Read Being the Bad Boy's Victim Page 4

  This was going to be entertaining.

  Chapter 04


  “Bye, Bella! See you tomorrow,” Jess said, giving me a small hug. I stood at my locker as they all walked off, sending me sympathetic looks.

  I let out a groan as they all left, leaving me alone in the hallway. I looked at my phone screen, 3:10 pm. Okay, just an hour. I can do this!

  “Ready, babe?”

  “Fuck off,” I muttered, shoving past Connor as I headed towards the English room.

  I grumbled under my breath as I heard his deep chuckle following me, which made me mad.

  “Bella, Connor, take a seat,” Mr. Henderson said, sitting in his desk. Mumbling profanities, I slumped at my usual desk. Connor smirked as he sat next to me, causing me to continue cursing.

  I watched as Mr. Henderson checked his watch, frowning.

  “I need to go to a meeting so I’m going to leave you two here. I expect you both to behave well. This is detention, not a social hour.”

  I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Like I would socialize with Connor.

  Mr. Henderson stood up quickly and left us without another word.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me, Bells,” Connor said smugly.

  I groaned and dropped my head to my desk, not moving. After a while, I realized that Connor was being quiet. Weird. I turned to look at him, only to catch him staring at me. Shockingly, he turned away, blushing.

  “Awww, you’re blushing!” I pointed out, making him scowl.

  “Fuck you.”

  “Anytime,” I giggled, sitting back in my chair.

  Connor’s eyes widened before he caught himself and then he raised an eyebrow at me. I smiled smugly back at him, suddenly filled with an unusual confidence.

  “I mean, only if you can handle all this,” I whispered the last part seductively. Instead of shocking Connor, which had been my plan, he smirked back and moved closer.

  Oh, shit!


  “Uh, erm… what?” I asked, all previous confidence lost.

  “Let’s fuck,” he whispered huskily, standing up and pulling me up with him in the process.

  “What? Umm, no! I mean, we’re in school!” I said, struggling to find an excuse.

  “And? All the teachers are in a meeting,” Connor said, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer.

  The proximity sparked a feeling in me. That feeling, it was…


  But I couldn’t show it. I was working on getting back at Connor. To do that, I had to make it seem like I liked him, really LIKED him. I know that would never happen, but Connor does seem to think everyone loves him. So, here goes nothing.

  “But, Connor,” I whispered, putting my arms around his neck. “I wouldn’t want to lose my virginity here in school.” I wrinkled my nose at the word ‘school’ to sell the act, and it seemed like it worked.

  “Really? You do know what you’re agreeing to, right?” he asked

  “Of course,” I murmured, gazing down at his lips as I did.

  Next thing I knew, I was spun around and placed on the desk, and Connor was now standing between my spread knees.

  “Then, why don’t we seal the deal?” he asked huskily, cupping my face with his warm hands.

  My heart stopped beating as he leaned closer and closer, stopping just in front of my lips. Our mouths were so close that they were nearly touching. I looked up at him, put my arms around him, and leaned in a bit—as if I was going to be the one to make the move. Just before my lips touched his, I changed direction, bringing them to his ear.

  “I’m afraid you just got played.”

  Bella: 1 – Connor: 2

  I quickly leaned back, smiling in triumph. That smile quickly disappeared when I saw Connor’s expression. He looked so…


  Growing up being the sweet, caring child, I couldn’t help but feel bad when he pulled away.

  “Wait, Connor,” I said, hopping off the desk and grabbing his arm, forcing him to stay in place.

  “I’m sorry,” I muttered awkwardly, looking everywhere but his eyes.

  “You’re just too easy.”

  “Yeah, I… wait, what?” I looked up to see Connor… smirking.

  “You actually thought I was hurt? Oh, Bella, you have overestimated your acting skills. You’re just so easy to see through.”

