luck, Bella,” she whispered as she went to her locker. I glanced at Connor quickly, to see him smirking at me and oh-so-obviously checking me out.

  Thanks, Anna! I’m going to need it.

  English Class

  So, Mr. Henderson kept his promise and got me a new desk. But you wouldn’t believe where that douchebag put it.

  Oh, hey, Connor! Didn’t see you there. You know, you’re just right next to me! Mr. Henderson, I hate you!

  He stood, facing the board, writing out notes for us to copy. I watched as Jess glanced back at me, trying to hide her laughter.

  Ha ha, Jess. This is so funny.

  Now, you may be wondering why I decided to wear this specific outfit. So let me enlighten you:

  1. I wasn’t in the mood to flash a bunch of people that I don’t know.

  2. I wanted to have that badass look to me. You know when you see a girl wearing those boots and you’re like ‘Oh God, what a badass! Or is it just me?’

  Anyways, Connor started something that he really shouldn’t have. And now? Bitch is going to pay.


  Wait, what?!


  My eyes went to the pen in his hand. With all my brainpower, I willed for the pen to blow up. And yeah… that didn’t exactly work.

  The repeated tapping noise was echoing throughout my head, causing me to grit my teeth in frustration.

  “Can you please stop that?” I asked under my breath, glaring at him.

  Connor just smirked and held up both his hands in surrender.

  Rolling my eyes, I turned my focus away from Connor, determined to ignore him completely at this point.


  Without a second thought, I leaned over and slapped the pen out of his hand, knocking it to the ground, on his other side. Grinning in satisfaction, I turned to the front and continued taking down


  No response.

  “Bella, I know you can hear me.”

  “Bella!” he hissed, jabbing me in the side with his hand. That made me angrily turn my head at him.

  “What?” I asked, annoyed.

  “Pick it up,” he ordered, his dark brown eyes burning into mine.

  “No!” I snapped, facing front. As I reached for my pen, his hand shot out in front of me, snatching it up. He then dropped it near his pen.

  Oh, Connor, you’re just so smart.

  “Pick it up, now,” he demanded.

  Angered, I let out a huff and stood up to walk around him, only to be blocked by the table behind us.

  “Connor, I can’t fit back here,” I muttered, sitting back down. Instead of just grabbing both pens, he pointed across his lap, motioning me to bend over and grab it.

  Being stupid, I carelessly bent down to grab both pens, and then handed him his pen before sitting back down. When I glanced at him, I couldn’t help but notice the large smirk on his face, as if he had just done something bad. Feeling suspicious, I raised my eyebrow at him, but he just turned his attention to the front and resumed taking notes.

  If only I knew what was going to happen.

  AP U.S. History, Spanish, and AP Chem. went by surprisingly fast, or maybe they did because I was so distracted with what happened during English. It bothered me, frankly. I knew, I shouldn’t give a shit. But seriously, if you had seen the look on his face, you would have been just as bothered as I was.

  “Ready for Gym?” Natalya asked.

  A series of groans was heard from the rest of the group. It seemed as though I’m not the only one who hates Gym. Surprisingly, Anna and Natalya were crazy athletic, although they didn’t seem that way at all. Natalya was one of those I-can-play-any-sport-and-kick-ass kind of girl, while Anna was an amazing runner, so she just enjoyed everything.

  “Let’s get this over with,” grumbled Claire as she headed to the gym.

  We all shuffled into the gym after changing into the extremely tight t-shirts and incredibly short shorts. Wolf whistles echoed around the gym as Jess and I entered, causing her to blush and me to scowl.

  “I wouldn’t mind popping your cherry, sexy,” some guy called out, earning a couple rounds of high fives and pats on the back from his friends.

  “Listen up, all you lazy idiots! Today we will be playing dodgeball, girls versus boys,” Mr. MacDonald announced.

  Complaints and cheers echoed around the gym as the group separated on either side of the court.

  “And go!” he yelled, blowing his whistle loudly.

  I let out a tribal cry and charged towards the mountain of rubber balls. At the corner of my eye, I saw James hurl a ball at a small girl, causing her to crash down to the ground with a painful thud.

  I let out a scream, made a U-turn, and headed to the back of the gym where I could ensure my safety.

  Unfortunately, my plan bit me in the ass when I came to the realization that I was the only one left standing on my team.

  “Come on, Bella! Do something!” Anna screamed from the sidelines.

  I looked at my competition, anxiety pooling in the pit of my stomach as I latched eyes on Matt, a random jock, and Connor. I’m screwed.

  Well, here goes nothing. I picked up the ball next to me, and then another. Balancing them on each hand, I ran full speed, and then threw them towards Matt and the jock.

  Two resounding slams echoed across the gym, which was followed by a series of profanities that spilled from Matt and the jock’s lips.

  Cheers erupted all over the gym while I happily jumped up and down. I hit them both! The seemingly improbable idea that I could possibly win was dancing around in my head when I felt a hard object slam onto my chest and knock the air out of my lungs. I flew backwards at the impact, slamming my head on the ground as I collapsed.

  “And that’s game!” roared Mr. MacDonald. “Boys win!”