  Bella: 1 – Connor: 3

  I quickly clenched my jaw shut before it could fall open and display the amount of shock I felt. I watched as Connor pulled out his phone, checking the time.

  “Oh well, looks like our hour’s up. See ya tomorrow, Bells,” he called over his shoulder as he left the room.

  Fuck you. Wait! Not like that! Ughhhh!

  I gathered my stuff and headed out of the school towards my car as I loudly cursed at Connor. Ignoring the looks from random people passing by, I angrily slammed the door shut as I got inside the car.

  The whole way driving home, I couldn’t help but think about what happened. I mean, really, I could have sworn that I had tricked Connor, but no! Apparently, my acting was just awful. The thing that bothered me most was I could have sworn I saw a glimpse of disappointment in his eyes.

  Oh, well. I sighed as I pulled into the driveway. I guess I’m just going to have to try harder.


  I sped down the street towards my house, distracted with what had happened. I was so close. So close! And when Bella pulled away, I was just so… disappointed. So, of course, I used that feeling and made myself look hurt. I always knew Bella was the kind of girl who was a sucker for people who were hurt—physically and/or emotionally.

  The thing was, the hurt, it was actually real. Well, maybe not all of it.

  Goddammit! I am so messed up! I need to get laid.


  “Pumpkin, is that you?”

  I entered the kitchen to find my dad vacuuming and my mum cooking like a mad woman.

  “Erm… what’s going on?”

  “Daddy’s boss and his family are coming over tonight!” Sophie squealed with excitement as she carried all her toys upstairs.

  Luca smiled at me as he followed her lead. Even though they were six-year-old twins, it seemed as though Sophie was the leader and Luca was the follower.

  “Okay, Mum. What do you need me to do?” I asked, dropping my bag onto the floor.

  She turned and glanced at the bag, signaling that it had to go.

  “Alrighty,” I muttered, heading upstairs.

  An hour later

  “Bellatrix, I demand you to wear this dress!” my mum ordered, holding it out for me.

  “But, Mum! It’s too fancy!” I complained, staring at the dress in disgust.

  My mum then gave me the look. You probably know what I’m talking about. The one that says ‘you better do what I say before I flip my shit’ look.

  I let out an annoyed sigh, took the dress from her, and headed to my room. Then after putting it on, I realized how short it was.

  “Damn it,” I muttered, trying to adjust it. I bought this dress for a formal occasion when I was fifteen. But I’ve grown quite a bit since then.

  “Hurry, Bellaby!” Luca called from the doorway.

  I quickly put on my heels and headed downstairs, just as someone knocked on our door.

  Plastering a fake smile on my face, I opened the door.

  “Hullo, welcome to the Brown residence,” I recited warmly, looking at the nice-looking couple in front of me.

  “Why, thank you,” the husband said politely, entering the house. His wife smiled sweetly at me and followed him into the living room, where my parents greeted them.

  “Would you like me to take your coat, Mrs.…?” I paused, not knowing what to say.

  “Michaels,” she informed me. “Thank you, darling,” she said as she handed me her coat.

  Michaels, just like Connor.

  Thank God, they didn’t have a son.

  As we sat down at th
e dining table, a knock sounded from the front door. I politely excused myself while Mr. Michaels said something I couldn’t hear. I pulled my dress down a bit before I opened the door.

  “Can I he——” I froze.

  “Bells, long time no see.”

  Great! This is going to be a long dinner.

  I sat down on my seat while Connor introduced himself to my parents. I took that time to look him over. Two words: Hot damn!

  He was wearing black pants and a blue button-down, and he looked absolutely gorgeous. Such a shame that he’s a douche.

  “How old are you?” Luca piped up, staring at Connor.

  “I’m eighteen,” Connor said, actually smiling at Luca.

  And could I just say, his smile… Well, I guess I could see now how he got all those girls to sleep with him.

  “Here, take a seat,” my mum said, coming back from the kitchen.

  “Sit with Bellaby!” Luca shrieked, climbing out of his seat and taking the vacant one next to Sophie.

  My eyes widened, and it didn’t go unnoticed by Connor. He smirked at me when he sat down.

  Soon enough, Sophie and Luca were chatting it up, while my dad and Connor’s dad discussed business, and my mum gossiped with Mrs. Michaels.

  “So, Bellaby,” Connor teased. “Your dress is very… nice.”

  I looked down to see that the skirt had ridden up, so that most of my thigh was showing. Embarrassed, I pulled it down as best I could.

  “Bella, I hear you want to go to UPenn?” Mr. Michaels asked.

  I frowned and looked at my father.

  “Actually, I would like to…” My breath got caught in my throat as a warm hand was placed in the middle of my thigh. My heart was pounding rapidly, making it hard for me to speak.

  “Uh, yes, I s-suppose,” I stuttered, blushing madly.

  “Interesting. Do you know what you plan to do?” he asked.

  By now, the whole table was silent and all eyes were on me. As I opened my mouth to speak, Connor’s hand trailed farther up, to the top of my thigh.

  “Y-yes, I am interested in becoming a veterinarian, and the medical schooling at UPenn is fantastic,” I said, glancing at my father as he nodded in approval.

  “That’s wonderful, darling,” Mrs. Michaels said.

  Mr. Michaels grinned at me and turned back to my dad, resuming their conversation.

  “Honey, you never mentioned you went to school with Connor! Are you two friends?” my mum asked.

  “N——” I started

  “Yes,” Connor cut me off. “We are actually very good friends.”

  I quickly hid my frown and attempted to pull Connor’s hand off my leg. But he grasped my upper thigh tightly, causing me to gasp loudly, making everyone turn to stare at me. I flushed a deep red at the attention.

  “Erm, excuse me,” I mumbled, hurrying towards the bathroom upstairs.

  Once inside, I splashed some icy cold water on my face and took deep breaths. Then, I quickly dried my face and stared in the mirror.

  “Pull yourself together,” I scolded myself. After a couple more minutes, someone knocked on the door.

  “One second,” I called out, opening the door. Suddenly I was pushed back into the bathroom, and the door shut quickly.

  “Did I tell you how nice that dress looks on you?” Connor asked, advancing on me.

  My heart pounded as I backed away into the wall. Connor took that as an advantage, because soon enough I was trapped between him and the wall.

  “So, what do ya say? Why don’t we seal the deal?” he murmured into my ear. Before I could process what was happening, Connor gently placed his lips on mine. The normal Bella would have shoved Connor away, cursing him out in the process. But this Bella?

  The kiss was gentle and sweet, slowly picking up pace. Soon my hands were entangled in his hair, and his arms were wound tightly around my waist. Then he finally pulled away, both of us breathing hard.

  I looked up at him. “That was…”

  He smirked, almost as if he knew what I was going to say next.


  For once, Connor wasn’t able to hide the shocked expression that crossed his features.

  Bella: 2 – Connor: 3


  That kiss… that was something I was never going to forget. I pulled away, both of us breathing hard.

  “That was…” she started.

  I smirked. Hot? Steamy? Amazing? The best moment of her life?


  I was completely shocked. That was not what I was expecting. She smirked as she moved around me and headed towards the door. I frowned and quickly turned, grabbing her arm and stopping her from leaving.

  “Don’t lie,” I said, staring into her deep brown eyes.

  “I didn’t,” she replied without hesitation, pulling her arm out of my grasp and heading downstairs before I could stop her.

  I felt myself grow angry as she walked off. It was almost as if she hadn’t felt…

  What am I talking about? I glared at my reflection and shook my head. Bella was going to crack, I’m making sure of that.


  “I didn’t,” I said, pulling my arm out of his grasp. With that, I headed downstairs before he could stop me.