  I sat up to see all the guys high-fiving Connor. He turned and looked down at me, with that awful smirk etched across his face. Well actually, forget it, let’s just be honest. He looked so hot with that smirk.

  “Bella! Are you okay?” Claire asked, leaning over me.

  I gave a weak smile and stood up with her help.

  A few minutes later

  Just as I was walking to the locker room, I heard laughter erupt from behind me. Curious, I turned to look and saw James and Matt laughing at something that Connor was showing them on his phone. When they both noticed I was staring, they winked and disappeared into the boy’s locker room.

  I quickly changed into my regular clothes and waited for Jess and the rest of the girls. We were the last ones to leave. As we walked into the hallway, whispers and laughter echoed around us.

  “Oh, my God!” Jess said, her face deathly pale as she stared at the screen.

  “What?” I asked. Soon, all of the girls were staring down at their phones, pale and horrified.

  “Guys, what is it?” I asked, trying to look at Lilly’s phone.

  A gasp, mixed with a strangled cry, left my lips when my eyes finally caught a glimpse of Lilly’s phone.

  ‘I’m a whore.’

  The writing graced a sickening picture of my ass, clad in the red lacy thong that I was wearing at the moment. Tears burned in my eyes while I backed away, and I covered my mouth in dismay.


  I shoved past Jessica and Anna as I rushed towards the lunchroom. Yeah, I was hurt and humiliated. But most of all, I was fucking pissed. I slammed the lunchroom doors open, causing everyone to fall into a surprised silence.

  I locked eyes with Connor and made my way to him, my fists clenched. All eyes were on me as I stopped right in front of his table.

  “You are a sick bastard!” I spat out, fighting to keep my voice steady.

  “Slut!” someone screamed from the other side of the room.

  That did it.

  I turned back to face Connor who was now smirking at me.

  “You are downright awful! I can’t believe you would stoop this low!” I spat out, my eyes narrowing furiously at him.

  “Save your breath. No one gives a shit,” he said, turning away.

  “How could you?” I whispered, my voice cracking at the end.

  He turned back to me and sneered, “Do you actually think you can make me feel bad?”

  The thwack sound that followed was my instantaneous response.

  I pulled back my fist and watched as he gently dabbed his nostril, touching the small amount of blood that began trickling there. Whispers and gasps filled the room, and Connor’s eyes darkened as he stood up.

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” he said, his voice threateningly low.

  I let out a short, sarcastic laugh.

  “Yeah? Well, you shouldn’t have been such a douchebag. I’m sure everyone here actually thinks you’re lower than scum but no one has the balls to admit it. You’re utterly pathetic!” I screamed, wincing as a few tears rolled down my face.

  “Crying? Really?”

  I let out a scream of anger and slapped him. The whispering grew as people stared at me with wide eyes.

  “That’s it!” Connor announced, advancing towards me.

  “Connor Michaels and Bellatrix Brown. My office. Now!”

  I stared at the ground as I walked towards Principal Helen, who looked incredibly mad at us. I glanced at Connor as we left the room, anger and hate filling me when I saw that he was smirking.


  “Fighting? Really?” she asked again, her head in her hands.

  “It’s his fault!” I exclaimed, maybe for the hundredth time.

  “Since it’s your second day, I’m not going to suspend you. But you will have detention after school for an hour. And the same goes for you, Mr. Michaels,” she announced before shooing us out of her office.

  During that endless meeting, I cried at least twice, screamed multiple times, and
cursed like no other. Meanwhile, Connor just stayed quiet and simply leaned back in his chair, almost as if he was relaxing.

  I stomped all the way towards my locker, grabbed my bag, and headed for study hall half an hour earlier. Yeah, the meeting was that long.

  I entered the empty library and collapsed at an isolated table as the last of my tears leaked out.

  “Damn, you cry a lot.”

  Calm down, Bella, he wants this. He wants you to get angry.

  “Honestly, you are so uptight. You really need to get laid. That’s something I can help you with,” he said.

  Damn, deep breaths didn’t work.

  “Leave me alone,” I said, my voice weak and wavering.

  I looked up to see him take a seat across from me. I stared at him for a couple moments before sighing and continuing to work. I guess he wouldn’t be that annoying if he just sits there.

  Thirty minutes later

  “Fuck! Goddammit, Bells, you’re wearing stilettos!” Connor exclaimed, rubbing his injured foot.

  “You sent a picture of my ass to the entire senior class. You deserve it,” I snapped, grabbing my book back from him.

  No response.

  Fucking asshole!


  What I did was really bad, but I did have my reasons. First, Bells was fucking sexy when she was mad. Secondly, she was the only girl who had ever told me off. And truthfully, that was a turn on. She’d really be great in bed. That was all.

  I watched as she began writing again, her eyebrows furrowing as she worked on a problem.

  “You’re such a nerd,” I muttered.

  “And you’re an ass.”

  A small smile crossed my face as she continued to work, not once glancing up. Oh yeah, I could definitely have fun with this girl.

  Ding, ding, ding!

  “Finally! Time to leave,” she said, grabbing all her stuff.

  I grinned as I caught up with her, walking alongside her.

  “Don’t forget, we have detention for an hour now,” I reminded her, speeding off. Just as I exited the room, I heard her let out a scream of frustration.