  Bella: 3 – Connor: 3

  “Sorry about that,” I excused myself as I sat back down. I noticed how Mrs. Michaels, along with my mum, stared at me, a knowing expression on their faces. I subconsciously fixed my hair and straightened out my dress, cursing myself for not doing that before I had come back down.

  When Connor came back, his expression was cold and stony. He didn’t acknowledge me as he sat down, and he only spoke when my mum offered dessert. Everyone, even Sophie and Luca, was silent during dessert.

  “So, Connor, where are you planning to go to college?” my dad asked in attempt to get the conversation going. I couldn’t help but notice the tension between Mr. Michaels and Connor as he asked that.

  “I really like Florida State University,” Connor said.

  I watched as Mr. Michaels frowned, looking away from his son.

  “May I ask why?” my dad asked.

  “The parties and the girls,” Connor said with a cold smile. Something looked wrong about him as he spoke.

  “Connor!” his dad snapped.

  “Oh, and the booze, too,” Connor snapped.

  An awkward silence settled over us as Connor and his father glared at each other from across the table.

  “The dessert is delicious,” Mrs. Michaels said, trying to lighten the mood.

  I have to give her props for the attempt, but it didn’t work because Mr. Michaels only seemed to grow madder by the second.

  “I apologize for my son. Unlike your daughter, he doesn’t seem to have a very bright future, or any future of that sort, ahead of him,” he spat out, still glaring at Connor.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t want to turn into some uptight asshole who doesn’t give a shit about his son,” Connor hissed, standing up at the end.

  Mr. Michaels went red in the face as Sylvia, Mrs. Michaels, tried to calm him down.

  “What, Dad? Mad because I’m right?” Connor yelled.

  Before anything else could happen, Connor walked away. I saw Sylvia look pleadingly at him, trying to get him to stay.

  Now, for some reason, I did something very stupid. I ran after Connor. By the time I was outside, he was starting the car. So I did the most logical thing that popped into my mind, I ran in front of his car, blocking his way out.

  “Move, Bella. Now!” he growled from the open window. I shook my head stubbornly as he glared at me.

  “Bella, move!” he yelled, jerking his car forward in an attempt to scare me off.

  “No, Connor. Please don’t leave,” I pleaded, shivering from the cold.

  Connor continued to glare at me as he got out of his car. I didn’t move as he made his way to me.

  “What are…? Connor, let me down!” I shrieked.

  He threw me over his shoulder, carrying me to the sidewalk before placing me down and walking back to his car.

  “No!” I yelled, running and getting between him and his car.

  “Bella, don’t do this,” he hissed at me, moving closer, which made me move back.

  Soon, I was standing between his door and him, refusing to move.


  “No. I’m not letting you leave,” I snapped, crossing my arms defiantly.

  And that was how I ended up being trapped in the backseat of a speeding car, with a furious Connor driving to God-knows-where.

  Chapter 05

  “Connor, please slow down,” I pleaded from the backseat, struggling to sit back up after he unceremoniously pushed me in.

  “I told you to move,” he simply said, continuing to speed up.

  “Connor, please!” I whimpered. I noticed him glance at the rearview mirror, looking at me. Slowly but surely, the car’s speed decreased. “Thanks,” I mumbled, sitting up.

  He grumbled out a gruff, “You’re welcome.”

  Ten minutes later

  “Connor Michaels, I demand you stop this car at once,” I snapped, sounding oddly like my mum.

  He glared at me and continued to drive, picking up a little speed. For the past ten minutes, I had been trying to get him to let me off by the side of the road so that I could walk home. After he repeatedly said no, I climbed into the passenger seat so that I could pester him some more.

  “Why not?” I demanded, crossing my arms angrily.

  “I’m not leaving you by the side of the road, Bella,” he snapped, not taking his eyes off of the road.

  “Why not?” I shrieked, throwing my arms up in the air. “That way you could drive wherever and I would be able to go back to the safety of my own house!”